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Sunday Dec 01, 2024

Proof: Canada mRNA Surveillance
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Biodigital Convergence: Biodivergence
I saw a video today of my friend (Tie_Yahna) Tajana Truthseeker, whom I interviewed a few years ago. She was talking about how Canada admitted to using mRNA vaccines on their website to track viruses along with your cell phones. yet they just removed the website right after she posted it. It says Our website is undergoing maintenance over the coming weeks. Some sections and documents may be temporarily unavailable.
Watch this video.
They removed the website and placed it in a special place where you had to actually find it. It reads: It is spurring biodigital innovations such as nearly real-time biosurveillance of virus spread and mutations; virus tracking via smartphone; and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine development at unprecedented speed.
It literally says it. Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are using smart phones, AI and mRNA to track biodigital convergence, which they say is the merging of biological systems and digital technologies, is challenging the way we understand ourselves and the world in which we live. 
The report focusing on using this information of who took the vaccine and who didn’t. Then they will use this data to determine food production. It reads, “In this report, we delve deeper into how biodigital convergence could reshape five areas: food, health, environment, security, and manufacturing. We examine sectors in their current form, how biodigital convergence is changing each sector, what might change these sectors in the future, outline critical uncertainties and future possibilities, as well as policy considerations.”
Here are the three main issues:
Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
When digital technology is embedded in organisms, or biological components are incorporated into technologies. Examples include robots with biological brains, digital implants in humans, and neurological control systems in insects. Digital technologies can enhance the natural capabilities of living things.
Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
When advancements in one domain enable progress in another, and vice versa. Both digital technology and the natural world provide scaffolding for each other, furthering shared breakthroughs and a coevolution. Examples include new understanding of how brains work, inspiring the development of neural networks; and artificial intelligence (AI) finding patterns in gene sequences that build our understanding of what genes do.
Cognitive shift of biological and digital systems
An evolution of perspective, where we begin to normalize the convergence of the natural world and digital technology. We may see the two as an integrated new domain. Advances in our understanding of biological systems and in the creation of new digital capabilities such as AI enables the biodigital conceptual convergence.
None of this would work without something being inside the body. I knew Bill Gates’ hardware and software were in it, but didn’t have any definitive proof. This phrase: It is spurring biodigital innovations such as nearly real-time biosurveillance of virus spread and mutations; virus tracking via smartphone; and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine development at unprecedented speed. They added a semi-colon to the phrase as if the same sentence is a conjunction. Smart Phone and mRNA development is the same sentence. 
And to follow up with what they are using this data for is food, health, environment, security and manufacturing. Sounds to me like communism has taken root in Canada. 81.1% of all Canadians have taken at least one shot. That’s enough.
Their website says: How is biodigital convergence changing food? That line is disturbing. Why change food? Why not keep it organic? Anyways, I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s go over this entire document. It is absolutely atrocious, obvious and a crime. Against our will.
The COVID-19 pandemic is proving to be a powerful driver of change. It is spurring biodigital innovations such as nearly real-time biosurveillance of virus spread and mutations; virus tracking via smartphone; and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine development at unprecedented speed. Biodigital convergence, the merging of biological systems and digital technologies, is challenging the way we understand ourselves and the world in which we live.
Building on our first report, Exploring Biodigital Convergence, this report lays out some of the changes we might see as the biodigital convergence matures and gives rise to new realities. It explores the potential impact of biodigital convergence on sectors such as health, food and agriculture, the environment, manufacturing, and security. It could have implications across many policy areas: global trade, healthcare, the shift to a low-carbon economy, natural resource management, and many more.
Policy Horizons Canada (Policy Horizons) does not provide policy recommendations or advice. Guided by its mandate, it explores what might happen in the future policy landscape, to help the Government of Canada develop future-oriented policy and programs, and to prepare for possible radical and disruptive change.
We hope you will find this report insightful and thought-provoking. By reflecting on what might happen, we can support Canadians and decision makers in considering which futures we want and which ones we want to avoid.
On behalf of Policy Horizons Canada, I would like to thank those who generously shared their time, knowledge, and thoughts with us.
Kristel Van der ElstDirector General,Policy Horizons Canada
Biological and digital systems are coming together in profound ways, creating a new domain called the biodigital. Digital technology and living things are increasingly able to communicate with each other. We can embed digital technology into living organisms, and incorporate biological components into new technologies. Genetic modification of the natural world for climate change mitigation, environmental remediation, and biodiversity conservation may however raise ethical considerations.
The contours of the coming biodigital era are becoming clearer. This report explores change drivers and how biodigital convergence could transform five economic sectors and areas of life.
It examines some of the changes we could see in each area, how we could experience significant disruption in the future, and what policy considerations might emerge. This report also discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic may be accelerating the transition to a biodigital world.
Traditional agriculture relies on land, water, and a suitable climate. In the future, foods could be manufactured anywhere in labs and indoor vertical farms. This could fundamentally reshape the agricultural sector, international trade, and migration, as well as people’s relationships with land, animals, and food.
Biodigital convergence could rapidly advance targeted treatments, and precision medicine based on genomic profiles—leading to improved and targeted preventive care as well as highly efficient treatments for disease. At the same time, biodigital convergence also gives rise to inclusivity and ethical considerations, among others.
Climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss are widely recognized as urgent global issues. Today’s unsustainable production and consumption modes are endangering long-term socioeconomic wellbeing. Biodigital capabilities could increase our capacity to connect with and monitor the natural world. It could also expand our understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. Genetic modification of the natural world for climate change mitigation, environmental remediation, and biodiversity conservation may however raise ethical considerations. Furthermore, there may be unintended consequences involved with the release of modified organisms in natural environments.
Emerging biodigital innovations and capabilities are creating both new frontiers and possible concerns in the field of security and defence. With almost five billion people connected to the Internet, digital surveillance and data collection have substantially increased over the last decade. The rise of biodata may add a new layer of complexity in securing potentially valuable personal data. The access to more data may also facilitate criminal investigation and potentially create a more secure society.
Manufacturing was historically based on factory workers who transformed natural resources initially extracted from mines, forests, and waters, or grown on farms. Differences in labour costs and the natural distribution of resources have influenced the shape of our far-reaching global supply chains. Biodigital convergence could transform the natural resource sector through new ways of making and obtaining raw materials and fuels, as well as new manufacturing techniques, potentially easing pressure on natural resources. More localized production and distribution of goods and fuels could reshore manufacturing and reshape trade, disrupting trade patterns and supply chains.
The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a driver of change, accelerating the transition to a biodigital world. It has increased the awareness of biology and its array of uses among people, governments, and industry. It reveals the risks of misinformation and the need for bioliteracy. It pushes biodefence capabilities and national self-sufficiency to the forefront of government agendas. And it has forced societies to re-evaluate the balance between biosecurity and personal freedoms.
The speed of biodigital convergence in the coming years will depend not only on technological progress but social acceptance—and the pandemic has shown that unexpected events can trigger rapid shifts in what is widely seen as acceptable or desirable. In the future, we may not see digital technologies and biological systems as separate, but rather woven together, further normalizing the biodigital world that future generations may inherit.
This report continues the work of our Exploring Biodigital Convergence1 scoping report, which explored how biological systems and digital technology are converging in ways that could change how we live, understand and make sense of our lives, evolve, and possible capabilities and characteristics of biodigital innovations. We identified three ways in which biodigital convergence is emerging:
Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
When digital technology is embedded in organisms, or biological components are incorporated into technologies. Examples include robots with biological brains, digital implants in humans, and neurological control systems in insects. Digital technologies can enhance the natural capabilities of living things.
Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
When advancements in one domain enable progress in another, and vice versa. Both digital technology and the natural world provide scaffolding for each other, furthering shared breakthroughs and a coevolution. Examples include new understanding of how brains work, inspiring the development of neural networks; and artificial intelligence (AI) finding patterns in gene sequences that build our understanding of what genes do.
Cognitive shift of biological and digital systems
An evolution of perspective, where we begin to normalize the convergence of the natural world and digital technology. We may see the two as an integrated new domain. Advances in our understanding of biological systems and in the creation of new digital capabilities such as AI enables the biodigital conceptual convergence.
In this report, we delve deeper into how biodigital convergence could reshape five areas: food, health, environment, security, and manufacturing. We examine sectors in their current form, how biodigital convergence is changing each sector, what might change these sectors in the future, outline critical uncertainties and future possibilities, as well as policy considerations.
During our work on this report, we lived through the first global emergency of the biodigital era. In the final section, we reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic as a significant accelerator for the biodigital revolution—increasing investment in research, raising public awareness of biological threats, shifting perceptions of what is socially possible, and putting public health at the centre of national governance.
The contours of the coming biodigital era are slowly becoming clearer and the transition to that era will inevitably be disruptive. By thinking now about the possible trajectories of biodigital convergence, we hope to reduce risks, and harness possibilities for Canada and the world.
Traditional agriculture relies on land, water, and a suitable climate. In the future, foods could be manufactured anywhere in labs and indoor vertical farms. This could fundamentally reshape the agricultural sector, international trade, and migration, as well as people’s relationships with land, animals, and food.
As the world’s population grows2, demand for and trade3 in food are expected to rise. Many countries may face food security challenges brought on by climate change, as extreme weather events and diseases affect traditional agricultural production. Regional conflicts may also disrupt global food production and trade. Food systems also have environmental impacts—land use, deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions—while opaque supply chains4 raise the risk of food-borne illnesses5.
How is biodigital convergence changing food?
Biodigital innovations have the potential to modify how we produce food, integrate new types of food onto the market, and disrupt existing supply chains.
What follows are some of the ways biodigital is changing how we produce, grow, manufacture, and understand human nutrition and food.
Lab-grown food. Cellular agriculture creates bioidentical animal products—such as seafood, meat, and dairy—in a lab. This involves culturing animal cells in a bioreactor and growing them into fat and muscle tissue. Lab-grown meat and plant-based meat alternatives can also be three-dimensionally printed (3D-printed)6.
Lab-grown beef burgers are approaching cost parity7 with traditional burgers, especially when meat cells are combined with plant protein. In 2020, the world’s first restaurant serving lab-grown meat8 opened in Tel Aviv9, and Kentucky Fried Chicken announced plans to sell 3D-printed nuggets10. Companies are working on lab-grown salmon11, tuna12, shrimp13, dairy products14, pet food15 and even human breast milk16—a potential alternative to infant formula. Scaling bioreactors remains the main technological challenge17, but Chinese18 and Israeli19 organizations are investing heavily.
Individualized diets based on DNA profiling.
Advances in nutrigenomics20—the study of relationships between genes, nutrition, and health—could allow people to make health, diet, and lifestyle choices based on their genetic profile.
Start-ups are offering personalized dietary advice21 based on DNA, lifestyle information, and gut microbiome analysis. A restaurant in Tokyo is using analysis of customers’ saliva, urine, and feces to evaluate their nutritional requirements and 3D print biome-based bespoke sushi22. Nestlé23 is investing in microbiome research and AI that can create personalized care plans. People can buy vitamin pills tailored24 to their genome, and one day may 3D print these types of supplements at home. The decreasing25 cost of genome sequencing will make personalized diets and lifestyle choices more widely accessible.
Precision and smart farming. A combination of technologies could influence or alter how agriculture industries function—and how and where we grow food. Agricultural productivity26 could become more precise with technology—from robots inspecting individual plants27, identifying pests and diseases28, or herding farm animals29, to data30-optimizing fertilizer inputs, to blockchain-enabled origin tracing31. Indoor vertical farms in which AI32 controls light and temperature can grow hundreds of times as much food per acre as traditional agriculture, while using far less water.
Singapore has launched a campaign33 to produce 30% of its food supply by 2030 through lab-grown food and vertical farming34. Companies from the U.S. to China35 are exploring how Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) technology might customize crops to particular conditions and improve resilience36 against climate change impacts.
What might change in food systems in the future?
As the biodigital convergence advances and matures, it could reshape food systems in significant ways:
Grow anything, anywhere, anytime. Agriculture has always depended on the availability of land mass, water, and specific climatic and geographic conditions. It is limited by the growing seasons and vulnerable to variables beyond a farmer’s control—from weather to pests and diseases.
With new biodigital innovations, these constraints may no longer shape agricultural productivity in the future. Lab-grown meat technology37 could be located anywhere, as can vertical farming where artificial intelligence (AI) oversees38 gene-edited crops grown in precisely controlled environments.
Nations pursue self-sufficiency. Trade could change as nations pursue food self-sufficiency. Food-importing countries may opt to produce more food39 within their own borders, rather than importing it from areas with good natural growing conditions, to reduce their vulnerability to trade disputes40 or supply disruptions.
As more than 75%41 of agricultural land is used for livestock farming, low-yield lands could become stranded assets and be replaced by cellular agriculture alternatives. We could increasingly produce food on demand and near consumers, potentially in small-scale home bioreactors. This could substantially reduce the demand for food transportation or distribution.
Diet merges into preventive healthcare. Better understanding of the human genome and biome may transform nutrition and influence healthcare, giving people increasingly detailed information to highly individualize their diets and maximize their health.
Increasing the amount of genome and biome data that is being collected and studied could advance our understanding of the human body as an intricate system and could facilitate preventative medicine. A database of consumers’ genomes may become a competitive advantage for some firms.
Food for thought
Our connection with the environment. Biodigital convergence could profoundly change people’s relationship with land and animals. Over the centuries, conditions for agriculture shaped where people settled. Our growing ability to produce food independent of climatic conditions could shift what people value in land, as well as patterns of human settlement.
Local food production technology opens up opportunities for remote communities to be self-sufficient, and produce traditional foods in new ways. More land could be rewilded, while growing fish in labs could allow the oceans to replenish. Affordable lab-grown meat could lead to a shift in attitudes towards the ethics of factory farming and in our relationships with animals more generally. It could change the role of culture and ceremony in food production and consumption—how we grow, harvest, connect with, and experience food.
The experience of food transforms. Biodigital convergence could transform how we think of and associate with food. While lab-grown food currently aims to mimic foods familiar to us, it opens up possibilities to create entirely new kinds of edible products with new tastes, textures, and nutrients. People could make “programmable” foods to fit their own tastes and needs. Biodigital technologies could potentially allow people to biohack their own taste buds to alter which tastes they find pleasing, orient them towards healthy food, and create new food cultures.
Critical uncertainties and future possibilities
Various factors could affect the scale and nature of acceptance or rejection of biodigital innovations. The following outlines some possible uncertainties that may lead to different future scenarios.
Societal acceptance: Will there be a societal consensus on adopting new technologies?
Consumers may increasingly want to buy healthy42, environmentally friendly, ethically produced foods. Given that vertical farms need less land, water, and pesticides—and that lab-cultured meat does not involve the methane emissions of farmed animals, or the ethical or health issues associated with factory farming—could we see an uptake in new food production methods?
Could negative early experiences of CRISPR-modified crops and cultured meat affect public acceptance? Will CRISPR plant editing be more or less publicly accepted43 than previous means of genetically modifying organisms?
How might we benchmark ethical considerations and values alongside biodigital economic possibilities?
Business ecosystem: How could existing players reshape their business models? How might related sectors evolve, and what new players could emerge?
Will the existing big agricultural companies adapt and maintain their position? Or will new entrants from other sectors, like pharmaceuticals and big techs, overtake them?
Could technology’s increased role enable a dominant position for large tech companies in the agriculture industry44? If so, how could this affect food supply chains and consumer choices?
Labour market readiness: Will there be sufficient talent to develop new markets and activities? Where will biodigital talent reside?
How will labour markets adapt if digitalization of food production makes certain agricultural jobs obsolete while creating demand for new skills?
How readily will education programs for agricultural science and food science incorporate biodigital technologies like vertical farming, AI, robotics, or lab-grown food?
Policy considerations
The rise of the biodigital convergence could affect many policy areas. The following are not policy recommendations, but rather considerations, questions, and thought-provoking ideas.
Food safety regulations and nutrition guidance
New types of food production, manufacturing, and supply chains could lead to new packaging, storage, transportation, cooling, handling, preparation, cooking, and sanitizing procedures. Actors could also use blockchain technology to ensure traceability and make the supply chain more transparent. Blockchain could also help consumers access information on ingredients.
New categories of plant-based and animal-based foods could emerge from using biodigital production modes and biodata to produce new types of personalized food. This could affect what we consider healthy food, current nutrition guides like the Canada Food Guide, as well as lead to new nutrition facts on labels.
International trade, food sovereignty, and supply chains
Biodigital food technologies may help countries that heavily rely on food imports to improve their food sovereignty. This could reduce food trade at the global level and have economic impacts on the largest-producing countries of agricultural commodities. The export-import potential of biodigital food products could also lead trade partners to rethink food labeling.
Biodigital food production modes could disrupt existing supply chains at the national and global level. Increased local biodigital food production could also reduce the need for food distribution and transportation.
The rising digitalization and automation of food production processes and ingredients via emerging biodigital innovations, such as 3D food printers and online platforms, could substantially increase personal and commercial food production capacity. Home biodigital food production could require new safety measures. Countries that have relied on arable land and rural agriculture economies may need to examine the economic sustainability of traditional food production in the face of new food production possibilities.
Intellectual property & privacy
Digital technologies like AI and big data analysis could increase the number of patents for customized45 flavors46 and recipes47.
Secured genomic databanks could become increasingly common. People may be concerned about privacy implications and sharing genome data with food supply chain actors.
Global compensation and protection systems may help prevent biodigital food-cloning practices. For example, sequencing appellation48 food goods for local production or growing Kobe beef in a lab.
Environmental footprint and spatial development
Agricultural land may be stranded and repurposed as we produce more food in vertical farming facilities or through cellular agriculture.
Gene-edited crops and smart farming (sensors, robots) could reduce fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide use.
The environmental footprint of emerging biodigital food production and consumption, such as cellular agriculture, gene-edited crops, vertical farming, and smart agriculture may be different from that of the current food system. New innovations may aid climate change goals. However, transitions can be costly and could increase the demand for electricity.
Biodigital convergence could rapidly advance targeted treatments, and precision medicine based on genomic profiles—leading to improved and targeted preventive care as well as highly efficient treatments for disease. At the same time, biodigital convergence also gives rise to inclusivity and ethical considerations, among others.
Healthcare costs are projected to continue increasing over the next 15 years due to factors such as population growth, reproductive problems49, ageing, degenerative diseases, and rising use of expensive, newly patented medicines50. The sector’s labour shortage51 is expected to continue as demand for home care grows, and healthcare worker burnout continues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic52. On the current trajectory, hospitals and healthcare systems will continue to be overburdened, the scope of public health may grow, and emerging innovations may fall within the scope of health mandates, inflicting more pressure on public health systems.
How is biodigital convergence changing health?
Technological innovations in the biodigital space will continue to mature and combine. The following section outlines some innovations that could affect the integrated and complex future of human health.
Synthetic organs and digital implants. Customized body parts and implants could offer new transplant options. In 2019, over 4000 Canadians53 were on a waiting list for an organ transplant. Human organs can now be 3D-printed54, or grown in genetically modified pigs55. EU regulators approved56 the first totally artificial heart in 2020. Artificial blood vessels57 could help treat cardiovascular disease. Artificial skin, made from stretchable electronics58 that can sense heat and pressure, could improve prosthetics and skin grafts. Such technologies could enable people not only to fix medical problems, but to obtain customized body parts with enhanced capabilities.
Brain implants that can be recharged wirelessly59 could transform the treatment of neurological diseases. Implanted chips are already being used to monitor health and unlock smartphones. Implants such as Neuralink60 could expand the human senses, allowing us to “feel”61 bionic limbs, or interact with virtual spaces in new ways. They may also lead to new treatments for mental illnesses like depression62. Brain-computer interfaces allow us to communicate with AI-enabled devices: for example, it can enable blind people to perceive images63 through an artificial eye. These technologies could help repair or enhance the human body.
The CRISPRization of humans. As a research tool64, CRISPR gene editing helps us understand DNA’s role in human diseases. Medical researchers are exploring its potential to fight viruses65, destroy cancer66 cells, overcome immune problems that interfere with potential gene therapy67, and treat conditions such as acne68 and blindness69. CRISPR-off technology allows us to turn gene expression off70, effectively stopping a person from getting a disease to which they are genetically predisposed, such as Alzheimer’s. Further, it may be possible to turn off epigenetic markers while leaving the DNA strand intact.
CRISPR may increasingly give people the ability to code their own DNA, and that of their children. Some parents may wish to give their children resistance to diseases, enhanced intelligence, and other abilities.
Public opinion research71 finds a high level of support for using the technology to prevent rare genetic illnesses in babies, but opposition to using it to improve a baby’s intelligence. Support or rejection of gene editing depends in part on one’s nationality, gender, demographics, religion, and education. Varying levels72 of ethical consideration and debate exist surrounding genetically altering offspring. There are currently widespread international bans on human use of the technology, but the World Health Organization has an advisory committee73 looking at global standards, including oversight and ethical considerations for human genome editing.
Tracking human health in real time. The health tech market is actively innovating to find solutions that can support preventative health actions. Wearables that monitor physical health can increasingly track and compile more health data in real time. AI can track moods and mental health74 by analyzing our voices and facial expressions. Researchers are developing DNA testing kits that plug into smartphones75 and could help track disease.
Machine learning76 could potentially process data in the cloud that is automatically collected from nano-scale sensors, monitors, and implants in a patient’s body. Increasing knowledge about the human microbiome—the tens of trillions77 of microorganisms that live inside the human body—is leading to more treatments78, research, and lifestyle prescriptions.
What might change in healthcare systems in the future?
As the biodigital convergence advances and matures, it could reshape health systems in significant ways:
Regenerative medicine. We can observe the ability to regrow lost limbs or repair damaged organs in some animals like lizards and amphibians. The same cellular signaling pathways we find in animals capable of regeneration are also present in humans79, and modifications may lead to tissue growth rather than scarring. Stem cell research is also on its way to growing whole organs—starting with smaller organoids80 that can currently perform some function of the larger organs.
Biodatabases. DNA databases could become a source of income and health security. In the coming years, it could be possible and relatively simple to collect DNA information using a smartphone. As biodata becomes more ubiquitous, questions surrounding who collects, uses, retains, and discloses it will become pivotal. Applications (apps), smartwatches, and phones are already collecting biodata outside the traditional healthcare sector; an extension of this data collection would be commercial and consumer engagement with biomic or genomic data. DNA data marketplaces81 based on blockchains82 could emerge, allowing individuals—or designated data trusts—to share genomic information with corporations, academic researchers, and even governments in exchange for benefits or payment.
DNA databases could provide new insights into the complex links between genes and disease. Genomic data could be a source of power or economic advantage in future economies, as health and healthcare continue to increase in priority. Open biodata or platform-gathering big data from individuals could support the development of new therapies, but may also create privacy83 and accountability risks. Opportunities to collaborate and share data for greater medical efficacy and care could face challenges in individual data protection and trust in the system. Genome data could enable detection84 before the manifestation of disease, furthering long-term preventative cost savings in healthcare systems.
The pharmaceutical industry may begin shifting away85 from chemical substances as a source of new drugs, and explore manipulation of living organisms’ DNA as treatment86. DNA databases87 could become a strategic asset and input for the development of new drugs and therapies.
Remote healthcare services. Canadians could access more healthcare services remotely. COVID-19 has brought telemedicine and digital health tools into the mainstream, making patients more comfortable using technology to manage their health needs. In the next 10 to 15 years, technological development and the increased proportion of digitally competent people could dramatically accelerate remote healthcare provision.
Implanted sensors could monitor individuals’ health around the clock, sending data to the cloud to be analyzed for diagnosis and advice—along with other data, such as from air quality sensors in the workspace, or mental health analysis based on online behaviour.
People take control of their evolution. Germline editing—that is, editing genes that can be passed on to the next generation—is currently banned in most jurisdictions88. However, this could change over time as this technology more safely eliminates or improves resilience to diseases, which could improve wellbeing and reduce healthcare costs. In addition, emerging low-cost biodigital devices and services could allow individuals to experience at-home89 germline editing.
As a first step, using CRISPR to edit out genetic predispositions to disease could be seen as an extension of the current pre-implantation screening practice in in vitro fertilization. A next step could be to insert preferred physical or psychological traits with high precision, by editing the parent’s germline before conception rather than the embryo. In some countries, governments could seek to incentivize citizens to have healthier babies; over time, this may lead to a cognitive shift, where people consider procreating “naturally” to be reckless.
How we want to evolve as a species and what consequences could emerge may become important ethical considerations. Could eugenics90—the process of eliminating undesired genes from a population—re-emerge as a moral dilemma?
Healthy choices?
Do-it-yourself biology. Biodigital convergence may open up new possibilities, allowing people to choose who they want to be by hacking their own bodies and minds91. The growing availability and affordability of CRISPR kits, online open-source resources, and affordable devices opens up new prospects for DIY bio to treat, alter, or enhance physical or mental capabilities.
This could pose a major threat to public health, biosafety, and biosecurity. Unwise or inexpert gene edits could damage experimenters and, if they modify their germline92, their future children. If it becomes possible to select children’s traits and combine DNA inputs from multiple people, traditional motives and selection models for procreation could shift. Recreational implants that activate the pleasure centre of the brain may lead to a new form of addiction. People could choose to shape not only the health but the personality of children, to embody belief systems. When exploring the DIY movement, ethical considerations and the possibilities of procedural errors could lead to unintended consequences93.
In the longer term, gene edits that successfully enhance human capabilities could lead to technologies that create a new “superclass” of humans, vastly widening societal and possibly equity divides.
Critical uncertainties and future possibilities
Various factors could affect the scale and nature of acceptance or rejection of biodigital innovations. The following outlines some possible uncertainties that may lead to different future scenarios.
Societal acceptance: Will there be a societal consensus on adopting new technologies?
How concerned might people be about the security and privacy implications94 of health data access?
To what extent might lab-grown brains95 and other lab-created organisms already be or become conscious? What ethical implications could arise in future health sciences—or even art96—that uses synthetic biology?
To what extent might the ability to alter our own genes and brain functions call into question who we are as humans?
Business ecosystem: How might existing players change, how could related sectors evolve, and what new players could emerge?
To what extent could big tech firms dominate health and healthcare, as Amazon’s logistics and Google’s machine learning capabilities become increasingly important at the research and development (R&D) and healthcare service level?
Could individuals monetize their DNA data on an online marketplace? Could DNA marketplaces shift the financial gain of biodata sharing from biodatabase firms to individuals?
Economic rollout: How might policies, standards, and ideologies around the world differ, and what consequences or advantages in industry and socioeconomic status could emerge as a result of these differences?
Could uneven access to new human augmentation technologies give rise to new forms of economic growth, inequality, and discrimination?
Could human augmentation contribute to productivity and be considered a competitive advantage? How would international labour and employment agreements respond to the possible uneven global adoption of human augmentation?
Policy considerations
The rise of the biodigital convergence could affect many policy areas. The following are not policy recommendations, but rather considerations, questions, and thought-provoking ideas.
Role of regulation
Augmentation for work, school, or sports situations could give some people unfair advantages.
AI outputs from black box machine learning97 could prove problematic in applying AI-based digital therapeutic technologies that can continuously learn and self-modify. It may be difficult to trust the outputs without ensuring a lack of bias in a diagnosis.
Networks of biofoundries around the world could reduce the effectiveness of national regulations. Biodata, automation technology, platforms, and cloud-based labs98 could make it easier for organizations to offshore some R&D functions to jurisdictions with or without ethical regulations.
Public sector involvement
Biodigital innovations that have been developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—like health data collection and tracking, and bioproduction, including vaccines, treatments, and supply chains—may be applicable to other public health situations.
The multi-sectoral implications of CRISPR treatments may require further discussions about their ethics and possible uses in healthcare.
Access to new treatments through public healthcare systems
Affordability could affect the speed of new models of healthcare delivery, options, and treatments.
Like other digital technologies, biodigital technologies may require ongoing and regular software support to maintain their effectiveness. Governments may be required to step in if private sector suppliers withdraw their support99.
Equitable healthcare access for remote areas
Telemedicine, remote biosensing, and local bioproduction could offer different possibilities for diagnosis and treatment. In Canada, these medical services may benefit remote or rural areas. Remote collection of biodata in areas with limited access to reliable Internet may be a challenge to universal accessibility.
R&D, data sharing, and privacy
International agreements and collaboration on the future of health data could result in alliances and disputes.
Open-source science100 may challenge existing intellectual property frameworks related to diagnostics, therapies, treatments, and manufacturing.
The value of biodata may increase with the growing use of AI in drug discovery that relies on that data to generate products.
There may be international implementation of agreements, such as access and benefit-sharing systems101 under the Convention on Biological Diversity102 for example, that affect access to genetic resources from biodiversity that may be used for new drugs and therapeutics.
The digital nature of people’s biodata, and the ability to easily transfer or access it via online platforms could drive discussions about biodata sharing, storage, access, and privacy.
Climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss are widely recognized as urgent global issues. Today’s unsustainable production and consumption modes are endangering long-term socioeconomic wellbeing. Biodigital capabilities could increase our capacity to connect with and monitor the natural world. It could also expand our understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. Genetic modification of the natural world for climate change mitigation, environmental remediation, and biodiversity conservation may however raise ethical considerations. Furthermore, there may be unintended consequences involved with the release of modified organisms in natural environments.
Few countries are on course to reach their carbon emission reduction targets. The cost of extreme weather events103 caused by climate change104—such as fires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes—may continue to rise. Other environmental crises may also intensify, from plastic pollution to biodiversity loss, to pollution of air, soil, and water. Despite a trend towards voluntary corporate disclosures105 and private sector investment against climate change, public policy remains key to environmental protection.
How is biodigital convergence changing the environment?
Biodigital innovations will continue to mature and combine. The following section outlines some innovations that could affect the future of ecosystems, biodiversity, and climate change.
Hybrid biodiversity. People may augment natural ecosystems and biodiversity to increase resilience. Gene editing106 is enabling the creation of new forms of biodiversity, from plants that glow in the dark107 to nanobionic sensors that monitor arsenic levels108 in soil. Researchers are using CRISPR gene editing for projects such as improving the resilience of forest ecosystems109, and bringing the woolly mammoth110 back from extinction.
Gene drives111 allow people to introduce certain genetic traits into an animal or insect population. This could help control invasive species112, restore coral reefs113, or prevent insect-borne diseases. For example, Florida released 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes114 as an alternative to using insecticide. These interventions are not without risk, as it may be difficult to stop their spread once modified genes are released into nature.
Environmental clean-ups through synthetic biology. Scientists are developing jellyfish115 that can detoxify contaminated ocean; bacteria- and yeast116-based smart materials that can sense environmental contaminants; and microbes that can destroy117 pollutants in soil and water, recover rare earth metals118 from polluted land, and clean up oil spills119.
Carbon dioxide can be extracted from the atmosphere by genetically engineered weeds120 and fast-growing algae121, cultivated into biomass in specially designed bioreactors, and then harvested as fuel, fertilizers, oils, and plastics.
Internet of Living Things. Although in its early stages, it is possible to discern the beginnings of an “Internet of Living Things” (IoLT) similar to the current Internet of Things (IoT). Plants’ sensitivity to chemicals, combined with technology, opens up new capabilities. For instance, spinach can send an email to warn about landmines122. If its roots detect a specific explosive chemical, the plant emits a signal that is picked up by a sensor, triggering an email to researchers.
CRISPR has been used to edit genes to store binary information—the kind used in computers—in DNA form, allowing researchers to encode the phrase “hello world” into an E. coli cell123. Microsoft is exploring the future potential to store data124 in biochemical systems; theoretically, a gram of DNA could hold 215,000 terabytes125 of data, which people could read using portable DNA sequencers126.
What might change in the environment in the future?
As the biodigital convergence advances and matures, it could reshape the environment, biodiversity, and ecosystems in significant ways:
Modifying the environment. Biodigital interventions could increase the value of ecosystem services. The value of ecosystem services127—the benefits we gain from a functioning natural environment, from clean water to flood protection—has an estimated worth of 1.5 times more than the global GDP.
Artificial biodiversity could add even more value, from microorganisms that break down plastic pollutants128 and oil129, to glow-in-the-dark trees130 that replace street lights, to soils that absorb more water131 to mitigate flooding, and trees that are more resistant to forest fires. Technologically enhanced biodiversity could transform ecosystems that are currently uninhabitable to humans, and provide alternatives to geoengineering132 for tackling climate change.
Environmental biosensors and data collection. Better data could transform environmental monitoring and governance. Environmental protection laws have historically legalized environmental harms from human activity by setting pollution emission caps. Genetically modified plants could monitor anti-pollution laws, detecting pollutants and triggering alerts to the relevant authorities. Biodigital sensors, drones, robotics, and sequencing of DNA fragments in the environment133 could help monitor air, water, and soil quality more widely and in greater detail, including at remote extraction sites. Releasing smart biodigital living entities into ecosystems could share real-time signals with authorities, identifying harmful substances, microbes, or pollutants. This could potentially replace or support pollution emission standards and lead to personalized, real-time environmental legislation.
Additionally, emerging fields of study like imageomics134—where machine learning is used to extract biological traits from wildlife images of living organisms captured by drones or uploaded on platforms such as eBird135 and iNaturalist136—could rapidly improve our understanding of biological processes and detect early signs of harm to biodiversity.
Environmental DNA137 (eDNA) can identify species in an area without directly observing them. This could allow for better understanding of the environmental impacts of proposed projects and policies138, as well as environmental monitoring139 of ongoing human activities. It could also lead to new ways of determining the economic value of living things, illustrating the value of ecosystem services. Moreover, it could help track how species140 move in response to climate change and facilitate early detection of invasive species. Collecting eDNA in seafood markets may improve wildlife crime investigation141 techniques by detecting the sale of endangered and protected fish species. The emergence of eDNA might call for reflections on who controls that data and what uses are ethical.
Deeper green
Redefining the concepts of natural and artificial. That nature exists and evolves more as an art than a science is a prevailing assumption. However, our understanding of the mechanisms that govern life has reached a point where we can modify biological instructions, to program organisms to perform specific tasks. There are signs of a cognitive shift142 in which society increasingly values biological entities. There is an emerging philosophy, based on new development of living robots143, that organisms act as “hardware,” and DNA and cellular communication (via electric gradients144) are the “software” that dictates the hardware’s function.
The ability to reshape ecosystems by eliminating or reviving145 certain species, or directing how they evolve, raises ethical146 questions about the rights of species and ecosystems, and the risk of unintended consequences if our ability to reshape ecosystems outpaces our capacity to understand them. As people are still trying to map and understand the intricacies of ecosystems, our understanding may be limited and ever-evolving, even with the help of technology. There may be a risk of harming nature when influencing or manipulating the intricacies of the natural world.
Indigenous perspectives could offer deeper insight into and awareness of the potential ramifications of new biotechnologies. Acknowledging and thinking about implications seven generations into the future, as many traditional Indigenous teachings suggest, could guide ethical considerations of biodigital innovations.
Critical uncertainties and future possibilities
Various factors could affect the scale and nature of acceptance or rejection of biodigital innovations. The following outlines some possible uncertainties that may lead to different future scenarios.
Societal acceptance: Will there be a societal consensus on adopting new technologies?
As the next generation of children grows up familiar with digital and biological technologies, will public consciousness shift towards a realization that humans are an integral part of larger ecological systems? Could there be a wider recognition of the importance of safeguarding ecosystems for their socioeconomic value?
Might there be backlash to greater modification of the environment? By whom, and what form could it take?
If it becomes feasible147 to store data cost-effectively in the DNA of living organisms, could some plants play a new market-based role in the digital economy?
Would we want to establish new forms of sensing and connecting with nature?
If portable sequencers become accessible and cheap, would people use them to assess the state of biodiversity or discover new pathogens?
Environmental ecosystem: How might the environment be affected and how might it react? Should the precautionary principle be applied?
How great are the risks of unforeseen consequences? For example, new artificial microorganisms could disrupt the food chain, create new forms of pollution, cause new allergies, or themselves become a form of waste.
Policy considerations
The rise of the biodigital convergence could affect many policy areas. The following are not policy recommendations, but rather considerations, questions, and thought-provoking ideas.
Economic development
Environmental sequencing could reveal causality between economic activities and their impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems.
Land could become a key tool for companies to mitigate their environmental footprint with artificial biodiversity, using it to compensate for the environmental impacts of economic activity.
An IoLT system could be deployed at large scale and be dominated, like the Internet, by a small number of powerful companies.
Intellectual property
Current intellectual property rights may have to shift to encompass entities in nature, raising questions about whether to consider new organisms a private or a public good.
With better sequencing technologies available, governments may have to clarify at the international level rules regarding the access, ownership, and benefit sharing of digital sequence information148, and its legal status149 under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Environmental regulation & enforcement
New regulatory frameworks at various levels may affect the introduction of new genetically modified organisms. Rules on reproduction of new modified species could vary.
Migration of genetically modified species could be difficult to control across jurisdictional borders.
Emerging digital and biosensors could act as tools to monitor environmental quality and biodiversity loss. Creating communication channels with the help of digital technologies between living organisms and regulators could facilitate rule enforcement.
Emerging biodigital innovations and capabilities are creating both new frontiers and possible concerns in the field of security and defence. With almost five billion people connected to the Internet, digital surveillance and data collection have substantially increased over the last decade. The rise of biodata may add a new layer of complexity in securing potentially valuable personal data. The access to more data may also facilitate criminal investigation and potentially create a more secure society.
The IoT is being deployed around the world in smart cities, which allow authorities and private actors to monitor citizen movements. These technologies have led to privacy issues and much controversy150. Combined with the rapidly declining cost of DNA sequencing, a large amount of biodata could be generated over the next decade, facilitating biosurveillance in the future. Moreover, the rise of DIY bio-capabilities and the access to emerging biotechnologies could facilitate new forms of biowarfare and bioterrorism.
How is biodigital convergence changing security?
Biodigital innovations will continue to mature and combine. The following section outlines some innovations that could affect the future of security.
The rise of biodatabases. The adoption of biodatabases and DNA biodata by private or public entities may have privacy and national defence risks. Because of its nature and the type of information it contains, biodata could lead to new tiers of threat. Consent, access, and nefarious use could pose severe risks for individuals, and for security and defence operations to manage. The cost of gene sequencing is rapidly declining: in 2020, a Chinese firm claimed it could sequence a full genome for $100151. Some governments have established DNA databases: the U.S. has accumulated around 14 million152 samples on criminal suspects, with an overrepresentation of black men; and China routinely153 collects DNA from male citizens for predictive policing. Researchers are working on using DNA to predict154 how a person’s face will look, so DNA databases can inform surveillance through facial recognition software.
Many people voluntarily give their DNA in exchange for information on their health or ancestry, or to support medical research, such as the FinnGen study155. While some human genetic-testing companies have comprehensive156 privacy policies, many others do not157. Some judges have ordered158 companies to share customers’ DNA with law enforcement agencies, and nearly half of Americans support police access to private DNA databases. Biodatabases can be a useful tool for forensics. Cold cases over a decade old may be reopened159 as DNA data is more abundant and easier to access. Theoretically, bad actors may be able to hack160 into and identify individuals in open-source databases161, to which people upload their DNA in search of relatives or medical studies.
International entities trade surveillance technology abroad without similar regulations as arms dealing, even though many consider the impacts of technology to pose similar dangers. Many are calling for DNA databases and facial recognition technology to be classified as weapons162 in an attempt to regulate this global trade and monitor their use by authoritarian regimes.
The race between biothreats and biodefence. Much like the Internet, biodigital convergence is seeing a new and continuing struggle between attack and defence. The U.S. has classified gene editing as a potential weapon of mass destruction163 and the FBI has a biocrime department. New technologies can indicate when a person is becoming ill164, and enable early detection165 of which virus or bacteria they may have. The U.S. Army is looking at wearable166 biosensors for soldiers to detect biothreats. While it can be difficult to differentiate natural from artificially engineered pathogens, the technology is improving167.
It is increasingly feasible for individuals to sequence and synthesize DNA, with DIY gene-editing kits retailing online168 for as little as US$169. Aims of the DIY bio movement include making insulin and other medicines more affordable169. However, DIY bio also increases the risk of either deliberately or accidentally releasing DIY pathogens170. California has become the first U.S. state to pass a law171 specifically to restrict the use of CRISPR, but regulations differ from place to place.
What might change in security in the future?
As the biodigital convergence advances and matures, it could reshape security and defence systems in significant ways:
Modern biothreats. Weaponization of biotechnology could lead to a rise in threats to society. While only organizations with significant resources and expertise can hope to develop a nuclear weapon, it may be increasingly feasible for individuals or small groups to develop potentially devastating bioweapons, such as a version of the Ebola virus modified to spread more easily. It is harder to anticipate the potential for scale and collateral damage of new bioweapons compared to more traditional weapons.
Adverse actors with a long-term agenda could invest in or infiltrate start-ups in the biotech field, while cyberattacks on biological research institutes172 could allow access to knowledge that can be weaponized using readily available technologies and materials. Vaccine researchers, for example, routinely create synthetic viruses to test strategies. The recent reproduction of the extinct horsepox virus173 raised concerns that smallpox could be synthesized and weaponized. Similarly, research into neurotoxins such as tetrodotoxin174—produced by pufferfish—could inform the development of bioweapons.
Terrorist groups and rogue nations could also target a nation’s food supply with bioweapons: agroterrorism175 could involve pathogens that affect cultivated crops or forests176.
The rise of biosurveillance. Biological threats require new ways of thinking about monitoring and border control. With a significant increase in international trade, we may need to implement intelligent biodetection systems to monitor and give timely warnings about new viruses, bacteria, or other genetically engineered pathogens. New biosensing technology could be deployed at borders in an attempt to protect them against biological threats. Synthetic biology techniques and raw materials are dual-use, raising questions about regulation of international trade in resources such as yeast cultures and algae strains. Raw biomaterials may need new types of border oversight and tracking, as their end products could vary.
Biological threats may impact national defence priorities, as nations pivot to create biopreparedness. However, biothreats cross many policy domains, including environment, health, national security, and border control.
Identity crises
The ethics of DNA sequencing. Genomic data could have far-reaching consequences for economic competitiveness, and questions of identity, equity, and discrimination. It is becoming financially feasible for businesses to create DNA databases of their customers and enable business models in which consumers trade their DNA data for free services. Firms currently track digital data to create consumer or even electoral profiles177. Tracking biodata profiles could be an extension of this. With advances in genomic analytics, firms could access a bioprofile of who you are178 and gain a broader understanding of your identity. Moreover, genomic data could become a new form of digital authentication.
Security and surveillance could bleed into equity practices and ethical domains. Sharing individuals’ genetic identity could create new challenges to equity, if access to education or employment opportunities depended on whether DNA tests suggest suitability for a given career. Similarly, access to healthcare, insurance, or immigration opportunities could depend on DNA tests for susceptibility to expensive-to-treat diseases. Ethno-nationalist movements could discriminate based on DNA or create communities rooted in shared ancestry, leading to geopolitical divergence, social unrest, or new types of inequity and discrimination.
As an individual’s DNA gains importance, a black market in fake DNA evidence179 could emerge. People could avoid tracking by using CRISPR technologies to alter their DNA. More institutions may use biodata as a means of authorization, which could open up a new avenue for identity theft.
Critical uncertainties and future possibilities
Various factors could affect the scale and nature of acceptance or rejection of biodigital innovations. The following outlines some possible uncertainties that may lead to different future scenarios.
Societal acceptance: Will there be a societal consensus on adopting new technologies and supporting this industry?
Could their potential for use in bioweapons sway the public against potentially beneficial uses of synthetic biology and gene-editing technologies?
Could attitudes towards justice and predictive policing180 change if it becomes possible to use genetic profiling181 to predict future criminal behaviour with a high degree of confidence from an individual’s DNA?
Might concerns about biohazards lead more people to move to isolated areas or seek to make their properties more biosecure182?
How might differing cultural attitudes183 shape responses to biothreats in different countries?
Business ecosystem: What might be the shape of businesses in this space, how might related sectors evolve, what new players could emerge, and how might they evolve over time?
Might the nature of biothreats require international standards184, or will countries develop their own parameters and regulations on capturing, storing, and sharing biodata?
Could large companies monopolize synthetic biology, since smaller entities may not have the resources to meet the biosafety requirements for high-risk activities?
How might firms, organizations, and governments reach an appropriate balance between innovation and regulations, bans185, and moratoriums?
How would bioinnovation organizations address a higher risk of industrial espionage186 and cyber attacks187?
Labour market readiness: Will there be sufficient talent188 to develop new markets and activities? Where will biodigital talent reside?
Could we see national defence departments and security firms employ a growing number of “bio” experts?
Economic rollout: How can policies adapt and stay ahead of transitions?
What new protocols and regulations are needed to securely trade biodata?
What safety standards and regulations, such as government-issued licenses, might be required to conduct DIY biology?
Policy considerations
The rise of the biodigital convergence could affect many policy areas. The following are not policy recommendations, but rather considerations, questions, and thought-provoking ideas.
Biosecurity and biothreats
Nefarious actors could learn from failures to detect, mitigate, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic189, and the underlying socioeconomic impacts, increasing the likelihood of future biological weapon attacks.
The digital components of wearable or implanted devices could be hacked, leading to biological harm to the user.
Open-source science and international sharing of research data could lead to international surveillance and authentication.
Biodigital convergence could enable individuals to develop low-cost biothreats.
Some countries might create, redesign, and invest in new infrastructure to prevent or mitigate potential biothreats.
National security
Disinformation and fake news about emerging biodigital technologies could contribute to changing social attitudes, behaviour, and subsequently become a national security concern.
With the rise of low-cost DIY biolabs and easier access to technologies like DNA synthesis, front-line emergency services such as policing, firefighters, and paramedics might need training to detect labs, biohazardous organisms, and potentially human augmentation.
There may be a rise in human augmentation, which could lead some countries to develop augmentation detection capabilities and regulations.
Military and defence
Defence departments might consider national and global defensive and offensive solutions to potential biothreats, similar to past nuclear and anti-missile defence programs.
Manufacturing was historically based on factory workers who transformed natural resources initially extracted from mines, forests, and waters, or grown on farms. Differences in labour costs and the natural distribution of resources have influenced the shape of our far-reaching global supply chains. Biodigital convergence could transform the natural resource sector through new ways of making and obtaining raw materials and fuels, as well as new manufacturing techniques, potentially easing pressure on natural resources. More localized production and distribution of goods and fuels could reshore manufacturing and reshape trade, disrupting trade patterns and supply chains.
Through the industrial age, international trade agreements and the offshoring of manufacturing activities led to complex supply chains190. Demand for physical products is expected to increase in the coming years, as the global population grows and standards of living continue to rise. International trade is also expected to increase. Digital technologies191 such as AI, robotics, cloud computing, 3D printing, and mixed reality are already transforming the manufacturing sector. Although labour costs still affect decisions about production location, the Next Digital Economy192 is expected to revolutionize global value chains. It may also accelerate the transition towards genetic engineering-based biomanufacturing.
How is biodigital convergence changing manufacturing?
Biodigital tech innovations will continue to mature and combine. The following section outlines some innovations that could affect the integrated and complex future of manufacturing.
Smart biofactories reaching industrial scale. Synthetic biology has historically been labour intensive, with many manual and repetitive tasks—but this is starting to change. Private organizations and research institutions are building smart bioproduction facilities that can reach industrial scale.
Robotic lab assistants can perform experiments 1000 times faster193 than humans, enabling researchers to focus on the design and creation of genetically modified organisms. Data generated from testing new organisms train and optimize machine learning194 to predict biological system behaviour and provide recommendations, which could greatly accelerate the development of bioengineering195. Costs are decreasing as online DNA marketplaces196 facilitate price comparisons between synthetic DNA producers.
Synthetic biological materials. Synthetic biological materials are disrupting current methods of manufacturing. Innovative biomaterials include a fabric resembling silk197 produced by genetically engineered microbes; 3D-printed bio leather198 and wood; biodegradable bricks made from mushrooms199; bacteria mixed with concrete200 to self-heal and prevent cracking; bacteria that can produce hydrogen201 fuel on demand; “soft robots202” that can move cargo underwater; and 3D-printed gel203 that changes colour in response to light and can be used for camouflage. AI-designed living machines made from frog skin and muscle cells204 to fit a novel body plan can move autonomously and perform “programmed” tasks. New concepts and innovations are facilitating the physical integration of biological and digital, as well as furthering the cognitive shift we are seeing. Technology and nature may be more readily integrated than we may have thought. Further, technology could be more intuitive and nature more prescriptive than previously imagined.
Synthetic biomaterials could conceivably offer alternatives to almost every raw material used to produce goods—from plastic to wood, metals, chemicals, and even plant fibres like cotton.
Bioenergy made from genetically modified organisms. Despite significant investments over the last decade, algae biofuel remains expensive—but researchers are using AI205 to genetically engineer algae that can produce energy at lower cost, as a potential replacement for fossil fuels. Genetically engineered bacteria can produce hydrogen fuel in biosolar cells using only sunlight and water.
What might change in manufacturing in the future?
As the biodigital convergence advances and matures, it could reshape manufacturing, supply chains, production modes, and consumer behaviour in significant ways:
Biologically sourced natural resources. Genetically engineered microorganisms could reduce demand for natural resources. We may no longer need traditional raw materials to manufacture goods. The primary industry sector—including mining, farming, and forestry—could face competition206 from a range of functional, cost-effective biomaterials. Supported by cloud-based labs, additive manufacturing, computer-aided design software, and automation, biofoundries could provide local genetic engineering services207 (biomanufacturing as a service) and raw biomaterials respectful of local regulations to manufacturers wishing to reduce their supply chain and production infrastructure costs.
With likely lower carbon footprints208, bioalternatives could support efforts to mitigate climate change. A dramatic decline in revenues for oil-producing states could also have geoeconomic and geopolitical implications.
Distributed manufacturing with biofoundries. Distributed biomanufacturing facilities could meet local needs for commodities. Combined with 3D bioprinting, biofoundries could accelerate manufacturers’ transition from a traditional business-to-business model to a business-to-consumer model by providing local people with niche goods like biomaterials, food, and personalized drugs for rare diseases209. In remote areas, biofoundries could produce a range of goods that are currently expensive to import, lowering the cost of living and potentially helping remote communities become more self-sufficient.
If products are increasingly manufactured and transformed locally, the need for extensive physical infrastructure like electrical grids, pipelines, ports, and railways may decrease—and the need for fermentation facilities may increase. This could ease pressure on land and allow goods and services to be more accessible to remote communities. It could also lead to the emergence of new, more local infrastructure to move biomass—such as a beer pipeline210.
Decreasing cost of bioengineering. More affordable research equipment could lead to an increase in bioalternative innovation. The declining cost of gene sequencing, DNA synthesis, and automation could enable a rise in open-source DIY biomanufacturing research. Individual entrepreneurs could explore an unprecedented number of new possibilities for goods and services, from health to construction, infrastructure, materials, and furniture.
These new bioalternatives could require regulators to review a suite of regulations related to health and safety, environmental protection, intellectual property, climate change mitigation, and social welfare, while aiming to promote economic growth. Bioengineering’s high capacity for customization could lead producers to adapt their products to accommodate disparities between countries’ regulations.
Recapture, regenerate, recycle
Circular economy and sustainable development. For decades, the production and consumption211 that drove economic growth on a global level have increased the environmental footprint of materials and led to the depletion of natural resources. From resource extraction to disposal, the linear “take-make-dispose” economy that dominated our development model has threatened the Earth’s carrying capacity to regenerate renewable resources. To achieve sustainable development goals212, a movement has emerged advocating for a global shift to a circular economy213, by separating economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and by designing products made from renewable raw materials while respecting their regenerative cycle.
A biodigital production system could reduce human demand for natural capital by optimizing the use of biomass, and developing genetically engineered alternatives to non-renewable resources like fossil fuel and many minerals.
What if biopackaging with integrated seeds could turn easily into plants? Or if new fungi214 materials for the construction sector would grow rapidly while capturing carbon? And what if biomaterials would be embedded with specific biosensing capabilities like detecting food spoiling, or air, water, and soil pollution in urban areas? Consumption of bioproducts could lead to the regeneration of ecosystems and biodiversity all over their life cycle, from production until the end of their useful life.
Critical uncertainties and future possibilities
Various factors could affect the scale and nature of acceptance or rejection of biodigital innovations. The following outlines some possible uncertainties that may lead to different future scenarios.
Societal acceptance: Will there be a societal consensus on adopting new technologies?
Will consumer preferences and the economic movement towards lower-carbon goods accelerate the shift to biomaterials? How readily might the public accept new genetically engineered products? Could divides emerge along generational, cultural, geographic, or religious lines?
Business ecosystem: How might existing players change, how might related sectors evolve, and what new players could emerge?
Will biomanufacturing be developed by multinationals or by start-ups?
How could biomanufacturing redesign supply chains within different industries?
Labour market readiness: Will there be sufficient talent to develop new markets and activities? Where will biodigital talent reside?
Will there be investment for multidisciplinary collaboration between engineers, digital scientists (such as AI, robotics, connectivity), and biologists?
Economic rollout: How rapidly could policies shift and adapt to enable the transitions?
What is the potential for new biomaterials to pollute ecosystems? What kind of waste might biofoundries producing novel materials generate? Would it be easier to handle than chemical, industrial (packaging, wood, steel), or nuclear waste?
How could interprovincial and international trade rules prevent or enable biomaterials from moving across borders?
Policy considerations
The rise of the biodigital convergence could affect many policy areas. The following are not policy recommendations, but rather considerations, questions, and thought-provoking ideas.
Innovation systems
Biofoundry infrastructure could encourage local entrepreneurship and innovation.
Intellectual property rules surrounding new biomaterials and engineered microorganisms could either incentivize or slow down R&D and innovation.
Large firms and e-commerce actors may drive bioconsumption globally by adopting bioalternatives and low-carbon materials like bioplastics or edible packaging.
Economic development
Federal, provincial, and municipal governments could have different positions on biomanufacturing given the impact on various economic sectors such as agriculture, food transformation, construction, oil and gas, petrochemicals, forestry, fisheries, pharmaceuticals, mining, and transportation.
The value of traditional materials and natural resources could rapidly decline where an alternative exists.
International collaboration
Biofoundries could enable new international partnerships and collaboration in R&D, and break traditional commercial alliances between countries and regions.
International standards on biomaterials research and production could emerge.
Regulation and trade
Emerging biomaterials and genetically engineered microorganisms could prompt new labeling on consumer products and building materials.
Environmental regulations on waste management, toxic substances, and transportation may need reviewing to assess new biomaterials made from synthetic biology, engineered tissue, or 3D bioprinting. These may also affect import and export activities.
Governments may consider the ethics surrounding the use and management of genetically engineered organisms.
COVID-19—an unexpected accelerator
The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a driver of change, accelerating the transition to a biodigital world. It has raised awareness of biology and its array of uses among people, governments, and industry. It reveals the risks of misinformation and the need for bioliteracy. It pushes biodefence capabilities and national self-sufficiency to the forefront of government agendas. And it has forced societies to re-evaluate the balance between biosecurity and personal freedoms.
The speed of biodigital convergence in the coming years will depend not only on technological progress but social acceptance—and the pandemic has shown that unexpected events can trigger rapid shifts in what is widely seen as acceptable or desirable. In the future, we may not see digital technologies and biological systems as separate, but rather woven together, further normalizing the biodigital world that future generations may inherit.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been living through the first global-scale biodigital experience. We are simultaneously encountering the profound evolution of biodigital innovations and witnessing the emergence of a new domain. The biodigital technologies discussed in this report exist today and will continue to evolve. The extent to which they will transform our lives in the future depends in part on whether and how quickly they become more capable and affordable, as well as normalized and integrated into society. In other words, transformation is a function of technological possibility and social acceptance.
Often, social acceptance is gradual, as new generations grow up with different attitudes and experiences. Sometimes, events can trigger unexpectedly rapid shifts in what is widely seen as normal. The change in airport security procedures after 9/11 is one example of a security and travel protocol shift as a result of a profound event. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many rapid changes as a result of the circumstances we face; from the digital transformation215 of businesses to increased video meetings216, online shopping217, food delivery apps218, telemedicine219, and surveillance220. Advancements were made in mRNA vaccine deployment221, real-time sequencing222, and the global cooperation223 that led to the rapid production of vaccines due to pressures on the biotechnology sector.
COVID-19 may be ushering in a new era of biothreats in which rapid change becomes more normal. This pandemic is unlikely to be a once-in-a-century occurrence224, as many factors such as climate change and population growth may contribute to more—and possibly more severe—zoonotic viruses in the future. The global risk of biothreats may rise and experts may increase efforts to understand the variables that lead to the emergence of pandemics.
So what might COVID-19 mean for biodigital convergence?
A rise in bioliteracy
People, governments, scientists225, and industry are talking about biology like never before. From the R number to mutations in the spike protein, concepts that were niche in early 2020 have become part of mainstream conversation. This rise in bioliteracy could facilitate discussing, explaining, and understanding emerging biodigital technologies like those explored in this report. Similarly, a rise in bioliteracy has contributed to environmental conversations and climate change initiatives, which have also risen in tandem with the pandemic.
More attention and funding for biodigital technologies
COVID-19 has accelerated interest and investment in research in various biological and biodigital innovations, from mRNA vaccines and alternative immunization methods such as nasal sprays226, to biosurveillance, sensors, genomic therapies227, and increased understanding of the microbiome228, toxic stressors229, and the human immune system. COVID-19 has accelerated the use of biodigital innovations like telemedicine and health apps, and could prompt discussions about biosurveillance or environmental biosensors in the future.
Health and biodefence as a cross-cutting issue for public institutions
People have become acutely aware of the powerful and far-reaching effects of microorganisms. Public health has become central to every aspect of government, from the economy to the environment. Pandemic preparedness is now being considered by some as a national security230 issue, given the general acceptance that it is only a matter of time before another significant biothreat emerges.
A new era of misinformation risks
COVID-19 demonstrates how conspiracy theories231 can gain traction while scientists are racing to understand the nature of a new threat. Examples include harmful theories that COVID-19 is caused by 5G232 and vaccines contain microchips controlled by Bill Gates233, and fake cures and health advice like injecting yourself with bleach.
People have to decipher mass amounts of information and make sense of the world through new information channels. “Viral disinformation and conspiracy theories pollute our information environment. They shape the way a growing number of Canadians make sense of the world, which in turn influences their social, economic, and political decisions234.” Sense-making drives what people think they know and how they make decisions. Misinformation bears the risks of backlash that could slow down or speed up the adoption of biodigital innovations. How we make sense of emerging biodigital innovations will affect the way the biodigital era unfolds.
A wider quest for national self-sufficiency
The early weeks of the pandemic demonstrated how commercial contracts can break down in a global emergency, as national governments intervened235 to prevent exports of personal protection equipment (PPE), medical supplies, and grains236. The pandemic also affected many supply chains, including semiconductors and meat237. As a result, governments may increase domestic capacity to manufacture essential supplies in a range of essential sectors. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore has advanced238 its 2019 goal239 to produce 30% of its own food by 2030 using cellular agriculture and vertical farming. In 2021, Canada proposed a $2.2-billion investment240 in the biomanufacturing and life sciences sector, to strengthen vaccine production capabilities and healthcare innovations. We are seeing a similar focus on healthcare innovation and bioproduction around the world, France241 being one of many countries investing heavily in this rapidly growing field.
Public involvement in the pharmaceutical industry
Countries that invested in COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing infrastructure enjoyed earlier access242 to vaccines than those that took a more transactional approach to procurement—and disparities in early access quickly led to threats of export bans. Some countries may explore strategic bioinfrastructure and biomanufacturing capacity to better prepare for future biothreat emergencies and national security.
This could call into question the accepted dominant role of private enterprise in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, as reflected in recent encouragement of public participation243 in biomanufacturing and pharmaceutical production.
Governments may especially value the domestic capability to pivot quickly and manufacture any new vaccine, treatment, or diagnostic test in the face of a new threat.
International vaccine distribution and contracts to secure supplies brought to light the inequality244 in access to prevention and treatments. The nature of global biothreats may require new strategies to allow more equal distribution of treatments.
A shifting balance between privacy, right to health, biosecurity, and biodefence
Testing and isolation emerged as key strategies early on for countries that were able to keep the pandemic under control. Some countries, such as South Korea245, did so especially effectively and compromised individual privacy246 to an extent currently unacceptable in Western culture—though this might change given a sufficiently serious threat. While still rife with ethical concerns, there is a growing sense that acceptance247 of biosurveillance tools is increasing, as we deal with a global pandemic. Interestingly, some islands and remote areas, such as New Zealand248 and Prince Edward Island249, administered stringent protocols controlling entry and responding to threats early, and have been praised and recognized for effective pandemic mitigation.
Many governments and scientists may want to improve250 their capacity to predict and detect251 the next pandemic virus despite uncertainties252. Diagnostic technologies that require personal biodata are developing quickly. Researchers are working on portable diagnostic devices using gene editing to detect any pathogen, processing hundreds of tests within 15 minutes; and sensors injected under the skin253 to detect an infection that may be contagious but not yet symptomatic. COVID-19 vaccine passports254 could herald a world in which many activities are accessible only with willingness to share one’s current state of health. The access and availability of healthcare services have been strained by the pandemic, leading jurisdictions to consider difficult measures such as vaccine mandates255 and health contributions256, or refusing healthcare services257 for the unvaccinated. There may be debate on whether healthcare is a right or a privilege. Some jurisdictions258 have deployed wastewater surveillance systems259 to better understand how COVID-19 spreads in a community.
Systemic shifts in science & technology during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 brought dramatic changes to some aspects of how science itself is conducted. Whether these changes become entrenched or fade away with the threat of the pandemic remains unknown.
Clinical trial and approval processes for new mRNA vaccines were accelerated260 to an unprecedented degree.
Synthetic biology companies and biofoundries have demonstrated their ability to rapidly switch their production capacity to raw materials261 for new tests and vaccines.
Scientists around the world shared data262 on the sequencing of the COVID-19 genome and new variants.
Academic journals prioritized263 speed of publication over thoroughness of the peer review process.
Platforms such as Crowdfight264 emerged, enabling scientists to exchange ideas and enlist volunteer help.
People volunteered their data to enable real-time science, such as through the UK’s Zoe symptom-tracking app265.
We are at the cusp of the biodigital convergence era. We use technology in biology today, but biology in itself is also a form of technology—it is programmable, codable, and alterable. The future of biology as technology could include programmable digital components. Digital technologies and biological systems are combining and merging in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies.
Five sectors are set to transform with the onset of the biodigital convergence: food, health, the environment, security, and manufacturing.
Beyond the transformation we might see in those sectors, exploring the impact of the biodigital convergence on specific sectors may reveal more systemic opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas society will face.
Biodigital convergence opens up new perspectives on how biological entities affect economies; how the natural world interconnects with sectors; how technology advances and enables new biological innovations; what makes for an ideal location for human settlement; what are our ethical responsibilities to the natural world; and other challenges and opportunities that may arise in our evolution as a species.
Biodigital convergence also imposes new challenges and dilemmas: how should we coordinate international regulation approaches, to avoid countries embarking on experiments with potential consequences that could cascade across borders? What might be the economic implications on different industries, and how might it affect the competitiveness of countries? What implications might new human augmentation possibilities have on equity and discrimination? To what extent should we prioritize preserving traditional ways of life? We may be approaching a new era in which governance and regulatory frameworks include and target biodigital innovations.
Thinking through a transition, broadly evaluating possible risks, and harnessing opportunities could enable a better future for Canada and the world.

