Cause Before Symptom

Pastor James Carner breaks down the real controllers of the world and their divide and conquer plans for a satanic utopia where only a select few will reign over a small population of adrogenous, complacent workers.

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Ashkenazi Jews

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025

Ashkenazi Jews
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The Ashkenazi Jews married into all of the royal families of Germany, Brittain and Italy. They are the real bloodline of Cain. They chose Judaism because God made a covenant with the Jews as long as they follow the Torah, they ascend to heaven. This means they avoid damnation if they follow the 613 Jewish laws, God will set them free. One of those laws is to visit the temple. They think they will be cut off from God if they do not build this thing. 
This is why they are rushing to bring about a New World Order to bring peace to the Earth their way in order to ascend. The chosen Hebrews, not converted Jews, were the ones God had the Old Covenant with. They’re all dead. “The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
Today, the Ashkenazim constitute the majority of those who are known as Jews. Since they are not Hebrews, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about them, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite; 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews); 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.
This is what the Bible has to say about the Ashkenazim in Genesis 10:1
“Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” (Emphasis Added)
Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES (Goyim) the bible speaks of. Why then does Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles, while pinning on themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like deception, to them it’s pure re-branding.
Ashkenazic (and Sephardic) Jews are themselves the Gentiles that many rabbis warn their congregations not to marry. To further the re-branding, they also call themselves Semites or Shemites when they’re JAPHETITES, which means they’re not Hebrews either. This re-branding is much like the way most of them – if not the majority of them – keep changing their last names every time they settle in a new country. The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. It’s a survival mechanism.
The Ashkenazim are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves.
REINVENTION 1: Scythians
The Ashkenazim’s first reinvention surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.
“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3: 11
The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam. The Iranian Empire, then named Parthia and abutting Scythia, influenced that word.
See image 1
The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins, expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.
REINVENTION 2: Khazarians
Later on, the Ashkenazim reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.
“Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand. “The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.”
See image 2
Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.
In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement, which, according to Wikipedia, “was a western region of the Russian Empire with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917 where permanent residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which Jewish residency, permanent or temporary, was mostly forbidden.”
A treatment for which the Ashkenazim – aka the “Never Forget, Never Forgive” people, except for when they themselves commit crimes against humanity – never exculpated Russia.
See image 3
REINVENTION 3: Bolsheviks
Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred for Russia and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches, according to famed Christian Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
See image 4
The great majority of the Bolsheviks were Russian Ashkenazi Jews such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov. They were financed by Ashkenazi bankers from New York and London such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co., who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi Karl Marx and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous conquest of Russia, while making a few bucks in the process by plundering the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs.”
Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.
Today, Russia is under fire for the conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the neocon Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland in the US State Department, with her neocon Ashkenazi husband Robert Kagan working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution.”
Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare. Why? Because Russia had the gall to rise from its still warm Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia had the temerity to arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs,” with some fleeing the country. And because Russia had the audacity to impede the American war on Syria which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel. And because Russia threatens the Ashkenazi-Jewish domination of the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency and as issued by the Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve.
REINVENTION 4: Errant/Wandering Jews
After the destruction of Khazaria, a great number of Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming (Khazarian/Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.
In the late 1930s, the British Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.
With the support of the then Premier of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.
The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland.
See image 5
See image 6
Now note that all these attempts were being orchestrated only by Ashkenazi Jews, and not by the other racially identifiable Jews.
In the wake of World War 2, a great number of Ashkenazim reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas. However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah. They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.
In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and couldn’t care less – but because they’re a shrewd people. They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.
Could it be that, after two successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the current slow-motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new reinvention? Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar Khaganate – a land that is now situated deep inside Russia and encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia? Will they be okay with just Ukraine?
REINVENTION 6? Time will tell.
How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West
To conquer the West, the Ashkenazim applied a simple two-step process:
1) morph themselves into God’s Chosen People;
2) take over the issuance of money.
They fully understood that there are only two entities that most men on earth revere: God and Money.
“You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24
So they succeeded in steering both to their advantage.
Step 1
To outwit the Christian West, it was essential that the Ashkenazi Jews reinvent themselves. Consequently, they tinkered with biblical terminologies.
First, a little background.
The faith that is known as Judaism today was never called thus.
Rabbi Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow explained clearly in “Yahvism and Other Discourses” that, “Among the innumerable misfortunes which have befallen… the most fatal in its consequences is the name Judaism… neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard…”
And what was it called before?
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein stated in his book “The Pharisees, The Sociological Background of Their Faith” that, “Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement . . .”
Judaism is actually Pharisaism, and therefore a misnomer since it is neither the doctrine of Judah nor the doctrine that Christ practiced, hence not an Abrahamic faith.
“Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future,” explains the Jewish Encyclopedia.
In fact, Pharisaism is the pagan doctrine of the Pharisees of old, an evil creed they brought back from their Babylonian captivity. It does not follow the truth of the Bible, neither of the Old Testament nor of the New. Its central tenets are found in a book called the Talmud (the real Satanic Verses), a book full of worldly traditions, lies, and superstitions.
“The Babylonian Talmud is based on the mystical religious practices of the Babylonians which were assimilated by the Judahite Rabbis during their Babylonian captivity around 600 B.C.,” wrote Edward Hendrie in Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great. “The Rabbis then used these occult traditions in place of the word of God.”
And that is why Jesus was constantly rebuking the Pharisees.
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.” Mark 7:8
“For you have taken away the key to knowledge.” Luke 11:52
“You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?” Matthew 23:33
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15
The term Judaism was first coined by historian Flavius Josephus in the first century as he described the history, the civilization, the language, the poetry, the religion, the art, the science, the manners, the customs, the institutions, and the genocide of the Ancient Judahites. It was not coined with the intention of starting a religion, and nor is Judaism even mentioned in the Bible.
The people who first seized the term Judaism and its historical content were then Christians. They were using it as an educational tool to acquaint themselves with the true Judahite Hebrews who practiced the doctrine of Christ. Such a mechanism allowed them to better comprehend the Epistles of the Apostles.
As a result, they were able to grasp two important facts that have eluded today’s Christians:
a) that the Judahite Hebrews who became Christians were the true Israel of God, whom God spared the Great Tribulation during the Apocalypse of AD 70 – an event a lot of Christians today think is in the future;
b) that those who followed the Pharisees were not the true Israel of God, and therefore were not spared during said catastrophe that saw the genocide and the end of the Hebrew race.
“For they are not all Israel which are of Israel…” Romans 9:6
“The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38
In effect, those Judahite Hebrews who followed the Pharisees were the seed of the Devil, a truth the Apostle John was trying to convey in Revelation by calling them “Babylon.”
“The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes, and of the abominations of the earth.” Revelation 17:5
Proselytes of Pharisaism, or Rabbinists, in 15th/16th Century Spain and Portugal were called Marranos, meaning pigs or dirty. Many of them converted to Christianity and were labeled Conversos. However, some modern Jewish historians tried to sanitize Marranos by inferring that said label was only used when adherents of Pharisaism or Rabbinists converted to Christianity. However, the facts say otherwise.
Most historians – even hardcore Jewish ones like Benzion Netanyahu (Yes, Bibi’s dad) – called those who converted Conversos, not Marranos. Brian Chalmers in his review of Netanyahu’s book wrote: “(Netanyahu) marshals evidence and arguments in an effort to prove that the ‘New Christians’ were sincere adherents of Christianity, and even ‘ardent assimilationists’ who were eager to marry into Christian families and otherwise melt into Spanish society…. the Conversos were actually sincere Christians.”
Given that the Ashkenazim – themselves not Judahite Hebrews – were followers and proselytes of Pharisaism, a religion Christians everywhere frowned upon, they realized they needed a new image, a new public relations campaign that would put them in a more favorable light. And the reason they wanted that was because they had a Machiavellian plan. They were planning to conquer the West.
So they sprang into action some time in the late 18th century. They sharpened their Chutzpah and endeavored to get Christians to see them as the true Israel of God. Their purely cosmetic overhaul would consist in a) renaming Pharisaism Judaism; yes, that very Judaism Christians were using for educational purposes, and b) reinventing themselves as “Jews,” an expression Christians were using to describe Judahite Hebrews or Judeans (i.e., people from the tribe of Judah). It was the perfect hoodwinking package that gullible Christians could easily swallow.
Jewish-born historian Benjamin H. Freedman explained it thus:
“When the word ‘Jew’ was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century (1775) its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was ‘Judean’. During the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international ‘pressure group’ created a so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ among the English-speaking peoples of the world. This so-called ‘secondary meaning’ for the word ‘Jew’ bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word ‘Jew’. It is a misrepresentation.”
As it stands, the adherents of Pharisaism or Rabbinists not only hijacked the word Judaism, but they also misappropriated the word Jew. However – over time and as it pertains to Christianity – the word Jew was completely hollowed out of its “Judean” or “Judahite” meaning, because those who hijacked it were not of the tribe of Judah. In fact, in many Christian circles today, that word causes quite the confusion.
“The present generally accepted ‘secondary meaning’ of the word ‘Jew’ is fundamentally responsible for the confusion in the minds of Christians regarding elementary tenets of the Christian faith,” continued historian Benjamin H. Freedman.
“It is likewise responsible today to a very great extent for the dilution of the devotion of countless Christians for their Christian faith. The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the word ‘Jew’ today, to the preponderant majority of intelligent and informed Christians, is contradictory and in complete conflict with incontestable historic fact. Christians who cannot be fooled any longer are suspect of the Christian clergy who continue to repeat, and repeat, and repeat ad nauseam their pet theme song ‘Jesus was a Jew’. It actually now approaches a psychosis.
“Countless Christians know today that they were ‘brain washed’ by the Christian clergy on the subject ‘Jesus was a Jew‘… (They) are also becoming more and more alerted day by day why the so-called or self-styled ‘Jews’ throughout the world for three centuries have spent uncounted sums of money to manufacture the fiction that the ‘Judeans’ in the time of Jesus were ‘Jews’ rather than ‘Judeans’, and that ‘Jesus was a Jew’.”
The forced evolution of the word “Jew” is similar to the evolution that befell the word “Gay.” Gay=Merry became Gay=Homosexual. Try telling someone who’s happy (and who’s not a homosexual) that you’re glad he’s so “gay” and see what happens.
Another example is when many Christians today interact with a Jew they just met, their immediate reaction is to say, “Oh, Jesus was a Jew, too.” What they’re unwittingly saying is, “Oh, Jesus was a Pharisee, too.”
Oh, the blasphemy!
A word is what it is according to the meaning of its time. The word “Jew” today is so entrenched in describing one who follows Pharisaism (or Judaism) that it’s been completely emptied of its original meaning. Hence it no longer describes a Judahite or Judean, the actual word in the non-translated bible. That is why it needs to be struck from the translated bible, because all it does is create confusion in the Christian mind; and that very confusion is exactly what the satanic forces want in order to unseat Christians as the new Chosen People – chosen to love and to do good – and to calumniate Christ as a Pharisee.
“God is not the author of confusion…” 1 Corinthians 14:33
Since Mr. Freedman referred to “an international pressure group” that influenced the “secondary meaning” of the word “Jew” as it applies to followers of Pharisaism, and since he also mentioned that it was well-financed and that it spent uncounted sums of money, the only way to really discover it is to go back to the 18th Century and unearth the MONEY behind it. After all, money talks and that other stuff floats.
In the mid-18th century, one family stood out as the ultimate MONEY family, the German-born Ashkenazi Jews known as the Rothschilds.
Wikipedia explains:
“The family’s ascent to international prominence began in 1744, with the birth of Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He was the son of Amschel Moses Rothschild, (born circa 1710), a money changer who had traded with the Prince of Hesse. Born in the ‘Judengasse,’ the ghetto of Frankfurt, Mayer developed a finance house and spread his empire by installing each of his five sons in the five main European financial centres in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, as well as Frankfurt.
“During the 19th century, when it was at its height, the Rothschild family is believed by some to have possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as the largest private fortune in modern world history.”
Could it be that the Rothschilds were the ones behind this “pressure group” that commandeered the word Jew and hijacked the word Judaism as part of their Machiavellian plan?
If so, what did they stand to gain?
Actually there are two good reasons why the Rothschilds would absolutely be involved, if not being themselves the originators of said plan of conquest.
i. They had an insidiously wicked vision. They wanted to transform Palestine into their new mother country, Israel, since they and their fellow Ashkenazim had lost their homeland Khazaria.
“After the death of James Jacob de Rothschild in 1868, his eldest son Alphonse Rothschild took over the management of the family bank and was the most active in support for Eretz Israel,” clarifies Wikipedia.
“The Rothschild family archives show that during the 1870s the family contributed nearly 500,000 francs per year on behalf of Eastern Jewry to the Alliance Israélite Universelle. Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, youngest son of James Jacob de Rothschild, was a patron of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion, and bought from Ottoman landlords parts of the land which now makes up present-day Israel.
“In 1917 Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.
“In 1924, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild established the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association (PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres (50,586 ha) of land and set up business ventures. In Tel Aviv, there is a road, Rothschild Boulevard, named after him as well as various localities throughout Israel which he assisted in founding including Metulla, Zikhron Ya’akov, Rishon Lezion and Rosh Pina.
“The Rothschilds also played a significant part in the funding of Israel’s governmental infrastructure. James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset building as a gift to the State of Israel and the Supreme Court of Israel building was donated to Israel by Dorothy de Rothschild.”
Rene R
Baron David René de Rothschild, current French chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons
Thus, in cahoots with the British Empire, the Rothschilds conspired to create the state of Israel on the stolen land of Palestine. Apparently, they got tired of these random land purchases. They wanted the whole enchilada. So they gobbled up the whole thing, the whole of Palestine, using the British army (much the way AIPAC is using the US Army to wage all these Middle East wars to benefit Israel).
Only powerful money could have caused something of that dimension to materialize. What other private individuals in history do you know of managed to accomplish something of that magnitude? It’s not every day one gets to buy his own country, or in this instance steal one, especially since in so doing one is putting at risk the very Empire that’s helping. See Israel: the Scourge of Empires. Consequently, and because of said risk, more than money was needed for the realization of such an audacious plan.
“America’s traditional churches in the 19th Century would never stand for a Jewish occupation of Jesus’s homeland,” explained author C.E. Carlson.
Therefore, the Ashkenazim needed a miracle.
They needed to be recognized by the West as the true Israel of God in order to keep the populace of the Christian Empires mollified and agreeable as they endeavored to steal the “Holy” Land, which from a religious standpoint was mostly controlled at the time by the Catholic Church/Empire thanks to its many crusades to unseat the “infidel” Muslims.
So Pharisaism or Rabbinism became Judaism, while its adherents miraculously became the “Jews” of the Bible. Whoever said money can’t buy miracles. 🙂
As the Ashkenazim finalized their naturalization as “Jews” of the bible, they sent out a loud message to the Christian world: the “kinsmen” of Christ were still around and therefore had the right as per “biblical prophecies” to return to “their homeland” Israel (temporarily called Palestine in their eyes, even though the Ashkenazim and all the other racially identifiable “Jews” are not even remotely related to our Lord Jesus Christ, and none of their ancestors ever lived neither East nor West of the Jordan). See Are Jews the Israelites of the Bible?
Thereupon, in order to start and keep alive the illusion that the creation of modern-day Israel was the result of “biblical prophecies,” they financed many “commentary bibles” such as the Scofield Reference Bible with purposely erroneous commentaries about the return of the “Jews” to “their homeland,” along with the invention of the unbiblical rapture theology and brainwashing references about “anti-semitism” being a sin. They also kept on payroll compromised preachers, like John Hagee, to constantly brainwash the flock by spewing out their demonic bile in reference to Israeli “Jews” as God’s “Chosen People.”
And, for good measure, not only did they dust off the dead Hebrew tongue from the dustbin of forgotten languages to make it Israel’s official dialect, but they also resurrected the Sanhedrin Court of old that condemned Christ to death in order to threaten with the wrath of “God’s Chosen” those who dare to contradict the Zionist view that the entirety of the stolen land of Palestine belongs to Israel.
ii. They wanted respect, control, power, and possibly even worship.
By pretending to follow Judaism, “the doctrine of Judah” (by inference the doctrine that Christ the Judahite practiced), and by pretending to be Jews (by inference Judahites), the Rothschilds and their pharisaic brethren would be seen in a whole new light by Western Christians.
No longer would Christians compare them to the dreaded Pharisees of old, whom Jesus was constantly rebuking. No longer would Christians paint a mental picture of them as children of the Devil.
And no more would they be treated as pharisaic heathens and pigs deserving of calumnia, as the Europeans were wont to appraise them as followers of Pharisaism.
Now they would be seen as those of Judah who escaped and awaited God’s salvation.
By becoming Jews who practiced Judaism, the Ashkenazim positioned themselves and their coreligionists in the minds of Christians as those whom God has not rejected.
“I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!” Romans 1:11
By implication they became the chosen people.
Hence, all followers of Pharisaism would no longer be identified by the outside world as Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Samaritans, Europeans, or Africans, but simply as Jews, the kinsmen of Jesus Christ, the God of the Western world.
Thus “Judaism” and “Jew” became the immediate revisionist words that historians endeavored to apply, as the financial incentive to do so was extremely tempting. As a result, the words that were used to describe the adherents of Pharisaism and their religion were sanitized (just like when Blacks wanted to be called Negroes no more). This in turn caused compromised writers of all stripes to follow suit, as they searched for any excuse to exploit the word “Jew” in reference to proselytes of Pharisaism or Rabbinists.
For example, pre-18th century playwrights employed the word IEWE (Iewe is old English and means Jehudite/Judahite or Judean) in their work, but unlike the word Jew it was pronounced Yee-hoo-wee, stretching its best to imitate the original Hebrew phonetic of Ye-hu-wdiy. Its usage was never meant to describe a JEW in the sense of the religious person we know today, but that didn’t matter to those who had revisionism in mind.
Jesus whips the money changers
As a case in point, in The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare’s Shylock the Iewe was a fictional creative construct that borrowed its obvious tautology from the biblical Judahite money changers, whom Jesus whipped and chased out of the Temple. Its creation was not intended to mimic Rabbinists of Shakespeare’s time. Nonetheless, it’s been widely and erroneously interpreted to mean a “JEW” in the modern sense.
In Was Shylock Jewish?, Professor Emma Smith clarified it thus:
“That ‘Jew’ (Iewe) might be an adjective rather than a noun – an attribute of a person which does not always or only denote religion or race – is common in its deployment in early modern English… In the early modern period, the signifier ‘Jew’ (Iewe) had become at least partially detached from the racial or religious signified with which it is now firmly associated… R.H. Tawney – along with Shakespeare’s own biography – demonstrated long ago that Elizabethan money lending was ‘not a profession but a bye-employment’. Thus the early modern association between Jews and money lending was almost always a knowing fiction…”
Shakespeare was not anti-Jew as some allege, and nor was Shylock created to malign those who today are known as Jews, especially when he was penned at a time when “Jews” were called Rabbinists (followers of the Babylonian Talmud), and everyone knew they were not of the tribe of Judah.
Yet, compromised historians and critics convoluted the whole Shylock-money-lender thing and re-engineered it to be construed as anti-“Jew” – just the way they twisted Christopher Marlowe’s The Rich Iewe of Malta into The Rich Jew of Malta. As Professor Smith pointed out: “…the representation of anti-semitism is more interesting and significant to us…”
With such favorable intellectual and religious dispositions that only money could buy, the Rothschilds were now sociologically unfettered to amass their fortunes through wars, usury, and fiat money of their own central banks, in partnership with their Ashkenazi brethren. This in turn allowed them to accumulate more power, control world events, and dispossess another people (the Palestinians) of their land.
As “kinsmen of Jesus,” they figured quite presciently that no one would dare frown upon them as they went about their nefarious activities. After all, Jews are “God’s chosen,” and as such God is the one who is blessing them.
So, hands off.
But if, God forbid, they were to be frowned upon, they could always buy off their detractors, or accuse them of being conspiracy theorists, or even destroy their lives by labeling them anti-Semites when Jews are not even Semites.
“…it is impossible to change the genetic make-up from Caucasian to Semitic; which automatically nullifies their claim to be returning to Israel, the land of their forebears, because their forebears were never in Biblical Israel,” explained Benjamin Disraeli, a former Jew who converted to Christianity and a Victorian Prime Minister of Great Britain, referring to his fellow Ashkenazim who were migrating from Russia and Eastern Europe to Palestine, with a view to turning the Arab country into Israel.
So, lo and behold, the reality of the modern Pharisees was re-calibrated. “Abracadabra!” incanted the genie and there they were, the adherents of the doctrine of Judah, the “Jews” of the bible, the chosen Hebrews (when all Hebrews are irrevocably dead).
“We came to this country (Palestine) that was populated by Arabs and we are establishing a Hebrew, that is a Jewish state there,” vomited Ashkenazi-Israeli General Moshe Dayan, now deceased and soon to burn in hell war criminal.
Oh, the deception!
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” Luke 8:17
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws” – Mayer Amschel  Bauer Rothschild
The Rothschilds and their fellow Ashkenazic partners began their international control of money in Europe, and from there extended it throughout the world.
Wikipedia and the Jewish Encyclopedia clarify it thus:
“Mayer Rothschild’s strategy was to keep control of their banks in family hands, allowing them to maintain full secrecy about the size of their fortunes. In about 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia noted: ‘The practice initiated by the Rothschilds of having several brothers of a firm establish branches in the different financial centres of the world was followed by other Jewish financiers, like the Bischoffsheims, Pereires, Seligmans, Lazards and others, and these financiers obtained credit not alone with their Jewish confrères, but with the banking fraternity in general. By this means Jewish financiers obtained an increasing share of international finance during the middle and last quarter of the 19th century. The head of the whole group was the Rothschild family…’ “
1909 painting The Worship of Mammon by Evelyn De Morgan.
Worship of Mammon by Evelyn De Morgan
Said share of international finance reached its apex in 1913 when they finally established a Central Bank in America. It would be known as the Federal Reserve System. They managed to bring it to life by bribing their way through the US Government and Congress.
Such method was necessary because the Federal Reserve System is in fact a private enterprise that is pretending to be a US Government institution: the President of the United States appoints a Fed Chair whom the Senate confirms, largely for public consumption since said Chair does not take orders from either.
“The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board,” explained Republican Congressman of Minnesota Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. in 1923. “That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money.”
To conceal their scheme, the Rothschilds and their co-conspirators attached to said central bank the “FEDERAL” moniker, a clear misnomer intended to hoodwink gullible Americans. Quite the obvious pattern, isn’t it? As a result, money creation in the US went from the People’s Representatives to a group of wealthy men, who all strangely happened to be Ashkenazi Jews (except for their token non-Jewish partners):
1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.
2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.
3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
5. Lehman Brothers of NY.
6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).
7. Goldman Sachs of NY
8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank – Equitable Life – Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).
9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).
Dean Henderson, in his article The Federal Reserve Cartel, clearly explained and confirmed the private ownership of the Federal Reserve:
“J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank – by far the most powerful Fed branch – by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are,
• the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York
• the Rothschilds of Paris and London
• the Warburgs of Hamburg
• the Lazards of Paris
• the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome
“CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names,
• N.M. Rothschild of London
• Rothschild Bank of Berlin
• Warburg Bank of Hamburg
• Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
• Lehman Brothers of New York
• Lazard Brothers of Paris
• Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
• Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
• Goldman Sachs of New York
• JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York
Secrets of the Fed“Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others.
“The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as ‘conspiracy theory’. “
Woodrow Wilson bitterly regretted the bribe he took for his role in creating the Federal Reserve: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
Many pundits love to explain that the Federal Reserve is a partnership between the private banks and the Federal Government.
Bull biscuit!
the Fed“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions: they are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders,” clarified the Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s.
Pity the poor soul that believes the Fed is playing by the Federal Government’s rules! The only rule the Fed knows is the one that enriches its secret and not so secret members, regardless of how it destroys the US economy.
“Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders,” revealed Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the 1950s. “The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.”
According to Forbes, the Federal Reserve in 2008 alone – under the oh! so responsible watch of the Ashkenazi Jew Ben “Helicopter” Bernanke – single-handedly allocated “over $16 Trillion to corporations and banks internationally, purportedly for ‘financial assistance.’ ”
Other sources put it at close to $30 Trillion, twice the size of America’s GDP. And none of that money has been accounted for. These transactions were only discovered after a “quick audit” that then Congressman Ron Paul miraculously managed to squeeze out of the Fed when he was beating the drum trying to get Americans to pay attention to the secretive bank.
So who really got all that money? Was it only $16 – 30 Trillion? And how much money has actually been stolen since the founding of the Federal Reserve? No one knows. Not even Congress. And no politician would even utter a word about it. Plus notice how such brazen thievery did not get any play in the mainstream media.
If you think that these Ashkenazim who took control over the US Central banking system did not turn on the money spigot for their fellow Jews in order to create a Jewish stranglehold on the US economy and beyond, then you’re a bigger fool than Judas who sold his Lord for 30 pieces of silver.
“…the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands,” predicted Baruch Levi in his Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p574, June 1st. 1928.
No wonder close to half of all billionaires (“half” is what we’re told) in the US are Ashkenazi Jews. And it’s no coincidence either that they dominate all major US Corporations, especially their iron grip on the Mainstream Media, Social Media, BIG Pharma, and the Military Financial Digital Complex.
“In order to enslave the many, the greedy began to appropriate and accumulate the necessities of life and keep them tightly closed up, so that they might keep these bounties for themselves. They did this not for humanity’s sake (which was not in them at all), but to rake up all things as products of their greed and avarice. In the name of justice they made unfair and unjust laws to sanction their thefts and avarice against the power of the multitude. In this way they availed as much by authority as by strength of arms or overt evil,” wrote economist Michael Hudson.
By controlling the money supply they’re able to buy anything and anyone – anyone who serves the MONEY god that is. Said control abets the Jewish financiers to steer the US Government which in turn steers the world.
Peace Not ApartheidThe heart of the US Government is Congress. It is full of Judases who have sold out their country to said MONEY god.
“(America) is just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for President or being elected President,” revealed former President Jimmy Carter. “And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and Congress members.”
That is why all American politicians, and especially Congressmen (except for a handful few), kowtow to AIPAC (secretly known as the Ashkenazi-Israeli Political Action Committee), its bribe money, its control of the corrupt Federal Reserve, and its treasonous attitude in favor of Israel above American interests. Whatever Israel wants – including massive amount of financial aid, sexual slavery and pedophilia, organ trafficking and wanton murder, terrorism and wars – Israel gets.
As Pat Buchanan quipped, “Congress is Israeli-occupied territory.”
Occult Hexagram
The MONEY god
The only modern-day US politician who went head-to-head with the MONEY god was President Kennedy who was dead set against Israel’s nuclear program. So much so that he warned the Israeli PM, Ben-Gurion, that “this Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized.”
To protect America’s currency, knowing of the Jewish connection to the Federal Reserve, JFK then signed Executive Order 11110 which authorized the US Treasury to issue Silver Certificates and to coin Silver Dollars, a smart move that if fully implemented would have put the Federal Reserve out of commission. Strangely, five months after issuing said order, he was assassinated: Silver Certificates and Dollars were then tossed into the dustbin of oblivion, and Apartheid Israel’s nuclear program came to full fruition.
In an interview with the wife of Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK’s alleged assassin), she was quoted by author A.J. Weberman as saying, “The answer to the Kennedy assassination lies with the [Rothschild-controlled] Federal Reserve. It is wrong to blame it on only James Jesus Angleton and the CIA, per se. They are all fingers on the same hand. The people who control the money are above the CIA.”
Even the President of the United States is no match for the MONEY god and its hidden hand. Poor Kennedy (and subsequently his brother and his son who both had presidential ambitions and promised to bring JFK’s real killers to justice) had to be made an example of in order to warn all American politicians to beware of bearding the demons in their den.
President James Madison knew of the murderous streak of central bankers when he said, “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”
And who protects the central bankers of the Federal Reserve from the ire of the American people and the few patriots within the USG? Apartheid Israel with its nuclear arsenal, its biological weapons, its spy and assassination and blackmail network, its foreign agents within the US who operate various Jewish organizations such as AIPAC that set the Jewish agenda and maneuver the USG through bribes and intimidation, and its bloodthirsty army that occupies a stolen country serving as their base.
Jesus was right.
One cannot serve both God and Money. One must choose.
Money is governed by the principalities of hell. They know that most people fear them and won’t worship them, but that they sure will worship Money. And when they do, their hearts are no longer available to genuinely worship the true God whom these demons hate.
So those sly devils carefully chose whom they handed the control of money to. But, unfortunately for them and their minions, God is the one who has the final say.
Besides, Jesus already wrote the end of the story, and it favors those who worship Him:
“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Judahites and are not, but lie– I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.” Revelation 3: 9
The Matter of the US$ As World Reserve Currency
Excerpt from an article by Robert Freeman
Since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, the global economy has used the dollar as the primary currency of international trade. This has given the U.S. an “exorbitant privilege” in that it can essentially write an unlimited stream of hot checks to the world, because countries need dollars to be able to conduct international commerce. The U.S. “sells” them dollars by issuing Treasury debt, which is a universally fungible international medium of exchange.
One of the consequences of this arrangement is that it has allowed the U.S. to spend far beyond its means, running up $32 trillion of debt since 1980, when its national debt stood at a mere $1 trillion. The U.S. uses this debt to, among other things, fund its gargantuan military with its 800 military bases around the world, which it uses to do things like destroy Serbia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, and a host of lesser predations on other countries. All the world sees this and is repulsed by it.
The world sees how dollar hegemony underwrites the U.S.’ ability to carry out or attempt coups in Honduras, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Belarus, Egypt, Syria, and, of course, Ukraine, among others. And these are just those in the past two decades.
The same dollar hegemony underwrote U.S. predations in the latter part of the Twentieth Century against Iran, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Chile, Congo, Brazil, Indonesia, and dozens of other countries. Again, the rest of the world sees this. U.S. citizens, rapturously oblivious in their hermetically sealed media bubble, do not.
The world saw how the U.S. stole $300 billions of Russian funds that were held in Western banks, part of its sanctions regime against Russia for its role in the Ukraine war. They’ve seen how the U.S. has carried out similar thefts against dollar-denominated funds of Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Iran. It sees how the Federal Reserve’s raising of interest rates to take care of U.S. needs makes capital flow out of other countries, and how it makes their currencies fall, forcing inflation on them. Not a single country in the world is left untouched.
The cumulative impact of these facts is that many countries would rather not be held hostage to the implicit and explicit negative consequences of dollar hegemony. They also want to remove the “exorbitant privilege” that they believe the U.S. has abused to their individual and collective detriment.
They have begun—again, led by Russia and China—to build an international finance and trading system that doesn’t rely on dollars, that uses countries’ local currencies, gold, oil, or other assets to trade. This received special impetus last year when Saudi Arabia announced it would begin accepting Chinese yuan in exchange for its oil. Oil is the world’s most valued internationally-traded commodity, so the perception is that a dam is beginning to break.
It will take years before an equally functional substitute for the dollar is devised but what began a few years ago as a trickle has gained momentum and urgency as a consequence of U.S. actions in Ukraine. When the dollar is no longer the world’s international reserve currency and nations don’t need dollars to trade with each other, the U.S. will no longer be able to fund its massive budget and trade deficits by writing hot checks. The withdrawal will be agonizing and will greatly circumscribe the U.S.’ role as global hegemony.

