Cause Before Symptom

Pastor James Carner breaks down the real controllers of the world and their divide and conquer plans for a satanic utopia where only a select few will reign over a small population of adrogenous, complacent workers.

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Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Tonight on Cause Before Symptom Trumps go pick, Ripple, ex satanist John Todd, the Gregorian calendar & New Testament Translations
First, let’s address the high strangeness of Trump picking JD Vance. The youngest ever VP pick at 39, an Ohio senator grew up Christian then in college became an atheist then was Baptized in 2019, he is now a new Catholic. The Orsinis are pushing Christian faith into the public now. JD served in Iraq as a marine. Graduate of Yale and need I say more? He’s a skull and bones member. Trump again is going to surround himself with the enemy because he is the enemy. And JD is part of the red shoe club. Biden has been grilled by the media about his bullseye comment. No one is buying it. 
Ripple is surrounded by the 13 bloodlines and they want to use it for complete control. Check this out. Michael S. Barr in 2010 was the Assistant Treasury Secretary for Financial Institutions during the Obama administration overseeing 14 trillion in assets. He was President Joe Biden’s pick to be the new comptroller of the currency at the us treasury department. In between these roles, Barr became an advisor to Ripple in 2015, according to a press release still available on Ripple’s website, but it’s not clear when Barr left that role, nor is it publicly known what kind of work Barr performed.
Ripple also secured Rosie Rios, the 43rd treasurer of the U.S. who served under President Barack Obama as well. That makes two Obama appointees who worked for both the US Treasury and Ripple. It gets worse. Much worse. Ripple was selected to serve on the IMF's High Level Advisory Group on Fintech short for Financial Tech. Their site says Central Banks and national Infrastructures can engage with Ripple to innovate with proven building blocks in Distributed Ledger Technology. Fintech is a catch-all term referring to software, mobile applications, and other technologies created to improve and automate traditional forms of finance for businesses and consumers alike.
Artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cloud computing, and big data are considered the four key areas of fintech. Artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast with “natural intelligence” displayed by humans and animals. PayPal, Zelle, Venmo are Fintech companies. So are VISA and Mastercard. A common business model in the fintech world is to bring in customers with free value, then show financial product offers like personal loans and credit cards. If a customer of the free fintech product then signs up for the credit card offer, the fintech company gets paid a referral fee.
The International Monetary Fund is controlled by the United Nations. Whoever controls the United Nations controls Ripple. Bulgarian economist Kristalina Georgieva, former CEO of the World Bank is the current IMF chief in Washington DC. And where is SWIFT located? Bulgaria with offices in Switzerland. The IMF is a central controlled bank that loans money to countries in order to get them in debt and steal their resources. They use the CIA and MI6 to start revolutions and civil wars to install their own puppet dictator. 
Ripple seems to work with the most evil people in the world. I wanted to find something connected to good people here, but the more I dig, the more sinister this thing looks. If I had to guess what they are trying to achieve, the deep state planted this story of XRP being controlled by the good guys but that is not the truth. At least not from what I see. But FedNow supposedly is a competitor to Ripple. Why? If Ripple is to be the the next central bank, why bother creating FedNow? All articles I find between the two say they are rivals. What if, hypothetically speaking, Trump is the CIC and created FedNow to stop Ripple? My last report on FedNow gave a clear view on how it could stop the drug cartels because it’s just a payment rail gateway to get ahead of the cabal. 
Knowing the central bankers, they fund both sides of every war. They would have their tentacles in every blockchain financial system they can find. Maybe SWIFT lost the contract with the federal reserve under Trump because it doesn’t have blockchain security and this is the deep state’s attempt to bypass that. Maybe Ripple sits on the IMF board to spy. If that is so, why is it surrounded by Obama officials? I have seen countless of TikTok people saying to invest in XRP because they say $1,000 invest now will be worth millions soon. I don’t buy it. Ripple, are the bad guys. When you sit on the IMF board, you don’t make recommendations. You are told what to do. The mystery continues.
John Todd
John Todd (formerly Collins) was in the music industry in the early 60’s and 70’s. He was born into a witchcraft family and was placed in the music industry. Since converting to Christianity, he started exposing what they did to the music. There are many videos of him on various apps but many times they get taken down. He describes the famous musicians and their ritual practices after they finish the song and make a master copy. They move to an underground location and conjure up spirits to attach themselves to the music. David Crosby admitted they continued doing such evil in the 80’s. When evil spirits latch onto a song, they await for a user to listen to it. Willful listening gives permission to the demons or fallen angels to whisper thoughts into your ear and mind. The music industry was not only about making money, but was purposely driven to spread ungodly messages to the world to corrupt anyone that comes into contact. John Todd was one of the first to coin the phrase Illuminati and was the inspiration to many truthers such as Bill Cooper and Ted Gunderson. 
Labeled as a conspiracy theorist, John Todd was way ahead of his time exposing the Catholic Church, Christian rock and many church leaders who were purposefully leading the flock away from the truth. He was convicted of rape in South Carolina in 1988 and served 30 years in prison, released under psychiatric custody and died in 2007. I heard about John Todd 20 years ago when searching about the occult and satanic ritual abuse. I believe he was a great threat to the establishment and was wrongfully accused just by the fact that after he served his time was placed in a loony bin. His publications were interviews and comic books published by chick publications who continued to back up his claims and defend him until a higher up Christian family used their power to persuade Chick to stop the tracts. Todd changed his name several times to avoid persecution to lance, Kris and Christopher Collins with a C and a K. 
His ministry was sincere as his name change represented a spear to evil using lance as a weapon. The middle name Saryan from Latin which means just. His last name Collins represented Victory for the people. Combined his name was A Just Spear for the victory of the people. It was from John Todd’s work that the Christian movement of exposing satanic music by playing messages backwards came to light. It also led to congress putting warning labels on music as well. That initiative was led by Tipper Gore, whose husband is Al Gore and it was because of their intervention, the label’s did not expose the reason why the parental advisory, which by design, the label just made kids want to buy it nevertheless. Rock stars like Frank Zappa and Dee Snider of Twisted Sister gave testimony before congress appealing the labeling as unconstitutional and infringed on free speech. Try as they may, Tipper’s conservative panel unanimously voted for the label, which did nothing to the cause except make younger generations more curious. There ha not been any serious look into regulating music since and today, we see satanic imagery with music at our Super Bowl and Thanksgiving Parades.
John Todd was a hero. A truther unafraid of the establishment and the consequences of exposing the truth which is Baal and Molech worship. We can easily assume that if such filth is in the music industry, such brainwashing follows in others like Netflix and other applications that push the envelope on perversion in the name of acceptance, pride and inclusivity. The entire design by the elite is to turn the world into sodom and Gomorrah. Both towns practiced sexual immorality and pursued unnatural lust. Read Jude 1:7. The towns had a custom where any stranger arrives, they had their way with them via a gang bang. The Bible refers to two angels visiting Lot to warn of destruction of Sodom and the people wanted them sexually. Lot offered his virgin daughters instead and that didn’t satisfy the people. I see the same thing happening here in America but much worse. Pedophelia is being conditioned as accepted yet was frowned upon in both of those cursed biblical towns. America spawned the entertainment industries to push immorality to the point of no return. We have no repented and turned away from it, rather embraced it in schools, government and business. The world leaders know of this. Putin himself called America an evil place of sexual immorality. That says a lot coming from a country that has a brutal past of crimes against humanity themselves. 
So, what did John Todd’s exposure of satanism and their plans for building a kingdom of wickedness do to help America? Was his work done in vein? Is he rolling in his grave at the acceptance we were conditioned to learn? Or Bill Cooper and his book Behold a Pale Horse who was killed by local police and US Marshals for not paying his taxes? Or Ted Gunderson who after retiring from the CIA, exposed the satanic ritual abuse that has spread across our country like a plague? Our entire country has been pushed into the unknown and there is hardly enough people pushing back. Where are the churches? Where is the awareness? Human Trafficking is now the focal point and I believe this is being used to usher in a human tracking system in the form of a computer chip. Of all the distractions and fighting amongst ourselves, we have not gained anymore freedom since losing it. Have we been too distracted with technology and celebrities that we lost our country and our morals completely? Where is Jonah to tell our leaders to repent and turn away from our immorality? Obviously, hero’s like John Todd sacrificed his life for the greater good but have we changed? I see no fruit.
The Gregorian calendar
The Gregorian calendar, like the Julian calendar, is a solar calendar with 12 months of 28–31 days each. The year in both calendars consists of 365 days, with a leap day being added to February in the leap years. The months and length of months in the Gregorian calendar are the same as for the Julian calendar, which is a calendar introduced by the authority of Julius Caesar in 46 BC, in which the year consisted of 365 days, every fourth year having 366 days. It was superseded by the Gregorian calendar though it is still used by some Orthodox Churches. The Romans borrowed parts of their earliest known calendar from the Greeks. The calendar consisted of 10 months in a year of 304 days. The Romans seem to have ignored the remaining 61 days, which fell in the middle of winter. The 10 months were named Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. The last six names were taken from the words for five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Romulus, the legendary first ruler of Rome, is supposed to have introduced this calendar in the 700s B.C.E.
The Greek Calendar attempted to combine in a single system the lunar year of 12 cycles of phases of the moon, totaling about 354 days, and the solar year of about 365 days. Generally, three extra months were intercalated in every period of eight solar years. The Egyptians created their own calendar, which used the moon’s cycles and a star named Sirius to keep track of time. The Egyptian calendar had 12 months just like the one used in Mesopotamia, but they had 5 extra days in their year. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia made the very first calendar, which divided a year into 12 lunar months, each consisting of 29 or 30 days. The Sumerian calendar was very different from the one we use today. Here's how: One year had 360 days. A mesolithic arrangement of twelve pits and an arc found in Warren Field, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, dated to roughly 8,000 BC, has been described as a lunar calendar and was dubbed the "world's oldest known calendar" in 2013.
Jesus was born under the Julian Caesar Calendar. The Gregorian calendar was decreed in 1582 by the papal bull Inter gravissimas by Pope Gregory XIII, to correct an error in the Julian calendar that was causing erroneous calculation of the date of Easter. Given the nature of the papal and the Breakspear ritual around that time, the goal of changing the calendar was to change the actual real date and times of Jesus’ birth and resurrection. The official story of the change is Today's Gregorian calendar uses more elaborate leap year rules, making it far more accurate. However, it is not perfect either. Compared to the tropical year, it is 27 seconds too long, so it is off by 1 day every 3236 years. This is a lie. The anno Domini dating system (BC/AD) was invented by the Christian monk Dionysius Exiguus in the year 525 before the papal existed which came a few hundred years later. AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, while BC stands for “before Christ”. The council of Nicea in 325 was the year the Christian church was established and The Papal States, officially the State of the Church, were a series of territories in the Italian Peninsula under the direct sovereign rule of the pope from 756 until 1870. They were among the major states of Italy from the 8th century until the unification of Italy, between 1859 and 1870.
Italy, under the control the Lombards and Charlemagne’s sent Pippin to destroy Desiderius, also known as Daufer or Dauferius. Pepin was the second son of Charlemagne by his then-wife Hildegard. He was born Carloman, but was rechristened with the royal name Pepin (also the name of his older half-brother Pepin the Hunchback, and his grandfather King Pepin the Younger) when he was a young child. He was made "king of Italy" after his father's conquest of the Lombards, in 781, and crowned by Pope Hadrian I with the Iron Crown of Lombardy. defeated the King in 756 and gave Italy to the pope which became the papal states. The Papal has always been under the rule of the bloodlines and it is assumed that after the monk switched the world’s dating system to reflect Jesus Christ, it was determined that a body of priests, bishops and popes needed to reverse that over the course of the centuries removing Jesus out of the calendar in steps. The first step was to changed the actual year so future generations will get Jesus’ birthday, death and resurrection wrong via the Gregorian calendar. Following steps would be to change the Gregorian calendar to a new one reflecting technology and data of the solar system and seasons for the perfect time and date which is coming soon. The Gregorian reform shortened the average (calendar) year by 0.0075 days to stop the drift of the calendar with respect to the equinoxes. I believe the one world church formed by pope Francis will introduce the perfect calendar by removing the Monk’s anno Domini dating system (BC/AD). This will remove the proof of Jesus via using his death in our calendars. 
The real year is 2776 according to the Julian Caesar calendar. But the Buddhist calendar says 2563 and the Hindu calendar says 1944. However the true biblical year is 5783 According to the Hebrew calendar started at the time of Creation, placed at 3761 BCE. By this calculation, the end of the 6000th year would occur at nightfall of 16 September 2240 on the Gregorian calendar. That means we are 217 years away from what some scholars believe is the real end of the first trial of free will and the end of Satan’s reign. By then, it will have been just 6 days in heaven. 
New Testament Translations
Origen was appointed by Demetrius, the bishop, to succeed Clement as head of the catechetical school in Alexandria. Origen was ordered to go to Palestine and returned to Alexandria, bringing with him an antique scroll he had purchased at Jericho containing the full text of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. The manuscript, which had purportedly been found "in a jar", became the source text for one of the two Hebrew columns in Origen's Hexapla. Hexapla, also called Origenis Hexaplorum, is a critical edition of the Hebrew Bible in six versions, four of them translated into Greek, preserved only in fragments. The books of the New Testament were written in first or second century Palestine, a region that at the time was under the rule of the Roman Empire. There is no record of where Clement or Origen found their original scrolls of the New Testament which I am assuming they were concerned about the Old Testament’s authenticity hence finding originals. Around this time, the New Testament wasn’t as scarce and relatively new. 
Origen’s parents were liberal Christians and his father Lionitus was put to death for his faith while Origen was young. This gave him the drive to study the scriptures and lead many agnostics to the truth. Titus Flavius Clemens, also known as Clement of Alexandria was a Christian theologian and philosopher who taught at the Catechetical School of Alexandria. Among his pupils were Origen and Alexander of Jerusalem. A convert to Christianity, he was an educated man who was familiar with classical Greek philosophy and literature. As his three major works demonstrate, Clement was influenced by Hellenistic philosophy to a greater extent than any other Christian thinker of his time, and in particular, by Plato and the Stoics. His secret works, which exist only in fragments, suggest that he was familiar with pre-Christian Jewish esotericism and Gnosticism as well. In one of his works he argued that Greek philosophy had its origin among non-Greeks, claiming that both Plato and Pythagoras were taught by Egyptian scholars. Origen had some very different beliefs than the Catholic Church. In his lifetime he was often attacked, suspected of adulterating the Gospel with pagan philosophy. After his death, opposition steadily mounted. The chief accusations against Origen's teaching are the following: making the Son inferior to the Father and thus being a precursor of Arianism, a 4th-century heresy that denied that the Father and the Son were of the same substance; spiritualizing away the resurrection of the body; denying hell, a morally enervating universalism; speculating about pre-existent souls and world cycles; dissolving redemptive history into timeless myth by using allegorical interpretation, thus turning Christianity into a kind of Gnosticism, a heretical movement that held that matter was evil and the spirit good.
Although I believe in Origen’s outlook of matter being evil and spirit being good and hell was conquered, I too, like the Catholic Church have some problems with his interpretations of the Bible. However, I understand where he got his interpretations as he was living in Egypt and surrounded by Egyptian doctrine. It isn’t uncommon to hear or read authors merging their adolescence upbringing theories with what they later learn. So at this point, since the Old Testament has been proven correct via the Dead Sea scrolls, we can comfortably relax in the fact that even though King James and Pope Innocent changed the new, they left the old in tact. Hence the race to find the original New Testament, which was written by many through memory. 
Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest surviving full text of the New Testament, which was “discovered” at the St Catherine monastery at the base of Mt Sinai in Egypt in the 1840s and 1850s. Dating from circa 325-360 CE, it is not known where it was scribed – perhaps Rome or Egypt. Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance for the history of the Bible and the manuscript – the oldest substantial book to survive Antiquity – is of supreme importance for the history of the book. 
The Codex omits the words which Protestants add to the end of The Lord's Prayer, and Catholics omit: "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever (Matthew 6:13). Other differences include it saying that Jesus was "angry" as he healed a leper, where the modern text says he acted with "compassion". Again, interpretations and we are further from the truth. However it was created around the mid-2nd century by the Shepherd of Hermas, a 2nd-century Christian writer. There were probably four scribes who contributed to the original text. Later corrections representing attempts to alter the text to a different standard probably were made about the 6th or 7th century at Caesarea. The Shepherd of Hermas, sometimes just called The Shepherd, is a Christian literary work of the late first half of the second century, considered a valuable book by many Christians, and considered canonical scripture by some of the early Church fathers such as Irenaeus. Hermas learns from his heavenly messengers that because believers have sinned following their baptism God is offering them an opportunity before a coming judgment for a “second repentance.” In some parts of the early church the Shepherd was treated as canonical: the Greek Codex Sinaiticus (4th century) and the Greek. But it requires the still keeping of the law of Moses.
Here we go again. It seems every road we go down here leads to the law. This is the deception that Satan wants. Jesus paid the atonement for the law and all our sin. The more I dig, the more I see infiltration as in a real war. The war on the truth. After Christ’s death, Satan lost the keys to death and hell. This wasn’t what he wanted and if he knew Jesus would do so, he never would have let him be crucified. We have to understand our enemy. If the real truth came out, he would lose all his power. So Satan came up with a plan to infiltrate all camps of Christianity to get to the word. To squash the truth. What Jesus did was set us all free and Satan needed to add scriptures to keep us in bondage. The more I dig, the more I see twisted scriptures. It seems only logical that if Jesus’ work was to free us, Satan had to infiltrate the word at all cost. To be continued.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