Saturday Nov 30, 2024

Is the Sun Part of a Binary Star System?
Watch this on Rumble:
A binary star system is a system where two stars are gravitationally bound to each other and orbit around a common center of mass, essentially meaning they are "paired" stars that revolve around one another due to their mutual gravitational pull; the prefix "bi" indicates "two" in this context. Just what is the real cause behind the precession of the equinoxes and why did the ancients believe this cycle was so important? Walter Cruttenden asks this question in his latest book Lost Star of Myth and Time and comes to some provocative conclusions.
To the layman, the precession of the equinoxes is the observed motion of the night sky shifting backwards by a small amount every year. Of course, the night sky continuously shifts throughout the year as the Earth orbits around the Sun, but if one were to take a fixed point in time (like the Vernal Equinox, for instance) and take a snapshot of the sky on that day every year, one would notice the sky slowly shifting backwards with each progressing year. This is what is meant by the precession of the zodiac, or precessional movement. Astrologers would say we are in a different 'age' or zodiac sign depending on which constellations are visible in the sky on the Vernal Equinox of a particular year. This precessional movement of the sky amounts to about 50 arc seconds per year and takes about 24,000-26,000 years to complete a full cycle; the "great year" or "great world cycle" as it is often called.
Sir Isaac Newton was the first to put forth the idea that this precession is due to a wobbly motion of the Earth's axis, and few scientists have challenged this assumption since Newton's time. Cruttenden dares to ask the most basic question about this in his book bringing together a number of clues to form a hypothesis for precession being the result of the Sun moving in a binary orbit about a companion star. Could Cruttenden's speculations really lead to data that could overturn the ideas of Newton - a man treated like a deity in the world of physics and astronomy? As we'll see below, there's actually a large body of evidence to support Cruttenden's ideas. 
In his book, Cruttenden also offers some speculation about what ancient civilizations believed about this precessional cycle. Although, this part is not as strongly grounded in science, he speculates that as the Solar System makes its way through the points along this cycle, the nature of human civilization changes. At one extreme we have a Golden Age filled with peace, plenty and full social harmony; and at the other extreme an Iron Age filled with ignorance, war and social cacophony. The state of civilization depends on where we are in the cycle. Cruttenden points out that this shifting of the ages is recorded in Greek legends and in the legends of many other cultures around the world. This cycle implies that many civilizations with high technology - or perhaps just a more refined understanding of nature - may have come and gone through the many such "great years." This also implies that our current civilization is by no means special (in contrast with the prevailing Darwinian view.)
Cruttenden even offers some speculation on what particular star this companion might be, focusing on Sirius as a possible candidate. While his arguments may seem reasonable, there's much evidence in Picknett and Prince's book The Stargate Conspiracy to point to the case for Sirius being overstated. I might even suggest reading The Stargate Conspiracy first before tackling Cruttenden's book. Even if Cruttenden is off in his quest to locate the Sun's companion, the evidence he's gathered for the Binary model is compelling and worth the read. The interested reader may want to check what he has to say over at his Binary Research Institute, which mirrors much of what's in his book. I've summarized some of the main scientific points he makes in his book below.
1.) Angular Momentum
When it comes to the Solar System, we have a big problem with angular momentum. This problem is related to the theory of how the Solar System formed out of a nebular cloud, otherwise known as the Nebular Condensation Theory. The theory was originally proposed by the christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg and further developed by Immanuel Kant and others. (How an idea proposed by a mystic becomes accepted scientific theory is an interesting question, but one we'll have to save for another time.) According to the theory, every nebula starts out with a certain amount of angular momentum. As the particles and gasses condense to form a central proto-star, the proto-star's rotation should accelerate to conserve the total angular momentum. Think of an ice skater as she brings her arms and legs close to the vertical axis of rotation, spinning ever faster.
But despite what the Nebular Theory predicts, the Sun actually has very little angular momentum to speak of, at least compared to the other planets. The Sun contains about 1000 times more mass than all the planets combined, yet it possesses a mere 0.3 percent of the total angular momentum of the Solar System. Most of the angular momentum exists in the outer-gas planets like Saturn and Jupiter. So the question is, if the Nebular Theory is accurate, then where is the Sun's missing angular momentum?
Cruttenden proposes that if we factor in a hypothetical 24,000 year binary orbit shared with another star, then the missing angular momentum shows up in the Sun exactly where we'd expect it.
Play Video Precession - What is that? Debunking Lunisolar Precession.
2.) Sheer Edge
According to a study by Allen, Bernstein and Malhotra published in The Astrophysical Journal in March of 2001, our solar system appears to have a sheer edge to it, meaning that beyond a certain point (50 AU, just beyond the Kuiper belt) there appears to be no trackable bodies of any significant size. It's as if we go from an enclosed area of having planets, asteroids, comets and other bodies, and then outside of that area nothing. Interestingly, this sheer edge is a feature one might expect to find in a binary star system. There's also a chance it could be due to another outer planet-like object such as the recently discovered planet Sedna, or it may have to do with some gravitational effect not as yet understood. The possibility is intriguing though.
3.) Comet Paths
It appears that studies carried out on the distribution of long-period comet orbits show that these orbits are essentially non-random. In other words, the suggestion is that some large body disturbs the Oort cloud (a cloud of comet or asteroid-like bodies that surrounds the outer-edge of the Solar System) and kicks off comets into similar orbits. This fact has received a fair amount of press in the last couple years; some astronomers speculate that this hypothetical body (Jovian-size planet, brown-dwarf, or otherwise) may be discovered "within two years." Comets should generally come from the location of the galactic plane due to galactic tidal forces -- and the data shows this is generally true. However, even after gravitational tides are taken into account, a small bias remains in the orbital distribution of these long-period comets. This points to the existence of another source propelling long-period comets other than gravitational tides.
A solar companion with a hypothetical 24,000 year period may fit the bill here, although astronomers now believe that this object might be more of a Jovian-size gas planet with a much longer orbital period instead. It could be that both exist, or that some astronomers are biased in their assumption of a longer-period body due to the million-year-long time-spans between mega-extinction events in the geological record. (The less than "mega" extinction events are far more numerous.)
Since the earliest proposals of the 'Nemesis Theory' back in the 80's, which attempted to explain the mass extinction cycle, the proponents of this theory hypothesized that a brown-dwarf star orbits about the Sun with a considerable period (roughly 26 million years, to match the average mass extinction rate). In fact, one of the objections raised against the original 'Nemesis Theory' by its opponents was that the period of time indicated by mass extinctions is much too long a time to suspect an orbiting body. Any orbit over such a long period of time just wouldn't be stable.
But could a solar companion with a shorter (meaning on the order of thousands, not millions of years) period solve this problem and explain the non-random distribution of comet orbits too? Recent evidence compiled by Richard Firestone et al. described in their book The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes suggests that encounters with comets happen far more frequently than originally supposed. Firestone et al. point to a significant impact event around 13,000 BCE at the Younger Dryas boundary. Mike Bailie, a dendrochronologist at the Queen's University Belfast, has written several books that suggest impact events during historical times as well. Dennis Cox, whose work has been featured here on SOTT, has also found a number of locations based on satellite images that suggest historically recent comet bombardment too. This is certainly an area that needs further study.
4.) Sidereal vs. Solar Time
An interesting argument in favor of a binary system has to do with the two different ways of measuring the day length. One measurement is called the Solar Day, which we know is 24 hours. The other measurement is called the Sidereal Day which comes out slightly less at 23.56 hours. Given an observation point, like a star in the night sky, the Sidereal Day is the time it takes to reach that same point again in the sky after one full spin. Looking at the diagram below, one can see that the missing time is due to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. If the Earth and Sun were traveling along parallel paths there wouldn't be any difference between the Sidereal and the Solar Day - it's the curved orbital motion of the Earth in orbit with the Sun that makes the difference. Most of us never worry about sidereal time since few people other than astronomers are interested in keeping track of time in the night sky.
The same duo of time measurements exists for the Moon as well. The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days, but we see a new Moon every 29.5 days. Again, the difference has to do with the Moon's orbital curvature around the Earth as the Earth orbits around the Sun. Due to this extra motion by the Earth, we have to add an extra 2.2 days. If the Sun and Earth were moving along parallel paths, then we'd see a new Moon every 27.2 days; but since the Earth orbits the Sun, the cycle is longer. Conceptually, this is no different than the Solar Day versus Sidereal Day example given above. In both examples, the differences in cycle measurements have to do with normal Keplarian motion in space.
However, when it comes to the difference between the Sidereal Year and the Solar (or Equinoctial, or Tropical) Year, we have a completely different explanation. There is about a twenty minute difference between the two, such that the Sidereal Year is always slightly ahead of the solar year - just like the sidereal day is slightly ahead of the solar day, by analogy. The accepted theory for this precessional movement is called the Lunisolar Theory (which has to do with the wobbling motion of the Earth's axis, explained in greater detail below.) When dealing with the Sidereal Day versus Solar Day, we see that these differences are due to the extra orbital movement of the Earth around the Sun. So the question is: should the Sidereal Year be treated in the same manner? If the difference between the Sidereal Day and the Solar Day is the Earth's orbit about the Sun, couldn't the difference between the Sidereal Year and the Solar Year (known as precession) be due to the Sun's orbit about another body? That's how the analogy goes in any case. In the Binary Model both the Sidereal Day and the Sidereal Year are caused by the same type of Keplarian orbital motion.
5.) Time
Time is a funny thing. There's probably no greater challenge for a writer than trying to conceptualize time. Yet the constancy of time or the fact that so few adjustments need to be made in our day, year, etc. gives us a good reason to suspect that the Sun is part of a binary star system.
First we need to understand what the mainstream theory has to say about precessional movement, or the precession of the equinoxes. The current theory, called the Lunisolar Theory, states that the Earth's rotational axis also rotates tracing out the shape of a cone (see image to the right), changing its orientation very slowly - kind of like a spinning top. They call it the 'Luni-solar' theory because it is said that this top-like motion is caused by gravitational tidal forces coming from the Sun and the Moon. The idea is that it takes the Earth roughly 24,000-26,000 years to move its axis a full circle along this cone-like path. So the Lunisolar Theory would ostensibly seem to explain the precessional movement, although there is a problem (actually, several).
First of all, if this axial top-like motion were occurring, then we'd expect to lose a small amount of time each day. We would start to notice a small shift in our calculations for eclipses, planetary transits and such, which have to be measured fairly accurately. The motion of the planets that we observe in the sky should also precess along with the rest of the stars and galaxies in the background, but according to Karl Heinz and Uwe Homann in their Venus transit studies, they don't. According to Crutenden, we don't take into account precessional movement when calculating the positions of the planets or anything within our solar system for that matter. So any planets or other objects within the Solar System do not appear to precess with respect to the Earth. The only objects that follow precessional movement are those outside the Solar System. If this is the case, then precession cannot be due to this top-like motion that the Lunisolar Theory dictates.
In the Binary model, precessional motion is explained by the fact that the whole Solar System is rotating about a common center of gravity with another star. In other words, an observer on Mars, Venus or any other planet in the Solar System would notice the same precessional rate, proportional to its orbit, just like we see on Earth. The ultimate test would be to set up a telescopic probe on some other planet like Mars to measure the yearly precessional rate and compare it to the values on Earth. If the Binary System model is correct, these values should be proportional (taking their orbital periods into account). Of course, that still doesn't prove precession is due to our Sun being in orbit with a companion star, but it certainly makes the case stronger. Ultimately one would have to find the companion star in question to prove anything.
6.) Acceleration of Rate of Precession
Another feature of precession that the Luni-solar model has a difficult time explaining is the fact that the rate of annual precession appears to be increasing. The graph below plots several rates taken at various times throughout the last Century. The first set of points were recorded by the astronomer Simon Newcomb in the early 1900's, and then later were taken from the Astronomical Almanac. The red line represents the best-fit rate of change for the observed precession.
Now if this were due to a top-like motion of the Earth's axis a la the Luni-solar theory, then we should be able to extrapolate this trend out to millions of years - still a blink of the eye in terms of Earth's history. This means that the precessional top-like movement would be so slow millions of years ago that it would be hardly noticeable. The Earth would hardly appear to wobble at all. Whereas if we look ahead millions of years, we would find the Earth's axis wobbling so fast that it makes a full precessional cycle in a matter of years! The more likely explanation is that the observed increase in annual precession rate is due to something other than the Earth's axial motion.
The Luni-solar Theory becomes even more absurd when one considers the fact that the forces due to gravity are used to explain this top-like motion. This implies that the mass of the Earth or Moon, or Sun is somehow changing in size or distribution. Given what we can see and observe, this seems unlikely (although who knows how a companion star might affect the gravitational dynamics as it approaches its nearest point to the Sun.) More than likely, the Earth does not wobble to any significant degree, other than rotational wobbling like the Chandler wobble, and the observed precession is not due to any movement of the Earth itself.
This increase in the annual precession rate is exactly what we would expect from a binary star system, however. In a binary star system, both stars oscillate towards and then away from each other, all the while spinning around some imaginary center of gravity. As the stars approach one another, their velocity accelerates until they reach perihelion (or the closest point of approach), then their velocity decreases until they reach aphelion (or the furthest point of separation.) This means that based on the increasing trend shown in the graph above, we should expect the two stars to be somewhere on the path approaching perihelion. Crutenden believes that the companion star must have just turned the corner at their aphelion point and is now beginning to approach Earth. However, we suspect that it may be the opposite: that the hypothetical companion star is actually close to (or at) perihelion based on the bizarre changes taking place in the Solar System. Either way, this trend of the annual precession rate increasing is exactly what one would expect to find from two stars in a binary orbit following Kepler's law.
What Does This All Mean?
If you've made it this far, then I assume you get the point that the precession of the equinoxes implies something greater than just a wobbly Earth. Precession appears to be the evidence right under our noses, telling us that our Sun is also part of a binary star system (in contrast to a lone ball of fire bobbing up and down along its way through the galaxy). So why might this be interesting?
Well for starters, how about reason number 3 given above that describes how this hypothetical companion tends to hurl comets towards the inner Solar System. This was the basis for the original 'Nemesis Theory' that tried to explain the dinosaur extinctions and other mass die-offs recorded in fossil record. The thing is, if this hypothetical 'Nemesis' body is actually plowing through the Oort cloud every 26,000 years instead 26 million years, then this implies that the comet threat has been grossly underestimated. (And downgrading the name 'Nemesis' to the euphemistic 'Tyche' - as some astronomers have done - is unlikely to make the comets go away!)
Like Walter Cruttenden writes in Lost Star of Myth and Time, we may be approaching a new Golden Age in terms of our location in orbit about a companion star, but what he doesn't see is that we may have to pass through a cosmic shooting gallery of comets to get there. Perhaps a 'comet cleanse' for the Earth is also part of the process of getting us on the path to a new Golden Age? Seeing the psychopathic control of the planet and the lack of any meaningful change in this regard, it's hard to imagine how a Golden Age could come about without one.