Kings of Rome

Monday Jan 06, 2025

Monday Jan 06, 2025

Kings of Rome
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Rome traditionally had seven kings, the last three of whom were Etruscan (uh truh skin). This is one way in which the Etruscans exerted a massive impact on the development of early Rome. The first of these Etruscan kings was Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, who had an Etruscan mother and a Greek father. He expanded Rome’s power and territory through his military exploits. He also constructed the important sewer system in Rome.
Sabine (suh bean uh), Etruscan (uh truh skin) or Roman
The first 2 Kings were Sabine. The Sabines were an Italic tribe who lived in the Apennine Mountains of central Italy and in Latium before the founding of Rome. They were often at war with the early Romans, but were eventually granted citizenship in 268 BC. The Sabines were often at war with the early Romans, but were eventually granted citizenship in 268 BC. The legend of the Sabine Women explains the amalgamation of Latin and Sabine stock. The story goes that Romulus, the founder of Rome, hosted a festival for the Sabines and other neighboring peoples, and during the festivities, Roman young men kidnapped unmarried Sabine women to be their brides. In 290 BC, the Romans conquered the Sabines and incorporated them into the Roman state. They were initially given citizenship without suffrage, but received full citizenship in 268 BC. 
The last 3 Kings were The Etruscans. The Etruscans were an ancient people who lived in Italy and created a civilization that covered much of what is now Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio. They were the first highly civilized people in Italy and were known for their trade, art, and religion: They created the most powerful nation in Italy. They established the first great civilization on the Italian peninsula and influenced the Romans and present-day culture. Some of Rome's first kings were from Etruria, and the Etruscans may have founded the city-state of Rome. Sabines and Etruscans were distinct peoples with their own unique cultures and histories before the rise of Rome. Romans emerged from a blend of Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan influences.
Sabine, but considered myth. In Roman mythology, Romulus was one of twin brothers, alongside Remus, who are considered the legendary founders of the city of Rome; according to the myth, they were the sons of Rhea Silvia, a human woman, and the god Mars, and were raised by a she-wolf after being abandoned as babies in the Tiber River. Romulus killed his brother Remus to control Rome. Romulus and Remus were born in Alba Longa, one of the many ancient Latin cities near the Seven hills of Rome. Their mother Rhea Silvia, also known as Ilia, was a Vestal Virgin and the daughter of former king Numitor, who had been displaced by his brother Amulius.
Numa Pompilius
Sabine. Numa Pompilius, second of the seven kings who, according to Roman tradition, ruled Rome before the founding of the republic. Numa was the second king of Rome, succeeding Romulus after a one-year interregnum. He is said to have reigned from 715 to 673. However, many modern historians consider Numa to be pure legend and regard his reign as myth. He was of Sabine origin, and many of Rome's most important religious and political institutions are attributed to him, such as the Roman calendar, Vestal Virgins, the cult of Mars, the cult of Jupiter, the cult of Romulus, and the office of pontifex maximus.
Tullus Hostilius
Roman. Tullus Hostilius was the third king of Rome, ruling from 673–642 BC. He was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius, a war hero who fought alongside Romulus in the Roman war against the Sabines. Hostus died in the Sabine invasion of Rome. Tullus Hostilius, the third king of Rome, was a significant figure in early Roman history. He decisively defeated the neighboring city of Alba Longa, integrating its citizens into Rome and doubling the city's population. This victory led to the construction of the Curia Hostilia, the original Roman Senate house, to accommodate the expanded body. Tullus also established crucial institutions, including the college of the Fetiales, responsible for treaty negotiations, and the office of Pontifex Maximus, the head priest of the Roman state religion. He further strengthened Roman religious practices by establishing the cult of the Vestal Virgins and the Salii. Through these military and political achievements, Tullus expanded Roman territory and solidified the city's power in central Italy. He famously punished Mettius Fufetius, the treacherous leader of Alba Longa, for his betrayal, serving as a powerful deterrent to future enemies.
Ancus Marcius
Sabine. Ancus Marcius, the fourth king of Rome, was a complex figure known for both his peaceful and warlike traits. He was the grandson of Numa Pompilius, the second king, and inherited a mixture of religious piety and martial spirit. During his reign, Ancus Marcius expanded the territory of Rome through military conquests, particularly against the Latins. He also made significant infrastructural improvements, including the construction of the first Roman bridge across the Tiber, the founding of the port of Ostia at the mouth of the river, and the establishment of Rome's first prison. While much of the information about Ancus Marcius comes from later Roman historical accounts and may contain legendary or mythological elements, he remains a significant figure in the early history of Rome.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
Etruscan. The first king of the Etruscan dynasty was Lucius Tarquinius Priscus. He was the son of a Greek man named Demaratus who had fled to Italy to escape charges of sedition. Demaratus married an Etruscan woman, unnamed in the sources.
Their son Priscus married an Etruscan woman named Tanaquil, who was said to have been skilled in prophecy. Priscus was unable to rise to political power in Etruria due to the ethnicity of his father. Because of this, his wife Tanaquil encouraged him to move to Rome. There, he was able to pursue political power. According to the legendary sources, an eagle stole his cap from his head as he entered Rome, but then flew back and returned it to him. His wife interpreted this as an omen indicating that he would be powerful in the future. After the death of the reigning king, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus convinced the leading political men of Rome to make him king.
Priscus was, by all accounts, a powerful king. He was said to have expanded Rome’s borders through military conquests. His three main enemies throughout his reign were the Latins, the Sabines, and his own kinsmen, the Etruscans.
He first led the Romans in battle against the other Latin tribes. He was victorious over them, resulting in many of the Latin tribes becoming united, with Rome as the centralized power. After this, he fought against the Sabines, although he did not conquer them and more Latin towns were conquered. In retaliation for keeping some Etruscans held in prison for participating in the Sabine War, several Etruscan cities warred against Rome. Eventually, Priscus defeated them in battle and actually conquered the cities involved.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus was not just important for his military conquests. He also enacted some political reforms, such as adding many more families to the Roman Senate. He also commissioned the Circus Maximus, the first stadium built in Rome for chariot racing. More significantly, he constructed Rome’s great sewer, the Cloaca Maxima, as well as a wall around the city.
Servius Tullius
Etruscan. After Lucius Tarquinius Priscus died, he was succeeded by a man named Servius Tullius. However, he was not a son of Priscus. According to one tradition, recorded by Emperor Claudius, Servius was originally an Etruscan mercenary called Mastarna.
His mother was named Ocrisia. She was said to have been a noblewoman captured by the Romans during one of their attacks on Etruria. One tradition records how her husband was killed in the attack. A different tradition records that she was a virgin when she was taken, and she was impregnated by a deity. In any case, his mother was believed to be a slave in the household of the king. It is because of this “servile” origins that her child was named Servius.
Because of being part of the royal household, albeit as the son of a slave-woman, Servius Tullius was able to take advantage of some important opportunities. He married the daughter of Tarquinius Priscus and Tanaquil, whose name was Tarquinia. He ended up receiving political and military power while his father in law was ruling.
Servius was said to have performed many reforms in the city of Rome. In reality, many scholars today believe that these reforms occurred gradually, even over centuries. But in any case, one of the reforms attributed to Servius is that he allowed common landowners to vote. He also put into law the military obligations of all Romans. He reorganized the legislative body that had power over Rome and held a census of the people, which had never been done before.
Servius came to be remembered in later Roman tradition as a benevolent king and his death was viewed as a tragic event. But how did his death occur? Supposedly he was assassinated. His youngest daughter had married Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the son or grandson of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, the previous king. Together, they conspired to kill Servius. One day, Tarquinius Superbus went to Servius’ throne and sat himself down on it. He then gave a speech to the senators, strongly criticizing Servius for his background and his policies. When Servius arrived and was about to defend himself, Tarquinius pushed him down the steps. Tarquinius’ men then rushed over to him and murdered him.
Lars Porsenna
Etruscan. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus is generally considered to have been the last king of Rome, Etruscan or otherwise. However, there was another Etruscan king who may well have ruled Rome for a while. This king was named Lars Porsenna. He was the ruler of the powerful Etruscan town of Clusium. After his defeat at the Battle of Silvia Arsia, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus went to Lars Porsenna for help.
Porsenna then led an army against Rome. Whether he was able to actually enter and take control of the city is heavily debated by modern scholars. Some Roman sources say that he settled on peace terms with the besieged Romans and then withdrew. If he did occupy the city for a time, as some scholars believe, then Lars Porsenna would be the true final Etruscan king of Rome.
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Etruscan. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus then became the next king. He became known as “Superbus,” which means “proud” or “arrogant,” due to his refusal to allow Servius’ body to be buried. He then went about trying to firmly establish his power over the Romans. One way he did this was by killing any senators whom he thought were still loyal to Servius.
Lucius then tried to expand his power even further by gaining power over the other Latin tribes. Through deceit and manipulation to remove his opposers, he ended up forming a military alliance with almost all the other Latin towns, with Rome as the ruler. One of the cities that had refused to join the alliance with Rome was Gabii. Tarquinius Superbus went to war against it, but could not take it. Therefore, he sent his son, Sextus, there and had him pretend to have been suffering at the hands of his father. The city took him in and gave him command of their troops. Sextus then killed or banished all the prominent men of the city and then handed it over to his father.
It is clear that the reign of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was marked by cunning and subterfuge. He did not come to be remembered as a benevolent king. Many of the king’s actions disturbed the people greatly. However, what directly led to his downfall were really the actions of his son. His son, Sextus, raped a woman named Lucretia, the wife of Lucius Collatinus, one of the king’s relatives. Another relative of the king, Lucius Junius Brutus, took the lead in overthrowing the monarchy in retaliation for this act and for everything that the king had done.
Tarquinius was rejected by the common people as their king, and he fled in exile to the Etruscans. He received some military support, and with that he led an army against Rome. At the Battle of Silvia Arsia, Tarquinius was defeated, although the Roman army suffered heavy losses as well. Tarquinius tried a number of times over the years to regain control of Rome, but he was not successful.
Tarquinius Superbus's reign was short-lived. He was eventually overthrown, marking the end of the Roman monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic.
Since 509 BC, Rome was controlled by two factions. The Roman Republic and the Consuls. The Etruscans and the Greeks fought for influence. By 300 BC, Greek influence on Roman military tactics, philosophy, literature, art, and architecture was increasingly important.
509 BC is when the monarchy was finished. In 400 BC, Europe was a diverse and dynamic landscape, far from unified. The Greeks were a major force in the eastern Mediterranean, while the Romans were a rising power in Italy. Carthage, a Phoenician trading empire, held sway in the western Mediterranean. In central and western Europe, Celtic tribes dominated, alongside other groups like the Iberians, Illyrians, and Thracians. In the north, Germanic tribes were present. This period was characterized by constant political and military struggles between these various powers, with no single entity controlling the entire continent.
By 300 BC, the Mediterranean world was a scene of intense competition. The Greek city-states, while facing internal divisions, still held significant influence, while Rome was steadily expanding its power in Italy. Carthage, a powerful Phoenician trading empire, posed a major threat to Roman ambitions. In the north, Celtic tribes continued to dominate much of Europe, maintaining their own distinct cultures and societies. This period was marked by ongoing conflicts between these various powers, with the balance of power constantly shifting.
By 200 BC, Rome was rapidly expanding its power in Italy, while Carthage remained a formidable rival in the western Mediterranean. The Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage were intensifying, shaping the future of the Mediterranean world. In Greece, the Hellenistic kingdoms, successors to Alexander the Great's empire, were experiencing internal struggles and facing external threats. Celtic tribes continued to inhabit much of central and western Europe, maintaining their own distinct cultures and societies. This period was marked by intense competition and conflict between these major powers, with the balance of power in Europe shifting dramatically.
By 100 BC, Rome was the dominant power in the Mediterranean. Following their victories in the Punic Wars, the Romans had expanded their influence significantly, controlling much of Italy and parts of North Africa. However, the Roman Republic itself was facing internal turmoil, with growing social and political tensions. While Rome's military might was considerable, its grip on power was not yet absolute, and challenges remained from various external forces. 
In the year 200 BC Rome was battling the Phoenician Semitics from Carthage North Africa. The Carthaginians were fierce rivals of the Romans, and their conflicts, known as the Punic Wars, shaped the history of the Mediterranean world. While the ancient Roman families of Atilii, Fabii, and Valerii and the later European dynasties of Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Wettins, and Luxembourgs share no direct genealogical links, their histories are intertwined. The Roman Republic, with its concepts of citizenship, law, and political institutions, profoundly influenced the development of later European monarchies and empires. Though separated by centuries and geography, the successes and failures of Roman families like the Atilii, Fabii, and Valerii undoubtedly served as inspiration or cautionary tales for the rulers of these later dynasties.
By 1 AD, the Roman Empire had emerged as a dominant force in Europe. Following the rise of Augustus Caesar, Rome had transitioned from a Republic to an Empire, expanding its territories significantly. Roman rule extended across much of Italy, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), Gaul (France), parts of Britain, and significant portions of the Balkans. While not all of Europe was under direct Roman control, Roman influence was widespread, impacting culture, law, and infrastructure across the continent.
Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar became emperor of Rome in the first century BC. There were three family dynasties that controlled Europe:
The Julii Caesares
The Octavii
The Claudii
These family connections, combined with his own political acumen and military victories, allowed Augustus to consolidate power, establish the Roman Empire, and usher in an era of relative peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana.
Tiberius was Augustus's adopted son and step-son. He ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD. Caligula ruled as Roman Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD. After Caligula, Claudius became Emperor of Rome. Claudius was Caligula's uncle. He ruled from 41 AD to 54 AD. After Claudius, Nero became Emperor of Rome. Nero ruled from 54 AD to 68 AD. After Nero, Galba became Emperor of Rome. This period, from 68-69 AD, is known as the "Year of the Four Emperors" because several emperors rose and fell in quick succession: Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and finally Vespasian. After Vespian Titus ruled from 79 AD to 81 AD. After Titus, his brother Domitian became Emperor of Rome. Domitian ruled from 81 AD to 96 AD. After Domitian, Nerva became Emperor of Rome. Nerva ruled from 96 AD to 98 AD. Following Nerva was Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, 
Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus Thrax, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus and Balbinus, Gordian III, Philip the Arab, Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian, Valerian, Gallienus, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, Tacitus, Florian, Probus, Carus, Carinus, Numerian, Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius Chlorus, Galerius, Severus II, Maxentius, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constans, Constantius II , Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Honorius, Valentinian III, Petronius Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Libius Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos and finally Romulus Augustulus.
After the fall of Rome in 476 AD, these 5 powers controlled Europe
Visigoths: Controlled parts of Spain and southern Gaul.
Ostrogoths: Established a powerful kingdom in Italy.
Franks: A Germanic people who gradually gained power in Gaul, eventually establishing the Frankish Empire under Charlemagne.
Anglo-Saxons: Invaded and settled in Britain, forming several Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
Byzantine Empire: The Eastern Roman Empire continued to thrive in the east, exerting influence over parts of the Balkans and the Mediterranean.
Rise of the Church: The Christian Church played an increasingly important role in European society, providing a degree of stability and cultural unity.   
Viking Invasions: Beginning in the 8th century, Viking raids disrupted much of northern and western Europe, leading to further instability and fragmentation.   
Emergence of Feudalism: The feudal system, with its hierarchical social structure and decentralized power, became the dominant political and social order in much of Europe.
Before World War One, there were 5 German families that ruled the world. The Habsburg, Hohenzollern, Wittelsbach, Wettin (Now Windsor), and Luxembourg. They all controlled Europe. The data shows these families started world war 1 and word war 2. They came together under one accord and created both the Axis and The Allies. The goal was to destroy the Ottoman Empire and take over Palestine to install Israel for more control in the Middle East. These are the real Black Nobility Families.
Europe was controlled by the German Swabian houses starting in the 11th century until around the Spanish Inquisition or 1500 AD:
After these families were defeated during the Anglo-Prussian war, we have the 13 black nobility families who gained control and power over Europe, however the Habsburgs married into most of the black nobilities while the Windsor continued their reign separately on purpose as the 5 German houses planned this move:
Conti de Segni
Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona
Orsini Di Pitigliano
Chigi-Albani Della Rovere
Doria Pamphilj-Landi
The lineage from the German Houses to the Italian Houses are as follows: 
Medici and Habsburgs:
Most Direct Link: Catherine de' Medici, a member of the powerful Medici family, married Henry II of France. Their descendants, including Henry IV of France, played a significant role in European politics. Henry IV's daughter, Henrietta Maria, married King Charles I of England, establishing a connection to the Stuart dynasty. While not a direct link to the Habsburgs, this illustrates how intermarriage connected Italian families to other major European royal houses.
Borgia and Spanish Royalty:
The Borgia family had strong ties to the Spanish royal family (Aragon). This connection, while indirect, links them to the Habsburgs through the marriage of Philip the Handsome (Habsburg) to Joanna of Castile (daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain). Este and German Dynasties: The Este family, through strategic marriages and political alliances, interacted with various German dynasties. While direct links to the Hohenzollerns, Wettins, or Wittelsbachs might be difficult to prove, their involvement in European politics created potential avenues for indirect connections.
Papal Influence:
Families like the Borgia, Farnese, and Medici, who held significant influence in the Papal States, often interacted with Holy Roman Emperors (often from the Habsburg dynasty). These interactions, while not always familial, created political and diplomatic connections.
The real recorded breakaways of the last centuries from the German Houses are the Borgia, Farnese, Este & Medici who descended from the 5 German Houses. These are the true powerhouses that have been controlling the world since 1500 until the Wettins took power under the name Windsors after 1665-1666 during the black plague when London was established as the financial center for the new world order. Central Banking was used to gain power and the Queen owned a lot of land.
It appears that the German Windsors have been in control of the world by controlling London, Washington DC and The Vatican. From my research, the Wettins Windsors are not related to the Borgia, Farnese, Este or Medici families. The Wettins (changed their name to Windsor): Held territory in Saxony. Lutheranism, Roman Catholicism, and a mix of both. Germanic Vandals and Suebi established themselves in Spain and later in North Africa, and the Visigoths exploited the disorder to rebel, especially after the election of Alaric as king. Marching to Italy, they demanded better terms, and, when these were not forthcoming, they sacked Rome on August 24, 410. Even though Rome was no longer capital of the empire, the sack was a profound shock for the people of the empire.
Wettins & Habsburgs
These are the two German Families that are controlling both sides. The Wettins are aligned with the Habsburgs. Whatever was left over since World War 2, the Wettins controlled the West and the Habsburgs controlled the East. 800 years of the House of Wettin who ruled over what we now know as the land of Saxony (eastern part of Germany). It portrays 35 margraves, electors, dukes and kings from 1127 to 1904. This is when they changed their name to remove the German Lineage. Advisors to King George V searched for an acceptable  surname for the British royal family, but Wettin was rejected as "unsuitably comic". An Order in Council legally changed the name of the British royal family to "Windsor" (originally suggested by Lord Stamfordham) in 1917. 
It’s the Windsors who are actually the ruling elite of today’s world who control NATO which is Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and The United States. Their rival are the Habsburgs. They both are friends and cooked up this plan for a new world order. This is the data. This is fact and Academia would prove me right, except for who controls what. The Psyop of the 13 illuminated families and the Zoroastrian bloodlines appear to be a decoy. Although the black nobilities, illuminati and Jesuits have helped pave the way for the two families, the data points to this revelation. And I wouldn’t have found the links unless I looked at the original Kings of Rome.
In fact, the real Kings of Rome are as follows: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian., Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus Thrax, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus and Balbinus, Gordian III, Philip the Arab, Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian, Valerian, Gallienus, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, Tacitus, Florian, Probus, Carus, Carinus, Numerian, Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius Chlorus, Galerius, Severus II, Maxentius, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constans, Constantius II , Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Honorius, Valentinian III, Petronius Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Libius Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos, Augustus Caesar, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Habsburgs and Windsors.
They say all roads lead to Rome. Well, Rome was destroyed and dismantled. That road was detoured to London, Washington DC and The Vatican. All three entities are controlled by the Windors as King George is The World Postmaster. We know this because of Russell-Jay: Gould who captured the Title IV flag back in 1999 which put a dent into the Windsor plans for a New World Order. King George controls all harbors and posts. According to most sources, the Windsor family, or the British Royal Family, owns over 6.6 billion acres of land worldwide, which is roughly one-sixth of the planet's landmass; this includes land in the UK, Canada, Australia, and other Commonwealth nations. Most of this land is managed through the Crown Estate, which includes agricultural land, forests, coastal areas, and commercial properties. 1/6th of the world! According to most information, the Catholic Church owns significantly more land than the Windsor family, making them the largest private landowner globally; their land holdings include churches, schools, and other properties across the world.
The Catholic Church owns an estimated 177 million acres of land around the world, which is roughly the size of Texas and twice the size of Germany. This makes it the second-largest private landowner in the world, and one of the largest nongovernmental landowners. According to most sources, the third largest land owner globally is the Inuit people of Nunavut, who own a vast territory in northern Canada, with the land title granted to them by the Canadian government through the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement of 1993. According to the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, the Inuit people of Nunavut own approximately 86,486,883 acres, which is roughly a fifth of the total land area of Nunavut territory. According to most sources, the fourth largest land owner worldwide is Gina Rinehart, an Australian mining magnate and businesswoman owning 23 million acres estimated worth over 30 billion. Keep in mind the Windors control Australia. According to most sources, the 5th largest landowner in the world is considered to be the Inuvialuit people of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in Canada. This group owns over 22 million acres of land in the northern Yukon and Northwest Territories. According to most reports, the 6th largest landowner in the world is the Irving Family. The Irving family, owners of J.D. Irving Ltd., manage 1.9 million acres of forested land in Canada and the U.S. Their holdings are primarily used for timber and paper production, making them a powerhouse in sustainable forestry. According to most sources, the 7th largest landowner in the world is the Australian Agricultural Company, with the majority ownership held by British billionaire Joe Lewis; making him the primary figure associated with this large landholding of 17 million acres or 1% of Australia’s land mass. According to most reports, the 8th largest landowner in the world is the Singleton Family. The Singleton Family is often listed as the 8th largest landowner based on data from "The Land Report" which indicates they own around 1.1 million acres of land. The Singleton family is thought to have originated in England and immigrated to Virginia in the early days of American settlement. According to most sources, the 10th largest landowner in the world is the Handbury Group, which owns properties like "The Rises" in Western Australia and "Swinging Shovel" in South Australia. The Handbury Group is a large landowning company in Australia, recognized as one of the biggest private landowners in the world, primarily known for owning properties like "Swinging Shovel" in South Australia and "The Rises" in Western Australia; the family behind the group are the Handburys, with notable members including Paddy Handbury, who is related to media mogul Rupert Murdoch who owns 2 million acres of land.
All Australian and Britain companies and families own the largest masses of land except for the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation of Canada. The IRC was created to manage the affairs of the Inuvialuit settlement and to improve their economic, social, and cultural well-being. The IRC's mandate comes from the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, which was created to ensure that the Inuvialuit people have control over their land and resources. The Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee (ICPC) was founded on the principle that an equal partnership between Inuit and the Crown is essential to reconciliation. The Committee meets three times a year. Once a year, it is co-chaired by the Prime Minister and the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. So, the Crown controls this land mass along with the Eskimos. This land mass the northern Canada which stretches all the way up the side of Greenland. The reason I bring up the 10 largest land owners worldwide is to prove that the Windsor Family owns more land than anyone else and I believe every one of those independent land owners are working with the Crown. I am reminded of the video that I saw of King Charles mentioning the Antichrist. Watch this:
Military Style Campaign against the Global Private Sector? Trillions of dollars at whose disposal? Private sector doesn’t want it. Put a value on carbon?
What is the Terra Carta Roadmap? Deriving its name from the historic Magna Carta, which inspired a belief in the fundamental rights and liberties of people over 800 years ago, the Terra Carta aims to reunite people and planet, by giving fundamental rights and value to Nature, ensuring a lasting impact and tangible legacy for this generation. The Terra Carta is a mandate setting ambitious and practical action to help the private sector accelerate their progress towards a sustainable future. This is the The C40 , a global network of mayors, from 96 of the world’s leading cities have also affirmed their support for the Sustainable Market’s Initiative, including the blueprint set out in the Terra Carta for the transition to a sustainable future.
King Charles is now aiming his power and wealth towards all the smart city mayors all around the world. Instead of going through Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senate, Houses and Courts, he is planning on sending all populations to smart cities for the green initiative for global world control. I do believe that the 13 Zoroastrian and 13 illuminati families are just pawns allowed to keep their wealth as long as they succumb to German authority. The Crown has been right in our face all along. They used the Tavistock institute to create controlled opposition to offer truth mixed with lies in order to steal the anons in the wrong direction. After this report, I am no longer giving the bloodline conspiracies of both 13 families as controlling the Jesuits. It’s pretty clear that the Windsor family controls London, The Catholic Church (Vatican) and Washington DC.
Trump does lean toward Scottish traits and not his German as he’s basically from both. The Scotts have a horrible history with the Crown and never wanted to be under it. There could be a possibility that Trump is trying to take down the Windor’s and there are some pieces of evidence that he is doing just that. Like their crests are taken down and other small insignificant things that doesn’t prove anything. However, our enemy is more cunning and baffling which has been able to keep control of Rome and the World since at least the dark ages. If Trump is against the Windors and Habsburgs, then he has to have full cooperation with Russia and China to take them out of power. Time will tell.
Gemini AI

Sunday Jan 05, 2025

The Grand Jury: Court of Public Opinion
Watch this on Rumble:
I found a website called Stop World Control Dot Com of some the most prominent critical thinkers. A panel of 11 lawyers and 1 judge who all worked for the CDC, WHO, Marines, NSA, United Nations, Royal Navy and Pfizer. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Alex Thomson, Matthew Ehret, Brian Gerrish, Debbie Evans, James Bush, Dr. Silvia Behrendt and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger all academia experts who did a panel and submitted their evidence to the UN which fell on deaf ears.
The United Nations have an official agenda to reduce the world population to half a billion people. The survivors must be ruled by them, the elites. Learn how they plan to do this, and what you can do to protect yourself. Sign up to receive life-saving information.
The original plan of the pandemic was to have at least 10 years of lockdowns, due to ongoing virus variants. During these years all dissenting and unvaccinated people would be rounded up in FEMA camps. Something happened that stopped it.
Virtually the entire world is owned by one single corporation: Vanguard. This effective monopoly gives them the power to control governments, news media, health organizations, and much more. 
Thousands of scientists are warning the world that climate change is a dangrous hoax, designed to be the excuse for submitting the human race to unprecedented tyranny and remove everyones rights, freedoms and even private possessions.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been filing successful lawsuits against large fraudulent corporations for almost three decades and is a world leader in this field. He has listened to more than 150 leading experts in all fields of science, from around the world - and has gathered nothing but evidence. He is joined by 10 other lawyers and a judge, who similarly have been conducting in-depth quality research - something that is being suppressed in our current culture, in which unquestioning obedience is expected, intelligent investigation is warned against, and the results of true scientific research are often being censored.
Our World Freedom Directory contains over 600 organizations around the world, all of whom confirm the information revealed in this document, and who are standing with us to defend the freedom and future of humanity.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a world-renowned trial lawyer with almost three decades of experience in filing successful lawsuits against large fraudulent corporations like Deutsche Bank, Volkswagen, etc. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Fuellmich observed apparent criminal practices committed by media and governments worldwide. He founded the Corona Investigative Committee and began an extensive investigation, during which he interviewed over 150 experts from all fields of science. Many of these experts are recognized as world leaders in their field of expertise, and some are Nobel Prize recipients.
This elite has made several attempts at so-called ‘New World Orders’, which have all failed. They almost succeeded in reining in the United States, but failed there as well. Now they are using pandemics - and other orchestrated disasters which they have planned - to further their goal of world domination, using psychological techniques to get the world population to blindly obey their every command, under the guise of ‘keeping everybody safe’. Simply stated: they create a crisis and then offer the solution, which always brings more of their tyranny.
Mind control has for a long time been at the heart of their strategy. After three industrial revolutions, a fourth industrial revolution is now emerging that focuses on owning the minds of the people. The deeper purpose of the vaccination programs is to edit the genome of humanity, and thus create a new transhuman race that will behave according to the desires of the oligarchs. Although this has always been the ultimate desire of tyrants in the past, only now does technology allow the genetic modification of humanity to become the perfect slaves.
Alex Thomson is a former officer of Britain’s Signal Intelligence Agency,
GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA (National Security Agency, USA).
He was desk officer for the former Soviet Union and a transcriber of intercepted material. Thomson was part of GCHQ’s cross disciplinary team for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats: CBRN.
As an intelligence officer, Alex learned about the British strategy for world domination. He explains the historic background and the current power structure of the British Empire, and how the COVID-19 pandemic plays a key role in their agenda.
According to Alex, The City of London is the financial heart of the British Empire and the dominant power in the world. It has readied itself for that position from roughly 1870. The modern world, the monopolization, the cartelization of the world, begins at that time. Everything we do in the investigation of the corruption emanating from British Crown monopolies and City of London money does seem to point back to this period from around 1870, in which there were several revolutions by the British elite.
Briefing Doc: Analysis of "Grand-Jury-Evidence-1-Apr8.pdf"
Main Theme: This document presents testimony alleging a long-standing conspiracy by a global elite, centered in the City of London, to achieve world domination through financial control, psychological manipulation, and ultimately, genetic modification. There was a revolution in what you might call mind space, which since 2010 has been an explicit term used by the British government’s central department, the Cabinet Office.
A revolution in the quality of education offered to British and other Western schoolchildren.
A revolution in the theft of intellectual property by the elite.
A revolution in the model of healthcare and free access to it.
At home, a constitutional revolution from the classic British Liberal democracy model.
This has all happened since 1870, and in Britain it was largely complete by the crucial year 1947-1948, when Britain had the unique situation of a National Health Service, and was pushing the way towards the military unification of the European continent and the whole of NATO.
Note by James: In 1870 the Franco-Prussian war where Germany was to be united by the 5 families. Both the British and the German elite were determined to achieve world domination, both industrially and in the mind space.
The Georgetown University history academic, Carroll Quigley, former tutor of Bill Clinton, wrote in his book, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, that there have been four industrial revolutions. Yes, that familiar language now coming from the World Economic Forum was already being written about in the 1960's by Quigley. The perspective which is being assumed here is that of who owns the population, first in Britain and then in the British Empire.
First revolution: the ownership of land, of agricultural means provides wealth
Second revolution: mechanical - industrial
Third revolution: financial capital dominates the world. It's from this period, around 1870 onwards, that the smart money in the City of London realizes that even this bubble is going to burst.
The most efficient way to own the world in the future will be to own the minds. That is the fourth industrial revolution. The City of London’s trading model emphasized the importance of controlling not only military force or physical assets, but the minds of people, now known as human resources. This is why science fiction began speaking about ownership of man’s genetic makeup from this time.
Key Players:
The City of London: Highlighted as an independent entity with undue influence over global finance, exceeding even the British government's control.
Select Bloodlines: Testimony specifically names Rothschild, Rhodes, and Astor families as key players in this elite network.
Tax-Exempt Foundations: These organizations are accused of implementing the agenda of the elite through strategic funding and influence.
Think Tanks: Entities like Chatham House are portrayed as tools to advance the elite's agenda on Western governments.
Intelligence Agencies: MI5, GCHQ, and the CIA are accused of playing a key role in surveillance, propaganda, and psychological operations.
Bill Gates: His influence on global health policy, particularly through GAVI and his funding of the WHO, is depicted as highly problematic and driven by profit motives.
Methods of Control:
Financial Domination: Control of global finance is presented as the foundation of the elite's power, enabling them to influence governments and dictate global events.
Psychological Manipulation: The document heavily emphasizes the use of applied psychology, propaganda, and media control to shape public opinion and behavior. Techniques like MINDSPACE are mentioned as tools for manipulating the masses.
Genetic Modification: The document raises concerns about the potential for genetic editing to be used for control, even suggesting the possibility of "copyrighting" human beings. Vaccines are presented as a possible delivery mechanism for such technology.
Control of Healthcare: The document alleges that healthcare systems are being manipulated and corrupted to serve the elite's agenda, with examples like the NHS being used for data collection and control.
Historical Context:
The British Empire: The document argues that the British Empire never truly ended and continues to exert control through various means.
Failed New World Orders: Previous attempts at establishing global governance systems, such as the League of Nations, are presented as failures, but the current pandemic is portrayed as a renewed effort in this direction.
World Wars and Crises: Testimony suggests that the elite orchestrated events like World Wars I and II to further their goals, and that the current pandemic is a manufactured crisis designed to advance their agenda.
Important Quotes:
"The City of London is understood to own the population - body, mind and soul." - Alex Thomson
"The most efficient way to own the world in the future will be to own the minds. That is the fourth industrial revolution." - Alex Thomson
"They regard the real wealth as human minds and health, and the ability to alter and copyright, in time, the human being into a new model that would behave as expected." - Alex Thomson
“Canada was created to promote the interests of the British Empire.” - Matthew Ehret
"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order – when we are successful – and we will be – we have a real chance at this new world order." - George Bush (1990)
"These viruses don’t accidentally get out. You can take them out. When I worked there, I could walk out any day with yersinia pestis, with HIV, with tuberculosis, all kinds of coronaviruses." - Whitney Webb
"WHO Constitution Article 21(19), 21a and 2, are binding Member States directly if they adopt the International Health Regulations. So they don’t need to go through the whole procedure of a treaty. That’s why it’s very dangerous. This WHO Constitution is like it was planned to supersede all constitutions of the world." - Astrid Stuckelberger
"So ultimately what we’re looking at is private associations, private individuals even, taking over our national governments through the World Health Organization, using health as a crowbar to do whatever they want." - Reiner Fuellmich
The real black nobility are the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Windors and Luxembourgs. 
A key figure from the year 1870 is that of John Ruskin, seemingly an innocuous figure because he was the first professor of art at Oxford; however, he brought in the doctrine that the British elite really had a duty to export its own world view to the rest of the world. And a key student whom he inspired was Cecil Rhodes, who became fabulously wealthy in Southern Africa. Cecil Rhodes wrote secret diaries and formed secret societies. In 1891, after 16 years of planning, his primary secret society was formed, and the Rhodes Scholarships are part of that society. Oxford members of the Rhodes network were the likes of Lord Toynbee and Lord Milner, well-known geo-strategists. In Cambridge were the future Foreign Secretaries, Lord Grey and Lord Esher. In London was the leading journalist at the time, W.T. Stead. Initiates and members of the Executive Committee of Cecil Rhodes were the above-named men, plus Lord Rothschild. After Rhodes’ death in 1902, other leading English bloodlines that repeatedly plagued the City of London history, such as the Astors, came into the same circle. The outer circle became known as the Round Table Group, still functioning in the United States and seven other countries, established from 1909 onward. This group regarded the success of the Canadian Federation in 1867 as its leading case study. Canada was effectively politically unified.
Note from James: Rothschilds were just a vessel underneath the German Elite. Also, Canada is in a mad rush to execute the German Houses’ world domination power structure. Trump uniting Canada could either be part of this or him rebelling against the houses. Although I do see some evidence that Trump is warring against them, I don’t have enough to convince me he’s a good guy and really cares about people. Mr. Grab ‘em by the pussy. Trump did say at a world economic forum event that it’s time to stop the end of the world scare tactics. But of all the evidence I have done on the Zoroastrian families, all I see is he is one of them.
This is very contemporary as well, because among the many Rhodes scholars that dominate world politics and push the world towards globalism are Bill Clinton and, from the World Economic Forum, the New Zealand lady professor Ngaire Woods, who this year became very well known for stating at the WEF that the elite can do beautiful things if they come together and if the people of the world simply accept that they are in the lead. This vision [of Rhodes, for world domination] did not remain just the raving of a particularly wealthy Englishman - the elites nativized themselves in the United States in the so-called Eastern Establishment, the Eastern Seaboard, as the United States became the world’s dominant power. The key testimony on this issue is that of Norman Dodd, given shortly before his death in 1982 to G. Edward Griffin, easily found online as Norman Dodd on the tax-exempt foundations. Dodd was the key staffer for B. Carroll Reese, the congressman from East Tennessee who in the 1950's, on behalf of Congress, carried out an investigation into the effect of these tax exempt foundations in the United States.
These foundations implemented the City of London’s and Cecil Rhodes’ vision for world domination.
It is not enough to be - by far - the world’s greatest military and economic power. If your mind space is still controlled by the unexamined assumption that everyone at the top is paid up to liberty, then a club with self-interest is still going to run the world. And even in areas such as healthcare, which Britain first socialized in 1948, you’re going to find that people wrongly and blithely assume that their best interests are kept at heart.
The offshoot of the City of London in Manhattan - Wall Street - funded both sides of both world wars. Serious academics such as Anthony Sutton at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University in California have written entire books about this, entitled Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. There was an entire trail of documents which was recovered by Anthony Sutton. It cost him his tenure at Stanford. What he found was that both the Soviet Union and the Third Reich were brought into being for the interests of the City of London, and more particularly, its Wall Street end.
Just one example of the total reach of British intelligence in areas which it is not constitutionally able or permitted to have, is that MI5 (Military Intelligence Section 5), even before the Second World War, was vetting who got onto the airwaves of the BBC, who got promoted and who got transferred. This was set up by the bloodlines to further their private aims. The British Cabinet Office is openly speaking about its control of the world’s thinking and the thinking of the British people. They’re labeling parts of the brain under the label of MINDSPACE.
Their document says: “Even if people agree with the behavior goal, they may object to the means of accomplishing it. The different MINDSPACE effects will attract different levels of controversy. There are several factors that determine controversy. "The goal is therefore to make sure that citizens don't fully realize that their behavior is being changed,
or at least how it is being changed. "Clearly, this opens government up to charges of manipulation. People have a strong dislike of being tricked. This dislike has a psychological grounding, but fundamentally it is an issue of trust in government. A lack of conscious control also has implications for consent and freedom of choice. First, it creates a greater need for citizens to approve the use of the behavior change, perhaps using new forms of Democratic engagement."
In this model, democracy is the highest good that’s sold - but the levers for manipulating democracy are in the hands of the cartel.
A 2016 report called The New Colonialism, by a non-profit organization that conducted audits on the British interest, states: “101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange – most of them British – have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period, and it is still the case today.” There is also a strange, little-known organization called the Crown Agents, which is affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the World Bank. It was set up in 1833 as an emanation of The Crown. It’s not part of the government. It doesn’t come from the consent of the governed. Its authority comes from the singular sovereign, The Crown, as a hereditary institution.
It was set up as a branch of the British Colonial Office to manage infrastructure – hard and soft – of the international colonies of the Empire. Accordingly, Crown Agents has been managing the health infrastructure, including covid protocols, of Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine. It also manages many African countries, including South Sudan and Myanmar. And it deals with governance. It helps these countries adapt their governing mechanisms according to World Bank and IMF standards. That’s just one aspect in terms of the maintenance of the shadow Empire. An important point about this Commonwealth / City of London-managed system is that the Cayman Islands and offshore banking is at the center of it. Internationally, you have 24% of the financial services moving through a lot of British-controlled Cayman Islands, Caribbean, and other offshore tax havens.
It was discovered that HSBC was the number one offshore account money laundering bank in the world.
There have been several attempts at new world orders. What we’re seeing today is not a new thing. In 1919, you had the creation of Chatham House; you had the creation of the Versailles and the League of Nations, all orchestrated by Lord Milner, who at this time was a leading figure controlling British foreign policy along with many other Round Tablers.
This was also part of the Imperial Federation, similar to the European Union - this was what they wanted for the world - that failed. Why did it fail? Because people in Canada resisted, the lorry Liberals resisted, Irish Free State movements resisted, and people like Warren Harding (who was assassinated) resisted. You had nationalists who resisted and didn’t succumb to this pressure at the time. They tried again. In 1933 there was the International Bankers Conference in London, centered
around the Bank of International Settlements and the Bank of England. Sixty-six nations had been a part of it, all with the design that the Great Depression would be solved by moving sovereignty economically from nation states into officially essential bankers’ codery under the
Bank of England. And the only reason for its failure after six months was that Franklin Roosevelt pulled the US delegations out of all participation. It all just fell apart.
Then there was another attempt in 1944. John Maynard Keynes was assigned this time to represent the British Empire at the Bretton Woods Conference, with the idea of a currency run by the Bank of England called “the Bancor,” an international exchange rate that would effectively be a one world currency. This was backed with the idea of Americans (who had come out of World War II as the only unbroken country) being the battering ram or the enforcers of an Anglo- American reconquering of the nations of the world. Many of these nations had fought during the war, and many had ideas of independence and freedom alive in their hearts. This was not acceptable.
The book As He Saw It was written in 1946 by Roosevelt’s son and his personal assistant Elliot Roosevelt. It documents a lot of the battles between Roosevelt versus the Churchill gang that were always trying to  pull the U.S. into a Brotherhood of Control – à la Cecil Rhodes, à la Five Eyes – which was already what was creeping up and happening from the Black Chamber being transformed into the NSA in 1930, which became integrated more and more into the British Five Eyes thing. Roosevelt was told to clean out the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), which was like a British Foreign office. But there were still a lot of Patriots and nationalists embedded in American intelligence within the OSS who were problematic for those trying to take control, who had pretty much occupied most of the State Department by this time.
You have Enrico Mattei, the Italian industrialist. You have Dag Hammarskjöld, the Secretary General of the UN, who had a grand program to end imperialism and promote industrial development in a variety of countries, especially in South Africa. Charles de Gaulle had avoided 30 assassination attempts. John F. Kennedy and Patrice Lumumba. I didn’t put everybody on here who was either assassinated or overthrown in CIA-MI6-directed coups. But this was a period of looking for cooperation & win-wins. That’s why JFK offered the Russians the ability to work with the United States on a joint space program. So that would be something to break us away, to liberate us from this mathematical balance-of-terror way of governance.
After the age of assassinations, the focus has always been
to take back control of the United States.
Kissinger is a key figure in much of this. In January, 1971, the Inter-Alpha Group of banks was created under the blueprint of Lord Jacob Rothschild. The Inter-Alpha Group was set up in each of the focused European countries to advance a new doctrine of deregulation, centralizing power away from nation states, especially in Europe, and moving it into the private supranational coterie of corporate and financial interests above national authorities. Many of these Inter-Alpha banks were tied to financial activities supporting fascism’s rise, whether Franco, Mussolini or Hitler. In the same month, the World Economic Forum was founded by one of Kissinger’s prodigies, Klaus Schwab. One of the co-founders was Maurice Strong, a Canadian oligarch who was picked by the Rockefellers and who also was a co-founder of the Canadian Club of Rome. Another co-founder was Prince Philip, the guy who’s often quoted as wanting to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve the world's overpopulation problem. On August 15, 1971, Kissinger and Schultz, running the Nixon administration, orchestrated the removal of the dollar from the gold  reserve. Without speculation, it was difficult to conduct economic warfare against nations trying to develop their infrastructure and their industrial base, which has always been, even going back to the 19th century, a tool used by the Empire to keep nations destabilized. So, the fixed exchange rate had to go. It guaranteed too much stability. By floating the dollar, they created the desired chaos. Under President Carter, the Trilateral Commission took over. Nearly every member of Carter’s cabinet was a member of the Trilateral Commission. People like Paul Volcker, who became the Fed chair, called for a controlled disintegration of the U.S. economy in 1979, wherein interest rates were raised to 20% or more for two years, destroying small and medium-sized businesses and only leaving these behemoth multinational companies able to survive and thrive, and gobble up companies under mergers and acquisitions.
Henry Kissinger described how he preferred the Churchill way of thinking about geopolitics over the Roosevelt idea. Total admission; no attempt to hide it. They just admit it. They just assume that we’re too dumb to put words and actions together.
Lord Jacob Rothschild delivered a speech in 1983 in which he referred to the breakdown of the division of bank activities between commercial, investment, trust and insurance. All of these had formerly, under Roosevelt, been designed in separate compartments so you couldn’t speculate with people’s savings. Rothschild sought to remove this system and replace with universal banking that does everything. Then came the cancerous tumor called derivatives ($2 trillion by 1992), creating worldwide debt enslavement, followed by the dissolution of the Soviet Union the same year. The end of history is being celebrated.
George Bush states in 1990 at the opening of the Kuwait War: “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order – when we are successful – and we will be – we have a real chance at this new world order."
The separation of US commercial banking from speculation was broken down by Clinton - Rhodes Scholar, the last act in office. And then from that point forward came the ushering in of just the biggest cancer of derivatives, going from $2 trillion in 1992 to $70 trillion in 1999 - by
that point, overlapping the U.S. global GDP. Yet all the banks are "too big to fail", or so they would have us believe, so we have to bail them out. And so, by 2007, when the next collapse hit, there was $708 trillion of derivatives weighing down the system, far outweighing the $15
trillion of the U.S. GDP. A real economy only works if you have the financial side always servicing and improving upon the real side – manufacturing, infrastructure, science. If finance isn't servicing those, it's a bubble that will pop. That’s why the bubble that was created today was a planned disintegration and was always designed for 1971 to disintegrate. The question is, when would be the pinprick? The pinprick has happened. Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you, Matthew. Let me just verify that I understand you correctly. The main point is that the British Empire has never ceased to exist. It is still there. Colonialism is still existing, except it's existing under a different name. It has never stopped trying to pull the United States back in, but for some reason, it hasn’t really been successful.
Because a lot of people still think - especially in America - a lot of the Patriots who don’t like The Great Reset tend to have fallen for certain traps that have given them a narrative – it’s the Cold War narrative – that the real enemy behind everything is not the British Empire. It’s not the oligarchy, it’s not that. It’s the Chinese communists that want to destroy your freedoms - that’s who’s behind everything. A lot of people fall into that, and I think that to the degree that they hold onto those Cold War narratives, they’re going to self-sabotage their overarching desires to have a successful battle against this oligarchical thing.
Brian Gerrish, a former UK Royal Navy officer, specialized in the tracking of submarines, who is currently an investigative journalist and
senior editor of the UK Column. He is joined by one of their expert researchers, Debbie Evans, who was a government advisor at the Department of Health for the UK. They reveal documents evidencing something of great concern: the governments are using applied psychology and hypnosis to create fear and anxiety in the population, with the goal of changing their behavior. Specifically during the covid pandemic, this has been used extensively. These experts also reveal how the National Health Service has been infiltrated by financial
'change agents', who shift the focus from patients to profit. This was also done using psychological manipulation, that transformed the mindset of the NHS employees. The evidence shows how the entire health system worldwide has been strategically infiltrated and transformed, to become a carousel for financial oligarchs to further enrich themselves and gain complete power over the population, not only in the UK, but in nations around the world. Actual medical care has been replaced with 'mantras'. For example, when unvaccinated covid patients enter the hospital, the mantra 'covid unvaccinated death pathway' is activated, meaning that these unvaccinated people will receive treatment which leads to their death. The concept of Mental Hygiene was developed, promoting the idea that only people who submit to the mindsets of the financial criminal elite are considered mentally healthy, while those who disagree must be silenced and, if possible, eradicated.
A criminal political system that uses applied psychology has been unleashed on the public and the healthcare workers to change their thinking and behavior. This is exactly what also happened in Nazi Germany.
Now we have a very important major world event happening, and that is the so-called COVID-19 pandemic followed by a vaccination program. The overwhelming evidence is showing that these gangsters are killing people. We are here as a court of law to talk about the crime. What is the crime? The crime is death. People have died as a result of their created wars; now we’re seeing people dying as a result of the introduction of a pandemic, how that pandemic was handled, and how it is being “treated” with a vaccination program. Alex talked about how they want to control our minds - how they want “civilized control over politically backward people.” And that latter quote absolutely shows the arrogance of these gangsters, because they believe that any opinion they hold is the correct opinion, the correct value, and anybody who challenges them is a lesser being whom they want to remove from their field of operations. They would like these people to go away and die.
Alongside the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent vaccination program, there is a battle for our minds by an applied political psychological attack. I have a couple of papers with me. The first one is entitled Mental Health. The subtitle is Strategic Planning for Mental Health. It was by a certain J.R. Reese, dated October 1940. At the start of the Second World War, we had a group of people who were later to become very powerful within the World Health Organization, discussing how they were going to implement what they called 'mental hygiene in the new society’. They said they were going to infiltrate social organizations, attack the professions, infiltrate social activities and professional societies, and unleash a long-term plan of propaganda. I’m going to reinforce that 1940 paper by another paper entitled Psychiatry. It’s part of the Journal of the Biology and Pathology of Interpersonal Relations. It’s dated February, 1946, and it’s talking about the re-establishment of the peacetime society. The author is a certain G.B. Chisholm. It’s talking about the use of the psychiatric system to implement this program of mental hygiene. 'Mental hygiene' implies that you’re not fit to be a human being unless you adopt the views and values of these gangsters. When I began to research what was happening in the UK from a point of view of crime and fraud, threats and bullying at the local level, I quickly established, to my astonishment, that there was a charity called Common Purpose that was acting in a very political way in creating future leaders. These people were installing themselves in UK cities, effectively taking control of politics within those cities. Within a few years, that organization was operating overseas in countries like Germany, Holland, India and Australia, where they were recruiting people in those countries to bring them into an agenda of change agents, to change the way we think and conduct our business in society. This organization was started in about 1985, because of one particular lady - the chief executive at the time, Julia Middleton - coming back from America saying she’d learned some amazing things about how to change society. Common Purpose was able to get going with funding from major banks that, aside from Deutsche Bank, were never disclosed. Common Purpose was a key example of an organization you couldn’t track. You couldn’t see the documents, you couldn’t see the people, and you couldn’t see that it was unleashing a plan to change our society without the average member of the public understanding this. I’d like to bring you back to the MINDSPACE document.
The British Cabinet Office worked for a long time with psychologists to learn how to change the way people think and behave - without them understanding that this is happening. The SPI-B, which is part of the British government’s wise scientist group, SAGE, who were commenting on how we should be “fighting Covid.” SPI-B was a team of specialists, including behavioral specialists, who were going to use applied psychology to get people to adhere to the British government’s policy on Covid-19.
Two paragraphs: one is at the bottom of the left-hand page where it says, “the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased amongst the complacent, using the hard-hitting emotional messaging.” Here is a government team advocating the use of applied psychology in order to make people fearful. Paragraph 7 talks about coercion in which it says, “consideration should be given to the use of social disapproval, but with a strong caveat around unwanted negative consequences.” What they’re talking about is using people to police each other. But the caveats that they introduced to this, were because they recognized that this psychological technology could unleash violence in communities. That psychology was sold initially to America and Australia. Look at what is happening in Australia in relation to covid lockdown now. But ultimately, the technology was sold off worldwide. World governments use this applied behavioral psychology to change people’s views, values, behavior - and they simply do not know this has been unleashed on them. This document is entitled Behavioral Insights Applied to Policy: Germany, Country Overview. This is an EU document which is effectively boasting of how applied behavioral psychology can be used to change community public political opinion. And it’s giving a whole list of German organizations, which I’m sure will be much more significant to the panel than to me. But a lot of them are universities and research organizations. This document is effectively simple proof that these political psychology techniques have certainly been spread throughout Europe.
Let me now jump to the subject of COVID-19 and vaccine effects. In the United Kingdom, we have the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the MHRA. That organization supposedly is tasked with keeping the public safe with regards to pharmaceutical products and vaccines. And as part of the vaccination program in UK, they’ve been collecting data on vaccine adverse reactions, the Yellow Card system. Their own statistics say that there have been nearly one and a half million adverse effects from vaccines, and there have been close to 2,000 deaths. They believe it’s likely that only 10% of the vaccine adverse effects that have actually occurred have indeed been logged. So, of course, that takes the number of deaths from 2,000 to 20,000.
What is interesting when you do this, is that we’re now starting to see vaccine deaths outstrip the dangers of COVID-19.
The MHRA, as a Government Department, is perfectly prepared to use the same skills in applied psychology that the British government has boasted they can use to mislead the public and change their behavior.
When we approach the MHRA with the question, “Where is your quantitative risk assessment to show that the vaccine adverse reactions are not related to the vaccinations themselves?", the MHRA stalls, fails to answer, or produces very confusing replies. The MHRA has not conducted a quantitative risk assessment into the adverse effects of vaccinations. The MHRA, who holds the duty of protecting the public from dangerous pharmaceutical products, knows that people are dying as a result of the vaccination campaign. The British government certainly knows that, but is prepared to use psychology in every single verbal, written and media response around the dangers of covid and the vaccine policy. The whole of the control of COVID-19 policy and the so-called healthcare policy around COVID-19 and vaccinations has been carried out by the British Cabinet Office - who have an embedded applied behavioral psychology team with them. So, we know what they’re capable of. They’re boasting of it in their own document. And ultimately, we’re seeing the real evidence of people suffering and dying. If we follow this trail on, we come to how the system works - in the UK, at least - where we’re seeing a form of medical fascism between government and the global pharmaceutical industry, working alongside universities and charities within what has been named the golden triangle in the UK.
Dark Winter was developed as a program by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Johns Hopkins Center and the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security. This was in 2001, and some of the most key people in the government and the defense of the United States of America took their time off to go to Oklahoma City and ask the question "what happens if we get hit by smallpox?". Smallpox is now clearly defined by every organization - the World Health Organization, the CDC, FEMA - everyone there, because it has a fatality rate of 33%, as
opposed to the coronavirus, which is maybe 0.12%. So they were using a true pandemic disease to see what would happen. The people who participated were Sam Nunn, playing the role of President; Frank Keating, the governor of Oklahoma; the National Security Advisor to the United States, David Gergen; the CIA Director of the US, R. James Woolsey; the Secretary of Defense, John White; the Chairman of the US Military; the Joint Chief of Staff, General John Tilelli; the Secretary of State of the United States, Frank Wisner; the Secretary of Health & Human Services, Margaret Hamburg; Attorney General George Terwilliger; the Director of FEMA, Jerry Hauer; and the Director of the FBI, William Sessions. The question was what would happen if a local biological weapon attack would hit America with a contagious pathogen? The government’s response would pose an enormous challenge to civil liberties.
Operation Mockingbird is a CIA program that was created after World War II, and it is still operational today. The CIA creates the dialogue and works with all the media systems in the world. My daughter is a military intelligence officer with the US Army, serving for 12 years. She is a major selected for lieutenant-colonel. I showed this to her, and she said "Yes, that is what they are doing, and they are doing it now." James Bush was a lieutenant-colonel in the US Marine Corps for 20 years. He then worked as an engineer for Honeywell Corporation, as a launch guidance engineer for the Shell program. "When I started managing the infectious disease research centers, both of them in Fort Collins about 14 years ago, there were 25 to 27 bio safety level 3 and 4 laboratories in the world. It is now 2022, and this is directly from the CDC’s website. I compared it to other websites as well. And this is the distribution of bio safety level 4 laboratories around the world. Australia has 4. Germany has 4, India has 3, the UK has 6, and the US has 15. When I started in this business, there were 3. And the bio safety level 3s are the ones that work on diseases like coronavirus, the things that are not extraordinarily capable bioweapons, but BSL3s are the testbeds for the
4s. Several smaller countries have 1 or 2 BSL3s."
The United States of America has over 200 BSL3 labs inside the Continental US. So, the BSL3 and 4 in the USA equals 215 total bioweapons research facilities. They call them normal research, but I can tell you it is not true. When I managed the facilities in Colorado, we did tests to find out if people could get out of a building with a select agent. A select agent can be genetically modified to make it into a weapon of mass destruction. That’s why they call them select agents. But at that time, we did tests. We had US Army Corps engineers, US Army, and people from the FBI come in, and the local department fire workers or police. And we did tests to see if someone could get out of our facility. If someone wanted to go out with that material, it couldn’t be stopped. Of those laboratories that I just showed the numbers for - what they are working on, as far as I am concerned, is a bioweapons program. What they are working on is basically the ability to modify other forms of injections to control and to kill the general population.
The next two expert witnesses are Dr. Silvia Behrendt and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, who held leading positions in the World Health Organization and the United Nations. They reveal how the WHO has
strategically infiltrated all the nations of the world with the purpose of abolishing democracy and imposing its own tyranny on all members of humanity. The WHO has its own 'constitution', a word carefully chosen with the purpose of replacing the constitutions of the nations. The Member States - which is literally every nation of the world - are bound to unquestioning obedience to whatever the WHO says, effectively making it a one world government, operating entirely outside of national constitutions and any kind of democracy. All this is done under the guise of 'healthcare'. International Health Regulations (referred to as IHR) were invented in order to pave the way for this worldwide tyranny. All they need to submit the world to their fingertips of control, is a method to declare a 'public health emergency of international
concern', which can easily be done with fraudulent diagnostics. Dr. Behrendt reveals how there was no covid pandemic until a flawed PCR test was introduced that suddenly increased the so-called 'cases' 14-fold. These WHO whistleblowers also expose how this totalitarian worldwide health system is entirely controlled by private corporations and private individuals, who use their vast financial resources to impose their own plans on the whole of humanity. For example, in 2012, at the World Health Assembly, Bill Gates was declared as the leader of the global vaccine action plan 2012-2020, although he has no medical qualifications whatsoever, and according to his own words, is only into vaccines because of the astronomical financial gains. Gates also became the main financier of the WHO, effectively controlling it, which means the entire world is ruled by Bill Gates. Of course, Gates is in turn submitted to other, higher up financial entities, who use him to submit the world to their tyranny.
Silvia Behrendt: Mr. Bush was speaking about financial, political and security issues, particularly under the paradigm of bioterrorism, that provide evidence that there is a path that led to the current COVID -19 pandemic. I would like to focus the attention to the fact that we are currently not confronted with a medical endemic response. Most of the criticism raised by the scientists and doctors center around the issue that, from a pure medical perspective, all health measures recommended and required by national health authorities or the WHO
are actually contrary to the epidemiological and medical state of the art. And this is so on purpose, I contend, because the underlying concept used for COVID-19 does not follow established scientific principles, but rather a different ideology which is framed as “global health security” - and means to treat health as a national security issue, requiring national and global states of exceptions to deal with it.
Therefore, I consider it crucial to provide a short, historic analysis of this concept in order to understand why the current global health crisis we face is not about medical science and health in the common sense that we would expect. Medical aims have progressively been replaced with political aims. This started in the context of emerging infectious diseases in the early 1990s, and originated actually from the US. Within a short period of time, WHO institutionalized this new approach by the rapid setup of an entirely new division called Emerging and Other Communicable Diseases. And, interestingly, they didn’t engage the staff of the Communicable Disease Control Department at that time.
This policy confirmed that the new paradigm shift from lowering the incidence of regional endemic diseases was to the sole focus on preventing the international spread in real time, and most preferably within a 24-hour time frame. There was a need for a technocratic apparatus of surveillance networks that were capable to deal with these new threats. So consequently, in 2001, there was a resolution of the Votels Assembly that’s already inserted this notable concept and called for the first time to find a definition for a public health emergency
of international concern, for the purpose of revising the outdated sanitary laws called
International Health Regulations, because nobody was interested in sanitary laws at that time. The problem was they had a very narrow scope and applicability only for yellow fever, black fever and cholera. So at the same time, particularly in the US, bioterrorist scenario planning – we’ve already heard a lot about it – within the military and at the academic level, with the most prominent exercises like Dark Winter, was launched. And, interestingly, all those events “went real” shortly afterward. What is also very interesting – and we did not hear – is that not only the exercises were held, which turned into reality, but also the legislation in the US was prepared to curtail civil liberties for the fight against bioterrorism from 1990 onwards. This undertaking was started by the CDC and eventually finalized by professors from Georgetown University like Professor Gostin, together with Johns Hopkins University, and it was called the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. This Model Act was sharply criticized at that time in the US for transforming governors into dictators, but was used over many States eventually.
So the most important milestone in the revision process of the International Health Regulations, which is an international treaty, was the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, abbreviated as SARS as we all know, in 2002, which was accompanied by an alerted media attention that was not proportionate to the threat of the disease, which was remarkably low. In addition, there was a quasi-consensus among scientists that the novel SARS outbreak could have had a bioterrorist potential. This political bioterrorist framing of the SARS outbreak led to the agreement of the international community that the old sanitary laws needed to be rewritten to include bioterrorism, without naming this goal officially at the WHO. This came under the paradigm of an open all-hazards approach, which means that not only various sources of risks are included, but also that any intentional release would come under the paradigm of the WHO, and that the IHR needed to be revised. So the legal dimension of the global health security concept was eventually successfully integrated into International Health Regulations in 2005 and thus, the US model of public health
emergencies was exported to the international community and is now merged into national constitutions which have never had such constitutional emergency provisions.
Then the outdated IHR provisions of disease containment were replaced to include pathogens that pose a threat to national security and require an emergency regime that enabled the irrigation of legal standards not only in terms of medical safety regulations, but also in terms of
fundamental standards, freedoms and civil rights. According to this new paradigm, endemic diseases which count for the most death do not fall
under the attention of this global set of rules – which are now the standard procedure for pandemics – but only newly identified pathogens without medical treatment that therefore require an emergency licensing, as the substances are all unlicensed. In addition, the importance of diagnostics emerged under the global health security ideology as a new priority issue because the threat needs to be identified as “threatening prior to devastating effects” according to this ideology.
The availability of diagnostics is labeled as a necessary requirement for pandemic preparedness and response.
Moreover, under the threat of bioterrorism, the establishment of laboratories was boosted throughout the world, as Mr. Bush already explained to us. Because biological weapons are defined as weapons of mass destruction and constitute a crime under international law, the only legal pathway to lawfully undertake research and medical treatment is called “biodefense”, which takes place in laboratories, as we learned. I would like to remind that all SARS coronaviruses come under the US Category C of potential bioterror agents and are also classified under the expert regime of the EU for dual use. That refers to the potential of civil and military use. I hope now that the picture becomes a bit clearer via some historic knowledge that’s needed to
understand why WHO and the global community do not address SARS-CoV-2 in accordance with the state of the art of medical knowledge ...
...but rather fight the virus as a threat to the nation in an unproportional manner, with military instead of medical terminology, referred to as medical and non-medical countermeasures. And throughout all health ministries in the world, new departments are established called National Health Security departments.
As a second step, I would like to explain in more detail why the small number of atypical pneumonia cases of Wuhan in late 2019 and in the first days of 2020 were reported to WHO and soon ended up as a public health emergency of international concern, and shortly thereafter as a pandemic. This is all due to the International Health Regulations and the revision thereof. Also, the International Health Regulations, referred to as IHR, include an all-hazards approach. Some pathogens, like any novel strain of an influenza subtype or any SARS coronavirus, are still
prioritized and have to be reported within a 24-hour time limit to WHO.
The identification of this novel virus was possible because China has a very tight screening regime for respiratory diseases since the SARS outbreak in 2002. As such, it was possible for China to identify this novel pathogen. As early as the 1st of January, WHO requested more
information about the outbreak due to information by Taiwan. On the 3rd of January, China officially notified WHO of a cluster of 44 patients, of which eleven were severely ill with pneumonia of unknown etiology after the WHO (interruption) -- Reiner Fuellmich: That does not sound like a pandemic. Silvia Behrendt: Yeah, that’s true... so this politicization and interest of WHO at this very early stage, on the 1st of January, when only 44 people had this atypical pneumonia and 11 people suffered severely from this atypical pneumonia, is indeed an interesting aspect that should lead to some precautions about how the entire crisis started. There were no deaths reported and no international cases,
and the potential of human-to-human transmission was not assessed at that time. In the meantime, the novel virus was identified as the SARS coronavirus. So this means the identification of this new virus fell under the International Health Regulations that formally required an automated official report. The WHO and the Director General are obliged to constitute an Emergency Committee under the IHR, once such an official notification has been received. Then – now it’s becoming interesting – at the same time, Professor Drosten and others worked in Germany intensely to deliver to WHO a diagnostic test assay via the PCR method for this novel virus. And Professor Drosten was also the lead author in 2003, when the novel SARS coronavirus was identified, and has since been nominated as a WHO expert.
His first protocol was officially delivered to WHO on the 13th of January 2020, which implied that he had, of course, worked prior to the state of submission, and the WHO immediately dispatched his first protocol of this assay to its member States. Later, this assay was revised and finally published in the Eurosurveillance journal on the 23rd of January.
He also contributed to the WHO interim guidance dated on the 10th of January, and this interim guidance was published as a part of a comprehensive package of about ten guidance documents of the WHO for countries, covering topics related to the management of an outbreak of the new coronavirus disease. So on the 10th of January, WHO had a comprehensive package already published. Reiner Fuellmich: At that time, when there were literally no cases except for the 44 cases? Silvia Behrendt: Yes. And these were becoming official. And it normally takes a very long time at the WHO to get something published, because it has to be cleared. Importantly, as any SARS coronavirus requires an official notification under the IHR, the Director
General had to convene a COVID-19 Emergency Committee as a legal obligation under IHR. You can find, on the WHO website, the experts who are on this committee, and you can find their CVs there. This Emergency Committee advises the Director General in the proclamation of whether a public health emergency of international concern exists, which is an executive authority of the Director General in accordance with the legal principles set out under the IHR. The first meeting was held on the 13th of January, in which the experts found no agreement as to whether a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) existed or not. And they agreed that there was no international spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak, which was due
to only 17 deaths and 557 confirmed cases on the 13th of January. So they had an idea and said: “In ten days we will again meet and assess the current situation of new cases.” That happened on the 22nd of January. During those ten days, the cases increased 14 times, to 7,711
confirmed and even 12,167 suspected cases.
So, what had happened is that Drosten had delivered his test kit
to the World Health Organization [on Jan. 13], and through the use
of his new test - all of a sudden [in 10 days] - we had 14 times the
number of cases that existed before we used his test. It should alert all of us that a man with no medical education whatsoever was put in charge of vaccinating the entire world population. Furthermore, Bill Gates has clearly stated publicly that "entering the vaccine industry was the best business decision I ever made". He multiplied his fortune from 10 billion dollars to 200 billion by dealing vaccines. The fact that
he refers to vaccines as 'the best buy' shows his financial motivation. If we need to summarize all the information revealed by these expert whistleblowers, we can state that the world is being taken over by private entities who hide behind government and health agencies. Their financial headquarters are in the City of London, from where they influence the rest of the world. They collaborate with the elite from other countries, like the German and Italian elite. These private entities have been building an undemocratic framework that allows the World Health Organization to seize all rights and freedoms from the entire world population and submit all nations to their tyranny. All they need is a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ which they can easily fabricate using fraudulent diagnostics. They apply psychological techniques of manipulation to hypnotize and brainwash the public. Trained ‘change agents’ are sent into every sphere of our societies, where they transform the thinking and behavior of the people, according to the agenda of these criminal entities. Although they use ‘health’ as the excuse for their crimes, their influence causes true health care to be destroyed and to be replaced by criminal financial operations. In the view of these oligarchs, the people are 'livestock', which they claim to own - body, mind and soul. Essentially, they revive the ancient practice of slavery, in which humans are literally owned by rich masters. During this current revival of slavery, the systems of enslavement have been greatly technologically enhanced for the purpose of effectively enslaving the entire human race. One of the true motivations behind the DNA-altering vaccines that are being imposed on all of humanity is to genetically engineer mankind with a view to create a ‘new model of human’ that will perfectly obey these oligarchs. More evidence of this transhumanist agenda is revealed on We are currently preparing a documentary that features dozens of video segments showing how these criminals are publicly discussing the use of 5G, for example, to insert thoughts and emotions into the population to ensure complete obedience. Nanotechnology plays a key role in this agenda, as it travels throughout the brain and nervous system and communicates with 5G and other radiations, basically turning people into ‘walking antennas’ that can receive and transmit signals. 