Update on Trump
The shooter was a registered republican and a gun owner. He gave $15 to a democrat caucus when he was 17 but that was his parents. Last night I mentioned that whoever gets a hold of the story first whether democrats or republicans will own it. I was right. The democrats will use this to save their ass. I bet they breathed a sigh of relief when they found out he was a registered republican. Conveniently, because this dude showed interest in both parties, none can pin this on the other. And apparently the real one came out and said you got the wrong guy. But it will make headlines for weeks. Who benefits? What was the motive? Turns out the kid who shot Trump was in a Blackrock commercial. Found by patriots and not the media. Blackrock controls a lot of pension funds. Blackrock must have connections to Russia and there is motive for them to hire this kid to do such a thing as Biden is good for business and Trump is not. Thomas Matthew Crooks is the name but whoever was shot yo there on the unsupervised roof wasn’t him. There are many military bases in Pennsilvania. Especially the Defense Logistics Agency at Susquehanna. Many school shootings have one thing in common. The shooter had someone in the military as parents. This is always the common denominator along with MK Ultra.
It seems the elite are just playing with us. Trump got up the next day and went golfing folks. Not even a moment of prayer for the victims that were shot there that day. QpLet’s put some scenarios here. One, Q and Trump are just a psyop. I did my research and am convinced Q was Dennis Liam Touey of 2Tuff fitness of London hired by the Tavistock institute to create a group of right wing supporters to bag and tag. I believe this wholeheartedly. Maybe Q at first was done by the bad guys and was infiltrated by the good guys. But there are no good guys. We live in a fallen world and the people in charge are devil worshippers. The end of days scenario means it gets worse and not better. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we have a jubilee during Jacob’s trouble, I have said it before that if there really is a jubilee then we are nowhere close to Jacob’s trouble. This would be great news. But aren’t we to be as wise as serpents? When something so wonderful presents itself, isn’t it usually a con job? 
The whole world is a con job. Nothing is free. History has never recorded a country who gave everything back it stole. There’s no money in it. For the love of money is the root of all evil and since the federal reserve is controlled by lovers of money, they will guard their precious with nuclear missiles. This is why BRICS is allowing the petty attacks and not escalate toward war. Both sides are trying to wait out their bankruptcies. China just recently had a huge bank go under. This is good news for the federal reserve. However, China can print their own money just like the federal reserve does. So what does all these bankruptcies mean? It’s just big fish swallowing small ones. Small ones can’t create their own food so they have to hunt daily. This is what many call hustling. Let’s not forget Trump is a hustler. He doesn’t have his own printing press. And 3 billion dollars against the printing press is nothing. If Trump wants to save the world, the only way he can is to go all out evil. An eye for an eye. He would need the US military behind him and all secret service. 
And that still would not be enough. Why is because the bankers control Russia. Trump would need China behind him. China still owes the IMF money. Not a lot but enough to make them be blackmailed. The International Monetary Fund is the world bank. The Khazars use it to offer loans that can never be repaid. China only owes 41 billion. Not a lot but just enough to be bullied. All predictions show China coming out the winner unless there is a war. The Khazars are trying but can’t pull off the justification for it. Meaning the American people need to approve it. Being an election year, I don’t see that happening. But the staged shooting was either a blunder from the breakspears or the Orsinis ordered it for optics. I believe this was an Orsini job to crush Russia controlled Congress, senate and the presidency. What I think is happening is, China is the last country that is hesitant for a new world order under Orsini control. China, with Trump’s help, could take out the Khazars once and for all. But history shows they just go underground for 500 years. 
Russia wouldn’t fake an assassination with Trump. They just do it. And who controls the press? They are pussyfooting around the details and not releasing anything of substance. This means they do not want Trump to get the glory here. Who controls the press, it appears to be Russia. Russia wants Biden or any other leftist they control to win. Who benefits for a Trump victory? China? No. The federal reserve does. Trump and the Orsinis staged this to win votes. The people are exposing the secret service ran by Biden whom left Trump vulnerable. While the left are all happy he got shot at, the federal reserve just sealed the victory of the dollar four more years. And this begs the question, if China is working both sides waiting this out, who is Russia working for? Are they doing the same? Playing both sides until they choose the winner? Russia can’t beat the US and nor can China. Even with our military weakened. The democrats speak the Russian language through their actions. They have been weakening America since Obama took office. That’s unamerican. I believe China has been buying America up. Russia has spies in high office and China owns American corporations. They both are trying to destablize America to weaken the dollar to the point they can bring in BRICS. Trump is a Khazar. He’s not playing both sides. He’s working for the Orsinis to regain control. If Trump gets into office, he will bring us to war with BRICS. If Biden gets in or a democrat candidate, Russia and China will continue destablizing the government and buying up failed corporations. 
Where do the tribunals come into play? Trump would need to have full control of the senate and congress which rarely ever happens. Project 2025 seems to be the ticket that might lead to arrests for crimes against humanity. However, the Orsini family would have to approve of the tribunals as they still are in control. If such a thing occurs, this is the turning point where the Breakspeare family takes over. That is if they are the ones with the better Philospher stone. Since they ruled the dark ages, their rule again would be more of a monarchy and this would throw the democrats into a spin. It could be the turning point in history where perversion gets taken out just like it did after the renasanse. This push, pull and sway of the pendulum is the bloodlines’ idea of controlling the world of duality by doing good and evil. But don’t dismiss the Breakspeare family as being next in line. The sorcery of the next family to receive the spear of longinus must be bulletproof. Another scenario is Trump, with the help of Tesla technology and his Uncle who secured the Tesla documents is Trump created his own philsopher’s stone. This is a stretch. He would have to be pure cain blood and have been part of the 13 zoastrian bloodlines. This would mean his name before Trump could have been one of those 13. It’s possible as he is German and Scottish. Germany is the Breakspeare family. Maybe the reason we can’t find anything on Henry Breakspeare is because Trump is he. This would again turn my theories upside down once again but would make perfect sense. As Trump acted like an Orsini, he climbed his way through the rituals and rites and in the end betray Dominico. Again, stretch. But this would be a brialliant plan. Thus the tribunals would be real and the Q theory gives credit. Perhaps the Orsinis tried to actually assassinate him after all. Since they lost their blessings, their plans are falling apart.
The Red Show Club
There is a big theory that the royal family, Hollywood, and other elitists are part of a “red shoe club” where they kidnap, traffick, rape, kill, and sometimes even eat young children - and then use their skin to make human leather. People believe that those red shoes are made from human skin and the people that wear them (like Tom hanks, jerry Seinfeld, the queen, etc) are part of this evil despicable pedophilic organization.
On the red carpet, they ask each other “who are you wearing?” And theorists think they they LITERALLY mean “which child are you wearing” instead of “what designer designed your outfit.” I believe there is a great deal of Hollywood pedophilia and worldwide sex trafficking and if the rumors are true, even the pope wears red shoes. Historically, all popes wore red shoes — before Benedict’s predecessor, Pope John Paul II, whose tenure lasted nearly three decades, exercised his right to opt out and switched to a more demure burgundy. (They also wore red indoor slippers, before Pope Paul VI discontinued the practice, for good, in the 1960s.)
The color has a variety of significances: Some believe it is a reminder of Jesus’ bloodied feet when he was crucified, while others believe it represents the spilled blood of Catholic martyrs. Ancient kings are said to have worn red as a symbol of status, because the dye required to make it came from rare sea snails; aristocrats and royalty continued the tradition, and some believe the church adopted the color as a way for popes to assert their equal “worldly authority.”
There is also another Red Shoe Club which is a popular concept that has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly among entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone interested in personal development.
The Red Shoe Club is an idea popularized by Grant Cardone, a well-known American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. He describes the Red Shoe Club as a group of people who are willing to take bold action, make sacrifices, and push themselves to achieve their goals.
In essence, the Red Shoe Club represents the willingness to:
Take calculated risks: Members of the Red Shoe Club are willing to take bold steps towards their goals, even if it means stepping outside their comfort zone.
Make sacrifices: They're willing to give up certain comforts, security, or familiar routines to achieve their objectives.
Focus on the end goal: Red Shoe Club members prioritize their long-term goals over short-term gains or temporary pleasures.
Be resilient: They're prepared to face setbacks, failures, and obstacles along the way and bounce back stronger.
Be proactive: Members of the Red Shoe Club take initiative and don't wait for opportunities to come to them – they create their own.
Grant Cardone emphasizes that being part of the Red Shoe Club requires a mindset shift from being comfortable and complacent to being bold and proactive. It's about being willing to challenge yourself, take calculated risks, and push past your limits to achieve greatness.
The term "red shoe" itself is symbolic of the idea that these individuals are willing to wear red shoes (a metaphor for boldness and confidence) as they navigate their journey towards success.
In summary, the Red Shoe Club represents a mindset shift towards boldness, resilience, and proactivity in pursuit of one's goals and aspirations.
It could be distaction from the royal red shoe club that has been a rumor for hundreds of years. Now, because the internet is growing fast with knowledge, the truty is finally coming out. Ronald mcDonald has a red show society and the Transamerica investment first and Walmart has their own Red Shoe Club as well. 
The meaning of red shoes can vary depending on cultural, social, and personal contexts. Here are a few interpretations:
1> Symbol of Passion: Red is often associated with passion and desire. Red shoes may symbolize someone’s intense emotions, whether it’s love, lust, or ambition.
2> Power and Confidence: Red is a bold and assertive color. Wearing red shoes can convey a sense of power, confidence, and assertiveness.
3> Attention-Grabbing: Red is a vibrant color that naturally draws attention. Red shoes can be seen as a statement piece, expressing a desire to stand out or be noticed.
4> Symbol of Rebellion: In some contexts, red shoes may symbolize rebellion or non-conformity. This could be due to the color’s association with counter-cultural movements or its historical use as a symbol of defiance.
5> Cultural and Religious Symbolism: Red holds different meanings in various cultures and religions. For example, in some Eastern cultures, red symbolizes luck and prosperity, while in Christianity, it can symbolize martyrdom or the blood of Christ.
6> Fashion and Style: Red shoes can simply be a fashion choice, reflecting someone’s personal style preferences or their desire to add a pop of color to their outfit.
Ultimately, the meaning of red shoes is subjective and can vary greatly depending on the individual and the context in which they are worn or depicted.
What is Freemasonry
Freemasonry or Masonry refers to fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local guilds of stonemasons that, from the end of the 13th century, regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. Modern Freemasonry was established in England in 1717, although its exact origins are lost in the unrecorded history of medieval times. As a stonemason grew in his craft, he was entered into the appropriate rank: apprentice, journeyman (now called Fellow Craft) and master mason.
A prominent member of the Freemasons, Albert Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council and Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891. His statues and paintings are located in every lodge across the globe. He is quoted often and is worshipped by some lodge members but others dislike his book and teachings yet blindly continue because of the perks. In his book Morals & Dogma, Pike clearly says the highest degrees in freemasonry worship Lucifer, the light bearer. During his speech Recorded in France in the book The Question of Freemasonry, by Edward Decker, Pike says:
“That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector general, we say this and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the luciferian doctrine. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil”
Some masons are unaware of the works of Albert Pike and the lodges’ beliefs because they have been lied to or are ignorant of researching the history. Freemason recruits are only lured in because they are or have family that are in public office, government, utilities, energy, construction, finance and every aspect of a city’s functionality to infiltrate, brainwash and control them for more power and other nefarious purposes. They help ignorant recruits with propping up their business and give loans for quick prosperity. Because they owe their success to the lodge, they rarely look at it as evil. After all, they are now a pillar of society and are favored.
Volume of Sacred Law, also known as the Book of the Law which ironically is a book written by Aleister Crowley, is the Masonic term for whatever religious or philosophical texts are displayed during a Lodge meeting. Whistleblowers confirm that to join the masons you must believe in a deity and inform them of whom you choose. They present to every new enlistee two books. The Bible and the Koran. The Lower levels of freemasonry where secrets are not revealed are below the 30th degree. When a member reaches that milestone, they become a Shriner. This is where the Grand Master introduces Islam as the true religion over Christianity. Shriner initiates perform a ritual to denounce Christianity and embrace Islam and Muhammad as their messiah. Higher degrees than the Shriners, according to Bill Schnoeblin, a former warlock, vampire and Luciferian, worship the devil and denounce the Koran and place Lucifer at the helm. It’s a process that is created to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven.
As of 2021, there are less than 1,000 Masonic lodges in the  United States with over 2 million members. They know each other by secret handshakes and hand gestures to show their loyalty to the lodge and members. Their oath to secrecy is evidence enough of a sinister plot to hide and conceal secrets from god and men and I quote, “I furthermore promise and swear that I will not write, print, stamp, stain, cut, carve, hew, mark or engrave them on anything moveable or immovable, capable of receiving the least impression of a sign, word, syllable, letter or character, whereby they may become legible or intelligible to any person under the canopy of heaven, and the secrets of Masonry be thereby unlawfully obtained by my unworthiness.”
What could be so secret that you have hide it from heaven? Common sense and discernment should remove any smart and cognitive aware person to turn away from such oaths. King Solomon, a peer of the Masons because he practices Christianity and witchcraft says in Proverbs 11:13 – “He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy conceals a matter.” They think this gives them plausible deniability in matters, but they ignore Matthew 5:34 and I quote “But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

