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There are hardly any more websites detailing PizzaGate as truth. The media got a hold of it and destroyed all evidence, yet it was the internet and people who did their own research, which disclosed some terrifying things.


Pizzagate was a widely discredited news story which linked Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign with a human trafficking ring.


The alleged headquarters of the operation was the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C, which, according to the conspiracy, was also a meeting ground for Satanic ritual abuse.


Mainstream media debunked it as a fib, however 4chan uncovered it was more than just a smear campaign against Hillary. The anons went to James Alefontis, the owner of the pizza joint, instagram and print screened the entirety of the most heinous images and words accompanying to make the strong one sick.


Unless you are living under a rock you have probably heard about Pizzagate. The mainstream media has summarily dismissed Pizzagate as Fake news:


“The conspiracy theory — stemming from creative interpretation of well-connected Washington political players’ emails, made public by Wikileaks — abounds on websites like 4Chan and Reddit.”


The writer of the Millennium report wanted to read about the “Creative interpretation” of the emails and the modernist murals and paintings hanging on the walls of the Comet Ping Pong restaurant owned by the man at the center of this controversy, Mr. James Achilles Alefantis.  Alefantis who co-founded Comet Ping Pong 10 years ago, a casual spot for clay oven pizza, is an artist born and raised in Washington and was once in a relationship with David Brock. Brock,  a provocative former right-wing journalist who became an outspoken advocate for Mrs. Clinton. Alefantis manages his restaurant with kid-friendly features like Ping-Pong tables and a craft room. Famous natives like members of the band Fugazi have held small shows there.


The writer of the Millennium report wondering if this ‘Fake News’ Narrative was related to Pizzagate. Here’s the hard evidence that suggests it was cooked up as a “Necessity” to steer the public away from it because as the evidence shows, it is very damaging.


See image 1


The top RED line supports the claim that the ‘Fake News’ meme was purposefully disseminated throughout the World Wide Web 2 or 3 days before the PIZZAGATE scandal broke wide open.  The bottom BLUE line shows the trending of PIZZAGATE on Google just after ‘Fake News’ went viral (see how the RED line clearly dominates the BLUE line)  In other words the new meme was deliberately planted in stories everywhere across the Internet.  Even Obama went to Europe to talk about the “spread of fake news online” when he was in Germany in mid November. Was It Was Weinergate That Broke Open Pizzagate?


The Federal Bureau of Investigation


And then there is the FBI who has been trying to end Child Sex Trafficking in the United States for years. Former CIA director and Circle member William Colby had this to say to his friend Senator John De Camp in 1994,


“What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.” (


And two years later— you guessed it—William E. Colby, who chose to disclose some of the nation’s darkest secrets to save the spy service he loved, drowned on April 27, 1996 in a tributary of the Potomac River in Maryland.


Recall The Franklin Scandal, the first commercially-published book to tell the tale of a power elite pedophile ring in the U.S. and also of the cover-up of its heinous crimes. Various news organizations attempted to break aspects of this story, but the reports and the reporters are mysteriously killed. Major news agencies, including ABC, have backed away from pursuing this story; conversely, CBS abetted its cover-up.


Is the “FBI and MI5 keepinh the names out of the media of politicians that need to fuck kids” because there are so many pedophiles are in politics?


After all look at how many important people in positions of power all over the world who “on occasion, need to fuck kids,” are “outed” regularly because the FBI and MI5 failed to keep their names out of the media. Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation


And then there is FBI director James Comey’s bizarre behavior in the last election when he inexplicably reopened the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton because of the smoking gun evidence discovered on the laptop filed under “life insurance” belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former New York congressman and husband of 20-year Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Evidence that directly linked both Clintons to Epstein’s child sex slave pedophilia operation on his Caribbean island estate. A second file on the Weiner laptop named “DNC Nuclear Arsenal” contained the dirt on Podesta and the DNC. In a third file labeled “Intimate” an NYPD insider claimed it included “X-rated photos of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton with a teenager.”Beyond all question or doubt a pervasive international child sex slavery-trafficking ring has already been absolutely established and well documented long before last month’s Pizzagate opened.This most recent twist is way too close to the White House and required a Fake News strategy. Comey’s behavior was consistent, again not proof, that he was trying to keep Clinton from becoming POTUS. [1]


An excellent article, Pizzagate: Podesta pedo perps and Clinton’s international child sex trafficking ring exposed by Joachim Hagopian can still be read at a credible alternative news, not a conspiracy, website, Sign of the Times, ( Contact me in case its re-moved, I have it archived.


Since I am man with way too much time on my hands I decided to restore and archive, “Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite.


“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite


November 15, 2016


Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks.


Warning: This article contains disturbing material


In my article Clinton’s Campaign Chairman John Podesta Invited to an Occult ‘Spirit Cooking’ Dinner by Marina Abramović, [Appendix B] I explained how a mundane dinner invitation found in the Podesta e-mail leaks was actually a clear link to bizarre occult ceremonies happening at the highest levels of power. While that by itself was rather shocking, it appears to only be the tip of a very disgusting iceberg.


4Chan effectively unearthed a strange network of high-powered people who, through art, events and social media, actually celebrate a culture that revolves around death, torture, cannibalism and … child abuse. Most of this disturbing material was not even hidden, it was out there in the open, exposed on business’ walls and posted on social media.