Luxembourgs & Savoys

Saturday Jan 04, 2025

Saturday Jan 04, 2025

Luxembourgs & Savoys
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Since the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, several German dynasties have ruled what would become known as the Holy Roman Empire and later Germany. 
Early Middle Ages:
Merovingian Dynasty (Frankish, not specifically German, but significant in the region): 
Ruled by Clovis I and his descendants until the 8th century.
Carolingian Dynasty (also Frankish, but pivotal for the formation of what would later be considered German territories):
Charlemagne (Charles the Great) was crowned Emperor in 800 AD, establishing a large empire that included much of modern Germany.
Holy Roman Empire:
Ottonian (Saxon) Dynasty (919–1024):
Notable rulers include Otto I, who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962, effectively founding the Holy Roman Empire.
Salian Dynasty (1024–1125):
Known for emperors like Henry III and Henry IV, with significant conflicts with the Papacy.
House of Hohenstaufen (1138–1254):
Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II were prominent rulers, with the latter known for his clashes with the Pope.
House of Habsburg (1273–1806, with interruptions):
The Habsburgs had a significant influence, with notable emperors like Maximilian I. Their rule was not continuous but dominated the later medieval and early modern periods of the Holy Roman Empire.
Post-Holy Roman Empire:
After the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 by Napoleon, the German territories were reorganized into the Confederation of the Rhine and later the German Confederation.
House of Hohenzollern (ruled Prussia from 1701, significant in the German Empire from 1871):
With the unification of Germany under Otto von Bismarck, Wilhelm I became the first German Emperor in 1871.
House of Wittelsbach (Bavaria):
Ruled Bavaria before and after the Holy Roman Empire's dissolution but did not rule a unified Germany.
Modern Germany:
After World War I, the German Empire ended, and Germany became a republic (Weimar Republic).
After World War II, Germany was divided into East and West Germany, with no ruling dynasty. 
Reunified Germany (since 1990) has been a federal parliamentary republic with no monarchy.
This overview simplifies a complex history where various regions might have had different rulers at different times. The dynasties mentioned had significant influence over what we now consider German territory, but their rule was often contested, fragmented, or shared with other powers.
In the year 1500, there were 5 families that ruled Germany and many other countries. They were the Habsburg’s, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Wettins (who are now Windors UK) and Luxembourgs. All families except the Wettings were Swabians. Combined they controlled The Swabian League which controlled the empire. 
Swabians are a Germanic-speaking people who are native to the ethnocultural and linguistic region of Swabia, which is now mostly divided between the modern states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, in southwestern Germany.
Habsburgs: Swabians. Considered the most powerful dynasty in the region, holding significant territory in Austria and parts of Germany. Roman Catholic. The Habsburg dynasty ruled over parts of Italy for centuries, but their control was eventually lost due to a series of wars and the Risorgimento movement
Hohenzollerns: Swabians. Primarily based in Brandenburg, gaining prominence in the later centuries. Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism. the Hohenzollerns did not control Italy, but they were a prominent European dynasty that ruled over several other states, including: Brandenburg-Prussia: Ruled from 1415–1918, Imperial Germany: Ruled from 1871–1918, Nuremberg: Controlled by the Hohenzollerns, Romania: Controlled by the Hohenzollerns
Wittelsbachs: Swabians. Rulers of Bavaria. Catholic. The Wittelsbachs, a German noble family, did not directly control Italy, but they did have some influence in the region.
Wettins (changed their name to Windsor): Held territory in Saxony. Lutheranism, Roman Catholicism, and a mix of both. Germanic Vandals and Suebi established themselves in Spain and later in North Africa, and the Visigoths exploited the disorder to rebel, especially after the election of Alaric as king. Marching to Italy, they demanded better terms, and, when these were not forthcoming, they sacked Rome on August 24, 410. Even though Rome was no longer capital of the empire, the sack was a profound shock for the people of the empire.
Luxembourgs: Swabians. Another influential dynasty with holdings in parts of Germany.  Roman Catholicism. Luxembourg never controlled Italy; however, historically, some counts of Luxembourg, particularly from the House of Luxembourg, did rise to become Holy Roman Emperors
Following the Habsburgs’ defeat, Italy was primarily controlled by the French under Napoleon Bonaparte for 9 years. After the short reign of the French, the Habsburgs (Austrian Empire) took back control control of Italy, particularly following the Congress of Vienna in 1815 which restored power to pre-Napoleonic rulers, leaving most of Italy under Austrian influence, directly controlling regions like Lombardy and Veneto. Following was another defeat of the Habsburg’s again where the House of Savoy from Italy, led by King Victor Emmanuel II, primarily ruled Italy after the successful Italian unification movement in the 1860s, until the country became a republic in 1946, with the last king being Umberto II; essentially, the major power that took over from the Habsburgs in Italy was the House of Savoy. After the House of Savoy, which was overthrown following a referendum in 1946, Italy became a republic with no monarch, meaning no single individual ruled; the power shifted to the elected government, with Alcide De Gasperi serving as the first Prime Minister following the abolishment of the monarchy.
The House of Savoy is a European royal family that ruled Italy from 1861 until the Italian Republic was established in 1946. 
Origin The House of Savoy originated in the Savoy region of Italy in the early 11th century. The dynasty's founder was Humbert I the Whitehanded, who held the county of Savoy and other areas. 
Expansion The House of Savoy gradually expanded its territory, eventually ruling the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Sardinia. 
Unification of Italy In 1861, King Victor Emmanuel II led the movement for Italian unification, and the House of Savoy became the ruling house of Italy. 
Overthrow In 1946, the Italian Republic was established, and the House of Savoy was overthrown. The Savoys were banished from Italy as punishment for supporting the fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini. 
Current leadership The current head of the House of Savoy is Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples and Duke of Savoy, the son of the last king of Italy, Umberto II. 
The House of Savoy has held two dynastic orders since 1434, and the head of the royal house continues to grant knighthoods within these orders.
In February of 1929, The Catholic Church established Vatican City. Vatican City became a sovereign juridical entity (its own country with a flag) on February 11, 1929, when the Lateran Treaty was signed between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy. The treaty established Vatican City as an independent state and granted Roman Catholicism special status in Italy. The treaty also compensated the church $92 million for the loss of the Papal States, which is more than $1 billion in today's money.
Vatican City controls the Holy See which is the Catholic Church's governing body and is a sovereign entity under international law. The Pope has supreme legislative, executive, and judicial power over the Holy See. The Pope exercises authority through the Roman Curia and the Papal Civil Service. This means the Pope is the President of Vatican City. He does not appear to have any power over Italy or Germany as they are now republics where the people own the country. The Holy See's revenue comes from commercial investments, real estate management, self-generated services, and donations.
We have heard rumors that London, Vatican and Washington DC are all connected under a power grid of the black nobility families. A tri-city of power. In 1946, the black nobility actually lost their power as the Vatican split off and became their own country and Italy’s republic bought back their land from the Black Nobility for an equivalent to 1 billion in today’s money. Since there are no more Emperors or Kings to bribe and/or blackmail, whoever had the most money could persuade countries to do their will. I believe the new form of control became capitalism over a monarchy.
Corporations started taking over the central banks and wealth started influencing country policies through loaning money to countries with high interest rates. History shows that the dark ages was definitely controlled by German lineage until the Italians took over with the Savoys. They were the last family to rule Italy and the Catholic Church until 1946. This year was pivotal for the coming fourth Industrial Revolution. This was also the same year of the Babylon working ritual. 
Luxembourg often emerges as the richest country by GDP per capita, especially when adjusted for PPP, due to its small population and high financial sector output. However, if we consider total GDP, the United States leads. For wealth distribution or net worth, different countries like Qatar, Switzerland, or China can be highlighted depending on the specific metric.
Luxembourg has had a complex history with Germany, but it was not always a part of Germany in the modern sense. Here's an overview:
Middle Ages: Initially, Luxembourg was a county (later duchy) within the Holy Roman Empire, which included many territories that are now part of Germany, Belgium, France, and other countries. The House of Luxembourg was a significant ruling dynasty within this empire.
15th to 17th Century: The Duchy of Luxembourg passed through various hands, including Burgundian, Spanish, and French control, but remained a distinct entity within the broader political structures of Europe.
19th Century:
Napoleonic Wars: Following the defeat of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna in 1815 established the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was initially in personal union with the Netherlands (under the same king).
German Confederation: From 1815 to 1866, Luxembourg was part of the German Confederation, which was a loose association of German states. However, it was not part of a unified Germany but rather a separate entity with its own governance.
Prussia and the Crisis of 1867: In 1867, after a brief occupation by Prussia, the Treaty of London declared Luxembourg's neutrality and independence, formally separating it from German political structures, although it remained a member of the Zollverein (German Customs Union) until 1918.
World War I and II: Luxembourg was occupied by Germany during both world wars. In WWII, it was formally annexed into the Third Reich from 1942 to 1944, but this was not recognized by the international community and was reversed after the war.
Post-WWII: After World War II, Luxembourg regained its independence and sovereignty, establishing itself as a constitutional monarchy with a democratic government. It has since been a founding member of the European Union, emphasizing its European identity rather than a historical German one.
In summary, while Luxembourg was part of the Holy Roman Empire and later the German Confederation, it has been an independent state with its own identity since 1867, apart from the periods of occupation during the world wars. Today, Luxembourg is not considered part of Germany but is a separate country with strong ties to both Germany and other European nations.
The earliest human remains found in present-day Luxembourg date from about 5140 BCE, but little is known about the people who first populated the area. Two Belgic tribes, the Treveri and Mediomatrici, inhabited the country from about 450 BCE until the Roman conquest of 53 BCE. The occupation of the country by the Franks in the 5th century CE marked the beginning of the Middle Ages in the locality. St. Willibrord played a very important role in the area’s Christianization in the late 7th century. He founded the Benedictine abbey of Echternach, which became an important cultural centre for the region.
The area successively formed part of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, of the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne and Louis I (the Pious), and then of the kingdom of Lotharingia. Luxembourg became an independent entity in 963, when Siegfried, count de Ardennes, exchanged his lands for a small but strategically placed Roman castle lying along the Alzette River. This castle became the cradle of Luxembourg, whose name is itself derived from that of the castle, Lucilinburhuc (“Little Fortress”). Siegfried’s successors enlarged their possessions by conquests, treaties, marriages, and inheritances. About 1060 Conrad, a descendant of Siegfried, became the first to take the title of count of Luxembourg. Conrad’s great-granddaughter, Countess Ermesinde, was a notable ruler whose great-grandson, Henry IV, became Holy Roman emperor as Henry VII in 1308. This Luxembourg dynasty was continued on the imperial throne in the persons of Charles IV, Wenceslas, and Sigismund. In 1354 the emperor Charles IV made the county a duchy. In 1443 Elizabeth of Görlitz, duchess of Luxembourg and niece of the Holy Roman emperor Sigismund, was forced to cede the duchy to Philip III (the Good), duke of Burgundy.
Habsburg and French domination
Along with the rest of the Burgundian inheritance, the duchy of Luxembourg passed to the Habsburgs in 1477. The division of the Habsburg territories in 1555–56 following Emperor Charles V’s abdication put the duchy in the possession of the Spanish Habsburgs. Luxembourg took no part in the revolt of the Low Countries against Philip II of Spain; it was to remain with what is now Belgium as part of the Spanish Netherlands. (For more specific information about the period, see Netherlands.)
The duchy was able to remain aloof from the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) for a time, but in 1635, when France became involved, a period of disaster began in Luxembourg, which was wracked by war, famine, and epidemics. Moreover, the war did not end for Luxembourg with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 but only with the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. In 1679 France under Louis XIV began to conquer parts of the duchy, and in 1684 the conquest was completed with the capture of Luxembourg city. France restored Luxembourg to Spain in 1697, however, under the terms of the Treaties of Rijswijk. At the conclusion of the War of the Spanish Succession, by the treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt (1713–14), Luxembourg (along with Belgium) passed from the Spanish to the Austrian Habsburgs.
In 1795, six years after the beginning of the French Revolution, Luxembourg came under the rule of the French again. The old duchy was divided among three départements, the constitution of the Directory was imposed, and a modern state bureaucracy was introduced. The Luxembourg peasantry was hostile toward the French government’s anticlerical measures, however, and the introduction of compulsory military service in France in 1798 provoked a rebellion, the Klëppelkrich (Klöppelkrieg), in Luxembourg that was brutally suppressed.
Personal union with the Netherlands
French domination ended with the fall of Napoleon in 1814, and the allied powers decided the future of Luxembourg at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The congress raised Luxembourg to the status of a grand duchy and gave it to William I, prince of Orange-Nassau and king of the Netherlands. William obtained a Luxembourg that was considerably diminished, since those of its districts lying east of the Our, Sûre, and Moselle rivers had been ceded to Prussia. The status of the grand duchy during this period was complex: Luxembourg had the legal position of an independent state and was united with the Netherlands only because it was a personal possession of William I. But Luxembourg was also included within the German Confederation, and a Prussian military garrison was housed in the capital city.
The standard of living of Luxembourg’s citizens deteriorated during this period. Under Austrian rule, and especially from 1735 on, the duchy had experienced an economic expansion. From 1816–17 on, however, William I ignored the duchy’s sovereignty, treating Luxembourg as a conquered country and subjecting it to heavy taxes. Consequently, it was not surprising that Luxembourg supported the Belgian revolution against William in 1830, and, in October of that year, the Belgian government announced that the grand duchy was a part of Belgium, while William still claimed the duchy as his own. In 1831 the great powers (France, Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria) decided that Luxembourg had to remain in William I’s possession and form part of the German Confederation. Moreover, the great powers allotted the French-speaking part of the duchy to Belgium (in which it became a province called Luxembourg), while William I was allowed to retain the Luxembourgish-speaking part. Belgium accepted this arrangement but William I rejected it, only to subsequently accede to the arrangement in 1839. From that year until 1867, the duchy was administered autonomously from the Netherlands.
Independent Luxembourg
William I negotiated a customs union for Luxembourg with Prussia, and his successor, William II, ratified this treaty in 1842. Against its own will, Luxembourg had thus entered into the Prussian-led Zollverein (“Customs Union”), but the grand duchy soon realized the advantages of this economic union. Luxembourg subsequently developed from an agricultural country into an industrial one. Its road network was extended and improved, and two railway companies were begun that formed the basis for the national railway company founded in 1946.
The restricted constitution that William II enacted for Luxembourg in 1841 did not meet the political expectations of its citizens. The Revolution of 1848 in Paris had its influence on the grand duchy, and William II that year enacted a new and more liberal constitution, which was in turn replaced by another constitution in 1856. In 1866 the German Confederation was dissolved, and Luxembourg became an entirely sovereign nation, though the Prussian garrison remained in the capital. Napoleon III of France then tried to purchase the grand duchy from William III. The two rulers had already agreed on the sum of five million florins when William III backed out because the Prussian chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, disapproved of the sale. The great powers soon came to a compromise (London; May 11, 1867): Prussia had to withdraw its garrison from the capital, the fort would be dismantled, and Luxembourg would become an independent nation. The grand duchy’s perpetual neutrality was guaranteed by the great powers, and its sovereignty was vested in the house of Nassau.
On the death of William III of the Netherlands in 1890 without a male heir, the grand duchy passed to Adolf, duke of Nassau (died 1905), who was succeeded by his son William (died 1912). Neither Adolf nor William interfered much in Luxembourg’s government, but William’s daughter, the grand duchess Marie Adélaïde, was more assertive and eventually became highly unpopular with the people. In 1914 the neutrality of Luxembourg was violated by Germany, which occupied the grand duchy until the Armistice of 1918. During the war, Marie Adélaïde had tolerated the illegal German occupation, for which she was criticized by the Allied powers after the liberation. Marie Adélaïde was forced to abdicate in favour of her sister Charlotte in 1919. In a referendum a few months later, the public voted overwhelmingly against the establishment of a republic and in favour of retaining Charlotte as grand duchess.
In December 1918 the Allied powers had forced Luxembourg to put an end to its customs union with Germany. For the grand duchy this meant the loss of its best customer (for cast iron and steel) as well as its main supplier of coal. Luxembourg urgently needed a new economic partner, and, though the people preferred an economic union with France, the grand duchy was forced to negotiate with Belgium, since France declared itself uninterested in such a union. The Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) was established in 1921 and provided for a customs and monetary union between the two countries. The economic climate in Luxembourg remained rather dreary during the interwar period, though.
In May 1940 the German army invaded and occupied Luxembourg for the second time. However, this time the government refused to collaborate and, together with the grand duchess, went into exile. Luxembourg was placed under German rule, and the French language was banned.
After Luxembourg’s liberation in September 1944, it took part in the new international organizations being formed by the victorious Allies, including the United Nations. Luxembourg also joined the new Benelux Economic Union (1944) formed between Belgium, the Netherlands, and itself. By taking part in the Brussels Treaty of 1948 and in the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949, Luxembourg abandoned its perpetual neutrality. The country improved its economic situation by obtaining a sound position within the European Coal and Steel Community (1952) and within the European Economic Community (1957; later succeeded by the European Union). Prince Jean, Charlotte’s son, was installed as lieutenant-représentant of Charlotte in 1961, and he inherited the throne in 1964 upon his mother’s abdication.
When the European Union (EU) was created in 1993, Luxembourg assumed an active role. EU administrative offices were sited in the country, and Luxembourgers such as Prime Ministers Jacques Santer and Jean-Claude Juncker played especially prominent roles in the EU. In 1995, when Santer, who had served as prime minister since 1984, stepped down from that office to become the president of the European Commission, he was replaced by Juncker. As a result of the legislative elections of 1999, Juncker remained as prime minister, heading a coalition government made up of his Christian Social People’s Party (Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei; CSV) and the Democratic Party that brought to an end 15 years of coalition rule by the CSV and the Socialist Workers’ Party of Luxembourg (Lëtzebuergesch Sozialistesch Arbechterpartei; LSAP). In 2000, at age 79, Grand Duke Jean formally abdicated as chief of state and was replaced by his son, Crown Prince Henri, who in 2001 became the first member of the Luxembourgian royal family to open a session of parliament since 1877.
At the time the EU was formed, noncitizens made up more than half of the workforce of Luxembourg. By the end of the 20th century, the country had gained a reputation as a centre for private banking and financial services (particularly mutual fund investments), media and satellite broadcasting, and electronic commerce. The economy remained robust into the 21st century, and for a period Luxembourg claimed the world’s highest standard of living (highest gross domestic product per capita). At least some of this success was the result of the stability provided by the CSV-LSAP coalition, which was returned to office following elections in 2004 and 2009, with Juncker remaining as prime minister throughout. Indeed, Luxembourg survived the world financial downturn that began in 2008 and the subsequent euro-zone debt crisis much better than many of its European neighbours. The country remained closely associated with the response to that crisis, however, as Juncker served as head of the Eurogroup—an advisory body responsible for managing the single currency of the euro zone—from 2005 to 2013.
Luxembourg’s ruling coalition was toppled in July 2013 when the LSAP withdrew its support for Juncker in the wake of a scandal involving illegal activity by the country’s intelligence service. Snap elections were held in October 2013, and the CSV won the largest share of the vote. It fell short of a majority, however, and the LSAP was able to form a ruling coalition with the Democratic Party (Demokratesch Partei; DP) and the Greens. DP leader Xavier Bettel was sworn in as prime minister in December 2013.
Luxembourg is between France, Belgium and Germany.
Luxembourg was occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II, and the country experienced a number of events related to the German regime, including:
On May 10, 1940, the German Wehrmacht invaded Luxembourg, which was officially neutral but strategically located at the end of the French Maginot Line. The invasion was part of Case Yellow, the German invasion of the Low Countries and France. 
Luxembourg was initially placed under military administration, but later became a civilly administered territory. In 1942, Luxembourg was annexed into Germany. 
The German authorities attempted to "Germanize" Luxembourg by suppressing non-German languages and customs, and conscripting Luxembourgers into the Wehrmacht. This led to a general strike in August 1942 against conscription. Some patriots also joined the Allied fighting troops abroad. 
Deportation of Jews
Between October 1941 and April 1943, Nazi Germany deported 674 Jews from Luxembourg to camps in Lodz, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Theresienstadt. 
Luxembourg was liberated by the US army on September 10, 1944. 
The Memorial to the Victims of the Shoah was inaugurated in Luxembourg in 2018 to commemorate the persecution, deportation, and murder of Jews during the National Socialist dictatorship.
Luxembourg is considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world primarily due to its thriving financial sector, acting as a major European hub for investment funds and banking, which contributes significantly to its high GDP per capita, despite its small population; this success is further supported by its strategic location in the heart of Europe, favorable business regulations, and a history of steel production that has transitioned into a more diversified economy today.
The Central Bank of Luxembourg is the member of the Eurosystem for Luxembourg and was founded for that purpose in 1998, succeeding the Institut Monétaire Luxembourgeois. Luxembourg has a strong financial position, with low public debt, high general pension fund reserves, and prudent policymaking. The country's economy is largely dependent on the banking, steel, and industrial sectors.
Luxembourg is a small European country, surrounded by Belgium, France and Germany. It’s mostly rural, with dense Ardennes forest and nature parks in the north, rocky gorges of the Mullerthal region in the east and the Moselle river valley in the southeast. Its capital, Luxembourg City, is famed for its fortified medieval old town perched on sheer cliffs. Luxembourg is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and its citizens have one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world.
The current Grand Duke, Henry, is agnatically from the House of Bourbon-Parma. That means he can trace his descent to the French monarchy.
The current Grand Duke, Henry, is agnatically from the House of Bourbon-Parma. That means he can trace his descent to the French monarchy, who married with the Hapsburgs in the 1600s. Since the Habsburgs became Holy Roman Emperors right after the original House of Luxembourg, there is probably a connection there. But in my initial research I found a long-winded connection through Henry’s mother, Josephine-Charlotte of Belgium.
The first Count of Luxembourg was Siegfried (r. 963–98) of the House of Ardenne, later called Ardenne-Luxembourg. His male descendants died out in 1136 and it passed through the female line to a cousin Henry IV, from the Luxembourg-Namur branch. He had no sons, and his daughter married Waleran, the heir to the Limburg branch of the family.
Their son was Henry V (r. 1247–81). His eldest son would inherit Luxembourg and eventually father Henry VII, who ended the Holy Roman Interregnum. His second son was named Waleran and would be given Ligny, a small fief in modern France. His agnatic descendants continued to hold the territory. Eventually, Jacqueline (1415–72), daughter of a later Lord of Ligny, would cross the channel to marry. First was to the Duke of Bedford, younger brother of Henry V of England. Second was to Richard Woodville (1405–69), Earl Rivers.
Their daughter Elizabeth’s second marriage was to Edward IV of England. Their only daughter, also named Elizabeth, would marry her distant cousin Henry Tudor after his victory at Bosworth Field. Their daughter would marry into the Stuarts and prompt the Union of the Crowns. James I’s daughter married the Elector Palatine, eventually bringing the Hanoverians to London. George II’s eldest daughter Anne married the son of John William Friso, Prince of Orange. After the Congress of Vienna, Anne’s grandson would become William I, first King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg.
I thought the rest would be easy. But then I remembered that Luxembourg passed to William III’s 17th-cousin, and thus the research recommenced. But thankfully, the Protestant monarchs like to intermarry.
William’s second son Frederick had two daughters, the eldest of which married Charles XV of Sweden. Her daughter Louise married Frederick VIII of Denmark. Her daughter married back into the Swedish royal family, and had a daughter that married the infamous Leopold III of Belgium.
Leopold III had two sons that would inherit the throne, and a daughter that married Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Their son now sits on that throne.
Part 2: I found the Habsburg connection. The last Luxembourg emperor was Sigismund (r. 1411–37.) His only daughter married Albert, (a Hapsburg) and Sigismund’s successor in Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary. Their daughter Elizabeth married the Jagiellon King of Poland. Her son Vladislaus was elected King of Bohemia, his son and successor Louis II was killed at Mohacs in 1526. Ferdinand of Austria, future Holy Roman Emperor, married Louis’s sister and was elected King himself.
Ferdinand’s son became Maximilian II. The emperor’s daughter was the fourth and final wife of Philip II of Spain and mother of his eventual successor Philip III. Her great-granddaughter Maria Theresa was the link that brought the Bourbon’s to the throne of Spain. Maria Theresa’s great-grandson Philip was given Parma; his descendants form the House of Bourbon-Parma. Henry’s maternal grandfather was Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma, consort of Luxembourg.
The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and House of Bourbon-Parma are Italian royalty and supposedly Templar military bloodlines as sovereigns of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George (SMCOSG) which oversees the Jesuits.
They were defeated by the Savoys. The House of Savoy is an Italian royal house that was established in 1003 in the historical Savoy region. Through gradual expansions the family grew in power, first ruling a small Alpine county northwest of Italy and later gaining absolute rule of the Kingdom of Sicily. During the years 1713 to 1720, they were handed the island of Sardinia and would exercise direct rule from then onward.
In June 1946, Italians voted in a referendum to choose the future institutional form of the state. Around 54 percent decided to replace the monarchy with a republic, thus ending the rule of the House of Savoy in Italy. One of the oldest royal families, the House of Savoy first appeared during the reign of Conrad II, the founder of the Salian dynasty. Initially controlling a small county in the Alps, the members of the Savoy family gradually extended their territorial possessions to encompass large areas of northern Italy. After becoming the ruling house of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in the 18th century, the Savoy dynasty played a central role in the movement for Italian unification.
The Luxembourgs and Savoys were the powerhouses from 1500 to 1946 when Italy became a republic and Luxembourg became their own country. The Vatican became their own country as well, thus the control mechanism goes cold. It would make sense that these two families are currently at war with each other. Perhaps the Savoys are controlling New York and Luxembourgs, Chicago. These would be the equivalent to the current Guelphs and Ghibellines of today. Maybe. But one thing is clear, the trail of control leads to the Luxembourgs and Savoys and the Vatican could be controlled by one or the other. The Luxembourgs and Savoys could be the current black nobility, but trying to find this information is really hard.