Sunday Jul 14, 2024

I upload daily news weekly here on Podbean. I am live on Rumble Every Night at 9 PM:
My thoughts on Trump getting shot at.
I heard like 6 - 7 rounds being shot. I saw Trump grab his ear and go down. I saw a team of men pile on top of him and then he came back up with blood on his face. No bulletproof glass. No bullet proof vest. I saw witnesses see a man with a rifle crawl up a building and called the police yet the secret service wasn’t even up there. The police didn’t do shit and nor did the secret service. Those witnesses saw the dude shoot and knew it was him. He was wearing fatigues. What I witnessed was a staged event. One bystander was hit in the head so far. Trump’s ear was grazed which the secret service could have dabbed on while he was down. Why would he do such a thing? There could be many reasons. One reason is to get it out there so he doesn’t actually get shot. This gives him triple security now until the election. This is good for team Trump. Two it could help people sympathize with him and sway votes. Three it could make the democrats look terrible as Biden recently said Trump should have a target on him. All this does is kill the democrats’ chance at winning this election if Biden is running. Trump is playing the same tricks they do. As one might say the gloves are off. Now, if he is assassinated, the left would be to blame and this would be very bad for the DNC. 
I do believe this was done by the Trump campaign and not some low life angry at Trump like the press will want you to believe. Now what we need to watch out for is what the media will do. Whoever gets a hold of the shooter has the power of the bullhorn. If the right get him, they will say he’s a lunatic left and hurt the dnc party and if the left bag him, they will say it was a far right Christian claiming he’s the antichrist. Whatever happens, it’s all a stage to get the people looking this way while they divide and conquer and stir up the people during an election year. And where is Antifa? BLM? Where are the agitators that raged across America during Trump’s first election? That was already played. They need a new thing and this shot heard around the world could hold the democrats back if the RNC takes control of the media situation which I believe they have. How convenient the shooter is dead. Now we wait for information that either the left release or the right about this supposed shooter. The guy that gave CPR to the Trump supporter that got hit in the head looked like he was staged too.
New Ager Darryl Anka & Our Future Selves
I was watching the new ager Darryl Anka who supposedly channels Bashar talking about grey aliens. He claims he connects with an intergalactic species that is thousands of years more advanced than us. I can’t help it but to break this down under the lense of a Christian point of view and an atheist. Since I am a Christian I have my opinions but I care about those that do not believe and appreciate their stance. So let’s start with the atheist point of view. Who is Bashar? Darryl seems like a kind man and it appears he believes he is channeling this being called Bashar. According to his website “Bashar is a physical E.T, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 37 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.”
Bashar could easily be the imagination of Darryl and he could be a genius magician who has read books about history and use that to justify information for the future since history repeats itself. Or he could be a working for the military industrial complex. This would be the most logical conclusion. After World War II, Russia and America split up the Nazi scientists in project paperclip. America took the ones that were building exotic technology of air and sea. Especially antigravity in which it is recorded the Germans were working on called the Bell. Germans used this technology to disrupt B2 bombers during the war called foo fighters. They were balls of light that moved in impossible right angles and was supposed to scare the bomber pilots. The problem the bell had was it bent space and time and could not fire any weapons.
This technology could easily have been perfected by now. Keep that in mind as we discuss what the Russians were working on. The scientists that the Russians took were biological and the Germans were trying to create a super soldier using dna. They had the ability to splice animal functions into humans which could give them more strength. Again, they didn’t have enough time to perfect this, but there is a rumor the Russians put one of those hybrids into a male shift UFO and purposely crashed it into Roswell to scare America into a new threat of an extraterrestrial biological threat. This was supposedly ordered by Lenin. Since the Bolshevik revolution, it is said that Russia works with the United States under the control of the central bankers. Russia, by now, could easily have perfected human animal hybrids and using crispr technology could create anything they want. Since the 1950’s, propaganda for outer space threats have been in movies, news and books. The UFO community has always had government insiders feeding information secretly to the community for slow release. 
Mankind has the technology and will to easily fake an alien threat that Ronald Reagan was taking about in his UN speech. Mind control is the objective for the government and always has been. The perfect illusion would be to create a fleet of exotic machinery and train hybrids to fly them around with orders. The world would be in shock and believe the new propaganda of a space threat. This would be a temptation that any government would want to own and use on their people to keep them in order and complacent. Keep them working on building a fortress around the world to protect them from the supposed threat and tax them for their efforts. All they would need is to show a craft or two and blow something up to continue the charade of control. Darryl would be paid by the CIA or black budgets from secret organizations to send warnings and faith in what many who follow him believe in. Darryl isn’t the only channeler, too. There are dozens that have the same following that have already affected millions who believe that there is a cosmic war outside of earth between good and evil. Perhaps this is what President Eisenhower was trying to warn us about. He knew the plans of the future to stage a fake invasion to fool the very elect.
From a Christianity point of view. The story above is not much different. The Bible talks about UFOs as wheels within wheels and thunderous noises they make. A cylinder craft followed the Jews while in the desert for 40 years which gave them shade during the day and heat during the night. If the watchers of Genesis 6 and from the first books of Enoch created this technology with the help of man before the flood, they could have exited during the event and hid the technology for a future date. There are too many carvings, drawings and Sanskrit detailing craft in the sky all throughout human history. The Bible records the watchers or fallen angels as beings that left their domain to create their own children by genetically modifying our dna. The Bible also talks about a deception that comes during the tribulation that will make men’s hearts fail. Something so terrifying that the world will tremble in fear. Man, without god or the angels has the technology to create this deception. I have no doubt about that. But who gave man this information? The Bible talks about the watchers getting caught for creating the giants. They pleaded with Enoch to be forgiven but 4 of them out of 200, were cast and bound in chains under the river Euphrates. Could they be the 4 responsible for exotic technology and dna manipulation? One could argue that the Nazis were experimenting with the occult and summoning the demons and principalities that King Solomon controlled. Rumors are the knights Templars found the ring of Solomon and his books on black magic. Perhaps the Nazis performed a ritual that released the angels under the river and they are back recreating their work from 5,500 years ago. 
Or they opened up the opportunity for the great wizards of our century to do it. For example, Aleister Crowley gave the Babylon Working ritual to Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard who performed the ritual in the desert. A year later, a crashed UFO was found in Roswell and according to Colonial Phillip J. Corso’s book The Day After Roswell, he claims it was real and he was assigned to reverse engineer the debris and create Silicon Valley to introduce the technology to the world. One could argue since 1947, our ability to achieve CERN, quantum computing and artificial intelligence seems to be an achievement set for further into the future, meaning, we naturally didn’t evolve this fast without help from the watchers. The Bible also says during the times of Jacob’s trouble, technology and travel will advance which means knowledge will increase. 
Bashar could be a demon. The Catholic Church has recorded hundreds if not thousands of cases of possession where demons or principalities are able to speak through a human being. They are able to perform all kinds of sounds and even levitate. We are warned not to speak to the dead as it’s called Necromancy and the reason we are warned is not because god doesn’t want us to communicate with our loved ones, rather they are asleep, so who are we communicating with? The Bible says to test the spirits and if they cannot admit The Father came down as man, died and rose from the grave sitting at the right hand of the father now as the son of god, then they are liars. Demons are the left over spirits of the nephilim or children of the watchers. They are bastards and do not belong in heaven nor hell. They roam around the earth looking for a warm host as they crave their old bodies which in some cases were 30 feet tall.  Since they are of their fathers, there is no truth in them. The military has said, when they caught a few of them, that they lie and are hard to keep contained. 
Philip Corso said the exact same thing about the alien they caught alive from the crash. The same with Dan Burisch, the doctor who was sent to communicate with J-Rod, its supposed name. I believe through all the misinformation and disinformation that all we are dealing with are demonic. The military doesn’t care about the demonic or where they come from. They just want their technology. And I believe Eisenhower made the exact same deal that mankind did during the days of Enoch. A trade for the ability to create the nephilim children again in exchange for technology. The Bashar videos I have seen, talks about a future human race that messed up their earth and came through parallel time lines to capture dna for themselves to restore the human race. Which would make sense for those who have no faith in god that this was just us repairing our own fate. This is part of the deception. Use logic here. If you had the technology to cross dimensions, why return back to the future or your own? And if you are a moral society, why would you mess with the timelines to begin with? We are already on the precipice of destroying our race and earth as we speak. Why not stop us from starting this already? Bashar also mentioned that we went underground and our bodies and eyes adapted to that which is why aliens have big heads and eyes yet little bodies. UFO researchers have heard the exact same thing. They are us thousands of years in the future. Was the military so hot for weapons that they decided to trade without future selves? It seems so far fetched that it could be just made up. 
We have the technology to create this whole thing right now. We can fake aliens through genetic manipulation and create exotic aircraft for them to fly in. After all, we used stealth technology during the Vietnam war. This was unclassified. It wasn’t until 1989 when we released the fighter and bombed to the public. This means the military since 1989 has even better technology by now, which I believed is under high security. We also have documented evidence of operation high jump where antigravity aircraft attacked America’s fleet as they were trying to destroy the Nazi base in Antarctica. This was the same year of the Roswell crash. None of this was a coincidence. All of the incidences are connected and related. I believe after World War II ended in 1945, we started playing around with the technology. I also believe the Nazis escaped with it as well which is why we tried to take them down at their snow base. Since then, the rumors are ancient technology, ancient civilizations and UFOs to cover up the truth that the two super powers got a hold of stuff that shouldn’t belong to them. Quantum mechanics came from world war 2 inside Germany. The Nazis were so obsessed with black magic and ancient technology pre flood that they found things that should have been stayed buried. This too has been well documented. Government’s have a history of creating problems to provide a solution. Werner Von Braun said to his assistant on his death bed that the elite will use a UFO deception to give the public a boogieman to chase. He was one of those German scientists from paperclip. 
Spirits, if they exist, cannot live in our world. They have problems with manifesting themselves and are barely visible even when captured by camera. The likelihood of them becoming our gods would need them to have a mediator. Someone that communicates with them and us. I do believe the Bible references these beings as the nephilim. Their parents wanted to be like god. 1 Enoch says they left their plane to teach man how to create metal, weapons, cosmetics and other technology. They couldn’t do this without a mediator since they are spirits. How were we able to create microprocessors and artificial intelligence? The sons of god have once again returned and have created their children to mediate between man and spirit. That’s what I believe from a Christian point of view. But from an atheist point of view, man has definitely progressed far enough to create unimaginable things let alone heal people. We can make anything we dream about now and can easily fool the masses into whatever we dream about. I believe all of the super hero movies are getting us prepared for the children of the watchers where they will be like gods on earth. They will again rule the world as they did in ancient times when they were known as Zues, Apollo and the like. It’s just history repeating itself and the puppet masters can make this happen again.