Holocaust Denier

Friday Nov 29, 2024

Friday Nov 29, 2024

Holocaust Denier
Watch this on Rumble:
Their 6,000,000 Never Existed – Started 18 years before Hitler assumed power. By, Eli James
Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the ones who experienced a genuine holocaust – a real genocide – during WWII, not the Jewish population of Europe.
The simple fact of the matter is that the “Holocaust” narrative – 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by “those evil Nazis” during WWII – endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and “entertainment” complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization.
The alleged genocide of European Jewry has been used to justify the genocidal Allied war effort, to establish the rogue-terrorist State of Israel, to justify Israeli violence against its neighbors, to induce guilt in both Germans and the Allied nations, to cover up and ignore Allied crimes against Germans, to allow Jews to receive massive reparations from Germany, and to create solidarity in the Jewish community. The extreme importance of the Holocaust story in advancing Zionist/Jewish interests ensures that this falsification of history will continue in the future.
Jews have made questioning the details of the so-called Holocaust a criminal offense, with fines and imprisonment, and doing this has only hurt their credibility and soured many against their official narrative. The truth does not need laws to enforce it, only lies do, and the stupidest thing the Jews could ever have done — and want to do in America — is criminalize not believing their improbable narrative. It is their “education” that has created doubters, which is why it continues to fail.
The Jews invented the Holocaust partially to help distract people from what the JEWS did to the Russians/Germans/Ukrainians. Instead of appearing as the most criminal oppressors, the JEW planners of all wars and the real bosses controlling our countries, are now considered “poor innocent victims” that we should never criticize.
Free yourself from the power of a lie designed to render you impotent. By instilling unwarranted guilt and shame upon humanity via the “holocaust”, humanity is rendered incapable, or at least very hesitant, to criticize, much less interfere with, any of the designs of Jews or their nation of Israel. The “holocaust” is also an ongoing cash cow for Jewish “holocaust survivors” through the collection of hundreds of billions of euros from Germany, and elsewhere, as WWII reparations that continues to this day.
No one can deny that Jews were rounded up and imprisoned by Germans in German occupied territories after the suspension of the HAAVARA TRANSFER AGREEMENT during WWII. Nor can anyone deny that Japanese Americans were rounded up and imprisoned in America for the same reasons, those reasons being primarily security issues, and in the same fashion during WWII. And, after examining the facts, the German prisons built for Jews were far more humanely accommodating than the American prisons built for Japanese.
What is staunchly denied is the existence, much less the use, of homicidal gas chambers, the manufacture of human skin lampshades, the manufacture of human derived soap, institutionalized torture all conducted at “death factories” where 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and cremated and other outright lies disseminated by vindictive and vengeful Jews.
Indeed tens of thousands (The International Committee of the Red Cross reported: 272,000 concentration camp inmates died in German custody, about half of them Jews) of imprisoned Jews died during the last months of WWII due to disease, especially typhus, and starvation. After all, as the fortunes of war turn against the losing side, food and medicine become extremely scarce… and deadly scarce for those imprisoned by the losing side due to the ruination of food production, medicine manufacturing, and transportation supply lines. Germany was carpet bombed and firebombed into the stone age during the last year of WWII (a totally merciless war conducted by three Jewish controlled empires against a country the size of Montana).
Indeed there were crematoriums working overtime as a means of sanitarily disposing of disease ridden corpses, but these were built during the last year of the war and never was a living person burned alive in one as JEWS would have you believe.
In Eli James’ 25 year career as an Identity teacher, he has spent a great deal of time and effort in exposing Jewish lies. The full scope and intent of Talmudism (Judaism) cannot be appreciated without a complete study of their historical and contemporary lies. Judaism is the religion of lies and deception. All you have to do is to compare the Laws of Moses to what the Jews actually teach and do, and you will see that they always do the opposite of what Moses and the Bible command. {“By their fruits shall ye know them.” — Matt. 7:20} The Mosaic Law forbids usury. The Jews have always been its foremost practitioners. The Bible says debts are to be forgiven every seven years (Deut. 15:12) and that a national proclamation of debt forgiveness is to be made very 50 years (Lev. 25). That is called the “Jubilee.” The Jews have yet to declare such a biblical debt forgiveness in their history. They always collect or foreclose. The Bible says that you shall not execute judgment until both sides of an issue have been disclosed. (Prov. 18:13) The Jews are always engaging in pre-emptive military strikes. In one case, an accused civilian Palestinian was sitting in his wheelchair when an Israeli missile was fired at him. He never received his day in court. The Jews have the world’s most glaring double standard. Just witness their pro-immigration stance in the USA versus their “Jews only” policy in “Israel.” Likewise, Jews are always agitating against Christmas displays while they flaunt the Menorah and Star of Solomon during Hannakuh. And, of course, they don’t complain that the Israeli State’s official religion is Judaism. In America, they are very concerned about “separation of church and state.” In Kikestan, the rabbis’ religion is the State Religion. The list of Jewish hypocrisy is a mile long; and the rabbis contribute more hypocrisy to it every day.
It is important that we understand that Judaism is a chauvinistic enterprise which has deceived the world into believing that they are “g-d’s chosen people.” This is the very lie that has “deceived the whole world.” (Rev. 12:9, 13:14) It is important to look at the Hoaxacaust in the light of this 2,000-year record of hypocrisy, lies and posturing as Israel. As far as I am concerned, this hoax is just more of the same. A Jew is a liar by religion and a thief by trade. He is taught to take advantage of non-Jews in every possible way. Every year, they recite their “Kol Nidre” prayer, which is an homage to their father of lies. The Kol Nidre declares all of their oaths to be invalid for the coming year. The Jews are the con artists and the rest of the world provides the suckers. But their house of cards is beginning to show signs of collapse, as more and more people around the world perceive the brutality of Zionism and the undue influence of the Jews in media, banking, politics, publishing, etc.
It is absolutely necessary that the so-called holocaust is presented in its true light, so that people can understand why and how the holocaust mythology came about and why it continues to this day. Of all modern Jewish lies, the holocaust is the most gigantic. Anyone who has taken even a modest amount of time to investigate the holocaust industry’s absurd claims finds that there is no substance to them whatsoever. Let me say at the outset that the hysterical charges of making soap from human fat and using human skin to make lampshades were part of the anti-German wartime propaganda of World War I. All of those claims were proven to be false and many anti-German journalists were forced to admit it and apologize for their lies after that war. But non-Jewish human beings have very short memories. These absurd claims were dredged up again as part of World War II propaganda, only this time there were no apologies.
The most significant work on this subject is the book, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by Arthur A. Butz. No rebuttal of this book has ever been made, nor will one ever be attempted, because the facts documented in that outstanding piece of research are indisputable. Again, we are faced with a situation in which we are forced to choose between Jewish lies and historical facts. Instead of public debate, organized Jewry exerts pressure on venues and on individuals to prevent free and open discussion of the facts. In countries other than America, where they don’t have a First Amendment, critics of the hoax are prosecuted and sent to jail merely for expressing their opinions. This is tyranny, plain and simple.
Dr. Robert Faurrison, commenting on the show trial of Ernst Zundel in Germany, said recently, “The Zionists want to impose the religion of the alleged ‘Holocaust’ of the Jews on the whole world. It is normal that Jews and Zionists should seek to foist such an imposture on us, for it is the sword and the shield of the Jews in general and of the Jewish State in particular. The Jews’ power stems directly from the Western world’s near-total belief in the phenomenal lie of the ‘Holocaust.’ You needn’t look any further. The Jews do not tolerate any questioning of the ‘Holocaust.’ Against the revisionists they use physical violence and judicial repression because, on the level of historical and scientific argumentation, they have been defeated hands down by the revisionists. We have been able to expose their lies, one by one. Therefore Jews and Zionists seek refuge in violence and intimidation. They treat revisionists like Palestinians.” (Nov. 2, 2005, American Free Press)
Since the subject of the holocaust is so vast, only a certain amount of space can be afforded it, therefore, I have chosen 39 historical facts — one for each whiplash that the Pharisees administered to the back of Jesus Christ — all of which are evidence against the holocaust. The one and only piece of “evidence” which the holocaust industry has ever produced is the Hitler memo which includes the expression, “final solution.” This expression, in true Hollywood and Jewish fashion, is exploded all out of proportion and our imaginations are encouraged to run wild with the bait. What Hitler meant by the “final solution” was the removal of the Jews to the island of Madagascar: a steady deportation to a place where the Jews could do little harm. The final solution was deportation, not “death camps.” And there were no death camps.
This, and everything else that the holocaust industry has ever come up with, is nothing but hearsay, lies, forged and doctored evidence. This is an indisputable fact: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO FORENSIC EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE HOLOCAUST. The idea is fabrication from beginning to end. That is why no public debate can be allowed.
Recently, I appeared on the Dr. Rebecca Carley show, she provided me with a fortieth lash against the hoaxacaust, when she said, “If the Nazis were going to gas all those Jews after they got off the boxcars, why did they bother to tattoo them?”
When we start asking simple questions like this, instead of believing the lies of the Synagogue of Satan, everything falls into place.
The Thirty-Nine Lashes Against the Hoaxacaust
Consider the source. All of the “evidence” presented at the Nuremberg trials came from two sources: Communists and Zionists. Neither of these groups could be considered impartial. All communists are liars; and all Zionists are tyrants who believe that critics of Zionism should have no public say. Many of these people, such as Leon Trotsky and David Ben-Gurion, were both communists and Zionists! Since the myth-makers cannot prove their contentions in an open, public, discussion, the only choice they have is to quash dissent by making “questioning the holocaust” a crime in every country in the world, except the USA, where freedom of speech is hanging by a thread.
2.) Zyklon B delousing gas was just that. In the days of World War II, typhus was a scourge which was transmitted by fleas and lice. Zyklon B was the treatment given to all prison internees, no matter what their religious background, because typhus had to be controlled. The claim that it was used to poison people is absurd because it was highly flammable. To use it for the purposes described by the hoaxers would have put all of the camp facilities at risk of fire and explosion. Signed confessions, extracted by Jewish and communist interrogators, say that the dead bodies, after death by gassing, were extracted by workers who were “drinking and smoking.” Rudolph Hess signed such a document, which was written for him. Hmm. Would you turn the gas on in your oven without lighting it, wait a while, and then walk into the room with a lit cigarette in your mouth? Obviously, the hoaxers had little technical knowledge when they made their ridiculous claims. In addition, the manufacturer of Zyklon B gas stated that, due to the adhesive qualities of the gas, it would require a 24-hour ventilation period before anyone could safely enter a room which had been used for such a purpose.
In addition, shaving heads was necessary in order to remove the breeding grounds of the lice.
3.) Killing six million people and disposing of their bodies is no small order for an army trying to conduct a war. Can you imagine the waste of fuel and other resources that would otherwise go to the war effort? Of the thousands of reconnaissance photos available from World War II, why are there no pictures of the fuel tanker convoys which would be needed to deliver the fuel for the crematoria? Why are there no pictures of the smokestacks, which were supposedly belching smoke day and night? The reality is that the Germans could hardly afford to waste fuel for such a purpose. Everyone agrees that the Germans kept tremendous records for efficiency and documentation purposes. Where are the records of these fuel shipments?
4.) Auschwitz, one of the largest concentration camps, had only about twenty ovens in its crematory. The crematoria at the various concentration camps were very crude and required lots of fuel and many hours to consume one body. One researcher has calculated that, given the exact number of ovens available and hours per body, the ovens would have to be going day and night from the War’s beginning until 1975 before that many bodies could be cremated, Are you beginning to comprehend the absurdity of such a claim? Yet, it is repeated by the Zionist-dominated bias machine on an almost daily basis and it is force-fed to our school children at taxpayer expense and Zionist urging.
5.) If the bodies were not cremated as many hoaxers suggest, then where are the skeletons of all these bodies? Surely a few dozen would have turned up by now. Or did the Germans find some super-secret body disposal system that no one yet knows of?
6.) Would the Germans go out of their way to provide fuel for the crematoria when their airplanes and tanks were desperately in need of fuel? Not once have I heard anyone accuse the Germans of being stupid. Toward the end of the war, the Germans lost battles because lack of fuel. Would they be so stupid is to redirect fuel to the camps for “the ovens” when battles are at stake?
7.) Jews were singled out for special interrogation because so many of them were communists. The camp directors had to determine whether these Jews were harmless or dangerous – whether they would make reliable workers or just be troublemakers. Those who were determined to be useful workers were allowed many privileges, including the formation of orchestras. If the Jews were automatically gassed (killed), how would any of these privileges be considered, let alone established? The mere fact that there are so many Jewish survivors of concentration camps is evidence against the hoax.
8.) During the entire length of the War, the International Red Cross had constant access to the concentration camps. They delivered mail and packages containing food and clothing. The International Red Cross, despite this constant presence, never once filed a complaint or report about “the ovens of Auschwitz” or any other camp. It truly begs credulity to think that not a single Red Cross agent ever became suspicious, unless, of course, there was nothing to be suspicious about.
9.) The Nuremberg trials were conducted by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA) at the behest of the Zionist International. The Israeli State did not yet exist. The vast bulk of “evidence” was provided by the pro-Zionist Soviet Union. Neither of these two organizations could possibly be considered fair or trustworthy. Again, consider the source.
10.) Confessions were obtained under duress and torture. “It was this same War Crimes Branch which itself administered the nightmarish trials at Dachau, where prisoners were beaten, kicked, starved, and brutalised by Jewish-American jailers.”– Richard Harwood, from Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials, p. 14. In true gangland style, the accused were told that their family members would be hurt or killed if they did not cooperate. Techniques of interrogation included beatings, starvation, testicle smashing and other forms of torture. The German prisoners were often so badly beaten that they could not be brought into the courtroom for fear of demonstrating their adverse treatment. The State of Israel today continues to use torture and murder as part of their terrorist campaign. Amnesty International has repeatedly cited the Israeli State for such violations of human rights.
11.) There were no more than 4 million Jews living in Nazi-occupied territory during the War. Most Jews had left Germany before the war started. As the Nazi army advanced, the Jews fled rather than be captured. On June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that 3,375,000 Jewish “holocaust survivors” had applied for reparations. Now, if we subtract 3,375,000 from 4,000,000, that leaves 625,000 unaccounted for. If we take 625,000 and add a zero to the figure, we arrive at the fictitious and truly fantastic six million lie.
12.) According to the World Almanac of 1947, the world population of Jews in 1939 was 15,688,259. These figures were supplied to the Almanac by the American Jewish Committee. Then, the Jewish-owned New York Times of Feb. 22,1948 listed the Jewish population in Palestine as 600,000 to 700,000; and for the rest of the world, the Jewish population is listed as 15,600,000 to 18,700,000. If we add the two lower figures together, we get a minimum total of 16,200,000 Jews world-wide, which is still a net increase in the world Jewish population of at least 500,000. If six million Jews had really died, then the total should have been 10,200,000.
But since the whole six million myth was just in the process of being fabricated by the world Zionist propaganda machine, these accurate figures came out before the hoaxacaust could be subtracted from the equation. Considering the fact that populations generally decrease during times of war – which it most certainly did for the German people and other nationalities – it is quite astounding that the Jewish population actually increased during this time. The fact is that the vast majority of Jews simply relocated to other parts of the world: Palestine, Russia, America, South America, etc.
13.) According to a pamphlet by Dr. E.R. Fields, entitled Was There Really a Holocaust?, the Red Cross reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates, no more than 300,000 could have died. In item #11 above, we were willing to grant that possibly 625,000 were unaccounted for. If half of them died in the concentration camps and the other half died or disappeared to some other country, then our figures agree.
14.) Heinrich Himmler, Chief Commandant of the Concentration Camps, issued an order, dated Dec. 28, 1942, stating: “The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs.” – from Reitlinger’s book,The Final Solution. Ladies and gentlemen, the Germans were fighting a war, and they needed the productive capacity of the inmates of the camps to produce war material. An extermination policy would have shifted vital resources away from production to waste. Isn’t this holocaust claim incredible just from this consideration alone?
15.) One of the Nuremberg documents, a letter of April 10, 1943, was issued by Oswald Pohl, the head of the Economic Administration of the concentration camps. After addressing the above-cited order by Himmler, the mortality rate of the camps had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June, 1943. Given an extermination policy, why would there be any concern for mortality rates?
16.) Numerous claims of the hoaxers have been amended over time because the claims were obviously exaggerated or invented. In April 1975, Simon Wiesenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center was forced to admit in the paper, Books and Bookmen, “No gassing took place in any camp on German soil.” At that time, Auschwitz and other camps were still in the possession of the Soviets, who would not allow serious researchers into these camps to validate holocaust claims. We expect that, with full disclosure, Mr. Wiesenthal will be forced to admit that no gassing ever took place in any camp.
17.) The Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war. When asked if they witnessed any alleged “gassings,” the response was negative. From Red Cross document #9925, June, 1946, the entry states: “The detainees themselves have not spoken of them.” How can you gas six million Jews and nobody notices?
18.) Photos of emaciated bodies, both alive and dead, are not proof of an extermination campaign. The fact is that toward the end of the war, the Allies were bombing railroads and roads to the point of obliteration. This meant that valuable food, medicine, Red Cross packages, and other supplies were no longer reaching the camps. This was the real reason for the malnutrition, not to mention the serious side effects of malnutrition, which would be an increase in all types of disease.
The same thing happened in America during the Civil War. Northern prisoners in the Southern camp of Andersonville were also emaciated to the point of being only skin and bone. The commander of the camp, at his trial, said that he simply had no supplies with which to feed the inmates and he was not allowed to set them free. Pictures of these prisoners could easily be substituted for WWII inmates and no one would know the difference.
One thing we know for sure: The Jews are good at writing captions.
Please note that the published photos of concentration camp inmates show mainly and some overfed people lining up for the showers. All of the photos of dead bodies being bulldozed show emaciated bodies. If they were gassed and killed immediately, as the hoaxers claim, there would be some photographic evidence of well-fed people being bulldozed into graves. There is none.
19.) In 1943, the SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant Karl Koch for mistreating and executing prisoners. He was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgan and was executed for his crimes. If there were an extermination policy in force, would they bother trying and executing Commandant Koch? Again, these were work camps designed to assist the war effort. An extermination policy would have required tremendous resources and effort. It would have disrupted the crucial work that was going on and it would have risked undermining the war effort.
20.) Cremating 6,000,000 bodies in order to dispose of the evidence would have left 15,000 tons of ashes. No such volume of ashes was ever found, and no air reconnaissance ever revealed enormous clouds of smoke, and certainly there was never any such total of bodies found. It is only when one considers the enormous lack of evidence of a holocaust – all the physical matter that would have been left over from such a campaign (six million corpses?!!!!) and the sheer magnitude of such an undertaking – then the hoax becomes obvious. It is only the hoaxers themselves and those who have not really thought about the physical details who believe in this tragic farce.
It is quite probable that the Germans did not have enough fuel to consume anywhere near that amount of bodies. One of the hoaxers, Mr. Henri Michel, editor-in-chief of the Revue d’Histoire De La Seconde Guerre Mondial, exclaimed of Auschwitz: “This camp was the most international and the most western of the death factories, and its soil is enriched with the ashes of 4,000,000 corpses.” — p. 3. The dust cloud of crematoria smoke from such a volume of corpses would certainly have prompted some aerial reconnaissance photos, don’t you think? Where is the evidence? Why is there not one single photo of the crematoria smokestacks belching out their tons of ashes?
21.) William L. Shirer, one of those authors who continued the hoaxacaust story in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, was forced to admit in a footnote on the crematoria: “…the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries, and would be unsuitable for mass burning.” This footnote occurs on p. 972 of the German edition only. The rest of the world is still in the midst of the Zionist Dark Age.
22.) Thies Christopherson, a German soldier and author stated: “I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there.” Now, remember, this man does not practice the religion of lies. His statement was proven to be true when, in 1960, Auschwitz was opened to tourists and no gas chamber could be found. What a disappointment this must have been for the tourists! Later, in order to make up for this communist oversight (they didn’t have much experience at developing capitalist-style theme parks, like Disneyland), the Soviets built one themselves! No doubt, the money for construction was provided by some Zionist or rabbinical organization.
23.) The so-called Diary of Anne Frank was not written by Anne Frank at all. Photocopies of the supposed manuscript show two distinct styles of handwriting, one which is not handwriting at all but printing, and the other a very smooth handwriting angled at two o’clock. At least half of the manuscript was handwritten in ballpoint pen. The ballpoint pen, invented during WWII, was not commercially available until after the war. In addition, the American Jewish writer, Meyer Levin, sued Anne Frank’s father and won an award of $50,000 for his participation in the writing of “Anne Frank’s” supposed diary. This fact was only brought to light because one Jew tried to cheat another.
24.) Although death by starvation and disease had increased toward the end of the war, the videos of huge piles of dead bodies in civilian clothing were most often footage which was filmed in Dresden. Dresden was devastated by the firebombing raids of the Allies on February 13 and 14, 1945. This was one of the greatest wartime atrocities in history, because Dresden had become, in effect, a large refugee camp for German women, children, wounded soldiers, and old men. Dresden was one of Germany’s main artistic centers and had virtually no industry located in its vicinity. The Allies knew this and yet they bombed the city mercilessly for two nights, apparently to dispose of war ordnance which would otherwise go to waste, for Germany at that point was a defeated nation and the war was nearing its end. Why not kill as many unarmed civilians as you can? Who will know?
The German refugees thought that Dresden would be a safe haven because of its lack of industry. They were, sadly, wrong. They could not imagine that there would be such immense Zionist bloodlust in command of the U.S. and British military. You can imagine the horror of those who thought they would be safe in Dresden until the end of the war! The war criminals have successfully blocked out this war crime from the history books; but I am sure that Yahweh God will remember those who are responsible.
25.) The Nuremberg trials were an absolute farce. One of the most damning conditions of the trials agreed to by the Allies in the August 1945 London Agreement was “The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply, to the greatest possible extent, expeditious and non-technical procedure, and shall submit any evidence which it deems to have probative value.”
In other words, let’s railroad these “war criminals” as quickly as possible, so we can go home and collect our medals. How would you like to be tried by a court which does not abide by “rules of evidence?” A mere technicality, you say? Can you see the kangaroos hopping around? Except, these kangaroos have hooked noses and wear yarmulkas.
26.) The fact that American Jews were allowed to be prosecutors and judges is a travesty in itself. The fact that many of them, if not all, were merely instruments of the Zionist International makes the entire proceeding suspect because of a lack of impartiality. No court would consider it impartial if an agent of the accuser were to be allowed to be a prosecutor or a judge. Yet, this is exactly what happened at the Nuremberg trials. Unfortunately, the American people were not aware of these shady Zionist dealings. They assumed, as people still assume today, that the Nuremberg trials were held in accordance to standard procedures.
Regarding the London Agreement, Harwood says: “…the same people who drew up the arrangements for Nuremberg promptly had themselves appointed as prosecutors and judges. Nikitchenko and Falco became judges. Jackson was American Chief Prosecutor, Fyfe was Deputy-Chief British Prosecutor. Thus, virtually the same people were judges, prosecution, and court.” –p. 14. And you were told that the Nuremberg trials were fair and impartial?
27.) Incriminating documents were simply fabricated by the Soviets. In his opening speech at the War Crimes Tribunal, Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson appeared to be quoting from a document which he ascribed to Baron Werner von Fritsch, the pre-war Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces. In fact, he was quoting from a typewritten document of unknown origin. No original document was ever produced. (You can imagine how many clerks and other military personnel were recruited by the Zionists, at U.S. and British expense, to produce “documents.” Oops! I shouldn’t encourage you to use your imagination. There’s been too much of that already! Even if you’ve only heard the Zionist version of these events, it would only be prudent to exercise some common sense and good old-fashioned skepticism before accepting their story without criticism. It seems that only the Jews routinely get away without scrutiny. Why is that?)
28.) Budd Schulberg, Jewish film producer, was recruited by the OSS to produce the photographic and film “evidence” at Nuremberg. Again, lack of impartiality at its worst. He received a military reward for his efforts. Surprising that he didn’t get an Academy Award as well! The Jews of Russia (Khazaria), America, Britain and Israel were the prosecution, the judge, the jury, the newspaper reporters and the film crew. The poor, persecuted Jew has no influence at all! Why do the goyim hate him so?
29.) Paul Rassinier, author of The Drama of the European Jews, relates that many of the hoaxers, authors who had profited from the hoax, could not verify their claims. One author, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, claimed to have been to Aushwitz but gave travel directions which made absolutely no sense. Professor Rassinier attempted to contact Dr. Nyiszli about such discrepancies and received from him a reply through a Mr. Tibere Kremer. As it turned out, Dr. Nyiszli had long since died, so even the reply was a forgery. Says Dr. Rassinier: “…this dead witness – another one – was peculiar enough himself to write to me after his death. And so Mr. Tibere Kremer’s silence is understandable. No further comment.”– p. 41. This incident should give the reader an idea of the quality of the “evidence” which has been presented in the Hoaxacaust literature.
When faced with a mountain lies, at least some statements must be true, right? Not necessarily. It is quite possible that it is all fabrication.
30.) Prof. Rassinier’s book is a detailed examination of Jewish populations in virtually every country of Europe, including Poland and Russia, from 1931 to 1945. According to Rassinier’s statistics, in1931 Europe had 9,777,500 documented Jews (figures from the World Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation). The population that remained in these locations in 1945 was 4,250,000. The emigrants who left Europe altogether is numbered at 4,416,608. These people went to three main locations: Palestine (the Israeli state had not yet been created), Central Asia (Soviet Union) and the United States. So, the total, documented numbers of living European Jews in1945, according to Rassinier, was 8,666,608. If we subtract the documented number of survivors from the documented pre-war population, we have a total of l,003,392 unaccounted for. Of these, a certain number must have died from causes unrelated to the war. If we grant that half of them died from such causes, then we have a total of about 500,000 Jews who perished in the war. This is consistent with our previous totals from items 11 and 13.
31.) At the Nuremberg trials, Philip Auerbach, the Jewish attorney-general for post-war Bavaria was denounced by SS General Otto Ohlendorf. Auerbach had claimed the absurd figure of 11 million Jews having suffered in the concentration camps. “Ohlendorf lived long enough to see Auerbach convicted for embezzlement and fraud (forging documents purporting to show huge payments of compensation to non-existent people) before his own execution took place in 1951.”– p. 10-11, The True History of “The Holocaust,” Did Six Million Really Die?- by the Institute for Historical Review.
32.) It has been frequently reported by American prisoners of war that the Germans treated them much more humanely than the Japanese. The same is true for the civilian prisoners in the concentration camps. Many of these people were arrested for being communist spies. Hundreds of affidavits described the circumstances at the camps as “humane.” “One Berta Schirotschin, who worked at the food service at Dachau throughout the war, testified that the working inmates…received their customary second breakfast at 10 a.m. every morning…The Polish underground leader, Jan Piechowiak, who was at Dachau from May 22nd, 1940 until April 29th, 1945, also testified on March 21st, 1946 that prisoners there received good treatment.” –p. 21, Did Six Million Really Die?
33.) Elie Wiesel has a poor memory. According to the New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, Wiesel recalled “the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz.” Previously, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., in April, 1983, Wiesel “noted that on April 15, 1945, he was one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army.”- Jewish Telegraph Agency, April 11, 1983. “Oy, vey! I remember it like it vas yesterday” we can hear him sighing. Is this two lies or only one? Wiesel would have the distinction of being the only prisoner of war to be liberated from two different camps. Talk about bragging rights! The father of lies is truly proud of this weasel.
34.) In flagrant violation of the principle of freedom of speech, the Zionists impose their will on every organization they possibly can in order to prevent people from speaking out against the hoax. In Germany, it is against the law to deny the holocaust. Numerous people have been imprisoned for making public statements against the mythology.This fact should infuriate anyone who believes in freedom of speech.
35.) The holocaust industry makes millions of dollars every year promoting this holocaust trash. In literary circles, it is still a “hot ticket.” Truth be damned. Money talks.
36.) The Soviets brought out a bunch of “human skin” artifacts and “human soap” (presumably dusting off the trunks from their WWI displays), but the Tribunal chose not to pursue the matter any further. Of course, the myth was dredged up by many other hoaxers. The so-called “Judischer Fett” displays have been quietly removed from the world’s various “holocaust museums.” With the advent of DNA testing, these bars of soap “made from Jewish fat” are, of course, subject to testing. I would suspect that an independent laboratory would find that these bars of soap were made from hogfat or beef tallow. Germar Rudolf suggested to me that the Germans already had a process for making synthetic soap, so that DNA testing would produce no results.
37.) One of the chief presiding judges, Charles F. Wennerstrum, denounced the proceedings:
“If I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here…Obviously, the victor in any war is not the best judge of the war crime guilt…The prosecution has failed to maintain objectivity aloof from vindictiveness, aloof from personal ambitions for convictions…the defense had access only to those documents which the prosecution considered material to the case [this is a violation of the “Disclosure“ principle of American justice]…also abhorrent to the American sense of justice is the prosecution’s reliance upon self-incriminating statements made by the defendants while prisoners for more than 2&1/2 years and repeated interrogations without the presence of counsel.” -Harwood, p. 39, 40. But we are not dealing with the American sense of justice. We are dealing with the Talmudic, Zionist sense of justice. Dare we call it Satanic in origin? Judge Wennerstrum went to Nuremberg expecting to dispense justice. Instead, he was asked to rubber stamp a show trial.
38.) Many prisoners of the War Crimes Tribunal were kept in prison, held without charges being filed for months. This included even the wives of the suspects. (Harwood, p. 57.)
39.) Holocaust propaganda has changed with the times. Truth is not flexible. Lies are. No consistent flow of information has ever been established by the hoax industry. New charges and claims arise, all without any substantiation. Old ones dissolve, depending upon which charges have been refuted or not. We all know that the original story was that the Germans kept their “extermination program” a secret. How else could it have happened, anyway? Recently, the hoaxers, contradicting this theory, have claimed that it was common knowledge in those days that the exterminations were going on, but that nobody did anything about it. This claim has been fabricated for the sole purpose of trying to indict Pope Pius XII for “not helping the Jews.” But how can you prevent something that isn’t happening?
I remember very clearly as a child around 1954 standing in a mom-and-pop grocery store in Chicago at the intersection of Kenmore and Dickens. The radio was playing and a special news announcement came up. Two Jewish women were reacting to the radio news story, which was about gassings during the holocaust. I will never forget what the one woman said to the other: “If I had known they were being gassed, I would have never gotten on the train.” So, obviously, six million others didn’t know about it either! And she also survived, whatever camp she was in; and, from her statement, she did not witness any gassings either, because this was the first she had heard about it! Sooner or later, the liar gets caught in his lies. The fact that he owns all the newspapers will not prevent this eventuality.
Never underestimate the power of the BIG LIE. The Jews are the masters of it. My personal opinion is the Zionists decided to promote this myth in order to cover up their own involvement with Nazi Germany in transferring Jews from Germany to Palestine. They needed a smoke screen and a continuous barrage of propaganda to clamp the lid down on any criticism of their WWII maneuverings. The more newspaper space that is taken up by their lies, the less room there is for the truth. As the previous stories have revealed, the Zionists have much to hide.
And while Hitler talked a good game and said many things in defense of Christ and Country that the average person would agree with (He was more beloved by the Germans than Trump is by Americans today..) He was not a “good” guy.
He was an occultist!
Arthur R. Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (2003) challenges the historical account of the Holocaust. The book presents a detailed analysis of various sources, including trial transcripts, witness testimonies, and wartime documents, arguing that the evidence for systematic extermination is fabricated or misinterpreted. Butz alleges that the narrative of mass gassings was largely a postwar construction, driven by political agendas and wartime propaganda. He focuses on inconsistencies and contradictions in the existing historical record, proposing alternative explanations for events at Auschwitz and other camps.
AI gave a warning about this book: It is crucial to approach this source with extreme caution and a critical awareness of its deeply flawed and harmful nature.
Briefing Doc: The Hoax of the Twentieth Century
Butz, Arthur R. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. Theses & Dissertation Press, 2003.
Arthur R. Butz, a known Holocaust denier. This source presents a highly controversial and widely debunked perspective on the Holocaust.
Main Themes:
He questions the number of Jewish victims, the methods of extermination, and the motivations behind the Nazi regime's actions.
Challenging the Legitimacy of War Crimes Trials: The book argues that the Nuremberg Trials and subsequent war crimes trials were politically motivated and lacked legal jurisdiction. Butz casts doubt on the evidence presented and the testimonies given, suggesting they were coerced or fabricated.
Highlighting Inconsistencies and "Alternative" Interpretations: Butz focuses on perceived discrepancies in historical accounts, witness testimonies, and physical evidence related to the Holocaust. He offers alternative, and often implausible, explanations for events and documentation.
Important Ideas and Facts:
Questioning the Six Million Figure: Butz disputes the widely accepted estimate of six million Jewish victims. He cites figures from Jewish sources that suggest a lower number, failing to acknowledge the context and methodology behind these figures.
Disputing the Existence of Gas Chambers: A central argument in the book is the denial of the existence of gas chambers as a systematic method of extermination. He misinterprets technical documents, misrepresents eyewitness accounts, and offers alternative explanations for the function of structures like the "Vergasungskeller."
Casting Doubt on Witness Testimonies: Butz dismisses many survivor testimonies as unreliable, suggesting they were influenced by psychological trauma or external pressures. He particularly targets the testimony of Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, claiming it was obtained under duress.
Downplaying Anti-Semitism in Nazi Ideology: While acknowledging anti-Jewish measures, the book attempts to downplay the centrality of anti-Semitism in Nazi ideology. Butz argues that the "Final Solution" was not a pre-meditated plan of extermination but rather a result of wartime circumstances.
On the Nuremberg Trials: "The 'war crimes trials,' which the victors in World War II conducted, mainly of Germans but also of many Japanese, were precedent-shattering in their scope and in the explicitness of the victorious powers' claims to some sort of legal jurisdiction in respect of laws or understandings which did not exist at the time they were allegedly broken by the Axis powers."
On the Six Million Figure: "(…) it is good news for me […] this ensures me staying out. What they can do that I have not done I cannot imagine.” Long miscalculated on the last point, for the WRB eventually did a consider-* able amount: It managed to inflate the number of Jewish “victims” of the war from about one million to about six million!"
On the Interpretation of "Extermination": "Naturally, the same observation may be made in connection with public declarations of Nazi leaders, but there is an additional point to be made in this connection. Very often the Jews were referred to via the German word das Judentum, one of whose correct translations is “Jewry,” but which can also mean “Judaism” or even “Jewishness” or “the idea of Jewishness."
On the Vergasungskeller: "I have not located the Vergasungskeller in the sewage plants. Rather, I have listed five senses in which generation of, or treatment with, a gas comes up in sewage technology."
Key Concerns:
Lack of Academic Rigor: The book lacks proper citations, relies on questionable sources, and fails to engage with the vast body of scholarly literature on the Holocaust.
Distortion of Historical Evidence: Butz manipulates historical documents, misrepresents data, and twists the meaning of testimonies to fit his predetermined conclusions.
Ethical Implications: This book contributes to the dangerous and harmful spread of Holocaust denial, trivializing the suffering of millions and undermining efforts to combat anti-Semitism.
This briefing doc aims to provide a summary of the main themes and arguments presented in "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century." 
Arthur R. Butz is a professor of electrical engineering at Northwestern University, and author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, a book denying the Holocaust.
Butz attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from which he received both his Bachelor of Science and, in 1956, his Master of Science degrees. In 1965 he received his Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Minnesota. His doctoral dissertation considered a problem in control engineering.
n 1976, Butz published The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, which denies that Nazi Germany tried to exterminate the Jews during the Holocaust. In 2006, fifty of Butz"s colleagues from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science faculty signed a censure describing Butz"s Holocaust denial as "an affront to our humanity and our standards as scholars". The letter also called for Butz to "leave our Department and our University and stop trading on our reputation for academic excellence." University President Henry South. Bienen issued the following statement: Butz is a Holocaust denier who has made similar assertions previously.His latest statement, like his earlier writings and pronouncements, is a contemptible insult to all decent and feeling people.While I hope everyone understands that Butz"s opinions are his own and in no way represent the views of the University or me personally, his reprehensible opinions on this issue are an embarrassment to Northwestern. There is no question that the Holocaust is a well-documented historical fact.The University has a professorship in Holocaust Studies endowed by the Holocaust al Foundation. Northwestern offers courses in Holocaust Studies and organizes conferences of academic scholars who teach in areas relating to the Holocaust.In addition, Northwestern hosts a summer Institute for Holocaust and Jewish Civilization.In short, Northwestern University has contributed significantly to the scholarly research of the Holocaust and remains committed to doing southern Butz is a tenured associate professor in electrical engineering. Butz has made clear that his opinions are his own and at no time has he discussed those views in class or made them part of his class curriculum.Therefore, we cannot take action based on the content of what Butz says regarding the Holocaust - however odious it may be - without undermining the vital principle of intellectual freedom that all academic institutions serve to protect. Henry South. Bienen President.
He achieved tenure in 1974 and currently teaches classes in control system theory and digital signal processing. And most recently, a fellowship in the political science department has been established in my name by the Holocaust al Foundation. Like all faculty members, he is entitled to express his personal views, including on his personal web pages, as long as he does not represent such opinions as the views of the University.
Eli James

Thursday Nov 28, 2024

The Real History of Thanksgiving
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“Learning” about Thanksgiving in our school system for some of us may be the first time we are even told about indigenous nations and people, but it is a false history. Learning about the realities of genocide, invasions, slavery, and war, we come to understand that Thanksgiving is above all, a colonial holiday that literally celebrates military victories and outright slaughter of Native Americans; made into law and custom by the government. It is not the feel good celebration of settler and indigenous relations we are taught to believe.
During a time when Native warriors and their accomplices are risking their lives fighting on the front lines while poverty, mass incarceration, pollution, continued land theft, destructive resource extraction, and abysmal conditions are the norm in many Native communities, let us all remember and reaffirm our commitment to the struggle against colonialism and the settler-State. With this in mind, we are reprinting a list of ongoing sites of Native resistance to resource extraction and beyond. 
In Thanksgiving pageants held at schools across the United States, children don headdresses colored with craft-store feathers and share tables with classmates wearing black construction paper hats. It’s a tradition that pulls on a history passed down through the generations of what happened in Plymouth: local Native Americans welcomed the courageous, pioneering pilgrims to a celebratory feast.
Most of us associate the holiday with happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a big feast. And that did happen – once. The story began in 1614 when a band of English explorers sailed home to England with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for slavery. They left behind smallpox which virtually wiped out those who had escaped. By the time the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts Bay they found only one living Patuxet Indian, a man named Squanto who had survived slavery in England and knew their language. He taught them to grow corn and to fish, and negotiated a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and the waam · puh · know · aag (Wampanoag) Nation. At the end of their first year, the Pilgrims held a great feast honoring Squanto and the Wampanoags.
But as word spread in England about the paradise to be found in the new world, religious zealots called Puritans began arriving by the boat load. Finding no fences around the land, they considered it to be in the public domain. Joined by other British settlers, they seized land, capturing strong young Natives for slaves and killing the rest. But the Pequot Nation had not agreed to the peace treaty Squanto had negotiated and they fought back. The Pequot War was one of the bloodiest Indian wars ever fought.
In 1637 near present day Groton, Connecticut, over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration. In the predawn hours the sleeping Indians were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside. Those who came out were shot or clubbed to death while the terrified women and children who huddled inside the longhouse were burned alive. The next day the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared “A Day Of Thanksgiving” because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered.
Cheered by their “victory”, the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and children over 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with a many as 500 slaves regularly left the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible.
Following an especially successful raid against the (pee - Kwaat) Pequot in what is now Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of “thanksgiving” to celebrate victory over the heathen savages. During the feasting, the hacked off heads of Natives were kicked through the streets like soccer balls. Even the friendly Wampanoag did not escape the madness. Their chief was beheaded, and his head impaled on a pole in Plymouth, Massachusetts — where it remained on display for 24 years.
The killings became more and more frenzied, with days of thanksgiving feasts being held after each successful massacre. George Washington finally suggested that only one day of Thanksgiving per year be set aside instead of celebrating each and every massacre. Later Abraham Lincoln decreed Thanksgiving Day to be a legal national holiday during the Civil War — on the same day he ordered troops to march against the starving Sioux in Minnesota.
This story doesn’t have quite the same fuzzy feelings associated with it as the one where the Indians and Pilgrims are all sitting down together at the big feast. But we need to learn our true history so it won’t ever be repeated. Next Thanksgiving, when you gather with your loved ones to Thank God for all your blessings, think about those people who only wanted to live their lives and raise their families. They, also took time out to say “thank you” to Creator for all their blessings.
In truth, massacres, disease and American Indian tribal politics are what shaped the Pilgrim-Indian alliance at the root of the holiday.
But, as David Silverman writes in his book This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving, much of that story is a myth riddled with historical inaccuracies. Beyond that, Silverman argues that the telling and retelling of these falsehoods is deeply harmful to the Wampanoag Indians whose lives and society were forever damaged after the English arrived in Plymouth.Silverman’s book focuses on the (waam ·puh · know · aags) Wampanoags. When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, the Say - Chem sachem (chief) Osama-Quinn (Ousamequin) offered the new arrivals an On - Taunt entente, primarily as a way to protect the Wampanoags against their rivals, the Nerra-gan-sets Narragansetts. For 50 years, the alliance was tested by colonial land expansion, the spread of disease, and the exploitation of resources on Wampanoag land. Then, tensions ignited into war. Known as King Philip’s War (or the Great Narragansett War), the conflict devastated the Wampanoags and forever shifted the balance of power in favor of European arrivals. Wampanoags today remember the Pilgrims’ entry to their homeland as a day of deep mourning, rather than a moment of giving thanks.
The myth is that friendly Indians, unidentified by tribe, welcome the Pilgrims to America, teach them how to live in this new place, sit down to dinner with them and then disappear. They hand off America to white people so they can create a great nation dedicated to liberty, opportunity and Christianity for the rest of the world to profit. That’s the story—it’s about Native people conceding to colonialism. It’s bloodless and in many ways an extension of the ideology of Manifest Destiny.
One is that history doesn’t begin for Native people until Europeans arrive. People had been in the Americas for least 12,000 years and according to some Native traditions, since the beginning of time. And having history start with the English is a way of dismissing all that. The second is that the arrival of the Mayflower is some kind of first-contact episode. It’s not. Wampanoags had a century of contact with Europeans–it was bloody and it involved slave raiding by Europeans. At least two and maybe more Wampanoags, when the Pilgrims arrived, spoke English, had already been to Europe and back and knew the very organizers of the Pilgrims’ venture.Most poignantly, using a shared dinner as a symbol for colonialism really has it backward. No question about it, Wampanoag leader Ousamequin reached out to the English at Plymouth and wanted an alliance with them. But it’s not because he was innately friendly. It’s because his people have been decimated by an epidemic disease, and Ousamequin sees the English as an opportunity to fend off his tribal rebels. That’s not the stuff of Thanksgiving pageants. The Thanksgiving myth doesn’t address the deterioration of this relationship culminating in one of the most horrific colonial Indian wars on record, King Philip’s War, and also doesn’t address Wampanoag survival and adaptation over the centuries, which is why they’re still here, despite the odds.
For quite a long time, English people had been celebrating Thanksgivings that didn’t involve feasting—they involved fasting and prayer and supplication to God. In 1769, a group of pilgrim descendants who lived in Plymouth felt like their cultural authority was slipping away as New England became less relevant within the colonies and the early republic, and wanted to boost tourism. So, they started to plant the seeds of this idea that the pilgrims were the fathers of America.What really made it the story is that a publication mentioning that dinner published by the Rev. Alexander Young included a footnote that said, “This was the first Thanksgiving, the great festival of New England.” People picked up on this footnote. The idea became pretty widely accepted, and Abraham Lincoln declared it a holiday during the Civil War to foster unity.It gained purchase in the late 19th century, when there was an enormous amount of anxiety and agitation over immigration. The white Protestant stock of the United States was widely unhappy about the influx of European Catholics and Jews, and wanted to assert its cultural authority over these newcomers. How better to do that than to create this national founding myth around the Pilgrims and the Indians inviting them to take over the land?This mythmaking was also impacted by the racial politics of the late 19th century. The Indian Wars were coming to a close and that was an opportune time to have Indians included in a national founding myth. You couldn’t have done that when people were reading newspaper accounts on a regular basis of atrocious violence between white Americans and Native people in the West. What’s more, during Reconstruction, that Thanksgiving myth allowed New Englanders to create this idea that bloodless colonialism in their region was the origin of the country, having nothing to do with the Indian Wars and slavery. Americans could feel good about their colonial past without having to confront the really dark characteristics of it.
It's incorrect as is widely assumed that native people had no sense of property. They didn't have private property, but they had community property, and they certainly understood where their people's land started and where it ended. And so, when Europeans come to the Americas and they buy land from the Wampanoags, the Wampanoags initially assume the English are buying into Wampanoag country, not that they're buying Wampanoag country out from under their feet.
Imagine a flotilla of Wampanoag canoes crosses the Atlantic and goes to England, and then the Wampanoags buy land from the English there. Has that land now passed out of the jurisdiction of England and become the Wampanoags’? No, that's ridiculous. But that's precisely what the English were assuming on this side of the Atlantic. Part of what King Philip's War was about is Wampanoag people saying, ‘Enough, you're not going to turn us into a landless, subjugated people.’
Did all Wampanoags want to enter into alliance with the English?
From the very beginning, a sizable number of Wampanoags disagreed with Ousamequin's decision to reach out to [the English] and tried to undermine the alliance. Ousamequin puts down multiple plots to wipe out the colony and unseat him. Some Wampanoags say, ‘Let's make an alliance with the Narragansetts and get rid of these English. They've been raiding our coast for decades, enslaving our people, carrying them off to unknown fates and they can't be trusted.’ Some Wampanoags believed they caused epidemics and there were prophecies that this would be the end of the People.
When the English arrived, they entered a multilateral Indian political world in which the internal politics of the Wampanoag tribe and the intertribal politics of the Wampanoag tribe were paramount. To the degree the Wampanoags dealt with the English, it was to adjust the power dynamics of Indian country.
The politics of Indian country are more important to native people than their differences with colonists. There were no ‘Indians’ when the English arrived. Native people didn't conceive of themselves as Indians—that's an identity that they have had to learn through their shared struggles with colleagues. And it takes a long time—they have been here for 12,000 plus years, and there are a lot of differences between them. Their focus is on their own people, not on the shared interests of Indians and very often, what's in the best interest of their own people is cutting deals with colonial powers with an eye towards combating their native rivals.
The main difference has to do with King Philip's War. The question is whether native people, led by Metacomet, or Philip as the English call him, were plotting a multi-tribal uprising against the English. I think they were. Some of my historian colleagues think it's a figment of paranoid English imagination. But I see a lot of warning signals building during the 1660s and 70s from Englishmen who lived cheek-by-jowl with Wampanoag people and were terrified of what they were seeing on the ground. I see a pattern of political meetings between native leaders who hated each other. And yet, they were getting together over and over and over again—it all adds up to me.
There's this tendency to see the English as the devils in all of this. I don't think there's any question they’re in the wrong, but it doesn't let them off the hook to say that native people wouldn't take it anymore. And regardless of that, I think the evidence shows that native people had reached their limit and recognize that if they didn't rise up immediately, they were going to become landless subordinates to English authority.
This is about as contrary to the Thanksgiving myth that one can get. That's the story we should be teaching our kids. They should be learning about why native people reached that point, rather than this nonsense that native people willingly handed off their country to the invaders. It does damage to how our native countrymen and women feel as part of this country, it makes white Americans a lot less reflective about where their privilege comes from, and it makes us a lot less critical as a country when it comes to interrogating the rationales that leaders will marshal to act aggressively against foreign others. If we're taught to cut through colonial rhetoric we'll be better positioned to cut through modern colonial and imperial rhetoric.
Silverman’s book examines the complex history of Wampanoag-English relations, challenging the traditional Thanksgiving narrative. It explores the impact of European colonization on Wampanoag society, including disease, warfare, and land dispossession, while also highlighting Wampanoag agency and resistance. The author analyzes historical sources, acknowledging their biases, and incorporates Wampanoag perspectives to offer a more nuanced understanding. The text argues for a more accurate and inclusive representation of this history, emphasizing the lasting impact of colonization on Wampanoag people. It also addresses the ongoing need to correct historical misrepresentations and promote a more complete understanding of Thanksgiving.
The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving by David J. Silverman (2019), supplemented with information from the index and endnotes.
Key Themes:
Wampanoag Life Before and After Contact: The document delves into the rich pre-colonial history of the Wampanoag, their creation myths, seasonal migration patterns, economic practices, and political structures. It highlights the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering to a more settled lifestyle based on horticulture, fishing, and the use of weirs. This shift led to increased territoriality and trade.
Impact of European Arrival and Colonial Expansion: The arrival of Europeans introduced new trade opportunities but also brought devastating epidemics, escalating violence, and ultimately dispossession of Wampanoag land. The document chronicles the growing tensions as colonial settlements expanded, encroaching on Wampanoag territory and resources, leading to land sales, jurisdictional disputes, and eventually war.
Wampanoag Resistance and Agency: Despite facing overwhelming challenges, the Wampanoag actively resisted colonial encroachment, strategically utilizing diplomacy, trade, alliances, and legal arguments to protect their land and autonomy. They adapted to changing circumstances, leveraging new technologies and knowledge systems, and maintaining a strong sense of identity and cultural resilience.
Important Ideas and Facts:
Pre-Colonial Life:
Creation Stories: Wampanoag stories grounded their people in the landscape, explaining the natural features through the actions of giants like Moshup and the Thunderbird, illustrating a deep connection to their territory.
Seasonal Round: Wampanoags followed a seasonal round, spending spring at riverside fish runs, summer along the shoreline, and fall and winter inland, demonstrating resourcefulness and environmental adaptation.
Horticulture and Trade: The adoption of maize horticulture led to increased population density, more complex social structures, and a reliance on trade with neighboring communities for resources not readily available in their local ecology.
Political Organization: Wampanoag sachems, who inherited their positions but could be removed for poor performance, managed inter-tribal relations, resolved disputes, and allotted land. Paramount sachems, like Ousamequin (Massasoit), held fragile authority over local sachems through alliances, kinship ties, and tribute payments.
European Arrival and Colonization:
Early Encounters and Epidemics: Explorers like Bartholomew Gosnold and John Smith established initial trade relations but also engaged in violence and kidnapping, foreshadowing future conflicts. The devastating epidemic of 1616-1619, possibly a "plague," dramatically reduced the Wampanoag population, creating a "virgin soil" environment that made them vulnerable to future outbreaks.
Plymouth Colony and Trade: The Pilgrims, initially reliant on Wampanoag assistance, established a fur trade, creating competition with the Dutch and other European traders. This led to the introduction of wampum as a valuable trade item and currency, further altering Wampanoag economic and political dynamics.
Land Sales and Displacement: Colonists' demand for land increased pressure on Wampanoag territory. Sachems, seeking to maintain peaceful relations and secure English support, began selling land, sometimes without the full consent of the people who held “planting rights.” This displacement fueled resentment and contributed to conflict.
Wampanoag Resistance and Agency:
Diplomacy and Alliances: Ousamequin skillfully navigated colonial politics, forming alliances with Plymouth to counter threats from rival tribes like the Narragansetts, while simultaneously using the English as a buffer against Dutch expansion.
Warfare and King Philip’s War: Facing increasing pressure on their land and autonomy, Wampanoag sachems like Wamsutta and Pumetacom (Metacom, King Philip) pursued a strategy of resistance, forging alliances with other tribes and acquiring arms in preparation for war. The conflict, known as King Philip’s War (1675-1676), resulted in devastating losses for both sides, with many Wampanoag captured, killed, or sold into slavery.
Cultural Resilience: Despite the devastating impact of war and colonization, Wampanoags continued to resist dispossession through legal arguments, emphasizing their prior ownership of the land and challenging the authority of colonial courts. They also maintained their cultural traditions and identity, adapting to changing circumstances while striving to preserve their way of life.
Notable Quotes:
On Land Ownership: “The Aquinnahs’ position was that Joseph Mittark never had the authority to alienate their homes in the first place.” (p. 214)
On Colonial Encroachment: “Truly we think it is this: We poor Indians soon shall not have any place to reside, together with our poor children, because these Englishmen trouble us very much in this place of ours.” (p. 233)
On Indian Subordination: Wampanoags remained willing to participate in the English system as coequals with the power to govern their own people, but not as subordinates. (p. 225)
On Self-Rule: “that all men were born free and equal; that as a tribe they were determined to rule themselves.” (p. 242)
This document provides valuable insight into the complex history of Wampanoag-colonial relations, revealing a story of resilience, adaptation, and ultimately loss. It challenges the traditional Thanksgiving narrative, highlighting the devastating consequences of colonization while acknowledging the agency and resistance of the Wampanoag people. The excerpts and accompanying information offer a nuanced perspective on a pivotal period in American history and the enduring legacy of colonialism on indigenous communities.
The Puritans were not just simple religious conservatives persecuted by the King and the Church of England for their unorthodox beliefs. They were political revolutionaries who not only intended to overthrow the government of England, but who actually did so in 1649.
The Puritan “Pilgrims” who came to New England were not simply refugees who decided to “put their fate in God’s hands” in the “empty wilderness” of North America, as a generation of Hollywood movies taught us. In any culture at any time, settlers on a frontier are most often outcasts and fugitives who, in some way or other, do not fit into the mainstream of their society. This is not to imply that people who settle on frontiers have no redeeming qualities such as bravery, etc., but that the images of nobility that we associate with the Puritans are at least in part the good “P.R.” efforts of later writers who have romanticized them.
It is also very plausible that this unnaturally noble image of the Puritans is all wrapped up with the mythology of “Noble Civilization” vs. “Savagery.” At any rate, mainstream Englishmen considered the Pilgrims to be deliberate religious dropouts who intended to found a new nation completely independent from non-Puritan England. In 1643 the Puritan/Pilgrims declared themselves an independent confederacy, one hundred and forty-three years before the American Revolution. They believed in the imminent occurrence of Armegeddon in Europe and hoped to establish here in the new world the “Kingdom of God” foretold in the book of Revelation. They diverged from their Puritan brethren who remained in England only in that they held little real hope of ever being able to successfully overthrow the King and Parliament and, thereby, impose their “Rule of Saints” (strict Puritan orthodoxy) on the rest of the British people. So they came to America not just in one ship (the Mayflower) but in a hundred others as well, with every intention of taking the land away from its native people to build their prophesied “Holy Kingdom.”
The Pilgrims were not just innocent refugees from religious persecution. They were victims of bigotry in England, but some of them were themselves religious bigots by our modern standards. The Puritans and the Pilgrims saw themselves as the “Chosen Elect” mentioned in the book of Revelation. They strove to “purify” first themselves and then everyone else of everything they did not accept in their own interpretation of scripture. Later New England Puritans used any means, including deceptions, treachery, torture, war, and genocide to achieve that end. They saw themselves as fighting a holy war against Satan, and everyone who disagreed with them was the enemy. This rigid fundamentalism was transmitted to America by the Plymouth colonists, and it sheds a very different light on the “Pilgrim” image we have of them. This is best illustrated in the written text of the Thanksgiving sermon delivered at Plymouth in 1623 by “Mather the Elder.” In it, Mather the Elder gave special thanks to God for the devastating plague of smallpox which wiped out the majority of the Wampanoag Indians who had been their benefactors. He praised God for destroying “chiefly young men and children, the very seeds of increase, thus clearing the forests to make way for a better growth”, i.e., the Pilgrims. In as much as these Indians were the Pilgrim’s benefactors, and Squanto, in particular, was the instrument of their salvation that first year, how are we to interpret this apparent callousness towards their misfortune?
The Wampanoag Indians were not the “friendly savages” some of us were told about when we were in the primary grades. Nor were they invited out of the goodness of the Pilgrims’ hearts to share the fruits of the Pilgrims’ harvest in a demonstration of Christian charity and interracial brotherhood. The Wampanoag were members of a widespread confederacy of Algonkian-speaking peoples known as the League of the Delaware. For six hundred years they had been defending themselves from my other ancestors, the Iroquois, and for the last hundred years they had also had encounters with European fishermen and explorers but especially with European slavers, who had been raiding their coastal villages. They knew something of the power of the white people, and they did not fully trust them. But their religion taught that they were to give charity to the helpless and hospitality to anyone who came to them with empty hands. Also, Squanto, the Indian hero of the Thanksgiving story, had a very real love for a British explorer named John Weymouth, who had become a second father to him several years before the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth. Clearly, Squanto saw these Pilgrims as Weymouth’s people. To the Pilgrims the Indians were heathens and, therefore, the natural instruments of the Devil. Squanto, as the only educated and baptized Christian among the Wampanoag, was seen as merely an instrument of God, set in the wilderness to provide for the survival of His chosen people, the Pilgrims.
The Indians were comparatively powerful and, therefore, dangerous; and they were to be courted until the next ships arrived with more Pilgrim colonists and the balance of power shifted. The Wampanoag were actually invited to that Thanksgiving feast for the purpose of negotiating a treaty that would secure the lands of the Plymouth Plantation for the Pilgrims. It should also be noted that the INDIANS, possibly out of a sense of charity toward their hosts, ended up bringing the majority of the food for the feast.
5. A generation later, after the balance of power had indeed shifted, the Indian and White children of that Thanksgiving were striving to kill each other in the genocidal conflict known as King Philip’s War. At the end of that conflict most of the New England Indians were either exterminated or refugees among the French in Canada, or they were sold into slavery in the Carolinas by the Puritans. So successful was this early trade in Indian slaves that several Puritan ship owners in Boston began the practice of raiding the Ivory Coast of Africa for black slaves to sell to the proprietary colonies of the South, thus founding the American-based slave trade.
Obviously there is a lot more to the story of Indian/Puritan relations in New England than in the thanksgiving stories we heard as children. Our contemporary mix of myth and history about the “First” Thanksgiving at Plymouth developed in the 1890s and early 1900s. Our country was desperately trying to pull together its many diverse peoples into a common national identity. To many writers and educators at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one, this also meant having a common national history. This was the era of the “melting pot” theory of social progress, and public education was a major tool for social unity. It was with this in mind that the federal government declared the last Thursday in November as the legal holiday of Thanksgiving in 1898.
This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving, By David J. Silverman.