The Guelphs and Ghibellines

Monday Dec 30, 2024

Monday Dec 30, 2024

The Guelphs and Ghibellines
Within this on Rumble:
The Guelphs and Ghibellines warred against each other during the dark ages. They were two German houses fighting what was called the investiture controversy which meant who would select popes, dynasties or the church, as back then the pope was more like an emperor than a man of god.
The Investiture Controversy was a power struggle between the papacy and European secular rulers that was resolved by the Concordat of Worms in 1122: 
The conflict The controversy began in 1076 when Pope Gregory VII condemned lay investiture, the practice of secular rulers appointing church officials. This was seen as an unjustified assertion of secular authority over the church. 
The resolution The Concordat of Worms was an agreement between Pope Callixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V that gave the church the power to invest bishops with sacred authority. The emperor gave up his right to appoint bishops, but retained the right to invest them with land and to arbitrate disputes over their election. 
The outcome The Concordat of Worms ended the political conflict, but the controversy continued to resurface in later centuries. The controversy weakened the imperial power of previous emperors, which led to nearly 50 years of civil war in Germany. The papacy also grew stronger in power and authority.
History records these dynasties are long gone and other families rose to power. There is a conspiracy that these families never left but rather changed names and still have control but in different ways.
My research has found some information that leads the Ghibellines to Somaglia families house of Hohenstaufen (Dukes of Swabia). A municipality in the Province of Lodi, Lombardy, Italy. It's a small town with a rich history, but not directly linked to a noble family. And the Guelphs are The Duchy of Franconia house of Welf (Dukes of Bavaria) which effectively dissolved over time, with its territory becoming fragmented into smaller states, primarily absorbed by the Electorate of Bavaria, and the title of "Duke of Franconia" was later claimed by the bishops of Würzburg until the early 19th century when the region was fully incorporated into Bavaria following Napoleonic reforms; essentially, the duchy ceased to exist as a unified political entity due to internal divisions and political restructuring in the Holy Roman Empire. All I can find so far is that the Guelphs are connected to Bavaria which are Orsini, Farnese, Aldobrandini, Medici, Chigi, Breakspeare and Este.
The Dukes of Swabia & the Dukes of Bavaria are key to understanding the powers. Swabia was one of the five stem duchies of the medieval German kingdom, and its dukes were thus among the most powerful magnates of Germany. The most notable family to rule Swabia was the Hohenstaufen family, who held it, with a brief interruption, from 1079 until 1268. For much of that period, the Hohenstaufen were also Holy Roman Emperors.
I will not be able to find out who the Guelphs’ families are now unless I dig into the history of the Guelphs and Ghibellines. I do know the Ghibellines were Prussia, Two Sicilies, Austria-Este, Modena, Saxony and Habsburg. They had a few marriages into Swabia but it fizzled out into Este.
Guelphs and Ghibellines were factions supporting respectively the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor in the Italian city-states of Central Italy and Northern Italy during the Middle Ages. During the 12th and 13th centuries, rivalry between these two parties dominated political life across medieval Italy. The struggle for power between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire arose with the Investiture Controversy, which began in 1075 and ended with the Concordat of Worms in 1122.
The names “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” were adopted by the two factions that kept Italy divided and devastated by civil war during the greater part of the later Middle Ages.
The doctrine of two powers to govern the world, one spiritual and the other temporal, each independent within its own limits, is as old as Christianity itself, and based upon the Divine command to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s”. The earlier popes, such as Gelasius I (494) and Symmachus (506), wrote emphatically on this theme, which received illustration in the Christian art of the eighth century in a mosaic of the Lateran palace that represented Christ delivering the keys to St. Silvester and the banner to the Emperor Constantine, and St. Peter giving the papal stole to Leo III and the banner to Charlemagne. The latter scene insists on the papal action in the restoration of the Western Empire, which Dante regarded as an act of usurpation on the part of Leo. For Dante, pope and emperor are as two suns to shed light upon man’s spiritual and temporal paths respectively. Thus, throughout the troubled period of the Middle Ages, men inevitably looked to the harmonious alliance of these two powers to renovate the face of the earth, or, when it seemed no longer possible for the two to work in unison, they appealed to one or the other to come forward as the saviour of society. We get the noblest form of these aspirations in the ideal imperialism of Dante’s “De Monarchia“, on the one hand; and, on the other, in the conception of the ideal pope, the papa angelico of St. Bernard’s “De Consideratione” and the “Letters” of St. Catherine of Sienna.
This great conception can vaguely be discerned at the back of the nobler phases of the Guelph and Ghibelline contests, but it was soon obscured by considerations and conditions absolutely non-idealistic and material. Two main factors produced and kept these struggles alive: the antagonism between the papacy and the empire, each endeavouring to extend its authority into the field of the other; the mutual hostility between a territorial feudal nobility, of military instincts, and of foreign descent, and a commercial and municipal democracy, clinging to the traditions of Roman law, and ever increasing in wealth and power. Since the coronation of Charlemagne (800), the relations of Church and State had been ill-defined, full of the seeds of future contentions, which afterwards bore fruit in the prolonged “War of Investitures”, begun by Pope Gregory VII and the Emperor Henry IV (1075), and brought to a close by Callistus II and Henry V (1122). Neither the Church nor the Empire was able to make itself politically supreme in Italy. Throughout the eleventh century, the free Italian communes had arisen, owing a nominal allegiance to the Empire as having succeeded to the power of ancient Rome and as being the sole source of law and right, but looking for support, politically as well as spiritually, to the papacy.
The names “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” appear to have originated in Germany, in the rivalry between the house of Welf (Dukes of Bavaria) and the house of Hohenstaufen (Dukes of Swabia), whose ancestral castle was Waiblingen in Franconia. Agnes, daughter of Henry IV and sister of Henry V, married Duke Frederick of Swabia. “Welf” and “Waiblingen” were first used as rallying cries at the battle of Weinsberg (1140), where Frederick’s son, Emperor Conrad III (1138-1152), defeated Welf, the brother of the rebellious Duke of Bavaria, Henry the Proud. Conrad’s nephew and successor, Frederick I “Barbarossa” (1152-1190), attempted to reassert the imperial authority over the Italian cities, and to exercise supremacy over the papacy itself. He recognized an antipope, Victor, in opposition to the legitimate sovereign pontiff, Alexander III (1159), and destroyed Milan (1162), but was thoroughly defeated by the forces of the Lombard League at the battle of Legnano (1176) and compelled to agree to the peace of Constance (1183), by which the liberties of the Italian communes were secured. The mutual jealousies of the Italian cities themselves, however, prevented the treaty from having permanent results for the independence and unity of the nation. After the death of Frederick’s son and successor, Henry VI (1197), a struggle ensued in Germany and in Italy between the rival claimants for the Empire, Henry’s brother, Philip of Swabia (d. 1208), and Otho of Bavaria. According to the more probable theory, it was then that the names of the factions were introduced into Italy. “Guelfo” and “Ghibellino” being the Italian forms of “Welf” and “Waiblingen“. The princes of the house of Hohenstaufen being the constant opponents of the papacy, “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” were taken to denote adherents of Church and Empire, respectively. The popes having favoured and fostered the growth of the communes, the Guelphs were in the main the republican, commercial, burgher party; the Ghibellines represented the old feudal aristocracy of Italy. For the most part the latter were descended from Teutonic families planted in the peninsula by the Germanic invasions of the past, and they naturally looked to the emperors as their protectors against the growing power and pretensions of the cities. It is, however, clear that these names were merely adopted to designate parties that, in one form or another, had existed from the end of the 11 C.
To understand the precise significance of these terms, one must consider the local politics and the special conditions of each individual state and town. Thus, in Florence, a family quarrel between the Buondelmonti and the Amidei, in 1215, led traditionally to the introduction of “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” to mark off the two parties that henceforth kept the city divided, but the factions themselves had existed virtually since the death of the great Countess Mathilda of Tuscany (1115), a hundred years before, had left the republic at liberty to work out its own destinies. The rivalry of city against city was also, in many cases, a more potent inducement for one to declare itself Guelph and another Ghibelline, than any specially papal or imperial proclivities on the part of its citizens. Pavia was Ghibelline, because Milan was Guelph. Florence being the head of the Guelph league in Tuscany, Lucca was Guelph because it needed Florentine protection; Sienna was Ghibelline, because it sought the support of the emperor against the Florentines and against the rebellious nobles of its own territory; Pisa was Ghibelline, partly from hostility to Florence, partly from the hope of rivalling with imperial aid the maritime glories of Genoa. In many cities a Guelph faction and a Ghibelline faction alternately got the upper hand, drove out its adversaries, destroyed their houses and confiscated their possessions. Venice, which had aided Alexander III against Frederick I, owed no allegiance to the Western empire, and naturally stood apart.
One of the last acts of Frederick I had been to secure the marriage of his son Henry with Constance, aunt and heiress of William the Good, the last of the Norman kings of Naples  and Sicily. The son of this marriage, Frederick II (b. 1194), thus inherited this South Italian kingdom, hitherto a bulwark against the imperial Germanic power in Italy, and was defended in his possession of it against the Emperor Otho by Pope Innocent III, to whose charge he had been left as a ward by his mother. On the death of Otho (1218), Frederick became emperor, and was crowned in Rome by Honorius III (1220). The danger, to the papacy and to Italy alike, of the union of Naples and Sicily (a vassal kingdom of the Holy See) with the empire, was obvious; and Frederick, when elected King of the Romans, had sworn not to unite the southern kingdom with the German crown. His neglect of this pledge, together with the misunderstandings concerning his crusade, speedily brought about a fresh conflict between the Empire and the Church. The prolonged struggle carried on by the successors of Honorius, from Gregory IX to Clement IV, against the last Swabian princes, mingled with the worst excesses of the Italian factions on either side, is the central and most typical phase of the Guelph and Ghibelline story. From 1227, when first excommunicated by Gregory IX, to the end of his life, Frederick had to battle incessantly with the popes, the second Lombard League, and the Guelph party in general throughout Italy. The Genoese fleet, conveying the French cardinals and prelates to a council summoned at Rome, was destroyed by the Pisans at the battle of Meloria (1241); and Gregory’s successor, Innocent IV, was compelled to take refuge in France (1245). The atrocious tyrant, Ezzelino da Romano, raised up a bloody despotism in Verona and Padua; the Guelph nobles were temporarily expelled from Florence; but Frederick’s favourite son, King Enzio of Sardinia, was defeated and captured by the Bolognese (1249), and the strenuous opposition of the Italians proved too much for the imperial power. After the death of Frederick (1250), it seemed as if his illegitimate son, Manfred, King of Naples and Sicily (1254-1266), himself practically an Italian, was about to unite all Italy into a Ghibelline, anti-papal monarchy. Although in the north the Ghibelline supremacy was checked by the victory of the Marquis Azzo d’Este over Ezzelino at Cassano on the Adda (1259), in Tuscany even Florence was lost to the Guelph cause by the bloody battle of Montaperti (4 Sept., 1260), celebrated in Dante’s poem. Urban IV then offered Manfred’s crown to Charles of Anjou, the brother of St. Louis of France. Charles came to Italy, and by the great victory of Benevento (26 Feb., 1266), at which Manfred was killed, established a French dynasty on the throne of Naples and Sicily. The defeat of Frederick’s grandson, Conradin, at the battle of Tagliacozzo (1268) followed by his judicial murder at Naples by the command of Charles, marks the end of the struggle and the overthrow of the German imperial power in Italy for two and a half centuries.
Thus the struggle ended in the complete triumph of the Guelphs. Florence, once more free and democratic, had established a special organisation within the republic, known as the Parte Guelfa, to maintain Guelph principles and chastise supposed Ghibellines. Sienna, hitherto the stronghold of Ghibellinism in Tuscany, became Guelph after the battle of Colle di Valdelsa (1269). The pontificate of the saintly and pacific Gregory X (1271-1276) tended to dissociate the Church from the Guelph party, which now began to look more to the royal house of France. Although they lost Sicily by the “Vespers of Palermo” (1282), the Angevin kings of Naples remained the chief power in Italy, and the natural leaders of the Guelphs, with whose aid they had won their crown. Adherence to Ghibelline principles was still maintained by the republics of Pisa and Arezzo, the Della Scala family at Verona, and a few petty despots here and there in Romagna and elsewhere. No great ideals of any kind were by this time at stake. As Dante declares in the “Paradiso” (canto VI), one party opposed to the imperial eagle the golden lilies, and the other appropriated the eagle to a faction, “so that it is hard to see which sinneth most”. The intervention of Boniface VIII in the politics of Tuscany, when the predominant Guelphs of Florence split into two new factions, “White” and “Black”, was the cause of Dante’s exile (1301), and drove him for a while into the ranks of the Ghibellines. The next pope, Benedict XI (1303-1304), made earnest attempts to reconcile all parties; but the “Babylonian Captivity” of his successors at Avignon augmented the divisions of Italy. From the death of Frederick II (1250) to the election of Henry VII (1308), the imperial throne was regarded by the Italians as vacant. Henry himself was a chivalrous and high minded idealist, who hated the very names of Guelph and Ghibelline; his expedition to Italy (1310-1313) roused much temporary enthusiasm (reflected in the poetry of Dante and Cino da Pistoia), but he was successfully resisted by King Robert of Naples and the Florentines. After his death, imperial vicars made themselves masters of various cities. Uguccione della Faggiuola (d. 1320), for a brief while lord of Pisa “in marvellous glory”, defeated the allied forces of Naples and Florence at the battle of Montecatini (29 Aug., 1315), a famous Guelph overthrow that has left its traces in the popular poetry of the 14 C. Can Grande della Scala (d. 1339), Dante’s friend and patron, upheld the Ghibelline cause with magnanimity in eastern Lombardy, while Matteo Visconti (d. 1322) established a permanent dynasty in Milan, which became a sort of Ghibelline counterbalance to the power of the Angevin Neapolitans in the south. Castruccio Interminelli (d. 1328), a soldier of fortune who became Duke of Lucca, attempted the like in central Italy; but his signory perished with him. Something of the old Guelph and Ghibelline spirit revived during the struggle between Ludwig of Bavaria and Pope John XXII. Ludwig set up an antipope, and was crowned in Rome by a representative of the Roman people, but his conduct disgusted his own partisans. In the poetry of Fazio degli Uberti (d. after 1368), a new Ghibellinism makes itself heard: Rome declares that Italy can only enjoy peace when united beneath the scepter of one Italian king.
Before the return of the popes from Avignon, “Guelph” and “Ghibelline” had lost all real significance. Men called themselves Guelph or Ghibelline, and even fought furiously under those names, simply because their forbears had adhered to one or other of the factions. In a city which had been officially Guelph in the past, any minority opposed to the government of the day, or obnoxious to the party in power, would be branded as “Ghibelline”. Thus, in 1364, we find it enacted by the Republic of Florence that any one who appeals to the pope or his legate or the cardinals shall be declared a Ghibelline. “There are no more wicked nor more mad folk under the vault of heaven than the Guelphs and Ghibellines”, says St. Bernardino of Siena in 1427. He gives an appalling picture of the atrocities still perpetuated, even by women, under these names, albeit by that time the primitive significance of the terms had been lost, and declares that the mere professing to belong to either party is in itself a mortal sin. As party catch-words they survived, still attended with bloody consequences, until the coming to Italy of Charles V (1529) finally re-established the imperial power, and opened a new epoch in the relations of pope and emperor.
Guelphs And Ghibellines, the names given to two great mediaeval parties which acquired a pre- eminent celebrity especially in Germany- and Italy, inasmuch as their contests made Up a great portion of the history of those countries from the 11th to the 14th centuries, and which claim notice here because of the close connection of their party strifes with the ecclesiastical history of that period, and the use which the papacy made of them to increase its power and authority. According to the most reliable authorities, the word Guelph, or Guelf, is derived from" Welf," a baptismal name in several Italo, German families, which may be traced even up to the 9th century in a line of princes who migrated from Italy to Germany in the 11th century, when it appears there as the name of several chiefs of the ducal house of Saxony. Ghibelline is referred to "Waiblingen' (anciently Wibelingen), a town of Wurtemberg, and the patrimonial seat of the Hohen-stauffen family. The party conflicts originating in the rivalry of the ducal houses above mentioned, and probably also the party names, are of earlier date, but the first recorded use of these terms to designate the opposing parties occurred A.D. 1140, in the great battle of Weinsberg, in Suabia, fought between the partisans of Conrad of Hohenstauffen and those of Henry the Lion, of the house of Wolf, rival claimants of the imperial throne. In this battle the followers of Conrad rallied to the cry of "Hie Walblingen !" and those of Henry to the cry of" Hie Wolf!" These party cries, transferred to Italy, subsequently the chief theatre of these party contests, became Ghibellini and Guelphi or Guelfi, in the Italian language, the former designating the supporters, and the latter the opponents of the imperial authority, which generally vested in the Ho-henstauffen house. The opposition to this authority arose from two sources, viz. (1)from the cities and smaller principalities seeking to maintain their local rights and liberties, and (2) from the popes, who, jealous of the power of the German emperors, and irritated by their exercise of authority in ecclesiastical matters, especially in regard to investitures (q.v.), favored the party of the Guelphs, and, indeed, became the representative leaders thereof. Hence the term Guelph came to signify in general those who favored the Church's independence of the State, and the maintenance of municipal liberty as against the partisans of a supreme and centralized civil authority represented in the emperor. This statement; however, seems not to hold good always, since in the multiplied and complicated' conflicts of these parties an interchange of the distinctive principles and objects of each appears to have taken place in certain instances, and the interests of the hierarchy by no means always coincided with the aspirations for municipal and personal freedom, however freely it evoked them to advance its own ends. The contest of the papacy for supremacy over the civil power, organized and definitely directed to its object by Gregory vii (q.v.), culminated in the pontificate of Innocent III (q.v.), when, "under that young and ambitious priest, the successors of St. Peter attained the full meridian of their greatness" (Gibbon, 6:36, Harper's ed.), and "the imperial authority at Rome breathed its last sigh" (Muratori, Annal. Ital. anno 1198).
In the contests of the Ghibelline and Guelph parties historians note" five great crises "viz. (1) in 1055, under Henry IV; (2) in 1127, under Henry the Proud; (3) in 1140, under Henry the Lion; (4) in 1159, under Frederick Barbarossa; and (5) the pontificate of Innocent III. After the decline of the imperial authority in Italy, in the conflicts between opposing parties among the nobility and in the cities, Ghibelline was used to designate the aristocratic party, and Guelph those professedly favoring popular government. But the party name, as thus defined, did not always represent the real principles and objects of the party. In the course of time the contest "degenerated into a mere struggle of rival factions, availing themselves of the prestige of ancient names and traditional or hereditary prejudices" (Chambers), so that in 1273 pope Gregory X used the following language: "Guelphus nut Gibcllinus, nora-inn ne illis quidem, qui illa proferunt, nota; inane nomen, quod significat, nemo intelligit" (Muratori, Scriptt. return ltalicarum, 11:178); and in 1334 pope Benedict XII forbade the further use of the terms, and "we read little more of Guelphs and Ghibellines as actually existing parties." The conflict of principles in ecclesiastical as well as civil polity which these terms once served to represent may be traced through every subsequent age, and has not, even in this 10th century, ceased to exist. 
There are several ways to become a duke, including:
In the British peerage
A prince in the royal line is usually made a duke when he comes of age or marries. For example, Prince William became the Duke of Cambridge when he married in 2011. The title of duke comes from the Latin word dux, which means "leader". Dukes and duchesses are addressed as "His Grace" and "Her Grace", respectively. 
In Spain
Spanish infantes and infantas are often given a royal dukedom when they marry. However, these titles are not hereditary and instead carry a grandeeship of Spain. 
In Sealand
The independent micro-nation of Sealand issues legal titles, including the title of Duke or Duchess of Sealand. Claiming the title includes an Official Title Pack and official documents.
Duke is the highest rank in the peerage system, which is a system of titles in the British nobility. The ranks in descending order are: duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron.
The title "duke" comes from the Latin word dux, which means "leader". It originally signified sovereign status, as when William the Conqueror was the Duke of Normandy. As a ruler, a duke ranks below emperors, kings, grand princes, grand dukes, and sovereign princes. As a member of royalty or nobility, a duke ranks below princes and grand dukes. 
Duke may also refer to Duke University, a private university in Durham, North Carolina. In 2024, Duke University was ranked sixth in the United States by U.S. News & World Report. Duke is one of the wealthiest private universities in the country and is considered very competitive.
The rank higher than a duke in the British peerage is king or queen: The rank that is higher than a king is emperor or empress. Emperors are generally considered to be the highest monarchic rank and honor. 
The five ranks of British nobility, in descending order, are: 
Duke: The highest rank of the peerage
The title of duke became part of the British peerage in 1337 when Edward III made his son the Duke of Cornwall
The highest and most important nobility rank in all four peerages of the British Isles is Duke, the name of which comes from the Latin dux, meaning leader. The female equivalent is Duchess, a title bestowed on a woman who holds the title in her own right, as well as one who is the wife of a Duke. If the woman is the title holder, her husband would not receive any title.
In total there have been less than 300 dukes since its inception in the 14th century. The correct way to formally address a duke or duchess is ‘Your Grace’. The eldest son of a duke will use one of the duke’s subsidiary titles, whilst other children will use the honorary title ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady’ in front of their Christian names.
Marquess: One step below a duke
The next title of nobility in order of precedence is Marquess, which comes from the French marquis, meaning march. This is a reference to the Marches (borders) between Wales, England and Scotland. An English or British marquess is formally styled “The Most Honourable The Marquess of [X]”, and less formally styled as as ‘Lord So-and-So’. The wife of a marquess is a marchioness (known as ‘Lady So-and-So’), and the children’s titles are the same as those of a duke’s children.
The first marquess in the British Isles was created in 1385, which was a relatively late introduction to the British peerage. There are currently 34 marquessates.
The theoretical distinction between a marquess and other titles has, since the Middle Ages, faded into obscurity. In times past, the distinction between a count and a marquess was that the land of a marquess, called a march, was on the border of the country, while a count’s land, called a county, often was not. As a result of this, a marquess was trusted to defend and fortify against potentially hostile neighbours and was thus more important and ranked higher than a count.
Earl: The third highest rank
Next in order of precedence for titles of nobility is Earl, which comes from the Old English or Anglo-Saxon eorl, which means military leader, or man of noble birth or rank. The correct form of address is ‘Lord So-and-So’. A feminine form of Earl has never developed, therefore the wife of an earl is know as countess and the eldest son will use one of the earl’s subsidiary titles. All other sons are ‘Honourable’. Daughters take the honorary title ‘Lady’ in front of their Christian name.
Earls originally functioned essentially as royal governors, in charge of collecting taxes and with authority over their own regions or shires, often grouped together into earldoms. After the Norman Conquest of 1066, William the Conqueror modified the traditional system to his own liking and earldoms disappeared. The power and regional jurisdiction of Earls was limited to that of the Norman counts. Earls no longer aided in tax collection or made decisions in country courts, and their numbers were small.
The English kings had found it dangerous to give additional power to an already powerful aristocracy, so gradually sheriffs assumed the governing role. By the 13th century earls had a social rank just below the king and princes, but were not necessarily more powerful or wealthier than other noblemen. The only way to become an earl was to inherit the title or to marry into one. The connection between an earl and a shire disappeared, so that in the present day a number of earldoms take their names from towns, mountains, or simply surnames
Viscount: The fourth rank
What is a viscount? A viscount is the fourth rank in the British peerage system, standing directly below an earl and above a baron. There are approximately 111 viscountcies currently extant in the peerages of the British Isles, though most are secondary titles. The word Viscount comes from the Latin vicecomes, and the wife of a viscount is a viscountess. A viscount or viscountess is addressed as ‘Lord So-and-So’ or ‘Lady So-and-So’. Again, the eldest son will use one of the viscount’s subsidiary titles (if any) whilst all other children are ‘Honorables’.
As a rank in British peerage, it was first recorded in 1440, when John Beaumont was created Viscount Beaumont by King Henry VI. The word viscount corresponds in the UK to the Anglo-Saxon shire reeve (root of the non-nobiliary, royal-appointed office of sheriff). Thus early viscounts were originally normally given their titles by the monarch, not hereditarily; but soon they too tended to establish hereditary principalities in the wider sense.
Baron: The lowest rank
Baron is a rank of nobility or title of honour, often hereditary, in various European countries, either current or historical. The female equivalent is baroness. Typically, the title denotes an aristocrat who ranks higher than a lord or knight, but lower than a viscount or count
The term Baron comes from the Old Germanic baro, meaning ‘freeman’. The rank was created in 1066. In the Peerage of Scotland alone, a holder of the fifth rank is not called a ‘Baron’ but rather a ‘Lord of Parliament’. Barons in Scotland were traditionally holders of feudal dignities, not peers, but they are considered minor barons and are recognised by the crown as noble.
The title of Baron is the only possible rank of a life peerage, a life peerage being a considerably lesser honour than a hereditary peerage. This concept was introduced in Britain in the 20th century. Life peers are appointed members of the peerage whose titles cannot be inherited, in contrast to the traditional hereditary peers. Always referred to and addressed as ‘Lord’; Baron is rarely used. The wife of a baron is a baroness and all children are ‘Honorables’.
After the Norman Conquest in 1066, the term of nobility “baron” was introduced, although initially not as a title or rank, but the “barons of the King” were the men of the king. They were bound to perform a stipulated annual military service, and obliged to attend his council. Later on, the king started to create new baronies via a writ of summons, which directed his chosen man to attend Parliament. This meant that baronies no longer related directly to land-holding, and thus no more feudal baronies needed to be created.
Landed Gentry
Members of the gentry are those descendants in the male line of peers as well as the children of women who are peeresses in their own right. This also includes baronets, knights, dames and certain other persons who bear no peerage titles. They are deemed members of the non-peerage nobility below whom they rank. The largest portion of the British aristocracy has historically been the landed gentry, made up of baronets and the non-titled landowners whose families hailed from the medieval feudal class. most commonly now simply referred to as gentlemen.
Here are some other monarchic titles, in descending order: grand duke or grand duchess, prince or princess, and duke or duchess.
These ranks exist today.
Can you buy a title of nobility?
The technically correct answer would be no, but the well publicised ‘cash for honours’ scandal might suggest otherwise.
Hereditary titles and “titles of nobility” are either inherited or bestowed upon an individual by the monarch and come with legal privileges that money can’t unfortunately just can’t buy. Some people use a deed poll service to change their name, making it appear as though they have a genuine title.
Can you buy a lordship?
Yes, but these are extremely rare and you should only ever consider spending thousands of pounds after consulting a solicitor.
Alternatively, you could purchase a plot of land from Highland Titles and adopt your chosen courtesy title.
A Lord (Laird) is a member of the gentry in Scotland and ranks below a Baron and above an Esquire. The designation of Laird is based on an inheritable property that has an explicit tie to the physical land. The title cannot be bought and sold without selling the physical land. The title also does not entitle the owner to sit in the House of Lords and is the Scottish equivalent to an English squire in that it is not a noble title, more a courtesy title meaning landowner with no other rights assigned to it.
As above, it is important to emphasize that this is a courtesy title. You will not be a lord or lady in the hereditary sense but you can legally change your name and we provide the certificate and the deed. We cannot sell you a title, but we are simply acknowledging your right to use the title of Laird, Lord or Lady of the Glen, which is trademarked by Highland Titles. Find out more HERE.
What is the daughter of a lord called?
It would depend on the rank of nobility of the lord. The children of a knight, baron, or viscount have no titles at all other than Master and Mistress, but all of an earl’s daughters are styled lady, as are the daughters of a duke or marquess.
What is the wife of an Earl called?
A wife of an Earl is styled Countess.
What is the daughter of a Duke called?
The daughters of a duke, marquess or earl have the courtesy title of “Lady” before their forename and surname.
Is a noble higher than a Lord?
Being a noble is not separate to being a Lord. Lord is used as a generic term to denote members of the peerage. Dukes and duchesses are addressed with their actual title, but all other ranks of nobility have the appellation Lord or Lady.
What was the role of the nobility in medieval times?
The nobles’ place in society was essentially to function as middle-men between the peasants and the royal family. Nobles provided work, land, and protection to the peasants while providing funding, supplies, and military service to the king.
What are the ranks of British nobility?
The five ranks that exist today, in descending order, are Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount and Baron.
How do nobles address each other?
Someone with a noble status would still be expecting to use the correct address when speaking to a noble of higher ranking than themselves. However if you are a noble of equal or higher status, then you reserve the right to address nobles of equal or lesser ranks as “My Lord/Lady”.
Swabia is one of the seven administrative regions of Bavaria, Germany. When did Swabia become part of Bavaria? Today's region of Bavarian Swabia has its roots in the 1837 administrative reform in the Kingdom of Bavaria under Ludwig I. The district now stretches from Ries in the north to the Bavarian Allgäu in the south. Locals in the northern part of Swabia prefer to be called Oberschwaben or Upper Swabians.
Swabia vs Bavaria – two regions in Germany that are often compared and contrasted. But which one is the proper word to use? The answer is both, as they are two distinct regions with their own unique characteristics.
Swabia, also known as Schwaben in German, is a region in southwestern Germany. It is known for its picturesque landscapes, rich culture, and delicious cuisine. Swabia is also home to several famous cities such as Stuttgart, Ulm, and Augsburg. The region is often associated with the Swabian dialect, which is a distinct form of German spoken in the area.
My research so far has uncovered that most of the families were in alignment with each other except for The Dukes of Swabia. Swabia appears to be a breakaway from the families. This is Somaglia who were the hardest information to track down. This is, in my opinion, the real good guys. The Ghibellines. The House of Somaglia (Hohenstaufen, Barbiano di Belgioioso, Visconti di Modrone, Del Vecchio, Berlusconi). As I mentioned in my report about the Somaglia house, Someone went to great lengths to remove the Hohenstaufen Ghibellines from the Somaglia family line. The Schwab family comes from this. Hohenstaufen is a mountain in the Swabian Jura, Germany, and the name of a noble family that ruled the Holy Roman Empire and Germany during the Middle Ages. They were the lord of Bologna. They ruled Brandenburg and Prussia from 1415 to 1918.
The Guelphs and Ghibellines were parts of Franconia, Swabia and Bavaria. Swabia is a section like a county in Bavaria which is a state. Franconia is a region as well in Bavaria. Swabia has less power than Bavaria, but I do believe these entities had something to do with Hitler. If I were to guess, the Swabian Ghibellines decided to fight the bankers of the Guelphs Bavaria during World War 1 as the majority of German wealth was ok with the arrangement between the Central banks of England and France which Germany owed a lot of money to. Although academia says Germany never owed money and was its own sovereign state. Or, it was the other way around. Ghibellines’ Swabia was the ones who aligned with the central banks and took the country to war. Regardless, Swabia seemed to lose as their information is hard to come by. The Swabians could be a connection to 