Sunday Jul 14, 2024

There is a remedy out there that can reverse the damage caused by the Covid 19 Vaccine mRNA gene therapy drug. It deactivates the cells from producing the spike protein. I am going to read the entire report word for word. It’s going to be tedious and long. But you have to listen. It has to do with your children’s future. This report will be buried and we need to copy and paste this report every chance we have in order to get the truth out to save 7 billion people. After I read the entire essay, I will break it down in simple terms what they are saying they can achieve by reversing the damage that the Covid 19 vaccine is causing to human health. 
Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy
The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2)
and Moderna (mRNA-1273) in 2020 marked a significant milestone in human mRNA product
application, overcoming previous obstacles such as mRNA instability and immunogenicity. This
paper reviews the strategic modifications incorporated into these vaccines to enhance mRNA stability and translation efficiency, such as the inclusion of nucleoside modifications and optimized mRNA design elements including the 5’ cap and poly(A) tail. We highlight emerging concerns regarding the wide systemic biodistribution of these mRNA vaccines leading to prolonged inflammatory responses and other safety concerns. The regulatory framework guiding the biodistribution studies is pivotal in assessing the safety profiles of new mRNA formulations in use today. The stability of mRNA vaccines, their pervasive distribution, and the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects. Here, we explore the potential of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) as promising solutions to target, inactivate, and degrade residual and persistent vaccine mRNA, thereby potentially preventing uncontrolled Spike protein production and reducing toxicity. The targeted nature of siRNA and RIBOTACs allows for precise intervention, offering a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies. This review calls for further research into siRNA and RIBOTAC applications as antidotes and detoxication products for mRNA vaccine technology.
Prior to the authorization of the Moderna (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2)
mRNA vaccines in 2020, numerous challenges were addressed to circumvent inherent limitations of mRNA technology. Although researchers previously demonstrated that nucleic acid could be encapsulated and successfully delivered via polymer particles, the advent of mRNA as an effective therapeutic agent required the mitigation of mRNA instability and immunogenicity as well as the ability of mRNA to cross multiple barriers [1, 2]. Even when mRNAs evade nucleases in the extracellular space and target cells, most of the mRNAs become trapped in endosomes and are subsequently degraded [3]. Additionally, endocytosis of exogenous mRNA can induce pattern-recognition receptor-mediated immunogenicity with subsequent inhibition of mRNA translation and reduced mRNA stability [4-8]. Furthermore, efficient mRNA delivery is hampered by the negative charges of the mRNA and the cell membrane [2]. Administered mRNA can also be removed by macrophage phagocytosis or through renal filtration [2].
This paper reviews Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s mRNA vaccine development, addressing critical challenges such as mRNA instability, immunogenicity, and delivery barriers, and elucidating how these have been overcome through advanced formulation and encapsulation techniques. We explore the regulatory landscape that shapes the preclinical and clinical pathways for mRNA vaccines, the role of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in enhancing mRNA stability and delivery, and the biochemical modifications to mRNA. Additionally, we assess the implications of mRNA vaccine biodistribution, examine mRNA vaccine pharmacokinetics, and discuss the potential impact of these vaccines on human health. Lastly, the possibility of siRNA and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) as therapeutic tools to mitigate adverse effects associated with mRNA vaccines are discussed, highlighting their precision and versatility in gene silencing applications.
FDA Regulations
Preclinical biodistribution studies are conducted to assess target and non-target tissues for the
presence, persistence, and clearance of the candidate drug [9-12]. The FDA advises that
biodistribution studies for RNA therapeutics should only be performed for new vector classes or when substantial changes have been made to vector backbones, formulations, routes of
administration, dose levels and dosing schedules [10]. Furthermore, only when mRNA vaccines use novel adjuvants, formulations, additives, or routes of administration does the US require that biodistribution studies be performed prior to in-human studies [13, 14]. The specific preclinical biodistribution studies requested may be based upon the product’s individual components (e.g.RNA therapeutic construct, carrier, etc.) or the composite structure [9, 12, 13]. Of note, no biodistribution preclinical studies were included in the final mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine mRNA-lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations since these applications relied on previous biodistribution data in which a different nucleoside-modified RNA was contained within LNP [15, 16]. According to the FDA, as a general starting point, preclinical biodistribution studies should examine, minimally, the blood, brain, gonads, heart, injection site(s), kidneys, liver, lungs, and spleen [17]. The selection of tissue panels can be modified depending on the RNA product, the expressed protein, and the route of administration [17]. For example, the FDA requires that the draining lymph node and contralateral site are also included in tissue panel selection when the product is injected intramuscularly [11]. Vervaeke et al. note that no minimal tissue panel is available for mRNA vaccine pharmacokinetic studies [17]. The FDA advises that preclinical 5 biodistribution rodent studies of RNA therapeutics and mRNA vaccines include at least 5 animals for each sex, experimental group, and sacrifice time point [11, 13].
The FDA granted both BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines emergency use
authorization in 2020 [18]. These mRNA vaccines are delivered via intramuscular injection (IM) and consist of nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encapsulated in LNP. Multiple techniques were employed to elucidate the biodistribution of the mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Specifically, preclinical studies of both vaccines relied on whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) in rats [15, 16]. Additional techniques utilized in preclinical studies of the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines to examine biodistribution included liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and a multiplexed branched DNA (bDNA) assay,
respectively [15, 16]. Furthermore, Pfizer-BioNTech determined the biodistribution of a LNP-formulated luciferase surrogate reporter through in vivo bioluminescence readouts. Peak signals were observed at the injection sites and the liver 6h post-IM injection of LNP-formulated luciferase RNA [15]. Notably, the FDA regards mRNA vaccines against infectious diseases as vaccines and not gene therapeutics [17].
BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccine Modifications
The efficient application of mRNA vaccine technology requires successful circumvention of
the aforementioned limitations. The BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines have incorporated
numerous modifications to surmount challenges associated with the therapeutic application of
mRNA technology (Figure 1) [19]. Both the mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 mRNA vaccines encode
a SARS-Cov-2 prefusion full-length Spike glycoprotein and include stabilizing substitutions at the K986 and V987 positions. Additionally, both mRNA vaccines substituted each uridine with N1-methyl-pseudouridine to enhance mRNA secondary structure stability and decrease inherent 6 mRNA immunogenicity. Specifically, Mauger et al. demonstrated that the introduction of modified uridines induces global changes in the mRNA secondary structure which may explain the reduced recognition of modified mRNA by RNA-binding proteins involved in innate immunity. Furthermore, the introduction of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (ψ) ostensibly increases the melting point of mRNA and, therefore, could enhance mRNA stability of the mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 vaccines before administration.
Figure 1: mRNA Construct Design for Therapeutic Applications. Five primary modifications include 5′ capping efficiency and structure; UTR structure, length, and regulatory elements; modification of coding sequence; poly-A-tail properties; mRNA purity.
*Figure reprinted from Jackson et al [19]. The figure legend title has been adapted. Permission to use this figure has been granted in accordance with the open access Creative Common CC BY 4.0 license.
The 5’ cap, 5’ untranslated region (UTR), open reading frame (ORF), 3’ UTR and poly (A) tail
constitute the five primary elements of mature eukaryotic mRNA [2]. These elements were
incorporated into the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines to optimize mRNA design and to enhance mRNA translation efficiency. Mechanistically, the natural eukaryotic 5’ cap is a 7-methylguanosine (m7G) bound at the 5’ end of mRNA. It sterically inhibits nuclease-mediated
degradation of mRNAs and binds to factor 4E to promote translation initiation [2]. The inclusion
of the 5’ cap in the mRNA vaccines stabilizes mRNA molecules and promotes translation while
the use of the poly(A) tail protects mRNA from enzymatic degradation and confers efficient
mRNA translation initiation. The UTRs are modified in mRNA vaccine design to enhance protein expression and immune response. BNT162b2 incorporates the 5’-UTR of the highly expressed human α-globin gene with a minor Kozak consensus sequence modification [23]. The 5’-UTR in Moderna’s mRNA-1273 consists of element SEQ ID N01 followed by a GC-rich second element whose resultant secondary structure may increase mRNA stability and translation accuracy [24]. These 5’-UTR elements reside upstream of the Kozak consensus ACCAUG. Moderna and Pfizer-
BioNTech utilized distinct approaches in their mRNA vaccines to optimize their respective 3’-
UTR elements. Specifically, Moderna inserted the 110-nt 3’-UTR of human α-globin gene between the terminal stop codon and a poly (A) tail while the SELEX optimization protocol was utilized in the design of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine to identify two candidate RNA segments, one from the human mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the other region from human AES/TLES gene [23, 25]. A slightly modified 136-nt AES segment was inserted downstream from the second stop codon with the 139-nt human mitochondrial 12S rRNA inserted directly after [23]. The incorporation of pseudouridine in the ORF can enhance the stability and accuracy of mRNA translation. However, the inclusion of N1-methyl-pseudouridine introduces greater base pair wobble as it can pair with A,G,C and U [26]. This substitution can result in misreads by near-cognate tRNA. Moreover, since all U nucleotides were substituted in the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 mRNA vaccines to avoid mRNA degradation, the stop codons use the more promiscuous N1-methyl-pseudouridine [15, 16, 27]. Such substitutions increase the chance of readthrough and the generation of longer proteins of unknown fate [24]. Consequently, both mRNA vaccines were designed with consecutive stop codons to prohibit readthrough. The selection of stop codons for BNT162b2 (ψGAψGA) and mRNA-1273 (ψGAψAAψAG), however, are potentially problematic as the stop codon context UGAU promotes a +1 frameshifting which would presumably be observed in the presence of the stop codon context ψGAψ, as well [28]. It should be noted that mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 were designed with an increase in CGN codons and a decrease in AGR codons to encode arginine residues [23]. The elevated CpG content in vaccine mRNA confers greater stability than AU-rich regions [29]. Because host zinc finger antiviral proteins (ZAP), which target CpG dinucleotides and prompt viral RNA genome degradation, are virtually absent in skeletal muscle, intramuscular injection is a sensible route of vaccine administration [23]. The high CpG content in the mRNA vaccines provides the additional benefit that, in the improbable event vaccine mRNAs recombine into a SARS-CoV-2 virus, the abundant CpG presence would trigger ZAP-mediated degradation. Xia proposes that CGC and not CGG is the optimal arginine codon for mRNA vaccines as it is preferred by ribosomal protein genes and highly expressed muscle genes alike [23]. Regarding codon families in mRNA-1273, Moderna has applied the fundamentalist strategy of selecting the major codon while Pfizer-BioNTech also considered the demand on cognate tRNAs in their BNT162b2 codon optimization strategy [23]. Interestingly, Krawczyk et al. describe that the Moderna mRNA-1273 has been engineered with a ψCψAG sequence following the long poly (A) tail and that this ψCψAG sequence is removed after intramuscular injection. Although removal of the ψCψAG sequence promotes mRNA-1273 de-adenylation and subsequent degradation in vitro, the injected mRNA-1273 becomes re-adenylated in vivo [30]. Furthermore, synthesized mRNA must be purified from reaction components in accordance with clinical quality standards. Impurities such as double-stranded RNA and DNA-RNA hybrid molecules have been shown to elicit an innate immune response [31]. Additionally, purification of mRNA has been shown to reduce the expression of type 1 interferon and increase protein translation while substantially impacting mRNA vaccine safety [32]. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna employed magnetic purification and oligo-dT, respectively, to purify the generated mRNA utilized in their COVID-19 vaccines (27, 33-36).
Since mRNA is readily degraded by RNases in the serum and plasma, and because exogenous
RNA can induce an immune response, mRNA encapsulation within a LNP is an effective strategy to mitigate such outcomes [37, 38]. LNPs typically consist of an ionizable lipid portion, a stabilizing agent such as cholesterol or sphingolipid, a phospholipid, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) which increases half-life and circulation time by assisting metabolic and reticuloendothelial system (RES) evasion. In contrast to nucleic acids which are negatively charged, LNPs are essentially neutrally charged at physiological pH and, consequently, they are readily ingested by negatively charged biological membranes. Upon reaching the cell surface, these encapsulated mRNAs are ingested via endocytosis. The acidic environment of the endosomal compartment induces lipid ionization which consequently promotes endosomal escape and cytoplasmic transport of the mRNA cargo. Once docked at the ribosome, the mRNA is translated into the encoded antigen protein. The antigen epitopes are presented to the B cells to induce an immune response. The application of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the surface of LNPs can enhance biocompatibility and reduce toxicity. The mRNA-1273 LNP composition is SM-102, polyethylene glycol-2000-dimyristoyl glycerol (PEG2000-DMG), cholesterol and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) [39]. The LNP composition of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine consists of an ionizable amino lipid, phospholipid, cholesterol, and a PEGylated lipid [20, 40, 41]. The observation that increasing temperature reduces mean half-life of encapsulated mRNA is reflected in the requirements of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines that they be stored at -90oC to -60oC and at -20oCC, respectively [15,16].
Detection of Vaccine mRNA In Vivo
The fate of nucleoside-modified synthetic mRNA (nms-mRNA) in vivo was not interrogated prior to emergency use authorization of mRNA vaccines for human use [42], and conflicting reports regarding the longevity of such constructs have subsequently emerged. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) states that vaccine mRNA is quickly degraded intracellularly and that long-term detection of mRNA vaccines by RNA-seq is not evident [43]. Research by Pardi et al. using a murine model demonstrates that LNP-encapsulated mRNAs injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intradermally translate for up to 10 days [44]. Surprisingly, full length or fragments of vaccine SARS-CoV-2 Spike mRNA were observed in 9.3% of patients’ blood up to 28 days following administration of the mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine [45]. The authors surmise that the mRNA detected in plasma is encased within LNPs since naked mRNA would rapidly degrade. Similarly, vaccine mRNA was observed in the germinal centers of lymph nodes 60 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 was administered [46]. Furthermore, a study by Hanna et al. substantiates earlier findings that vaccine mRNA leaves the injection site to distribute systemically. The breast milk of 13 lactating women who had received either the BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine was assessed for vaccine mRNA. Trace amounts of vaccine mRNA which displayed reduced integrity were detected in some breast milk samples up to 45h post-vaccination [47].
Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of RNA Therapeutics and Endogenous mRNA
Endogenous mRNA exits the nucleus to localize in the cytosol where the level of gene expression is mediated by rates of mRNA synthesis and degradation. The mRNA decay pathway is initiated via Pan2-Pan3 and Ccr4-Not complex-mediated de-adenylation [48]. Subsequently, the mRNA can be processed through Xrn1- or exosome-mediated degradation. That is, 5’-3’ degradation occurs when the Lsm1-7/Pat 1 complex binds to the 3’ end and recruits the Dcp1-Dcp2 decapping complex, thus exposing the 5’ end to Xrn1 enzymatic activity [49-53]. Alternatively, 3’-5’ degradation by the cytoplasmic exosome occurs without decapping. Based upon thousands of transcript decay rates, Yang et al. estimate that the median mRNA half-life in human cells is 10h. Interestingly, both gene function and sequence motifs are correlated with human mRNA decay rates [54].
The advent of RNA therapeutics relied on novel formulations to protect nucleic acid from RNases and to facilitate cellular uptake. LNPs mitigate many challenges associated with RNA therapeutics and, hence, have emerged as a key mRNA delivery technology. LNP biodistribution studies utilizing encapsulated DiR molecules or deuterated lipids demonstrated that, following IM injection, the LNPs distributed throughout the body, with elevated levels detected in the liver [55]. Additionally, researchers discovered that particle size and delivery route impact LNP
biodistribution and gene expression levels [55]. These results are consistent with previous findings regarding the biodistribution of vaccine mRNA. Lindsay et al. report using positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) to track delivery of an mRNA vaccine against yellow fever in IM-injected Cynomolgus macaques [56]. The labeled mRNA was apparent at the site of injection as well as in the inguinal, iliac, and para-aortic lymph node regions at the selected 4h and 28h post-injection time points. In vivo imaging indicates that the fluorescent-labeled mRNA continues to accumulate in the lymph nodes for at least 28h post-injection [56].
Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273