Wednesday Nov 27, 2024

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024

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I live in the Pacfific Northwest right next to the cascade mountains. I have had two encounters of Sasquatch in my lifetime that cannot be explained. I never had an interest in the subject until I turned 16 and heard one. I’ll save that story for later. My family are hunters and I have spent years in the woods hunting a camping, although my brtohers were better at hunting than me. I never felt comfortable in the woods like my family does and it was because of the event that happened to me personally.
The enigmatic figure of Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, has captivated the imaginations of people worldwide for decades. This elusive creature, often described as a large, hairy humanoid, is said to inhabit remote forested areas, primarily in North America, particularly the Pacific Northwest. While scientific consensus leans towards skepticism, the enduring allure of Bigfoot continues to fuel countless investigations, folklore, and popular culture references.
The Myth and the Mystery
The origins of the Bigfoot legend can be traced back to indigenous North American cultures, who have long shared stories of mysterious, ape-like creatures inhabiting their lands. These tales often intertwined with spiritual beliefs and served as cautionary reminders to respect the natural world. In the 19th century, as European settlers ventured into the wilderness, encounters with these legendary creatures began to be reported more frequently, sparking public interest and igniting a modern-day fascination with the unknown.
The Evidence, or Lack Thereof
Despite numerous alleged sightings, photographs, and footprint casts, concrete scientific evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot remains elusive. Many of the purported proofs have been debunked as hoaxes or misidentifications of known animals, such as bears. Cryptozoologists, individuals who study creatures whose existence is not scientifically proven, continue to investigate the possibility of Bigfoot's existence, but their findings are often met with skepticism from the mainstream scientific community.
The Psychological Appeal
The enduring appeal of Bigfoot can be attributed to several psychological factors. Firstly, the idea of undiscovered creatures lurking in the wilderness taps into our innate fear of the unknown and our fascination with the mysterious. Secondly, the belief in Bigfoot offers a sense of wonder and possibility, allowing us to imagine a world beyond our current understanding. Additionally, the search for Bigfoot can be seen as a metaphor for the human quest for meaning and purpose, as we strive to uncover the secrets of our own existence.
Bigfoot in Popular Culture
Bigfoot has become a cultural icon, influencing countless books, films, and television shows. From the classic "Harry and the Hendersons" to more recent documentaries and reality shows, the image of Bigfoot continues to captivate audiences of all ages. This widespread cultural influence has helped to perpetuate the legend and maintain public interest in the elusive creature.
While the scientific evidence for Bigfoot's existence remains inconclusive, the enduring fascination with this mysterious creature is undeniable. Whether it is a product of folklore, misidentification, or something more extraordinary, Bigfoot continues to spark our imaginations and remind us of the enduring allure of the unknown. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the natural world, the legend of Bigfoot will likely remain a captivating part of our cultural landscape.
Inconclusive doesn’t take this phenomenon off the table. There have been too many stories and encounters via audio and video that have captivated the minds and hearts of all generations. To believe there is a tall hairy muscular creature living in the woods that covers up the animal bones by burying them is hard to believe since it’s too fantastical to believe anyways. Yet, the amount of evidence that is out there is certainly cause for investigation and they have been trying their best to find this elusive being.
My story
When I was a teenager, a group of friends decided it would be a good idea to go camping near Mt. Hood and have BB Gun wars. We got all decked out in camo and hunted each other with the welt creating armaments. The crazy one of the bunch was carrying his 22 pistol which made the war even scarier. I decided the best approach since I was not a good hunter was to find a spot and cover up. After all, who wants to get shot with a BB or a 22. Looking back, I am assuming the crazy one would never use it, but it was enough to make the experience terrifying for me since I didn’t know this guy as he he was a friend of a friend. We all woke up the next morning and started our hunt for each other in this canyon where only the young could hike up and down in. Definitely not a place to hunt for deer or elk as you would take an entire day to get the meat out of there. 
I crept slowly down the halfway point of the hill and found a few logs that were overlapping each other creating a nice cover to see through the cracks and yet be hidden. I watched the war from my post keeping still and observant. I had no intentions of shooting anyone as it would disclose my location and quite frankly, I didn’t want to get hit with anything from an air rifle, let alone a 22 caliber pistol. There were four of us. Danny, Jason, Duncan and myself. Danny and Jason were the elders of the group and Duncan was my best friend at the time. I really didn’t want to be there, but the beer gave me much incentivization to continue the assault. Danny, the crazy one, was kicked out of the army and had a grind to pick with everyone. He had no humor and I remember never seeing a smile on that bitter face of his.
Although I couldn’t see his face due to the camo, I did watch Danny slither down the canyon and scout out for the enemy with his binoculars. Duncan and myself were the enemy. Duncan, knowing Danny better than I, was fearless and crept closer down the ridge towards Danny. For some reason, Duncan never saw him and was headed straight towards him. I watched from my crevice Danny raise his air rifle and shoot Duncan right in the ass. Duncan winced like a little girl and fell down holding his left butt cheek. Later he showed me the welt as hald his ass cheek was purple and bright red. War wound among friends. Duncan headed back to camp while Danny and Jason hunted me.
For hours I watched them go up and down the ridge and meet up to try again. At one point, they were about 15 feet away from me but never saw my hiding place. All I could think of is, if I make it out of here alive, I will never go campign with these nutjobs ever again. I was never this dangerous, yet these guys would build huge wooden swards and hack away at each other every weekend for sport. Blood and broken bones were common for this clan. Duncan got bored and decided to come back and see if anyone found me yet. Hi brother Jason shot him in the arm. He went down holding his wound and yelled back, I am already dead you assholes! I am just here to watch! Satisfied with the response, the hunt was back on. Another few hours went by as they continued up and down left and right from my position.
I remember having many thoughts. Hours of laying down quiet, you think about spiders, snakes, mosquitoes and other bugs that could be crawling up and down your body. Me being ADHD, I would think of that and then to another subject of Mrs. Fazio, my 8th grade teacher whom I had a crush on. I also thought what would happen if Danny killed me. Would they bury me and make up a story? Thousands of thoughts popped in my head as I watched these posessed kids getting frustrated. I do rememeber praying. As the sun started going down, Danny stood up on a stump and yelled, “That’s it Jamie! I am thirsty! Come on out!” 
I didn’t understand what he meant. Did he mean, come out and let me shoot you so we can have beer or come out and we won’t shoot you? I was confused but determined to keep quiet. He thought about what he said for a moment and then yelled back, “I promise I won’t shoot you. Come on out so we can go back to camp. It’s over.” Knowing them, they will shoot me anyways when I pop my head out so I stayed quiet. Danny thought again for another moment and then yelled at Jason. “Don’t shoot Jamie. It’s over. I’m tired.” Jason gave the thumbs up. Should I get up? Should I wait for one more confirmation? While thinking this, Duncan said from the ridge, “Don’t worry Jamie, they are done.” This gave me enough confidence to slowly stand up.
I’ll never forget the look on Jason and Danny’s faces. They looked at each other for a while and you could tell they were in sync with extrasensory perception as if to say we were there like 2 or more times. How could we not have seen him? I remember thinking it’s probably because I was praying to keep me invisible. They walked over to me as Duncan waited for us to meet and come back up. Their weapons were down and they seemed impressed with my hiding capabilities. Danny was first to congratulate me on hiding so well. That felt good. Even though I didn’t like that kid. As we were walking up the steep ridge to meet Duncan to head back towards camp, Danny shot him in his other cheek. He made sure he had a matching pair. I kept my mouth shut.
A few hours and many beers later, we all were around the camp fire reminiscing of the day and telling jokes. Jason started talking about a hot springs he went to once. I was called Bagby hot springs and about an hour from our camp. Danny was interested and it seemds he made the choice for us as well. They packed the cooler and within what seemed like 30 seconds, Jason and Danny were in the cab while Duncan and I were riding in the back of the pickup. After an hour of driving, Jason seemed lost. Danny opened up the back window and looked at Duncan and myself, then asked us, “Do you know where you are?” Being a comedian, and knowning the war was over, i couldn’t help but reply, “We’re in the jungle baby! And you’re gonna die!” In my best Axl Rose impression. Danny wasn’t impressed and slammed the slide window shut. Duncan caughed up a lung and gave me a look as if, this is why we are friends.
An hour goes by again and it’s getting cold in the back. They finally found the hot springs and pulled into the parking lot. Keep in mind we were driving for 2 hours on dirt roads so it actually felt like we never were going to get there. It was dark and we had no flashligts. But there were no clouds and the moonliight lit up the trail as we all took turns carrying the beer an eight of a mile away from our truck. I remember there was no wind, the temperature was comfortable and since I never have been there, I was getting nervous as if we were lost. I learned later the trail was almost a mile but the boys neglected to tell me. Carrying a cooler full of better while not knowing where you are going witha psychopath in your group, you definitely get a little nervous.
Then I heard the sound of a radio playing some lame 80’s song and started to hear laughs and also running water. My ease lfited as I knew there were people here. I thought this is good because there needs to be a witnesses if Danny’s decides to kill me from that Guns N Roses joke. From my observation, there were around 10 people there in several different stations of the hot springs. There is a main building with small rooms with canoes inside them. Around 4 or 5 if I can remember. Each canoe was a hallowed out tub of wood that drew the water into. This was a naked hot springs so our eyes were peeled. I didn’t see anything, unfortunately. The last place available was the community tub which could fit about 10 people. No one was there and we claimed it as ours. We filled the tub, cracked open the beers and started what we left off back at the fire pit.
We didn’t have a radio so we evesdropped on the neighbors’ tunes. We were only about a half an hour in the tub starting another buzz when we heard something. This wasn’t natural. This sound traveled through the forest as if it was a sprit and swirled around all of the camp. While we were all wondering “what the hell was that”, the music shut off in the other camps and the entire place was quiet except for the drip of water coming into the tub. Danny turned that off and now it was eerily quiet. We all were moving our best ear towards where each of us thought the sound came from. Our memories were filled with the first sound and imaginations dancing to what kind of animal it is. Usually, a mountain lion can sound like a woman screaming and that was the most probable thing we all thought it was.
I think about a minute went by when everyone seemed to get bored and turn the water back on or grab their beer for another swig when the sound came back. I didn’t know at the time but birds have two voice boxes! They're called syrinxes, and they're located at the base of the trachea, where it splits into the lungs. This unique anatomy allows birds to produce a wide range of complex sounds, from simple chirps to intricate songs. Some birds can even produce two different sounds at the same time, thanks to the independent control of their two syrinxes. This ability is particularly impressive in songbirds, who use their complex vocalizations for mating, territorial defense, and communication with other birds.
This sound was no bird. If it was, the bird would have to weigh at least 1,000 pounds. The lungs on this thing that the sound came from could blow this sound for many seconds. I have tried to mimic it over the years and when screaming that large can only hold the sound for a second and a half. Imagine screaming from the base of your body and lungs as loud as you can for as long as you can. You too, will not be able to get anymore than a few seconds in. This sound was at least a solid 10 seconds non-stop. Count to ten and imagine you screaming with everything you got. Impossible. All of us looked to the strongest. Danny. This was fight or flight time. We knew Danny was carrying his 22 and for a split second we all felt a wince of security.
But a 22 would only piss off this thing. We all knew that from the many deer and elk hunts we did together and with family. We all knew that a weapon would just scare it off or buy us some time. All of those thoughts came to us together in less than a second after the sound stopped. Imagine 4 naked boys jumping up and out of the water scrambling to get their clothes on just a second after the sound stopped. That’s all you heard throughout the camp. Whispers, scrambling, things getting knocked over and just pure quiet chaos. Seconds later, you started to see people hopping out of the shelters on one boot while they are pulling the other on and running towards the trail in panic. Safety, at this point, was not welcomed here. It was a mile away in all of our cars and trucks. 
It was an every man for themselves moment. No one took a leadership role to calm one or two down. Jason was the first to have his pants and shoes on holding his tshirt as he bolted. Danny, the one you would think since he was in boot camp, would have been the first dressed but he froze at the tying of laces. A quick moment of pause for reasons I can only guess was racing throughout his mind. Duncan and I were dressed and quietly screaming at Danny to get up. About half of the entire camp of people were gone within seconds and the rest of us were trying to talk our friends into leaving now. The sound back back, but this time it was closer and louder. After the third time hearing it, I knew in my gut this was not an animal. The sound had a message to it. It said, leave for I am coming home. 
I mentioned ealirer the two voice boxes. This scream had two separate sounds come from it. A low and high pitched. Like a low growl and a high pitched sound all at once. It started together low and went up in range together in perfect sync. I often thought about reproducing the sound myself with friends as I did the low and they did the high. But none of us could even hold it for that long or move in sync like that without a mess up or two. This sound was not from two entities. I knew that. Imagine a hippo grunt and a woman screaming for terror at the same time for 10 seconds. That’s as close to it as I can visualize and hear in my mind. But it was worse. Scarier. Uninviting. It was a warning. As we finally got Danny’s boots on and were running on the trail at 3 in the morning, I was thinking about how fast that thing travelled from the second to the third sound. I was thinking of watching for rocks on the trail and calculating how a being can move a half a mile in just a few seconds.
Perhaps this was a second creature. It had to be. Impossible for it to run a half mile to a mile and scream again in just 5 - 10 seconds. I later confirmed to myself that there were two. One was calling the other. We were just in the middle of a pair of sasquatches calling each other for a report. We left the beer. All of it. The other campers left their stereos and booze as well. Everyone running down the trail were half naked and you could hear them holding their keys. You could hear the ones who made it out first yell at each other. Thinks like “leave it … go go go …” or “don’t stop!” Jason was gone. It was three of us who were now natural olympians hurdling over rocks, logs and sticks as if we did this before. I think the movies have it all wrong. When people run for their lives, a supernatural mechanism turns on where you have the ability to see time in slow motion. You have more time to pick your footing and jumping stances. None of fell once.
I was at the front, Danny before me and Duncan a little behind. I remember it took no time to get to the truck. We beat all records. As soon as my hand was on it, I felt a little safer. First thing out my mouth were, “Keys!” Danny and Duncan looked perplexed. Jason had them. I knew it, but I said it anyways. As I said that, there were already cars high taling it out of there down the dirt road. We were the second to last lifeline of cars and our new found safety was starting to look bleak. Without hesitation, all of us dove under the truck and waited for Jason. Shivering, shirtless, dirty, scared and wishpering where the hell is Jason. Turns out he took a fork on the longer way back as we learned later. What seemed like hours waiting under the truck, Jason came our of the brushes from a location which made no sense. He was completely lost doing circles in the dark. He heard us whispering and followed the noise to find us.
We all got in the cab and slammed the doors. Danny didn’t seem to mind Duncan and I riding up front this time. Jason turned the truck on and backed out hitting the garbage can. No damage, we later learned. And Jason earned his offroading drift awards for we were doing at least 100 miles an hour around dirt corners without any fear or accidents. They knew the way back to camp this time and we pulled in and fell out laying on the ground next to the dead campfire. The sun started coming up. We didn’t talk to each other as we packed up and left for home. Out of beer and out of bravery. Years later, we all met up at a party and wen’t over the details. Everyone’s story matched up and it confirmed our experience was actually real. Your mind tries to play it off and make you remember it was less scary, when in reality, the brain is trying to help you recover from trauma. 
There are many theories out there as to what Bigfoot is. Some say it is what was left over from the evolution of man. Some say it is interdimensional and can travel between realms. Some say it visiting from another planet and some say demons. In 2019, the FBI released its four-decade-old file on Bigfoot including an analysis conducted on hair that allegedly belonged to the sasquatch.
Legends of large, ape-like beasts can be found all over the world. Since the 1950s, the U.S. version has been “Bigfoot,” a tall, hairy humanlike creature believed by some people to dwell in forests of the American Northwest. Sightings and even pictures have emerged, prompting research and raising questions about whether the creature, also known as Sasquatch, was real.
Since 1976, the FBI has had a file on him.
That year, Director Peter Byrne of the Bigfoot Information Center and Exhibition in The Dalles, Oregon, sent the FBI “about 15 hairs attached to a tiny piece of skin.” Byrne wrote that his organization couldn’t identify what kind of animal it came from, and was hoping the FBI might analyze it. He also wanted to know if the FBI had analyzed suspected Bigfoot hair before; and if so, what the bureau’s conclusion was.
At the time, “Byrne was one of the more prominent Bigfoot researchers,” says Benjamin Radford, deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine. “In 2019, a lot of people think of Bigfoot as being sort of silly and a joke, or whatever else. But in the 1970s, Bigfoot was really, really popular. That was when The Six Million Dollar Man had a cameo by Bigfoot.” 
This was also after Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin released their famous video footage in 1967 supposedly showing Bigfoot in Northern California. It’s worth noting that the original “evidence” that launched the Bigfoot craze—a trail of oversized footprints discovered in the same region in 1958—was revealed to be a prank by logger Ray L. Wallace in 2002. Many people believe the “Bigfoot” creature in the Patterson-Gimlin film was a costumed prankster as well. Byrne has always believed the footage is real.
Jay Cochran, Jr., assistant director of the FBI’s scientific and technical services division, wrote back to Byrne that he couldn’t find any evidence of the FBI analyzing suspected Bigfoot hair, and that the FBI usually only examined physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Still, it sometimes made exceptions “in the interest of research and scientific inquiry,” and Cochran said he’d make such an exception for Byrne.
Unsurprisingly, Cochran found that the hair didn’t belong to Bigfoot. In early 1977, he sent the hair back to Byrne along with his scientific conclusion: “The hairs are of deer family origin.” Four decades later, the bureau declassified its “Bigfoot file” about this analysis.
To be clear, this is not evidence that the FBI endorsed the existence of Bigfoot, any more than the U.S. military’s decades-long investigation of unexplained aerial phenomena, popularly known as UFOs, is an endorsement of the existence of aliens.
“All it means is the FBI did a favor to a Bigfoot researcher,” Radford says. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be mistaken for de facto government endorsement of the reality of Bigfoot.” 
Even so, Bigfoot believers may be tempted to spin it that way. “They love the idea that there’s a smoking gun in the FBI files—‘See, look, Bigfoot must be real, otherwise the FBI wouldn’t have taken it seriously,’” he continues. “Well, the FBI didn’t send out a team of investigators to look for Bigfoot, they agreed to run an analysis of 15 hairs."
To add more layers to what is already an unusual case, 93-year-old Byrne doesn’t seem to remember receiving the FBI’s response that the “Bigfoot hair” was actually deer hair.
Because Byrne had been out of the country for several months, Cochran sent the letter to the executive vice president of the Academy of Applied Science, which was associated with Byrne’s Bigfoot organization. The executive wrote that he would give Byrne copies of the correspondence when he returned. Yet when the FBI released its Bigfoot file—which was exclusively about Byrne’s inquiry—on June 5, 2019, Byrne reacted as though he were hearing that it was deer hair for the first time.
“Obviously, I can’t speak for Peter Byrne,” Radford says. But “if you’re going to make a big enough deal about this unknown specimen to give it to the FBI, then you’re not going to want to publicize the fact that it turned out to be deer.”
Obviously the government wouldn’t admit to these things being real or not and most likely will not. If we are to find any evidence, we have to turn to witness testimonies and books. The best books out there for this subject are The Locals: A Contemporary Investigation of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Phenomenon, Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond: In Search of the Sasquatch and Enoch: A Bigfoot Story. 
Source: In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond
In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond is an excerpt from a travelogue recounting the author's journey through the Great Bear Rainforest of British Columbia, Canada, while investigating reports of Sasquatch sightings. The author interviews numerous residents, including Indigenous peoples, gathering firsthand accounts and exploring the cultural significance of the creature. The narrative interweaves personal experiences in remote locations with historical context, exploring the impact of logging and resource extraction on the region's ecology and Indigenous communities. The author also examines the psychology of belief and perception, questioning the validity of the Sasquatch reports while acknowledging the compelling narratives and cultural importance surrounding the legendary creature. The book ultimately combines elements of travel writing, investigative journalism, and anthropological study.
The Power of Place: The Great Bear Rainforest is portrayed as a place of immense natural power, imbued with mystery and a palpable sense of the unknown. This wildness fosters an environment where the possibility of Sasquatch's existence feels tangible. Indigenous Knowledge and Beliefs: The deep connection of First Nations people to the land is highlighted, emphasizing their oral histories and beliefs surrounding Sasquatch-like creatures. These narratives are presented as integral to understanding the region's cultural and spiritual landscape. The Limits of Perception: The author grapples with the subjectivity of perception and the role of belief in shaping our understanding of reality. He explores how the human mind interprets sensory experiences, particularly in environments that challenge conventional notions of what is real or possible. The Lure of the Unknown: The search for Sasquatch becomes intertwined with a broader human quest for meaning and connection to something beyond the ordinary. The pursuit of this enigmatic creature serves as a catalyst for personal introspection and a confrontation with the limitations of human knowledge.
Key Facts and Ideas:
The Great Bear Rainforest: Located on the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Canada, it is one of the largest intact temperate rainforests in the world, renowned for its biodiversity and cultural significance.
Sasquatch/Bigfoot: A large, ape-like creature said to inhabit remote forested regions of North America. The source material presents anecdotal accounts, folklore, and personal experiences related to the possible existence of this creature, particularly in the context of the Great Bear Rainforest. Heiltsuk First Nation: An Indigenous group with deep historical roots in the Great Bear Rainforest. Their traditional beliefs and stories about Sasquatch-like beings, such as the "Bukwus" and "Thla'thla", are explored as part of the region's rich cultural heritage.
Scientific Skepticism vs. Openness to the Unexplained: The author navigates the tension between mainstream scientific skepticism towards Sasquatch and the persistence of beliefs and anecdotal evidence that defy easy explanation. He examines the role of cognitive biases and the limits of human perception in shaping our understanding of the natural world. Personal Transformation: The author’s journey through the Great Bear Rainforest is presented as a transformative experience, prompting him to question assumptions, confront fears, and develop a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature and human consciousness.
Illustrative Quotes:
On the power of place: "The one thing that has caught me off guard, more than anything else, is the unbridled power of nature in this area—and its ability to wreak havoc upon the senses and emotions."
Indigenous knowledge: "In our culture, individuals and families own stories. They’re a kind of property. Like when someone writes a book and owns the copyright. To tell other people’s stories, you need to get permission from them first.” Perception and reality: "Contrary to our assumptions, humans don’t perceive the world in the way we think we do. The manner in which we register our surroundings is at best convoluted." The allure of Sasquatch: "All of us yearn to be heroes in narratives of our own making, if only to live lives brimming with purpose. Most of us take up that call, at one time or another, to a greater or lesser extent." The transformative journey: "The separation between past, present, and future also melts away. I realize that I’m floating down the river in its timeless, eternal form."
Notable Encounters and Individuals
The book features numerous encounters with individuals who contribute to the narrative, including:
Clark Hans: The author's initial guide into the Great Bear, who shares unsettling experiences and sets the tone for the exploration.
Dr. John Bindernagel: A wildlife biologist and Sasquatch researcher, presented as a thoughtful and dedicated scientist challenging stereotypical "monster hunter" portrayals.
William Housty ("House"): A Heiltsuk ecological researcher and cultural knowledge keeper, who provides insights into Heiltsuk perspectives and the importance of respecting their traditions.
Jess Housty: Shares her own Sasquatch sighting and reflects on its psychological impact.
Alex Chartrand Jr.: A Heiltsuk Guardian Watchman, who offers a glimpse into their role in protecting their territory and resources.
Johnny Johnson: A Wuikinuxv resident who recounts stories of the Hoodoo Valley, adding to the mystery surrounding the area.
Leonard Ellis: A hunting guide, whose perspective contrasts with the conservationists', offering a different lens on human interaction with the wilderness.
The document provides a rich tapestry of information and reflections on the Great Bear Rainforest, exploring the interplay of nature, culture, and the enduring human fascination with the unknown.
Further Research:
Investigate the specific cultural beliefs and stories of the Heiltsuk and other First Nations groups regarding Sasquatch-like creatures.
Explore the scientific arguments for and against the existence of Sasquatch, examining the available evidence and the challenges of proving or disproving its existence. Consider the psychological and sociological factors that contribute to the persistence of belief in cryptozoological creatures like Sasquatch.
Source: Thom Powell's "The Locals"
Thom Powell's "The Locals" presents a comprehensive exploration of Bigfoot evidence, challenging the commonly held skepticism surrounding its existence. Powell meticulously examines various types of evidence, including footprint casts (highlighting their anatomical detail and the difficulty of faking them), eyewitness accounts categorized by their reliability, and DNA analysis (explaining the difficulties of extracting usable DNA from hair samples). He critiques the scientific method's application to the enigma, emphasizing the need for rigorous testing and replication, while acknowledging the challenges posed by anecdotal evidence. Finally, the text delves into more extraordinary claims, such as Bigfoot's potential use of infrasound, its intelligence, and even its possible interaction with UFO phenomena, demonstrating a balanced approach that weighs scientific scrutiny against the compelling nature of the accumulated evidence.
Sasquatch Encounters and the Nature of Reality
Main Themes:
Sasquatch Sightings and Encounters: The primary focus of these excerpts is the recounting of various Sasquatch sightings and encounters, primarily along the Pacific Northwest coast of North America. This includes firsthand accounts of vocalizations, footprints, and even glimpses of the creatures themselves.
Indigenous Perspectives and Folklore: The excerpts delve into the cultural significance of Sasquatch within indigenous communities like the Heiltsuk First Nation. They highlight the deep-rooted belief systems and traditional stories that incorporate the creature as a part of their natural world and cultural heritage.
The Nature of Reality and Perception: Through the lens of Sasquatch sightings, the author explores the limitations of human perception and the role of belief in shaping our understanding of reality. The excerpts question how our minds process information, particularly in environments that challenge our preconceived notions.
Important Ideas and Facts:
Diverse Accounts: The excerpts present a diverse range of Sasquatch encounters, from intimidation tactics involving tree throwing ("The Locals") to more passive observations like bed impressions ("In The").
"There had been a tree thrown atop the fence, smashing down the strands of barbed wire. This tree was about 14 or 15 inches in diameter, lying where the fence used to be." - "The Locals"
"Beneath a few of the trees, the forest floor is packed down. Clark wanders over to one of the impressions and moves his open palm over it. 'Day bed,' he says. 'A mother and cub were just here.'" - "In The"
Elusive Nature: Sasquatch are often described as highly intelligent and elusive creatures, skilled at avoiding detection and manipulating human perception.
"So, I'm getting closer to this thing doing the belly crawl, but still too far away for a good picture. All of a sudden, I hear something else start screaming and howling behind me, but this one was behind me on my other side." - "The Locals"
The Role of Belief: The author emphasizes the significance of belief in shaping our interpretations of the unknown. The excerpts suggest that those who believe in Sasquatch are more likely to experience encounters, potentially due to heightened awareness and a willingness to accept the possibility.
"’Have you ever seen a sasquatch?’ Rocky asked, as does every other witness I interview. ‘Nope. But the Bible says, “Blessed are those who have not seen, but who believe.” Maybe that makes me blessed, though I don’t think the Bible was talking about bigfoots.'" - "The Locals"
The Human-Nature Connection: The excerpts highlight the author's growing connection with the natural world, particularly in remote wilderness areas like the Great Bear Rainforest. This connection, they suggest, might be essential for understanding creatures like Sasquatch, who exist on the fringes of human awareness.
"Something else happened in this period that became apparent only later: the forest made me one of its own, in the same way it does to those growing up or living in real wilderness regions. Its essence was injected into my blood, its pattern imprinted on my brain." - "In The"
Cultural Significance: The author acknowledges the importance of respecting indigenous perspectives on Sasquatch, recognizing that their beliefs are deeply rooted in their cultural heritage and connection to the land.
"’Everyone’s invited,’ she says, before giving me a penetrating look. ‘Maybe a chance for you to take a break from all your Sasquatch snooping and learn something dierent about us for a change.’" 
Key Quotes:
On the Elusive Nature of Sasquatch: “It's not that they never leave footprints. It's more like, they don't leave footprints when they can help it. And they're probably even more wary when they know people are around.” – "The Locals"
On the Significance of Belief: "The decision has been made to initiate me. Alex picks up a shell and grabs the gun before standing up. Both he and Archie have a look of impatient relish on their faces, as if they’re about to play a joke on me. I stand up without protest." – "In The"
On the Human-Nature Connection: "I realize that I’m oating down the river in its timeless, eternal form. Seen from its own vantage point, the valley has assumed its true character and scope.” – "In The"
On Indigenous Perspectives: “It’s not something that you’re afraid of when it happens. They’re there and part of the same landscape that we’re a part of.” – "In The"
Overall Impression:
The excerpts provide a compelling glimpse into the world of Sasquatch sightings and the people who dedicate themselves to understanding these enigmatic creatures. They challenge readers to consider the limitations of human perception and the potential for the existence of things beyond our current understanding. They also emphasize the importance of respecting indigenous perspectives on nature and the creatures that inhabit it.
Source: Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon
Volume Two of Where the Footprints End examines unusual phenomena reported alongside Bigfoot sightings, such as strange lights and sounds. The authors explore eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot's unusual physical characteristics, including multicolored eye glows and unique locomotion. The book also investigates Bigfoot's alleged abilities to mimic sounds and even communicate telepathically, exploring the potential connection between Bigfoot and UFOs or other paranormal events. Finally, the text analyzes the frequent disappearance or destruction of evidence related to Bigfoot encounters, suggesting that the phenomenon might be more complex and mysterious than previously understood. The authors consider the implications of folkloric parallels and the possibility of misidentification or intentional deception.
Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot - A Briefing Doc
This document summarizes key themes and insights from excerpts of "Where the Footprints End" by Timothy Renner and Joshua Cutchin. The book explores the intersection of Bigfoot sightings with various paranormal phenomena, drawing from folklore, witness accounts, and cultural anthropology.
Main Themes:
Eyeglow and the Demonic: Many Bigfoot reports describe the creatures as having glowing or fiery eyes. This motif connects to ancient folklore figures like demons, the monster Grendel, and various creatures from non-Western traditions, all characterized by luminescent eyes, linking Bigfoot with the supernatural and primal fear.
“His eyes glistened like burning cinders, and they were as big as saucers."
"In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, the monster Grendel, the shadow-cloaked night-walker, has eyes that produce an “ugly light, most like a flame.”
Mimicry and Deception: Bigfoot is often associated with vocal mimicry, imitating bird calls, animal sounds, and even human voices. This behavior is linked to trickster archetypes found in various cultures, blurring the line between animal communication and supernatural deception.
“Sometimes it sounded like a bird call, other times it sounded like a two-finger mouth-whistle.”
"Don’t whistle in the home or in the wood… It’s only the Leshy who whistles.”
Altered States and Hypnotic Abilities: The book explores the idea that Bigfoot sightings might be linked to altered states of consciousness, either in witnesses or the creatures themselves. Entheogens, meditation, and potential hypnotic abilities of the creatures are discussed, challenging the objective reality of these encounters.
“Modern technological society idealises and is monopolistically focused on only one state of consciousness—the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that makes us efficient producers and consumers of material goods and services,”
“Various cultures have employed the alkaloids of the Amanita muscaria mushroom—not always for benign purposes—and it’s been suggested that perhaps sasquatch might do the same.”
The Liminal Space of Bigfoot: Bigfoot is portrayed as inhabiting a liminal space, existing between the known and unknown, the natural and supernatural. This liminality is further emphasized by their association with thresholds, transitions, and ambiguous landscapes.
"Tricksters and liminality also share this feature… St. Francis’ association with birds is very well known, but medieval fools were also frequently connected with birds, as were novices in liminal periods.”
Questioning Reality and Perception: The book consistently challenges the reader to question their perception of reality and the nature of evidence. The ambiguity of Bigfoot tracks, the possible role of misidentification, and the influence of psychological factors on witness testimony all highlight the difficulty in ascertaining the truth behind these encounters.
"How can we ever hope to measure phenomena that defy our eyes, our most trusted means of navigating reality?"
Important Facts and Ideas:
The book presents a vast array of historical accounts and witness reports from various cultures, demonstrating the global prevalence of Bigfoot-like creatures and their association with the paranormal.
It delves into the possibility of Bigfoot being an interdimensional being, capable of manipulating perception and reality.
It explores the significance of tree structures, bent trees, and glyphs as potential markers or communication methods used by the creatures.
The book draws parallels between Bigfoot and other cryptids, like the MIB and Black Eyed Kids, suggesting a deeper connection within the realm of high strangeness.
It analyzes the role of the trickster archetype in Bigfoot lore, highlighting their deceptive nature, manipulation of reality, and ability to induce fear and awe.
The Minnesota Iceman case is presented as a prime example of the ambiguity and self-negation that often surrounds Bigfoot evidence.
Overall Impression:
"Where the Footprints End" challenges conventional approaches to Bigfoot research. It encourages readers to move beyond the limitations of physical evidence and explore the psychological, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of these encounters. By linking Bigfoot with ancient archetypes and paranormal phenomena, the book proposes that these creatures might represent something far more complex and enigmatic than previously imagined.
Source: Enoch
This text comprises excerpts from a book detailing the author's long-term interactions with a Bigfoot, nicknamed Enoch, through the perspective of a Bigfoot researcher who developed a close friendship with a long-term Bigfoot witness, Mike. The narrative intertwines the author's personal experiences with Bigfoot encounters, Mike's detailed accounts of his relationship with Enoch, and reflections on the challenges and ethical considerations of Bigfoot research. The author emphasizes the importance of respectful interaction and building trust with these creatures, contrasting this approach with the often exploitative methods employed by other researchers. The narrative ultimately argues for a shift in Bigfoot research towards understanding the creatures' emotional and social complexity rather than solely focusing on acquiring physical "proof." The text also explores broader themes of human-animal relationships, ethical implications of scientific pursuit, and the importance of respecting the boundaries and privacy of the subjects being studied.
Enoch: A Bigfoot Story - A Briefing Document
Source: Excerpts from "Enoch - A Bigfoot Story" by Autumn Williams (2010)
Main Theme: This book tells the extraordinary story of Mike, a man who has developed a unique, long-term relationship with a Sasquatch he calls Enoch, living in the swamps of Florida. It explores themes of trust, respect, interspecies communication, and the challenges of carrying such a profound secret.
Most Important Ideas & Facts:
1. Mike's Unique Relationship with Enoch:
Mike has interacted with Enoch, a "Skunk Ape," for over a decade, providing food and observing his behavior.
He describes their communication as non-verbal, relying on gestures, vocalizations, and an almost intuitive understanding of each other's emotions.
Their bond involves playful moments, mutual respect for boundaries, and instances where Enoch seemingly protected Mike from danger.
"He's not tame but he'll come up to me because I bring him food. He loves fresh fruit like peaches and pears, and he can eat a lot."
"He lets me know that he can kill me whenever he wants."
"He trailed me for a while and I lost sight of him, so I stopped and sat down on a log and waited."
"It's one of my favorite memories of all. On the other hand, it was a reminder of how powerful he is and that I should be more careful around him."
"When you look into the eyes of a Skunk Ape, you'll know what mood he's in and if he's going to hurt you - just like a human."
"They can tell if you're trouble or not."
2. Enoch's Physical Description and Behavior:
Mike provides detailed descriptions of Enoch's physical features, comparing his eyes to "chocolate Tootsie Pops" and noting his wide mouth, thick beard, and bristly hair.
Enoch demonstrates intelligence through his actions: using found objects, mimicking human behaviors, and seemingly communicating with other Sasquatches.
"His eyes are dark brown ... you ever eat a Tootsie Pop? A chocolate one? ... It's ... striated. Like that."
"His nose is kind of broad and flat ... He's got these little pig bristles that stick out from it."
"He will hide behind a tree with a big stick ... and wait for a wild pig to walk by and then he whacks the pig on the head and kills it."
"I've seen him follow a boat that was drifting downriver. The men in it who were fishing were unaware that they were being studied."
3. Mike's Internal Conflict and Trust Issues:
Mike struggles with the burden of his secret, the fear of ridicule, and the moral dilemma of revealing Enoch's existence.
He grapples with trust issues, even with Autumn, the researcher documenting his story.
"The way you speak has nothing to do with what you say," I told him, gently.
"People are always making fun of the way I talk. I don't write no better."
"I don't believe we have the right to 'take a specimen'. Personally, it's a moral dilemma."
"I believe this story to be true as I feel the same way he did: it becomes your life and takes a lot away from you, and replaces it with knowledge you cannot share."
4. The Importance of Respect and Observation:
Mike emphasizes the need for respecting Sasquatches, understanding their boundaries, and letting them choose the terms of engagement.
He advocates for observation over invasive research methods, believing this is the key to understanding these elusive creatures.
"The only way to find a Skunk Ape is to let him find you."
"They are a noble tribe and deserve respect."
"Researchers don't understand this and never will. That's why they fail over and over again. They think they are smarter than what they chase."
"For me, it took learning to look through the eyes of my friend and opening my mind to understand what he is and who I am."
5. The Search for Proof and Documentation:
Autumn and Mike discuss methods for obtaining evidence of Enoch's existence, including DNA samples and video footage.
They acknowledge the challenges of proving the existence of Sasquatches without resorting to harmful methods.
"DNA, I suppose. If you could get him to lick a plate clean, the saliva would be testable."
"Hair would be helpful, in addition to the saliva. If you could collect some hair ... would he let you brush him?"
"If you could film him licking the plate and you collecting it, the video evidence would go a long way toward supporting test results if they came back 'unknown primate'..."
Overall Impression:
"Enoch: A Bigfoot Story" presents a compelling narrative of a unique interspecies friendship. While lacking traditional scientific evidence, the book offers valuable insights into potential Sasquatch behavior, emphasizing the importance of respect and understanding. It raises thought-provoking questions about the ethics of research and the impact of human actions on these creatures.
While all of the sources discuss bigfoot and bigfoot research, none of them offer definitive proof of bigfoot's existence.
Instead, the sources focus on topics like:
The challenges of bigfoot research.
The types of evidence researchers have gathered.
The importance of respecting bigfoot and the people who report encounters.
Let's examine what the sources say about proof.
The Nature and Challenges of Proof
Many people believe that the only way to prove bigfoot exists is to find a body. However, Autumn Williams argues that a body would not necessarily tell us what bigfoot is, and she questions whether the public would ever learn about such a discovery.
Williams also explores whether people who vehemently deny bigfoot's existence would accept proof, suggesting that some might cling to their beliefs regardless.
Thom Powell acknowledges the desire of bigfoot researchers to be the first to present a body or bones to the scientific community but suggests that physical remains may have already been acquired and kept from public view. He also questions whether certain authorities might actively suppress evidence.
Powell notes the role of the internet in bigfoot research, both as a tool for gathering evidence and a potential threat to bigfoot's privacy.
Timothy Renner and Joshua Cutchin argue that even if physical evidence were found, it would not erase the mystery surrounding bigfoot, which they believe is connected to a larger super-reality.
The author of "inthe.pdf" emphasizes the lack of consensus and frequent infighting among bigfoot researchers, which, along with the elusive nature of the creature, makes it difficult to convince skeptics. This source also expresses frustration with the lack of photographic evidence.
Evidence, Interpretation, and Ethics
Williams discusses the distinction between long-term witnesses, who claim ongoing interactions with bigfoot, and incidental witnesses, who have only had a single sighting. She criticizes researchers who dismiss long-term witnesses as unreliable and emphasizes the importance of eyewitness advocacy.
Williams shares an anecdote about finding and erasing bigfoot tracks, highlighting her concern for protecting bigfoot from those who might seek to kill them.
She recounts her frustration with researchers who focus on physical evidence and disregard the potential for deeper understanding through long-term witness accounts. She argues that this pursuit of proof could lead to bigfoot's demise. Ultimately, she chooses to step back from bigfoot research, believing that seeking proof is not only futile but potentially harmful.
Powell examines various types of evidence, including hair and scat, but notes that these can be inconclusive or difficult to interpret. He emphasizes the need for credible eyewitness accounts and discusses the challenges of verifying them.
Renner and Cutchin catalog a wide range of peripheral oddities associated with bigfoot sightings, such as mystery lights, peculiar sounds, stick signs, and anomalous footprints. They argue that these oddities often defy conventional explanations and support the idea that bigfoot is part of a larger, unexplained reality.
They also address the issue of hoaxes in bigfoot research, acknowledging that some individuals have fabricated evidence or exploited the phenomenon for personal gain. However, they caution against assuming that all evidence is fake, arguing that the sheer volume of reports and the persistent patterns within them suggest something genuine is happening.
In summary, all four books highlight the complexities and ethical considerations surrounding the search for bigfoot proof. While physical evidence is often sought, the sources emphasize the importance of eyewitness testimony, the challenges of interpretation, and the potential for harm if proof is obtained. The focus is not on proving bigfoot's existence but on understanding the phenomenon and protecting the creatures from exploitation. This information does not include the video evience that Todd Standing who supposedly caught many sasquatch on camera up close and personal including a scene where a family harrassed him. Unfortunately, you only get to see video of heads and not the torso and them moving about. This report also does not include the audio footage of Ontario Mike who built a relationship with one and recorded it calling his name.
Any person who investigates, skeptic or not, always comes to the inconclusive report that it either exists or it doesn’t. No one says after a thorough review that it is not real. This is telling, but doesn’t answer the phenomenon. The Bible doesn’t say anything about Bigfoot. But it does talk about the first murderer, Cain who was cursed by God to wander the earth. Some believe that Bigfoot is a descendant of Cain. However, Cain was not cursed with immortality, and there is no reason to believe he would still be alive. It also talks about the nephilim. A race of giants that lived before the Flood, produced by the union of fallen angels and human women. Some believe that Bigfoot is a remnant of the Nephilim. 
They are all reported in North America, Europe and Asia. Not South America, Middle East, Australia or Africa. This is a big clue. They are called Skunk Ape, Almas, Yeti, Yowie, Ebu Gogo, Abominable Snowman and Bigfoot. I do not believe they are the Nephilim. I tend to point to the demonic. These creatures are spotted in thick brush and always grainy through film. The amount of hoaxes are high which makes it hard to validate, especially from witness testimonies. The forests, especially old growth, hold amazing elements that can be attractive to spirits. I would imagine the old growth hold mysteries that harness energy. Most likely enough for the beings to manifest through voice and body. Logically, this doesn’t really explain Bigfoot, but biblically speaking, it has to align with my own beliefs. I am torn about this phenomenon because it doesn’t fit the demonic narrative. Meaning, I can’t rationally explain this via the Bible. 
But I personally believe I heard them that night in the cascade mountains with my old friends. They believe it, too. After years of analyzing the details between us and our reational ideas of what it could have been, we are no closer to an explanation. Maybe we embelished it. Added details that were not there or remembered it wrong. Being human, we definitely do such things. I don’t think so. Oregon, Washington and California made it illegal to hunt them. This is real legislation. If this thing isn’t real, why bother going to the trouble?