Sunday Dec 29, 2024

Garden of Eden is Agartha, Shambala, Paradise
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What do the Black Nobility, Thelema Society, Lucis Trust, Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Alice Bailey, Jack Parson, L. Ron Hubbard Ashkenazis and Italy all have in common? They all hide a secret of where technology comes from. In fact, there is an opening in Italy that leads directly to the underground world that is called Shambala where the new world order gets its orders from. The Italian Mafia takes orders from this underground world and they have been controlling the entire world since World War 1.
Adolf Hitler’s Interest in the Subject
The view that there is an underground world has become popular among politicians over time. At the beginning of these, one of the most interested in the subject is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler, He believes that the Germans are an extraterrestrial, white-skinned, blond, superior race. So much so that the symbol of the Nazi Party founded by Hitler is the swastika symbol of pilgrimage. This symbol is a universal symbol used to describe the Agartha civilization. Hitler was very interested in the subject and researched it. It is known that many Nazi officers visited Tibet during his time to find the entrance to Agartha. Was Hitler an idiot? Because he believed in the Hollow Earth.
Top Secret Nazi maps and documents confirm the existence of Agartha — a subterranean civilization inside our planet
See image 1
One of the most interesting questions that many people have pondered over the centuries is whether our planet is at least partially hollow and inhabited. Many of us have read the legendary stories about the Nazis who explored the polar regions of our planet and even created secret bases in Neuschwabenland, Antarctica.
See image 2
Many researchers have also published material about Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s journeys where extremely advanced airships (disc shaped UFOs) were seen flying around and even engaging him militarily. Not long ago, a Top Secret map belonging to the Third Reich was recovered in which there are several secret passages depicted which were used by German U-Boats to access mysterious underground regions, as well as a complete map of both hemispheres and the mysterious kingdom of Agartha.
See image 3
The possibility that the earth is hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and/or South poles, and that ancient secret breakaway civilizations flourish within it, has spurred the imagination of people through centuries.  These declassified maps have added fuel to the existing speculation.
See image 4
t might just turn out to be true after all, that somehow, and somewhere, there is an access which leads to a completely different world, one that has been kept in secrecy for years by our world leaders and post WWII governments.
See image 5
We have also come across a letter, supposedly written by Karl Unger, who was aboard the German U-Boat 209, commanded by Heinrich Brodda, in which he states that the crew had reached the interior of the Earth and that they did not consider coming back.
See image 6
The official Nazi instructions to reach Agartha:
See image 7
And here is the translation in English:
See image 8
Decent at the point with the coordinates: Exact Intersection: 64° southern latitude and 1° eastern longitude, to a depth of 400 meter.
The instruction have te be strictly followed!
Decent, from the point of decent with half speed, a starbo ard declination of 10° with a bow-heaviness declination angle of 5°. Distance 188 sm. Given depth - 500 meter. (Because of the moving inside the corridor the pressure on the ship body when maneuvering is insignificant)
Ascent, Full lo ad with a stern trim, Ascent angle 23° with a port declination of 22°. 190 meter upwards. Distance 755 sm.
Difficult maneuver! Ascent full speed with a stern trim, Ascent angle 41°. Proceed straight ahead. 110 meter upwards, distance 21.5 sm. Afterwards starboard declination of 8° until ascent to the surface in a distance of 81sm.
Proceed on the surface within the grotto with a starboard declination of 8°, Distance 286 sm.
6. Schwieriges maneuver! Descent. With a bow-heaviness declination 45° to a depth of 240 meter, Distance 60 sm. Afterwards with a port declination of 20°, at which the descent to 310 meter to the entrance to the corridor continues. After the 310 meter mark the bow heavy descent need to be continued. Descent angle 7° until 360 meter, distance 70 sm.Futher starboard declination of 31°to a depth of 380 meter.
Descent, Bow heavy, ascent angle 22°, 100 meter upwards with a port decination of 26°.Distnace 43 sm.
Ascent. Stern trim, Ascent angle 45°, straight ahead until reaching the surface of Agartha.Distance 70 sm.
Proceed to Agartha. Full Speed. Proceed straight ahead, until the new light can be seen.Change of magnetic poles. The changes of the compass needle and instruments are to be disregarded.
(Further instructions in package Nr. 3 only when arrived in Agartha to be opened)
See image 9
The stories above are backed up by maps made by famous cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society in 1966. In this map, the Antarctic continent can be observed without its thick layer of ice.
See image 10
But the most intriguing detail are the presence of underwater passages spanning across the entire continent and seem to converge at the exact location which is identified as the opening towards the Hollow Earth or Inner Earth. Here are the official Nazi maps of the inner world:
See image 11
Hitler was obsessed with mysticism and the inexplicable, he was very interested in UFO’s and ancient history, and many of his followers knew that and supported him. The possibility that the earth is at least partially hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has gained popularity in recent years. It might just turn out to be true after all, that somehow, and somewhere, there is an access which leads to a completely different world, one that has been kept in secrecy for reasons that are just now coming to light.
READ: Occult Secrets of VRIL
See image 12
Agartha is an advanced civilization believed to live underground. It has had an important place in many civilizations throughout history. Many theories are put forward about this civilization and various legends are told. It is claimed that the underground world they live in is located in the Asian mountain ranges. It is claimed that civilization can be reached through holes at the poles or through tunnels extending underground.
According to what is told about Agartha, a superior race of space origin lives in the land of endless caves under the Himalayan mountains. The people of the alien race were divided into two over time. Those who choose the path of goodness and honesty are Agarta, and those who choose the dark path are Shamballa. While the Shamballa civilization strives to take over the world, the Agarta civilization prefers to stay away from the societies.
Gates of Agartha Civilization
The entrance gates of the underground civilization of Agartha are large holes believed to be at the north and south poles. These holes have been proven by satellite photographs. In addition, it is said that the underground tunnels in many parts of the world and claimed to be connected with each other led to this civilization. Located in regions such as Nevşehir, Niğde, Göreme in Turkey underground city and tunnels network is thought to support this theory.
There is a mention of a tunnel in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, which is thought to be connected with the Agartha civilization. The entrance to this tunnel is guarded by knights templars and Lamas who have sworn to keep the secret. Even in satellite photographs in various parts of the world censored secret placesSome of them are said to be the gates to the Agartha civilization. Also, the secret chambers at the base of the Giza Pyramids in Egypt are believed to be linked to Agartha.
Agartha Narrated in the Mythology of Various Civilizations
In ancient Greek mythology, a country called Hyperborea is mentioned. Everything is perfect in the imaginary country that is said to be located in Northern Thrace. The sun shines for 24 hours. The sun mentioned is not the normal known sun, but a sun inside the earth. Egypt, Tibet, Yucatan, Bermuda Triangle, There are entries from Russia and Africa.
According to the Navajo legends told among the natives of America, it is said that the ancestor of man came from under the earth. These people living underground have supernatural powers. The great experience Noah’s Flood Because of this, they had to go above ground from caves. When they surfaced, they transferred everything they knew to the human race.
In Eskimo, Egyptian and Chinese writings, a great clearing in the north and the human race living under the earth are mentioned. In what is described in the writings, it is said that the ancestors of these civilizations came from the heavenly places in the world.
In Buddhist traditions, it is mentioned that thousands of years ago, a holy man lost his tribe underground. It is believed that underground people colonized over time and established a kingdom. It is thought that this kingdom has a science far superior to the people and science found on the earth’s surface, and its population is millions.
Underground races are also mentioned in the Qur’an, the Torah and the Bible. These human-like races are mentioned as Gog and Magog in the Qur’an, Gog in the Torah and Bible. In general, it is told that the Agartha civilization lived in a very large and large cave galleries under the Himalayan mountains in all societies.
Admiral Byrd Who Claims to Have Seen the Agartian Civilization and His Diaries
Admiral Byrd is the only witness to the legend of the Agartha civilization. The Admiral is the only one to confirm the theory of the underground civilization. He claims to have seen civilization while traveling to the north pole in 1947. He described what he saw there in detail in his diaries.
In his diaries; He says that while flying over the north pole, he flew over mountains he had never seen before and saw a river flowing between these mountains. It is told that there are green forests where ice and snow should be. The area he comes down to see is completely different from the normal world. The sun is not visible, but a different light is reflected. He saw different animals that he thought were mammoths. The ambient temperature is 23 degrees. In addition, a city can be seen in the area. There are flying objects with swastikas on them. The Admiral explains that they contacted him by radio and they were extremely friendly. The people living there are very tall and blond. The buildings in which they live shine as if they are made of crystal.
The Admiral said in his diaries that they specifically called him there. people in japan to Hiroshima and Nagasaki They were very interested in the atomic bombs they dropped. Due to these events, they sent their flying cars and kept a close watch on the people. After 1945, they tried to communicate with people, but they were treated with hostility. When the admiral returned to the surface, he told what had happened, his words were recorded, but he was told to hide what he knew.
Admiral Richard B. Byrd's Diary: February - March 1947
The exploration flight over the North Pole
The Inner Earth - My Secret Diary
I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty-Seven.
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing ...perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth.
Flight Log: Base Camp Arctic, 2/19/1947
06.00 Hours - All preparations are complete for our flight northward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.
06.20 Hours - fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.
07.30 Hours - Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is normal.
07.40 Hours - Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator seems normal, however.
08.00 Hours - Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321 feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.
08.15 Hours- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.
08.30 Hours - Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet, smooth flight conditions again.
09.10 Hours - Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and disperse in a linear pattern. Altering course for a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to Base Camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below.
09.10 Hours - Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!
09.15 Hours - In the distance is what appears to be mountains.
0949 Hours - 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before!
09.55 Hours - Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.
10.00 Hours - We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
10.05 Hours - I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight-knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to Base Camp.
10.30 Hours - Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact Base Camp. Radio is not functioning!
11.30 Hours - Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city!!!! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond!! My GOD!!! Off our port and starboard wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them.
They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond!!!! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
11.35 Hours - Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: 'Welcome, Admiral, to our Domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.' I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
11.40 Hours - Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
11.45 Hours - I am making a hasty last entry in the Flight Log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply.
End Log
From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened. The Radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious.
After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing Hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my Radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves!
One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my Hosts speaks. "Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master..."
I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a Human term that can describe it in any detail with justice! My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, "I bid you welcome to our Domain, Admiral." I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following.
"We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral."
"Surface World?", I half-gasp under my breath!
"Yes", the Master replies with a smile, "you are in the Domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after your Race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the "Flugelrads", to your surface world to investigate what your Race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. You see, we have never interfered before in your Race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for Man, namely, that of Atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your World, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our World does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral."
I interrupted, "But what does this have to do with me, Sir?"
The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, “Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very World rather than relinquish their power as they know it...”
I nodded, and the Master continued, "In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your Race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your World, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your Arms, there will be no safety in your Science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all Human things are levelled in vast chaos. Your recent War was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each you say I am mistaken?"
"No", I answer, "it happened once before, the Dark Ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years."
"Yes, my Son", replied the Master, "the Dark Ages that will come now for your Race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your Race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a New World stirring from the ruins of your Race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my Son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your Race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your Race to begin anew. You, my Son, are to return to the Surface World with this message....."
With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which.
Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful Hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. "This way, Admiral", motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. "Farewell, my Son", he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended.
Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, "We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race".
I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my Radioman. He had an anxious expression on his face. As I approached, I said, "It is all right, Howie, it is all right".
The two Beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet. Two of their craft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate.
2.15 Hours - A radio message comes through. "We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!!!!"
We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts....
Entry in Flight Log continues:
2.20 Hours - We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from Base Camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all conditions normal....normal. Base Camp expresses relief at our re-established contact.
3.00 Hours - We land smoothly at Base Camp. I have a mission.....
End Log Entries:
March 11, 1947. I have just attended a Staff Meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty- nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a Medical Team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the National Security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY!!! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a Military Man and I must obey orders.
30/12/56: Final Entry:
These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind...I now make my final entry in this singular Diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this Secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for Mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my Spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the Long Night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the Long Night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again....and those who are of darkness shall fall in it's Light. FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd
United States Navy
24 December 1956
Current Studies on Agartha
Today, a number of studies are carried out in order to reveal and reach the civilizations under the ground. Regarding the subject, it is known that the tunnels under the Egyptian Pyramids have been explored for a long time. A new set of complex tunnels have been found under New York’s Central Park and in Afghanistan.
The structure of the world is being reexamined. In the geographical experiments carried out, it was observed that while the temperature was expected to increase when a depth of 10 kilometers was reached, it suddenly decreased. Fossil micro-organisms have been found at depths of more than 7 km. Fossils encountered at this depth contradict the theories put forward about the structure of the world so far.
It has been revealed that the heat source inside the earth is not as hot as it was thought. According to the findings of seismologists Paul G. Richards and Xiaodong Song from Columbia University, the interior of the earth moves faster than the rest of the planet. If the Earth’s core is moving faster, it turns out that the mass surrounding it is not exerting pressure. It is thought that the moving inner core could be the inner sun mentioned inside the earth.
The current theory of the Earth’s current existence of a layer of liquid rock 60 km thick and below the earth’s crust turned out to be false. Geophysicists from California and Illinois, during their research, found layers of hard rock that make up the earth’s crust at a depth of 400 km. It is not known exactly whether there is a civilization underground. However, the information and documents that have emerged increase the mystery of the underworld even more.
Agartha is one of the names for Shambhala, a legendary kingdom said to be hidden in the heart of the Himalayas. Other names for this place include:
The City of Gods
The Garden of Eden
Mount Meru
The Pure Land
The White Island
Shambhala is described as the Imperishable Sacred Land and the planet Earth's first and ever-present continent. Unlike other continents, it is believed to have existed from the beginning and will continue until the end of the Grand Cycle of Evolution. It is considered the cradle of the first human and the source of all religions, philosophies, sciences, and esoteric teachings. This mysterious place, which preserves the Eternal Wisdom, lies at the intersection of the past, present, and future, as well as the Physical, Subtle, and Fiery Worlds.
See image 13
In the book The Land of the Gods: Exploring the Hidden Story of Visiting Shambhala Source: Excerpts from "The Land of the Gods- The Long-Hidden Story of Visiting the -- Helena P. Blavatsky -- Sacred Wisdom Revived
Helen did not write this book but recommended it for reading as it explains the rosicrucians and their questions or knowledge and enlightenment. The book ends up telling of both a real place and a supernatural place. 
Main Themes:
The Search for Truth and Spiritual Enlightenment: The narrative follows a journey driven by a thirst for knowledge beyond conventional sources. This quest leads the narrator to a secluded valley in the Alps, a hidden stronghold of the Adepts of the Golden and Rosy Cross, symbolic of Shambhala.
The Nature of Self and Consciousness: The text explores the concept of a dual self: the physical and the psychical (astral). It challenges the materialistic view of consciousness, suggesting it can exist independently of the physical body and permeates the universe.
The Power of Will and Imagination: The Adepts possess a mastery over their will and imagination, allowing them to manipulate the forces of nature and even manifest physical forms. This power is rooted in aligning one's will with the universal will, a concept echoed in the quote: "Your will can only act powerfully if it remains identical to the Will of the Universal Spirit."
The Importance of Inner Development over External Pursuit: The emphasis is placed on cultivating inner strength and wisdom over worldly possessions and intellectual pursuits. The true ascetic, according to the text, is one who conquers their inner animal self amidst worldly temptations.
The Role of Theosophical Monasteries and the Universal Brotherhood: The text envisions the creation of theosophical monasteries as centers for spiritual development and the dissemination of true knowledge, fostering a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity. However, human imperfections and selfish desires pose significant obstacles.
Most Important Ideas and Facts:
Shambhala as a Spiritual Stronghold: The hidden valley represents Shambhala, a place of peace and wisdom, inaccessible to those unprepared or driven by selfish motives. It serves as a training ground for those seeking to develop spiritually and become Adepts.
The Illusionary Nature of Physical Reality: The text reinforces the idea that the physical world is a product of the Universal Mind's imagination, a concept explained by the Adept: "The whole world... is nothing but a product of the imagination of the Universal Mind." This challenges the notion of an objective, solid reality.
The Alchemical Transformation as a Spiritual Metaphor: The alchemical process of transmutation is presented not just as a physical process but also as a symbolic representation of spiritual transformation. The inherent potential within every substance, even the smallest, to evolve into something greater, is highlighted.
The Necessity of Resisting Temptation for Spiritual Growth: The analogy of the isolated pine trees weathering storms to become strong illustrates the importance of facing challenges in the world to cultivate inner strength. Sheltering from the world, while seemingly offering peace, ultimately hinders spiritual growth.
The Universal Mind as the Source of All: The teachings of Plotinus are invoked to explain the concept of a unified reality where God, or the Real, is the source of all things, including matter and consciousness. This echoes the Islamic statement "Allah il Allah," signifying God's all-encompassing nature.
Key Quotes:
"Your will can only act powerfully if it remains identical to the Will of the Universal Spirit."
"The whole world... is nothing but a product of the imagination of the Universal Mind."
"Everything that exists upon the Earth has its ethereal counterpart above the Earth (that is to say, in the inner realm), and there is nothing, however insignificant it may appear in the world, which is not depending on something higher (or more interior)."
"Allah il Allah... God is God, and there is nothing beside Him."
"Whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more in abundance, but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath."
Further Exploration:
The text raises several questions about the role of religious institutions in fostering true spiritual development and their ability to produce individuals with demonstrable spiritual powers. This warrants further examination in the context of modern religious practices.
The concept of the Akashic Records, briefly mentioned in the glossary, merits deeper exploration to understand its implications for accessing knowledge and understanding past events.
The role of the Masters of Wisdom and their influence on historical events, as well as the criteria for becoming a disciple, could be explored further to gain a deeper understanding of their role in guiding humanity's evolution.
This briefing document provides a concise overview of the main themes and key ideas presented in the provided source. It aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of the text's exploration of esoteric knowledge and the path to spiritual enlightenment.
This book does not state that Islam is the one true religion. It mentions Islam alongside other major world religions but states that the Rosicrucian order has nothing to do with specific religious beliefs or opinions. The book also states that the Rosicrucian order seeks knowledge above all else and that true knowledge can't be imparted from one person to another but must be felt and understood by the individual.
See video
Helena Blavatsky like all other esotericists were all in search of the divinity. If they didn’t get their answers from Buddhism, they would search in Christianity. If no answers were there, they searched Islam. All of the occultists had one thing in common. No patience. You can’t force God’s hand to reveal secrets because he cares enough so not to hurt you. Yet, those that practice alchemy and now known as science are trying to unlock the secrets of the world through experimentation of elements.
Rituals and spell casting are not necessarily satanic. Meaning the author is trying to do things on their own without God. This leads to the ego. They were fooled by the devil into thinking they can reach self awareness through black magic, which is evil. We were never to practice any of those things because experimenting with matter isn’t needed. We have all we need on this planet through its own resources. 
But the wizards, warlocks and witches decided to pursue the faster way to knowledge. To shake hands with the fallen. Technology is nothing but the same thing the settlers gave the native Americans for land. Trinkets and fake jewelry which wasn’t worth anything. In the age of technology, the moment a product is released, it is already obsolete as competition releases a much faster version. 
Think about it. Has technology improved your health or set it back? When I was a kid, I had addresses and phone numbers memorized and now, we lost that ability to store data because we are placing information in our phones. Data entry is nothing more than replacing memory from our brains to a hard drive. Technology seems cool, but hasn’t got us any further than the moon. 50 years later, we say we don’t have the data to go back. Why not? Helium 3 is rare on earth.
Here’s what I believe may be a better theory. Jesus died on the cross and took the thief with him to paradise. This was located right next to Sheol in the center of the earth where those who were not of Abrahamic covenant went. Sheol or hell and paradise are two places mentioned in the Bible that existed. Jesus set the captives free and sent them to heaven leaving paradise open for whomever would inhabit.
In the Bible, Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43)
Today? He left for 3 days. Where did he go? Did he go to heaven with the thief first? 
Luke 16:24-25 American Standard Version (ASV)
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.
But Abraham wasn’t in anguish? He was right there in hell wasn’t he?
Luke 16:26: "And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us"
So, a gulf is between what? Hell and hell? I am convinced now that after Jesus died, he went to set the captives free and Satan filled paradise with his army. I believe the devil and his angels inhabited Paradise inside the hollow earth and started creating technology to war against Jesus when he returns. This place was called Agartha and never was found until Admiral Bird made the first discovery after 2,000 years of the fallen angels and the devil have inhabited since Christ paid the atonement.
They have orchestrating events on Earth ever since and the Zoroastrian families work for them. They are able to accumulate wealth through the technological advancement of Paradise where they know how to manipulate base metals and create anything they want like gold. These Shambala people are the Aryans that Hitler was searching for to help him beat the bankers during the First World War. I believe Hitler was hoodwinked when he found out that the bankers were in fact working for Agartha all along. 
They are influencing all of world events through the control of religion, countries and corporations through technology they have perfected with the fallen angels. The Agarthians are the Atlanteans of old who survived the flood by retreating to Sheol or hollow earth. Man has been given technology by the same source every so often to further their goals of bringing in their King from Agartha to the surface and rule. 
Agartha, Shambala, Garden of Eden, Atlantas and Paradise are all the same thing. Paradise in hell is where the devil is preparing for war with Jesus. Agartha was the garden of eden where Adam and Eve were kicked out of to the surface where it is harder to till the land. Paradise was just a temporary place God put Abraham’s people in while God sorted out what to do with the fallen angels who rebelled against heaven. 
Gemini AI
The Bible

Hollow Earth Theory

Saturday Dec 28, 2024

Saturday Dec 28, 2024

Hollow Earth Theory
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I remember the first book I read about mysteries of the unknown in the 90’s and one of the chapters had a supposed picture of the hollow earth taken from space. For the life of me, I can’t find that book.
This is that image.
Image 1
My studies of the Zoroastrian bloodlines always leads me to Agharta and Shambala. The Persians are in control of the Italian Mob, which controls from my understanding 95% of the world today, have a relationship with Agathias but what if there is a relationship with inner earth and the coming deception? I do believe Persia, Hollow Earth, Agharta, Shambala, UAP’s, UFO’s, and the modern day military activity has something to do with the Hollow Earth. So, in order to follow the bread crumbs, we must understand where the idea of a Hollow Earth came from.
As science and science fiction merge, we unravel the ancient mysteries of the human experience. If indeed entities exist beneath the surface of the planet, they would not live in molten rock but in space ships. And as the tectonic plates are breaking - it is either by their doing, a knowing that the consciousness hologram that creates this reality, is ending so they no longer have to monitor from below, or they emerge as the plates naturally break apart.
According to the Hollow Earth Hypothesis, planet Earth is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. The hypothesis has long been contradicted by overwhelming observational evidence, as well as by the modern understanding of planet formation; the scientific community has dismissed the notion since at least the late 18th century.
The concept of a hollow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for a sub-genre of adventure fiction. It also features in some present-day pseudoscientific and conspiracy theories.
Early History
In ancient times, the idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the concept of "places" such as the Greek Hades, the Nordic svartalfheim, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol (with details describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L'Avraham).
Edmond Halley in 1692 put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell about 800 km (500 miles) thick, two inner concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Atmospheres separate these shells, and each shell has its own magnetic poles. The spheres rotate at different speeds. Halley proposed this scheme in order to explain anomalous compass readings. He envisaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly inhabited) and speculated that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis.
De Camp and Ley have claimed (in their Lands Beyond) that Leonhard Euler also proposed a hollow-Earth idea, getting rid of multiple shells and postulating an interior sun 1000 km (600 miles) across to provide light to advanced inner-Earth civilization (but they provide no references). However in his Letters to a German princess Euler describes a thought experiment involving a patently solid Earth.
De Camp and Ley also claim that Sir John Leslie expanded on Euler's idea, suggesting two central suns named Pluto and Proserpine (this was unrelated to the dwarf planet Pluto, which was discovered and named some time later). Leslie did propose a hollow Earth in his 1829 Elements of Natural Philosophy (pp. 449Ð453), but does not mention interior suns.
19th century
In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1300 km (800 miles) thick, with openings about 2300 km (1400 miles) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. Symmes became the most famous of the early Hollow Earth proponents. He proposed making an expedition to the North Pole hole, thanks to efforts of one of his followers, James McBride, but the new President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, halted the attempt.
Jeremiah Reynolds also delivered lectures on the "Hollow Earth" and argued for an expedition. Reynolds went on an expedition to Antarctica himself but missed joining the Great U.S. Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842, even though that venture was a result of his agitation.
Though Symmes himself never wrote a book about his ideas, several authors published works discussing his ideas. McBride wrote Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1826. It appears that Reynolds has an article that appeared as a separate booklet in 1827: Remarks of Symmes' Theory Which Appeared in the American Quarterly Review.
In 1868, a professor W.F. Lyons published The Hollow Globe which put forth a Symmes-like Hollow Earth hypothesis, but didn't mention Symmes. Symmes's son Americus then published The Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres to set the record straight.
See image 2
Recent Theories
The Thule Society, which was well known by Adolf Hitler, reported much about Tibetan myths of openings into the Earth. There is even a theory that Hitler ordered a research journey for such an opening in Antarctica, based on a speech of Admiral Donitz in front of a German submarine in 1944, when he claimed "The German submarine fleet is proud of having built an invisible fortification for the Fuhrer, anywhere in the world." During the Nuremberg Trials, Donitz spoke of "an invisible fortification, in midst of the eternal ice."
As the story goes ... Hitler and his followers wanted to create a race of super soldiers an Ayran race (like the Atlanteans) to rule the world. They came to this conclusion through the acceptance of many occult beliefs and practices, including the Hollow Earth Theory. There is a legend which says that Hitler and his chief advisers escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole (Antarctica) where they discovered an entrance to the Earth's interior. According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, they are still there. After the war, the organization claims, the Allies discovered that more than 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had vanished, along with almost a million people, to the land beyond the South Pole. This story gets more complicated with Nazi-designed UFOs, Nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the Earth, and the possible explanation for "Aryan-looking" UFO pilots. 
In 2005, Steven Currey Expeditions planned an expedition to the North Pole region to explore for a possible opening into the inner Earth. Brooks A. Agnew took over as leader on Currey's death in 2006, with the plan of taking 100 scientists and film makers to the supposed Arctic "opening" in 2009.
An early twentieth-century proponent of hollow Earth, William Reed, wrote Phantom of the Poles in 1906. He supported the idea of a hollow Earth, but without interior shells or inner sun.
Marshall Gardner wrote A Journey to the Earth's Interior in 1913 and an expanded edition in 1920. He placed an interior sun in the hollow Earth. He even built a working model of the hollow Earth and patented it. Gardner made no mention of Reed, but did take Symmes to task for his ideas. In the same time Vladimir Obruchev wrote a fiction novel Plutonia, where the hollow Earth's interior possessed one inner (central) sun and was inhabited by prehistoric species. The interior was connected with the surface by a hole in the Arctic.
Other writers have proposed that ascended masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean caverns or a hollow Earth. Antarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, Peru, and Mount Shasta in California, USA, have all had their advocates as the locations of entrances to a subterranean realm referred to as Agartha, with some even advancing the hypothesis that UFOs have their homeland in these places.
In 1964, Raymond W. Bernard, an esotericist and leader of the Rosicrucians published The Hollow Earth - The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles - The True Origin of the Flying Saucers. Bernard tells stories about people who have entered the inner earth and what has happened to them. It mentions a photograph published in 1960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada which shows a beautiful valley with lush hills. An aviator claimed that he had taken the picture while flying into the North Pole.
See image 6
In his Letters from Nowhere, Bernard claims to have been in contact with great mystics in secret ashrams and with Grand Lamas in Tibet. He was, in short, another Gurdjieff. Dr. Bernard "died of pneumonia on September 10, 1965, while searching the tunnel openings to the interior of the Earth, in South America."
Bernard seems to have accepted every legend ever associated with the hollow Earth idea, including the notions that the Eskimos originated within the Earth and an advanced civilization dwells within even now, revving up their UFOs for occasional forays into thin air. Bernard even accepts without question Shaver's claim that he learned the secret of relativity before Einstein from the Hollow Earth people.
Let's stay in the Arctic and time travel back to meet Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy who allegedly flew to the North Pole in 1926. He wrote in his diary: "As we flew into a hollow interior, my crew and I were greeted by flying machines of a type we had never seen before and were not aware existed. Instruments indicated we flew 17 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life resembling the mammoths of antiquity.
"We observed cities and a thriving civilization in what appeared to be a temperate climate. We were escorted to a safe landing area where we were graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha where we met the king and queen who told him about future risks to the surface of plant earth ." The 1996 release of Byrd's diary of the May 9, 1926, flight revealed erased (but still legible) sextant sights that sharply differ from Byrd's later June 22 typewritten official report to the National Geographic Society.
The message is always the same whether channeled by aliens or others who predict the future by connecting their consciousness with the grids ... It's a warning about the fate of humanity if change wasn't had ... and you've heard it before. The leaders of Agartha worried about the safety of Earth due to military testing and climate change on the surface if they didn't change their ways.
Well guys that was 100 years ago and here we are still testing nuclear weapons as the programmed climate change and natural disasters take us out. We can't stop any of it because these are programmed events. If any of those "entities" are still 'down there' - or in another dimension which makes more sense - they would have gone home. Frankly I don't think any of it happened. Perhaps they were smoking a little too much weed!
It's the same pattern recycled. If humanity doesn't do something the planet will be destroyed. It's really not about destroying the planet or humanity or anything linked to entities from other realities. It's about a simulation that's going to end. Fade to Black. The image above is your soul lifting out at the end of Time and Illusion ... returning to the black hole of creation.
Since I'm posting this on 4/20 ... Hitler's birthday and he was into all things esoteric ... let's connect some dots ... A Nazi weather station, Schatzgraber ("Treasure Hunter"), was uncovered in the Arctic in 2016, with hundreds of items recovered by Russian scientists.
On May 9, 1926, famed American explorer Richard Byrd took off from the Norwegian Arctic island of Spitsbergen along with his pilot, Floyd Bennett, in an attempt to be the first to fly to the North Pole. About 16 hours later, the pair returned to the island in their Fokker tri-motor airplane, the Josephine Ford, saying they had indeed accomplished the feat. Byrd submitted his navigational records to the U.S. Navy and a committee of the National Geographic Society, one of his sponsors, who confirmed the accomplishment, according to the Ohio State University Libraries. Byrd was hailed as a hero, given the Medal of Honor, and went on to fly over the South Pole, as well as achieving many other polar exploration milestones. But from 1926 onward, not everyone thought that Byrd and Bennett actually made it to the North Pole. The controversy largely rested on whether the plane could have covered the distance in just 15 hours and 44 minutes, as the team recorded, when the flight was expected to take about 18 hours, given the ground speed of the aircraft.
Instead of saying that humans live on the outside surface of a hollow planet, sometimes called a "convex" hollow-Earth hypothesis, some have claimed that our universe itself lies in the interior of a hollow world, calling this a "concave" hollow-Earth hypothesis. The surface of the Earth, according to such a view, might resemble the interior shell of a Dyson sphere. Generally, scientists have taken neither type of speculation seriously.
Cyrus Teed, an eccentric doctor from upstate New York, proposed such a concave hollow Earth in 1869, calling his scheme "Cellular Cosmogony". Teed founded a cult called the Koreshan Unity based on this notion, which he called Koreshanity. The main colony survives as a preserved Florida state historic site, at Estero, but all of Teed's followers have now died. Teed's followers claimed to have experimentally verified the concavity of the Earth's curvature, through surveys of the Florida coastline making use of "rectilineator" equipment.
Several twentieth-century German writers, including Peter Bender, Johannes Lang, Karl Neupert, and Fritz Braun, published works advocating the hollow Earth hypothesis, or Hohlweltlehre. It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation, that Adolf Hitler was influenced by concave hollow-Earth ideas and sent an expedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy on the British fleet by aiming infrared cameras up into the sky (Wagner, 1999).
The Egyptian mathematician Mostafa Abdelkader authored several scholarly papers working out a detailed mapping of the concave Earth model. See M. Abdelkader, "A Geocosmos: Mapping Outer Space Into a Hollow Earth," 6 Speculations in Science & Technology 81-89 (1983). Abstracts of two of Abdelkader's papers also appeared in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, (Oct. 1981 and Feb. 1982).
In one chapter of his book On the Wild Side (1992), Martin Gardner discusses the hollow Earth model articulated by Abdelkader. According to Gardner, this hypothesis posits that light rays travel in circular paths, and slow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cavern. No energy can reach the center of the cavern, which corresponds to no point a finite distance away from Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology.
A drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away from the cavern and eventually pass through the "point at infinity" corresponding to the center of the Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology. Supposedly no experiment can distinguish between the two cosmologies. Martin Gardner notes that "most mathematicians believe that an inside-out universe, with properly adjusted physical laws, is empirically irrefutable". Gardner rejects the concave hollow Earth hypothesis on the basis of Occam's Razor.
In a trivial sense, one can always define a coordinate transformation such that the interior of the Earth becomes "exterior" and the exterior becomes "interior". Such transformations would require corresponding changes to the forms of physical laws; the consensus suggests that such theories tend towards sophism.
Contrary Evidence
The best scientific argument against that of a hollow Earth (or in fact any hollow planet) is gravity. Massive objects tend to clump together gravitationally, creating non-hollow spherical objects we call stars and planets. The solid sphere is the best way in which to minimize the gravitational potential energy of a physical object; having hollowness is therefore unfavorable in the energetic sense. In addition, ordinary matter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against the force of gravity.
Someone on the inside of a hollow Earth would not experience an outward pull and could not stand on the inner surface; rather, the theory of gravity implies that a person on the inside would be nearly weightless. This was first shown by Newton, whose shell theorem mathematically predicts a gravitational force (from the shell) of zero everywhere inside a spherically symmetric hollow shell of matter, regardless of the shell's thickness.
A tiny gravitational force would arise from the fact that the Earth does not have a perfectly symmetrical spherical shape, as well as forces from other bodies such as the Moon. The centrifugal force from the Earth's rotation would pull a person (on the inner surface) outwards if the person was traveling at the same velocity as the Earth's interior and was in contact with the ground on the interior, but even at the equator this is only 1/300 of ordinary Earth gravity.
The mass of the planet also indicates that the hollow Earth hypothesis is unfeasible. Should the Earth be largely hollow, its mass would be much lower and thus its gravity on the outer surface would be much lower than it currently is.
Seismic Information
Although not visually observable, the core of the Earth is observable via vibrations (primarily from earthquakes) passing from one side of the planet to the other. Using this method, geologists have been able to establish the structure of mantle, outer core, and inner core known today. A hollow earth would behave entirely differently in terms of seismic observations.
Visual Evidence
The deepest hole drilled to date is the SG-3 borehole which is 12.3 km (7.6 miles) deep, part of the Soviet Kola Superdeep Borehole project; thus, visual knowledge of the Earth's structure extends that far.
Hollow Earths in Fiction
The idea of a hollow Earth is a very common element of fiction, appearing as early as Ludvig Holberg's 1741 novel Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum (Niels Klim's Underground Travels), in which Nicolai Klim falls through a cave while spelunking and spends several years living on both a smaller globe within and the inside of the outer shell.
Other pre-20th century examples include Giacomo Casanova's 1788 Icosameron, a 5-volume, 1,800-page story of a brother and sister who fall into the Earth and discover the subterranean utopia of the Megamicres, a race of multicolored, hermaphroditic dwarfs; Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery by a "Captain Adam Seaborn" (1820) which reflected the ideas of John Cleves Symmes, Jr. and some have claimed Symmes as the real author; Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket; and George Sand's 1884 novel Laura, Voyage dans le Cristal where unseen and giant crystals could be found in the interior of the Earth.
More recently, the idea has become a staple of science fiction, appearing in print, in film, on television, in comics, role-playing games, and in many animated works.
The idea as also used by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan, in a series of novels beginning with "At the Earth's Core" (1914). Using a mechanical drill, his heroes discover a prehistoric world 500 miles below the surface. Lit by an inner sun, this inner earth is called "Pellucidar" due to the constant light of the unsetting inner sun. There is also an inner moon which creates a "Land of the Dreadful Shadow" by blocking the light of the inner sun for a portion of Pellucidar. Burroughs also makes use of the idea of openings at the poles, and has zeppelins travel to the interior of the earth via these openings. There are seven novels in the "Pellucidar"series.
The Elder Race - The Shaver Mystery
One of the most controversial tales of inner-Earth-dwellers is the so-called Shaver Mystery. In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine, under the editorship of Ray Palmer, ran a story told by American writer and artist Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an giant race called the Elder Race, or Titans, an underground civilization that lived in caverns under the earth.
Shaver contended that the Elder Superior Pre-historic Race came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a time of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities - a honeycomb of caves in the Earth - populated by artificial beings: the evil Dero, detrimental robots and the good Tero, integrated robots. Shaver claimed to have met the Tero.
According to Shaver, the Dero, live there still, using the fantastic machines abandoned by the ancient races to torment those of us living on the surface. As one characteristic of this torment, Shaver described "voices" that purportedly came from no explainable source. Thousands of readers wrote to affirm that they, too, had heard the fiendish voices from inside the Earth.
Despite the enormous popularity of the "Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories", Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and more. The location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged. Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true.
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican God. Legend has it he flew off in a UFO for 8 days where he visited the inner worlds beneath the sea, returning to create humanity, leaving messages in the geometry of his design to be found at the end of time. This speaks to Simulation Hypothesis - Holographic Universe Theory
Some believe the Gray Aliens are part of Hollow Earth Theory.
Underground civilizations link with the 'Hollow Earth Theory'. There are supposedly races that exist in subterranean cities beneath planet Earth. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.
Hollow Earth Theories always propose a central sun, aliens, and mythical subterranean cities and civilizations that some believe could link science and pseudoscience if physically discovered. Glaciers at both the Arctic and Antarctic regions are melting down at an accelerated rate, which will reveal the truth behind this mystery and its metaphoric connections to other creation myths in the story of humanity's journey on plant Earth.
The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in the late 17th century, the notion was disproven, first tentatively by Pierre Bouguer in 1740, then definitively by Charles Hutton in his Schiehallion experiment around 1774
In the book The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery by, Raymond Bernard in 1964 goes into detail.
The book "The Hollow Earth" proposes a revolutionary geographical theory that challenges the conventional belief of a solid Earth. Instead, it argues that the Earth is a hollow sphere with openings at the North and South Poles, leading to a vast, unknown world in its interior.
This theory, first proposed by William Reed in his 1906 book "Phantom of the Poles," is further developed in this book, drawing upon evidence from various Arctic explorers, most notably Admiral Richard E. Byrd. The book emphasizes that the North and South Poles, as conventionally understood, do not exist as fixed points on the Earth's surface. Rather, they are situated in the middle of the polar openings, rendering them unreachable.
Key aspects of this geographical theory include:
Polar Concavities: The Earth's extremities at the poles are not convex, but rather concave depressions that lead to the hollow interior [7, 8].
Polar Openings: These concavities open into the Earth's interior, each with a diameter of approximately 1,400 miles [9]. These openings are not visible from space due to atmospheric and magnetic phenomena that obscure them.
Unknown Territory: Within these polar openings lie vast, unexplored territories with landmasses, oceans, mountains, and rivers. This "Great Unknown," as Admiral Byrd called it, is teeming with life, including forests, vegetation, lakes, rivers, and various animal species, some resembling mammoths.
Warmer Climate: The interior of the Earth has a warmer climate than the surface, possibly due to a central sun or volcanic activity, allowing for the existence of diverse plant and animal life.
Ice Barriers: The entrances to the polar openings are surrounded by massive ice barriers that must be crossed to reach the interior. These barriers are formed by freshwater rivers flowing from inside the Earth and freezing at the openings [18].
The book argues that this Hollow Earth theory is the only plausible explanation for various phenomena observed by Arctic explorers, such as:
The long absence of sunlight during Arctic winters
The abnormal behavior of the compass in high latitudes
The presence of open water and warmer temperatures in the farthest points north
The existence of freshwater icebergs
The presence of dust and volcanic activity in the Arctic regions
The migration of birds and animals towards the north in winter
The book emphasizes the importance of Admiral Byrd's expeditions as they supposedly flew into these polar openings, confirming the existence of this "Great Unknown" [28-32]. It also criticizes the suppression of information about these discoveries, suggesting that certain powers want to keep the existence of this vast territory hidden from the public [33-35].
Yes, the book does mention a flood, specifically the Great Flood of Atlantis. The author links this flood to a nuclear war that the Atlanteans supposedly fought.
Here's how the book connects the flood, Atlantis, and the Hollow Earth:
Atlantean Nuclear War: The book suggests that the Atlanteans were technologically advanced but morally immature, leading them to engage in a nuclear war. This war caused significant environmental damage, including the melting of polar ice caps.
Flood and Subterranean Refuge: The melting ice caps resulted in a catastrophic flood that submerged Atlantis. A group of Atlanteans, forewarned of the disaster, escaped to Brazil, then an Atlantean colony. They built subterranean cities there to protect themselves from radioactive fallout and the flood.
Noah as an Atlantean: The book even suggests that the biblical figure Noah was actually an Atlantean who led a group of survivors to safety in Brazil.
Continuation of Atlantean Civilization: The subterranean cities in Brazil and the advanced civilization in the Earth's hollow interior are presented as a continuation of Atlantean civilization. These subterranean societies, having learned from the mistakes of their ancestors, are depicted as peaceful and technologically superior.
The book also draws parallels between the Atlantean flood and the biblical flood, suggesting that ancient myths and legends often contain kernels of truth about past events.
This do compiles excerpts from Raymond Bernard's 1964 book, The Hollow Earth. It presents arguments and supposed evidence supporting the theory that the Earth is a hollow sphere with openings at the poles, home to an advanced civilization responsible for UFO sightings.
Important Ideas and Facts:
Admiral Byrd's Expeditions: The book heavily relies on Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd's Arctic and Antarctic expeditions in 1947 and 1956. It interprets Byrd's statements about "land beyond the Poles" and "the great unknown" as proof of his entry into the Earth's hollow interior.
"I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown." - Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, 1947
"This is the most important expedition in the history of the world." - Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, 1956
The Polar Openings: The hypothesis posits the existence of large openings at both the North and South Poles leading to the Earth's hollow interior. These openings are supposedly surrounded by magnetic rims that cause compasses to malfunction, explaining why no explorer has truly "reached" the poles.
Subterranean Civilization: The book claims a technologically advanced civilization resides within the Earth, responsible for the creation of flying saucers. This civilization is often linked to Agharta, a mythical subterranean world mentioned in Buddhist tradition.
"That there is no reason why the hollow interior of the earth, which has a warmer climate than on the surface, should not be the home of plant, animal and human life; and if so, it is very possible that the mysterious flying saucers come from an advanced civilization in the hollow interior of the earth."
Evidence from Arctic Exploration: Various accounts from Arctic explorers are cited as evidence for the Hollow Earth theory, including:
Warm northerly winds in the Arctic.
Open sea and lack of ice beyond a certain latitude.
Presence of fresh water icebergs.
Unexplained tidal waves.
Colored snow attributed to pollen from unknown plants.
Olaf Jansen's Testimony: The book references the story of Olaf Jansen, detailed in the 1908 book The Smoky God, who allegedly journeyed with his father into the Earth's interior and encountered a race of giants living in a technologically advanced society.
Flying Saucer Technology: The book speculates that flying saucers utilize advanced technology, potentially harnessing "free energy" or manipulating gravity and inertia.
"They claim that their flying saucers are powered with ‘free energy’ (meaning the electromagnetic energy of space, which is free and not like fuel used to supply our aircraft). They claim they obtain this ‘free energy’ by exploding certain atoms by the action of the electromagnetic energy of space while in flight."
Historical and Mythological Support: The document draws parallels between the Hollow Earth concept and various historical and mythological accounts of a hidden world or paradise, including:
Agharta in Buddhist tradition.
Shamballah, the mythical capital of Agharta.
Hyperborea, a legendary polar civilization.
Legends of "little brown men" associated with flying saucers.
On Admiral Byrd's Discovery: "Admiral Byrd did not cross over the North Pole and travel 1,700 miles south on its other side. If he did, he would enter icebound territory. Instead, he entered a land with a warmer climate, free from ice and snow, consisting of forests, mountains, lakes, green vegetation and animal life."
On the Existence of the Subterranean World: "The existence of worlds beyond the Poles has been confirmed by United States Naval exploration during the past thirty years. The confirmation is substantial."
FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, PEOPLE HAVE believed that there is another world lying just beneath the surface of our planet. To a number of cultures—the ancient Greeks for one—it is a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. But most of those early beliefs were metaphorical or mythological in origin.
Modern science holds that the Earth is an unbroken series of layers, crusts, and liquid magma surrounding a dense, hot core made primarily of iron and nickel. But in the 17th century, some of the leading scientific minds of the time had a different theory—that the planet is actually hollow. This idea has proved incredibly durable.
Even today, there is a small cadre of Hollow Earth believers who are fighting valiantly to validate their ideas through books, websites, meetings, and some extremely ambitious travel plans.
POSSIBLY THE FIRST PERSON TO scientifically speculate about a hollow earth was none other than Edmund Halley, of Halley’s Comet fame. Proposed in 1692 as a way of explaining anomalous compass readings, Halley’s theory was that the planet is a series of nested, spherical shells, spinning in different directions, all surrounding a central core. In his estimation, based on readings of the magnetic field and what he knew of the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon on the Earth, this model could account for any inaccuracies in his readings of the magnetic fields of the planet. He also posited that the space between each shell may have had luminous atmospheres capable of supporting life.
Halley’s strange idea was expanded upon over the next few centuries, tossing out the messy view of multiple spheres for the vision of the entire interior of the Earth as just one, impossibly large cavern. Generally, this new view of the hollow Earth is accompanied by the theory of a small sun that hangs in the very center, creating a lush, livable environment on the flip side of the Earth’s surface. According to a number of hollow Earth websites, this vision was developed among famous mathematicians and scientists such as Leonhard Euler in the 18th century and Sir John Leslie in the 19th century, although the sources for these accreditations seem to be somewhat nebulous.
Regardless of where it originated, the model of a Hollow Earth managed to grow and survive. In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. published his Circular No. 1, declaring to the world that the Earth is hollow. Symmes, a veteran of the War of 1812 and an unsuccessful trader, soon became maybe the most famous and successful proponent of the Hollow Earth theory. His initial vision of the Earth’s interior was like a simplified version of Halley’s multi-layered model, with the exception that Symmes’ version included huge holes at the north and south poles which allowed access to the hidden world inside. These holes, his unique addition to Hollow Earth theory, would even come to be known as “Symmes Holes.”
In his very first declaration, Symmes proposed to mount an expedition to the North Pole, where he was sure they could locate one of these apertures and gain access to the inner Earth. He too believed that the interior of the Earth not only could, but did support life, saying in Circular No. 1, that the inside of the Earth would be “stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men.” Symmes believed that his theory was not science fiction, but science fact, and that it applied not only to the Earth, but to all planetary bodies. To him, the whole universe was hollow.
Even in the 19th century, Symmes’ theories were greeted with derision from the public and scientific community, but he would not be silenced. Symmes continued to campaign, giving lectures and publishing letters about the Hollow Earth, always angling for an expedition to the North Pole that would prove his theory. Barreling right through the skeptics, Symmes was eventually able to convince enough people of the possibility of his Hollow Earth that in 1822, he and his supporters actually got Congress to vote on funding for his expedition. The grant was shot down, but Symmes’ belief in the inner Earth never died. He continued to campaign for the theory until his death in 1849.
Even after Symmes’ death his idea continued to thrive amongst believers. Students and admirers of Symmes’ work, and even Symmes’ own son continued to publish materials explaining the increasingly odd theory.
One bizarre offshoot of the traditional Hollow Earth theory, put forth by natural healer and eventual cult leader, Cyrus Teed, even inverted the idea, devising a “cellular cosmology” that placed the entire universe inside a shell. According to Teed’s thinking, humans were actually living on the inside of the Hollow Earth, looking up at the universe, which itself was just an illusion created by a strange solar mechanism. The stars were just reflections of the mechanism’s light. Teed’s theory managed to gain enough traction that a small cult developed around him, called the Koreshan Unity after Teed renamed himself Koresh. The Koreshans established an extensive colony in Estero, Florida in 1894, but most of the community disbanded after Teed’s death in 1908.
Both Teed and Symmes still have monuments dedicated to their work and beliefs. The location where the Koreshan community made their home is now protected as the Koreshan State Historic Site, while Ohio’s Hollow Earth Monument is dedicated to Symmes’ work.
See image 3
Even as unbelievable as the beliefs of Symmes and Teed were, as the Hollow Earth theory grew into the 20th century, it began to take on an even more supernatural air.
IN 1864 JULES VERNE PUBLISHED A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, which proposed a weird world inside our own, and while it was not the first work of fiction to propose such a thing (it could be argued that the first such work of fiction regarding the weird world inside of our own is Dante’s poem, Inferno), Verne’s work quickly became the benchmark for such fantasy tales, giving steam to a whole sub-genre of subterranean science-fiction. Many of these stories used the theories of Halley and Symmes as jumping off points for tales of weird prehistoric jungles and highly advanced, lost races of humans. The 1892 novel, The Goddess of Atvatabar, or The History of the Discovery of the Interior World, used Symmes’ model as a basis for a tale of a rich interior world inhabited by a race of spiritually enlightened beings. This vision of the Hollow Earth would seem to be one of the prime inspirations of many of the current tropes among modern hollow Earth theory.
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Modern belief in the Hollow Earth theory can be a bit hard to pin down, encompassing such disparate subjects as the Northern Lights and even an escaping Hitler, but despite the variations a few themes do seem to be common among Hollow Earth truthers.
Among most believers, the inside of the Hollow Earth is a lush tropical paradise that very likely houses an advanced race of humans/aliens/giants. No matter where they come from, they are generally characterized as peace-loving, and advanced far beyond those on the Earth’s surface. The perfect climate believed to exist in the Hollow Earth is said to produce animals and people that are larger and far more healthy than those on the surface. This inner world is sometimes called or associated with Agartha, a legendary city at the Earth’s core often tied to Eastern mysticism.
“MY CONCEPTION OF THE HOLLOW Earth, based on my research, is that the shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, from the outside to the inner surface,” says Rodney Cluff, author of World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow. He believes that half the planet is taken up by surface weight, and then there’s empty space, and then, something else. “Suspended in the center of that hollow is an interior sun that is divided by day and night sides,” he says.
If it is to be believed that the Earth is in fact hollow, and home to all manner of super-race and megafauna, why have we never contacted them, or gone there? According to Cluff, we have, but an international banking conspiracy has worked to cover up the existence of the Hollow Earth and hide evidence of any Symmes Holes. This sort of paranoid, conspiratorial thinking tends to be another hallmark among modern Hollow Earth believers.
Through the mid-2000s and into the early 2010s, Cluff was a part of a long-gestating expedition known most recently as the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. Unfortunately after a number of setbacks including backers and members of the team falling victim to calamities ranging from cancer to fatal plane crashes, the expedition was put on hiatus.
“Suspended in the center of that hollow is an interior sun that is divided by day and night sides.”
As of 2022, a team of Hollow Earth advocates was again planning to mount an expedition on a nuclear-powered icebreaker (this expedition was previously delayed by the pandemic). They believe there is a hole in the sea floor which will allow access to the interior of the earth under the near-constant cloud cover and ice of the Arctic Sea, seven days out from Murmansk, Russia.
Many lovers of interesting and inexplicable phenomena are familiar with the theory of a hollow earth. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures. Ancestral stories claim that there are races of people – entire civilizations – that thrive in underground cities. And I must say that the theory of a hollow Earth, if taken as reality, can explain a lot of what is happening in our world.
It is often said that the inhabitants of the Earth’s inner world are technologically more developed than those living on the surface. Some even believe that outlandish UFOs do not come from distant planets, but are created by advanced creatures inside the Earth.
The Hollow Earth theory asks many questions: Who are these strange creatures of the Earth’s inner world? How did they come to live on earth? And where are the entrances to their amazing underground cities? Are there real facts in the theory of a hollow earth?
Underground world of Agartha.
One of the country’s most popular names for the community of underground inhabitants is Agartha. The source of this information, apparently, is the “biography” of the Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Agartha – Secrets of Underground Cities, a story written by Willis Emerson explains how Jansen’s ship passed through the entrance to Earth’s interior at the North Pole.
For two years, Jansen lived with the inhabitants of the agarthian colonies. These were people 3.5 meters tall and whose world was lit by the central sun. This world is the inner continent of our planet. According to some ideas, the inhabitants of Agartha took refuge in the underworld due to numerous disasters on the surface of the Earth.
The wars of civilizations have also led to withdrawal. For example, a long Atlantean-Lemurian war. Then the use of the powerful thermonuclear weapons ultimately sunk and destroyed these two highly developed civilizations. The Sahara, Gobi, Australian outback and the United States deserts are just a few more examples of the ancient devastation from the war. Thus, shelters for people and sacred records, teachings and technologies that nurtured these ancient cultures were created in the voids of the underworld of the Earth.
According to reports of knowledgeable people, there are several entrances to the Kingdom of Agartha:
Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the south-central part of Kentucky, Mount Shasta, California, USA (presumably, under the mountain is the agar city of Telos). Manaus, Brazil
Mato Grosso, Brazil (the city of Posid is supposedly located beneath this plain)
Iguazu Falls, on the border between Brazil and Argentina
Mount Epomeo, Italy
Himalayan mountains, Tibet (entrance to the underground city of Shonshe supposedly guarded by Hindu monks)
Mongolia (the underground city of Shingwa is supposedly located under the border between Mongolia and China)
Rama, India (under this surface city is the long-lost underground city, some claim that it is also called Rama)
Of course the great pyramid of Giza, and finally North and South Poles.
In India, there is an ancient faith that some people still adhere to. It reports on the underground race of serpent humans living in the cities of Patal and Bhogavati. According to legend, they are at war with the great kingdom of Agartha. The Nagas, according to William Michael Mott’s Underground Inhabitants, are a powerfully advanced race with highly advanced technology. They also have contempt for the people they visit and even conduct genetic experiments.
While the entrance to the Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers claim that Patala can be entered through the Sheshni Well in Benares, India. Mott writes that this entrance to “Forty steps that descend into a circular hollow and end at a closed stone door covered with bas-relief cobras.
Nagas also have intimacy with water, and it is often said that the entrances to their underground palaces are hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and a river.”
The ancients
In an article for Atlantis Rising entitled Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality, Brad Steiger writes about the legends of the Ancients. He talks about the ancient race that inhabited the surface world millions of years ago and then went into the voids of the inner world of the Earth. “The old, extremely smart and scientifically developed race,” writes Steiger.
They decided to structure their own environment beneath the surface of the planet and make everything necessary. The ancients are hominids, extremely long-lived and earlier than Homo Sapiens, more than a million years old.
The ancients, as a rule, are away from the life of superficial people. However, from time to time they intervene and direct the life of the outside world in the direction they need. The ancient inhabitants of the Earth often abduct human children in order to educate them and educate them as their own.
Senior race
One of the most controversial stories about the inner earth residents came from an alleged eyewitness. In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine published a story told by Richard Shaver. The author claimed that he was a guest at an underground civilization. Although few really believed this story and suspected that Shaver was a fictional character, he insisted on the veracity of his exotic story.
He claimed that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in the prehistoric past. After living for some time on the surface, they realized that the radiation of the Sun causes them to age prematurely. That is why they were forced to flee underground, building huge underground complexes for life.
In the end, the aliens decided to look for a new home on another planet. They evacuated from Earth, leaving vast and developed underground cities inhabited by mutated creatures: malicious and good robots (demons and angels). It was with these creatures that Shaver met in his amazing adventure into the underworld of the Earth.
A couple of years ago, at the Siegel readings (a conference devoted to new, including non-traditional, directions in various fields of knowledge), an elderly secret service general showed photocopies of German maps depicting continents … of the interior of the Earth.
Fact One: Folklore
The sensational statement made from the high rostrum, made those who were present to recall the diaries of the American admiral Richard Byrd (1888-1957), who claimed in his notes that he had seen holes in the Arctic and then in Antarctica through which one could get into the planet. Later, the admiral led the American squadron, which went to destroy the German underground city in Antarctica.
However, the ships of the squadron were attacked by mysterious flying disks that appeared directly from under the water.
In the holy books of the sages of Tibet, one can find a lot of evidence about the existence of the underworld of Agartha. Entrance into it was sought at the beginning of the 20th century by the special services of the USSR and Germany. But still, to talk about the theory of a hollow Earth, it is necessary, firstly, to have serious reasons not to trust the scientific idea of ​​the structure of our planet, and secondly, to have convincing facts confirming this theory.
The most amazing thing is that science has such evidence which for many years has been collecting facts testifying in favor of confirming the version of the hollow Earth.
Fact Two: Mathematical
During the conversation, the scientist first of all asked whether his interviewer knew what depth humanity was able to penetrate into the bowels of the planet today? Of course, this is known: the Earth was maximally drilled by 12,262 meters, as a result of which the Kola superdeep borewhole appeared. It turned out that the data available at that time on the structure of the mantle of the planet were largely erroneous. The theory did not coincide with practice. Modern science only suggests what exactly is under people’s feet.
The fact is that the idea of ​​the existence of a metal core in the center of the bowels of the Earth is a little over a hundred years old. At the same time, the theory of a hollow earth is several millennia old. We will not rely on legends and traditions, we turn to scientific data. The first, that the Earth was hollow inside, after lengthy calculations, was announced by the legendary astronomer Edmund Halley, the discoverer of the comet of the same name. Following him, calculations of the theory of a hollow earth were published by an 18th-century scientist, one of the founders of modern mathematics, Leonard Euler.
According to the famous mathematician, the dynamics of rotation of the planet, according to the laws of physics. proves that between the core and the mantle there is a vast hollow space. Moreover, a mathematician many years before Admiral Byrd claimed that, obviously at the poles, the planet has holes leading into its bowels. In addition, Euler believed
A similar opinion was shared by the father of the American space program Werner von Braun.
Fact Three: Geographical
Any geographer who would be asked the question of whether the size of the earth is static, will answer negatively. The planet is growing. In particular, according to scientists. America is two centimeters distant from Europe every century.
See image 5
At the same time, looking at the geographical map of the world, you can see that if modern continents are moved close to each other, they, as parts of the puzzle, will form a single continent. This fact clearly indicates that once the only continent of the planet was torn into pieces, which since then slowly move away from each other as the size of the planet grows. The question arises: where does matter come from for a given growth?
If, according to the German geophysicist and seismologist Emil Wiechert in 1896, the planet consists of a crust, mantle and iron core, then this question cannot be answered. The average volcanic eruption throws 600,000 tons of waste from its activity onto the surface of the planet. In this case, a simple calculation of the amount of gas. steam, magma and ash, thrown from the bowels of the Earth during its existence, will give a gigantic figure.
It would be logical to assume that the pressure in the Earth should have fallen for a long time, and the eruptions would cease, but volcanic activity continues. Therefore, according to Peter Paul, between the outer and inner shells of the planet’s crust there is a mechanism that synthesizes matter.
Many representatives of science agree with him. Today there are many scientific theories that the bowels of the planet generate matter,
In fact, this information indirectly confirms the presence in the center of the planet of the “inner sun”, about which ancient manuscripts spoke.
Fact Four: Lunar
As you know, the moon has a rather serious impact on our planet. It manifests itself in the form of ebbs and flows. lifting a wave in the oceans to seven to eight meters. At the same time, if we assume that the modern theory of the Earth’s structure is correct and the giant ocean of glowing magma really splashes under the mantle, then the Moon should influence it.
In this case, in the abyss of molten matter there must be its own ebbs and flows, because of which the surface of the planet would move daily up and down several meters, constantly bursting with emissions of magma. But in practice this does not happen. The question arises: why? The most interesting thing is that seismologists really record the ebbs and flows of magma under the mantle of the Earth, but they are insignificant and extremely uneven.
At the equator, the wave is larger, and almost attenuates towards the poles. Consequently, under the mantle of the planet is not the ocean of magma, but its relatively small layer. According to researchers, fans of the theory of a hollow earth, magma is located between the two shells of the earth in the form of a small layer. These spheres rotate relative to each other, warming up magma and forcing it to come to the surface.
At the same time, according to the analysis of mythological sources, the world of the inner Earth is a real paradise. The constant temperature there is kept at around 28 degrees, there are no natural disasters, no solar radiation. However, the inhabitants of the inner Earth do not really pity their neighbors from the outer shell of the planet, letting only the chosen ones into their world.
Fifth Fact: Space
If scientists of the past are not mistaken and there are holes at the poles of the planet, then they would have long been seen from satellites. Even if such sensational discoveries as the existence of the inner Earth were kept secret, the leak should have happened sooner or later.
Indeed, among private researchers there is information that the American meteorological satellite ESSA-7 in 1968 took pictures of the North Pole of the planet with a giant hole in it. Similar images in December 2017 hit the Internet. It turns out that the American admiral Richard Byrd, who flew over the North Pole on May 9, 1926, did not fantasize on November 29, 1929. He really saw holes in the earth.
It is noteworthy that from ancient times, references to the contacts of residents of the inner and outer Earth have been preserved, in particular, the hero of Ancient Babylon Gilgamesh visited his relative Utnapishtim in the underground kingdom where his sun shines, Greek Orpheus led his wife Eurydice out of the underground kingdom, and the pharaohs of Egypt communicated with underground residents through special tunnels. Buddhists do believe that millions of people live on the back of the Earth’s shell. The Indians of both Americas are sure that they are the protectors of the inhabitants of the “inner Earth” and the guards of the entrances to the caves leading to the underworld. According to them, giants live there with a height of three to four meters, and a trip to the inner Earth takes from 13 to 15 days. Moreover, ancient maps, on which Antarctica is depicted without ice, have images of underground passages connecting in place,
Despite the enormous popularity of the theory of the hollow Earth and everything connected with it, the location of the entrance to this underworld has not been disclosed.
Of course, for some, the legend of the underworld of the Earth looks far-fetched and entertaining. However, many still believe that underground civilizations exist and are home to strange races. True, we rarely hear news about someone who goes on an expedition to look for these hidden entrances and confirm the theory of the hollow Earth with facts.
Hollow Earth?  Many have heard the theories that the Earth is hollow and inhabited by a highly advanced civilization and race of beings – many also believe that UFO’s are not from outer space, but in fact are crafts manned by strange beings from our hollow Earth.
Who are these strange races of beings? How did they come to live inside the Earth? And where are the entrances to their underground cities?
The network. One of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. The source for this information, apparently, is The Smoky God, the “biography” of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Agartha – Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, the story, written by Willis Emerson, explains how Jansen’s sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth’s interior at the North Pole.
For two years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a “smoky” central sun. Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. “While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth’ s crust or discreetly within mountains.”
How and why they went there. The many cataclysms and wars taking place on the surface drove these people underground, according to Secrets: “Consider the lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. The sub-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures.”
The entrances. There are allegedly several entrances to the Kingdom of Agharta throughout the world:
 – Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US. – Mount Shasta, California, US – the Agharthean city of Telos allegedly exists within and beneath this mountain. – Manaus, Brazil. – Mato Grosso, Brazil – the city of Posid supposedly lies beneath this plain. – Iguaçú Falls, border or Brazil and Argentina. – Mount Epomeo, Italy. – Himalayan Mountains, Tibet – the entrance to the underground city of Shonshe is allegedly guarded by Hindu monks. – Mongolia – the underground city of Shingwa allegedly exists beneath the border of Mongolia and China. – Rama, India – beneath this surface city is a long lost subterranean city, they say, also named Rama. – Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. – King Solomon’s Mines. – Dero Caves – North and South Poles
NAGAS & The Hollow Earth
The people. In India there is an ancient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who dwell in the cities Patala and Bhogavati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. “The Nagas,” according to The Deep Dwellers, “are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even to eat.”
The entrances. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers assert that Patala can be entered through the Well of Sheshna in Benares, India. Says William Michael Mott in The Deep Dwellers: “According to herpetologist and author Sherman A. Minton, as stated in his book Venomous Reptiles, this entrance is very real, with forty steps which descend into a circular depression, to terminate at a closed stone door which is covered in bas-relief cobras. In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called ‘Patala,’ which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. The Nagas also have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers.”
The Old Ones
The beings. In an article entitled “The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality” for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of “the Old Ones,” an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground.
“The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race,” Steiger writes, “have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities. The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own.”
The Elder Race
The beings. One of the most controversial tales of inner Earth dwellers is the so-called “Shaver Mystery.” In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine under the editorship of Ray Palmer ran a story told by Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an underground civilization. Although few really believed the story, any many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a while of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by mutated beings: the evil Dero — detrimental robots — and the good Tero – integrated robots. It was these beings that Shaver claimed to have met.
The entrance. Despite the enormous popularity of the Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories – Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and then some – the location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged.