A comprehensive understanding of synthetic mRNA LNP pharmacokinetics is lacking. Consistent with FDA regulations, BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine applications relied on the biodistribution data obtained from a different nucleoside-modified RNA sequence
encapsulated within LNP formulations [15, 16].
Pfizer-BioNTech incorporated the ionizable lipid ALC-0315 (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) into its BNT162b2 formulation because the lipid’s neutral charge at physiological pH facilitates internalization while its positive charge in the endosome promotes RNA release into the cytosol [57, 58]. A second novel lipid component of the BNT162b2 formulation, ALC-0159 (2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide), was introduced to provide a steric barrier. Studies were conducted to evaluate the biodistribution of formulations with these novel components as LNP composition may affect distribution. To assess the pharmacokinetics of the novel lipids, Wistar Han rats were IV-bolus injected with a LNP formulation containing luciferase-encoding RNA, ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 [15]. LC-MS/MS was used to detect the presence of ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 in plasma, liver, urine, and feces for up to 2 weeks. Both ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 concentrations were reduced to less than 1% of the maximum plasma concentrations 24h after the bolus injection. Evidence suggests that the liver is the major organ for ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 distribution following plasma clearance [15]. The maximum concentrations of ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 detected in the liver were at 3h and 0.5h, respectively, post-IV injection. After 2 weeks, liver concentrations of ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 13 were determined to be at approximately 25% and 0.04%, respectively, of the maximum detected concentrations [15]. Pfizer also examined the biodistribution of a LNP having an identical lipid composition to that used in BNT162b2 and bearing a surrogate luciferase modRNA [15]. Using a murine model, in vivo bioluminescence measurements were taken at various time points post IM-injection. Injection site signal peaked at 6h post-injection with levels approximately 10,000 times that of the control and diminished to about 7 times that of the control level by day 9. The liver demonstrated peak signal 6h post-injection which reduced to background levels 48h after injection [15]. A rat study using radiolabeled LNP and luciferase modRNA was also conducted to determine biodistribution as radiolabeling is considered a more sensitive approach. At the earliest time point chosen (0.25h post-IM injection) most of the selected tissues demonstrated radioactivity with notable distribution to the injection site and liver. Highest plasma levels were observed 1-4 h following dose with distribution mainly detected in the liver, adrenal glands, spleen, and ovaries over a 48h interval post-injection. The percentages of the injected dose of radiolabeled LNP + modRNA recovered from the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries were approximately 21.5%, <1.1%, <0.1% and <0.1%, respectively [15]. Additionally, metabolic studies were performed which suggest that ALC-0315 is metabolized via sequential ester hydrolysis reactions to produce a monoester metabolite and a doubly de-esterified metabolite. The monoester was detected in vivo in rat plasma and liver while the doubly de-esterified metabolite was detected in vivo in rat plasma, urine, feces, and liver. ALC-0159 is ostensibly metabolized via amide bond hydrolysis to yield N,N-ditetradecylamine. No discernible elimination of ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 was detectable in the urine. Regarding ALC-0315 and ALC-0159, approximately 1% and 50%, respectively, of the dose was excreted unchanged in the feces [15]. It should be noted that different RNAs likely 14 display distinct kinetics such that the luciferase expression profile may differ somewhat from the full-length Spike protein expression profile.
The biodistribution of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 is predicted to reflect the biodistribution profile observed for mRNA-1647, an mRNA vaccine composed of 6 mRNAs encoding cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigens encapsulated in a proprietary LNP. Although the same lipid nanoparticle composition was used for each construct, the size of the LNPs differed slightly between mRNA-1273 and mRNA-1647. An in vivo rat study was conducted whereby a qualified multiplex branched DNA (bDNA) assay was performed to quantitate the 6 mRNA constructs in blood or specified organs/tissues pre-dose or at various time points following IM injection of mRNA-1647 [16]. Peak concentrations of mRNA were observed for tissues with exposures above plasma levels at between 2h and 24h following IM injection. In addition to the injection site, vaccine mRNA localized to the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, blood, heart, lung, testis, eye, and brain, demonstrating movement of the mRNA construct across the blood-brain barrier [16]. Half-life values of mRNA-1647 at the site of injection, in proximal popliteal and axillary distal lymph nodes, and in spleen were estimated as 14.9h, 34.8h, 31.1h and 63.0 h, respectively [16]. The mRNA construct was cleared from plasma within the first 24 hours and was not measurable in tissue beyond 3 days with the exceptions of muscle, lymph nodes and spleen [16]. Figure 2 illustrates the putative biodistribution of mRNA after BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine administration.
Figure 2: Putative Biodistribution of mRNA after BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine Administration. COVID-19 vaccines inject lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) containing mRNA that encodes for the Spike protein. Proxy construct studies demonstrate that LNPs and mRNA are widely distributed and persist throughout the body.
Rationale for COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Degradation
The regulation of cytoplasmic mRNA expression is tightly controlled as evidenced by the
operation of parallel, partially redundant mRNA degradation pathways [59]. Such mRNA decay
mechanisms include the enzymatic activities of exo- and endoribonucleases which themselves
require proper activation [59]. The stability of mRNAs can vary substantially; the half-life of the c-fos proto-oncogene transcript is approximately 10’-15’ whereas globin mRNA exhibits a half-life of several hours [60, 61]. As detailed, the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines have been designed with enhanced stability. Clinical studies which demonstrate the presence of mRNA vaccines in blood and lymph nodes weeks and months after vaccine administration, respectively, attest to the stability of these constructs [45, 46]. The physiological effects in humans of the
enhanced BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 mRNA longevity is not fully understood. However, several potential concerns regarding the mRNA vaccine design have been identified. Both mRNA vaccines substituted all uridines with the N1-methyl-pseudouridine (ψ) residue which exhibits increased wobble [26, 62]. Consequently, near-cognate tRNAs could incorporate incorrect amino acids into the growing peptide chain. Additionally, the replacement of uridine with N1-methyl-pseudouridine in the stop codons increases the likelihood of readthrough and the production of longer protein with potentially harmful effects. Rubio-Casillas et al. found that the addition of 100% of N1-methyl-pseudouridine to an mRNA vaccine stimulated cancer growth and metastasis in a melanoma model [63]. Furthermore, in vitro studies conducted in the human liver cell line suggest the possibility that the mRNA in the BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine may integrate into the host genome using a LINE1-mediated retro-position mechanism [64]. The observed wide biodistribution of mRNA-nanolipid vaccine compounds coupled with the stability of synthetic modified mRNA suggests that mRNA vaccines could induce a prolonged inflammatory response in various tissues through production of Spike protein, which has been shown to possibly be toxic to all organ systems and results in adverse events such as myocarditis, thrombosis, and death (65-67). Thus, suppressing uncontrolled Spike protein production via targeted COVID-19 vaccine mRNA neutralization may be a promising strategy to attenuate or prevent adverse events.
siRNA and RIBOTAC Applications
COVID-19 vaccine adverse events may be mitigated with small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) (Figure 3). RNA interference (RNAi) is a eukaryotic defense mechanism whereby invading genetic material is degraded via a microRNA (miRNA)- or siRNA-mediated pathway [68]. The latter RNAi pathway is initiated upon the introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) which consequently induces Dicer to cleave the dsRNA into short fragments (~20 nt long). These fragments are then incorporated into the RNA-induced Silencing Complex (RISC). Subsequently, the guide strand binds to the complementary sequence of the target mRNA to activate Argonaute 2 endonuclease (Ago 2) within RISC. Ago 2 cleaves the target mRNA, thus compromising protein expression [69]. The therapeutic potential of siRNAs arises from their high specificity, restriction to the cytoplasm which precludes genome integration, remarkable efficiency, and target versatility [69]. However, despite their numerous advantages, substantial obstacles must be surmounted to effectively harness the power of siRNAs. Barriers to the successful implementation of siRNAs as a therapeutic intervention include their
susceptibility to degradation by endogenous nucleases in serum, rapid renal clearance,
activation of the innate immune system, plasma protein sequestration and entrapment by the reticuloendothelial system (RES, membrane impermeability, endosomal
entrapment and off-target effects. Chemical changes, such as ribose, and
terminal modifications, have been introduced to overcome inherent challenges. Additionally, lipid-based delivery systems, viral vectors, and other delivery strategies have been developed to mitigate obstacles to siRNA therapy. Inclisiran (trade name Leqvio®) is an example of one such siRNA therapy which has received FDA approval for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia [89]. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) promotes liver cell LDL receptor degradation, thereby reducing clearance of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 18 (LDL-C) from the blood [90]. Inclisiran was engineered with an affinity and specificity for the asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) on liver cell membranes [90]. Once in the hepatocytes, the siRNA binds RISC to direct the degradation of PCSK9 mRNA and, consequently, promotes LDL-C clearance. The main advantage of inclisiran over anti-PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies is its favorable dosing regimen which should improve compliance. While inclisiran shows promise for patients at high cardiovascular risk, considerations such as long-term safety and efficacy as well as interactions with other compounds warrant further investigation. However, seven clinical trials have shown this siRNA therapy to be safe and well-tolerated for long-term administration [91]. Similarly, patisiran (Onpattro®), an LNP-based siRNA therapeutic, received FDA approval in 2018 for the treatment of polyneuropathy caused by hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis. The intravenously administered, encapsulated siRNA accumulates in the liver. Upon hepatic uptake of the LNPs, siRNAs degrade transthyretin (TTR) mRNA to reduce TTR protein production [92]. Therefore, siRNA therapy represents a promising approach to selectively deactivate and degrade undesirable and persistent vaccine mRNA, thus shutting off further systemic exposure to the toxic and potentially lethal Spike protein.
Figure 3: Methods to Target and Degrade Residual and Persistent COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA. A: siRNA targeted against COVID-19 vaccine mRNA enters the vaccinated cell via LNPs, where it incorporates into the RISC. The siRNA in RISC binds to the complementary sequence of the target vaccine mRNA and cleaves it, thus suppressing Spike protein production. B: RIBOTACs targeted against COVID-19 vaccine mRNA enter the vaccinated cell via LNPs, where they bind to both the target vaccine mRNA and endogenous RNase. This results in RNase-mediated vaccine mRNA degradation and the suppression of Spike protein production.
*Created with
Abbreviations: LNPs: Lipid Nanoparticles, mRNA: Messenger Ribonucleic Acid, RIBOTACs: Ribonuclease Targeting Chimeras, RISC: RNA-induced Silencing Complex, RNase: Ribonuclease, siRNA: Small Interfering Ribonucleic Acid.
In addition to the siRNA approach, the novel emerging technology, ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs), consists of bivalent molecules containing an RNA-binding module and a ribonuclease (RNase) recruitment module. Once they bind to the target RNA, RIBOTACs recruit an endogenous RNase in close proximity to the target, thereby facilitating its degradation [93]. RIBOTACs were created by Costales et al. where they targeted the microRNA-210 hairpin
precursor (pre-miR-210), which is overexpressed in hypoxic cancers. They successfully cleaved
pre-miR-210 substoichiometrically and induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells [94]. The primary limitations of RIBOTACs are that they exhibit low bioavailability and poor cellular uptake due to having a high molecular weight [95]. This problem may be countered by incorporating even smaller RNase-binding ligands in the molecular structure. As RIBOTACs are novel therapeutics, it will take some time to bypass limitations and establish safety and efficacy. Nonetheless, RIBOTACs offer another promising platform to degrade rogue vaccine mRNA and limit production of the Spike protein.
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna biodistribution studies refute the assertion that nanolipid-bound nms-mRNA remains in the deltoid muscle or axillary lymph nodes. Detectable vaccine mRNA levels remaining in various tissues raises potential safety concerns. The possibility of vaccine mRNA integration into the host genome and the prospect of unintended protein production due to readthrough advocate for a mechanism to eliminate lingering synthetic mRNA and halt damaging Spike protein production. The use of siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade vaccine mRNA are promising approaches to mitigate deleterious health effects. The ability to readily tailor the siRNA and RIBOTACs to target an mRNA of interest makes these techniques particularly appealing, although further investigation is warranted to address challenges which include possible off-target effects and immune system activation.
Now that your eyes are glossed over, let me break this down so a 6 year old can understand what they are saying. mRNA is a messenger like a paper boy delivering papers to homes. Each cell in your body is a home that receives the paper every day. The important information in the paper tells the home owner what to do. Like have kids and send them to school. The homeowner starts producing kids and sends them out of the home. The kids are spike proteins. They are called that because they have spikes that wrap all the way around them. But these kids are not friendly. They are the school bullies. They pick on any kid that resembles the boogieman that their father told them about. The kids that are picked on by the bullies are mostly good with the exception of a few bad. The school is the body. The kids are outside the home doing their schoolwork. Their work is to keep the immune system of the school functioning properly. Basically maintaining the walls, floors, furniture, tools and roof. If anything that looks foreign to the school children, they weaken them or destroy them so they can’t hurt the school building and its purpose. The new bullies arrive but look like them so they were not seen as a threat and the bullies start picking on some of the kids that look familiar to their nightmares.
The bullies destroy several key parts of the immune system or the kids in school. And if the Covid virus shows up which is their boogieman, they get destroyed too. The two classrooms that are affected are the skin’s ability to flush out harmful rays and the respiratory system to flush out harmful deterrents. These bullies keep coming from their home or the cells and beat up those the kids in those classrooms who worked on the skin and lungs. The newspaper boy continues delivering the same instructions for 14 months until he gets fired, which is when the person refuses the boosters. But it doesn’t end there for the bullies. As soon as they finally get kicked out of the school or body, they get into our water supply killing any algae that creates oxygen. The World Health Organization plans on keeping the entire population on this paper route which will not only kill the human race slowly, but the entire planet as a whole. The spike proteins suffocate the algae and will turn earth into an acidic environment like the other planets. Mad scientists are at the helm of this creation, people.
The essay above adds new instructions to the paper inside the paper boy’s route. It tells the father at home or the cell to put a helmet on the kids before they go out to school. This helmet prevents them from attacking the skin and lungs classrooms and they eventually get kicked out of the body. The helmet prevents them from seeing the boogieman or likeness, altogether. Eventually, the father at home stops the paper from coming anymore because he doesn’t want to create those kind of kids anymore. It’s not really like this but it’s the best way I can explain this. The messenger strand or paper receives a cap that stops the production of spike proteins. The cells eventually stop listening to the mRNA genes because it’s not creating the right thing. This reverses the damage that the experimental gene therapy drug has produced. 
The authors of this essay pussyfooted around the truth and first gives credit to such a marvelous achievement by the use of mRNA as a tool to combat viruses. They point no blame but prove the mRNA gene therapy is a wonderful idea, yet it needs further testing and they wanted to make sure the FDA hears their argument because approving this before it could be tested was definitely a poor choice. The authors used an artificial intelligent machine to act out their new messenger agent with great success. They point to their references and credentials as solid proof this will work. Unfortunately, only the people have been spreading this essay around and it has reached or fallen on deaf ears nationwide and internationally when it comes to the health experts. To design such a feat would need the enlistment of the exact same companies that created the mRNA gene therapy drug to begin with and they would have to mass produce this and put it on the market. This would mean big pharma would admit to their mistake and have to backtrack everything they started. Since Congress signed a bill of immunity to any damages they have caused, the likelihood of this drug that will fix this problem to be on the market will not come into fruition.
My personal opinion is this drug was created to depopulate the earth. The algae theory may not hold water. But make no mistake about this essay. They suggest that the skin and lungs are under attack by the spike protein and this will lead to many health problems unless they reserve course. But why stop now? The sickness industry is profitable and they can kill two birds with one stone by profiting off our demise and then death. 