Spirit, Body & Soul

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

Spirit, Body & Soul
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1 Thessalonians 5:23 is often cited as a key verse: "May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. What does this mean? How are we made up of 3 things? And most importantly what are the differences between them?
Matthew 22:37: "Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’" Mark 12:30: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."
While the Bible doesn't explicitly outline the differences between the spirit, soul, and body in great detail, it does provide enough information to understand the distinctions between them. Here's a breakdown based on biblical understanding:
Connection to God: The spirit is the part of us that connects directly with God. It's the spiritual essence of a person.  
Eternal: The spirit is eternal and survives physical death.  
Renewal: It can be renewed and transformed through the Holy Spirit.
Mind, Will, Emotions: The soul encompasses our mental, emotional, and volitional faculties. It's the seat of our consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and decisions.  
Humanity: It's the part of us that makes us human.  
Salvation: The soul is the part of us that can be saved or lost.
Physical Form: The body is our physical vessel, the tangible part of us.
Mortal: It's subject to decay and death.  
Temple of the Holy Spirit: For believers, the body is considered a temple of the Holy Spirit.  
Key Differences:
Origin: The spirit is from God, the soul is part of human nature, and the body is physical.
Eternity: The spirit is eternal, the soul's eternal destiny is determined by faith, and the body is temporary.
Function: The spirit connects us to God, the soul enables us to think, feel, and choose, and the body allows us to interact with the physical world.
This is as close to as explanation as we can get. The Bible doesn’t explain it any more. But I believe there is more to it. 
The Creation Story (Genesis 2:7):
Body: God formed man from the dust of the ground.
Spirit: God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life.
Soul: Man became a living soul.
This passage suggests that the body, spirit, and soul are distinct components of human existence.
The Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11):
Body: Jesus was physically hungry and tempted to turn stones into bread.
Soul: He was tempted to bow down and worship Satan.
Spirit: He resisted the temptations, relying on the Word of God.
This story demonstrates how the body, soul, and spirit can be subjected to different kinds of temptations, and how spiritual strength is essential to overcome them.
The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9):
Body: Jesus' physical appearance was transformed, becoming radiant and glorious.
Spirit: His divine nature was revealed, and he conversed with Moses and Elijah.
This event suggests that the body can be transformed, but the spirit remains eternal and can transcend physical limitations.
In Genesis 2:7, we learn that God formed man from the dust of the ground, breathed into him the breath of life, and man became a living being. Let’s look at that again: He formed man from the dust—there’s the body. He breathed into that body the breath of life—the Hebrew word here is ruach, which literally means “spirit.” As a result, man became a living being, which could be translated as soul (in fact, the American Standard Version of the Bible actually translates it this way).
The soul is the result of body and spirit coming together. Your mind, will, and emotions are directly affected by the condition of you body and the condition of your spirit at all times. Even though your body may be healthy, if you are spiritually away from God, your soul will be in turmoil. Likewise, even those who are spiritually right with God could have a purely physical sickness or disease in their body that affects their soul. [Consider how cranky we get when we have a lack of sleep!] A healthy soul can typically only be experienced by someone who has both a healthy spirit and a healthy body. Both parts play a role.
So does man consist of three parts? Yes and no. In our example earlier, the picture we imagined had three colors, but it was comprised of only two circles. So yes, we have a body, soul, and spirit; but the soul is merely the result of body and spirit coming together.
This is why the two scriptures I’ve shared so far are the ONLY places in all of Scripture where all three parts are listed or alluded to. On the other hand, verses that compare and contrast body and spirit show up throughout the Bible.
James 2:26 says that “the body without the spirit is dead.” What happens to the soul when we die? Well, without a body and a spirit existing together, there really is no soul. But the truth is that we will indeed have a body in the afterlife, and therefore, we will have a soul.
Consider how Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 that both body and soul are destroyed in hell. First of all, this shows us that hell is a real, physical place where a body can go! But it also reveals something about the soul: If the body is destroyed, the soul must also cease to exist. But this verse says nothing about the eternal spirit that has rebelled against God. It is the eternal spirit that will suffer the agonies of hell after body and soul are destroyed.
But what about those who do not go to hell when they die? The Scriptures give us an answer:
1 Corinthians 15:35–44, 50–52—But someone may ask, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. All flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another. There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body….
I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. (NIV)
As Christians with faith in Christ, we will one day receive perfect eternal bodies for our eternal spirits to inhabit. As a result, we will have an everlasting soul. Heaven will be great because you will have a pure mind, a righteous will, and Christ-like emotions with which to experience all the joys of God’s Kingdom and presence! This is why 1 Peter 1:8-9 refers to the “salvation of our souls!”
The right and only correct answer is… the SOUL is the part of us that collects all our memories, decisions, regrets, emotions, self awareness, hopes, dreams, wishes, etc. including our subconsciousness and unconscious State of mind. In other words our Soul -=’s the Conscious Mind.
The SPIRIT, is the Energy that makes our bodies come to life. It is the energy that animates our flesh, bones, muscles, etc. providing movement, life itself. In other words Spirit equals Energy.
Since Spirit =’s Energy and the Soul =’s Consciousness, they are both equally important. One cannot exist without the other. We cannot exist without one or the other. So when you hear the phrase; Body, Soul, and Mind, it is incorrect. The correct phrase should be; Body , Soul, and Spirit! This is the vital Trinity needed to compose and complete a human being.
We need to know and understand that we are not humans having a spiritual experience, in fact we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
A combination of, body, soul, and spirit is required to live in this realm of existence, However, when our mortal bodies perish the Spirit and the Soul continue to exist. This is because it is scientifically proven that energy cannot be made nor destroyed it cannot cease to exist. It can only change in shape and form and it flows freely beyond the physical.
Now, in a biblical sense, it is written that together we all form and complete the body of Christ. God Lives within us. We are gods. This is because we all possess a piece, a small portion of energy. If combined, we form a perfect union. Together we become one. Whole, perfect, complete. Holy.
God made us in his own image and likeness, meaning we are made of 3 things just like he is. He is the Father, Son and Spirit. Hebrews 4:12 implies that the soul and spirit are closely connected because it says the Word of God is sharper than a double edged sword and it penetrates and divides the soul and the spirt, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. When we die the first death, the body does not go, but we are to inherit a new one.
Let’s think of a robot. It has a shell and internal parts. It cannot work without without electricity. The shell is the body, which is the CPU and memory. The software is the soul and the spirit is the electricity. The electricity is the spark of the Father. It came diectly from him which gives us life. The soul doesn’t turn on without electricity. The shell doesn’t move or operate without the soul’s software instructions. The soul is what we call data. Information. It collects everything we do, hear, say and learn from. The soul and body are like an artifical intelligent being but it has no life without the spirit.
Mankind is working diligently to create sentience or awareness inside a machine that he created. I believe he will never reach that goal. However, man is also working on takiing a spirit and placing it into a machine or robot which gives it life. The spirits they are working with are demons which are the wandering nephilim without a home or body. Demons are limited to what they can do to us. They are like hackers but can only hack certain parts of your applications. They cannot get to the operating system unless you give them permission. Every day, they hack into your other applications like things they can relate to. Sin. Anything that hurts the body and soul including others. 
The demons are jealous and want to inhabit and control you to feel again. They are always trying to get you to accept their application. They also know all of your habits because since birth, they have recorded everything you do. They look for ways to get inside your operating system and never stop. Your operating system (like windows or mac OS) has an antivirus. It’s an application called The Bible on your desktop. As long as you keep it open and working, you are protected from malicious cookies, trojan horses and viruses. Close the application, and you are vulnerable to attacks.
Your body or shell is an antenna with bluetooth wifi. It picks up on information flying through the air. When you close the Bible Application, you will notice incoming messages from your browser which are your eyes and ears. The messages are like spam and are tempting sales and marketing subject lines trying to get you to download an application to use daily. Sometimes the messages are click bait and you just can’t help yourself. Because you don’t have The Bible Antivirus running full time behind the scenes, you will inadvertantly download a virus because your soul and body were attracted to the message.
Most of the people in the world barely open up the antivirus Bible. They are at the mercy of scams, viruses and bots. It hurts the body and soul when opening all of the other appllications because there isn’t enough memory and space on the hardrive to keep them going all the time. The shell and components start to wear down and break. Only a small percentage of all the robots worldwide keep the Bible Antivirus open all day and night. They learned how to program their body and soul to keep the Bible Antivirus running in the background at all times. They realized that the programmer, in this case God, had instructions in the Bible Antivirus tool that teaches you how to write the code to put on the full armor of God. 
Most don’t realize they have to seek and find this source code in The Bible Antivirus Application to cut and paste the source code on the backend to keep the application open and running in the background. This means you have to learn a little about the creator, programming language and understand how the code affects the body and soul or the shell and software. By studying the bible, you are able to learn the history of robots, shells, CPU’s, Memory and software that has been evolving over the last 6,000 years. Without this knowledge, you wouldn’t understand what a virus, malware or spyware looks like. You now have good understanding of what malicious attacks look like and what to avoid. Every now and then, a clever ad makes it past your senses and you give in to temptation, but you have a new application that can cleanout the virus.
5% of the world have enough faith in their understanding and relationship with their shell, software and electricity to operate with little harm. Because they took the intiative to seek first the kingdom of heaven, they found the tools to help them write code. Your soul isn’t alive. It’s aritifically intelligent and only knows the world by what it has learned. The soul has to listen to the spirit and has to obey the spirit as long as the Spirit understands it is in control. This means you have to program your soul to do what you want instead of operating on auto-pilot. If you know nothing about your history and God, you will not be able to write the code to turn auto-pilot off.
When we walk around the world of robots, 95% of all other robots are operating on auto-pilot. Each robot’s spirit doesn’t even realize it exists. It’s dormant. One day, a robot who is a skilled programmer, starts asking questions to the oblivious robot in hopes to see a spark. Sometimes they get one and sometimes they don’t. This is the Christian walk. Challenging people’s visible world and asking questions that proves the world isn’t lining up to logic. Many of those robots received the spark and for fear of not fitting in, they accept the idea of a spirit but never learn how to program the body and soul to put on the full armor of god. They eventually lose faith or are attacked so hard, they have to shut down or be operated on.
The spirit has access to code that is hidden in the body. There are lines of code that is hidden inside called an easter egg, which is a hidden compartment the creator made for someone to find. In programming, an "Easter egg" is a hidden message, feature, or joke intentionally placed within software by a developer, often undocumented and only accessible through a specific sequence of actions or inputs, essentially a secret surprise for users who discover it; similar to the concept of hunting for hidden Easter eggs in real life. Smith Wigglesworth and the 7 Pentecostal pioneers have found this easter egg. It is a clever little hidden program that bypasses the operating system to do supernatural things. The body and soul were programmed to be limited and almost all doors have been closed. The easter egg application that they found allows the spirit to tell the body and other robot bodies to heal themselves. It’s just a software code that bypasses all the restraints.
This easter egg is called Faith. The funny thing is, all of these helpful tools and applications have always been there. But no one wants to do the work to find it. This is seeking the kingdom of heaven. It takes a lot of work. You can’t find it if you have no passion to look. It takes a disciple of Jesus who did the work to give examples of the easter eggs they found. Those that want what they have turn into disciples themselves. The people who find the easter eggs are from all different denominations from baptist, pentacolstal, luterhan, catholic and all others. It doesn’t matter what software language (or religion) you use to find the easter egg. In fact, many have found this outside of religion. I believe the creaator put it there for us to find after the fall.
Software or your soul is just 1’s and 0’s. Your body or shell and components have been built with plenty of hard drive space and memory. Software is the 1’s and 0’s compiled into different ways. Each code of a memory or how to do an action is stored in the body. Academia says we use 100% of our brain. This is the CPU. But it has the ability to store much more data. The hard drive is stored inside the brain. It stores the main operating system and all of the applications. Memory is like a hard drive but it’s tempoary. When the brain or hard drive gets full, it places a lot of data that isn’t used throughout the body. Our organs and cells hold a lot of our memories that we don’t use. 
This is where the easter eggs are. You won’t find faith in your pineal gland or brain. After study, reflection, experiences and a yearning for the truth, you stumble upon the specific sequence of actions to bypass the operating system. Most that find it, forget the sequence and action to make it happen again. This is because they were not recording. They have no way of going back in time to look at what sequence they did to perform the miracle. It could have been something like waking up, giving thanks in prayer, opening the bible and reading a verse. The sequence is then turned on and when they do an action, it works. But the antivirus bible application can be turned off when the eyes or ears see something (what we call sin) that distracts them.
It doesn’t mean you are a bad robot and deserve hell. It means you are still learning and finding your way. It is rare that one finds and records the sequences and can perform miracles full time. This is a level of faith and understanding that scares the other robots. They all gather around and find ways to cancel you from society because since they can’t access what you can, you must be removed to keep the peace. This is why disciples and prophets are always hunted down and destroyed. They are a threat to the world and could possibly change it and since all the other robots have no idea they have a spririt, they remove the freak.
Your body, soul and spirit are one of the mysteries that the lord has left for us to understand. This example is a crude and simple way to describe what they are. They are extremely more difficult to understand because they all were created by an entity that is from another realm or dimension that is better in all things and ways. A place where the body, soul and spirit is what you learn in pre-school and understand the complexities at an early fourth dimensional age. A place so advanced that we could never fathom it’s intellect and being.
According to the Bible, when a person dies, their "spirit" (often used interchangeably with "soul") leaves their body, returning to God who gave it, as stated in Ecclesiastes 12:7: "Then the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.". We are not sure if the sofware and data goes, too. We are told through countless near death experiences that all of the meory does leave with the spirit. Many experiencers say they can access all of their past life experiences and some even talk of being shown their entire life after death.
Christianity is the only religion where you receive eternal life or get to eat of the tree of life after death. It comes with a condition, like all religions do. You have to believe that the creator sent his son to pay for your bad deeds. This is sketchy given the information we have to work with and what is the real truth. Whatever is out there waiting for us after we die, according to all religions, will only allow us freedom if we do something in return. This is a choice where the robot has to face logic. Is his creator angry at him for making mistakes or is his creator waiting for him with open arms? I refuse to worship a creator who sets condictions of heaven or hell based on an eternity while you are given 120 years only to figure everything out.
When Jesus said if you look at a woman in lust, you committed a sin. HIs disciples all said then who could ever enter heaven? This means they all still looked at women with lust and guilty. Jesus’ response was with God all things are possible. Be a humble robot. Appreciate the handywork your creator did. Appreciate that he sent his son to fix the problem of the fall and what his past creation did to us. Realize that you are just a robot without all the answers. And realize there is a war going on between fourth dimension beings and you are just in the way. Continue to find the easter eggs, cause there are more, and show other robots what you found. We all are probably deceived and do not have the truth to hold onto. Humble yourself and believe that your creator spent too much time and effort into creating you just to throw you in the garbage dump. Remember, the Bible says God made adam with his own hands. We are the first to be created with touch instead of just his mouth or word. 

Monday Nov 25, 2024

Satan’s Little Season Revisted
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A listener named Ron sent me a few emails regarding Satan’s little season. I promised I would look into it again and after seeing the Statue of Liberty unchained, which means the actual statue has a chain around Lady Liberty’s ankle but the chain is broken, I couldn’t help but wonder why. That and how fast things are going via evil and sin running rampant.
Ron pointed out three versus in Daniel:
Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 
Dan 12:9  And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 
Dan 12:10  Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. 
Amos 8:11  Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
Rev 22:10  And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
What words are closed and sealed? What famine of information is sealed? The Bible clearly says Jesus will come back Jesus told his disciples that he would return, and he made several predictions about the timing of his return:
Mark 9:1 Jesus promises that some of his disciples will not die before seeing the kingdom of God.
Mark 13:30 Jesus declares that "this generation will not pass away until all these things take place".
Matthew 10:23 Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes". 
Jesus also told his disciples that the temple in Jerusalem would be in ruins before his return (it came down 70 years after his death), and that all people would see him coming on the clouds of heaven. 
Could Jesus’ simple words to his disciples be sealed until the wise find them? The wise like, Ron? Is the illusion so grand that we overlooked this because we physcially can’t see Jesus now? If this is true, then the rapture of the church already happened and Jesus ruled here on Earth for 1,000 years already.
This would explain why during the little season, all nations would surround Israel and this is when the abomination of desolation takes place. The antichrist doesn’t appear until after Satan is released from the pit. The abomination of desolation is a complex topic with various interpretations. It is generally understood to be a future event that will occur before the second coming of Christ. Some believe it will take place after Satan is loosed for a short season, while others believe it will occur during this time. The specific timing and nature of the abomination of desolation are still matters of debate among scholars and theologians.
Ron sent me a book called The Mandella Effect, Supernatural Bible Changes, and the Doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture by, John Kirwin. Here’s the summary.
This book explores the phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect and its implications for the Christian faith, specifically focusing on changes observed in the Bible.
The author, John Kirwin, argues that the Bible is being supernaturally altered, and this phenomenon is a sign of the end times. Kirwin, who identifies as a fundamentalist, born-again, spirit-filled Bible believer, presents his case to both those who believe in the Mandela Effect and those who are skeptical.
The book opens with a series of examples of changes in the Bible, including:
Elongated names of places and people.
Unfamiliar spellings of words.
Nonsense verses.
Altered Patriarch names.
Punctuation errors.
Kirwin also highlights several problematic passages that he believes have been added to the Bible, including verses that describe:
Sexual innuendo.
The drinking of urine and the eating of dung.
The author argues that these changes are too widespread and consistent to be attributed to misremembering or misprints. He challenges the traditional understanding of the Doctrine of Preservation of Scripture (DOP), which asserts that the Bible has been perfectly preserved.
Kirwin posits that the Bible changes are a judgment from God, intended to shake Christians out of complacency and reliance on the written word. He argues that this judgment forces believers to return to a more direct relationship with the Holy Spirit and a faith based on personal experience rather than solely on scriptural knowledge.
The book also explores the potential ramifications of the Bible changes on Christian doctrine, presenting several new "doctrines" that have emerged within the Mandela Effect community. These include:
The Doctrine of Inaccessibility: This doctrine suggests that God is intentionally making His Word less accessible as a form of judgment.
The Doctrine That Promises Can Have Time Limits: This doctrine proposes that God's promises, including those regarding the preservation of Scripture, may have time limits.
The Doctrine of Consensus: This doctrine emphasizes the importance of community and agreement among believers in determining the true meaning of Scripture in light of the changes.
The Doctrine of Pedigree - The Book of Eli: This doctrine suggests that the accurate preservation of Scripture may now reside in the memories of those who have memorized it.
The Abandonment vs. Adhesion Doctrine: This explores the debate within the Mandela Effect community over whether to continue studying the Bible or abandon it altogether.
The book concludes with a series of Bible quizzes designed to test readers' memories of specific verses. Kirwin encourages readers to discuss these quizzes with other believers to demonstrate the widespread nature of the perceived changes.
The author also outlines a vision for outreach and support for those grappling with the implications of the Bible changes. He proposes the establishment of fellowship groups, the gathering of affidavits from those experiencing the effect, and the creation of support groups for church leaders who acknowledge the phenomenon.
The book emphasizes the need for Christians to be open to the possibility of the Bible changing and to seek a deeper, more personal relationship with God in these end times. It serves as a call to action for believers to engage with the phenomenon and consider its implications for their faith and practice.
In the concluding chapters, Kirwin reiterates that the Mandela Effect, particularly the observed changes in the Bible, necessitates a shift in Christian practice. He emphasizes Hebrews 11 as a guide for believers in this new era, arguing that faith and direct experience with God should be prioritized, similar to the figures highlighted in that chapter who lived before the Bible existed in its current form. He proposes that the perceived changes are a "redemptive judgment" meant to break believers free from over-reliance on intellectualism and the written word.
He acknowledges the potential for confusion and distress but urges Christians to embrace the changes as a catalyst for spiritual growth and deeper connection with the Holy Spirit .  Kirwin calls for a re-evaluation of the Doctrine of Preservation, arguing that it is not an absolute guarantee against any and all alterations to the Bible. He suggests that the church needs to adapt and develop new doctrines to account for this phenomenon.
Kirwin ends with a call to action, urging readers to:
Engage with the Mandela Effect and its implications. He encourages open discussion and investigation among believers .
Spread awareness of the phenomenon. He encourages sharing his book and participating in his online community.
Support his ministry dedicated to researching and responding to the Bible changes .
He reiterates his conviction that the Bible changes are a sign of the end times, a significant event that requires the attention and action of all Christians.
I do believe a generation according to the bible is 120 years. We were told from churches that when we see Israel become a nation, we have a generation left before the return of Jesus. Scholars put a generation at 30 years. Israel became a nation 75 years ago. Where is the rapture? Where is Jesus? The goal post seemed to move again. The Catholic church started 30 years after Jesus died.
There has to be proof that Jesus was here for 1,000 years. We have the Byzantine coin of Jesus’ depiction on the face. Would that justify the truth? He wouldn’t want any graven images of him so why during his millenium reign? We have the supposed world fairs around the United States at the time of 1876. Centennial International Exhibition for example, was built with fantastic architecture and an insane amount of money was put into the temporay exibit. More than 200 buildings were constructed within the exposition's grounds, which were surrounded by a fence nearly three miles long. There were five main buildings in the exposition. They were the Main Exhibition Building, Memorial Hall, Machinery Hall, Agricultural Hall, and Horticultural Hall. Apart from these buildings, there were separate buildings for state, federal, foreign, corporate, and public comfort buildings. This strategy of numerous buildings in one exposition set it apart from the previous fairs around the world that had relied exclusively on having one or a few large buildings. They were all torn down after the exhibit.
In 1851 The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, also known as the Great Exhibition or the Crystal Palace Exhibition (in reference to the temporary structure in which it was held), was an international exhibition that took place in Hyde Park, London, from 1 May to 15 October 1851. It was the first in a series of world's fairs, exhibitions of culture and industry that became popular in the 19th century. The event was organised by Henry Cole and Prince Albert, husband of Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom. This too was torn down afterward. Exposition Universelle in 1855 in Paris, 1862 International Exhibition in London and  Exposition Universelle in 1867 in Paris all torn down. All of these magnificent structures were used for a few months and then completely torn down. We can pass these off as coincidence but the strangest one was in Chicago. 
The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. The World's Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World's Fair, was a world's fair held in Chicago from May 5 to October 31, 1893, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492.[1] The centerpiece of the Fair, held in Jackson Park, was a large water pool representing the voyage that Columbus took to the New World. Chicago won the right to host the fair over several competing cities, including New York City, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis. The exposition was an influential social and cultural event and had a profound effect on American architecture, the arts, American industrial optimism, and Chicago's image.
It was a minature roman city with water, statues and white marble. The exposition covered 690 acres, featuring nearly 200 new but temporary buildings of predominantly neoclassical architecture, canals and lagoons, and people and cultures from 46 countries. More than 27 million people attended the exposition during its six-month run. The population of America at that time was 63 million. This is strange. How did a third of America visit this? Another weird thing is the original statue of the Republic was 65 feet tall, including its base, and was made of plaster covered in gold leaf. It was located in the Great Basin pool in front of the Court of Honor. The statue was nicknamed "Big Mary" by fairgoers. However, the statue was destroyed by fire on August 28, 1896, on the orders of the park commissioners. Some strange things about the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition include: a "human zoo" showcasing indigenous people from around the world, a widespread smallpox epidemic originating at the fair, the assassination of Chicago's mayor just before the closing ceremonies, the "Midway Plaisance" featuring bizarre and often exploitative attractions, and even people mailing themselves to the fair in shipping boxes to gain attention. This area featured various bizarre and exploitative attractions, including "cannibal villages" and "exotic dancers," showcasing a sensationalized view of different cultures.
Technological marvels such as the first practical electric automobile and the first electric kitchen with an automatic dishwasher were also introduced. Among the fair’s most novel and impressive exhibits was the first ever Ferris wheel. It stood 264 ft tall and could carry over 2,000 passengers at a time. Could the World’s Fair events have been the perfect cover to hide the remnants of a unified global system that existed before the upheaval of the Civil War and two world wars were used to reshape our world? The similarities between the narrative surrounding the fairs, the architecture and the scale all seem to point to something more than coincidence. It suggests a carefully orchestrated Erasure of a past we were never meant to remember. If this is true, then we have to figure out when the 1,000 year reign was.
Welcome To The Little Season
Another book called Welcome To The Little Season by, Allan Cornford lays out their case: As the onion is peeled back, we see that the earth is flat, that reality is malleable and most churches are indoctrinated religious institutions that bow to the evil government. And if that weren't enough, I am here to propose to you that our historical timeline has been altered by 700-1,000 years in an effort to conceal the theory that Jesus' Second Coming occurred at approximately 70 A.D. and reigned with the saints for 1,000 years in the period known as the "Millenium".
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Revelation 20:2-3. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled:and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Revelation 20:7-8. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Revelation 22:20
The Time is at Hand
2 Peter 3:9-The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; Philippians 4:5- Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 1 Peter 4:7- But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. Revelation 1:7- Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. How else could those who actually pierced Jesus' side with a spear, see Him coming in the clouds, if it didn't happen when they were alive? Matthew 16:28 - Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. (If we take this literally, then Jesus had to have come back in that generation.) Matthew 23:46 - Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. Matthew 24:34- Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Luke 21:32- Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
Realistically, do you not think that when Jesus said things like, ''Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand'', he was addressing the folk in his presence, and not some future generation a couple of thousand years down the line? And still being realistic, do you not think that Jesus meant exactly what he said at the time? And do you not think that his disciples realised that Jesus was referring to their own generation? Why else would those who came to faith in Christ that day, sell all of their worldly possessions or give them away, unless they believed the end was nigh, so to speak? Acts 2:44-45. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. Or could it be that the Apostles knew exactly what they were talking about? That they expected the return of Christ in the not too distant future?
John also warned the seven churches in Asia, that the ''time is at hand'', whilst Jesus himself said; ''Behold I come quickly.'' Not just the once, but six times. Now why would Jesus emphasize his soon return to the seven churches, if it were not true? John wrote the very last book of the Bible. Yet in the very first verse of the very first chapter of the very last book of the Bible, John warned of ''things which must shortly come to pass.'' He was also instructed not to seal the words of prophecy, for the time is at hand. Revelation 22:10. And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. Yet here we are more than two thousand years later, and our pastors and church leaders, with good intent I'm certain, are still telling their congregations to keep looking up, for surely, Jesus will be returning in the clouds very soon. Which is exactly what Jesus promised the folk that he spoke to back in 33 AD, a clear-cut sense of immanency which John then conveyed to the seven churches of Asia,"
Revelation 22:10. And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
John also warned the seven churches in Asia, that the ''time is at hand'', whilst Jesus himself said; ''Behold I come quickly.'' Not just the once, but six times. "The majority of Christians today believe the coming world war will be that referred to as Armageddon in the Book of Revelations, but that particular war occured long ago during the times of Jacob's trouble. It has been disguised in our history books as being the fall of Babylon aka Jerusalem, as foretold by both Jesus and John, and the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It is quite likely that the fall of this vast empire was a far more sudden event, rather than a gradual decline over two hundred or more years, as we've been led to believe. Either way, the coming world war is the final battle, referred to in the Book of Revelations as that of Gog and Magog."
Welcome to the Little Season, "In fact, all the evidence, and there is plenty of it, would strongly indicate that the likes of you and I, along with the few generations before us, have all been born into the open-ended period of time referred to as ''the Little Season'' in the Book of Revelations. A time of unprecedented Satanic Deception, which sounds much like the times we are living in now. Although Jesus didn't explicitly state that John would not die prior to His return, the disciples understood exactly what Jesus meant. For whilst many of them, including Peter, were to expect a martyr's death, John was told he would remain alive until the coming of the Son of man.
John 21:23. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
So, if John was to remain until His coming, and secular history is correct that Jerusalem fell in 70 AD, then John was changed in an instant, and raptured to meet the Lord in the air, most likely from 68-70 AD. Tradition on the other hand, would have us believe that John died of old age whilst in exile on the Isle of Patmos, but tradition would also have us believe that he didn't complete the Book of Revelations until circa 95 AD. The internal evidence of the Scriptures however, silently declares this would have been impossible. For just like Jesus had done, John also foretold the destruction and fall of that great city, Jerusalem, aka Babylon, proving that the Book of Revelations was completed prior to 70 AD. Little wonder then, that in the first verse of the first chapter, of the last book of the Bible, John records ''things which must shortly come to pass.'' It would seem that Judgement came upon Israel during the seventy seventh generation from Adam, when Jesus returned in the clouds, as was foretold by the prophet Daniel and John in the book of Revelations.
"As for signs in the heavens, in 59 AD a lightning bolt struck Nero's dinner whilst it was being served, and a total eclipse occurred the same year at his mother's funeral. In 65 AD a comet appeared in the heavens along with a sword-shaped star, and both remained visible for a whole year. In 69 AD another comet was seen, and the same year, the moon was eclipsed twice, just three days apart. Witnesses claimed it was first blood, then appeared black, followed by other colours. To top it all, two suns were recorded being seen in the sky that same year. Whilst two suns being seen simultaneously sounds impossible, it is a known phenomenon, although it's not a duplicate sun, but a large and very bright moon. Other miraculous phenomenon were reported by historians during the Jewish wars, including a virgin cow giving birth to a lamb, a large solid metal door opening by itself, supernatural voices saying they were leaving the temple, which was followed by ''an unearthly tumult and wind''.
In Revelation 19 A spectacle witnessed in the sky over Israel which marked the start of the Jewish revolt in 66 AD. In his history of the Jewish War, Josephus writes: On the one and twentieth day of the month Artemisius, [Jyar,] a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared: I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun-setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities Tacitus also recorded this amazing event in The Histories 5.13.
In the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armour. A sudden lightning flash from the clouds lit up the Temple. The doors of the holy place abruptly opened, a superhuman voice was heard to declare that gods were leaving it,and in the same instant came the rushing tumult of their departure. Notice what Eusebius of Caesarea says in his Ecclesiastical History (Book 3, Ch. 8.) For before the setting of the sun chariots and armed troops were seen throughout the whole region in mid-air, wheeling through the clouds and encircling the cities.
This was most likely the fulfilment of Jesus' prophecy; ''And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh''. (Luke 21:20.) Archaeological Evidence of Buildings Melting with Fervent Heat-Was this what Happened at the Battle of Armageddon? 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10-12 KJV
What the Tribulation Looked Like Under Nero
"There's little doubt that Nero fulfilled the role of the Beast, and is remembered for crucifying the Apostle Peter up-side-down, feeding Christians to the lions, nailing them to crosses, lighting them on fire to serve as street lights for chariot races, and dressing them in animal skins to be chased by a pack of dogs. Nero killed his brother, his mother and three of his wives, killing his last wife to be with a young boy. He also married several men who he alternated masculine and feminine roles with. Under the reign of Emperor Nero, and over a five year period from 62-67 AD, the apostles Andrew, Bartholomew, James, Matthias, Paul, Peter and Thaddeus were all executed, and in 67 AD, after two failed attempts to murder him, Nero exiled John to the isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelations. By 66 AD each of the 12 apostles had been martyred, and having been falsely blamed by Nero for the great fire of Rome in 64 AD, an unknown number of Christians were brutally slaughtered."
"There were endless trials and tribulations, and thousands upon thousands of deaths for the Israelites prior to Jesus returning in the clouds. Which he had foretold of course, most likely around forty years earlier. There's no doubt whatsoever, that the people living in Israel at the time, endured and suffered the time of great tribulation, as warned of by Jesus in Matthew 24:21. Yet it needs to be understood, that Scripture does not describe a 7 year Tribulation; it describes a period of 7 Seals where 4 Horsemen ride and a period of 7 Trumpets (begins at Revelation 8) called the Great Tribulation, lasting 1260 days or 42 months. The last day is the 7 vials/bowls of God's wrath which was the Second Coming of Jesus, and most likely shortly before, the dawn of the Millennium. Futurists would disagree here, as I once did, by saying, ''of course there will be 7 years of Tribulation''. It says so in the Bible. But they can't tell you where it says so. For it is an understanding that comes from interpreting the 70 weeks recorded by Daniel as being 70 weeks of years. Simply put, 69 weeks of years ended with the death of Jesus, followed by an open-ended age of Grace, with the final 70th week being the 7 year tribulation, which they claim has not yet happened, but will do shortly.
But if the 70th week is still in the future, as claimed, then why did Jesus say "the time is fulfilled" in Mark 1:15? If there is a 2000+ year gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel, why doesn't Daniel, or any other scripture mention it? Because the presumed massive space of time between the 69th and the 70th week comes from Bible study notes, which are the word of man, and not the word of God. Study Bible Notes began in earnest with con-man Cyrus A Scofield, the Zionist Congress and the Bible Revision Committee in the 1880s," p 94-5 of Lucifer's Flood. Could it possibly be that when adding the ''missing'' seven hundred years back into the timeline, that 1776 was the true date for the end of the millennial kingdom?...if we were to assume the little season runs for 250 years, when added to 1776, we arrive at the year 2026. "How did he come to the 250 years length of The Little Season? If you look at the annual season, there are four, so 1/4 of 1,000 years is 250. Yet starting from 53 AD, two earthquakes occurred in Rome and two at Laodicea, whilst others were recorded at Campania, Chios, Colossi,Crete, Hierapolis, Judea, Miletus, Samos, Smyrna and finally at Jerusalem in 70 AD, fulfilling the prophecy of earthquakes in divers places.
The Mark of the Beast
With all the confusion that is going on in the world right now, it's easy to understand why so many Christians associate the mRNA vaccines with the mark of the beast. But this prophecy was fulfilled back in the days of Nero, for it was a document called the Libelous, which had to be presented upon any transaction being made, whether buying or selling. Receiving within their forehead was symbolic with those who worshipped the beast (emperor Nero). Receiving it within their hands was symbolic with those who took it just to survive. With all the confusion that is going on in the world right now, 1776 May Have Been the End of the Millennial Reign Josephus correct when claiming 5,000 years of world history had already passed by the start of the first century AD? Could it possibly be that when adding the ''missing'' seven hundred years back into the timeline, that 1776 was the true date for the end of the millennial kingdom? Accompanied by a devastating series of mud-floods across many parts of the earth?
And the release of Satan from the bottomless pit, the approximate start of the Little Season? The beginning of a time of great Satanic deception for all the nations of Earth? Speculative maybe, but if we were to assume the little season runs for 250 years, when added to 1776, we arrive at the year 2026. I am not, nor have I ever been a date-setter, but have felt for a considerable period of time now, that 2022-2025 are the pivotal years for humanity. Deagel predicted in 2020, that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025," p. 171. But What About the Dates on Old Coins and Artwork? Why the need to change dates? Because everything couldn't be wiped out, such as coins, building with dates and artwork. It appears that coins minted before the 1800s have a letter "i" or "j" in place of the 1. The buildings were commonly labeled in Roman Numerals, and the M, which is 1,000 was added to the beginning.
By adding 1,000 years to the date, a vastly complex building built in the year 700, under Christ's reign, would now read 1700, which adds validity to the idea that the Dark Ages did not have any accomplishments. This proof can be seen in the video below, named 1000 Years Was Added to our Calendar - Our Timeline Was Changed.
This is surmised to mean Iesus, Jesu and Iesu, in Latin and other languages. In addition, it would be a matter of course for them to now use the power to change the reality itself, such as the dates on old artwork, via the phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect. They have already changed the artwork itself, such as the Creation of Man, by Michelangelo, which used to have God's finger pointing diagonally from the upper right, down to man, signifying He was greater than man. Why Do Current Events Look Like an Impending Tribulation? "The events we can see going on in the world around us, I believe, are man's attempt to fulfil the prophecies which were already fulfilled over 2,000 years ago. Whilst it would appear the perpetrators are following the blueprint of Scripture to achieve this, under the flag of Molech, the God of Zionism and modern-day Israel, is NOT the God of the Bible. For everything points to the fact that we are living in the Little Season where Satan has assumed the role of God.
Jesus warned the first generation of believers and unbelievers alike, that Jerusalem and its temple would be physically destroyed. He referred to that great city as, ''spiritually Sodom and Egypt'', whilst Peter referred to Jerusalem as Babylon. (1 Peter 5:13.)
When writing the Book of Revelations, John recorded the fall of Babylon, that great city, aka Jerusalem, as being one of the ''things which must shortly come to pass.'' The point being that although Jesus, John and Peter referred to 'that great city' in spiritual terms, the fulfilment of prophecy was both literal and physical. John also warned the seven churches in Asia, that the ''time is at hand'', whilst Jesus himself said; ''Behold I come quickly.'' Not just the once, but six times. Now why would Jesus emphasize his soon return to the seven churches, if it were not true?
When reasoning from the Scriptures, the internal evidence silently declares Jesus has already returned, just as he promised to. But it all depends upon whether or not we take the Scriptures literally, unless the surrounding context dictates otherwise, of course. It also depends upon us not arguing against the Scriptures, from our own traditional understanding of the end times. Or put another way, if there is no Biblical evidence to support our long-held beliefs, then we should question whether or not that belief is based purely upon tradition. For example, is there anywhere within the Scriptures which would even suggest that the promises Jesus made to those in his presence, would NOT be fulfilled during their lifetime? If not, then we must conclude that Jesus kept those promises he made, rather than put them on the back-burner for another 2,000 plus years. For there is nowhere in Scripture to suggest Jesus would postpone his second coming for at least another 2,000 years. That super-long delay is merely a doctrine invented by man, and one which is not supported by Scripture. There is nowhere in the Bible which says a third temple must be built in Jerusalem,even though the rabbis have been talking about it for decades. It is merely an invented doctrine of man, promoted by the false ideology of Zionism.
For nigh on thirty years, I dismissed John's writing of ''things which must shortly come to pass'', because it didn't suit my inherited end-times understanding. But when reading the gospels, the epistles and the Book of Revelations with a fresh pair of eyes, It slowly began to dawn on me, that I'd been hoodwinked. It was a very humbling experience I might add, having prided myself for years, as one who believed every written word of God. The Dark Ages Was Really the Christ's Millenium Reign on Earth Satan inverts everything, as we can see so clearly now. If something is labeled "transparent" it means it is "concealed". If another thing is "safe and effective", it means it's "dangerous". Banning gay and transvestite pornographic books is "banning books", as in "banning free speech". Speaking the truth is "hate-speech". So it is no wonder that if the millenial reign of Christ's light on this earth were labeled by the ruler of this world, it would be the "Dark Ages".
John Conford of Welcome to the Little Season, says in p. 98, “The Dark Ages for example, meaning the last two thousand years of world history is largely a fabricated construct. Whilst not easy to get one's head around, I really don't think we can have things both ways. Either the events of the Book of Revelations were fulfilled shortly after they were recorded, as Jesus said they would be. Or they were not. This would include the thousand year reign of Christ…”. Revelation 20:3. And cast him [Satan] into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled:and after that he must be loosed a little season. "In other words, it could rightly be said, that having been released from the depths of the Abyss, this was the return of, or the second coming of Satan. Saturn represents Satan, and according to Annie Besant, former leader of the Theosophical Society aka the cult of Saturn;" “Saturn will rule during the age of Aquarius.” Turns out we are entering the Aquarius age now....those of the first resurrection in their supernatural bodies, were the builders during the Millennial kingdom, and left behind all the amazing free aether energy gathering structures, which the deceivers have since led us to believe were constructed as places of worship.
What Happened at the End of the Millenial Reign? "Revelation 20:5 reads; ''But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished''. Notice the Bible doesn't say the rest of the dead received a bodily resurrection, just that they lived not again until the thousand years had ended. It was the first resurrection alone, who were raised from the dead in their new spiritual bodies, and also prior to the start of the millennial kingdom. There is nothing in Scripture to suggest ''the rest of the dead'' were actually resurrected to life. Is it just possible I ask myself, that God permitted the spirits of the unsaved dead to inhabit the physical bodies of the first generation of those born into the post-millennial world? This might also include all the unrighteous souls, who would finally accept the gospel of Christ and be saved? This would legitimately explain, why we're effectively told the dead lived again, with no mention of them being resurrected to life. It may also explain the numerous old photographs from the nineteenth century in which the people seem to be completely out of place within their local surroundings. Paris for example.
It's extremely hard to believe that this generation of folk with unmade streets and a mode of transport and technology which is so primitive by today's standards, were responsible for building the awe-inspiring architecture surrounding them. In fact, it seems like these people are distinctly out of place when compared with both the size of the city and its huge and impressive buildings. Who built these amazing structures? And where did all the people in the photograph come from? Is it possible they are the descendants of ''the rest of the dead'' who arrived into an age where an infrastructure already existed? Wouldn't you agree that something's not quite right here, and there appears to be something awry with the time-line? And why are there so many old photographs of major cities, with stunning architecture and dirty unmade streets, that seem to be almost empty of people? It almost appears that the generation of folk seen in the photographs recently arrived on the scene and inherited these majestic buildings, rather than being the ones responsible for their original construction. And if so, who were the true builders? And where did they go? This question has led to two trains of thought. Firstly, that those of the first resurrection in their supernatural bodies, were the builders during the Millennial kingdom, and left behind all the amazing free aether energy gathering structures, which the deceivers have since led us to believe were constructed as places of worship etc. Secondly, this incredible architecture was in fact, the work of the evil Tartarians, who were assisted by an unknown race of giants. I am just one of a growing number who believe that because the architecture and stonework in most major cities across the world all bear a similar hallmark, it would suggest they were all constructed by the same unified and advanced civilization. A people with the ability to harness the power of electro-magnetism.
I'm not advocating the belief in reincarnation as such, nor is the concept taught in the Bible, but if we take Revelation 20:5 literally, then ''the rest of the dead'' lived again after the thousand years had finished." p. 115-116.  "...we are not told how long after the millennium this resurrection takes place... there are those who believe that an entire generation of the dead were resurrected immediately after the millennial reign came to a close, but such a concept would amount to reincarnation. A highly popular belief, but one not supported by the word of God. We do not get a second chance at life," Lucifer's Flood.
However, because a person's death is by appointment, followed by the judgement (Hebrews 9:27), we can only assume this second, and final resurrection occurs at the very end of the world, and the final judgement at the great white throne. (Revelation 20:11.) But whether or not there is another rapture beforehand for believers in Christ, we are not told. Personally, I suspect there will be, but that is just my own opinion.  Take a look at the buildings in this image, purported to have been buit in Paris, when there was no power tools or cranes.
Picture Paris
What if the history of Western Civilization is both drastically shorter and dramatically different than the new false historic narrative conveniently superimposed onto the old world infrastructure?
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In the video below, an elaborate city hall building was purported to be built in a year. When AI was asked about the logistics of constructing that building in the 1800s, and how long would it take, AI answered that it would take about 5 or more years. "What if certain agencies have been re-writing history? Could it be that so-called 'Universal Classic World History' prior to the sixteenth century, is a carefully crafted construct of lies and deception, fabricated in the 16th-18th centuries upon the 'firm' foundation laid down by an assortment of Italian scholars, Roman clergy and humanists from the 14th -15th centuries?", Lucifer's Flood by John Conford. We are being lied to about all these buildings being built in the age of horse and buggy, when even brick making machines were not yet invented: Or, "Everything we know about ''the rest of the dead'' is contained within this one sentence, but we do know they were not part of the ''first resurrection'',i.e. those who are Christ's at his coming. (1 Corinthians 15:23 .) The very term a first resurrection demands at least a second however, and there are those who believe that an entire generation of the dead were resurrected immediately after the millennial reign came to a close, but such a concept would amount to reincarnation.
A highly popular belief, but one not supported by the word of God. We do not get a second chance at life. However, because a person's death is by appointment, followed by the judgement (Hebrews 9:27), we can only assume this second, and final resurrection occurs at the very end of the world, and the final judgement at the great white throne. (Revelation 20:11.)," p. 92-93. of Lucifer's Flood and the Little Season by John Conford. It would seem that you and I, and the few generations before us, have all been born into the time period known as the Little Season. A people who inherited the  architecture constructed by those in their new spiritual (not spirit) bodies, who once reigned on the earth for a thousand years. For how long the ''little season'' will last, who can tell? But over its duration, who can deny that the clown world we inhabit has increasingly become more bent and twisted? For under the influence of the god they worship, this world is being run by the Luciferian elite, the controllers, psychopathic liars and paedophiles. And they just become more and more brazen,"
PALACES WITH NO BATHROOMS Palaces such as the one in Versailles, France had no bathrooms.
The excuse is they didn't have the know-how to construct them. Elaborate plumbing systems were in place that brought water into spouting fountains, yet supposedly at least 10 centuries after Rome (where they had a toilet system) they couldn't figure it out? Soil Liquefaction/Mud Floods "After the flood of Noah, God placed a rainbow in the clouds as a token to mark the covenant he made with every living creature, that never again would the waters of a flood destroy the earth. Genesis 9:13. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Nevertheless, Jesus warned how the last days for Israel would be reminiscent of the days of Noah, and the prophet Daniel foretold how the end would come with a Flood. Daniel 9:26. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a FLOOD, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
Maybe this was a localized flood of water, but we are not told. Or is it possible this was the first of a series of multiple mud-floods? For we know from scripture that the last days for Jerusalem aka Babylon, were accompanied by a great earthquake. (Revelation 11:13.) God also warned of a time when due to its very foundations being shaken, the earth would reel to and fro like a drunken man. (Isaiah 24:18- 20.)
Soil Liquefaction commonly referred to as Mud-floods is a very real phenomena, which occurs when saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress such as shaking during an earthquake. And there is plenty of evidence for mud-flooding having affected nations right across the earth. The difficulty is pin-pointing exactly when these multiple mud-floods occurred. Has it been a whole series of individual events over the centuries? Or mud-flooding which occurred in multiple countries, and more or less simultaneously?
I take very seriously the belief among many researchers that there was a relatively recent worldwide mud flood liquefaction event that wiped out an advanced civilization, and then there was a subsequent historical reset of the timeline by those responsible for invoking the cataclysm. Apart from one thing. A cataclysmic mud-flood did not wipe out a former advanced civilization as many believe, rather a time of catastrophic judgement occurred as the millennial kingdom came to an end, and the kings and priests of Jesus Christ voluntarily vacated this earthly domain. We are not told if the kings and priests left this realm for heaven, or whether the ''camp of the saints'' exists at a hidden location somewhere on the earth. It would seem to be the latter mind, for it is written that a time will come, when ''they'' [the nations] went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about''. (Revelation 20:9.)
Many events that we've been led to believe have taken place in antiquity may in fact, have been as recent as only a few hundred years ago. In which case, our perception of the historical timeline has been grossly distorted, to put it mildly. At times it seems how we are all skating on the veil of history, while the truth is right beneath our feet. Take the excavations of Rome for example, for an internet search reveals some very interesting images. We've been led to believe the excavation work began in the late nineteenth century, and maybe it was to an extent. But the majority of the work was undertaken between 1938 and 1942, under the direction of Benito Mussolini. Like most cities across Europe, modern-day Rome sits atop the infrastructure of a society that once existed before it. We are told the original structures were either demolished, or buried to become the foundation for the city we have today. But we are not told where the thousands of tons of earth came from, and as can be seen from the photographs, we're not talking about a layer of 3 or 4 feet of dirt, but a depth of 20-30 feet or more.
Where did such vast amounts of excess earth come from, if not the result of a former mud-flood?" Now in light of the research that suggests 700 years, maybe less, maybe more, have been inserted into the first millennium, perhaps the medieval crusaders weren't that chronologically confused after all. Perhaps it had literally only been a few generations between the time of Christ and the first crusade." Russian mathematician and professor at Moscow State University, Anatoly Fomenko, says we really know little at all about anything prior to 1100 AD, and even suggests that from around this time period, people knew full well they were gradually climbing back to normality, in the wake of a major catastrophe. "Either way, as humanity slowly progressed, there must have come a point in time from where they were left to rely on the historical accounts of those under the stewardship of the rulers of nations, the powerful Church of Rome, various secret societies and the educational institutions that each had their own agendas. By the time of the printing press, all bets were off. Printers could print anything, without the need for handwriting experts to prove the validity of the paper or ink, etc.
From all accounts the history over the first millennium remains a bit of a mystery. The truth is, we can only speculate as to precisely where we are in the timeline, and when the mud-flood occurred, for we really just don't know. Whatever the primary cause, it appears that most countries across the entire earth were affected by soil liquefaction on an unprecedented scale. Whether the massive brick and stone constructions left behind by the builders sank into the ground under their own weight, due to a quick-sand effect, or whether they were buried or partially buried by rivers of liquid mud, I wouldn't know. Others suspect the ground water was struck with some form of frequency oscillation causing the soil to expand and swell, which then rose around the structures.
Either way, tens of thousands of these ''old world'' structures were later discovered and inherited by those who remained on the earth, and the generations born unto them. And no, this incredible architecture was not designed by an army of visiting aliens, but by a unified society who were very much aware of, and able to harness the power of free energy, in the form of electro-magnetism.
Maybe the people who inherited this architecture were the rest of the dead who lived not again until the thousand years were finished, but that is pure speculation. As too is the possibility that at least some of ''the rest of the dead'' who lived again, became the powerful and filthy rich robber barons, who would end up founding the secret societies, the intelligence agencies, the United Nations, the world organizations and controlling pretty much everything.
The USA took a completely different approach when dealing with the unfathomable amount of excess earth, mud and dirt. This was achieved under the guise of raising entire cities such as Kansas and Chicago, by anywhere from 12 to 20 feet above their original level. Like multiple cities across the earth, both Chicago and Kansas City also suffered major fires, most likely, each one a controlled burn event. Thus destroying much of the evidence of a previous world part-buried beneath our own. In fact, I believe some parts of the former underground city in Ellinwood, Kansas, are still open to members of the public."
This Youtube channel extensively covers all the melted buildings throughout the world with video evidence, coining the term Meltology, including the theory that many mountains are actually old buildings.
The Destruction of Thousands of Elaborate Buildings during the World Fairs of the late 1800s. Thousands of remarkable old world buildings, were systematically destroyed over the course of the mysterious World Fairs, which were held during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Under the pretext of having been recently constructed, an achievement carried out in an impossibly short space of time, these architectural wonders, reminiscent of ancient Greece or Rome, were displayed to the public for the very last time. For the public were told that these spectacular buildings were only ever constructed on a temporary basis, and the vast majority were razed to the ground within six months from the closure of the Exposition. World fairs were set up for indoctrination purposes and as an excuse to tear down these huge elaborate buildings, which by rights should not have existed,” "The horrors of human savagery planned since the Feast Day of Lucifer on Aug 15, 1871, for WWIII by 33 degree Freemason and Satanist Albert Pike, are about to begin. Stir-Crazy war generals guiding psychotic world leaders into WWIII is part of God's pre-written plan. God is in total control of the timeline and warning us every step of the way; we just need to be able to hear Him.
For this coming war is not the war of Armageddon, as most Christians suppose, but the final battle against Jesus Christ, the war of Gog and Magog. In this sense the rabbis are right when declaring the coming world war to be that of Gog and Magog, but for all the wrong reasons.
For their expectations are based upon Ezekiel's prophecies in the Old Testament. Not on John's prophecy in the New Testament, which says Gog and Magog takes place after the millennial reign of Christ, and after the Little Season. The time-frame we almost certainly exist in today. The point being, we are NOT the generation Jesus promised to return to. Jesus kept the promise he made to the first generation of believers in Christ," p. 169. "It would be good to think that as the little season comes to an end, a world-wide outpouring of the Holy Spirt might take place, causing all the nations to repent and turn back to God. But the Bible as good as informs us that this will never be, for we're told that Satan will deceive every nation on earth.
Exactly how things will pan out, and how this world will finally end we are not told, other than how the world's nations, collectively referred to as Gog and Magog, will be deceived to such an extent, they will gather together for the final battle on earth. We are told how a multitude without number, fromthe deceived of the nations will traverse the earth and completely surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city. At which point all will be engulfed in a maelstrom of fire from heaven. The final Holocaust. Revelation 20:8-9. And [Satan] shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven,and devoured them.
The scriptures tell us that Satan deceives the entire world, therefore it would be quite logical to believe that when the nations of the world gather together for the final battle on earth, it will be for all the wrong reasons.What if Satan were able to deceive the nations into believing, that the real threat comes from elsewhere? That the governments of the world are only doing the bidding of those who inhabit the camp of the saints, let's say?
Will humanity seek to make war on Christ and his saints, as the Bible suggests? I doubt the ''beloved city'' refers to any physical city that we are presently aware of, although I have considered whetheror not it may be located beyond the extremities of the known earth. Will the nations be deceived into believing this to be an alien invasion from the depths of space, and the true enemy of mankind?" p. 221-223
After all, the Bible does refer to a ''great nation'' from ''the sides of the earth'' (Jeremiah 6:22) and Admiral Richard E Byrd on December 8, 1954, publicly announced the existence of an unknown landmass beyond the presumed South Pole. According to the Bible, the final deception will be so powerful that it will cause all the nations to come together as one, and this demon-driven human army without number will likely go to war against what is perceived to be a full-on threat to humanity.
Or is the ''beloved city'' more likely to refer to New Jerusalem the mother of us all, (Galatians 4:26) descending from out of heaven?"
Could it be that the reason the Mandela Effect's original purpose was to change the dates on ancient artwork and artifacts?
Could it be that the Millenial Period of Christ's Reign, when the lion laid down with the lamb, is over - and we are now in the reign of the wolf dwelling with the lamb? Perhaps that is what that Mandela Effect is trying to tell us.
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Artificial Intelligence Exposes our History? Youtube