Friday Dec 27, 2024

Do We Live In A Computer Simulation?
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Are we, like Neo, living in a Matrix-like computer simulation of reality created by more advanced, possibly post-human beings? Almost certainly, at least according to the following evidence — ranging from the plausible, to the semi-plausible, to the maybe-not-so-plausible — under discussion at the endlessly delightful Are We Living in a Simulation? and Glitch in the Matrix sub-Reddits.
Some people claim to remember TV coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death in the 1980s even though he actually died in 2013. The “Mandela Effect” is therefore supposedly proof that whoever is in charge of our simulation is changing the past. (Or alternately, this is evidence of parallel universes and some individuals have crossed from one universe, in which Mandela died in the ’80s, into ours, where he lived to age 95.) Additional examples of this phenomenon include some remembering the name of the Berenstain Bears children’s-book series being spelled as “Berentstein” and others recalling a nonexistent movie from the 1990s called Shazaam, starring the comedian Sinbad as a genie.
We’ve spent billions sending probes through outer space and should probably have found evidence of extraterrestrials by now, right? Not so fast: Aliens would likely be far more technologically advanced than we are, the thinking goes, so the fact that we haven’t located them suggests we live in a simulation they’ve figured out how to escape from. Or maybe the computer we’re in only has enough RAM to simulate one planetary civilization at a time.
In physics’ famous double-slit experiment, electrons are fired at a photosensitive screen through slits in a copper plate, usually producing an interference pattern that indicates wavelike behavior. But when the same experiment is conducted under observation, electrons behave like particles, not waves, and there’s no interference pattern. Some have taken this to mean our simulation is conserving its resources and rendering certain things only when it knows we’re looking at them.
In 2017, a multidisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Washington proved that they could embed malicious computer code into physical strands of DNA. Their aim was to show that computers working in gene sequencing were vulnerable to attack. But they may also have inadvertently revealed that what we perceive to be biological reality was in fact computer code all along.
Our civilization is (just coincidentally?) set on the cusp of environmental chaos, suggesting we could be an ancestor simulation created in hopes that we’d show our creators how to solve an energy crisis. This theory overlaps slightly with the aliens-as-simulation-quitters theory above: if we found an innovative solution to climate crisis, extraterrestrial beings might return to crib the results.
Elon Musk is a believer in Nick Bostrom’s simulation hypothesis, which posits that if humanity can survive long enough to create technology capable of running convincing simulations of reality, it will create many such simulations and therefore there will be lots of simulated realities and only one “base reality” — so statistically it’s probably more likely we live in a simulation right now. Further proof that we live in the Matrix, according to Musk, is how cool video games are these days. In 2016, he explained: “40 years ago, we had Pong. Two rectangles and a dot. Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic 3D with millions playing simultaneously. If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, even if that rate of advancement drops by 1,000 from what it is now. It’s a given that we’re clearly on a trajectory that we’re going to have games that are indistinguishable from reality. It would seem to follow that the odds that we’re in base reality is 1 in billions.”
Some have proposed that recent unlikelihoods, including Donald Trump’s election, Brexit, the 2017 Oscars-envelope mix-up, and that year’s 25-point Super Bowl comeback, could mean we’re in a malfunctioning simulation or whoever is pushing the buttons is screwing with us.
Seemingly not-crazy theoretical physicist James Gates claims he has identified what appears to be actual computer code embedded in the equations of string theory that describe the fundamental particles of our universe. He says he found “error-correcting codes — they’re what make [web] browsers work. So why were they in the equation Marc was studying about quarks and electrons and supersymmetry?”
MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark has pointed to our universe’s strict laws of physics as possible evidence that we live in a video game: “If Marc were a character in a computer game, Marc would also discover eventually that the rules seemed completely rigid and mathematical.” In this theory, the speed of light — the fastest rate at which any particle can travel — represents the speed limit for transmitting information within the network of our simulation.
It may be easier to prove that we’re living in a simulation than to prove we’re not. Nuclear physicist Zohreh DavoudMarc believes that cosmic rays — the most energetic particles known to man — would appear as pixel-like chunks if we are within a simulation, and unending beams if we’re in base reality. Meanwhile, NYU philosopher David Chalmers doubts it’s possible to prove that we don’t live in the Matrix: “You’re not going to get proof that we’re not in a simulation, because any evidence that we get could be simulated.”
Earth exists within what astrobiologists call a Goldilocks Zone, close enough to a star that greenhouse gases can trap heat to keep liquid water, but far enough away that the planet does not become a Venusian hothouse. That we live in such an orbital sweet spot is circumstantial evidence for a simulation: If our sim-designers wanted us to succeed, it makes sense that they’d place us in such a cushy environment.
Paranormal events are not hauntings or alien encounters, but glitches in the simulation. This theory is the one most explored on Reddit forums like r/Are We Living in a Simulation and r/Glitch in the Matrix, where users explore big ideas in philosophy funneled into the details of the odd or the occult. A storefront exists in a town one day, then it doesn’t; explanations include a slip between parallel timelines, or a pop-up. A car passenger sees the word “render” in the sky, as if entering a new part of a video game. Elevators are a frequent setting for glitch stories; the jump between floors seems to encourage a slip within dimensions.
According to simulation believers, we may have already found the pixel-sized building block of the universe: the Planck-length, the point at which our concepts of gravity and spacetime no longer apply. If our world is simulated, the Planck-length would be equivalent to one bit of information, or a pixel.
In 2014, the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics connected 8,000 computers to create a 350 million light-year simulation of our universe and digitally aged it over 13 billion years. That The Sims video-game franchise has sold over 125 million copies in its first decade shows we’re interested in playing with simualtions, too. If and when a future version of humanity finds themselves with the ability to create more realistic simulations, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they opted to use it.
Remember in 2015, when the world flipped out because we all looked at the same photo and some of us saw a blue dress, while others saw a gold dress? Or the Yanny/Laurel fiasco of 2018? (There was also the less explosive blue-gold-white flip-flop debate of 2016.) Say what you will about pitch and volume and color saturation, these controversies made one thing clear: Each of us lives in our own world. No, really. What we perceive as reality is in fact partly a simulation created by our brains (using our past experiences) to help us process the fragments of data that we’re receiving. To put it another way: There is no spoon.
If I were God or the creator, Marc would create a simulation first to work out the bugs. This way Marc would know what to expect when Marc create the real thing. Another reason is to control the environment in case my creation wants to break out and harm me. Marc would study the simulation for years and find a way to be inside it to experience it myself. In order to create the simulation, Marc would need to create the grid and that is what Genesis is all about. This doesn’t make it true, it just makes sense.
Simulation theory, also known as the simulation hypothesis, is the theory that we're actually all living in a computer-simulated reality — meaning the reality we think we think we know is entirely artificial, sort of like the concept behind the 1998 Jim Carrey film "The Truman Show" or Keanu Reeves infamous 1999 classic "The Matrix."
The theory recently caught on renewed fire after TikToker HeidMarc Wong shared the argument presented by Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom in a 2003 paper titled "Are You Living In A Computer Simulation?"
According to Bostrom, there's a roughly 50/50 chance that we're living in a simulation.
"This paper argues that at least one of the following propositions is true," his abstract begins. "(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation."
The reasoning behind Bostrum's theory is what's known as a trilemma, a complex problem with three potential solutions.
As Anil Ananthaswamy explained in Scientific American, the simulation argument goes like this:
"Bostrom imagined a technologically adept civilization that possesses immense computing power and needs a fraction of that power to simulate new realities with conscious beings in them. Given this scenario ... at least one proposition in the following trilemma must be true: First, humans almost always go extinct before reaching the simulation-savvy stage. Second, even if humans make it to that stage, they are unlikely to be interested in simulating their own ancestral past. And third, the probability that we are living in a simulation is close to one."
Basically, if we believe that some advanced civilization is likely to be capable of creating a simulated reality that is like existence as we know it, chances are good that we are already living in one.
TikTok videos regarding simulation theory have since garnered millions of views. And many of them contain at least somewhat believable theories and raise good questions about whether or not we may be in living in a simulation.
The odds that there is one base reality and the rest of what we experience is part of a simulation increase or decrease based on Bayesian model averaging.
In 2020, astronomer David Kipping of Columbia University offered his own analysis of Bostrom's theory in which he agreed there is about a 50-50 chance we either live in a base reality where no simulations occur, or that we are living in a simulation.
Using a mathematical estimation and prediction method known as Bayesian model averaging, Kipping says "the probability that we are sims is in fact less than 50%."
However, he furthers the original argument by explaining that once humans create a simulation that harbors conscious beings, the chances shift so that "you are only left with the simulation hypothesis."
"The day we invent that technology, it flips the odds from a little bit better than 50–50 that we are real to almost certainly we are not real, according to these calculations," Kipping says.
If you take a look at the quality of the video games humans have created over just the past couple of decades, it doesn't seem all that outrageous to believe these characters could someday soon be conscious beings.
“Honestly, this does make sense if you think about how realistic video games are getting day by day and all the little glitches you see in the world that are unexplainable would make sense behind this theory,” TikToker NikkMarc Jain says.
When TikTokers refer to “glitches in the matrix” they are referring to videos and pictures of captured things that are either unexplainable or that seem impossible.
This may mean “cars hitting invisible objects, planes staying in one place in the sky, dogs randomly appearing,” as referred to in Jain’s second simulation theory video.
Elon Musk has shared his own beliefs about simulation theory
TikToker Scarlett Mills shared a series videos detailing the history of this theory, noting that notable scientific minds like Elon Musk and late physicist Stephen Hawking have spoken about their belief in the plausibility of simulation theory.
During a panel discussion at the 2016 Code Conference, SpaceX founder and Techno King of Tesla Musk stated that "the odds that we are in base reality is one in billions."
"And actually, Marc mean arguably we should hope that that's true," Musk continues, "because otherwise, if civilization stops advancing, then that may be due to some calamitous event that erases civilization. So maybe we should be hopeful that this is a simulation because otherwise ... either we're going to create simulations that are indistinguishable from reality or civilization will cease to exist. Those are the two options."
In 2021, Wade McKenzie, one of the metal artists behind the monolith that popped up in California back in December of 2020, coined the term "simulization," which he defines on Urban Dictionary under the handle McHiram as "Civilization existing within the realm of a simulated reality."
This label seems apt if used to describe our civilization as Musk refers to it if simulation theory is, indeed, correct.
TikToker Ashley Lanese agrees with Musk's assessment, comparing humans to Sims but asserting that even though the Sims are part of a game, they are able to make their own decisions.
“If life is a simulation, then that means to me, that we have more choice, more chance to choose the life that we desire,” she says.
According to philosopher David Chalmers, there is certainly a possibility that we're living in a simulation. But that shouldn't change anything.
"If we discovered we’re in a simulation, that would change some things. We might want to escape the simulation and get beyond it. At the very least, maybe we’d want to try and communicate with the simulators," he says in an interview.
"But Marc think that simulation or no simulation, life is still perfectly meaningful."
If you feel like you're living in a convincing virtual reality akin to The Matrix, a scientist thinks you may well be right.
Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, claims our entire universe may be an advanced computer simulation. 
And the proof that this so-called simulation hypothesis is correct may be hiding in plain sight in the Bible.
Professor Vopson told MailOnline: 'The bible itself tells us that we are in a simulation and it also tells us who is doing it.
'It is done by an AMarc – an artificial intelligence.' 
Professor Vopson points to the Gospel of John, one of the first four books of the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible. 
Gospel of John opens with the powerful statement: 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'
The professor says this verse has 'deep theological significance in Christian doctrine', but it also carries 'intriguing implications' when considered in the context of the universe as a simulation. 
He argues that 'the Word' in this famous sentence refers to the underlying computer code that governs and controls the simulation. 
As anyone who has seen The Matrix will know, any computer simulation, big or small, consists of letters and numbers that write the rules for the entire creation. 
The academic further argues that 'the Word was God' could mean that God is part of the simulation, rather than separate from it. 
In other words, the entity that is controlling the whole thing – God – is written into the code too. 
Professor Vopson explains: 'The code running the simulation is not separate from the divine, but rather an integral part of it, perhaps an AI.'
In the blockbuster movie The Matrix, protagonist Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, discovers we're living in a simulated reality. By the end of the film, Neo is able to see the simulated world for what it is - computer code (pictured)
The simulated universe hypothesis proposes that what humans experience is actually an artificial reality, much like a computer simulation, in which they themselves are constructs. It formed the basis for the 1999 film The Matrix starring Keanu Reeves (pictured as his character wakes up in the real world)
Gospel of John goes on to say: 'All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made...'
Again, this statement supports the simulated universe theory, the professor suggests. 
'It implies a Creator who brought the simulated universe into existence through the Word (i.e. the code)' he says.
'It suggests that the act of creation, as described in the Bible, could be analogous to a divine act of programming and simulation.' 
Arguably, the theory offers an answer to a question that many Christians struggle with – how did God create the universe in six days?
If the theory's to be believed, he did so by creating a simulated reality encapsulated in a computer programme – something we know to be possible. 
Professor Vopson has outlined his hypothesis in his new book, 'Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe'. 
He says it is not even something he necessarily believes in, but a 'extraordinary observation that deserves attention'. 
'What is truly remarkable is that the interpretation given is fully aligned to the events of our times: the emergence of the AI, and also it is exactly what 'The Matrix' was projecting,' he told MailOnline. 
While the professor's thoughts may seem sacrilegious to some, he says it could have 'profound implications for Christian theology'. 
He believes there's an overlap where a belief in the simulated universe theory and the religious need for a almighty creator 'can coexist harmoniously'.  
'This perspective aligns with religious beliefs that hold human life to be meaningful and purposeful, even within the context of a larger design,' he says. 
'Instead of viewing the simulated universe hypothesis as antagonistic to religious beliefs, one can see it as offering a complementary perspective.'  
The professor has already said our lives contains several clues that suggest we're merely characters in an advanced virtual world. 
Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, has outlined the clues that suggest we live in a simulated reality
Professor Vopson thinks the prevalence of symmetry in the universe (pictured) suggests we are in a simulated reality because it's a way to save computational power
For example, the fact there's limits to how fast light and sound can travel suggest they may be governed by the speed of a computer processor. 
The laws of physics that govern the universe are also akin to computer code, he says, while elementary particles that make up matter are like pixels. 
He also thinks the abundance of symmetry in the world – from flowers to butterflies and snowflakes – is a power-saving technique the machines use to render the digitally constructed world. 
The simulation theory is not unique to Professor Vopson; in fact, it's popular among a number of well-known figures including Tesla founder Elon Musk and American astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson. 
At a 2016 conference, Musk said the odds that we're living in a 'base reality' – the real universe as opposed to a simulated one – are 'one in billions'. 
The term 'base reality' is part of an expansion on the theory that there are layers upon layers of fake realities that we need to somehow wake up from, akin to the film 'Inception'.
But as French philosopher René Descartes pointed out in 1637, 'Cogito, ergo sum', translated from the Latin as 'Marc think, therefore Marc am'. 
In other words, the ability to doubt the nature of our reality is essentially proof that we exist, in some shape or form. 
In the cult film “The Matrix”, humanity was enslaved by machines that turned people into energy sources. And so that people would not suspect anything, their brains were connected to virtual reality.
After the release of this film, many were puzzled by the question: what if this is not fiction, and we really do not live as we think? 
Maybe some higher intelligence is playing with us, making us believe that the reality around us is real, but in fact, it is a lie.
Recently, physicist Melvin Wopson from the University of Portsmouth, England, became interested in this same question. At the same time, he claims to have found evidence that we live in some kind of “Matrix”.
Wopson argues that the physical behavior of information in our universe resembles the process of computer deletion or compression of code, and that this is a random “hint” that “machines” allowed in, hoping that people would not notice.
“My research points to the strange and interesting possibility that we are not living in an objective reality, but that our entire universe may simply be a state-of-the-art virtual reality simulation,” says Wopson.
A year ago, Vopson announced that he had discovered what he called a new law of physics – the second law of infodynamics. According to this law, entropy (a measure of chaos in an isolated system) in information systems is either stable or decreases over time.
From the point of view of infodynamics, information systems are considered to be any biological or physical objects, from a person to an atom. 
According to the “outdated” second law of thermodynamics, discovered in the 1850s, entropy is either stable or increases over time.
According to Wopson’s law, entropy in information systems is reduced in exactly the same way that unnecessary code in computer systems is removed or compressed to save space.
This leads to the conclusion that the nature of our Universe, in which information systems are located, is suspiciously similar to something artificially created. That is, in fact, we live in a huge computer simulation.
All this, of course, is described in very simple words, so that even those people who do not know physics well can understand. But if you take a closer look at Wopson’s study, published in the journal AIP Advances , your skin begins to crawl.
“Simulating a super-complex universe like ours would require a built-in optimization and data compression engine to reduce the processing power and storage requirements to run the simulation.
This is exactly what we observe through empirical data all around us, including digital data, biological systems, atomistic systems, mathematical symmetries, and the entire universe.
This is what the second law of infodynamics reveals, so the logical conclusion is that, although it does not provide definitive proof, it certainly underlies the simulated universe theory.”
According to Professor Wopson, the symmetry that we constantly observe in the everyday world, for example in butterflies, flowers or starfish, strongly supports the theory of a simulated universe.
Because high symmetry corresponds to a state with the lowest information entropy, potentially explaining nature’s tendency towards this.
“All biological life has some form of symmetry, and all solids and crystals have symmetry, laws of physics, etc. The universe has a built-in mechanism to optimize the calculations of everything.
Symmetry is the best way to optimize or visualize a digitally constructed world, and that’s why we have symmetry rather than asymmetry everywhere.”
According to Wopson, information should be considered the fifth state of matter after solid, liquid, gas and plasma. He also argues that information has mass and could therefore be the elusive dark matter that makes up almost a third of the universe.
Wopson predicts that over the next 150 years, we may face an “information catastrophe.” The number of digital bits will exceed the number of atoms on Earth, and there will be a point of maximum possible digital information, as well as the maximum power with which it can be supported.
Back in June 2009, Marc Oromaner, who is a New York City writer whose book, The Myth of Lost offers an alternative solution to Lost and uncovers its hidden insight into the mysteries of life. He can be contacted on the wall of The Myth of Lost Facebook page or on his blog The Layman’s Answers to Everything, wrote an article titled “Proof That We’re Living a Life of Illusion.”  In it, Marc provided what Marc felt was overwhelming evidence that we all live in some kind of computer simulation. Marc also offered some simple explanations as to why Marc thought we did. At the time, the people who are open to believing in such fantastical theories excitedly agreed with the premise, while those who rely on hard-core scientific proof, did not. Well, a funny thing’s happened in the years since Marc wrote that article. Scientists are beginning to see the evidence that the non-believers require. The question now is, whether those skeptics will decide to take the blue pill or the red pill?
Even before I’d seen The Matrix back in 1999, Marc was of the belief that the world we lived in was illusionary. When the carpeting in the basement of my childhood home was ripped up several years ago to make room for new carpeting, my parents discovered the signatures of my brother and Marc from years earlier inscribed in the concrete underneath. The signatures dated back to the mid-1980s, when the concrete was poured to fix a gap at the bottom of the stairs. Next to my signature, and the date, was written the words: “Nothing Is Real.” Besides just quoting my favorite Beatles song, Marc guess Marc was hoping that by the time we (or whomever) had rediscovered what I’d written, the illusionary nature of our world would have already been proven correct. Well, Marc may not have been too far off.
As Marc wrote in the “Life of Illusion” post, even after seeing The Matrix, Marc didn’t take the simulation concept literally, but more as a metaphor for the illusionary aspects of our material existence—an existence where we believe ourselves to be separate individuals who are at the mercy of events and circumstances that happen by chance in the world. My belief was that, in truth, we were all one energy that, consciously and subconsciously, created the events that we experienced in our individual and collective lives.
This was the perspective Marc had as Marc wrote the Layman trilogy. In fact, of the over half-million words in the manuscripts for those novels, the word, “simulation,” doesn’t appear once. Of course, those novels are themselves a metaphor for what Marc believe the real world is and what the future holds so the omission doesn’t affect their message at all. The point though, is that there was a time—quite recently—that Marc myself didn’t think the world was actually a simulation. But then Marc started to uncover a lot of convincing information that opened my eyes—and my mind to the possibility.
It was around the time when Marc was writing The Myth of Lost. The book uses the simulation concept to both explain the many mysteries of Lost and reveal hidden wisdom that could directly be plugged into our lives. My research while writing the book (into such topics as the Panopticon prison) combined with movies Marc discovered (like eXistenZ) and various events that happened in the world and my life soon provided enough evidence to convince me that life wasn’t just an illusion, but a computer simulation. Marc quickly began to see how the world-as-simulation model made complete sense, whereas our presumption that we lived in the very first reality seemed as ridiculous as us being the only life forms in the universe.
In the “Life of Illusion” article, Marc point out that most technology-savvy people agree that in the not-too-distant-future, we will have evolved our interactive virtual-worlds games like The Sims or Second Life to the point where the game and reality will be indistinguishable. Since we experience life through our senses, we actually aren’t too far away from artificially controlling the stimulMarc that we sense as reality—causing us to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch things that are merely electronic impulses sent to our brain.
Once you accept that belief, your next question is whether or not we are already living in such a world now. Logically, if such technology appears after a relatively brief span of intelligent evolution (around 10,000 years compared with a universe that’s 13.8 billion years old), isn’t it highly unlikely that we just-so-happen to live in the original reality? Isn’t it much more probable that we too, and those who created our world, and those who created that world also all live in simulations?
The argument of those skeptical types who preach only provable science and atheism is that such a belief just confuses things; it goes against the Occam’s Razor principle that the simplest hypothesis is usually the correct one, and that such a theory just delays the inevitable question: who created the original world?
Marc can see why any simulation theory seems like an unnecessary obstacle to truth, but sometimes the simplest theory only appears more complicated from one’s perspective. For starters, the concept of time may only be a part of our current simulation and may not even exist in any of the other realities beyond this one. In those realms, every possibility that could exist is actually all created at the same time. In fact, most theoretical physicists belief this to be true about our world as well—that time is illusionary and much like a game, everything has already been coded and only our experience makes us feel like we are moving through time.
Even within the concept of time, the idea that there must be an origination point in our past is also a flawed concept based only on our subjective experience. The reality is that formulas for the flow of time work equally well in either direction. So maybe our universe will be created in the future. These are just a couple examples of how our assumptions about reality are limited by our perceptions, which may or may not be correct.
Looking at this another way, imagine two mice in a clear plastic cage debating about what exists outside their world. The first mouse believes there is a world outside their cage indicated by a room, and in that room he sees a window that opens into yet another world, and in the upper corner of that window he can see bright specs at night that he believes consist of other worlds. The second mouse scoffs at this, saying that the first mouse is only needlessly complicating things. Clearly theirs is the only world, because he can see it all from where they are—it is flat against the edge of their living space—like a picture. And if so many worlds existed, how would the first mouse be able to see them through the first flat world?
From our perspective, it’s easy to see the flaw in the second mouse’s argument, but we can also see why he thinks the first mouse has a more complicated theory whereas he really does. The same analogy can be made with the simulation theory. Multi-levels of reality may not be making reality more complicated, it may be the very nature of what reality is. And while, like the first mouse, the simulation theory may have the specific details wrong (the first mouse wasn’t really seeing another world directly outside his cage), it’s general premise about other existences outside of our own, and outside of that one, and so on, is essentially correct.
We just assume that time, and points of origination exist because that is our experience. But our experience is very limited and has already been proven to be wrong based on what quantum physicists already know about the workings of our world (see last paragraph of “The Answer to Everything”). Our experience of life is based on what we sense. But those who deal in subatomic molecules know that our world is much, much more bizarre. Yet, since most of us can’t grasp that, we just return to what we understand.
For all we know, a universe with simulations within simulations could be how everything originated, and who’s to say that we, in this version of reality, aren’t the ones who created it that way? So any argument that simulations can’t be right because they needlessly complicate the mystery of where we come from is flawed for its assumption that things must work based on what we already think we know. Like the second mouse, everything we think we know could be wrong. The universe could exist on the back of a turtle, standing on the back of another turtle with turtles all the way down. While Marc think most would agree that a simulation is more probable than that, it’s interesting to note how the age-old turtles on turtles theory is an excellent analogy to simulations within simulations for mice and men who didn’t yet understand what a simulation was.
What’s amazing to me is that everything we don’t consciously understand about the workings of our world seems to be fully absorbed by us subconsciously from the many movies, TV shows, and other stories that explore illusionary themes. How is it that most artists, musicians, and storytellers are all on the same page about this stuff? So many stories, especially lately (Avatar, Inception, The Source Code, The Adjustment Bureau, Limitless, Sucker Punch, Awake, Touch, Lost, The Cabin In The Woods, Tron: Legacy), all deal with themes about illusionary worlds and/or how we are all connected.
It’s almost as though these writers are all getting similar downloads or picking up on some collective conscious truth that most of us aren’t sensitive enough to hear. As I’ve written about many times, these artists and storytellers are modern day shaman and their tales make up our mythology that contain hidden truths about how our world really works. As we begin to have a clearer understanding of the physics of our world, these stories are able to get closer and closer to being literally true. So The Matrix is closer than Total Recall, which is closer than Tron, which is closer than The Wizard of Oz. And soon, there will be a movie that gets it even closer than The Matrix. (In many ways, The Thirteenth Floor, eXistenZ, and Inception have already done this for depicting worlds within worlds.)
After the “Life of Illusion post,” Marc wrote others that explained why a simulated world made complete sense. In “The Golden Path,” Marc compared the idea of a destiny to what’s known in the gaming world as a “golden path”—the path that programmers design so players feel as though they are guiding their characters whereas their experience has actually been pre-programmed for the most exciting game play possible. As with games, sometimes our lives feel like they are being nudged in certain directions because there are specific things we’re meant to experience in order to get to the next level—a level that needs to challenge us a bit more since we have grown from what we’ve already overcome. This also explains why life is hard. Challenging games are more fulfilling, more likely to keep us occupied, and more likely to stimulate growth. That’s why Atari’s Combat had no sequels released, whereas Nintendo’s Donkey Kong spawned an entire empire.
In another recent post titled, “Have You Seen The Honeycombs?” Marc wrote about how hexagons and honeycomb shapes are popping up all over in moves, TV shows, and recent design patterns. Marc compared these shapes to being like the infrastructure of our reality. When you break down any videogame or computer screen to its basics you get geometric shapes—pixels that make up what we see as a whole. If our universe is a simulation, it must be made up of tiny repeating shapes as well. We know about atoms, electrons, quarks, and the vibrating strings of string theory. Perhaps, at the smallest level, there is a web of hexagons as the basic building blocks of this illusionary world. And maybe, the modern day shaman of our times are beginning to pick up on that much like the other truths they pick up on and translate into stories and images we can comprehend—even if only subconsciously.
While all of this seems magical or spiritual, it is very possible that it’s simply science that we don’t yet understand. What spiritualists call sacred geometry can really just be the geometrical building blocks of our reality. The reason why so many of the shapes of nature form a certain pattern (known as “the golden ratio”) is likely because it’s based on the mathematical formulations of the program that created our world.
Up until now, this is really all we’ve had to go on: comparing certain correlations between simulations and our world. What is beginning to change however, is that scientists are now beginning to take the simulation possibility seriously and are actually testing to see whether elements that only show up in simulations show up in our world as well.
One caveat: if you believe that ignorance is bliss and would prefer to live in a world that is actually real and the idea of living in a simulation would disturb or even terrify you, Marc suggest you stop reading here. Marc do not make judgments on such a preference and completely understand the benefits of just living life within our perceived reality without wanting to dig deeper to discover how it all works. If anything, my insistence on uncovering the mechanisms of all this seems far less logical. But Marc guess that’s just how Marc was programmed.
Okay, now that we’ve gotten rid of those brainwashed zombie-chickens, we can get to the good stuff. (Marc guess Marc do make judgments about choosing ignorance. In every myth ever, those who bury their heads in the sand are always the mindless zombies, while the hero always tries to shake up the constraints of reality. For being open to other possibilities, even if you don’t yet believe them, consider yourself one of the heroes!) Those who have seen any of Brian Greene’s fantastic Nova specials (The Fabric of the Cosmos and The Elegant Universe) may have heard of (or more likely recognize) theoretical physicist Dr. S. James Gates Jr. As posted on David Dyer’s blog, Transcend:
[Dr. Gates] the John S. Toll Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and the Director of The Center for String & Particle Theory, is reporting that certain string theory, super-symmetrical  equations, which describe the fundamental nature of the Universe and reality, contain embedded computer codes. These codes are digital data in the form of 1′s and 0′s. Not only that, these codes are the same as what make web browsers work and are error-correction codes! Gates says, “We have no idea what these ‘things’ are doing there”.
To translate this into Layman’s terms, most theoretical physicists today believe that our world is comprised of vibrating strings. In fact, it is currently the only testable theory available. Embedded within superstring equations, certain computer codes have been discovered. To my understanding, these same codes are programmed into web browsers to help computers communicate with one another even if bits of code were lost in the transmission. This isn’t just any random code—it’s a very specific error-correcting code that Gates has discovered in the equations that likely describe our world.
As Gates himself says, if those who lived within The Matrix movie wanted to test whether or not they lived in a virtual reality, they would just have to see whether codes from computer programming showed up in their world as well. This is exactly what has been discovered with the error-correcting code.
The next question one has after uncovering this, is what errors does nature have to correct? My feeling is that this may be one of the causes of déjà vu. Marc believe that sometimes our world hits a glitch and needs to back up to an earlier section and replay in a slightly different direction. Many of us might experience déjà vu when this occurs. This could be a purpose of the error-correcting codes. (Would be an interesting study to set up a worldwide network to see when people are experiencing déjà vu and if it increases during certain time periods.) Or, perhaps they exist to ensure that the characters we are “playing” have clear connections to our actual minds in the outside world. There are millions of possibilities, feel free to present your own theories in the comments below.
One of the reasons I’d be excited to learn that we live in a simulation is that anything could be possible. Once we know we live in a program, we could upgrade our minds and bodies to perfect health and download apps to give us any ability imaginable. There would also be the possibility of Easter eggs, hidden codes, and secret passageways/vortexes that could allow us to experience alternative universes, other versions of our lives, or revisit with friends and loved ones who have passed on.
Of course, there would be many terrifying aspects of living in a virtual world, especially if only select populations knew about it or controlled it. They could make it so that only they had access to certain abilities or levels while keeping the rest of us in a subordinate state. In fact, many believe that is exactly what is happening today. Whether it is, or has the potential of happening, those who would use this knowledge for the good of everyone (and the planet) must be those who get access to the secrets or else we will be in for some very dark times indeed. In many ways, this is what Marc feel is part of my destiny: to inform others of what our reality is and to teach them how to access it so that it’s used to benefit everyone—not just those who would control it for their own selfish purposes and prevent others from accessing it for fear of the consequences.
Needless to say, Marc became very excited upon learning about Gates’ “mind-blowing” discovery. And because, as I’ve theorized, that strong emotional attachments to thoughts bring about energetic signatures that can shape our reality (even across time), it came as no surprise that shortly after reading what felt like the first-ever scientific confirmation of simulation theory, people began sending me many more. In other words, my thoughts created my reality.
This has also come to be known as the Law of Attraction featured in The Secret. Like attracts like, so my mind—tuned into a certain frequency—attracted other things that would be bring about similar a frequency in my mind. (Incidentally this is also why drama queens attract drama, complainers attract more to complain about, and positive people attract positive things.)
While Marc was still glowing from Gates’ revelations, another article came my way a few weeks later with more intriguing scientific insight. In Vice magazine’s “Whoa, Dude, Are We Inside A Computer Right Now?” This NASA Scientist Thinks We Could Be,” Ben Makuch interviews Rich Terrile, the director of the Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who reveals some incredible insights.
The one that intrigued me the most, dealt with his explanation of how video game worlds work. In just about any videogame these days, the virtual world is considerably larger than what the gaming console can hold. So how does it work so that the player gets to feel as though he or she is exploring an entire city or world? It only shows you what you need to see, when you need to see it. Whether you’re playing Final Fantasy, Doom, or, as with Terrile’s example, Grand Theft Auto, you can explore those worlds in seamless, incredible detail. In fact, Terrile actually calculated Grand Theft Auto’s Liberty City to be a million times larger than his PlayStation 3. But you only see the part you’re currently playing.
Our universe behaves in the exact same way! As Terrile says, “In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed. Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this. One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, seeing what we need to see when we need to see it.”
Terrile goes on to bring up two ideas Marc mentioned earlier: the pixilation of the universe and the idea that the universe behind our universe is also a simulation. It’s one thing for some layman with fanciful ideas to spout on about simulated worlds, it’s quite another when a NASA scientist, or, as in the case of Dr. Gates, a MIT-schooled theoretical physicist who serves on Barack Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, come to the same conclusions.
But wait, there’s more! Now armed with two scientists on board the good ship Simulation, others suddenly began coming out of the woodwork (that Law of Attraction thing again). The UK’s Huffpost Tech posted an article about physicists testing to see if the universe is a computer simulation and another claiming that physicists may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation which actually came out a month before the “testing” article. Apparently one group of scientists at the University of Bonn in Germany had evidence and then another group at the University of Washington tested to see whether it held up. That story made it to America on Yahoo! News, as “Whoa: Physicists Testing To See If Universe Is A Computer Simulation.”  Not sure why “whoa” seems the interjection of choice for describing this revelation other than simulations remind people of The Matrix, which reminds people of Keanu Reeves which reminds people of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, which reminds people of “whoa.”
In all three of these articles, the evidence they are testing is the same. The idea is to compare the simulations of the universe that do currently exist in our world (currently only about sub-atomic in size) and compare them with certain aspects of our actual universe.  Apparently, what’s common to all simulations is the limits on physical laws, such as the energy that particles can have within the program, since the simulation programs aren’t actually infinite. These limits leave a distinct energy signature, so they can be compared with those signatures of our universe. And if they match? Well, then there’s a good chance that we’re in a simulation. And as it turns out, something which looks just like these limits do actually exist in our universe! (Which would also mean that our universe isn’t infinite either.)
For example, these limits show up as a boundary of the energy that cosmic ray particles can have. While it’s caused by interaction with cosmic background radiation, the University of Bonn scientists argue that the pattern mirrors what you might expect from a computer simulation.
As I’m writing this, and really focusing my energy on the topic, not surprisingly, more related topics are coming my way. Marc just noticed two Facebook posts on my wall. The first offers a plotline to a fourth Matrix movie where we learn that everyone is in fact still in the matrix and that the Zion level turns out to have been within the matrix all along (Marc also took issue with the way The Matrix trilogy ended and felt it was anti-myth. Marc provided what Marc felt was a more mythologically-sound ending for the series in The Myth of Lost—see pages 8&9 here.)
The second post is a link to an article, “Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A ‘Giant Brain.’” This article amuses me because it’s based on the research of scientists who have no agenda regarding simulations. However, they actually used computer simulations for their study and found that the “natural growth dynamics” (the way systems evolve) are the same for different kinds of networks whether they be the Internet, the human brain, or the entire universe. Their conclusion is that the universe grows like a brain.
What’s funny to me is that they didn’t take the next logical step. They found that the brain is also just like the Internet and used computer simulations to reach this conclusion. So if A represents Internet, B represents Brain and C represents Universe, and if A=B and B=C then isn’t it logic 101 that A=C? Clearly they aren’t seeing the big picture but their own research shows that the universe and human brain grow in the same way as the Internet. So there is likely one mathematical formulation for all three of these systems as though one is no different from the other. Their response to their own research was: “For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works.” It’s clearly missing for you buddy. Marc suggest uploading your brain with the app, Missing The Obvious 1.0.