Friday Jul 12, 2024

Blood for life. Why did we sacrifice animals and why do Satanists sacrifice humans?
In Leviticus chapter 17, God gives instructions regarding sacrifices and offerings, particularly on the proper slaughtering of animals. The people of Israel were to bring each animal to the tabernacle entrance for the priest to offer. The blood of the animal was never to be treated as common food; it belonged to God, who is the giver of life (Genesis 2:7; Job 33:4; Psalm 139:13). Thus, the blood of animals had to be drained and offered to God on the altar.
Blood was God’s ordained means of effecting atonement: “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life” (Leviticus 17:11). Atonement for sin was achieved by sacrificing an animal’s life in substitution for one’s own life. The shedding of blood was the most critical element—it was the blood of the guiltless substitute offered on the altar that served as payment for the people’s sins (Leviticus 16:15).
Through God’s ordained system of sacrifice in the Old Testament, the Lord laid the groundwork for a message that would not be fully grasped until later: “The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship” (Hebrews 10:1, NLT).
The full meaning of “the life is in the blood” would only be revealed in Jesus Christ: “That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God, ‘You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer’” (Hebrews 10:5, NLT). It has always been God’s will for humans to be made right with God by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time (Hebrews 10:10). In the Old Testament, the priests offered animals’ blood over and over again, but this repeated shedding of blood never permanently removed the curse of sin (Hebrews 10:11).
When Jesus came and offered up His life—pouring out His blood on the cross—the perfect sacrifice had finally been made: “Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins” (Hebrews 9:14, NLT).
All those from times past, present, and future who put their faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, are made right with God: “For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus” (Romans 3:25–26, NLT). The apostle John saw a future multitude of believers in heaven who “have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.” They have been purified from sin and “clothed in white” (Revelation 7:13–14).
Because of the Old Testament system, Christ’s followers could comprehend what He was doing when He shed His blood on the cross. And today we can better see what His sacrifice means. Just as physical life is in the blood of animals, eternal life is in the blood of Jesus Christ. Physically, our existence depends on blood to sustain life, and, spiritually, our lives depend on the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:10; 1 John 1:7; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:22). Through those ancient sacrifices repeatedly offered in the Old Testament, we are led to appreciate that death—the shedding of blood—has always been the cost of securing eternal life for sinful humans.
Believers are cleansed, forgiven, and made right with God by the blood of the Lamb, God’s guiltless substitute. The life that Christ emptied of its blood now pumps everlasting life into our veins. Oh, how astounding it is that God would shed His own blood to pay the penalty for our sins!
So, why do Satanists shed blood for their god? The shedding of blood is a reference to the giving of an innocent life in exchange for the life of a guilty person. This goes all the way back to Genesis 3 where God took the lives of animals, fashioned their skins into clothing, and gave the clothes to Adam and Eve as a covering. The main purpose of blood sacrifice could range from offering a gift, having communion, making propitiation, cleansing, averting evils or failures to providing nourishment for Yahweh, on the one hand, and as it affects man. Since Jesus shed his blood for us or gave his life for us, it is life for life. Shedding blood was equivalent of removing the life or "soul" of a creature. Jesus used this to show that we must, "drink His blood" to have eternal life. John 6:53, 54 - So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. 
Satanists take this meaning and flip it upside down. Instead of giving life for life in a good way, they end someone’s life for their own. They believe that your energy exists in your blood and if you spill it, you become more powerful like Cain became after he killed his brother Abel. In Liviticus 17:11, it states that "the life of every living thing is in the blood" and that blood is sacred. Also states that blood is given to humans to make atonement for their sins on the altar. The blood contains more than plasma, cells and platelets. Each cell contains dna and your life’s signature. For a long time, no one understood what most of the dna was and called it junk. Not only does your dna account for your building structure and development as a unique individual, it also holds your ancestry information all the way back to the beginning. 
The dna strand is like a book that holds all information of your entire genealogy dating back to the children of Adam or Cain. To spill the blood of Adam is to remove the blood of Jesus. To spill the blood of Cain is to remove the genetically modified version of man that Satan created. To murder for their god is to remove the genealogy of life dating back to Adam and Cain this trying to erase or make the bloodline extinct. Satanists do not murder any of their bloodline unless told to. However, half breeds are murdered for rites and rituals. 
Thousands of years before scientists understood the complex and extraordinary life-sustaining properties of blood, the Bible informed that “the life of every creature is in its blood”. In ancient Israel, blood was not only a metaphor or symbol for life; it was equivalent to life itself. In most occurrences where blood was shed in Scripture, it meant that life had ended. To remove the blood is to terminate life. Satan is after to steal, kill and destroy. Not only the person, their blood and any trace they ever existed to Adam.

Friday Jul 12, 2024

What is project 2025?
A few of the members at this organization sponsored by the heritage foundation were staff members for Trump when he was president. Not all of them. They want to bring America back to its roots before the far left progressive agenda started indoctrination of children. It appears the conservatives have had enough and are taking action to safeguard traditional marriage and values. But this isn’t the whole picture. It’s also about returning power to the state and away from the federal government. Lately, the federal government has overstepped its authority in many matters where constitutionally (if we are to recognize it exists post 1871) the federal government has no jurisdiction in. They plan to also return to self governance where the people decide for themselves and not agencies like the department of homeland security, education, justice, the pentagon and the state department removing their grip on our money, education, law and war. They plan on taking the reins of the government, the White House, the president executive office and central personnel agencies. 
There are 4 pillars of promise this organization is looking to achieve. The first is to restore the family and protect our children through money, media and bringing on culture warriors. Basically bots and volunteers. The second pillar of promise is to dismantle the administrative state and return to self governance. The third is to close the borders and protect our interests and bounty from global threats like a new world order. And lastly to secure our god given individual right to enjoy the blessings of liberty. 
Now here is Biden’s response to it. Project 2025 is the plan by Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican allies to give Trump more power over your daily life, gut democratic checks and balances, and consolidate power in the Oval Office if he wins. Trump’s campaign advisors and close allies wrote it – and are doing everything they can to elect him so he can execute their playbook immediately. Here is a taste of Trump’s Project 2025:
Takes Away Reproductive Freedom Nationwide
Uses the Presidency for Revenge on Trump’s Political and Personal Enemies
Terminates the Constitution 
Consolidates Power in the Oval Office
Guts Democratic Checks and Balances on Presidential Power 
Gives Handouts to the Ultra Wealthy Paid for by Working Families
And Much, Much, Much More
Where did Project 2025 come from? The highest levels of the MAGA Trump elite wrote Project 2025 as a blueprint for Trump to implement if he wins a second term. This same group of advisors and allies got Trump to adopt most of their agenda in 2017, but this time their Project 2025 agenda is even more extreme and dives into almost every aspect of Americans’ daily life. And they’ll be able to accomplish it by firing civil servants and installing loyalists into the federal government to do their bidding. Fortunately, we have access to it in time to warn America and stop their power grab. 
Donald Trump has denied he knows anything about it. Rightfully so as it’s an election year. So let’s break this down and see what the real agenda of project 2025 and how it will be used to divide and conquer. The right will stick to this like flies on glue. Everything the Republican Party has been campaigning about is against the far left progressive agenda. Not the majority of the left but extremists. However the left will view it as an attack on all progressive agendas. The typical left voter isn’t interested in harming children nor interested in breaking up the nuclear family dynamic. But the right wants you to think so. This is on purpose as they push the pendulum back and forth to anger each other. 
Project 2025 is far right policies where they are going back to Noah’s 7 laws or also called the Abrahamic accord. Although they don’t mention Christianity, they are using its principles along with Judaism to try and sway the pendulum back towards their fundamental ideologies. Obviously, this is a blatant open agenda that is controlled by the Jesuits. Otherwise, where were these organizations when Obama was moving America from Christianity to more progressive ideologies? Why now? Why did they wait since 2008 to stop the far left agenda in their tracks? Because this was the plan all along. They use us and our upbringing to cause emotion. The left who was raised without religion and the right who was. Nothing of this project has any wisdom. It appears to be good for the people and benign in nature, but like all religions, can be used as a tool for control. This is why the left doesn’t want religion in government, schools and organizations. History has proven the church abuses its authority. To the left it’s not just about LGBTQIA rights, rather about stopping religion from controlling America. 
We see what religion is doing right now in Gaza. According to the Jews, god gave them the right to destroy that land for their future purposes. This is the point that the left are trying to make. Religion always leads to genocide and they are right. However, their religion is science and the same thing applies. Putting their faith and trust in something that can only describe how things behave but not what they are and where they came from. The Jesuits understand this and play both sides brilliantly to keep the people thinking they still have rights when the fact is, we lost it after the second bankruptcy of 1871. Washington DC is a corporation that profits off the people as they create far left and far right organizations that anger the entire parties. Then the parties campaign and spend billions to pursuance their party that they are the correct ethos when in reality, they are being persuaded through sales and marketing. Project 2025 is no more different than Agenda 2030. Made up ideologies to keep the people pointing blame at each other. This is what the Freemasons call creating order out of chaos. The secret societies, as warned to us about by Kennedy, are clever and will continue to control us unless we break the divide and conquer spell. It starts with understanding that the typical left and right person are identical and share the same goals. They both want the truth and want government to be fair and honest with checks and balances. But the media has a right to lie to you thanks to the Smith Mundt Act bot renewing under Obama. This means you can’t sue the media for lying because there are no laws anymore that hold them accountable. And why would corporations and governments not want to abuse such a mouthpiece? Well, they have and will continue to do so if we allow them. 
Remember, we still have the largest economy in the world. This power structure must not lose ground. The right is fed up with the left by design to shift the focus towards what the right wants. This happens every 4 - 8 years depending on the mood of the nations. The majority of the population have been indoctrinated by schools and universities that the system, although broken, still works. But it never has worked rather is under the control of its handlers. We know America should have filed for bankruptcy a year ago and the opposite happened. The federal reserve raised the debt ceiling again. This means the entire financial system has no checks and balances and is ran by a select few. This includes our federal reserve and government as a whole. Project 2025 is just another extreme measure that will be out into place to keep people from talking about the fact the America is not governed but controlled by the Jesuits. And for the next four years, the left will focus on sabotaging Project 2025 and exposing it as an unfair religious agenda. The truth is, none of the far left and far right agendas get anywhere. They are just talking points created to divide and conquer. We are destined to repeat this for many years to come unless we stop allowing politics and religion into government. Government should be unbiased with no goals of taking what doesn’t belong to it. It should be limited and monitored by the people.  Agenda 2025 appears to say this exact thing but it is absolutely full of lies.