Sunday Nov 24, 2024

Sunday Nov 24, 2024

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What is the difference between Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Kabbalism? Why are the 13 bloodlines Zoroastrian? I can’t wrap my head around this. Are the bloodlines Jews or Zoroastrian? The information I am about to tell you, will challenge your belief system altogether. I do not recommend you continue watching or listening to this if you are weak in your faith. Before Judaism, Islam and Christianity, there was Zorastrianism. It is one of the oldest recorded religions originating from Iran. While Hinduism is often considered one of the oldest organized religions, it's challenging to definitively say if it's the oldest. Many ancient beliefs and practices predate formal religious systems, making direct comparisons difficult. However, Zoroastrianism is another ancient religion with roots dating back thousands of years. Some scholars argue that certain aspects of Zoroastrianism, particularly its monotheistic tendencies, may predate the formalization of Hinduism. Practitioner and inventor of magic and sorcery, magician (Trogus Pompeius (first c. BC), Philippic Histories, book 1; Pliny the Elder (first c. AD), The Natural History 30.2.3)
Three 3 successive Persian monarchs came from this religion. Darius I, Xerxes I and Artaxerxes I. Despite the religion’s obscure beginnings, Zoroastrianism grew to become the state religion of three major Persian dynasties, at a time when the Persian empire was the largest in the world. Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, was a devout follower and the under him the expansionist Persians spread of the religion through conquest and trade across Asia.
Possibly the most significant moment in this expansion came with the conquest of Babylon by the Persians in 539BC. In conquering the city, Cyrus freed the Babylonian Jews who had been captured after the fall of Jerusalem over 60 years earlier.
The descendants of these exiled Jews would go on to compile the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and they carried the Zoroastrian influence into their religion. Through this interaction, Zoroastrianism became a key source for the major Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The founder of Zoroastrianism is a mysterious prophetic figure known as Zarathushtra (or Zoroaster in Greek). Very little is known about Zarathushtra outside of the Zoroastrian scriptures, the earliest of which are believed to have been written by the man himself. Scholars of Zoroastrianism have struggled to pin down the century or even the millennium in which he may have lived.
"The closest thing to a scholarly consensus about the time when Zarathushtra lived is the late second millennium (1,000 to 2,000) B.C.E.," says Benedikt Peschl, a doctoral student in Indo-Iranian languages and Zoroastrianism at SOAS University of London. "He would have lived somewhere in Central Asia near modern-day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan." 
Central to the Zoroastrian belief system is the idea that Ahura Mazda, the supreme being of goodness and light, is opposed by Angra Mainyu, a powerful (but not equally powerful) spirit of darkness and evil. The embodiment of this evil spirit is Ahriman, the equivalent of Satan or the Devil.
The Zoroastrian tradition as reflected in some Middle Persian texts tells us that initially, the Avesta included 21 books, called nasks. These books were created by the highest god Ahura Mazdā and were handed over to Vištāspa by Zaraθuštra. It was believed that the Avesta was destroyed by Alexander, that’s why in the Zoroastrian tradition Alexander is demonized and is known by the Middle Pers. epithet gizistag, meaning “accursed”. According to one of the texts, namely the 4th book of the Dēnkard, the parthian king, Walaxš(Vologeses I), was the first person to gather together all the religious texts scattered around the region. The work was continued in the reign of the Sasanian king, Ardašir I Pāpagān (ca. 224-240) later to include an extended religious material under Shapur I (241-72). Probably the translation of the Avesta into Middle Persian and the establishment of the religious canon were parallel processes. According to Dēnkard, Avesta was a subject of a special study during the reign of Khosrow I (531-579), and the above-mentioned 21 books were collected and put together during his reign. However much of the Sasanian Avesta was lost and the only part completely preserved is Vidēvdād. Therefore the Avestan texts known today are the remnants of the oral tradition, written down in the Sasanian period (III-VII centuries).
To Zoroastrians, all of reality is shaped by these dueling forces of light and dark, and every human being is free to choose their own path. The most righteous path is described by the "Zoroastrian Creed," which reads, "On three noble ideals be ever intent: The good thought well thought. The good word well spoken. The good deed well done."
Eduljee says that Zoroastrianism emphasizes action over belief. There's an ethical imperative to lead a good life and treat others with kindness rather than a theological imperative to profess a certain set of beliefs. And it's the actions you take in life, both good and bad, that determine your fate in the afterlife.
"Every single thought, word and deed is written on your soul," says Eduljee. "It's an ancient concept of karma. If you've given out pain and suffering to others, you're going to receive that for all eternity and there's no way of getting around it."
Zoroastrianism flourished in the ancient world and had a strong influence on Jewish thinkers and writers. Peschl says that after the Babylonian exile, when the Jews were temporarily expelled from Israel, many chose to remain in Babylonian Empire, where they exchanged religious ideas with Zoroastrians.
Later, during a time known as the "intertestamental period" (the period between the dates covered in the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, roughly the third and second centuries B.C.E.), Zoroastrian-style dualism showed up in apocryphal Jewish literature.
"That's the period when certain elements of Zoroastrianism entered into Judaism," says Peschl, "including the increased importance of the Devil figure and the idea of a Final Judgment."
In Zoroastrianism, the soul departs the body four days after death, at which point it crosses the Chinvat Bridge or Bridge of Judgment. Good souls are greeted by a beautiful maiden and ushered into heaven, while evil souls are captured by an old hag and dragged down to hell. Our word "paradise" is derived from the Old Iranian word pairi-daeza, which roughly translates to "celestial garden."
While Zoroastrians don't have "churches" with regularly scheduled times for worship, larger communities support one or more temples in which Zoroastrian priests or "magi" conduct ritual prayers in the ancient Avestan language during special days of the year. Otherwise, members pray individually.
Fire is the most sacred element to Zoroastrians and figures prominently in temple rituals like the Yasna. An eternal flame is kept alight in Zoroastrian temples 24 hours a day. According to the Shahnameh or "Book of Kings," one of Zarathushtra's first teachings was about the transformative power of fire.
Other sacred elements include water, air and earth. For this reason, Zoroastrians traditionally buried their dead in special towers (later called "Towers of Silence") where the corpses would be left to be eaten by birds of prey — that way not polluting the air, earth, fire or water. The bones would be bleached by the sun and then placed in a pit. Currently this is only practiced in India, as in most parts of the world this would be illegal or considered inappropriate. Modern Zoroastrians may bury their dead in graves protected by concrete or stone.
The most visible symbol of Zoroastrianism is the Farohar or Faravahar, what looks like a large winged eagle with the body and head of a bearded man. This image is famously carved into the ruins at Persepolis, the ancient capital of the Zoroastrian Achaemenid Empire in Iran, and now graces Zoroastrian temples and gravesites.
Peschl says that Zoroastrianism reached the peak of its power and political influence during the Sasanian Dynasty (224-651 C.E.) of Iran, the last Zoroastrian empire to rule Iran before the arrival of Islam. The Sasanians ruled from the Black Sea in the West down through the Persian Gulf and all the way East into India.
"Zoroastrianism lost its political power within a very short period as a consequence of the Arab conquest of Iran in the seventh century," says Peschl. "Right from the beginning, there was a strong incentive for Zoroastrians in Iran to convert to Islam."
Those who didn't convert faced terrible persecution in Iran, says Eduljee, which is why many Zoroastrians chose to migrate to India starting over 1,300 years ago. In India, Zoroastrians became known as Parsees, a word derived from the same root as Persians. Eduljee himself was born in India to a Parsee father and a mother whose great-grandparents migrated from Iran to India more recently.
The Parsee community in India still boasts the largest concentration of Zoroastrians in the world. An estimated 60,000 to 70,000 Parsees live in India, mostly in upper-class enclaves around Mumbai, although their numbers are shrinking. Traditionally, Zoroastrians have not converted people to their faith. However, recently, they have begun to accept those who choose to become Zoroastrians through their own choice. Low birth rates are, however, taking a toll.
Eduljee, whose Vancouver Zoroastrian community is about 1,000 people strong, admits that he's "very concerned" about the future of Zoroastrianism, although he believes "we might just survive."
“The group of Seven” 
Allegorically speaking, in Zoroastrianism, the "One in essence, Three in Person" formula can be modified into "One in essence, Seven in Person" in the view of the fact that the act of creation was followed by the act of emanating 6 inferior deities, called  Amǝša Spǝntas (Middle Pers. Amešāspand, Amahraspand, lit. Holy Immortals). There is a concept of "the group of 7" in Zoroastrian tradition, called Haptad, which includes Ahura Mazdā himself and the 6 divinities created by him. In the Zoroastrian tradition, the first 7 days of the calendar are named after the Heptad. Each Amešāspand has a special month and is attributed to one of the natural elements. 
These 6 emanations are:
Vohu Manah "Good thought", Middle Pers. Wahman, New Pers. Bahman Etymology: vohu "good"< PIE *h₁wésus, c.f. Vedic vásu + manah "mind" < PIE ménos, the English word mind comes from the same root. Merits: Advising, protection of cattle
Day: 2Month: 11, Bahman
Aṣ̌a Vahišta "Best Righteousness", MP Ardwahisht, NP Ardībehešt, Ordībehešt
Etymology: Aṣ̌a "truth" < PIE *h2r-to, c.f. Vedic ṛtá, Old Persian arta (rt > ṣ̌ sound change is regular in Avestan language) + Vahišta "the best" superlative of the same root vohu.Merits: Providence of cosmic Order, Protection of humans
Day: 3Month: 2, ArdibeheshtElement: Fire Interesting facts: One of the holiest prayers in Zoroastrianism, called aṣ̌əm vohū is dedicated to Aṣ̌a.
Xšaθra Vairya "Well-chosen Rule", MP/ NP Šahrewar
Etymology: Xšaθra "kingdom, rule"< PIE  *tek c.f. Sanskrit kṣatrá, Old Persian  xšaça "realm"+ vairya- "desirable choice" < PIE u̯el-, from where we have English will and well.Merits: Legitimate command, guarding the men, protection of metals. 
Day: 4Month: 6,  ŠahrewarElement: MetalInteresting facts: In the Zoroastrian eschatology (MP  Frašegird, Avestan Frašō.Kǝrǝti)) it is believed that during the apocalypse Šahrewar will melt the metal of all mountains.
Spənta Ārmaiti "Holy humility" NP Isfandārmaḏ, Arm. Spandaramet
Etymology: Spənta means "bounteous, holy" in Avestan + Ārmaiti, which according to P.O Skjærvø is derived from Avestan arim man "thinking in the correct measure, balanced thinking" (Ahura Mazdā and Ārmaiti, heaven and Earth, in the old Avesta. Am Orient Soc 122, p. 403), c.f. Vedic goddess ArámatiMerits: Nurturing, Protection of the earth, purification of mortal women after birth
Day: 5Month: 12,  SpendārmadElement: Earth Interesting facts: - Spənta Ārmaiti is believed to be Ahura Mazdā’s daughter and is rendered in Greek by Hera's name, who was Zeus' wife- There are two festivals celebrated on the 5th day of the Spandarmad month, the Festival of farmers (Pers. ǰašn-e barzegarān, also a now extinct festival called Esbandi was held in Kashan area, which much resembled the Nowruz) and Sepandārmazgān/ Esfandegān, ancient Iranian day of Women and widely known as "Day of Love". 
Haurvatāt "Wholeness" and Amərətāt "Immortality" are dual deities.
Etymology: Haurvatāt < PIE *solo-/ *sóluo- "whole", c.f. Latin salvus "whole, undamaged", Amərətāt < PIE *an+mer-, which means “undying”.Merits: Protecting the plants and water
Day: 6; 7Month: 3, Xordād; 5 MordādElement: WaterInteresting facts: - Initially, Haurvatāt and Amərətatāt were considered to be female deities, but in the Middle Iranian period they appeared as male twins.- Together with Amərətatāt they were transferred into the Koranic mythology and are known as Babylonian demons Hārut and Mārut.- In Armenian horot-morot means 1. tuberose flower 2. “Beautiful, neat”- One of the contemporary Zoroastrian News Agencies, “Amordadnews”, is named after Amərətāt.
Sun and Water
Besides the Amešāspands, there were other major deities mentioned in Avesta that constitute another class of divine beings, known as yazatas (from PIE *yeh₂ǵ- “to worship”). The word can be translated as “worthy of worship”. By the late Achaemenid period, we see two major yazatas mentioned alongside Ahura Mazdā in the inscription of Artaxerxes II at Susa, which reads as follows.
“Let Ahura Mazdā, Mithra and Anahita protect me against all evil” (A2Sa 3.1-6)
Mithra (Middle Pers. mihr) is the god of the treaty. His name comes from the Indo-Iranian common noun mitrá, meaning “contract, agreement”. Besides being the personification of the idea of “treaty”, he was also associated with the sun-worship (among the Greeks he was identified with the sun god Helios). In the Western world Mithra’s name is closely related to Mithraism, a religious cult practiced in the Roman Empire from the first to the 4th c. AD. The question whether the cult of Mithra had been borrowed directly from the Iranian pantheon, is still open to debate. 
The other deity mentioned in the inscription is Anāhitā (Middle Pers. Ardwī-sūr-Anāhīd, New Pers. Nāhīd). She is the goddess of waters and representation of the Indo-Iranian concept of the Heavenly River. In Zoroastrianism, Anāhitā is considered to be Ahura Mazdā’s daughter and is generally identified with the planet Venus. 
Over time the goddess had undergone many transformations and acquired other functions, such as the warrior aspect. As an illustration, the Armenian goddess Anahit (borrowed from Anāhitā) is only connected to the worship of water. Consequently, the warrior aspect, present in Iranian Anāhitā, might be explained by the influence from another cultural domain.
Zarathustra in Avesta
Old Avesta
Zarathustra is believed to be the author of the Gāthās, 17 hymns that constitute linguistically the oldest part of Avesta. He is said to be created to be a herdsman (Yasna 29.6) and the one who denounced the bloody sacrifice (Yasna 32.14). Zarathustra is also the first of all humans to ritually perform sacrifice in order to maintain the good existence created by Ahura Mazdā (Yasna 18).
Young Avesta
In the texts written in Young Avestan, Zarathustra is presented as Ahura Mazdā’s favorite, who was the first to condemn the cult of daēvas (c.f, Lat. deus and dīvus, Greek Zeus), the ancient Indo-Aryan gods (Yasht 13.89). As in the Old Avesta he sacrifices to Ahura Mazdā and fights against evil.
Zarathustra in the Pahlavi Books
Pahlavi literature refers to Zoroastrian writings in Middle Persian. A detailed story about the life of Zarathustra is contained in the 7th book of Dēnkard where it is told that being born he laughed (Dēnkard 7.2). The book narrates about Zarathustra’ birth, childhood, his life and persecution by daevic priests (Av. karapan, Middle Pers. karb), his audience with Ahura Mazdā, prophecy revealed to men and so on. The story is greatly influenced by Christian tradition and shows universal patterns of “the Prophetical stories''.
The traditional view on Zarathustra
Western scientific knowledge has played an essential role in forming the personality, whom we refer to as “traditional Zrarthustra” here. Starting from M.Haug, who was one of the first scholars to study the text of Gāθās, up to this point it has been generally agreed that the Gāθās were composed by Zarathustra himself and that he was the founder of the religion. Some radically different and opposing views were expressed on Zarathustra’s figure. According to E. Herzfeld, he was a historical figure and Cyrus’s grandson, who also backed Darius in his ascension to the throne but preferred to remain incognito (because Darius didn’t mention Zoroaster’s name anywhere). H. Nyberg, on the contrary, portrayed Zoroaster as a shaman and leader of a religious group. It seems that the Western concept of Zarathustra is based on the later tradition as presented in the 7th book of Dēkard, and “cutting with Occam’s razor” there is no historical evidence to confirm Zarathustra's historical authenticity, nor is there any ground to refute it. This was the main reason why scholars like J.Baldick prefered to use the term “Mazdean” and “Mazdaism” rather than “Zoroastrianism”(“Mazdaism (‘Zoroastrianism’),”: The World’s Religions, Routledge, 1988).
It appears to us that Zoroaster’s case is analogous to that of Pythagoras, who is now remembered as a mathematician and after whom the famous theorem is named. Few have any clue, however,  that in ancient times he was better known as a mystic and the leader of a religious group.
Was Zoroaster a historical figure? No one can answer this question, but the fact remains that at some point in time he started to be recognized as the prophet of the religion, and now every single person who is a part of the community has great love and reverence for him.
According to the elite, Zoroastrianism is not an oriental mystic sect or cult, but a Universal World Religion for all Mankind and the greatest outpouring of love the human race has ever seen. This is the new world order religion. Their image of Zarathushtra or Zoroaster looks exactly like Jesus. Zarathushtra established an observatory in Zabol (Sistan in southeastern Iran) and with his knowledge in astronomy he was able to establish a Zoroastrian solar calendar consisting of 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes and improved the ancient Indo-Iranian calendar. It was inaugurated on 21st March 1725 B.C.E, the day Prince Vishtasp and his court converted and joined the Zoroastrianism Fellowship. It also provides us with the clue that the Zoroastrianism was founded by “Asho Zarathushtra” exactly twelve years earlier on vernal equinox of the 1737 B.C.E. Most scholars and historians today agree on a time-frame for Zarathushtra as early as 1700 B.C.E. judging from the Old Avestan language. Zoroaster’s birthday falls on March 26th 1767 B.C.E. (6th of Farvardin in Persian Calendar) This date is more significant and special for the Zoroastrians. The Zoroastrian Calendar is based on his 40th Birthday, so right now (in 2024), the year is 3762 Zoroastrian Holy Year.
Zoroastrianism, or fire worship, is one of the oldest world religions. In fact, some have dated it as the world's oldest monotheism, although this supposition is by no means universally accepted. Accurately describing the age of this religion is very difficult, because there is some debate over when the prophet for who it is named, Zarathustra (in Greek, Zoroaster) actually lived. Speculation ranges from 6,000 to 600 B.C.E. What is known, however, is that for a period of approximately 1,000 years, Zoroastrianism was a very prominent religion, certainly the most powerful in the Middle East, perhaps the most powerful in the world. Over this period, which is generally held to have been from 549 B.C.E. to 642 C.E. (Zoroastrianism 574), it is known that Zoroastrianism communicated some of its traditional ideas to some of the adherents of Judaism (Flower 58). These were incorporated to some degree into the Jewish faith. However, because both Christianity and Islam were founded after Zoroastrianism, they were both influenced to a much greater degree, and tenets of faith that were originally found in Zoroastrianism were incorporated into Christianity and Islam on a very noticeable level. In fact, many aspects of Christianity and Islam that many people think typify these two religions have their roots in Zoroastrianism. The most notable of these aspects are the notions of dualism, judgement at death, heaven and hell, a savior born of a virgin, a final judgement, and resurrection. All of these concepts were originally taught in Zoroastrianism before Christianity and Islam existed (Zoroastrianism, 574). Therefore, it is evident that, by preceding Christianity and Islam, Zoroastrianism influenced both of these religions.
Differences between Zorastrianism and Judaism
The ancient Hebrew religion centered around a fire, kept burning in a hearth in the temple in Jerusalem in which burnt offerings of cakes and parts of sacrificed animals were made daily. An almost identical ritual was the central feature of the ancient Vedic religion which has continued in a modified form to this very day. The connection between Judaism and Zoroastrianism is the concept of monotheism, or the belief in one God. Both religions are considered to be among the earliest monotheistic religions in history, and both emphasize the importance of [ethical behavior] and [good deeds].
Another similarity between Judaism and Zoroastrianism is the concept of a [messianic figure] who will come to save the world from evil and bring about a new era of peace and justice. In Judaism, this figure is known as the [Messiah], while in Zoroastrianism, it is the Saoshyant.
both religions place a strong emphasis on the importance of community and social responsibility. In Judaism, this is expressed through the mitzvot, or commandments, which guide ethical behavior and communal responsibility. In Zoroastrianism, this is expressed through the concept of asha, or the [cosmic order], which emphasizes the importance of truth, justice, and righteousness in society.
Despite these similarities, there are also important differences between Judaism and Zoroastrianism, including their beliefs about the nature of [God], the afterlife, and the role of ritual and practice in religious life.
Differences between Zorastrianism and Islam
They are both monotheistic religions. There is only ONE God, who is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the sovereign lawgiver and the originator of the moral order and the judge of the entire world. There are five daily prayers in both religions. There is a ritualistic ablution (cleaning) before the prayers, which involves washing hands and feet, although the ritual is quite different. There is a direction to turn to during the prayers. (In Zoroastrianism towards the fire whereas in Islam toward the Makkah) There is a call for prayer in both religions. (In Zoroastrianism it is bell ring whereas in Islam it is a human voice). The concept of Heaven and Hell exists in both religions. Those who have led good lives (good thoughts, good words, and good deeds) would go to the heaven, otherwise, to the hell. The concept of judgement days exists in both religions. The dead will be resurrected at the end of the times, and the God will judge all humans according to their beliefs and deeds. The concept of free will is important in both religions, for people will be rewarded or punished accordingly in the after-world. The concept of the Chinvat bridge is similar to that of the As-Sirāt in Islam. 
Differences between Zorastrianism and Kabalism 
Kabbalah is not a religion. It predates religion. Kabbalah is a method of revealing to us the laws of nature through connection (spiritual connection, above our egoistic physical selves) with others. Faith is of no concern regarding the wisdom of Kabbalah, people of any faith can and do study and attempt to apply this method to their lives.
Kabbalah is not centered on the duality of good and evil. Kabbalah is One Single Nature, every element within this integral nature is connected by way of cause and effect. There does exist good and evil within this Single system, but it all exists within the general system of Good. We, humanity exist within this system as the so-called “evil” (because of the destruction we cause to each other and the world). However, because our “root” is inherently good, we can attain the Good as well, through the method of Kabbalah. There are no deities in Kabbalah, there are only forces of nature: The force of reception, and the force of bestowal (but there are varying layers of these two extremes). There is no heaven and hell in the terms of an “afterlife”. Heaven and Hell is something perceived by us while still alive in this world. Because only in this world can we “perceive” anything.
Fire Worship
These are the three oldest faiths in the world and the most striking commonality between these three ancient traditions is the centrality of FIRE. Fire worship is central to Zoroastrianism. There is a fire in a temple in Yazd Iran which has been burning for over 1500 years. In Judaism the fire-sacrifice has not been performed for 2000 years since the destruction of the temple by the Romans in 70 CE. 
Hinduism Breakaway (the truth)
A young Hindu boy named Shukracharya (Shukra) studied the Vedas under Guru Rishi Angirasa. He was upset with Angirasa's favoritism towards his own son Brihaspati. Brihaspati was always graded higher than him, Shukracharya was better than Brihaspati when it came to merit. In a deep sulk he left Angirasa's ashram and went to learn under Maharishi Gautama. Since then, he always had a professional rivalry with Brihaspati. Even in mantric siddhis, Brihaspati was no match for Shukracharya and both knew this.
When the devas (gods) need a guru, they chose Brihaspati. Shukracharya who expected to be chosen became very bitter and spiteful. In a knee jerk manner he offered his services as guru to the Asuras (enemies of Devas) and they grabbed it with both hands. This was the root cause of the Mahabharata war and other jealous races like Persians, Greeks and Romans outside India. Brihaspati is known in other cultures as Zeus or Thor. Zarathushtra Spitama or Zoroaster in greek was a Hindu Indian around 600 BC believed to be one of Sun Worshipping Sakladvip who made a religion of his own. Like Buddha before him in 1900 BC. Just like Buddha he mirrored Hindusim.
This is what happens when a faction breaks away. Buddha converted the right handed Swastika of the Hindus, into a left handed Swastika for his breakaway religion. The American English speaking white man, mirrored whatever the British of the homeland did. If his forefather in Britain did something with his left hand, he would do it with his right hand. In this case Zoroaster converted Hindu gods to his new religion’s demons and the Hindu demons into his gods. So aSura, the demon of Hinduism became Zoroaster’s aHura, his god. The God of Zoroaster’s religion in his holy books Zand, an Avestan is called aHura mazda.
Ahura means God and Mazda means masth (great) . There is no Z alphabet in Sanskrit ( or Malayalam ) and hence he chose Z for S. Zoroastrianism was born as a revolt against the Vedic Hindu religious setup in India. Zoroaster was born in India, with a good knowledge of Sanskrit, and NOT Persia or Mesopotamia. The Hindu gods or DEVAS are considered evil people in Zend Avesta. The evil Devas are lead by the evil Abhriman ( brahmAn , the supreme in advaita Hinduism ).
The new world order wants a one world religion. One that puts all religions together under one roof. Zorastrianism, I believe, is that rosetta stone. It splits from Hinduism, was dominate for 1,000 years, inspired Judasim, Christianity and Islam and it is practiced by the Canaanite bloodlines. I believe they will find a scroll that connects all of these religions together and it will shock the world. 
The sudden surge in the ancient pagan religion of Zoroastrianism in Iran is another "sign of the times", a sign that the appearance of Antichrist is clearly close. 
The "signs of the times" abound all around us, as Cutting Edge continuously points out. We see the world moving rapidly to a global government, economy, and religion, just as prophecy in the Book of Revelation and Daniel foretold so many centuries ago. These are exciting times in which to live for the Born Again Christian, for these prophecy fulfillments serve as validations of the Bible and of the Holy Spirit behind the Bible, just as God originally intended.
This story is one of those exciting "signs", for the Black Magick religion from which the religion of Antichrist will spring is now experiencing a tremendous surge of popularity in Iran! This new popularity has sprung forth, even if face of great government opposition and persecution. If the coming of the "Great One" is close, this phenomenon should be expected. Right on cue with other prophecies being fulfilled, it seems highly significant that the very religion from which the religion of Antichrist will spring.
"From al-Reuters, we have a masterpiece of disinformation. 'ISFAHAN — Iranian authorities beat up and tear gassed exuberant young revelers as they breathed new life into a pre-Islamic fire festival with a night of dancing, flirting and fireworks. The Islamic Republic, which has an awkward relationship with its ancient Zoroastrian religion, only gave guarded recognition to the Chaharshanbe Souri festival last year'."
"The Islamic republic does not have 'an awkward relationship' with Zoroastrianism. It forbids Zoroastrian practices, including the celebration of the Zoroastrian New Year, Norooz. Forget about 'guarded recognition'; there is a ban ... there is a big Zoroastrian revival under way in Iran ... And to say that the authorities 'beat up and gassed' some 'revelers' is quite an understatement, since, on the evening of March 15h, there were very large-scale demonstrations all over Iran ... But al-Reuters makes it sound like a frat party that just got a bit out of hand..."
How large were these Zoroastrian celebrations?
"... according to Iranians with whom I have spoken, there were monster demonstrations in eleven provinces and 37 cities, and many thousands — one source said more than 30,000 — people were arrested, some only briefly, others shipped off to the infamous prisons and torture chambers of the regime." (Ibid.)
This kind of treatment at the hands of the brutal, hardline Iranian regime is a high price to pay for worshipping according to a very Ancient polytheistic pagan religion, which is what Zoroastrianism is, as we shall see in a few moments. Islam is severely monotheistic and has historically refused to allow any compromise with "heretical" religions which worship more than one god. Thus, we should not be surprised to learn that the established Iranian Islamic regime has reacted so strenuously to this public celebration of the Zoroastrian New Year celebration.
Now, let us study the roots of Zoroastrianism and why it is so important today. First, let us address why this ancient religion is so important today. In late 1996, I received an email from a person who identified himself as a Black Magick Satanist; he stated that, while I understood much about Black Magick, I needed to be aware that the book, "Thus Saith Zarathustra", by Nietzche, would be the "Bible of Antichrist".
Based upon this bit of information, I bought the book and now keep it on my bookcase for ready reference. This Black Magick religion is said to have been founded on the legendary figure, Zarathustra, a man occultists consider to be a "type" of the coming Antichrist.
Remember your sacred history: the "Wise Men" who visited the baby Jesus on camel, as recounted in Matthew 2:1-12, were "astrologers" [Amplified Bible Commentary, p. 1076]. Further, they were "Magi" astrologers, which tells us they were descendents of the "Wise Men" of King Nebuchadnezzar's court during the time of Daniel.
Since the three Wise Men were religious scholars, and part of the king's court, they had access to the writings of Daniel. Further, the three Wise Men were Magi, which was an order of the Pagan Medo-Persian religious order of Zoroaster.(Dictionary Of The Bible , edited by William Smith, The S.S. Scranton Company, Hartford, CT, 1904, p. 501.) The Magi were ancient interpreters of dreams and were astrologers (monthly prognosticators). We see them in the Old Testament in the court of the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar gathered around him the top religious men of the religions of the nations which he had militarily conquered. Daniel was also part of the court of Nebuchadnezzar. In Daniel 1:20, God tells us that Daniel was 'ten times more wise and understanding than all the learned magicians and enchanters'. The Magi were part of those magicians and enchanters. Then, in chapter 2, Daniel saves the lives of all the enchanters and magicians because he could interpret the king's dream when they could not. Over and over again, Daniel demonstrated that his God was able to interpret dreams, unlike their gods. The Magi had come to the point where they greatly revered Daniel and his writings.
Therefore, they had access to Daniel's prophecy detailing the precise coming of Messiah, and they knew that they were living within 33 years -- a man's lifetime -- of the mathematics of Daniel 9:24-27 of being fulfilled. Because they knew the prophecy from "Daniel's God", they were primed to expect the appearance of the Jewish Messiah.
Thus, when God caused His "star" [Shekinah Glory] to arise in the East, these Magi knew in their hearts that this was the sign for which they had been awaiting. Of course, since we see that the Holy Spirit was active in their hearts in Matthew 2:12, we can probably safely conclude that, at the time they saw God's "star" arising in the East, the Holy Spirit activated their long and arduous journey.
Thus, we can see that Zoroastrianism has a long history in the annals of time, and that some of their Magi were active in fulfilling God's Plan for the birth of Jesus Christ. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that these Magi were pagans through and through, back then, and they are just as pagan today. While they considered the Jewish Messiah to be "divine", they considered Him to be only the Jewish god, no different than the gods of the other nations of the world.
Now, at the the End of the Age, as all the signs point to the soon appearance of Antichrist, I was told by a Satanist that Zarathustra is a type of Antichrist. And Zarathustra wore white! He was a spiritual leader, and he wore only white. Further, in the picture of him, Zarathustra is making a hand gesture with the thumb extended to the right and slightly up, and the forefinger pointing upward. This gesture is called a "mudra", defined by the Dictionary of Mysticism as "a mystic seal of Oriental occultism; a series of occult signs made with the fingers, and considered to have magical effects ." [Quoted by Dr. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 231; Emphasis added]
Finally, notice that Zarathustra is carrying a Staff of Authority, or a Rod, in his left hand. This Rod is also a symbol of the Lucifer Sun-God . There is tremendous Satanic power behind a Staff -- Rod -- of Authority. Look carefully at this staff, for from it, the Roman Catholic Pope gets the staff on which the Crucifix is perched; however, now carries the pathetic, twisted figure of Jesus Christ on a Twisted Cross; in the 6th Century, Black Magick Satanists created this staff in derision of the traditional Catholic Crucifix, but adopted it later as a symbol of their Antichrist [See RC100 for full details].
Now, we know two very important facts: Zarathustra is the Lucifer Sun-God, and he always wears white! Thus, in modern Illuminism, this Zoroastrian belief is completely carried forward. The top spiritual leader wears white and he is considered the Lucifer Sun-God!
Before we leave this issue of Zarathustra, we need to address the only time in which we found him depicted in a color other than white. As you can see from this picture, he is shown in a strange blue, a color identified as "Tortoise". This is the only picture of Zarathustra in which he is not dressed in white; rather, he is dressed in a light blue, called Tortoise. In the religious dogma of Illuminized Satanism, the robes of the most highly ranked priests were colored this shade of light blue. Thus, you can see that Zarathustra is dressed in robes of the highest ranking priesthood, which is certainly fitting, since he is considered divine, a Messiah figure.
But, Cisco Wheeler, former Black Magick Satanist, says that this depiction in these light-blue robes is a new depiction of him. This change from traditional white robes to these light blue means that powerful, magick ceremonies have now occurred that brings Lucifer into the ceremonies, manifesting himself into this dimension through ritual. This new depiction of Zarathustra in these blue robes is a signal to fellow Illuminists that the hour of Antichrist's appearance is, indeed, close.
This revelation from a former Satanist brings us squarely back to our original premise: this upsurge of the polytheistic religion of Zoroastrianism, founded by Zarathustra, is not only remarkable in the strict Islamic Republic of Iran, it is also interesting in light of the many "signs" that the appearance of Antichrist is close. It does seem remarkable that this ancient religion which prefigures the Illuminati and their Masonic Christ -- the ultimate Lucifer Sun-God! -- is now strongly resurgent in the country of its birth.
The word, "Tortoise" speaks of the slow, deliberate pace at which events are moving the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, the New World Order. As the fairy tale tells us, the race belonged to the tortoise, not the hare! The Illuminati Plan to produce Antichrist was designed to proceed "slow as molasses", but very thorough. We Christians want to go to Heaven so badly we are constantly asking, "When, O Lord", or "How Long"? We must adopt patience, not despairing when events do not occur when we think they should; further, we should not be thinking that, just because the next step has not followed within a certain period of time after the previous step means that the process has stopped. Too many American Christians have come to the conclusion that, just because the next step did not occur quickly after 9/11, the process to the New World Order is off. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Sir Ajit Vadakayil Blog
Cutting Edge Ministries