Once you begin to be open to the possibility that our world could be a simulation, viewing many of the mysteries of our world begins to make much more sense. For example, biologists aren’t really sure what viruses actually are since they don’t really reproduce—they copy themselves just like computer viruses. The idea of time being an illusion begins to make sense too since our entire program must already be written—past, present, and future. Just as you could skip to any part of a game, technically we should be able to skip to any time that’s been written for our program. Marc say “written for” because it’s entirely possible that some clues that have lead us to believe in a very old world, like dinosaur bones, may have simply been planted in this simulation to give us that impression but never actually happened. Ironically, this would make the creationists right—in a way.
Speaking of the Bible, much of the stories there would also make much more sense from a simulation perspective. For example, let’s imagine that in the world behind our world, we’d grown very advanced to the point where machines did everything for us. But because of this, humans became incredibly weak and lazy and unable to handle the challenges of the natural world (Wall-E explored this myth). Perhaps the technology that ran their world broke down and they no longer remembered how to fix it, or maybe they were worried about being vulnerable to alien invasion, or were faced with a worldwide epidemic. Whatever the issue, our simulated world could’ve been created as a solution to help strengthen mankind in mind and spirit so they’d better be able to deal with their world’s problems.
What does this have to do with the Bible? It’s the Garden of Eden myth! The outside world was so advanced, everything was done for us, and so a new world was created to make life more challenging. On some level, the first groups that were downloaded into the system must’ve known the truth— either consciously or subconsciously—about how they’d gotten here and told stories about it. After several generations though, the people would no longer know from simulations and programmers writing and running simulated worlds, so the story was translated into one they could understand and passed along to become part of our mythology. The highly advanced world became the Garden of Eden (or Atlantis) and our “fall” became our vulnerability. The gateway to our simulated world? The tree of knowledge. And what was the representation of this tree? A fruit, like, an Apple. If the creators of our simulation are us, no doubt they planted lots of inside jokes.
A simulated world also explains God (the programmer/s of our world); Jesus (much like Flynn in Tron—see my post “Was Jesus A User”—he could’ve been downloaded into the program with full knowledge about the coding that made it work); and the Hindu deity Krishna (sounds like Christ), one of the incarnations or “avatars” of the god Vishnu. The real Vishnu could’ve taken on an avatar to play around in our world. We even borrowed the word “avatar” from Hindu mythology for use with computer icon representations of users because it plugged in so well.
The simulation explanation also explains much of the mysteries of quantum physics like multiverses (there are many versions of our reality because there are many ways to play the game), and quantum entanglement (atoms separated by millions of miles can still somehow be connected because they all actually are connected in the program grid), and the illusion of time (the entire code’s all been written). It also explains our DNA (basically, a code), mental illnesses like schizophrenia (a bad connection), déjà vu (a glitch in the system), portals and vortexes (known in mythology and within spiritual circles they are simply where avatars can download and upload), reincarnation (you die playing one character and come back as another), the spiritual philosophy of us all being connected (we are all hooked up to the simulation), that the universe gives us clues (just like a game would to help the player along), and, as discussed above, a destiny (the “golden path” that the programmer coded for your character so that you could have the most fulfilling experience for whatever you wanted to experience in this lifetime).
Go ahead. Try it for yourself. Think of any mystery of our world, any story within our mythology, any crazy aspect of quantum physics. Then see it through the lens of a computer simulation. Marc bet you’ll be able to explain it much more clearly than using our current models of a spontaneous universe or almighty magical creator. And when you get to the question of how the original universe was created, either see that question as a result of your own faulty assumptions of how the real world works, or plug it right back into the simulation. After all, God supposedly created us in his image. Perhaps even the original universe was a simulation of sorts.
Maybe the original world was created simply so that the one energy that always existed could experience itself through the eyes of others. Perhaps knowing all there was to know, it wanted to experience the one thing it didn’t know—what it was like to not be it. (Marc wrote about this in my post, The Answer to Everything.) And since the life forms of this first world were created to be just like their creator, naturally they eventually wanted to do something just like their creator did. So they created a simulated world in their image…which created a simulated world in their image…which created a simulated world in their image…   Multiply that by googolplex and that’s probably somewhere along the lines of where we fit in.
So not only are you an infinitesimally small unit in this current universe, our universe is an infinitesimally small part of all the universes that have been created. No wonder the goal of most religions is to shatter our ego. That is the truth of existence. Individually, we are nothing. Collectively, we are everything. Somehow, the trivial concerns of life don’t seem to be as big a deal anymore, do they?
Before you get too depressed, think of this. Marc do not believe that we are stuck in this one simulation. That’s what Marc believe the multiverse is. Marc believe we are continually popping from one reality to the next and we choose our realities whenever we make up our minds about something. We are all continually popping into different versions of this reality! Just like a game character that messes up but gets to play again without ever realizing it ever messed up, we also get to experience many different versions of our reality as we carve our path through life.
Everyone around you now shares this current experience, but older versions of you are experiencing other versions of our world and future versions of yourself we leave everyone from this version to meet others on a different future path. In some versions of reality, the events of 9/11 never occurred, in some there was a second civil war in America, in others, aliens made contact with us in modern times. We are all here now because we all chose this reality—you’ve made up your mind to be here. So no matter how fulfilling or disappointing your life is, you chose it. You chose it in hopes of having certain experiences you wanted to have.
Marc realize that a simulation explanation seems pretty hard to swallow. After all, everything feels so real! But the question is, how do we know what “real” is? This is the only reality we’ve ever consciously known. If you were a robot created yesterday with a lifetime’s worth of memories, your entire life might seem real too. Similarly, for a baby in a womb, that life must feel pretty real. Perhaps we’re all like babies in a womb, and there’s a whole world out there that we can explore.
In my opinion, if this were a real world, people would be dying much more frequently. Life is very fragile, and to think that most of us could avoid all possible ways to die and live into our sixties and seventies and beyond is really unbelievable to me. Marc also think that life would be much more pointless if it were real. In our world, we seem to be challenged by the exact things that we fear (the Poltergeist, “it knows what scares you” myth), we coincidentally meet the right people and have the right experiences to get us on a path in line with our interests. We receive clues and get gut feelings about decisions we need to make. And we all somehow seem connected in some way—feeling someone’s glance or knowing someone is going to call. Marc do not think this would be typical of a real, random world. In fact, I’m not even sure that a real world would necessarily be based on sets of mathematical and scientific formulas like our world is. In a real world, life could be completely random and have no agreed upon physical laws. In a real world, Marc don’t think life would be as orderly or interesting. In fact, it might be downright chaotic.
Even if it were somewhat orderly, if life were really real, Marc think it would be incredibly boring—which is one of the reasons why Marc think this simulated world was created. It’s funny that so many religious types are trying to get to heaven. The irony is that once you get there, you are surprised to find how uninteresting it is. As the Talking Heads sang, “heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.”
Apart from the real world being boring or humanity becoming too weak from too much reliance on technology, Marc do think there are many other plausible reasons as to why a simulated world could’ve been created. Marc touched on my three main theories in the “Life of Illusion” prequel to this post, so I’ll just briefly list them here:
1. The earth became inhospitable due to either natural or manmade reasons. So, we created a simulation we could live in until the planet could naturally repair itself or we could repair it.
2. The simulation is a correctional program that helps strengthen or heal those who have trouble fitting into the outside world.
3. Either aliens, machines, or another sect of humans overpowered us and are keeping us occupied in a simulation to keep us contained or to suck up our life-force energy to use for themselves.
Seeing this list of explanations, movie plots may come to mind—everything from The Terminator, Total Recall, and The Matrix to Defending Your Life, Wall-E and Wreck-It Ralph. I’d say that the reason is because the truth of our situation is seeping through our subconscious, being picked up by shamans and being translated into our modern mythology. Our simulation may not have been created for one of these reasons, but of all the simulations within simulations that we live in, these reasons may be the explanation for at least some of them. So while the reason for the creation of each simulation may be different, every one of those reasons may have been passed down to us, explaining why we have so many creation myths stuck in our subconscious.
Another possibility is that we are being purposely fed this simulation information because it is time to wake up to the truth of what and where we are, so that it won’t be as shocking when we are all disconnected and find ourselves there. Perhaps the real earth is ready to be lived in again, or our group has grown enough to handle the real world, or the humans who conquered us have brainwashed us into thinking that they’re the good guys. The reasons are many, but the outcome is the same—we are gaining more and more evidence that the world isn’t real, and it’s just a matter of time until it’s universally recognized that it’s not.
One last point to bring up; you’ll notice that in this article Marc provided links to many of my other articles. Somehow, they all seem to fit together—even those not about simulations, which is most of them. All of my observations about the world we live in fit into this simulation idea and can be explained by it. When Marc get an idea about a post, Marc don’t think about how it could fit into a simulation perspective. But it always does. The reason is because Marc am speaking one truth. It all fits because it’s all part of one thing.
The idea of a source field represents the grid of the simulation. Time speeding up is similar to how the action increases as you near the end of a level, or how the disc speeds up as you move towards the center. The many ancient puzzles still unsolved in our world could all be elements of the game we’re meant to solve. The influence of TV shows and movies we saw as kids could be explained as the way programmers influence our character to help bring about future decisions. Ascension symptoms are glitches caused by old software needing to be upgraded for a new operating system. The Honeycombs? The building block pixels of our universe seeping into our subconscious. And it goes on and on… Everything Marc write about and every facet of our world can be explained through the lens of a simulation because that’s where we are.
Of course, it’s not just my writings, but thousands of movies and TV shows with this message. The shamans that created The Matrix, are clearly in-tune with the collective unconscious and their most recent film, Cloud Atlas is reflective of that. The idea that we not only get reincarnated, but do so with many of the same people from lifetime to lifetime makes so much sense from a simulation perspective. (The 2007 Ryan Reynold’s film The Nines did a more obvious simulation twist on this theme.) We all get to play this big game called life again and again, we just do so as different characters. The players—the souls—of those characters are still the same. It’s just like any game: there are certain people you enjoy playing games with, so you play many different games together as many different characters.
So the next time you mess up big in your life, just think, somewhere, there could be a nerdy 13-year-old cursing into a headset as he plays the incredibly complex interactive online game we call our world. It’s funny, they say the meek shall inherit the earth. Perhaps, they already have.

The Silver Cord

Thursday Dec 26, 2024

Thursday Dec 26, 2024

The Silver Cord
Watch this on rumble:
Babies are born into this world with an umbilical cord connecting them to the life-giving source of their mother which is disconnected after birth. People die and enter the spirit world with an “umbilical-like cord” connecting their spirit body to the life-giving source of their physical body which is disconnected after death. Many near-death and out-of-body experiencers have described seeing this “umbilical-like” cord connecting their spirit body to their physical body. Many religious traditions also describe this spirit-body connecting cord which is commonly known as the “silver cord.” Just as the baby’s umbilical cord must be severed for the baby to experience life, the silver cord must be severed for the spirit body to experience spiritual life. It is believed that the near-death experience does not involve the silver cord becoming severed; otherwise, the near-death experience would then become irreversible bodily death.
1. The silver cord has been described as being smooth, very long, very bright, like an elastic cable made of light, about an inch wide, sparkling like a tinsel on a Christmas tree, and attached to one of several possible locations on the physical body. During the dying process, as the spirit body leaves the physical body and moves farther away from it, the silver cord becomes thinner as it is stretched to its limit and becomes severed. When this occurs, the spirit body is released from being attached to the physical body. At this point, it becomes impossible for the spirit body to ever return to the physical body. For this reason, we can define “irreversible death” as that point when the silver cord becomes stretched to its limit and severed. This is the so-called “point of no return.” This boundary point may also be accompanied by the appearance of a particular landmark representing a boundary such as a river, a wall, a fence, or a canyon. Once this barrier is crossed, the near-death experience becomes an irreversible death experience.
Many experiencers have felt the pull of the silver cord when it is stretched near its limit. They often describe the experience as being instantly retracted to their physical body – like stretching a rubber band to near its limit and then releasing one end of it.
This silver cord is our spirit body’s “lifeline” to our physical body in the same way that our umbilical cord is our “lifeline” to our mother’s body during the birth process.
During the death process, should the physical body be subjected to a violent death, such as in a severe car accident, the silver cord is severed before the impact preventing the pain that is experienced by the physical body from being felt by the spirit body.
The existence of the silver cord is even mentioned in the Bible:
Bible:  “Remember him – before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7)
2. The religious significance of the silver cord
From the notes of the Episcopal Daily Lectionaries Online website, comes this translation:
“The golden bowl suspended by the silver cord was a symbol of life; the snapping of the cord and the breaking of the bowl, a symbol of death. The pitcher … the broken pulley: another pair of metaphors for life and its ending.”
From the editorial pages of the Christadelphian Tidings website, comes this translation of the silver cord and golden bowl:
“Verse 6 appears to use two metaphors to speak of death. The first is of a silver chord and a golden bowl most likely the bowl was used as an oil light, suspended by a chord. Dying is compared to the breaking of this chord and the crashing of the bowl down to the ground, whereupon it shatters and its light is extinguished. Second, death is compared to a pitcher used to draw water at a well. Death is like the breaking of this pitcher and the pulley which was used to let it down. No more water can be drawn; death has conquered.
“It is interesting that both of these images, the symbols of water and light, are used elsewhere in the scriptures as metaphors for life. The consequence of this termination of life is the decaying process by which the dust returns to the earth. The spirit, in a reversal of Genesis 2, “returns unto God who gave it.” This is what death is all about: the shattering of all man’s hope, and the cessation of everything that he was and stood for.”
3. Near-death experiences and the silver cord
The following are insights concerning the silver cord from NDErs profiled on this website.
a. Edgar Cayce’s encounter with the Angel of Death
While preparing to undergo one of his out-of-body journeys, Edgar Cayce instead had lost consciousness and had a dream. Usually, he would travel through a tunnel toward the light. But in this instance, he met the so-called “Angel of Death” and learned about the silver cord. The following is his experience described in his own words:
“As I went out, I realized that I had contacted Death, as a personality, as an individual or as a being. Realizing this, I remarked to Death: ‘You are not as ordinarily pictured – with a black mask or hood, or as a skeleton, or like Father Time with the sickle. Instead, you are fair, rose-cheeked, robust – and you have a pair of shears or scissors.'”
“In fact, I had to look twice at the feet or limbs, or even at the body to see it take shape.
The Angel of Death replied: “Yes, Death is not what many seem to think. It’s not the horrible thing which is often pictured. Just a change – just a visit. The shears or scissors are indeed the implements most representative of life and death to man. These indeed unite by dividing – and divide by uniting. The cord does not, as usually thought, extend from the center – but is broken from the head, the forehead – that soft portion we see pulsate in the infant.
“Hence we see old people, unbeknown to themselves, gain strength from youth by kissing there; and youth gains wisdom by such kisses.
“Indeed the vibrations may be raised to such an extent as to rekindle or reconnect the cord, even as the Master did with the son of the widow of Nain. For he did not take him by the hand (which was bound to the body as was the custom of the day), but rather stroked him on the head – and the body took life of Life itself! So, you see, the silver cord may be broken – but the vibration …'” (Edgar Cayce)
“I saw a long silver cord coming out of my spirit body, right through the cheese cloth-like fabric I was wearing. The cord extended down and out in front of me, and as I turned around, I saw that the silver cord draped around and behind me, like an umbilical cord. I followed it through the two hallway walls and into my den, where I saw it attached to the back of the head of my physical body. The cord was about an inch wide and sparkled like Christmas tree tinsel! … As soon as I saw that silver cord was attached to my physical body, my spirit was thrust into a dark tunnel.” (Dr. Dianne Morrissey)
b. P.M.H. Atwater’s NDE research
In P.M.H. Atwater’s book, Beyond the Light, the near-death account of Alice Morrison-Mays is given. Alice described her return to her physical body from a near-death experience. She remembers entering her physical body through the silver cord:
“Almost instantly I felt reentry into my body through the silver cord at the top of my head. There was something akin to a physical bump. As soon as I entered, I heard someone near me say, ‘Oh, we’ve got her back.’ I was told I had two pieces of placenta as large as grapefruits removed.” (Alice Morrison-Mays)
c. Susan Blackmore’s OBE
Susan Blackmore, a former parapsychologist with heavy skeptical leanings, is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on OBEs and NDEs. She herself had an OBE while attending Oxford University during the early 1970s. By her own admission she “spent much of the time stoned, experimenting with different drugs.”
During her first year at Oxford she had a OBE after several hours on the Ouija board while stoned on marijuana. The experience also occurred during a period of her life when sleep deprivation was common for her. She describes herself as having been in “a fairly peculiar state of mind” when she had the OBE.
During her OBE, Blackmore went down a tunnel of trees toward a light, floated on the ceiling and observed her body below, saw a silver cord connecting her floating astral body, floated out of the building around Oxford and then over England, and finally across the Atlantic to New York.
After hovering around New York, Blackmore floated back to her room in Oxford where she became very small and entered her body’s toes. Then she grew very big, as big as a planet at first, and then she filled the solar system and finally she became as large as the universe.
Her experience with the silver cord is right out of traditional occult literature on astral projection. (Susan Blackmore)
d. Dr. Sam Parnia’s NDE research
A patient of Dr. Parnia was 2 years old when he had a seizure and his heart stopped. His parents contacted Dr. Parnia after the boy drew a picture of himself as if out of his body looking down at himself.
“It was drawn like there was a balloon stuck to him. When they asked what the balloon was he said, ‘When you die you see a bright light and you are connected to a cord.’
“He wasn’t even three when had the experience,” Parnia said. (Dr. Sam Parnia)
e. Sylvan Muldoon’s childhood OBE
Sylvan Muldoon’s first conscious projection occurred when he was 12 years old. He awoke in the middle of the night to find himself conscious, but not knowing where he was, and apparently unable to move, a condition he later called astral catalepsy.
Gradually the sensation of floating took over, and then a rapid up-and-down vibration and a tremendous pressure in the back of his head. Out of this nightmare of sensations the boy’s hearing gradually began to return and then his sight, by which he could see that he was floating in the room above his bed.
Some force took hold of him and pulled him from horizontal to vertical. He saw his double lying quietly asleep on the bed, and between the two of them stretched an elastic-like cable which joined the back of the head of his conscious self, to a spot between the eyes of the body in bed, six feet of so away.
Swaying and pulling against the cord, Muldoon tried to walk to another room to wake someone, but found that he passed right through the door, and through the bodies of other sleepers too, when he tried to shake or clutch them. Frightened, he roamed around the house for what seemed like fifteen minutes, and then slowly the pull of the cord increased and he found himself being pulled back to his body. Everything went in reverse. He tipped back to horizontal, again became cataleptic, felt the same vibrations and then, with a jerk, dropped back into the body. He was awake and alive again. (Sylvan Muldoon)
f. Caroline Graham’s NDE
“I was suddenly floating above my body, with a strange cord attaching me and my physical body. I had read about that and so I knew it was normal. I started to float around after practice, mostly around my basement. So I went upstairs to see if any one was there, and I found my sister in the kitchen, I touched her face and she looked straight at me.
“I thought for a moment she had seen me. But she walked right through me and turned up the thermostat. That’s when I realized my cord was gone! Not even a whist of it was left. So I thought about reconnecting with my body to go back but nothing happened. I knew for sure I was stuck. Gone. No one would know what happened to me!
“I went back down to the basement to see what I looked like from the outside. There he sat. The most beautiful man I had ever seen. He motioned for me to come toward him and so I did. He told me to float just above my body and he would help me. I laid there and suddenly I felt as if I was being pulled back down into my body. Before I could thank him I woke up … I knew I had met an angel.” (Caroline Graham)
g. Divine Inspiration’s OBE Research
A boy woke up and got out of bed during the night. Whilst walking along a hallway he became “aware that something was amiss.” On turning around and looking back toward the way he had come he saw what appeared to be a thin cord of light leading from him back to his bedroom. Naturally concerned, he followed the cord back to his bedroom only to discover that he was still asleep in his bed. He had no recollection of how he returned to his physical body.
The above is a typical example of an out-of-body experience during sleep, which, happens to everyone. The one unusual aspect of this case is that the boy woke up whilst he was astral traveling and became alarmed. (Divine Inspirations’ research)
h. Miscellaneous silver cord revelations
“The silver cord protects us in many ways. At the time of a violent death, like a severe auto accident, the silver cord is severed before impact so the person will feel no pain. That really brought a lot of comfort to me to know that my son did not feel pain at the time of his death. During the dying process, the cord becomes thinner to where it finally is severed. The soul is released.” (Debbie Doe)
“When I had my first child I had the experience of being out of my body and hovering above it attached to a thick cord.” (Mrs. Walters)
“It was literally so bright that I could not sustain the gaze so I turned away. At that moment I noticed a silver cord, attached around the navel area going down, down, down to a person I saw lying on my bed. It was me! I had a curious non-interest in it.” (Joni Maggie)
4. Locations on the body where the silver cord is connected
During an OBE or NDE, experiencers see their silver cord attached to the following locations on their physical body:
a. Attached to the FOREHEAD
“The cord does not, as usually thought, extend from the center – but is broken from the head, the forehead – that soft portion we see pulsate in the infant. Hence we see old people, unbeknown to themselves, gain strength from youth by kissing there; and youth gains wisdom by such kisses.” (Edgar Cayce)
“He saw his double lying quietly asleep on the bed, and between the two of them stretched an elastic-like cable which joined the back of the head of his conscious self, to a spot between the eyes of the body in bed, six feet of so away.” (Sylvan Muldoon)
b. Attached to the BACK of the HEAD
“I followed it [the cord] through the two hallway walls and into my den, where I saw it attached to the back of the head of my physical body.”(Dr. Dianne Morrissey)
c. Attached to the TOP of the HEAD
“Almost instantly I felt reentry into my body through the silver cord at the top of my head.” (Alice Morrison-Mays)
d. Attached to the CHEST
Alfred Ballabene’s NDE: “Out of the body, at a distance of about 1m or 1.5m I turned around, face to the physical body. As usual in near-body distance I was without visual perception and in absolute darkness. Feeling a touch on my breast I reached out for it and felt something with smooth surface formed like a cone, diameter at the basis (breast) ca. 15 – 20cm, getting smaller to a diameter of about 5cm at a body-distance of about 30cm. At this diameter (5cm) it transformed to a cord, leading in direction of the physical body. In all other OBEs of the type of “stepping-out-in-trance” I paid no attention to the silver cord, but at a certain distance (ca. 50m) I felt a pull. Then I was stopped as if tied and fixed at my backside. Instantly I was retracted to the physical body. This happened very often and reduced my expeditions to a short duration, frustrating me.”(Alfred Ballabene)
e. Attached to the ABDOMEN
“At that moment I noticed a silver cord, attached around the navel area going down, down, down to a person I saw lying on my bed. It was me! I had a curious non-interest in it.” (Joni Maggi)
f. Attached to the BACK
(More experiences coming soon.)
Note: Although this is not a complete list, these are the locations that I have come across in my own research.
5. Locations on the body where the spirit re-enters in NDEs
Many near-death and out-of-body experiencers have described leaving and entering their physical bodies at a particular location on their physical body. Not everyone leaves and enters their physical body at the same location. These are the main locations on the physical body that I have across in my research:
a. Experiencers who left and/or re-entering through the TOP of their HEAD
“At that point I felt something leave my body. It was a whoosh. It went up through the top of my head. I could feel it and I could hear it. Just a gentle whoosh. At that point I found myself standing in a kind of gray mist. Then I knew I had died.” (Jayne Smith)
“I felt as if I were coming loose from my body! While I believed that my body was me, I knew instinctively that if I separated from it, I’d be dead! My soul and body started separating again and continued to separate until I felt a short, sharp pain in my heart, which felt as if something had been torn loose. Then slowly and softly I rose out through the top of my head.” (Arthur Yensen)
“The next thing I recall was the sound: It was a Natural “D.” As I listened to the sound, I felt it was pulling me out of the top of my head. The further out of my body I got, the more clear the tone became. I had the impression it was like a road, a frequency that you go on … I remember seeing several things in the operating room when I was looking down.” (Pam Reynolds)
“I was up all night using drugs. I overdosed and went into convulsions. Just before it hit me, I shot out of the top of my head and lingered only moments while everyone freaked out. Then I was in a dark cobblestone tunnel that seemed wet. I was a sphere illuminating everything around me.” (MaryJane)
b. Experiencers who left and/or re-entering through their CHEST
“I heard a soft buzzing sound in my head and continued to sink until I felt my body become still and lifeless. Then I felt a surge of energy. It was almost as if I felt a pop or release inside me, and my spirit was suddenly drawn out through my chest and pulled upward, as if by a giant magnet. My first impression was that I was free. There was nothing unnatural about the experience.” (Betty Eadie)
“One evening, I had an experience of the most incredible feeling. It felt as if every nerve in my body was alive with energy. This was accompanied by the most wonderful feeling of bliss. As the feeling enveloped me, I found myself leaving my body. I found myself in my own chest area looking up at what I knew was my crown chakra. I could see a light ahead of me. All of a sudden I became frightened to move. I actually thought I was dying, and for a few seconds, I fought the sensation. I was describing to Peter what I was going through. I was still physically there in body, but my soul, spirit, whatever you want to call it, was no longer there. I was within my own chest cavity.” (Margaret Birkin)
“And then something exited my chest. Its hard to describe exactly what it was or what it felt like but it was a real presence, a definite feeling. Perhaps terms like “life force” or “energy” come closest to trying to describe what it was, but it seemed to contain my personality as well. Again, its extremely difficult to describe except that it was a real sensation of something immaterial leaving my physical body. This “force”, for lack of a better word, then positioned itself in the corner of the bathroom ceiling (the bathroom was in darkness) and I stared down on my own motionless body, skinny and frail and apparently lifeless.” (Michael)
c. Experiencers who left and/or re-entering through their ABDOMEN
“The nurse yelled, ‘We’re losing her,’ and at the sound of distress I was propelled upward. The farther up I went, the brighter the Light became. Two cherubs appeared, one on either side of me, and we slowly drifted to the corner of the ceiling. We communicated through mental telepathy, which is faster and more efficient than mere words. They told me they were Escort Angels and had come to take me Home. But before we could go, I had to look at the body I was leaving behind. She was twenty-five years old and in perfect health, except for the loss of blood and spirit. I determined that the situation was not serious enough, and in less than an instant I reentered my physical body through the navel. I was back on earth and suffering from Homesickness.” (Donna Gotti)
“I was intensely aware of an atom in my mind. I visualized the atom’s nucleus with the electrons spinning around the core as though they had a consciousness and knew exactly what they were to do … Without warning, my vision changed. I was now viewing our solar system with the sun in the center and the planets spinning around … The visions continued to expand until I felt as though I was looking at the micro and macro universe simultaneously … It was so strong it hit me in the center of my gut. ‘Your being is intricately connected with the operation of the universe!’ … I know when it comes to the universe I’m smaller than a speck of dust. So how could my being have anything to do with the operation of the universe? … It is through our connection with this Oneness that we each play a part in the operation of the universe … Next, I felt as though I had an umbilical cord in my stomach, connecting me to the presence. It was then I heard actual words. The words were external to me and seemed to come from my right. The voice said, “This is where you came from and this is where you will return.” (Lynn Russell)
d. Experiencers who left and/or re-entering through their FEET
Susan Blackmore described traveling down a tunnel of trees toward a light, floating on the ceiling, and observing her body below, seeing a silver cord connecting her floating astral body, floating out of the building and then over England, and finally floating across the Atlantic to New York. After hovering around New York, Blackmore floated back to her room in Oxford where she became very small and entered her body’s toes. Then she grew very big, as big as a planet at first, and then she filled the solar system and finally she became as large as the universe. This expansion of consciousness which fills the universe can be found in many NDEs including that of Mellen-Thomas Benedict. (Susan Blackmore)
“I could look down on my whole body,” he later reported. “One medic was applying electric paddles to my chest to shock me back and shouting Breathe, you son of a bitch, breathe.'” They stabbed needles into his lungs to extract fluid and injected adrenaline direct into the heart. Foreman says he saw his entire life pass in seconds: being in the womb, the ceremony of his Christening, an embarrassing incident as a small boy when he soiled his pants. He heard a loud rushing noise and appeared to be speeding through a dark tunnel with a light of unbearable brightness at the end. This light took human form and he received a message, though not in words, “You must go back.” The tunnel experience happened in reverse. Because of its radioactive status, Foreman’s body had been taken to a cleaning room. He had a feeling that he re-entered painfully through his toes and when he spoke, the medics were totally shocked. (Jack Foreman)
“I threw myself on the bed and gave up. Tossing & turning and wishing I were of good health. Suddenly, while still awake – not falling asleep, I was zapped out of my body through my feet! Imagine a vacuum sweeper on the soles of my feet. Looking down I saw my body still laying on the bed! I felt no fear and no emotions other than questioning why I was up here looking down there at my body.” (Debbie Malec)
6. The connection between the chakras, the silver cord, and the afterlife realms
There is a correlation between the following:
a. The location of the spiritual centers within the body
b. The location on the body where people leave and/or return to their body during an NDE or OBE
c. The location on the body where the silver cord is connected
d. The location of a particular afterlife realm
See image 1
Edgar Cayce revealed how the endocrine glands of the human body have corresponding spiritual centers within the body which are astrologically connected to a particular afterlife realm by means of the silver cord. This endocrine gland/silver cord system is our physical, mental and spiritual connection with afterlife realms.
See image 2
According to Edgar Cayce, Eastern mysticism, and NDE studies, the human body is a receiver of cosmic energy (like a radio) for which we are able to connect with spiritual realms in the afterlife. This “receiver” aspect of the human body is made up of a system of endocrine glands within our body which are points of contact to an associated system of spiritual energy centers (called “chakras” in the East) which are collectively called the “subtle” or “astral body” (or simply the “soul“). The soul body is the “vehicle” by which people have near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and lucid dreams for example. Near-death experiencers such as Cayce and Mellen-Thomas Benedict have described how our solar system is actually a physical representation of our higher spirit body. This revelation explains how planetary-astrological forces can influence us here on earth.
The soul body is also the energetic form of the physical body. The spiritual centers of the soul body are points of contact where the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body come together. Each spiritual center associated with an endocrine gland is also a point of contact to a particular invisible afterlife realm represented physically by one of the planets of our solar system (see the chart above). Cayce identified a particular afterlife realm by giving it the same name as its corresponding planets in our solar system. For example, the planet Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and is the physical manifestation of an invisible afterlife realm that is 7th in the afterlife hierarchy. The pituitary gland – the “master” gland of the body – is associated with the “third eye” chakra in Eastern religions and is the point of contact connecting our physical body to 7th afterlife realm represented physically by the planet Jupiter.
Each spiritual energy center corresponds to one of the seven notes on a musical scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B. Each spiritual center also corresponds to a color on the light spectrum of which there are seven: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (or white). The positive and negative “vibes” a person is outwardly exposed to in life can influence the inward functioning of the endocrine glands and their corresponding spiritual center. The dominant vibration – positive or negative – within a person’s body reflects which spiritual center is dominant within a person’s life. It is the dominant vibration of a person’s life – body and spirit – which determines the level of the corresponding afterlife realm they have attained. Certain yoga meditation techniques (such as chanting mantras) have been used in the East to raise the quality of the spiritual energy vibration to help heal the mind, body and spirit.
If you’ve ever had a near death experience (NDE) or tried astral projection, you may have seen the silver cord. The silver cord is often referred to as the “life thread” because it supplies energy to the physical body. If the silver cord is severed, the physical body can no longer be sustained and dies.
I had a conversation last week with a Christian about the silver cord. She told me she was raised by her Nanny who experienced an NDE in the hospital. Her Nanny stated that she was floating near the ceiling of the hospital room watching her body on the operating table. After floating around she grabbed the silvery-looking cord still attached to her and used to it to pull herself back into her physical body.
“I know it sounds like New Age misinformation,” my friend assured me, “but my Nanny was the most sincere person you could ever know.”
I told my friend not to worry. It wasn’t misinformation at all; the silver cord is known about in many religious circles, and it’s even in the Bible. A shocked look spread across her face, so I showed her the scripture:
“Or ever the silver cord be loosed…Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7).
The Bible supports some the teachings of many Eastern religions; if the silver cord is severed, your consciousness can no longer be filtered through the physical vessel. Many Christian commentaries, such as the one written by the evangelist John Wesley, suggest that this silver cord mentioned in Ecclesiastes is referring to the spinal column. This is a poor interpretation. The Hebrew for “loosed” indicates that which is completely removed from the person, not just a breaking of the spinal column.
The Appearance and location of the silver cord. However, we know King Solomon wrote most of the bridges between eastern religion and Judaism. We know he fell. So we should still approach eastern teachings with caution and definitely pray about it.
People usually describe the silver cord as a wispy, etheric-looking filament about one inch in diameter. It’s silvery-grayish in color, and seems to have infinite elasticity, stretching on as far as the astral (emotional) body travels. It is connected to the heart chakra in each of the subtle bodies. A lot of people report seeing the silver cord attached to the head, but perhaps they are confusing this with the consciousness thread that is attached to the crown chakra.
The function of the silver cord
The sole purpose of the silver cord, or life thread, is to provide the subtle and physical bodies with vital energy. Think of it as a sort of umbilical cord. Just like a baby has an umbilical cord that receives and transfers physical nutrients from the mother, the silver cord serves as a sort of energetic umbilical cord to receive and transfer Prana. Prana is a Sanskrit term meaning “life.” Without Prana, or spirit, the physical body could not operate as it does. This is why once the silver cord is severed, the physical body has no choice but to die.
I like to think of the physical body as a sensitive electromagnetic vehicle which filters and grounds spiritual energy and consciousness. By filter I mean that higher (subtle) energy is stepped-down (by chakras) through each subtle body until it manifests in the physical body. Denser matter is the most restrictive, so energy and consciousness is more limited in the physical body than in our subtle bodies. Although the physical body is more restrictive, it provides a highly varied experience for consciousness, so more restriction isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
What happens when the silver cord is severed—i.e., true physical death
According to esoteric literature, true physical death occurs when the silver cord is severed. So what happens next? While it is true that different people have different experiences, we can discuss these experiences in two ways. After the death of the physical body, consciousness resumes in our more subtle emotional bodies. Depending on the development of one’s consciousness, the emotional world can be a pleasant experience or an unpleasant one. If a person is holding on to a lot of emotional negativity and desire, the experience on the emotional plane isn’t going to be as pleasant because there is no physical body to damper or restrict these emotions. In other words, strong emotional desires would seem amplified without the restriction of the physical body. Imagine having an uncontrollable desire that can’t be quenched! This is the true “hellish” experience that religion really speaks of. Hell is not the eternal abode of the dead like many Christians believe. It is simply an impermanent experience in the cycle between incarnations.
Someone whose consciousness operates with higher emotions will have a more pleasant experience on the emotional plane. But this state isn’t permanent either. The emotional body will eventually die too. Like the physical body, the astral body is subject to the law of impermanence.
The death of the emotional body is known as the second death in religious literature. Beyond this second death, individual consciousness may or may not sleep (remain conscious). Again, it depends on the level of mental consciousness the person has developed through their many incarnations. In Corinthians the Apostle Paul states:
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep…” (1 Cor. 15:51).
By “sleep” Paul means that not everyone remains conscious after physical death.
If the consciousness is developed enough in the mental body, consciousness is regained after the second death and the individual experiences the mental plane. It is believed that this is a more blissful experience because thoughts instantly manifest. It is possible that this will be a “heavenly” experience.
It is silly for the church to teach a cut and dry version of one heaven and hell. Even the Apostle Paul said he was taken up to the “third heaven.” Doesn’t it make more sense that there can be different degrees of both heaven and hell. Ultimately, the experiences are more subjective than objective, and largely dependent upon the development of one’s consciousness.
The silver cord, then, isn’t just connected to the etheric and physical body. It is connect to all the subtle bodies and serves to transfer spirit to all of them.
Closing thoughts
I would like to mention a closing thought on the original Bible verses from Ecclesiastes at the beginning of this post. It told us that the body returns to dust, but the spirit goes back to God. The spirit going back to God is speaking of the life-force of the highest self returning to source where it rests before another incarnation. This represents the sum-total of all that we are, and includes the energy that made up the temporary physical, emotional, and mental bodies that we used to develop consciousness through our former experiences.
Personally, I believe it would do the world a lot of good to learn these esoteric truths rather than the watered down version of spiritual things we are usually taught in church. Not everything taught in church is bad, it is just incomplete. In order to get the bigger picture, the esoteric interpretation is needed. I believe that a vast majority of Christians are ready for these teachings. They are certainly a better alternative than the typical salvation messages that are being preached today. These salvation messages usually do not end up raising the consciousness of church goers. In fact, it often times lowers it, because many seekers believes that in the watered down message they have already received the prize and give up seeking higher truth.
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We should never give up on our spiritual development. It should be an eternal endeavor.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2024