Friday Jul 12, 2024

Let’s answer this question once and for all. If you did not take the mRNA shot and you sleep with someone who did, what happens? The COVID-19 vaccines approved for use do not contain a live virus, and thus it is not possible for any “viral shedding” to occur. Viral shedding is theoretically possible only for vaccines that contain a weakened live virus, though it is extremely rare for this to infect someone else with that virus. COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any live virus, and thus the vaccine cannot result in anything being shed that could infect or harm others. However, the mRNA Covid vaccine does something that no other drug has done before. It writes code to your body to produce a spike protein that attacks anything that looks like the Covid virus. This means it only has eyes for anything that resembles it. And what resembles the Covid virus? What I reveal next will shock you.
Spike protein, however is one of the major structural proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome or coronavirus. It is essential for the interaction of the virons with host cell receptors and subsequent fusion of the viral envelop with host cell membrane to allow infection. Fully vaccinated COVID-19 case-patients with mild or asymptomatic infection shed infectious virus in their upper respiratory tract for 6–9 days after illness onset or diagnosis, even after symptom resolution, but not after day 10. The UCSF research team examined blood samples from 171 infected people and found the COVID “spike” protein was still present up to 14 months after infection in some people. The antigens were found more often in people who were hospitalized with COVID or who reported being very sick but were not hospitalized. 
mRNA instructs cells in the body to make specific proteins, and proteins play many essential roles in our bodies. mRNA basically uses our own body and biological processes to potentially treat diseases and prevent infections. The mRNA Covid vaccine tells your body to kill any virus that looks like Covid. The main questions are, are the gylcoprotein spikes similar to vegetative reproduvtive structures in some archaea or cyanobacteria and how do they form in the inner core of the virus? Research indicates that both archaea and Cyanobacteria look exactly like Covid. If those are attacked by the newly created spike protein, do they get killed too? Archaea is a good bacteria responsible for reducing skin PH levels and lowers respiratory illness in j the human body. And cyanobacteria are a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through the process of photosynthesis. It is basically algae that uses sunlight for food. Cyanobacteria played an important role in the evolution of Early Earth and the biosphere. They are responsible for the oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans. Spike protein shedding kills Cyanobacteria because it looks identical to Covid and since 75% of the people shed these proteins, it gets into our sewer and water supply which would make it difficult to break down raw sewage and if sent into the wild could start attacking our natural way of producing oxygen on earth. 
So, shedding of spike proteins does occur if you sleep with someone who has had the shot will occur. They are in very small amounts, however. The proteins are designed to attack anything that looks like Covid. The spike protein doesn’t administer mRNA so your body if unvaxxed doesn’t produce the spike protein. However, the spike protein can kill good bacteria that mimics Covid and this is the concern that is not being addressed in the medical field. Since 6 billion people took the shot, this spike protein has killed more than just the Covid virus but the good bacteria that could affect the health of our bodies and the algae of the planet. If the spike proteins are able to survive outside the body by killing algae, this could have a significant impact on earth and its ability to survive. This is why boosters are recommended for life and in the future which I believe the true story behind the vaccine and pandemic is to wipe out algae altogether. Algae is a main staple of all life because of the oxygen it produces. It would take a few hundred years of boosted shedding for spike proteins to get into our water supply to do serious damage to the earth. 
So to sum up. A person who took the experimental drug can produce spike proteins for 1 year and it kills glycoprotein which is essential for your immune system. This was overlooked as there was a mad rush to get this drug to the market. And there are reports that it didn’t stop the spread of Covid, either. A backed person still spread Covid even after every booster not including the fact that they got sick with Covid as well. Each booster gains another year of spike proteins to get released into the world. This spike protein barely kills the Covid virus but eliminates the good bacteria that helps your immune system. If you sleep with an unvaxxed person, you will receive some of those spike proteins but they will not produce more. The spike protein inside the unvaxxed will kill your glycoprotein but not as severe as the vaxxed. So you can breath a sigh of relief that it doesn’t code your body to produce spike proteins, but you can get sick as your body has to work through the invaders and eliminate the spike proteins altogether. We will not know the long term affects the spike protein will do to algae outside of the bodies. When algae die off, their degradation by bacteria removes oxygen, potentially, generating anoxic conditions. This anoxic environment kills off aerobic organisms (e.g. fish and invertebrates) in the water body. This also affects terrestrial animals, restricting their access to affected water. This is called Eutrophication. Sewage plants use algae to break down waste. If the algae blooms die off, we will basically be terraforming earth into an acidic world. I don’t know why no one is talking about this. Humans as being the weapon to destroy our earth. If this theory is correct, watch the news report on problems at the sewage plants and their ability to break down waste. My guess is this will affect the climate and give the tax collectors a better excuse for taxing carbon.

Friday Jul 12, 2024

Adrenochrome has a bit of a strange history. Way back in 1856, a scientist noticed that adrenaline (the hormone that gives you an adrenaline rush) turned red when exposed to air. Fast forward to 1937, and another scientist figured out what that red stuff was and named it adrenochrome.
In the 1950s and 1970s, some researchers thought adrenochrome might be involved in schizophrenia, a mental health condition. They did some studies, but it turned out adrenochrome wasn't really the culprit. Today, adrenochrome itself isn't used in medicine.
There are some bizarre ideas floating around about adrenochrome being a powerful drug. These are just conspiracy theories, and not true. Science doesn't back them up.
However, there is a medication called carbazochrome that is kind of related to adrenochrome. It's used to help blood clot when needed. So, while adrenochrome itself isn't used in modern medicine, a cousin of it can be helpful in certain situations.
There are rumors circulating online that Hollywood celebrities use a drug called adrenochrome harvested from tortured children. This is a disturbing conspiracy theory, but it's completely false. Here's why:
No medical use: Adrenochrome itself has no known medical benefits.
Scientifically impossible: The rumors claim adrenochrome has powerful, long-lasting effects. 
However, the chemical makeup of adrenochrome wouldn't allow it to act this way in the body.
According to mainstream media, there is No evidence of child endangerment: Law enforcement and child protection agencies haven't found any evidence to support these claims, either. 
Adrenochrome, a stable oxidation product formed after oxidation of adrenaline, strongly stimulates oxygen uptake occurring during the autoxidation of adrenaline, other catecholamines and ascorbate. Oxygen consumed is converted to hydrogen peroxide suggesting the occurrence of a redox cycling process. The reduction of adrenochrome operated by adrenaline is accelerated by the exclusion of oxygen indicating that the oxidation of adrenaline occurs directly and superoxide anion does not necessarily mediate it. Oxygen consumption, observed in the catecholamine/adrenochrome and ascorbate/adrenochrome systems, is due to the autoxidation of leucoadrenochrome that, at variance with adrenaline, easily autoxidizes also at physiological pH. Therefore, in these systems, leucoadrenochrome appears to be the major determinant of the production of superoxide anion.
The controversy stems from the Dark Ages which were rife with plague, fanaticism, and accusations that Jews secretly fed off the blood of children. In 2020, we too are beset with plague, rampant medical misinformation, and a persistent rumor that “global elites” torture children to harvest the chemical adrenochrome from their blood, which they then inject in order to stay healthy and young. 
Examples of this are in Pizza Gate, the whole Hollywood Weinstein episodes, the Wayfair SUPER EXPENSIVE simple cabinets named after children that are missing and the very old age most presidents and rich and powerful people live to, still functioning as if decades younger. Not to mention the tens of thousands of children that go missing every year and are neither reported by the media nor investigated by the police and no trace of them is ever found again.
Whether this rumor is true or not, some speculate it is being covered up and offer proof the supply chain has swindled since covid. The hollywood actors all seemed to aged quickly without any good reason. 
Adrenochrome has been authenticated by my interview with Dr. Bill Schnoebelen as he said it is all throughout the churches. The only evidence we can procure is from whistleblowers who left the occult altogether and you have to take their word for it. 

Friday Jul 12, 2024

No headlines about Gaza, lately. America’s propaganda machine wants you to think about November elections which is a distraction. Just like the economist magazine predicted, whom was no doubt created by the Rothschilds. The Jewish nationalists (Zionists) gathered in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 and turned to England – the most powerful country at the time – for help establishing a homeland in Palestine. Then In 1908, the Jews started buying up land that was owned by the Philistines, though the Ottoman Empire fought it, they were weak enough to let it go, as the land was turned into a state. In 1913 the Rothchilds bought the treasury of Palestine and After world war 2, the Ottoman Empire was destroyed and the Zionists now controlled the entire state of Palestine. Ever since, they have moved the Philistines, closer and closer to the border of Egypt.
I can’t say any more because TikTok will flag my video. I’ve had 2 million people view my videos here with 1 million likes before my last account was banned. Tune in tonight live on rumble at 9 pm pst, where I am uncensored, to listen to the rest of this shocking revelation. Go to Rumble and type in my name James Carner.
In 1881, the Jews who faced the pogrom in Russia wanted to immigrate to Palestine en masse, and they wanted world-famous people of Jewish origin to finance it, like the Rothschild and Hirsch families. This is called aliyah in Zionist literature. These white Jews are the Khazarians from Prussia who created a new religion from paganism and Judaism called Khabalism with their Talmud as the source of their identity. From 1882, the Rothschilds began to buy land in Palestine on behalf of others. The Rothschilds, who had international power as they lent money to all governments, wanted the refugee Russian Jews to be allowed to settle in these lands. The embassies intervened. The Ottoman government was confused as to what to do. The first Jewish colony was established in Jaffa that same year, despite not having been granted permission. By 1918, one-twentieth of Palestine's fertile lands belonged to the Rothschilds. 
Despite this, Jewish immigration to Palestine could not be prevented. Believing he could not prevent it, Grand Vizier Cevad Pasha came to an agreement with the Rothschilds and turned a blind eye to the settlements in exchange for a promise to not bring in more refugees. Subsequently, the sultan dismissed the grand vizier in 1894 and exiled him to Damascus where he remained until his death. In addition, two governors and some civil servants were dismissed and punished. Meanwhile, Theodor Herzl from Budapest, the leader of the Zionist movement, wanted to meet with Sultan Abdülhamid II. When his request was declined, he made an offer in May 1901 through his Polish friend Phillip Newlinsky, who was also acquainted with the sultan. In return for opening Palestine to Jewish immigration and the establishment of an autonomous Jewish homeland, Ottoman foreign debts would be paid and propaganda in the sultan's favor would be circulated to sway European public opinion. The sultan refused this offer. Herzl was unable to make the agreement, and he repeated the offer the following year. Fearing what happened to the autonomous Ottoman province of Egypt due to debt, the sultan welcomes Herzl's consolidation offer, viewing him as an intermediary in the matter. However, Herzl's idea was the acceptance of the colonization proposal. (Britain invaded Egypt in 1882 on the pretext of not paying the debts taken for the construction of the Suez Canal.)
The Young Turks, who dethroned Sultan Abdülhamid II and seized power, first nationalized the treasury lands belonging to the sultan. To please the Zionists who supported them, they allowed Jewish immigration to Palestine. The Arabs were forced to sell their lands after being put in a difficult situation economically. For example, ships loaded with wheat that docked at the port at harvest time caused the price of wheat to fall. When this incident happened again the following year, the peasant, who mortgaged his land the year before, was then forced to sell his land. Jewish gangs compelled the British to evacuate the district with their terrorist acts. Deceived Britain declared in 1939 that the Balfour Declaration had been a grave mistake. Then Britain fought the bankers for control but ultimately lost. 
There are more twists and turns to this story but the fact remains that Israel wasn’t handed to the Jews of Russia and the world, it was strategically created through fraud and money. The state of Israel is nothing more than a scam created to take power over the Middle East and after that, put a king in the third temple to rule the world. They are currently waiting for their messiah to arrive and the Zionists Jews think Donald Trump is this king. Israel defends itself as a peace maker and claims no violence has been used during the creation of the state. They boast on this and say they never start wars. But this is further from the truth. John McCain created Hamas as the boogieman for Israel to allow the state to move in on more territory. The Christian church supports Israel and are unaware that the Rothschilds, whom are Khabaliats, worship Baal and Molech and created Israel to use as God’s chosen people politically to gain power. 
The truth is, there was resistance against Israel’s occupation but Hamas had more weapons and power at their disposal than the real resistance. Hamas was funded by Obama who shipped money to Iran whom shipped weapons to Hamas. The American people turn their head because the idea of supporting Israel as starting the terrorist resistance is beyond evil. But they did. There are old pictures of McCain with the leaders of Hamas and the guns behind them. This is why McCain was buried with a wrinkled flag. Why did Obama send Iran a plane full of cash? Why did McCain create Hamas? Iran has thus far received approximately $46 million in military aid from the U.S., and an additional $58 million is currently programmed. Inadequate training, maintenance and supply capabilities, and low caliber personnel restrict Iran's ability to absorb U.S. military equipment, even at the present rate of delivery. But the equipment and funds were delivered to Hamas.
America’s government supports Israel. Both parties as well. Biden sent Iran funds from Iraq but the media plays it off as aid. Only those that see through this scam know exactly what is happening. Iran is controlled by Israel and one could argue so is the entire Middle East. They just act like they are at war but in reality, it’s a show for the world to give the impression that good is fighting evil. But this is a caveat. The Jesuits control the entire show except for their messiah to return. They continue to set up his kingdom only to be let down every decade when a prophet declares it so. This is why Trump said in the United Nations speech that we no longer are going to continue he with the Armageddon end of the world routines. Maybe because he is here and ready to sit on the throne as many Christians believe he is the antichrist. Who cares if he is or not. He’s one of them anyways and will continue to weed out freedom in the name of patriotism and do the bidding of his masters, the orsini family.
The jews, whoever they are, don’t belong there and are using religion for warfare. They control their own anti-hate group and use their own holocaust as their excuse to commit atrocities on people. They are liars, terrorists and are committing crimes against humanity, especially now as they deny 5.4 million Palestinians of food and water. I’ve seen enough videos of helicopters shooting the people off the ocean who are merely trying to fish for food. I’ve seen their soldiers mock and laugh and the death of the innocent all for their country in a right to defend themselves against their own terror group. I’ve see Benjamin Netanyahu flip flop on promises whom declared October 7 is their 911, yet his iron dome that day was turned off. I am anti-Israel and their god. If that makes me an antisemitic according to their own hate group law center, then so be it. They are phonies. Con artists. Snake oil salesmen. Glass sellers of diamonds. Counterfeits of the highest kind. The Zionist Khazarian Prussians who used usery of banking to take control of the earth. They belong in hell. They even admit it.