Saturday Nov 23, 2024

13 Bloodlines - Deep Dive Part 3
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Wednesday night Part 1 we spoke about the three tiers of secret familes called the zorastrians, black nobility and the illuminati. We then went into a deep dive on each of the House of Somaglia, House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti), House of Orsini Family of Rome and the House of Borja (Borgia)
Thursday night part 2 we spoke about the House of Conti di Segni (House of Bourbon / Torlonia), House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere, House of Colonna (Colombo Crime Family), House of Farnese Military Bloodline, House of Medici
House of Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona (Bourbon / Gotti / Gambino / Trump)
The House of Caetani, or Gaetani, according to a family tradition, was descendant of the Dukes of Gaeta. Nevertheless, the family had no more great importance in Rome until the election of Benedetto Caetani to the papacy as Pope Boniface VIII in 1294, when they at once became the most notable in the city.
Donald Trump is now threatening to start a global war beginning with Iran in defense of his bosses of the Black Nobility. Trump was Roman Catholic Jesuit educated at Fordham and he is friends with the Roman Gaetanis a papal nobility. The Trumps can be seen with the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Colonnas also Italian-Papal nobility and royalty. Trump also has deep connections with the Italian Mafia. Trump "killing" Soleimani is staged for world war propaganda. Either Soleimani is still alive or more than likely previously died in a way that was unrelated to "Trump killing Soleimani" while Trump is actually bombing civilians in Iraq. If Trump attempts to start a world war with Iran which will cause Russia and then China to be involved then he needs to be executed. All the nation's leaders work together under Rome and they engineer wars as a disguise for depopulating society.
Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli apparently faked his death and has been hiding out in Venice and may be in Switzerland today.
The Gaetani Crime Family The Gaetani-Dell’Aquila-D’Aragona family is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility and imperial landowners. The Spanish word Aragona means agriculture and land. The Gaetani family own the Gambino crime syndicate which is still covertly managed by the Gotti family today. The Gaetani family take their name from Gaeta Italy which was settled by the Tribe of Getae. The name Gotti means Goth. The Goths and Getae are two similar but different Scythian tribes that have intermixed and had similar migrations. The Goths settled in L’Aquila Italy where the Gaetani family ruled as well as in Gaeta. There is still Gothic architecture in both of these towns. Salvatore D’Aquila was a boss of what later became the Gambino crime family just as the Gaetani family ruled in L’Aquila Italy. The name Gambino and Campania derive from the Greek word campe which means crooked. In Italy is has also come to mean leg. This is where the terms bootleggers and crooks come from. The word gambling is also etymologically connected with the name Gambino. The Italian Mafia run most of the casinos in the United States and launder their profits through them. Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete company to build his condos in Manhattan. Don Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney who also worked for the former Genovese boss Tony Salerno and former Gambino boss John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli faked his death and has been hiding out in Italy and may be in Geneva Switzerland today.
House of Doria Pamphilj Landi
The House of Pamphili (often with the final long i orthography, Pamphilj) was one of the papal families deeply entrenched in Catholic Church, Roman and Italian politics of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Before they were known for their papal reign, the Pamphili family hailed from Gubbio in Umbria, a region in central Italy. They were descendents of Amanzio Pamphili, a man who arrived in Italy in the ninth century as a follower of Charlemagne. They asserted that their family coat of arms—a dove with an olive branch in its beak, as well as three fleurs-de-lis—was actually granted from Charlemagne himself (Majanlahti 277-278).
The Pamphili family’s ascent to respectable nobility really began with Antonio Pamphili, who was appointed as the fiscal procurator for the Papal States by Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere. This position of trust, respect, and significant income was their first real step up the hierarchy of power. Moreover, Antonio Pamphili married a rich Roman noblewoman, which furthered the family’s rise to nobility. Although the Pamphili family continued a long pattern of marrying into powerful members of the aristocracy, they did not achieve world fame and power until one of their very own succeeded the papal throne.
Pope Innocent X
Upon the death of Urban VIII, the conclave gathered to choose a new pope. For some days after Urban VIII's death, the situation in Rome was extremely critical. Crime increased alarmingly within the streets, as always when the papal throne was unoccupied. During this time, a rivalry was brewing between the Spanish and the French factions who could not agree on a successor. It was not until a month later that both parties reached a compromise for Giambattista Pamphili, who was a previous cardinal under Urban VIII (Majanlahti 276). By then, the new pope, renamed Innocent X, was 70 years old.
Giambattista Pamphili was born in Rome on May 1574. As a young man, he entered the service of the church, first as an officer in the papal army and later as a diplomat (Encyclopædia Britannica). Having studied law at the Jesuit Collegio Romano, he worked as an auditor before he was selected as an ambassador to Naples. Under the pontificate of Urban VIII, Pamphili was appointed to become a priest, then bishop, and later cardinal. Although he was generally recognized as an upright man of justice, Innocent also had the reputation for being cross-grained and stern during his pontificate. This is how he is portrayed in his painting in 1650: suspicious, opposing, and morose (refer to the Presentation Handout).
During his career as pope, the influence of the papacy started to wane in European politics. Any attempt at restoring the papal finances, which had become severely depleted at the time of Urban VIII's pontificate, was bound to fail. During times of food shortage, grain prices soared, so the pope started a new penny tax on salt and meat. There were often protests in front of his commissioned monuments, like the Four Rivers Fountain in his Piazza Navona, which were accompanied with pasquinades—satirical rhymes. The common people adamantly stated that they would rather spend their tax money on bread than on obelisks and fountainheads (Morrissey 210). Furthermore, the pope’s relationships with his relatives were questionable, for he was guilty of nepotism, and much of his pontificate was dominated by his greedy sister-in-law, Olimpia Maidalchini.
La Papessa: The “She-Pope”
Olimpia Maidalchini married young to a rich family, but at the early death of her baby and husband, was left a wealthy widow at the age of 21. At this point she was not really educated or powerful, but very intelligent and intent on escaping her home in Viterbese. In order to escape, she needed political power, and used the most common methods of the time: gaining status in the church, or marrying into a rich family. Olimpia pursued both tracks, and in 1612 married Pamphilio Pamphili, the elder brother of the future Pope Innocent X (Magnuson). Their marriage was based upon his need for her wealth, and her desire for his power.
Combining that wealth and power, she gained influence over the future Pope Innocent X by supporting him financially in the early years of his diplomatic career. The cardinals that finally elected Innocent knew this, and warned the new pope not to let his sister-in-law have too much control. This, however, did nothing to lessen Olimpia’s influence. A few examples of Olimpia’s excessive power are as follows: she made many of the decisions in the construction of Palazzo Pamphili; arranged marriages to secure her family in political power; and plotted to have her son Camillo in command of the papal armies. She was, however, thwarted in this scheme, and instead of a general, Camillo Pamphili was made into the cardinal nephew. He was much loved in this position, but grew tired of it when he realized he had very little influence over Pope Innocent X in comparison to his mother Olimpia. In addition to this dissatisfaction, he fell in love with Olimpia Aldobrandini, a wealthy widow of Paolo Borghese. Thus, Camillo left both the cardinalate and his uncle Innocent to the mercy of Olimpia.
By about 1647, Olimpia was the only person close to the temperamental pope who could advise him (Magnuson). Anyone who wanted anything from the pope would first have to turn to Olimpia; meaning, they would first have to pay her off. She loved bribes and monetary gain, and was known as di nauseante ingordigia, or “disgustingly greedy.” The pope rarely did anything without first asking Olimpia. Aside from her company, the pope spent his final years alone.
A lot of the misfortunate things that Pope Innocent did were blamed on Olimpia. The mark of the Italians’ hatred for her is seen long after her reign. For example, Olimpia was a common pseudonym for prostitutes for hundreds of years. As a lasting tribute, Donna Olimpia was remembered through ghost stories. In one of tales, she can be found under the full moon in a black carriage—pulled by a black horse with flaming eyes—as she rides from the Ponte Sisto to Piazza Navona, and finally into the gates of Palazzo Pamphili.
The Property of the Pamphili
While the Pamphili family used both the arrangement of strategic marriages as well as the church in their attempts to improve their social status in Rome, they also asserted their prominence through the real estate market and the development of their properties. Although the Pamphili family had previously resided in an aristocratic neighborhood in Gubbio, their old status meant nothing in Rome, and they had to start from scratch (Majanlahti 287). This is why Antonio Pamphili wanted to establish an impressive family house in a prominent area of Rome. This ambition eventually led to the purchase of property in the neighborhood of Rione Parione in 1470—which then stretched from the southern part of what is now Piazza Navona to Campo di’ Fiori (Leone 3). Over the years, he was able to expand his property by purchasing surrounding houses and incorporating them into the Pamphili estate. The generations following Antonio continued this campaign to expand the Pamphili property—a trend that reflected the family’s continual attempts to assert their importance in a central area of Rome (Leone 9). At that time, Rione Parione was a fairly prestigious and heavily populated neighborhood as its popularity increased even more after Sixtus IV’s campaign to improve the streets of Rome.
The Pamphili’s property ambitions were also aided by the decision of Julius III to align dell’Anima and Palazzo Pasquina. Although part of the Pamphili property had to be torn down in order to achieve the pope’s goal, they were heavily compensated and benefited significantly from the situation. They received two new houses in return for the damages, and were then able to expand up to piazza Navona—the neighborhood in which many of the most important families of the time resided (Leone 9). However, this meant that to live up to the status and grandness of the families that surrounded them, the Pamphili needed to construct a more elaborate Palazzo (Leone-Palazzo 3). This sparked an intense campaign by the Pamphili to renovate their family casa, especially after Giambattista was elected into the Sacred College and awarded the cardinal’s hat in 1630. With the trend of building an elaborate Palace after reaching the status of cardinal having long been established—as with Maffeo Barberini —there was more pressure to build a more socially acceptable family residence. In 1636 Giambattista commissioned Peperelli to go about the task of collectively joining the Pamphili properties into one coherent structure. The Palazzo was built from 1636 to 1638, and was constructed in order to live up to the contemporary social code that regulated how best to set up a proper family Palazzo—spelled out in a popular etiquette book (Leone 23).
By the time Giambattista became Pope Innocent X in 1644, six years after the Palazzo was finished, it was again thought to be inadequate considering the Pamphili’s new elevated status. This second campaign eventually led to the renovations that shaped the current structure evident in Piazza Navona today. The Pamphili had established themselves in this central area of Rome for over 150 years by the time Giambattista became pope—having successfully implanted their family into the social hierarchy of Rome.
Death and Legacy
Eventually the male line of the Pamphili died out, and only continued on through Camillo’s daughter Anna Pamphili. Anna married into the Cenoese family of the Doria Landi. During his lifetime, Camillo Pamphili had been a huge supporter and commissioner of the arts, and had managed to acquire a very impressive art collection. This collection cannot be separated from Camillo’s estate, and is currently maintained by the Doria Landi in Palazzo Doria-Pamphili (Majanlahti 288). The Pamphili family’s property campaign is still evident in Rome to this very day due to their influential presence and history in Piazza Navona, as well as their expansive and influential art collection.
The House of Doria Pamphilj Landi (also called simply Doria Pamphilj) was a princely Roman family of Genoese extraction. Legend has it that the origins of the Doria family date from the early 11th century, but the authentic pedigree is traced to Ansaldo d’Oria, consul of Genoa in the 12th century. The descent of the several Doria family lines in Genoa is well-known and is described in Natale Battilana’s 19th-century genealogical study of old Genoese families.
The Doria Pamphili Landi princely family was a sub-branch of the Doria di Oneglia branch: in 1291, two Doria brothers bought the lordship of Oneglia, which was co-owned by their descendants until the late 15th century. Admiral Andrea Doria was descended from a Doria di Oneglia, Genoese soldier Aitone Doria (also called Antonio Doria), who fought for the French at the Battle of Crécy.
Famous members
Famous members include Andrea Doria and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Pamphilj, who rose to the Papacy as Pope Innocent X.
The marquisate of Civiez and the county of Cavallamonte were conferred on the family in 1576, the duchy of Tursi in 1594, the principality of Avella in 1607, the duchy of Avigliano in 1613, and the principality of Meldola in 1671. In 1760, the title of Reichsfürst or prince of the Holy Roman Empire was added and attached to the lordship of Torriglia and the marquisate of Borgo San Stefano, together with the qualification of Hochgeboren. That same year, the Dorias inherited the fiefs and titles of the house of Pamphilj of Gubbio, patricians of Rome and Princes of San Martino and Valmontone. The name then became Doria Pamphilj. They had already incorporated by marriage the wealthy inheritance of the Landi family.
Last generations
Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, a staunch anti-Fascist, in 1944 became the first mayor of Rome following its liberation by the Allies (his father had been Senator of the newborn Kingdom of Italy in 1870).
Princess Orietta Doria Pamphili, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (London, 22 April 1922 – Rome, 19 November 2000), 19th Princess of Melfi, Grandee of Spain First Class, 8th Princess of the Holy Roman Empire, 8th Princess of Santo Stefano d’Aveto and Torriglia, Princess of Valditaro, Valmontone and San Martino al Cimino, Roman Princess, 11th Duchess of Avigliano, Duchess of Montelanico, 15th Marchioness of Carrega, Croce in Val Trebbia, Ottone, Grondona, Vargo, Cremonte, Cabella and Fontana (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony), Marchioness of Montecalvello and Cabella, Countess of Loano, Countess of Talamello, Baroness of Giffoni (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony) and San Cipriano, Lady of Rovegno, Laccio, Monte Tanano, Bagnaria, Cariseto, Casanova sul Trebbia, Foreseto, Garbagna, Fontanarossa, Montebruno, Gremiasco, San Sebastiano Curone, Val di Curone and Montacuto, Turbigo, Lagopesole, Lacedonia, Forenza, Candela, San Fele, Rocchetta Sant’Antonio, Stellanello and of its Valley with Rossi, Duranti and San Vincenzo, Gorga, Lugnano, Grotte, Santo Stefano, Poggio, Alviano, Roccamassima, Colleferro, Anzio and Nettuno, Lady of Seguno Pozzuolo, Bucchio, Pondo, Pratolina, Spinello in Collina, Mortano Soasia, Vallenzera and Sassetta, Filetta and Castiglione dei Genovesi, Genoese Patrician, Noble of Viterbo, the last of the line, married Royal Navy Commander Frank George Wignall Pogson (Maidenhead, Berkshire, 6 September 1923 – Rome, 2 October 1998) in London on 6 August 1958. Prior to his marriage and in accordance with the express wishes of the late Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, he added “Doria Pamphilj” to his last name by deed poll.
After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, Princess Orietta and her husband, both Catholics, worked to promote better relations between faiths. In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II visited Rome and the Anglican Centre, which is housed in the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.
House of Este
The House of Este was an Italian princely family, linked with several contemporary royal dynasties, including the House of Habsburg and the British royal family. The elder branch of the House of Este, known as the Younger House of Welf, included dukes of Bavaria and Brunswick-Lüneburg and produced Britain's Hanoverian monarchs, as well as one Emperor of Russia, Ivan VI (1740 – 1764)) and one Holy Roman Emperor, Otto IV (1175 – 1218). The younger branch of the House of Este included rulers of Ferrara (1240–1597), and of Modena and Reggio (1288–1796). Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara (1431–1505) was one of the most significant patrons of the arts in late fifteenth and early sixteenth century Italy, when Ferrara grew into a cultural center renowned especially for music. Ercole's daughter Beatrice (1475–1497) married Leonard da Vinci’s chief patron, Ludovico Sforza (1452 – 1508), Duke of Milan, the son Francesco I Sforza, a founding member of Rene of Anjou’s Order of the Crescent. Another daughter, Isabella (1474–1539), married Francesco Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua. Ercole I's successor was his son Alfonso I d’Este (1476 – 1534), third husband of the notorious Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pope Alexander VI, sister to Cesare Borgia. The legitimate line ended in 1597 with Ercole I. As his heir, his first cousin Cesare d'Este (1533–1628) was recognized by Emperor Rudolph II, who maintained the occult-oriented court at Prague, which attracted the sorcerer John Dee, leading to the founding of the Rosicrucian movement.
The last duke, Ercole III d’Este (1727 – 1803), Duke of Modena, was deposed in 1796 by the French. Ercole III was the son of Duke Francesco III d’Este (1698 – 1780), Duke of Modena and Charlotte Aglaé d’Orléans, daughter of Philippe II d’Orléans, a friend of Chevalier Michael Ramsay, and Françoise Marie de Bourbon, the daughter of Madame de Montespan, who was accused of performing the Black Mass. Ercole III’s brother, Francesco I d’Este, Duke of Modena (1610 – 1658), also a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Francesco I d’Este married Maria Caterina Farnese and their son, Alfonso IV d’Este, Duke of Modena married Laura Martinozzi, and were the parents of Mary of Modena the wife of James II of England. Their son, James Francis Edward Stuart, known as “The Old Pretender,” was the father of the Jabobite pretenders, Charles Edward Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie, “the Young Pretender” and his brother Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York. The family of their mother, Maria Clementina Sobieska, was related to Jacob Frank.
Ercole III’s two duchies became the Cispadane Republic which one year later was merged into the Cisalpine Republic and then into the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. Ercole was compensated in 1801 with the small principality of Breisgau in southwestern Germany, whose previous rulers, the Habsburgs, ceded it to him in anticipation of its eventual return to the Habsburgs, since Ercole's daughter Maria Beatrice Ricciarda d'Este was married to a cadet Habsburg, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Este (1754 – 1806), the son of Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (1708 – 1765), Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and Empress Maria Theresa, who supported Jacob Frank. Ferdinand’s brother, Emperor Joseph II (1741 –1790), also Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, had an affair with Jacob’s daughter Eva. Their brother, Archduke Maximilian Francis (1756 – 1801), was a Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights and purported Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Ercole died in 1803 and Breisgau passed to his daughter and her husband, who in 1806 lost it during the Napoleonic reorganization of the western territories of the defunct Holy Roman Empire to the enlarged and elevated Grand Duchy of Baden.
House of Este, princely family of Lombard origin who played a great part in the history of medieval and Renaissance Italy. The family first came to the front in the wars between the Guelfs and Ghibellines during the 13th century. As leaders of the Guelfs, Estensi princes received at different times Ferrara, Modena, Reggio, and other fiefs and territories. Members of the family ruled in Ferrara from the 13th through the 16th century and in Modena and Reggio from the later Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century.
The Estensi were a branch of the great 10th-century dynasty of the Obertenghi, which held power and wealth in Lunigiana, Genoa, and Milan and which also gave rise to the feudal houses of the Malaspina, the Pallavicini, and the margraves of Massa and Parodi. Subsequently, after various vicissitudes, the members of the Obertenghi dynasty removed to the lands of the Venetians, where they had estates at Este, Monselice, Rovigo, and Friuli. The Estensi took their name from the township and castle of Este, 17 miles (27 km) southwest of Padua, and the true founder of the family was the margrave Alberto Azzo II (died 1097). From his son Welf IV, duke of Bavaria, there began a related branch that gave origin to the dukes of Bavaria, Brunswick, and Lüneburg, as well as the electors of Hanover. Another son, Ugo, tried without success to establish in France, while a third son, Folco I (died c. 1136), became second in line in the house of Este. Neither he nor his successor, Obizzo I (died 1193), however, achieved any great distinction, beyond the offices and titles that fell naturally to the upper feudal families, but it was during the lifetime of Obizzo I that the Estensi first acquired political importance in Ferrara, through the marriage of his son (Azzo V, who predeceased him) to the heiress of one of the two great and rival families of Ferrara. Obizzo was succeeded by his grandson, Azzo VI, who acquired considerable authority in the city, though his premature death in 1212 left the family temporarily weakened. Not until 1240 did a descendant, Azzo VII, return to power in the city, in alliance with the Guelf league formed by Pope Gregory IX. This marked the true beginning of Este rule in Ferrara.
Lords of Ferrara
In 1264 Azzo’s heir, Obizzo II (1264–93), was created perpetual lord by the people of Ferrara under the pressure of Guelf strength. The pope, lawful lord of the Ferrarese territory, at first did not oppose this action but afterward began to contest the Estensi government. Obizzo II’s power was growing, however, and he had himself chosen lord of Modena in 1288 and of Reggio in 1289. In the 14th century the house of Este went through difficult, stormy periods, not only because of its controversies with the papacy but also because of domestic dissensions, sometimes very hazardous. The house succeeded, nevertheless, in strengthening its position, and, under Nicolò II (reigned 1361–88), called the Lame, there was built the famous Este Castle, the work of the architect Bartolino da Novara, which became a symbol of the power of the city of Ferrara and a sure defense against external dangers. To the brother and successor of Nicolò II, Alberto V (reigned 1388–93), is due the erection of the University of Ferrara, destined for lasting fame; it was obtained by Pope Boniface IX as a concession in 1391.
The reign of Nicolò III (1393–1441), son of Alberto, marked the strengthening of Estensi domination in Ferrara and the introduction of Estensi influence generally in Italian politics. After having defeated an attempt by the Paduans to achieve hegemony in Ferrara, the Estensi duke became intermediary in the political and military contests in the Italian states and extended his dominions. Personally, Nicolò was known for his sensuality; a Ferrarese saying runs, “On both sides of the River Po they all are Nicolò’s sons.” He had his son Ugo and his young second wife, Parisina Malatesta, beheaded because they were found guilty of adultery together. But he devoted himself to the exterior manifestations of a religious faith—going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre and to Vienna’s Saint Anthony and playing host to the ecumenical council in 1438 that represented a fruitless attempt to bring together again the Western and Eastern churches. (This council was afterward transferred to Florence.) He even seems to have come close to obtaining the succession of an Estensi heir to the Milanese states, but he died suddenly, perhaps poisoned, on December 26, 1441.
Whereas Nicolò III raised the Estensi state to a high position in Italian politics in spite of its territorial and financial limits, his natural son and chosen successor, Leonello (reigned 1441–50), gave Ferrara considerable distinction in the fields of art and culture. Leonello had been educated by the humanist Guarino Veronese, called to Ferrara by his father, and the period of his reign was one in which Ferrara represented a lively centre of culture and humanism, filled with painters (Pisanello, Jacopo Bellini, Rogier van der Weyden, Andrea Mantegna), architects (Leon Battista Alberti), and scholars (centring on Guarino Veronese).
Dukes of Ferrara, Modena, and Reggio
Leonello’s brother and successor, Borso (reigned 1450–71), notwithstanding some military failures, not only maintained his state and increased its aesthetic and cultural prestige but also received from the Holy Roman emperor Frederick III the title of duke of Modena and Reggio (1452) and from Pope Paul II the title of duke of Ferrara (1471).
Ercole I
The long rule of Leonello’s and Borso’s half-brother Ercole I (1471–1505) marked one of the most important periods for the history of the house of Este and of Ferrara. He succeeded in obtaining considerable political support with his marriage to Leonora, the daughter of the king of Naples. These were troubled times, however. Ercole had to defeat the attempt of a nephew, Nicolò, son of Leonello, to usurp the throne; and then he had to face the hostile coalition of Venice and Pope Sixtus IV, which brought war nearly to the walls of the city of Ferrara (1482–84). The subsequent Peace of Bagnolo, however, though not entirely satisfactory, did free Ferrara from immediate dangers.
Ercole’s crucial problem became one of consolidating his own political position by means of marriages that would bind him to the principal Italian powers: of his three daughters, Lucrezia was married to Annibale Bentivoglio (of Bologna), Isabella to Francesco Gonzaga (of Mantua), and Beatrice to Ludovico Sforza (of Milan). Ercole’s eldest son, Alfonso, was married first to Anna Sforza (of Milan) and then to the famous Lucrezia Borgia, the daughter of Pope Alexander VI. In spite of these difficult affairs of state, Ercole was able to continue his dynasty’s patronage of the arts, taking the poet Matteo Boiardo as his minister, extending his favour to the poet Ludovico Ariosto, espousing the theatre and musical arts, and enlarging and beautifying Ferrara to such an extent as to make it one of the first cities of Europe.
Alfonso I
Ercole’s son Alfonso I (reigned 1505–34), rough and rude when he was young, proved wise and sure of himself once he had taken the reins of government. First he foiled a plot of a stepbrother, Giulio, and another brother, Ferrante, against him and sentenced them to perpetual imprisonment. Then his attention was completely attracted by the war against Venice (1509), in which his skill in mechanics and artillery design was proved. He was victorious in the naval battle of Polesella and won back the Polesine of Rovigo (which had been lost by Ercole I). At the same time, however, papal ambitions of territorial expansion became threatening. By consistent adherence to the French interest in Italy, Alfonso came into collision with Pope Julius II and was deprived of Modena (1510) and Reggio (1512) and was excommunicated. The Medici popes, Leo X and Clement VII, were both determined on the destruction of the Estensi, but the first-mentioned pope was frustrated by death, the second by political weakness, and Alfonso was able to recover Reggio in 1523 and Modena in 1527. He died in 1534. His succession was assured not only by his legitimate children but also by the issue of his lover Laura Eustochia Dianti, from whom derived the future dukes of Modena and Reggio.
Ercole II and Alfonso II
During the reign of Alfonso’s son and successor Ercole II (1534–59), the military events proved less interesting (though the wars of 1557–58 were difficult) than the personal ones. Ercole married Renée, daughter of King Louis XII of France, and in Ferrara she came to embrace the Lutheran religion, becoming its ardent defender and establishing at her court a meeting place for the most famous heretics and liberal thinkers of the day. Ercole, who was the pope’s vicar in Ferrara, tried restraining her, even to the point of temporary imprisonment, but to no avail. Next to rule was his first-born, Alfonso II (reigned 1559–97), the fifth and last duke of Ferrara. He also tried, vainly, to be elected king of Poland and to organize a crusade against the Turks. More important for the dynasty, however; was the fact that, though Alfonso II had three marriages, he had no children, and Pope Pius V in 1567 expressly forbade having illegitimate children rule in ecclesiastical lands. Alfonso was so disappointed and discouraged that he let the conditions of his state decay. At his death he bequeathed the duchy to his cousin Cesare, but Pope Clement VII refused to recognize the settlement, declaring Cesare illegitimate; in 1598 direct papal rule was established in Ferrara. The main branch of the Este family had come to an end.
Decline of power
Cesare kept Modena and Reggio, but with him the Estensi ceased to play so important a part in Italian politics, and the court was culturally inferior to its brilliant predecessors. Among the several Modenese dukes who followed in the 17th century, Francesco I (reigned 1629–58), who came to the throne during the stormy period of the Thirty Years’ War, was perhaps the most important. His people were able to survive the famous plague of 1630. In the wars he was first allied to Spain, then to France, whose alliance he thought would best sustain his claims to Ferrara. Later on, he attempted reconciliation with Spain, but ironically it was on the field of battle, fighting the Spaniards, that he died of malaria. He was a man with enormous aspirations, and, though inclined toward treachery in politics, he gave art his patronage, favouring men of letters and collecting works of art (there is an extraordinary portrait of him by Diego Velázquez and a beautiful bust by Gian Lorenzo Bernini).
Among his successors, the one most deserving to be remembered is Rinaldo I (1694–1737), whose marriage to Charlotte Felicitas of Brunswick-Lüneburg reunited the long-separated branches of the house of Este. Throughout his reign he engaged in imperial politics. His son Francesco III (1737–80), known as a libertine, received the governorship of Lombardy from Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. Ercole III (1780–96), gentle and affable, abandoned Modena in 1796 when the Revolutionary French army invaded it.
After the Napoleonic Wars, Duke Francesco IV (1814–46), son of Maria Beatrice d’Este (the only surviving daughter of Ercole III) and of Archduke Ferdinand of Habsburg-Lorraine, son of Maria Theresa, came back to Modena. He founded the Austro-Este line in Modena, which, however, ended with his son Francesco V (1846–59) when Modena revolted in order to join Sardinia-Piedmont and then Italy.
Childless, Francesco V selected as his universal heir Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, who was murdered at Sarajevo in 1914. He was succeeded by Charles I of Austria. Archduke Robert, his second son, succeeded him. Prince Lorenz of Belgium became the rightful holder of the surname and heraldic bearings of the Estensi in 1996, upon Robert’s death.
House of Aldobrandini
The House of Aldobrandini is an Italian noble family originally from Florence, where in the Middle Ages they held the most important municipal offices. Now the Aldobrandini are resident in Rome, with close ties to the Vatican.
Their Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. They were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).
The family also lends its name to the Palazzo Aldobrandini on the Quirinal Hill. The Aldobrandini family, having reached the height of its powers when Ippolito Aldobrandini became Pope Clement VIII (1592–1605), began the building of the villa. In 1600 Clement VIII acquired the Orti Vitelli on the Quirinal hill and in 1601 donated the property to his Cardinal-nephew Pietro Aldobrandini. The old buildings of the Vitelli Family were demolished and construction began on the new villa and adjacent garden. The villa was never the family seat as the Aldobrandini family owned even more splendid residences elsewhere in Rome. The villa on the Quirinal hill served essentially for ceremonial functions.
More famous was the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati. Also known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the whole valley up to Rome, it was rebuilt on the order of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini over a pre-existing edifice built by the Vatican prelate Alessandro Rufini in 1550. The villa, aligned with the cathedral down its axial avenue that is continued through the town as Viale Catone, was rebuilt in the current form by Giacomo della Porta from 1598 to 1602, and then completed by Carlo Maderno and Giovanni Fontana. The villa has an imposing 17th-century façade and some other interesting architectural and environmental features, such as the double gallery order on the rear façade, the spiral-shaped flights, the large exedra of the Water Theatre and the magnificent park. Inside there are paintings of Mannerist and Baroque artists such as the Zuccari brothers, Cavalier D’Arpino and Domenichino. Outside there is a monumental gate by Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri (early 18th century).
The Doria, Pamphilj, Landi and Aldobrandini families have become united through marriage and descent under the simplified surname Doria Pamphilj (which is now extinct since the death of Princess Orietta Doria Pamphlij in 2000). The Aldobrandini family palazzo and its collections of works of art and furnishings is now the Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome.
The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother’s side, married into the Rothschild family.
The Head of the family today is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).
The Aldobrandini families are an influential Roman bloodline and top members of a satanic death cult known as the Ninth Circle. They are involved with the Vatican and banking. The Aldobrandini family produced one pope and several cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran which means the “follower.” The Aldobrandini clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion and have an Arabic and Basque ancestry. Ignatius Loyola who was a co-founder of the Jesuits and its first Superior General was of Basque descent and likely related to this family. They follow after the Massimo family and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. The Massimo’s Vatican came first and the Jesuits followed after just as Aldebaran means the follower. The Italian Nobility uses its Jesuit universities to recruit Roman spies and agents and the Aldobrandini family appear to have a portion of authority over the Society of Jesus. There are Ninth Circle cults within most Jesuit universities. I believe The Ninth Circle headquarters is located at Loyola University New Orleans with President Kevin Wildes SJ. The New Age cult leader named Paul Romano serves the Aldobrandinis and he is secretly sadistic. Pope Clement VIII Ippolito Aldobrandini issued the Congregatio de Auxiliis as a peace agreement between the Jesuits and Dominicans. Ranuccio I Farnese married Margherita Aldobrandini and it was the Farnese family that officially authorized the Jesuits. The Aldobrandini family have ownership over the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey Palermo family as the acting bosses and. Both the Aldobrandini family and Cavalcante family were originally Florentine nobility. Caval like a cave. Even their mafia has an underworldly essence. The Italian Mafia is known for being involved with construction companies and known for building hidden underground bunkers and tunnels. The DeCavalcante crime family have infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and are involved with a large scale criminal trafficking network. Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr. lives around Florida and oversees the New Jersey operations. There needs to be a major investigation into the New Jersey Port Authority. The Aldobrandini family hold the title of Duke of Brindisi in Apulia and they are the part owners of the Sacra Corona Unita or Apulian Mafia. Willie Moretti was a Jersey mobster and from Apulia. Some Italians including mobsters from San Nicandro, Apulia converted to Judaism and moved to Israel. The Abutbul Mafia in Israel headed up by Asi Abutbul is likely connected with the Apulian Mafia.
Cinzio Aldobrandini was a Roman Catholic Cardinal and there is the Reaper of Death statue with a sickle at his tomb at San Pietro in Vincoli along with the Aldobrandini coat of arms and this displays their sinister nature. I believe this family manages the Catacombs of Rome and the interconnected underground tunnels. Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is married to Baron David Rene de Rothschild who is the head of the French Rothschild family and currently the head of N M Rothschild & Sons today. In Judaism, the Jewish lineage is passed down from the mother so it should be a Roman Catholic Rothschild-Aldobrandini that inherits the Rothschild bank or a portion of its ownership. Alexandre Guy Francesco de Rothschild is an Aldobrandini by blood. The French Rothschild family are Court Factors serving the Roman Curia and Black Nobility. The Rothschild family are subtly titled “guardians of the papal treasure” in the Jewish Encyclopedia. They guard the Black Nobility’s wealth as middlemen money handlers. The Brandolini family are a Venetian branch of the Aldobrandini clan. Marie Brandolini was the daughter of Beatrice de Rothschild and she married Count Brandino Brandolini-d’Adda. Count Brandino Brandini-d’Adda II is the head of this family. The House of Aldobrandini also merged a family branch with the Borghese banking family of Rome under Prince Paolo Borghese and this branch intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. Camillo Borghese or Pope Paul V created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and the bank eventually merged into UniCredit. The Aldobrandinis merged a branch with the Banchieri family which are Italian bankers and their named means bankers. They are a concealed family and they oversee international bankers like the Rothschilds. The Aldobrandinis recently married with Antinori family of Florence with Prince Piero Antinori as the current head. The Aldobrandinis also married with the Saluzzo family. The Aldobrandini crime family are involved with pedophilia, defilement, and desecration, satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, murder, conspiring against foreign governments and terrorism. Members of the House of Aldobrandini include Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, Don Clemente Aldobrandini, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild, and Prince Camillo’s brother who lives at the Palazzo Antinori di Brindisi in Florence and holds the title of Duke of Brindisi.
The Aldobrandini family are an extremely idiotic, evil, and creepy bloodline and they oversee the Cult of Hades which is a murderous and cannibalistic cult of pedophiles. The Aldobrandinis are involved with the Vatican and banking and are currently married with the French Rothschild family. They are also top managers of the Jesuits and they are architects of serial killers. They are also married with the Antinori family of Florence and have inherited a villa in Florence and ducal titles in Apulia. Marchese Piero Antinori is the current head of this family. The Aldobrandinis produced one pope and several cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran which means the "follower." The Aldobrandini clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion and have an Arabic, Saracen, and Basque ancestry. Today the Aldobrandinis have an alliance with Sunni Muslim leaders. The royal family of Saudi Arabia have a close relationship with the Vatican and a covert alliance with the Aldobrandinis. Ignatius Loyola who was a co-founder of the Jesuits and its first Superior General was of Basque descent and likely related with this family. Loyola was a soldier for the Spanish Dukes of Najera a title now claimed by the Colon or Columbus family.  The Aldobrandinis follow after the Massimos and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. The Massimo's Vatican came first and the Jesuits followed after just as Aldebaran means the follower. The Black Nobility uses its Jesuit universities to recruit Roman spies and agents and the Aldobrandini family have a portion of authority over the Society of Jesus with their Jesuit-Hades cult branch located at Loyola of New Orleans with Tania Tetlow as president of the college. Pope Clement VIII or Ippilito Aldobrandini issued the Congregatio de Auxiliis as a peace agreement between the Jesuits and Dominicans. Ranuccio I Farnese married Margherita Aldobrandini and it was the Farnese family that officially established the Jesuits. The current head of the Aldobrandinis is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini and his son is Prince Clemente Aldobrandini. Clemente means mercy or gentle. They use gentleness as a cover similar to the way some pedophiles target children.
The heads of the Aldobrandinis are Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi in Apulia and he resides at the Palazzo Antinori in Florence along with his half brother Prince Giovanni Ferdinando Amerigo Aldobrandini. Prince Camillo and his son Prince Clemente are also high level members. Amerigo is where America got its name. Sylvester Stallone's family is from Apulia and he can be seen shaking hands with David Meyer de Rothschild. The Stallones are members of the Apulian Mafia. The Apulian Mafia has thousands of members operating in New Jersey. The actors on the show Jersey Shore are all connected with mafia clans. The Vatican has also covertly made Sylvester Stallone the ceremonial leader of their Order of Saint Sylvester and Vicar of Atlas. Atlas refers to Atlantis as well as Atlantic like Atlantic City. The Aldobrandinis are part owners of the Apulian Mafia also called the Sacra Corona Unita which have an operation in New Jersey. The Savoy-Aostas which are the Dukes of Apulia are also part owners of the Apulian Mafia. New Jersey is a mafia headquarters for human trafficking. They have deeply infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority. The Aldobrandinis have a portion of ownership over the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey with Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr who resides in Naples, Florida. The DeCavalcantes have a faction in Florida. The DeCavalcantes are involved in all forms of organized crime including waste management with one of its founders was nicknamed Sam the Plumber. The mafia disposes of bodies and body parts in landfills and sewage plants. The Italian Mafia often hires criminal bikers for their hits especially when the hit is a non Italian or not connected to the mafia. The extremely depraved rapper RZA took his rap name for Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante and he is an agent of the DeCavalcantes and Aldobrandinis. RZA's brother is a rapper named 9th Prince. RZA lives in New Jersey and is a boss of the AVLN and Five Percenter Islamic supremacist group and he provides a defense for the human trafficking ring in New Jersey. When I originally exposed that there is a Arab Mafia in New Jersey that are involved in human trafficking RZA sent some goons to my house at 3:00AM to try and intimidate me. De-Caval-Cante. Caval means a cave. Hades means the underworld and deep underground caverns. Jesuits are involved in sacrificing people including children and they often do this in caverns.
Cinzio Aldobrandini was a Roman Catholic Cardinal and there is the Reaper of Death statue with a sickle at his tomb at San Pietro in Vincoli along with the Aldobrandini coat of arms and this displays their sinister nature. Cardinal Donald Wuerl was recently Archbishop of Washington DC and is also the Cardinal of San Pietro in Vincoli. The Aldobrandinis still own their old villa in Frascati which looks really creepy. Around their villa they have creepy statues of Poseidon, Pan, and Atlas. Members of the Cult of Hades include the child murdering pedophile actor Johnny Depp who was in the movie the Ninth Gate which refers to Pluto or Hades the ninth planet. Roman Polanski produced the movie the Ninth Gate and he is a convicted pedophile who raped and drugged a young girl. Johnny Depp publicly supported the West Memphis Three which was three older teens that murdered three young boys and Johnny Depp has been a major supporter of these murderers. Johnny Depp is also close friends with Marilyn Manson who is a priest of the Church of Satan and follower of Aleister Crowley. Johnny Depp has done dozens of kids and family movies and is friends with Satanic priests and supports three convicted child murderers. The wrestler Roman Reigns takes his name from Rome and he is a ruthless and murderous agent of the Aldobrandinis. Roman Reigns or Joe Anoaʻi is a cannibalistic monster. The Aldobrandinis have married with the Italian Banchieri family which are an old Italian banking family and their name means bankers. It is possible the Rothschilds have a relation to the Banchieris. Paul Sarlo is a state senator and businessman in New Jersey and he is a covert associate of the DeCavalcante crime syndicate and an agent of the Aldobrandinis. Sarlo works in the construction industry as chief operating officer of Joseph Sanzari Inc. The mafia specialize in construction rackets and build covert underground facilities and bunkers used for sex trafficking of women and children and human sacrifice. Joseph Sanzari is the CEO of his company and a high level gangster.
The Aldobrandinis had stocks seized by the United States government in the 40's-50's through the Trading with the Enemy Act likely for working with the Italian Fascists. Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is married to Baron David Rene de Rothschild who is the head of the French Rothschild family and their son Alexandre de Rothschild is currently the head of N M Rothschild & Sons today and he is an Aldobrandini. In Judaism the Jewish lineage is passed down from the mother so it should be a Roman Catholic Rothschild-Aldobrandini that inherits the Rothschild bank or a portion of its ownership. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini is friends with Antonio Purini and Purini can be seen associating with Cornelius Brandi the Executive Chairman of CMS and Senior Partner of CMS Germany which is a international law firm headquartered in Switzerland that assists in tax evasion. Brandi like Aldo-brandini. The Rothschilds have also married with the Brandolini d'Adda family of Venice. Brando-lini like Aldo-brandini. The Aldobrandini also merged a family branch with the Borghese banking family of Rome under Prince Paolo Borghese and this branch intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. The French House of Bonaparte still covertly govern France and are loyal to the Black Nobility of Rome and Italian royals. Prince Camillo Borghese or Pope Paul V created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and the bank eventually merged into UniCredit. The Borghese and Aldobrandini families have an alliance and they have married with the royal family of France and the top bankers of the France the Rothschilds. The Aldobrandinis are involved with infiltrating major ports for human trafficking. Rick Cotton is the executive director of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and he enables organized crime and child trafficking. The Aldobrandini crime family are involved with pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, cannibalism, human flesh trafficking, human trafficking, murder, conspiring against foreign governments, and terrorism. Members of this wicked family include Prince Giovanni Aldobrandini, Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, Prince Clemente Aldobrandini, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild, Alexandre de Rothschild, and Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi.