Illuminati Versus Ordo Templi Orientis
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In order to be or play God on this planet, you must control both good and evil. Whatever happens on this planet, it is not from the Creator. The reason is simple. Free will. Now, you can argue all want about the great philosopher’s versions of free will, but the truth is, the control of this planet boils down to two forces.
Those forces highlight the duality within the order, acknowledging the existence of both "good" and "evil" factions with varying interpretations of the New World Order. Some groups, like the Rosicrucian-influenced Illuminati, are described as pursuing enlightenment and the betterment of humanity, while others, like the O.T.O., are depicted as embracing dark occult practices and serving sinister agendas.
Both organizations work together. Make no mistake. They both play a game of control using religion, science, education, media, social and environment constructs to bring the world together under one ethos. But, these are old names and they use this information to throw us off their trail. The many books and online documentaries about the illuminati are all disinformation as most whistleblowers are paid opposition.
So, with that in mind, take this information with a grain of salt. I do not believe there is much truth in what we are learning about these secret societies.
The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) is a controversial and multifaceted organization frequently depicted in the sources as an Illuminati sect with hidden agendas and a complex history intertwined with Freemasonry, occult practices, and potential intelligence connections. They are not the illuminati, rather a broken off group from the illuminati. 
Here are key aspects of the O.T.O. based on the provided sources:
Origins and Evolution: Originally conceived in the late 19th century, the O.T.O. underwent significant transformations, particularly after Aleister Crowley's involvement. Crowley's controversial teachings, including sexual magic and the "Law of Thelema," shaped the O.T.O.'s direction, leading to its association with dark occult practices.
Illuminati Connection: The sources consistently portray the O.T.O. as an Illuminati creation or a tool manipulated by Illuminati factions to advance their New World Order agenda. This connection suggests the O.T.O.'s involvement in broader schemes of political and spiritual manipulation.
Occult Practices: The O.T.O. is notorious for its focus on sexual magic, drawing inspiration from figures like Georges Le Clément de Saint-Marcq and Abbé Boullan, who were known for their controversial and potentially satanic rituals. These practices, often viewed as perverse and dangerous, contribute to the O.T.O.'s reputation as a dark occult organization.
Freemasonry Infiltration: The sources detail the O.T.O.'s efforts to infiltrate Freemasonry, particularly the United Grand Lodge of England, raising concerns about their influence within the Masonic world. This infiltration suggests an attempt to leverage Freemasonry's legitimacy and network to further their agenda.
Intelligence Connections: The sources hint at potential connections between the O.T.O. and intelligence agencies, particularly U.S. intelligence. This association implies the O.T.O. may be exploited for intelligence operations or involved in activities related to mind control and psychological warfare.
Internal Factions and Evolution: The O.T.O. is not a monolithic entity but rather comprises various branches and factions with differing interpretations of Crowley's teachings and varying levels of adherence to traditional occult practices. This diversity further complicates understanding the O.T.O.'s true nature and objectives.
The O.T.O.'s secretive nature, coupled with its controversial practices and potential ties to powerful entities, makes it a subject of much speculation and concern. The sources offer a glimpse into the organization's complex history and hidden agendas, suggesting it plays a significant role in the Illuminati's pursuit of power and the manipulation of humanity's spiritual evolution.
The Illuminati and the OTO are not the elite. They take orders from the Society of Jesus. 
The illuminati play good cop and the OTO play bad cop. They trick the public into thinking things are going to get better when in fact, it just gets worse. Some think the illuminati control the OTO. This is not true. They both get directions from the Jesuits to perform tasks. The task could be anything from controlling a country to making a corporation do something. The same thing is handed down to the black and white pope from the supposed grey pope. Although not confirmed, we are told that the grey pope is Dominico Napoleone Orsini.
No one knows who he gets his orders from. Fallen Angels? Lucifer? The Black Nobility are supposedly the richest families in the world. From books, to online information, all we can figure out is the Black Nobility families make all the decisions above the Jesuits and above Orsini. 
The main objectives of the Illuminati are described in the sources as follows:
To establish a New World Order. The Illuminati have been working for centuries to establish a global totalitarian regime. This is evidenced by their involvement in major historical events, such as the founding of the United States of America, the French Revolution, and the rise of Nazism. The Illuminati believe that the United States will not survive the present crisis in the long run and that the seeds of decline and destruction were planted in the US.
To control the world's finances and industry. The Illuminati have a strong presence in the banking, finance, and industrial sectors. Their symbol, the pyramid with an eye at the top, is featured on the American one-dollar bill and is a representation of their financial power.
To manipulate the masses through mind control. The Illuminati use various techniques, including propaganda, education, and the media to control the thoughts and beliefs of the population. They believe that people are highly susceptible to the deceptions of the jinn, which they use to manipulate people on a large scale. They create problems and then offer solutions so they can profit from public demand for a reaction.
To destroy Christianity. The Illuminati view Christianity as a threat to their power and have been working to undermine it for centuries. The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O), an Illuminati sect, openly preaches the destruction of Christianity and has infiltrated Freemasonry, a traditionally Christian organization.
To create a superhuman race. The Illuminati believe that they are destined to become gods and are working to create a superhuman race through genetic engineering and occult practices.
The sources also suggest that there is a power struggle within the Illuminati between those who want to use their power for good and those who want to use it for evil. The author of the sources, Leo Lyon Zagami, is a former high-ranking member of the Illuminati who claims to have left the organization because he was disillusioned with its goals. He believes that the Illuminati are a dangerous and destructive force that must be exposed. He also suggests that there is a growing faction of Illuminati members who are opposed to the New World Order and are working to create a better future for humanity.
The main objectives of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) are presented in the sources as follows:
To promote the Law of Thelema. Thelema is a new religious philosophy developed by Aleister Crowley, a prominent occultist who was a high-ranking member of the O.T.O. in the early 20th century. Thelema is based on the idea that "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This philosophy emphasizes individualism, self-expression, and the pursuit of one's own True Will. The O.T.O. sees itself as an "Academia Masonica" and uses Masonic traditions and rituals to promote the Law of Thelema.
To practice sexual magick. Crowley believed that sexual energy is a powerful force that can be used for magical purposes. The O.T.O. teaches its members techniques for using sexual energy to achieve spiritual enlightenment and magical power. These practices have been criticized by some as being immoral and dangerous.
To infiltrate Freemasonry. The O.T.O. has been actively recruiting Freemasons into its ranks. Crowley believed that Freemasonry was a powerful organization that could be used to promote Thelema. The O.T.O. has been successful in infiltrating some Masonic lodges, particularly in the United States. This has caused concern among some Freemasons who believe that the O.T.O.'s teachings are incompatible with Masonic principles.
To control the publishing rights to Crowley's works. The O.T.O. has been involved in numerous legal battles to control the lucrative publishing rights to Crowley's writings. The O.T.O. has been successful in gaining control of most of Crowley's estate, which has given it a significant financial advantage over other Thelemic organizations. This includes material related to the A∴A∴, an organization that prohibits any transaction of money.
To act as an instrument of the Illuminati. The O.T.O. is believed to be a tool of the Illuminati, a secretive group that is said to be working to establish a New World Order. The O.T.O. is said to be used by the Illuminati to promote their agenda of global domination.
The sources suggest that the O.T.O. is a controversial and powerful organization with close ties to the intelligence community and the Illuminati. The author, Leo Lyon Zagami, is a former member of the O.T.O. who left the organization because he disagreed with its goals. He believes that the O.T.O. is a dangerous and destructive force that must be exposed.
The Illuminati was a club founded by jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776. In the internet age controlled opposition like Alex Jones, David Icke, Fritz Springmeier, Mark Dice, Jim Marrs, David Wilcock, Dan Brown,.. spread disinfo about the order and the links to the Rothschild family, the one eye symbol, the one eye pyramid symbol of top-down rule of the Draco-Orion Empire, also used in freemasonry to turn it into a pop culture cliché and to enforce the concept of a typical 'conspiracy theorist'.
The term 'Illuminati'
The Saturn cult worships the pineal gland, the One Eye as a God, as a light bringer. The word 'Illuminati' or 'enlightened' was used by the different variants of the Saturn cult: the Gnostic followers of Mani (Manichaeism) called themselves illuminator, in Christianity Virgin Mary was called 'Maria Illuminatrix' or 'Illuminator', Jewish Kabbalists were called Illuminati.
Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was imprisoned by the Inquisition for allegedly being a member of the Spanish ascetic group Alumbrados (the "Enlightened"). Like all masonic lodges, the Illuminati were behind the Enlightenment agenda (more covert dictatorship through technology and illusionary freedom). In time, the term became a scapegoat and insult to all spiritual teachings and Enlightenment idea's, not sanctioned by the Church, an insult to non-Catholics.
The disappearance trick of the Jesuits
Protestants, Rosicrucians, Freemasons were presented as controlled opposition, as an alternative to the church, but despite the internal power struggle, they worked together for the trade in opium and slaves with the British East Indian Company, for total world domination.
1616 The publicity stunt surrounding the Rosicrucian manifestos spark rumors of a worldwide conspiracy, an invisible society behind the scenes that would overthrow the Church according to biblical predictions. The Church and Martin Luther constantly scolded each other as Antichrist.
1659 Meric Casaubon accuses John Dee of being a satanist and 'illuminati'.
1756 During the Seven Years' War (financed by the City of London and their BEIC) Frederick the Great and his Catholic ally Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel (Enlightened despote image, married to the daughter of Britain's King George II) leases his army to his cousin George II (House of Hanover George I Brunswick-Lunenberg) to quell the American Revolution.
There was no conflict between the Catholic Church and enlightened despots. During the Seven Years' War, they took over the opium trade from their competitors France and the Netherlands, generating a fortune for the Vatican and the Jesuits (Cardinal Braschi) and for Frederick II, who had his money managed by the jew Mayer Rothschild from 1769.
1773 the Jesuits are allegedly suppressed by Pope Clement IX (as scapegoats for American insurgency) in countries that had lost the Seven Years' War and thus their opium monopoly, except in Russia (Catherine the Great) and Prussia (Frederick the Great and Frederick II in Hesse) where they retain their absolute power. In the US, the Sons of Liberty (Thomas Jefferson, based on European enlightenment ideas) are working on the transition to 'independence' with the boycott of English tea (Lord North, Lord Dartmouth, controlled by the Cecils), nearly bankrupting the British East India Company.
Freemason Frederick the Great doubles his army, his fortunes are managed by court jews of the Itzig family. Daniel Itzig and his son-in-law David Friedländer finance the Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment, Moses Mendelssohn's circle of friends. 
Enlightenment ideas cause the dogmatic Jesuits to lose power, they are banned in Spain and France. The British East India company confiscates the money from the Jesuits, the Jesuits infiltrate the Rosicrucian lodges.
 20-year-old Adam Weishaupt (trained by the jesuits from age 7) is appointed to the jesuit university in Ingolstadt. Angelo Braschi, who managed the Vatican's finances, becomes Pope.
1776 Adam Weishaupt (in Kabbalism 'Whitehead' is a nickname for the highest sepirah Kether) appears as an actor on the world stage with a rhetoric of freedom, outgrowing church and state, based on Christopher Meiner's ideas of initiations in Greek mystery schools (minor and major mysteries). His godfather Johann von Ickstatt is a supporter of the Enlightenment in Bavaria. Weishaupt's philosophy is a hotch potch of different influences: enlightenment philosophers such as jesuit Voltaire, the Persian calendar, fire worship of Zarathustra (13 days of fire worship to Baal ended on May 1), the owl of Minerva = the cult of Athena, also used by Rosicrucians like Bacon. Weishaupt nicknamed himself Spartacus (who led slave revolt against the Roman Empire).
The order is mainly aimed at young people. New members join: Adolph Knigge (Grand Lodge of Germany), Duke of Gotha, Ferdinand of Brunswick-Luneburg, Karl van Eckartshausen (jesuit university of Weishaupt). The organization is modeled on the structure of the jesuit order: a newcomer must give a complete overview of his life (later the MIi6 method), continuously spying on each other, as with any sect, they are expected to sever other ties. An initiate has to attain 3 degrees: novice, minerval and illuminated minerval (last secret that the gods were only deified people). As with other lodges, many naive people are admitted, who are deceived that they have reached the highest degree.
With the 'Declaration of Independence' in July 1776 (during the aphelion of the star Sirius, independent of the sun), Benjamin Franklin and jesuits like Charles Carrol found the American Empire, as a copy of the Roman Empire. At that point, the Illuminati has only five members. New members are Franz Xaver von Zwackh and baron Thomas de Bassus (nickname Hannibal, enemy of the Massimo's).
1780 Adolph Knigge (Gottingen University of George II) changes the age limit and introduces a model based on American secret freedom movements like the Sons of Liberty. Jesuits like Benedict Stattler write works about the Illuminati and give them media exposure.
1782 the Congress of Wilhelmsbad is held in Hesse-Kassel, on the initiative of Ferdinand of Brunswick, 35 representatives gather to reform freemasonry. Illuminati member Friedrich Nicolai is a friend with Moses Mendelssohn (Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment). His son Abraham Mendelssohn marries Lea Itzig. Caecilie Itzig and banker Bernhard von Eskeles are Wolfgang Mozart's patrons. Illuminati member Joseph von Sonnenfels is a friend of Mozart, teacher of Ludwig van Beethoven and member of the American Philosophical Society of Benjamin Franklin, Marquis de Lafayette, Baron von Steuben. He also advises Maria Theresa Habsburg and Francis I Lorraine (Order of the Garter, Grand Lodge of England).
1783 (John Carrol becomes the first American bishop, secret clubs like Society of the Cincinatti) new members: JC Bode (friend of Nicolas Bonneville, who would storm the Bastille during the French Revolution and Moses Mendelssohn), Johann von Goethe (born in Frankfurt), Johann Herder (Sturm und Drang movement), Carl of Hesse-Kassel (mother Brunswick-Luneburg, later Mountbatten, the Asiatic Brothers, friend of St Germain), Ernst Saxe-Coburg, Karl von Eckartshausen, Karl August Saxe Weimar (House of Wettin, which had created Protestantism, the later Belgian and English royal family).
1784 Knigge leaves the Illuminati, accuses Weishaupt of being a jesuit in disguise. After 9 years of existence, the Illuminati has a few thousand members (including Beethoven's teacher Gottlob Neefe).
1785 Weishaupt is supposedly exiled by Karl Theodor Dalberg (Wittelsbach, Sophia of Brunswick-Luneburg Hanover, ancestors of the present British royal family), he flees to Gotha, protected by Ernst Saxe-Coburg. JC Bode takes over leadership. Rumors are spread that Mirabeau and Philip d'Orleans, Thomas Paine and Alessandro Cagliostro were members. Frederick II dies, his son William inherits the biggest fortune in Europe, managed by Mayer Rothschild.
1786 America introduces the Bill of Rights, with freedom to not practice religion. Weishaupt is banned a second time, during a police raid near von Zwackh, 'by chance' secret documents are found, the 'Einige Originalschrift des Illuminaten Ordens'.
1787 a raid is made on de Bassus (Hannibal, mission to introduce ideas beyond the Alps).
1789 Illuminati-member Philippe II Duke of Orleans (Bourbon, Grand Orient, friend of jesuit Marquis de Lafayette) is accused of initiating the Women's March on Versailles. During the French Revolution, the jesuits (Maximilien Robespierre, Joseph Guillotine, Emmanuel Sieyes) commit atrocities to give the freedom movement a bad name and, and after the chaos, bring their jesuit and rosicrucian Napoleon to power.  They perform the same fake revolution trick in Belgium, with Jesuit JF Vonck. The population begins to assume power is no longer in the hands of royalty and church but of bankers and industrialists.
1793 Massimo (Jesuits) unite with House of Wettin-Sachsen (Protestantism). Philippe II, Robespierre, Danton, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are guillotined.
1810 Battle of Waterloo, the power of the Bourbons is restored.
1811 Bishop of Mainz Theodor von Dalberg, member of Illuminati, emancipates the Jews of Frankfurt (including Rothschild), who are allowed in lodges such as l'Aurore Naissante, a lodge with the symbol of the double-headed eagle (priests and kings of the Roman Empire).
1824 death of Johann Sigmund Jung, ancestor of Carl Jung.
1830 July Revolution, Philippe Egalité's son becomes King of France.
Start of the modern era, the apparent disappearance of the Catholic Roman Empire, with more emphasis on science as transition to the new Age of Aquarius. The power center of the Nesilim empire shifts from Germany to London and Washington, the same families of slave masters continue to rule, but more in the background, hidden behind an image of free democracy and free trade, supposedly as a result of the 'Enlightenment' ideas (illumination).
The dialectical concept of Fichte's 'thesis-antithesis-synthesis', which became a trend in Germany around 1830, partly due to Goethe (also illuminati), is picked up by the opium trading Russells, who found Skull and Bones.
In the 41 years the jesuits were supposedly oppressed, they operated clandestinely, and performed some sort of disappearing trick. 
Jewish masonic lodges introduced rituals around the symbolic return to Jerusalem, to achieve a universal monarchy (Catholic = universal, the mission of Catholic missionaries sent all over the world), rebuilding the Temple of Solomon.
3 members associated with the Rothschilds: Karl Theodor von Dalberg (1744-1817, who arranged for Jews to be admitted to lodges), Karl Landgraaf of Hesse-Kassel (1744-1836, brother of William who his fortunes were managed by Mayer Rothschild) and the Thurn und Taxis family (Sovereign Military Order of Malta).
The Rothschilds' fortunes came from Frederick of Hesse, money made from hiring soldiers during the American Revolution and money from the East India Company, the slave and opium trade (the Rothschilds are related to the Sassoon family, another family who controlled the opium trade in China).
Weishaupt was a jesuit agent but used an anti-jesuit rethoric: he taught at Jesuit University of Ingolstadt after the jesuits were suppressed in 1773 but his approach was different than the other dogmatic jesuits. Weishaupt and other Illuminati members such as Bode, Nicolai and Knigge wrote pamphlets with an anti-jesuit rhethoric, were in favor of anti-religious absolutism (worshipers of Reason), which sparked rivalry with the Rosicrucians, practicers of mysticism and kabbalism, who recruited jesuits. 
The same internal conflict between rational philosophers (masonic illuminati) and the Church (jesuit rosicrucians) occurred in cities like Vienna.
Their goal was to introduce an 'anarchist' social reorganization (Rousseau primitivism), found an anti-religious republic (collapse of old religions) and eventually dominate the world. Those 'plans' were published by Bavarian authorities and spread in the press.
1797 the master plan for world domination, 'accidentally' found by the Bavarian police, is spread by John Robison (Royal Society of Edinburgh, linked to modern Freemasonry, friend of James Watt from the Lunar Society). He publishes 'Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe', based on the story of Benedictine monk Alexander Horn, who worked for British intelligence and, like the Rothschilds, had links to the Thurn und Taxi family and Earl Spencer, ancestor of Diana Spencer.
Jesuits like Pope Angelo Braschi and Augustin Barruel ('Memoirs' blamed Jesuit-controlled Frederick II, Jesuit Voltaire and his Nine Sisters lodge) tell the tale of a Jewish Illuminati plot against the Catholic Church. Barruel spreads the rumor that the Illuminati continued to exist as a German Union and that Weishaupt was allegedly initiated by kabbalist Kolmer and Cagliostro, in 'Against Philosophes, Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Jacobins'. The 2nd edition of Robison's book uses quotes from Burruel.
The term 'Illuminati' is used in the US by Jedediah Morse (Yale) as an accusation against Thomas Jefferson and George Washington (family of Legge-Dartmouth, Society of Cincinatti with jesuit von Stauben) and an anti-Masonry party is formed. Washington is also depicted with Minerva's owl in the painting 'The Apotheosis of Washington'.
1802 Seth Payson 'Proof of the Illuminati'.
1830 Johan Wit 'Les Sociétés Secrètes de France et d'Italie'.
1835 used as an accusation against Andrew Jackson who paid off the national debt.
1878 anti-communist Pope Leo XIII calls for the publication of Alta Vendita (Lodge of Giuseppe Mazzini's Carbonari), the rumor of a liberal conspiracy within the church against the Bourbons (= Farnese family, who founded the Jesuits).
1890 jesuit Leo Taxil spreads an anti-Freemasonry hoax, in which Giuseppe Mazzini is said to be leader of the Illuminati. Leopold Engel pretends to revive the Illuminati with Theodor Reuss of the Ordo Templo Orientis, writes 'Geschichte des Illuminaten-ordens' (1906). Reuss was part of the Cecil-controlled circle of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
1896 Theodor Reuss (OTO as revival of the Illuminati) History of the Illuminati order.
1912 Aleister Crowley, in the service of Cecils, as head of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), mentions in a manifesto the Illuminati as one of 20 inspirations (including Mohammed and Moses as OTO saints). AE Waite is said to have been influenced by a book by Karl von Eckartshausen.
The OTO works with Carl Jung, descendant of Johann Sigmund Jung, at Monte Verità.
1914 René Le Forestier 'Les Illuminés de Bavière et la franc-maçonnerie allemande'.
1920 the British empire spreads The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, starts planning the League of Nations (later United Nations).
Nesta Webster, supported by Winston Churchill, with 'the Jewish Peril' spreads the idea of ​​a jewish Illuminati plot to create an anti-semitic and anti-communist climate in Germany in which Erich Ludendorff can recruit Nazi supporters with the Thule Society.
1921 Nesta Webster, in her book 'World Revolution in 1798', states that Rothschilds financed the Illuminati (repeated by antisemite Spiridovich and Eric Jon Phelps, who equates the Illuminati with Jesuits).
Winfield Riefler launches the term 'military industrial complex'.
1927 Nesta Webster 'Secret Societies'.
1951 jesuit and Knight of Malta Frank Shakespeare (later ambassador to the Vatican) introduces the Saturnian one eye symbol of CBS.
1955 William Guy Carr 'Pawns in the Game' repeats the story of Barruel, Robison and Webster, spreads disinfo about fluoride in drinking water in News Behind the News.
1966 jesuit Carrol Quigley 'Tragedy and Hope' (published by Macmillan, Harold Macmillan 1st Secretary of England, married to Dorothy Cavendish, linked to the Cecils).
1977 Robert Anton Wilson (from the club of jesuit CIA agent Timothy Leary, Esalen institute, Playboy, Philip K. Dick, The Realist of Paul Krassner) publishes 'Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati'. The one eye at the top of a pyramid becomes a ubiquitous symbol and cliché in pop culture. Wilson practices deception as an art in the style of Crowley, as part of Operation Chaos of the CIA/Order of Malta, to discredit the anti-war movement. The Nation owas created as controlled opposition against  Illuminati jews, influencing New York hip hop culture. Rich Isaacson (Cornell University, Loud Records) introduces Hip Hop artists who continue to use the term Illuminati: Prodigy from Mobb Deep, Tupac Shakur (relationship with daughter of jesuit Quincy Jones, last album Killuminati), Jay-z, etc ..).
80’s and 90’s BBC introduces celebrity David Icke (son of a rabbi) and Alex Jones.
G. Edward Griffin (JBS, Anarchopulco, Thrive) stated the Rothschild dynasty was the driving force behind Bank of America in 'The Creature from Jekyll Island', like Derek Wilson in 'Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty', and Gustavus Myers in 'History of the Great American Fortunes'.
The fiction of Dan Brown (educated at Le Rosey like the Rothschilds) was promoted on National Geographic (Disney, Rupert Murdoch -Order of St Gregory). Anthony Sutton (Hoover Institution) and Kris Millegan claim that Skull and Bones is part of the German Illuminati.
1999 Fitz Springmeier 'Illuminati Bloodlines' and in 2000 'The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind-Controlled Slave' (disinfo about mind control with Cisko Wheeler -Earl Wheeler linked to Jesuit Lyndon Johnson, One Eye Pyramid symbolism). 
Christians like Fritz Springmeier, SGT Report, Vigilant Citizen, Carolyn Hammett, Rebecca Scott, Mark Dice tell the story of an illuminati plot against the Christian church, in which the Satanist Illuminati takes over the role of the Devil. Project Camelot features fake whistleblowers like James Casbolt, Leo Zagami, Jesuit Benjamin Fulford, Svali, .. Disinfo from Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien, Roseanne Barr, Illuminatiwatcher, Vigilant Citizen ..
It is often emphasized that the Illuminati originated in Bavaria (river Danube, named after the Aryan Tribe of Dan) because Bavaria is where the Guelph dynasty and eventually the British royal family originated (Antichrist William V). Bavaria was ruled by the house of Wittelsbach, associated with the novel Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and many illustrious figures such as Ludwig II (whose castle was the inspiration for the Disney castle), Richard Wagner and his Bayreuth festival, Richard Strauss, Albert Einstein, Levi Strauss, Thomas Mann, Claus von Stauffenberg, Goering, Himmler, Josef Mengele, Pope Ratzinger, Henry Kissinger, ..
Warner Bros releases Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, filmed in Mentmore Towers of the Rothschilds, the idea of ​​a sinister Illuminati conspiracy that also controls the music industry is brought into the collective consciousness of mainstream audiences.
2001 the 911 Twin Towers ritual with Youtube video's linking Jay-z and masonic One Eye Pyramid symbolism to Rockefeller, Rothschilds and the Illuminati. The ancient One Eye and One Pyramid symbol are made tropes in pop culture, leading to denial and indifference.
2003 Monika Neugebauer-Wölk (and Reinhard Markner, Herman Schüttler) 'Arcane Worlds in a Political Context'
2004 Peggy Pawlowski 'Johann Adam Weishaupt's Contribution to the Pedagogy of Illuminatism'.
2006 Columbia Pictures of the Colonna's released The Da Vinci Code as an attempt to link Rosslyn Chapel (owned by the St. Clair family, related to Rothschild through Serena Dunn Mary) with Pierre Plantard 's 'Priory of Sion' hoax and insinuate that the elite bloodline of the royal family is not a bloodline of psychopaths but are descendants of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.Texe Marrs 'Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati' (links Scottish rite symbols to the Illuminati hoax, promoted by Alex Jones). Terry Melanson 'Perfectibilists (Trine Day).
2009  Mark Dice 'Illuminati: Facts and Fiction'.
Every time the death of a celebrity is announced, the internet rumor mill is fueled with insinuations that they were murdered by the Illuminati because they knew too much (Lincoln, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, 2pac, Diana, Stanley Kubrick, Prince, ..). Ron Howard's Angels and Demons with Ewan McGregor and Ayelet Zurer about antimatter of CERN.
2010 Rebecca Scott 'Hip Hop Illuminati' (Christians good-Illuminati bad).
2011 Steve Jackson 'Illuminati Card Game'. Casper Stith links the Illuminati hoax to the Flat Earth hoax. Mark Dice 'Illuminati in the Music Industry'. 
2015 Reinhard Markner (University of Innsbruck) 'The Secret School of Wisdom: The Authentic Rituals of the Illuminati'.
2016 Henry Makow 'Illuminati the Cult that Hijacked the World'. The overt Satanism of jesuit Lady Gaga is used as a diversion in the Qanon story. single Madonna 'Illuminati', Lil Pump 'Illuminati', parody of scenes from Eyes Wide Shut, etc ..
2017 Jim Marrs The Illuminati The Secret Society That Hijacked the World (with one eye pyramid cover).
2020 Jay Electronica (relationship with Kate Rothschild-Guiness) Act II: Patents of Nobility (one eye pyramid) song New Illuminati.
The illuminati has gone to great lengths to control the narrative of themselves since it was exposed in the 1960’s by a defector John Todd, who was a Collins that broke from his mind control and toured churches in the 70’s exposing satanism in everything from entertainment to corporations. This led to the satanic panic movement in the 80’s to weaken the narrative.
Today, the illuminati is stronger than ever and have committed to a campaign of self sabotage to trick the public again after the Pizzagate, Jeffrey Epstein and Anthony Weiner fiasco. They have never lost control as they just moved names and places around and arrested a few heavy names like Harvey Weinstein. 
The OTO are supposedly the heavy hitters of the supposed illuminati. The ones that do the grotesque jobs. In the book Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume I The Whole Truth by, Leo Lyon Zagami, this fake whistleblower  purposely wrote half truths in order to steer truthers off the course. This book is a disinformation piece by the illuminati. Meaning everything written by this person Zagami is all lies.
The truth is, there is no illuminatiati or OTO anymore. This is evidence in the recent exploitation of the name since the Satanic Panic 80’s. The name is the decoy as truthers go down that fake trail of lies while the United Nations continues their new world order agenda. There are Jesuits, Black Nobility and the Freemasons which have already been infiltrated already by the bloodlines.
Yes, they still operate, but under different names and titles. It’s simply not on the paperwork. All of the names you heard and read were mostly decoys. If the Illuminati was real, then they would not allow the music industry to exploit it so. After doing the research on the 13 zoroastrian families, I have come to the conclusion that we are all being duped and the truth is well hidden. This is due to the fact the Somaglia families are a supposed Black Nobility and this simply isn’t the case. Their family was never rich nor ever made the papacy.
Never forget Edgar Allen’s Poe’s infamous line “Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.” This world is controlled. There never was any freedom. It’s an illusion of choice. You can argue the types of freedom there is but it will never break you out of the mind control narrative. The Black Nobility have an agenda. It’s very clear. They are paving the way for a one world society with one government, religion and law. This has to happen first before their leader walks up on stage.
They plan on having this all wrapped up by 2050. On the UN’s own website it says, “This global research initiative supports a successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The goal of The World in 2050 (TWI2050) is to provide fact-based knowledge to support the policy process and implementation of the SDGs (sustainable development goals). TWI2050 (training within industry) aims to address the full spectrum of transformational challenges related to achieving the 17 SDGs in an integrated manner, so as to minimize potential conflicts among them and reap the benefits of potential synergies of achieving them in unison. TWI2050 differs from standard integrated assessment models by asking a goal-based question. Rather than examining various future scenarios, the project focuses on describing a potential sustainable development pathway, that is, one in which social and economic development proceed in all regions of the world (including achieving the SDGs), while respecting the planetary boundaries at local to global scales. This is a normative approach that is not present in much of the world’s analytical work on energy, macroeconomics, demography, and other issues of critical importance. The project's objective is to develop sustainable pathways (SDPs) that reach the two defined target spaces: all 17 SDGs and the transformation toward sustainability within planetary boundaries beyond 2050.”
And what is TWI? The United States Department of War created TWI in 1940 to help companies hire and train new workers to replace those who went to war. TWI stands for Training Within Industry, a method for training workers, supervisors, and team leaders in manufacturing. The United Nations calls it The goal of The World in 2050. Well, the goal is clear to me. Agenda 2030 is global war and they are using the Illuminati and OTO to throw us off from seeing their big picture. Allowing us to research the bad guys and by the time we have all the evidence, war ends all information. History again repeats itself. Rinse, lather and repeat.
Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume I The Whole Truth Zagami, Leo Lyon 2016 Ccc Publishing


Cause Before Symptom

For over 1,000 years, planet Earth has been controlled by two bloodline familes who play good and evil giving the appearance of duality while the sleeping commoners fall prey to their agendas. By using religion, they control the past, present and future through ancient and new black magic technology manipulating events for greed and control.

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