Sunday Jul 07, 2024

I upload daily news weekly here on Podbean. I am live on Rumble Every Night at 9 PM:
Since ive started my new account on TikTok, I changed the algorithm to focus on leftist propaganda. My last account that was banned was mostly rightist set ups. It’s exactly the same thing. There is no difference in receiving propaganda from both sides. The left call on the right for being rich and hating the left and the right call on the left for keeping America poor and hating their views. Both sides are hating. It’s a set up. The people are purposely sending memes and calling out the opposite side. But when you look at it from above without bias, you can tell very easily that the people are being played. The associated press is the propaganda arm of the Congress of industrial organization. This was created right when the income tax of 1933 was started. 
Propaganda was perfected in Germany and they used the brand new televised technology to keep their people divided so they could conquer their neighbors. All newspapers and media back then were controlled by the government to make sure the people had two points of views instead of one. First Germany removed all of the sadists who had a propensity to commit violence and what was left were decent honest people who received political opinions written by the state to give them something to argue about and hate each other for. The exact same thing is happening in America. The two party system is a beautiful construct for power. And both political sides play the role perfectly. Still, after Covid and the awakening, there hasn’t been enough people to rise up in America to counter the narrative. The tea party that rose quickly back in the 2,000’s died by the vine. It was quickly infiltrated and split up by our own CIA on purpose to keep the two party system going. Trump, whom was a democrat, was used to bring up the right and usher in the controlled test to appease the right for a while. This is why he must get re-elected. Not because the people want him, but to keep the people with guns from arming and starting a revolution. 
The government has quantum AI computers that can easily tell the mood of the country. This report is given to the controllers daily as to what to do to keep in power. The left are good at protesting and twisting the arm of the political arm and the right are good at arming up and taking down opposition. When the algorithm predicts the right are moving towards rebellion, the controllers start leaning the media towards the right and offering their view points. This is called disarming and settling the masses with hope. It goes both ways. When people break out of the programming and start loving their enemy, they will see it plain as day. Just as I see it on all social media platforms with the view of unbiased and non-political motive. We are programmed to bring up talking points if we hear our neighbor talking about the opposite party. The right will hear about helping migrants and bring up the numbers that have crossed the border and how the jobs are dying. When the left hear the right talking about Trump and how great America was when he was president, they bring up grab em by the pussy and Russian hookers peeing on him let alone him now being a convicted felon.
The talking points are driven into our heads as we watch CNN or Fox. Both party news agencies report to the same controllers who give them the talking points. The associated press, who is controlled by the Jesuits release different talking points to each media outlet to keep the divide and conquer strategy at play. The people working for the news media see the reports come in and because the stories are created to keep them on their political arm, proceed to believe what is being told by the main press headquarters. And who controls the associated press? Since 1846, they have been creating propaganda to steer public opinion. Their staff members are part of the Newspaper Guild Union and AFL-CIO. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of industrial organizations sounds benign enough but a little digging you will find it is the arm of the federal income tax and national industrial recovery act of 1933 which is supposed to encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to provide for the construction of certain useful public works, and for other purposes but its purpose is to control the income tax margins. Before 1933, there was no income tax. Now, this revenue stream must be controlled by using propaganda and the Associated Press is their tool.
The press should not be a part of any corporation union that helps the Internal Revenue Service, which was enacted in 1933 as well. The controllers hide this simple detail through an acronym that follows the American Federation of Labor. Both organizations are not to support the people by checks and balances. They are there to make sure the press writes in favor of the IRS and Corporations because after all, The United States of America Inc is a corporation. The amount of revenue that the income tax generates far exceeds any other tax in human history. This needs to be controlled and the profiteers need to hide behind unions to keep the con job going. Constitutionally, an income tax is illegal. It’s called taxation without representation. This means your personal tax money you spend will go wherever they want and not represent you. Legally, since we are a corporation and our constitution has been changed to reflect that after our second bankruptcy in 1871, we are at the mercy of the big lie that we lost our republic. The media won’t report the truth because they are not a real press agency for the people. Corporations dictate what they release and the material continues to place blame on both sides.
Wisdom and a heart for humanity is needed to see through the veil. We don’t have to uncover names and secret meetings to prove the point either. When outted, they just deny as usual and go on robbing the people of their wealth. Here are the numbers that the associated press is helping to keep coming in for the IRS every year. There are approximately 157 million jobs in the US. That’s roughly 4.4 trillion dollars in revenue a year for the government. This is why every president since 1933 has used jobs in their campaign. Their job is to maintain that revenue as well through policies and law. The people would never dream that their government would lie to them. Nor would they believe that their pre-selected leaders would be compromised by these unions. The president, senate, Congress and Supreme Court are all aware of this scam because they are all pre-selected and placed into positions to continue the scam. People wave the flag around and scream for liberty yet they are unaware that they are being used for profit. And how do they squeeze the money out of America’s bank and into their pockets? Through corporations they set up and Congress passes to give money to. There never was a green spotted owl frog that needed 5 million to preserve from extinction. The pork spending in all bills go into the shell corporations that the controllers use to siphon the funds. While the right screams about your blue hair and the left screams about your Jesus, the controllers laugh at you for STILL falling for this brilliant scam. Because you are biased and stick with your political party, you’ve been trained to hate the opposite. Just like 911 trained America to be racist towards Muslims. 
Old Testmament God
I am a Christian. Not the ones you see marching around the streets trying to earn their way into heaven. But one that, regardless of my upbringing, chose this belief system after a rigorous battle with the creator. Just following what the church says or what the preacher says never made any sense to me. I am a logical thinker and am interested in finding common sense in what is handed to us. I wasn’t satisfied with worshipping an angry god that demanded perfection. Why, is because I tried to be perfect. It didn’t work for me. Not because I couldn’t stop sinning, but because I even after living holier than everyone else, it didn’t fulfill me. I didn’t feel holy. This is because of the original fall of mankind and our natural curiosity to have what we can’t have. I am told that sin drives me away from the father. Yet, my earthly dad would never do such a thing. This led me to dig deeper. Something isn’t adding up. All of the gods that were written about all have the same characteristics. They want worship and perfection. You have to earn your way to their presence. Wow. This is how we teach love from our ascended masters? Earn it or burn. And now, choose or lose. How convenient for the churches that this angry god wants 10% of your spoils. But after studying Jesus’ character compared to the Old Testament god, they are far apart. I see no relation. Probably because the god of the Old Testament is an imposter playing god. I can’t prove it. And I don’t care to. If I am a creation, do I have a right to contest what I am to believe in? Given that only the powerful control the flow of knowledge? What are rights when a prison has been built for you to settle those rights.
I believe the god of the Old Testament was not the true father. He never came down and wrestled with his kids like he did Jacob. He gave his kids free will and his kids created the god of the Old Testament. They are called the sons of god. Genesis 6 and Enoch talks about them. Lucifer said he would be like the most high. How are we so sure that the god of the Old Testament wasn’t Lucifer? To be like the most high is to control good and evil. Isaiah 45:6-7says I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Who created evil? The lord. Who are we worshipping then? I believe this is Lucifer the light bearer. The son of the morning who causes the whole world to be deceived. Even the very elect. I am a Christian. I follow the idea that he came to rescue me from the Old Testament god, Lucifer. This is the god that Israel worships. The same god that the Vatican worships. The imposter. The father didn’t create any of this. The imposter did. The one who said he will be like the most high and sit above all at the highest mountains. The truth is never in the majority of anything. Ever. The moment something becomes popular is by design. This is why people who find the truth are killed. To protect the god of this world. The imposter who controls all religions and knowledge. 
The god who impeded on free will gave mankind 613 laws to follow. He killed those that didn’t keep the laws. He demanded a temple and sacrifices in it. He controlled the good and bad, meaning the opposition. Now he’s getting ready to build another temple in Israel while he demands the Palestinians be murdered for it. The same angry god that gave man through his watchers the technology to blow the entire thing up. I stopped inadvertently worshipping Satan. I asked the god who lives inside me what the truth is. He said I couldn’t handle it. And he was right. Everything I learned since a boy has been turned upside down now that I found Jesus. The real son of god came down and followed all of Satan’s rules on earth. Because it belonged to Satan. That means I am a child of the devil. His genetic creation. And I was hostage under his religion and worldly lies. I fell for the deception too. Until I found god inside me as the Holy Spirit. My revelations are hated by today’s modern Pharisees. Both Catholic and non denominations are all Satan’s churches. The god who gave us free will could do nothing until man spine his son Jesus into existence. This took 4,000 years or 4 days in heaven. Jesus had to be holy according to the devil’s standards. Jesus reluctantly followed. His death and innocence gave him the right to the keys to death and hell. He fulfilled the god if this world’s law. He was perfect, which man could not be nor did the god if this world want man to be. Hell was used for 4,000 years to capture hostages. And now, we are going g back to the hostage situation again as man will be now plugged into virtual reality where Satan will build a whole new set of laws for man to achieve. This is where men will seek death and cannot find it. Their true bodies will be preserved by machines while they are held hostage again until Jesus comes back to Earth for the last time to set the record straight once and for all.
I am a Christian. I believe Jesus paid for my ransom. And anything that was written about him has been manipulated and twisted to fit the god of this world’s narrative. The father of lies controls our system. Every ethos Satan has created has been corrupted. None work because he created it to fail. The only way to make it in this world is to follow his example by stealing, killing and destroying. He giveth and taketh away. Just like he does to movie stars who deny him after getting famous. Temples were never meant for our true father in heaven. He always sends help when his sons of god run amuck. Always. Jesus did everything opposite what the Jews thought the savior would do. He embraced the poor, the sick, the outcasts of liars and thieves. The people who do not belong in the temple. The people who openly cannot stop how they learned to survive thanks to the god of this world. 
I do not worship Jesus in fear. He saved me. Not because I asked for it or chose him. His name saved us all, if one calls out to him in hell. He is the true lover of mankind. A friend of thieves and the broken. A merger of holiness and filth which we are, where god met us halfway to save us from a rogue cherubim and ourselves. Christianity on earth is controlled by the devil, the same God that said he regretted creating us, genetically. His people act selfishly and covet because they think they are set free from the bondage of evil. This is a trick to keep the religion close to his chest. Where you have to earn his gift of salvation by choosing his son before the first death. This is a bastardized version of the truth. Jesus paid the atonement for all creation. Not for those that don’t believe he exists. And because this revelation goes against the grain of the world, it feels right to me. True Christians like me get persecuted. We are the few, tue followers of Jesus who recognized that he was a legalist on purpose to fulfill the atonement of Satan’s commands on earth. The few who know we were held hostage against our free and have been saved by the blood of the lamb. A father who sent his son to be killed by his own creation and rise from the dead with the keys to death and hell. A righteous suicide for all mankind. The most beautiful love story that has ever existed and remain.


Cause Before Symptom

For over 1,000 years, planet Earth has been controlled by two bloodline familes who play good and evil giving the appearance of duality while the sleeping commoners fall prey to their agendas. By using religion, they control the past, present and future through ancient and new black magic technology manipulating events for greed and control.

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