Friday Nov 22, 2024

13 Bloodlines - Deep Dive Part 2
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Scholars are unsure if he meant to reference the Medici family, or physicians [the literal translation of medici]. da Vinci was known to be critical of physician careers, but its meaning remains a curiosity.
Raphael Worked In The Vatican 
Pope Leo X was Raphael’s greatest commissioner. He hired him to do a set of ten tapestries intended for the lower walls of the Sistine Chapel. They illustrated the Acts of the Apostles, and can now be seen in the Pinacoteca Vaticana in Rome.
Before Leo X, Pope Julius II assigned him to paint some of his most famous frescoes, including School of Athens and Disputation of the Holy Sacrament. But after Julius II’s death, Leo X continued to fund his work for the Papal rooms. Leonardo had painted a piece called The Meeting of Leo the Great and Attila, based on Pope Leo I’s meeting with Attila the Hun in 452 AD. He later changed Pope Leo I’s face to resemble that of Leo X instead.
Patronage In Architecture: Building The Uffizi, Il Duomo, And More
The Medici family helped form the Uffizi Gallery, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Florence Cathedral.
Cosimo I de’ Medici, First Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574), originally formed the Uffizi to be an administrative building for his family. The word Uffizi in fact meant offices. It opened to the public as an art gallery in 1765, shortly after the last member of the Medici family died. Today, it houses The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, and Laocoön and his Sons by Baccio Bandinelli.
Pope Leo X also commissioned the completion of St. Peter’s Basilica. Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation, attacked his funding of this piece as an example of the Papacy’s greed. In his 95 Thesis, the document which began the Reformation, he wrote ” why doesn’t the Pope build the basilica of St Peter’s out of his own money?”
Cosimo the Elder commissioned the Duomo in the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore (the Florence Cathedral). There were many pauses since the cathedral began construction in 1296, and no dome yet. Architects wanted to build it without Gothic buttresses, but this was a technical challenge. There was a competition to see who could plan it, and Filippo Brunelleschi won. 
Brunelleschi believed he could build the dome without scaffolding, but many still doubted his abilities. The Medici family, however, believed him enough to fund this work. Today, Brunelleschi’s dome stands at 375.7 feet tall, making it one of the tallest domes in the world. 
Even the Enemies and Conspiracies Against Them Inspired Fascinating Work 
The Pazzi Conspiracy was a plot between Francesco de Pazzi and the Papacy to overthrow Medici power.
On April 26th, 1478, the Cathedral of Florence held a public mass with an audience of 10,000 people. Among the crowd were Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano de’ Medici. A group of men interrupted the mass, attacking the duo with knives. Giuliano de’ Medici was stabbed to death, but Lorenzo de’ Medici managed to the church sacristy with only wounds.
Seeing their beloved Lorenzo the Magnificent attacked, the Florentine citizens took matters into their own hands. They captured conspirator Jacopo de’ Pazzi, threw him out a window, and then dragged him to the Arno River. Salviati, a co-conspirator who was also an archbishop of Pisa, was hanged outside the Palazzo Vecchio. 
Ultimately, the attempt failed, and the Medici family threw remaining Pazzi members out of Florence. The event only strengthened control of their city and was commemorated in art by Stefano Ussi and Tancredi Scarpelli.
Michelangelo’s David: A Rebellion Against The Medici Family? 
The statue of David was originally commissioned by the Arte Della Llane in 1501 to be placed in the Cathedral of Florence. The Medici family had been in exile since 1494 due to political losses and would return later in 1512.
The government that replaced the Medicis was firmly anti-Medici. David, the biblical figure who defeated a giant with only a rock, was the perfect symbol for an unstable Florence. Not only was Florence surrounded by city-states who always threatened its power, but now, also by the Medicis, who some saw as tyrants.
In 1504, the government decided to place David in the city’s town hall instead. They oriented David’s eyes to point to Rome, where the Medicis were in exile. Considering that it was originally intended for a Cathedral, it’s unlikely that Michelangelo intended for it to be political. This is especially considering the Medici’s help in his own artistic development.
Even when a High Renaissance piece was spurred against the Medici family, it was still ultimately about them. David’s perfect Renaissance contrapposto and affiliation makes him one of the greatest Renaissance highlights today.
Machiavelli Wrote The Prince To Get On Their Good Side
The Medici family was exiled from 1494 to 1513, when Piero de’ Medici surrendered control to France. Meanwhile, Machiavelli was a prominent political theorist and diplomat. In the vacuum of the Medici, he formed a network with Anti-Medici government figures.
The Medici family returned to power in 1513, and organized a list of conspirators who would likely plot to overthrow them. Machiavelli’s name was on the list, so they imprisoned, tortured, and exiled him. However, there wasn’t enough evidence of his direct involvement for them to execute him, so Pope Leo X allowed them to remain in exile.
Machiavelli dedicated The Prince to the next Medici ruler of Florence as a guide on how to capture and keep control of a state. He did this to get a position within the Medici court, but it failed. Only in 1520 did he re-enter public life, when Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici commissioned him to write a history of Florence.
They Stimulated Science, Music, And Fashion
Galileo Galilei was the tutor to Cosimo I de’ Medici, grand duke of Tuscany. In 1610, he published The Starry Messenger, where he described recent discoveries he made through a telescope. In it, he noted that Jupiter had moons, naming them the “Medicean stars.”
In music, Bartolomeo Cristofori was the first to invent the piano while working in Fernando de’ Medici’s court. The Renaissance also saw the birth of operas in the late 1500s. The Medicis provided financial support for major opera houses like the Pergola theater. 
Catherine de’ Medici married King Henry II of France. She was a short woman and wanted to appear taller before meeting the French court. So she commissioned a pair of high heel shoes, turning them into symbols of wealth and status. This was remarkable in a time where high heels were reserved for butchers who didn’t want to get blood on their feet. She helped to improve and popularize the horse side saddle, so women could ride without exposing themselves. 
The Last Of The Medici Family Secured Her Treasures In Florence
The last Grand Duke of Tuscany, Gian Gastone de’ Medici, died in 1737 with no sons. Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici was the only member of the family left and didn’t have any children. With no one to continue their lineage, she knew that the power of Tuscany would go to Francis of Lorraine.
Anna Maria accepted that all the art, books, maps, and houses her family-owned would be transferred to them. However, she created a Family Pact, declaring that these treasures should not leave Florence. She detailed,
“That these things being for the ornament of the state, for the benefit of the people and for an inducement to the curiosity of foreigners, nothing shall be alienated or taken away from the capital or from the territories of the Grand Duchy.”
The next leaders followed her wishes. Anna Maria essentially succeeded at keeping Florence the capital of everything the Medicis created. Florence continues to see about 16 million tourists a year, who come to see what this fascinating family built. 
Wednesday night Part 1 we spoke about the three tiers of secret familes called the zorastrians, black nobility and the illuminati. We then went into a deep dive on each of the House of Somaglia, House of Breakspeare (Magi / Lancellotti), House of Orsini Family of Rome and the House of Borja (Borgia)
Thursday night part 2 we spoke about the House of Conti di Segni (House of Bourbon / Torlonia), House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere, House of Colonna (Colombo Crime Family), House of Farnese Military Bloodline, House of Medici
House of Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona (Bourbon / Gotti / Gambino / Trump)
The House of Caetani, or Gaetani, according to a family tradition, was descendant of the Dukes of Gaeta. Nevertheless, the family had no more great importance in Rome until the election of Benedetto Caetani to the papacy as Pope Boniface VIII in 1294, when they at once became the most notable in the city.
Donald Trump is now threatening to start a global war beginning with Iran in defense of his bosses the Black Nobility. Trump was Roman Catholic Jesuit educated at Fordham and he is friends with the Roman Gaetanis a papal nobility. The Trumps can be seen with the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Colonnas also Italian-Papal nobility and royalty. Trump also has deep connections with the Italian Mafia. Trump "killing" Soleimani is staged for world war propaganda. Either Soleimani is still alive or more than likely previously died in a way that was unrelated to "Trump killing Soleimani" while Trump is actually bombing civilians in Iraq. If Trump attempts to start a world war with Iran which will cause Russia and then China to be involved then he needs to be executed. All the nation's leaders work together under Rome and they engineer wars as a disguise for depopulating society.
Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli apparently faked his death and has been hiding out in Venice and may be in Switzerland today.
The Gaetani Crime Family The Gaetani-Dell’Aquila-D’Aragona family is a top bloodline of the Black Nobility and imperial landowners. The Spanish word Aragona means agriculture and land. The Gaetani family own the Gambino crime syndicate which is still covertly managed by the Gotti family today. The Gaetani family take their name from Gaeta Italy which was settled by the Tribe of Getae. The name Gotti means Goth. The Goths and Getae are two similar but different Scythian tribes that have intermixed and had similar migrations. The Goths settled in L’Aquila Italy where the Gaetani family ruled as well as in Gaeta. There is still Gothic architecture in both of these towns. Salvatore D’Aquila was a boss of what later became the Gambino crime family just as the Gaetani family ruled in L’Aquila Italy. The name Gambino and Campania derive from the Greek word campe which means crooked. In Italy is has also come to mean leg. This is where the terms bootleggers and crooks come from. The word gambling is also etymologically connected with the name Gambino. The Italian Mafia run most of the casinos in the United States and launder their profits through them. Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete company to build his condos in Manhattan. Don Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney who also worked for the former Genovese boss Tony Salerno and former Gambino boss John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility. Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli faked his death and has been hiding out in Italy and may be in Geneva Switzerland today.
House of Doria Pamphilj Landi
The House of Pamphili (often with the final long i orthography, Pamphilj) was one of the papal families deeply entrenched in Catholic Church, Roman and Italian politics of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Before they were known for their papal reign, the Pamphili family hailed from Gubbio in Umbria, a region in central Italy. They were descendents of Amanzio Pamphili, a man who arrived in Italy in the ninth century as a follower of Charlemagne. They asserted that their family coat of arms—a dove with an olive branch in its beak, as well as three fleurs-de-lis—was actually granted from Charlemagne himself (Majanlahti 277-278).
The Pamphili family’s ascent to respectable nobility really began with Antonio Pamphili, who was appointed as the fiscal procurator for the Papal States by Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere. This position of trust, respect, and significant income was their first real step up the hierarchy of power. Moreover, Antonio Pamphili married a rich Roman noblewoman, which furthered the family’s rise to nobility. Although the Pamphili family continued a long pattern of marrying into powerful members of the aristocracy, they did not achieve world fame and power until one of their very own succeeded the papal throne.
Pope Innocent X
Upon the death of Urban VIII, the conclave gathered to choose a new pope. For some days after Urban VIII's death, the situation in Rome was extremely critical. Crime increased alarmingly within the streets, as always when the papal throne was unoccupied. During this time, a rivalry was brewing between the Spanish and the French factions who could not agree on a successor. It was not until a month later that both parties reached a compromise for Giambattista Pamphili, who was a previous cardinal under Urban VIII (Majanlahti 276). By then, the new pope, renamed Innocent X, was 70 years old.
Giambattista Pamphili was born in Rome on May 1574. As a young man, he entered the service of the church, first as an officer in the papal army and later as a diplomat (Encyclopædia Britannica). Having studied law at the Jesuit Collegio Romano, he worked as an auditor before he was selected as an ambassador to Naples. Under the pontificate of Urban VIII, Pamphili was appointed to become a priest, then bishop, and later cardinal. Although he was generally recognized as an upright man of justice, Innocent also had the reputation for being cross-grained and stern during his pontificate. This is how he is portrayed in his painting in 1650: suspicious, opposing, and morose (refer to the Presentation Handout).
During his career as pope, the influence of the papacy started to wane in European politics. Any attempt at restoring the papal finances, which had become severely depleted at the time of Urban VIII's pontificate, was bound to fail. During times of food shortage, grain prices soared, so the pope started a new penny tax on salt and meat. There were often protests in front of his commissioned monuments, like the Four Rivers Fountain in his Piazza Navona, which were accompanied with pasquinades—satirical rhymes. The common people adamantly stated that they would rather spend their tax money on bread than on obelisks and fountainheads (Morrissey 210). Furthermore, the pope’s relationships with his relatives were questionable, for he was guilty of nepotism, and much of his pontificate was dominated by his greedy sister-in-law, Olimpia Maidalchini.
La Papessa: The “She-Pope”
Olimpia Maidalchini married young to a rich family, but at the early death of her baby and husband, was left a wealthy widow at the age of 21. At this point she was not really educated or powerful, but very intelligent and intent on escaping her home in Viterbese. In order to escape, she needed political power, and used the most common methods of the time: gaining status in the church, or marrying into a rich family. Olimpia pursued both tracks, and in 1612 married Pamphilio Pamphili, the elder brother of the future Pope Innocent X (Magnuson). Their marriage was based upon his need for her wealth, and her desire for his power.
Combining that wealth and power, she gained influence over the future Pope Innocent X by supporting him financially in the early years of his diplomatic career. The cardinals that finally elected Innocent knew this, and warned the new pope not to let his sister-in-law have too much control. This, however, did nothing to lessen Olimpia’s influence. A few examples of Olimpia’s excessive power are as follows: she made many of the decisions in the construction of Palazzo Pamphili; arranged marriages to secure her family in political power; and plotted to have her son Camillo in command of the papal armies. She was, however, thwarted in this scheme, and instead of a general, Camillo Pamphili was made into the cardinal nephew. He was much loved in this position, but grew tired of it when he realized he had very little influence over Pope Innocent X in comparison to his mother Olimpia. In addition to this dissatisfaction, he fell in love with Olimpia Aldobrandini, a wealthy widow of Paolo Borghese. Thus, Camillo left both the cardinalate and his uncle Innocent to the mercy of Olimpia.
By about 1647, Olimpia was the only person close to the temperamental pope who could advise him (Magnuson). Anyone who wanted anything from the pope would first have to turn to Olimpia; meaning, they would first have to pay her off. She loved bribes and monetary gain, and was known as di nauseante ingordigia, or “disgustingly greedy.” The pope rarely did anything without first asking Olimpia. Aside from her company, the pope spent his final years alone.
A lot of the misfortunate things that Pope Innocent did were blamed on Olimpia. The mark of the Italians’ hatred for her is seen long after her reign. For example, Olimpia was a common pseudonym for prostitutes for hundreds of years. As a lasting tribute, Donna Olimpia was remembered through ghost stories. In one of tales, she can be found under the full moon in a black carriage—pulled by a black horse with flaming eyes—as she rides from the Ponte Sisto to Piazza Navona, and finally into the gates of Palazzo Pamphili.
The Property of the Pamphili
While the Pamphili family used both the arrangement of strategic marriages as well as the church in their attempts to improve their social status in Rome, they also asserted their prominence through the real estate market and the development of their properties. Although the Pamphili family had previously resided in an aristocratic neighborhood in Gubbio, their old status meant nothing in Rome, and they had to start from scratch (Majanlahti 287). This is why Antonio Pamphili wanted to establish an impressive family house in a prominent area of Rome. This ambition eventually led to the purchase of property in the neighborhood of Rione Parione in 1470—which then stretched from the southern part of what is now Piazza Navona to Campo di’ Fiori (Leone 3). Over the years, he was able to expand his property by purchasing surrounding houses and incorporating them into the Pamphili estate. The generations following Antonio continued this campaign to expand the Pamphili property—a trend that reflected the family’s continual attempts to assert their importance in a central area of Rome (Leone 9). At that time, Rione Parione was a fairly prestigious and heavily populated neighborhood as its popularity increased even more after Sixtus IV’s campaign to improve the streets of Rome.
The Pamphili’s property ambitions were also aided by the decision of Julius III to align dell’Anima and Palazzo Pasquina. Although part of the Pamphili property had to be torn down in order to achieve the pope’s goal, they were heavily compensated and benefited significantly from the situation. They received two new houses in return for the damages, and were then able to expand up to piazza Navona—the neighborhood in which many of the most important families of the time resided (Leone 9). However, this meant that to live up to the status and grandness of the families that surrounded them, the Pamphili needed to construct a more elaborate Palazzo (Leone-Palazzo 3). This sparked an intense campaign by the Pamphili to renovate their family casa, especially after Giambattista was elected into the Sacred College and awarded the cardinal’s hat in 1630. With the trend of building an elaborate Palace after reaching the status of cardinal having long been established—as with Maffeo Barberini —there was more pressure to build a more socially acceptable family residence. In 1636 Giambattista commissioned Peperelli to go about the task of collectively joining the Pamphili properties into one coherent structure. The Palazzo was built from 1636 to 1638, and was constructed in order to live up to the contemporary social code that regulated how best to set up a proper family Palazzo—spelled out in a popular etiquette book (Leone 23).
By the time Giambattista became Pope Innocent X in 1644, six years after the Palazzo was finished, it was again thought to be inadequate considering the Pamphili’s new elevated status. This second campaign eventually led to the renovations that shaped the current structure evident in Piazza Navona today. The Pamphili had established themselves in this central area of Rome for over 150 years by the time Giambattista became pope—having successfully implanted their family into the social hierarchy of Rome.
Death and Legacy
Eventually the male line of the Pamphili died out, and only continued on through Camillo’s daughter Anna Pamphili. Anna married into the Cenoese family of the Doria Landi. During his lifetime, Camillo Pamphili had been a huge supporter and commissioner of the arts, and had managed to acquire a very impressive art collection. This collection cannot be separated from Camillo’s estate, and is currently maintained by the Doria Landi in Palazzo Doria-Pamphili (Majanlahti 288). The Pamphili family’s property campaign is still evident in Rome to this very day due to their influential presence and history in Piazza Navona, as well as their expansive and influential art collection.
The House of Doria Pamphilj Landi (also called simply Doria Pamphilj) was a princely Roman family of Genoese extraction. Legend has it that the origins of the Doria family date from the early 11th century, but the authentic pedigree is traced to Ansaldo d’Oria, consul of Genoa in the 12th century. The descent of the several Doria family lines in Genoa is well-known and is described in Natale Battilana’s 19th-century genealogical study of old Genoese families.
The Doria Pamphili Landi princely family was a sub-branch of the Doria di Oneglia branch: in 1291, two Doria brothers bought the lordship of Oneglia, which was co-owned by their descendants until the late 15th century. Admiral Andrea Doria was descended from a Doria di Oneglia, Genoese soldier Aitone Doria (also called Antonio Doria), who fought for the French at the Battle of Crécy.
Famous members
Famous members include Andrea Doria and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Pamphilj, who rose to the Papacy as Pope Innocent X.
The marquisate of Civiez and the county of Cavallamonte were conferred on the family in 1576, the duchy of Tursi in 1594, the principality of Avella in 1607, the duchy of Avigliano in 1613, and the principality of Meldola in 1671. In 1760, the title of Reichsfürst or prince of the Holy Roman Empire was added and attached to the lordship of Torriglia and the marquisate of Borgo San Stefano, together with the qualification of Hochgeboren. That same year, the Dorias inherited the fiefs and titles of the house of Pamphilj of Gubbio, patricians of Rome and Princes of San Martino and Valmontone. The name then became Doria Pamphilj. They had already incorporated by marriage the wealthy inheritance of the Landi family.
Last generations
Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, a staunch anti-Fascist, in 1944 became the first mayor of Rome following its liberation by the Allies (his father had been Senator of the newborn Kingdom of Italy in 1870).
Princess Orietta Doria Pamphili, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (London, 22 April 1922 – Rome, 19 November 2000), 19th Princess of Melfi, Grandee of Spain First Class, 8th Princess of the Holy Roman Empire, 8th Princess of Santo Stefano d’Aveto and Torriglia, Princess of Valditaro, Valmontone and San Martino al Cimino, Roman Princess, 11th Duchess of Avigliano, Duchess of Montelanico, 15th Marchioness of Carrega, Croce in Val Trebbia, Ottone, Grondona, Vargo, Cremonte, Cabella and Fontana (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony), Marchioness of Montecalvello and Cabella, Countess of Loano, Countess of Talamello, Baroness of Giffoni (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony) and San Cipriano, Lady of Rovegno, Laccio, Monte Tanano, Bagnaria, Cariseto, Casanova sul Trebbia, Foreseto, Garbagna, Fontanarossa, Montebruno, Gremiasco, San Sebastiano Curone, Val di Curone and Montacuto, Turbigo, Lagopesole, Lacedonia, Forenza, Candela, San Fele, Rocchetta Sant’Antonio, Stellanello and of its Valley with Rossi, Duranti and San Vincenzo, Gorga, Lugnano, Grotte, Santo Stefano, Poggio, Alviano, Roccamassima, Colleferro, Anzio and Nettuno, Lady of Seguno Pozzuolo, Bucchio, Pondo, Pratolina, Spinello in Collina, Mortano Soasia, Vallenzera and Sassetta, Filetta and Castiglione dei Genovesi, Genoese Patrician, Noble of Viterbo, the last of the line, married Royal Navy Commander Frank George Wignall Pogson (Maidenhead, Berkshire, 6 September 1923 – Rome, 2 October 1998) in London on 6 August 1958. Prior to his marriage and in accordance with the express wishes of the late Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, he added “Doria Pamphilj” to his last name by deed poll.
After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, Princess Orietta and her husband, both Catholics, worked to promote better relations between faiths. In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II visited Rome and the Anglican Centre, which is housed in the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.
House of Este
The House of Este was an Italian princely family, linked with several contemporary royal dynasties, including the House of Habsburg and the British royal family. The elder branch of the House of Este, known as the Younger House of Welf, included dukes of Bavaria and Brunswick-Lüneburg and produced Britain's Hanoverian monarchs, as well as one Emperor of Russia, Ivan VI (1740 – 1764)) and one Holy Roman Emperor, Otto IV (1175 – 1218). The younger branch of the House of Este included rulers of Ferrara (1240–1597), and of Modena and Reggio (1288–1796). Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara (1431–1505) was one of the most significant patrons of the arts in late fifteenth and early sixteenth century Italy, when Ferrara grew into a cultural center renowned especially for music. Ercole's daughter Beatrice (1475–1497) married Leonard da Vinci’s chief patron, Ludovico Sforza (1452 – 1508), Duke of Milan, the son Francesco I Sforza, a founding member of Rene of Anjou’s Order of the Crescent. Another daughter, Isabella (1474–1539), married Francesco Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua. Ercole I's successor was his son Alfonso I d’Este (1476 – 1534), third husband of the notorious Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pope Alexander VI, sister to Cesare Borgia. The legitimate line ended in 1597 with Ercole I. As his heir, his first cousin Cesare d'Este (1533–1628) was recognized by Emperor Rudolph II, who maintained the occult-oriented court at Prague, which attracted the sorcerer John Dee, leading to the founding of the Rosicrucian movement.
The last duke, Ercole III d’Este (1727 – 1803), Duke of Modena, was deposed in 1796 by the French. Ercole III was the son of Duke Francesco III d’Este (1698 – 1780), Duke of Modena and Charlotte Aglaé d’Orléans, daughter of Philippe II d’Orléans, a friend of Chevalier Michael Ramsay, and Françoise Marie de Bourbon, the daughter of Madame de Montespan, who was accused of performing the Black Mass. Ercole III’s brother, Francesco I d’Este, Duke of Modena (1610 – 1658), also a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Francesco I d’Este married Maria Caterina Farnese and their son, Alfonso IV d’Este, Duke of Modena married Laura Martinozzi, and were the parents of Mary of Modena the wife of James II of England. Their son, James Francis Edward Stuart, known as “The Old Pretender,” was the father of the Jabobite pretenders, Charles Edward Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie, “the Young Pretender” and his brother Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York. The family of their mother, Maria Clementina Sobieska, was related to Jacob Frank.
Ercole III’s two duchies became the Cispadane Republic which one year later was merged into the Cisalpine Republic and then into the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. Ercole was compensated in 1801 with the small principality of Breisgau in southwestern Germany, whose previous rulers, the Habsburgs, ceded it to him in anticipation of its eventual return to the Habsburgs, since Ercole's daughter Maria Beatrice Ricciarda d'Este was married to a cadet Habsburg, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Este (1754 – 1806), the son of Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (1708 – 1765), Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and Empress Maria Theresa, who supported Jacob Frank. Ferdinand’s brother, Emperor Joseph II (1741 –1790), also Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, had an affair with Jacob’s daughter Eva. Their brother, Archduke Maximilian Francis (1756 – 1801), was a Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights and purported Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Ercole died in 1803 and Breisgau passed to his daughter and her husband, who in 1806 lost it during the Napoleonic reorganization of the western territories of the defunct Holy Roman Empire to the enlarged and elevated Grand Duchy of Baden.
House of Este, princely family of Lombard origin who played a great part in the history of medieval and Renaissance Italy. The family first came to the front in the wars between the Guelfs and Ghibellines during the 13th century. As leaders of the Guelfs, Estensi princes received at different times Ferrara, Modena, Reggio, and other fiefs and territories. Members of the family ruled in Ferrara from the 13th through the 16th century and in Modena and Reggio from the later Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century.
The Estensi were a branch of the great 10th-century dynasty of the Obertenghi, which held power and wealth in Lunigiana, Genoa, and Milan and which also gave rise to the feudal houses of the Malaspina, the Pallavicini, and the margraves of Massa and Parodi. Subsequently, after various vicissitudes, the members of the Obertenghi dynasty removed to the lands of the Venetians, where they had estates at Este, Monselice, Rovigo, and Friuli. The Estensi took their name from the township and castle of Este, 17 miles (27 km) southwest of Padua, and the true founder of the family was the margrave Alberto Azzo II (died 1097). From his son Welf IV, duke of Bavaria, there began a related branch that gave origin to the dukes of Bavaria, Brunswick, and Lüneburg, as well as the electors of Hanover. Another son, Ugo, tried without success to establish in France, while a third son, Folco I (died c. 1136), became second in line in the house of Este. Neither he nor his successor, Obizzo I (died 1193), however, achieved any great distinction, beyond the offices and titles that fell naturally to the upper feudal families, but it was during the lifetime of Obizzo I that the Estensi first acquired political importance in Ferrara, through the marriage of his son (Azzo V, who predeceased him) to the heiress of one of the two great and rival families of Ferrara. Obizzo was succeeded by his grandson, Azzo VI, who acquired considerable authority in the city, though his premature death in 1212 left the family temporarily weakened. Not until 1240 did a descendant, Azzo VII, return to power in the city, in alliance with the Guelf league formed by Pope Gregory IX. This marked the true beginning of Este rule in Ferrara.
Lords of Ferrara
In 1264 Azzo’s heir, Obizzo II (1264–93), was created perpetual lord by the people of Ferrara under the pressure of Guelf strength. The pope, lawful lord of the Ferrarese territory, at first did not oppose this action but afterward began to contest the Estensi government. Obizzo II’s power was growing, however, and he had himself chosen lord of Modena in 1288 and of Reggio in 1289. In the 14th century the house of Este went through difficult, stormy periods, not only because of its controversies with the papacy but also because of domestic dissensions, sometimes very hazardous. The house succeeded, nevertheless, in strengthening its position, and, under Nicolò II (reigned 1361–88), called the Lame, there was built the famous Este Castle, the work of the architect Bartolino da Novara, which became a symbol of the power of the city of Ferrara and a sure defense against external dangers. To the brother and successor of Nicolò II, Alberto V (reigned 1388–93), is due the erection of the University of Ferrara, destined for lasting fame; it was obtained by Pope Boniface IX as a concession in 1391.
The reign of Nicolò III (1393–1441), son of Alberto, marked the strengthening of Estensi domination in Ferrara and the introduction of Estensi influence generally in Italian politics. After having defeated an attempt by the Paduans to achieve hegemony in Ferrara, the Estensi duke became intermediary in the political and military contests in the Italian states and extended his dominions. Personally, Nicolò was known for his sensuality; a Ferrarese saying runs, “On both sides of the River Po they all are Nicolò’s sons.” He had his son Ugo and his young second wife, Parisina Malatesta, beheaded because they were found guilty of adultery together. But he devoted himself to the exterior manifestations of a religious faith—going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre and to Vienna’s Saint Anthony and playing host to the ecumenical council in 1438 that represented a fruitless attempt to bring together again the Western and Eastern churches. (This council was afterward transferred to Florence.) He even seems to have come close to obtaining the succession of an Estensi heir to the Milanese states, but he died suddenly, perhaps poisoned, on December 26, 1441.
Whereas Nicolò III raised the Estensi state to a high position in Italian politics in spite of its territorial and financial limits, his natural son and chosen successor, Leonello (reigned 1441–50), gave Ferrara considerable distinction in the fields of art and culture. Leonello had been educated by the humanist Guarino Veronese, called to Ferrara by his father, and the period of his reign was one in which Ferrara represented a lively centre of culture and humanism, filled with painters (Pisanello, Jacopo Bellini, Rogier van der Weyden, Andrea Mantegna), architects (Leon Battista Alberti), and scholars (centring on Guarino Veronese).
Dukes of Ferrara, Modena, and Reggio
Leonello’s brother and successor, Borso (reigned 1450–71), notwithstanding some military failures, not only maintained his state and increased its aesthetic and cultural prestige but also received from the Holy Roman emperor Frederick III the title of duke of Modena and Reggio (1452) and from Pope Paul II the title of duke of Ferrara (1471).
Ercole I
The long rule of Leonello’s and Borso’s half-brother Ercole I (1471–1505) marked one of the most important periods for the history of the house of Este and of Ferrara. He succeeded in obtaining considerable political support with his marriage to Leonora, the daughter of the king of Naples. These were troubled times, however. Ercole had to defeat the attempt of a nephew, Nicolò, son of Leonello, to usurp the throne; and then he had to face the hostile coalition of Venice and Pope Sixtus IV, which brought war nearly to the walls of the city of Ferrara (1482–84). The subsequent Peace of Bagnolo, however, though not entirely satisfactory, did free Ferrara from immediate dangers.
Ercole’s crucial problem became one of consolidating his own political position by means of marriages that would bind him to the principal Italian powers: of his three daughters, Lucrezia was married to Annibale Bentivoglio (of Bologna), Isabella to Francesco Gonzaga (of Mantua), and Beatrice to Ludovico Sforza (of Milan). Ercole’s eldest son, Alfonso, was married first to Anna Sforza (of Milan) and then to the famous Lucrezia Borgia, the daughter of Pope Alexander VI. In spite of these difficult affairs of state, Ercole was able to continue his dynasty’s patronage of the arts, taking the poet Matteo Boiardo as his minister, extending his favour to the poet Ludovico Ariosto, espousing the theatre and musical arts, and enlarging and beautifying Ferrara to such an extent as to make it one of the first cities of Europe.
Alfonso I
Ercole’s son Alfonso I (reigned 1505–34), rough and rude when he was young, proved wise and sure of himself once he had taken the reins of government. First he foiled a plot of a stepbrother, Giulio, and another brother, Ferrante, against him and sentenced them to perpetual imprisonment. Then his attention was completely attracted by the war against Venice (1509), in which his skill in mechanics and artillery design was proved. He was victorious in the naval battle of Polesella and won back the Polesine of Rovigo (which had been lost by Ercole I). At the same time, however, papal ambitions of territorial expansion became threatening. By consistent adherence to the French interest in Italy, Alfonso came into collision with Pope Julius II and was deprived of Modena (1510) and Reggio (1512) and was excommunicated. The Medici popes, Leo X and Clement VII, were both determined on the destruction of the Estensi, but the first-mentioned pope was frustrated by death, the second by political weakness, and Alfonso was able to recover Reggio in 1523 and Modena in 1527. He died in 1534. His succession was assured not only by his legitimate children but also by the issue of his lover Laura Eustochia Dianti, from whom derived the future dukes of Modena and Reggio.
Ercole II and Alfonso II
During the reign of Alfonso’s son and successor Ercole II (1534–59), the military events proved less interesting (though the wars of 1557–58 were difficult) than the personal ones. Ercole married Renée, daughter of King Louis XII of France, and in Ferrara she came to embrace the Lutheran religion, becoming its ardent defender and establishing at her court a meeting place for the most famous heretics and liberal thinkers of the day. Ercole, who was the pope’s vicar in Ferrara, tried restraining her, even to the point of temporary imprisonment, but to no avail. Next to rule was his first-born, Alfonso II (reigned 1559–97), the fifth and last duke of Ferrara. He also tried, vainly, to be elected king of Poland and to organize a crusade against the Turks. More important for the dynasty, however; was the fact that, though Alfonso II had three marriages, he had no children, and Pope Pius V in 1567 expressly forbade having illegitimate children rule in ecclesiastical lands. Alfonso was so disappointed and discouraged that he let the conditions of his state decay. At his death he bequeathed the duchy to his cousin Cesare, but Pope Clement VII refused to recognize the settlement, declaring Cesare illegitimate; in 1598 direct papal rule was established in Ferrara. The main branch of the Este family had come to an end.
Decline of power
Cesare kept Modena and Reggio, but with him the Estensi ceased to play so important a part in Italian politics, and the court was culturally inferior to its brilliant predecessors. Among the several Modenese dukes who followed in the 17th century, Francesco I (reigned 1629–58), who came to the throne during the stormy period of the Thirty Years’ War, was perhaps the most important. His people were able to survive the famous plague of 1630. In the wars he was first allied to Spain, then to France, whose alliance he thought would best sustain his claims to Ferrara. Later on, he attempted reconciliation with Spain, but ironically it was on the field of battle, fighting the Spaniards, that he died of malaria. He was a man with enormous aspirations, and, though inclined toward treachery in politics, he gave art his patronage, favouring men of letters and collecting works of art (there is an extraordinary portrait of him by Diego Velázquez and a beautiful bust by Gian Lorenzo Bernini).
Among his successors, the one most deserving to be remembered is Rinaldo I (1694–1737), whose marriage to Charlotte Felicitas of Brunswick-Lüneburg reunited the long-separated branches of the house of Este. Throughout his reign he engaged in imperial politics. His son Francesco III (1737–80), known as a libertine, received the governorship of Lombardy from Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. Ercole III (1780–96), gentle and affable, abandoned Modena in 1796 when the Revolutionary French army invaded it.
After the Napoleonic Wars, Duke Francesco IV (1814–46), son of Maria Beatrice d’Este (the only surviving daughter of Ercole III) and of Archduke Ferdinand of Habsburg-Lorraine, son of Maria Theresa, came back to Modena. He founded the Austro-Este line in Modena, which, however, ended with his son Francesco V (1846–59) when Modena revolted in order to join Sardinia-Piedmont and then Italy.
Childless, Francesco V selected as his universal heir Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, who was murdered at Sarajevo in 1914. He was succeeded by Charles I of Austria. Archduke Robert, his second son, succeeded him. Prince Lorenz of Belgium became the rightful holder of the surname and heraldic bearings of the Estensi in 1996, upon Robert’s death.
House of Aldobrandini
The House of Aldobrandini is an Italian noble family originally from Florence, where in the Middle Ages they held the most important municipal offices. Now the Aldobrandini are resident in Rome, with close ties to the Vatican.
Their Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII. He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili. They were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese (Ranuccio I, duke of Parma, had married Margherita Aldobrandini) and Borghese (since Olimpia Aldobrandini married Paolo Borghese).
The family also lends its name to the Palazzo Aldobrandini on the Quirinal Hill. The Aldobrandini family, having reached the height of its powers when Ippolito Aldobrandini became Pope Clement VIII (1592–1605), began the building of the villa. In 1600 Clement VIII acquired the Orti Vitelli on the Quirinal hill and in 1601 donated the property to his Cardinal-nephew Pietro Aldobrandini. The old buildings of the Vitelli Family were demolished and construction began on the new villa and adjacent garden. The villa was never the family seat as the Aldobrandini family owned even more splendid residences elsewhere in Rome. The villa on the Quirinal hill served essentially for ceremonial functions.
More famous was the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati. Also known as Belvedere for its charming location overlooking the whole valley up to Rome, it was rebuilt on the order of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini over a pre-existing edifice built by the Vatican prelate Alessandro Rufini in 1550. The villa, aligned with the cathedral down its axial avenue that is continued through the town as Viale Catone, was rebuilt in the current form by Giacomo della Porta from 1598 to 1602, and then completed by Carlo Maderno and Giovanni Fontana. The villa has an imposing 17th-century façade and some other interesting architectural and environmental features, such as the double gallery order on the rear façade, the spiral-shaped flights, the large exedra of the Water Theatre and the magnificent park. Inside there are paintings of Mannerist and Baroque artists such as the Zuccari brothers, Cavalier D’Arpino and Domenichino. Outside there is a monumental gate by Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri (early 18th century).
The Doria, Pamphilj, Landi and Aldobrandini families have become united through marriage and descent under the simplified surname Doria Pamphilj (which is now extinct since the death of Princess Orietta Doria Pamphlij in 2000). The Aldobrandini family palazzo and its collections of works of art and furnishings is now the Doria Pamphilj Gallery in Rome.
The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother’s side, married into the Rothschild family.
The Head of the family today is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).
The Aldobrandini families are an influential Roman bloodline and top members of a satanic death cult known as the Ninth Circle. They are involved with the Vatican and banking. The Aldobrandini family produced one pope and several cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran which means the “follower.” The Aldobrandini clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion and have an Arabic and Basque ancestry. Ignatius Loyola who was a co-founder of the Jesuits and its first Superior General was of Basque descent and likely related to this family. They follow after the Massimo family and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. The Massimo’s Vatican came first and the Jesuits followed after just as Aldebaran means the follower. The Italian Nobility uses its Jesuit universities to recruit Roman spies and agents and the Aldobrandini family appear to have a portion of authority over the Society of Jesus. There are Ninth Circle cults within most Jesuit universities. I believe The Ninth Circle headquarters is located at Loyola University New Orleans with President Kevin Wildes SJ. The New Age cult leader named Paul Romano serves the Aldobrandinis and he is secretly sadistic. Pope Clement VIII Ippolito Aldobrandini issued the Congregatio de Auxiliis as a peace agreement between the Jesuits and Dominicans. Ranuccio I Farnese married Margherita Aldobrandini and it was the Farnese family that officially authorized the Jesuits. The Aldobrandini family have ownership over the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey Palermo family as the acting bosses and. Both the Aldobrandini family and Cavalcante family were originally Florentine nobility. Caval like a cave. Even their mafia has an underworldly essence. The Italian Mafia is known for being involved with construction companies and known for building hidden underground bunkers and tunnels. The DeCavalcante crime family have infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and are involved with a large scale criminal trafficking network. Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr. lives around Florida and oversees the New Jersey operations. There needs to be a major investigation into the New Jersey Port Authority. The Aldobrandini family hold the title of Duke of Brindisi in Apulia and they are the part owners of the Sacra Corona Unita or Apulian Mafia. Willie Moretti was a Jersey mobster and from Apulia. Some Italians including mobsters from San Nicandro, Apulia converted to Judaism and moved to Israel. The Abutbul Mafia in Israel headed up by Asi Abutbul is likely connected with the Apulian Mafia.
Cinzio Aldobrandini was a Roman Catholic Cardinal and there is the Reaper of Death statue with a sickle at his tomb at San Pietro in Vincoli along with the Aldobrandini coat of arms and this displays their sinister nature. I believe this family manages the Catacombs of Rome and the interconnected underground tunnels. Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is married to Baron David Rene de Rothschild who is the head of the French Rothschild family and currently the head of N M Rothschild & Sons today. In Judaism, the Jewish lineage is passed down from the mother so it should be a Roman Catholic Rothschild-Aldobrandini that inherits the Rothschild bank or a portion of its ownership. Alexandre Guy Francesco de Rothschild is an Aldobrandini by blood. The French Rothschild family are Court Factors serving the Roman Curia and Black Nobility. The Rothschild family are subtly titled “guardians of the papal treasure” in the Jewish Encyclopedia. They guard the Black Nobility’s wealth as middlemen money handlers. The Brandolini family are a Venetian branch of the Aldobrandini clan. Marie Brandolini was the daughter of Beatrice de Rothschild and she married Count Brandino Brandolini-d’Adda. Count Brandino Brandini-d’Adda II is the head of this family. The House of Aldobrandini also merged a family branch with the Borghese banking family of Rome under Prince Paolo Borghese and this branch intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. Camillo Borghese or Pope Paul V created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and the bank eventually merged into UniCredit. The Aldobrandinis merged a branch with the Banchieri family which are Italian bankers and their named means bankers. They are a concealed family and they oversee international bankers like the Rothschilds. The Aldobrandinis recently married with Antinori family of Florence with Prince Piero Antinori as the current head. The Aldobrandinis also married with the Saluzzo family. The Aldobrandini crime family are involved with pedophilia, defilement, and desecration, satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, murder, conspiring against foreign governments and terrorism. Members of the House of Aldobrandini include Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, Don Clemente Aldobrandini, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild, and Prince Camillo’s brother who lives at the Palazzo Antinori di Brindisi in Florence and holds the title of Duke of Brindisi.
The Aldobrandini family are an extremely idiotic, evil, and creepy bloodline and they oversee the Cult of Hades which is a murderous and cannibalistic cult of pedophiles. The Aldobrandinis are involved with the Vatican and banking and are currently married with the French Rothschild family. They are also top managers of the Jesuits and they are architects of serial killers. They are also married with the Antinori family of Florence and have inherited a villa in Florence and ducal titles in Apulia. Marchese Piero Antinori is the current head of this family. The Aldobrandinis produced one pope and several cardinals for the Roman Catholic Church. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran which means the "follower." The Aldobrandini clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion and have an Arabic, Saracen, and Basque ancestry. Today the Aldobrandinis have an alliance with Sunni Muslim leaders. The royal family of Saudi Arabia have a close relationship with the Vatican and a covert alliance with the Aldobrandinis. Ignatius Loyola who was a co-founder of the Jesuits and its first Superior General was of Basque descent and likely related with this family. Loyola was a soldier for the Spanish Dukes of Najera a title now claimed by the Colon or Columbus family.  The Aldobrandinis follow after the Massimos and have intermarried with the Massimo-Lancellotti branch. The Massimo's Vatican came first and the Jesuits followed after just as Aldebaran means the follower. The Black Nobility uses its Jesuit universities to recruit Roman spies and agents and the Aldobrandini family have a portion of authority over the Society of Jesus with their Jesuit-Hades cult branch located at Loyola of New Orleans with Tania Tetlow as president of the college. Pope Clement VIII or Ippilito Aldobrandini issued the Congregatio de Auxiliis as a peace agreement between the Jesuits and Dominicans. Ranuccio I Farnese married Margherita Aldobrandini and it was the Farnese family that officially established the Jesuits. The current head of the Aldobrandinis is Prince Camillo Aldobrandini and his son is Prince Clemente Aldobrandini. Clemente means mercy or gentle. They use gentleness as a cover similar to the way some pedophiles target children.
The heads of the Aldobrandinis are Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi in Apulia and he resides at the Palazzo Antinori in Florence along with his half brother Prince Giovanni Ferdinando Amerigo Aldobrandini. Prince Camillo and his son Prince Clemente are also high level members. Amerigo is where America got its name. Sylvester Stallone's family is from Apulia and he can be seen shaking hands with David Meyer de Rothschild. The Stallones are members of the Apulian Mafia. The Apulian Mafia has thousands of members operating in New Jersey. The actors on the show Jersey Shore are all connected with mafia clans. The Vatican has also covertly made Sylvester Stallone the ceremonial leader of their Order of Saint Sylvester and Vicar of Atlas. Atlas refers to Atlantis as well as Atlantic like Atlantic City. The Aldobrandinis are part owners of the Apulian Mafia also called the Sacra Corona Unita which have an operation in New Jersey. The Savoy-Aostas which are the Dukes of Apulia are also part owners of the Apulian Mafia. New Jersey is a mafia headquarters for human trafficking. They have deeply infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority. The Aldobrandinis have a portion of ownership over the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey with Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr who resides in Naples, Florida. The DeCavalcantes have a faction in Florida. The DeCavalcantes are involved in all forms of organized crime including waste management with one of its founders was nicknamed Sam the Plumber. The mafia disposes of bodies and body parts in landfills and sewage plants. The Italian Mafia often hires criminal bikers for their hits especially when the hit is a non Italian or not connected to the mafia. The extremely depraved rapper RZA took his rap name for Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante and he is an agent of the DeCavalcantes and Aldobrandinis. RZA's brother is a rapper named 9th Prince. RZA lives in New Jersey and is a boss of the AVLN and Five Percenter Islamic supremacist group and he provides a defense for the human trafficking ring in New Jersey. When I originally exposed that there is a Arab Mafia in New Jersey that are involved in human trafficking RZA sent some goons to my house at 3:00AM to try and intimidate me. De-Caval-Cante. Caval means a cave. Hades means the underworld and deep underground caverns. Jesuits are involved in sacrificing people including children and they often do this in caverns.
Cinzio Aldobrandini was a Roman Catholic Cardinal and there is the Reaper of Death statue with a sickle at his tomb at San Pietro in Vincoli along with the Aldobrandini coat of arms and this displays their sinister nature. Cardinal Donald Wuerl was recently Archbishop of Washington DC and is also the Cardinal of San Pietro in Vincoli. The Aldobrandinis still own their old villa in Frascati which looks really creepy. Around their villa they have creepy statues of Poseidon, Pan, and Atlas. Members of the Cult of Hades include the child murdering pedophile actor Johnny Depp who was in the movie the Ninth Gate which refers to Pluto or Hades the ninth planet. Roman Polanski produced the movie the Ninth Gate and he is a convicted pedophile who raped and drugged a young girl. Johnny Depp publicly supported the West Memphis Three which was three older teens that murdered three young boys and Johnny Depp has been a major supporter of these murderers. Johnny Depp is also close friends with Marilyn Manson who is a priest of the Church of Satan and follower of Aleister Crowley. Johnny Depp has done dozens of kids and family movies and is friends with Satanic priests and supports three convicted child murderers. The wrestler Roman Reigns takes his name from Rome and he is a ruthless and murderous agent of the Aldobrandinis. Roman Reigns or Joe Anoaʻi is a cannibalistic monster. The Aldobrandinis have married with the Italian Banchieri family which are an old Italian banking family and their name means bankers. It is possible the Rothschilds have a relation to the Banchieris. Paul Sarlo is a state senator and businessman in New Jersey and he is a covert associate of the DeCavalcante crime syndicate and an agent of the Aldobrandinis. Sarlo works in the construction industry as chief operating officer of Joseph Sanzari Inc. The mafia specialize in construction rackets and build covert underground facilities and bunkers used for sex trafficking of women and children and human sacrifice. Joseph Sanzari is the CEO of his company and a high level gangster.
The Aldobrandinis had stocks seized by the United States government in the 40's-50's through the Trading with the Enemy Act likely for working with the Italian Fascists. Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini is married to Baron David Rene de Rothschild who is the head of the French Rothschild family and their son Alexandre de Rothschild is currently the head of N M Rothschild & Sons today and he is an Aldobrandini. In Judaism the Jewish lineage is passed down from the mother so it should be a Roman Catholic Rothschild-Aldobrandini that inherits the Rothschild bank or a portion of its ownership. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini is friends with Antonio Purini and Purini can be seen associating with Cornelius Brandi the Executive Chairman of CMS and Senior Partner of CMS Germany which is a international law firm headquartered in Switzerland that assists in tax evasion. Brandi like Aldo-brandini. The Rothschilds have also married with the Brandolini d'Adda family of Venice. Brando-lini like Aldo-brandini. The Aldobrandini also merged a family branch with the Borghese banking family of Rome under Prince Paolo Borghese and this branch intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. The French House of Bonaparte still covertly govern France and are loyal to the Black Nobility of Rome and Italian royals. Prince Camillo Borghese or Pope Paul V created the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 and the bank eventually merged into UniCredit. The Borghese and Aldobrandini families have an alliance and they have married with the royal family of France and the top bankers of the France the Rothschilds. The Aldobrandinis are involved with infiltrating major ports for human trafficking. Rick Cotton is the executive director of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and he enables organized crime and child trafficking. The Aldobrandini crime family are involved with pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, cannibalism, human flesh trafficking, human trafficking, murder, conspiring against foreign governments, and terrorism. Members of this wicked family include Prince Giovanni Aldobrandini, Prince Camillo Aldobrandini, Prince Clemente Aldobrandini, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini-Rothschild, Alexandre de Rothschild, and Prince Francesco Aldobrandini the Duke of Brindisi.


Cause Before Symptom

For over 1,000 years, planet Earth has been controlled by two bloodline familes who play good and evil giving the appearance of duality while the sleeping commoners fall prey to their agendas. By using religion, they control the past, present and future through ancient and new black magic technology manipulating events for greed and control.

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