Furthermore, an analysis of the Podesta e-mails revealed that the network appeared to communicate using code words to coverup their shady dealings.


The epicenter of this entire thing is, believe or not, a hipster pizza place named Comet Ping Pong.


Comet Ping Pong


Comet Ping Pong is a ‘family friendly’ pizzeria where people can eat, drink and play ping-pong.


The Comet Ping Pong menu contains a logo that is strikingly similar to the ‘child lover’ logo used in these circles. Also, Play Eat Drink = PED


See image 2


The owner of Comet Ping Pong is James Alefantis who is, for some reason, ranked #49 in the top 50 ‘Most Powerful People in Washington’ of GQ magazine.


Alefantis as featured on the GQ website. He is described as ‘D.C. Radical Chic’.


Image 3


Alefantis’ boyfriend is David Brock, the gay founder of liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America. He was described by TIME magazine to be “one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party”. The power couple was heavily involved in Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


“James Alefantis” is a blatant pedophilic pseudonym. It stands for “J’aime les enfants”, which is “I love little children” in French. This utterly wretched character is in all likelihood a Rothschild: a strikingly similar character appears in Rothschild family reunion photos. His resemblance to Phillipine de Rothschild (known for her conspicuous satanic pendants and for her likely being the “Babushka Lady” present during Kennedy’s assassination) is particularly pronounced.


An invitation to a Clinton fundraising event featuring ‘Chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong’, Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta and others.


Image 4


Here’s an e-mail sent by Alefantis to John Podesta.


Image 5


A leaked John Podesta e-mail from James Alefantis sending Hillary’s ‘pizza logo’. Alefantis is therefore in direct connection with some of the most powerful people in the world.


Image 6


In short, Alefantis is very connected to very powerful people. Now let’s look at his Instagram account, which was publicly accessible until 4Chan began prying in. The account is filled with bizarre and disturbing pictures – often involving small children. Here are some examples (I can’t even post them all).


A young girl with her arms taped to a table with a man standing behind her. One of the comments say “This is pretty creepy bro.” This is beyond creepy bro.


Image 7


A young girl inside a basket … as if she was about to be bought. Many pictures allude to buying and owning children while preying on this innocence.


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A closeup picture of another baby. Alefantis’s (aka jimmycomet) posted #hotard – which is slang for ‘being a ho and a retard’. Yes, he posted this next to the picture of an INFANT.


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Another strange pic involving a child and a weirdly placed yellow beads necklace. Also, notice the hashtag #chickenlovers.


Here’s a definition of ‘chicken lover’ found with a basic web search.


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A pic of a German baby doll for sale. Buying babies appears to be an important hobby.


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“Pills n’ bills” before a trip. The comment ‘Ping Pong in London sounds tempting’ is obviously code for something else.


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A picture posted by the barman at Comet Ping Pong. It heavily alludes to the fact that ‘pizza’ means something else in their strange code.


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A screenshot of child beauty pageant girl wanting pizza


Image 15


A baby holding Euros. Why?


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Making out with a dead dog. Don’t google “babybirding”.


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A closeup of the eye of a dead pig.


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For some reason, Alefantis posted a picture of a cavernous room. EVERY SINGLE comment next to this picture is EXTREMELY CREEPY, almost as if they knew that something awful was about to happen there.


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A bizarre, ritualistic, ‘Eyes Wide Shut’-style pic involving young people.


Image 21


This is the mural prominently on display at Comet Ping Pong by artist Arrington de Dionyso. It depicts strange people holding the heads of smaller people.


Image 22


This is another painting de Dionyso. His work often contains MKULTRA-related themes such as dual personalities (two heads), the exploitation of children – often mixed with occult symbolism.


Image 23


A regular guest at Comet Ping Pong is the performer Majestic Ape from the group Heavy Breathing.


A screenshot from a video of Majestic Ape hosting a birthday party at Comet Ping Pong.


Image 24


A screenshot from one of Majestic Ape’s music video where she jokes about killing a baby. I listened to the video of Majestic Ape, whom is actually a man and she or he sounds exactly like comedian Daniel Tosh. You tell me:


Show video Tosh


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Another ‘radical’ artist that is close to Comet Ping Pong is Marina Abramovic.


A picture of Marina Abramovic posted by Alefantis holding a bundle of sticks.


Image 26


Abramovic on the cover of dust magazine covering the eyes of a shirtless child.


Image 27


A screenshot from Marina’s ‘Spirit Cooking’ video where she throws pig blood at a statue shaped like a small child.


Image 28


Lady Gaga and Marina at the 20th Annual Watermill Center benefit in a place called ‘Devil’s Heaven’ (can’t make this up). They are partaking in pretend cannibalism.


Image 29


Lady Gaga with ‘a friend’ during the same event. Why are there children there? RUN AWAY KID!


Image 30


The Podesta Wikileaks dump revealed that John Podesta and his brother Tony were personally invited to Marina’s Spirit Cooking event.

John Podesta


Image 31


A screenshot of John Podesta sitting in his office during an interview. Hanging on the wall is a painting that clearly alludes to cannibalism.


John David Podesta was the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. He previously served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama. Wikileaks released thousands of Podesta’s e-mails and it was soon discovered that an inordinate amount of messages referred to ‘pizza’ and ‘hot dogs’. Often times, these words were used in bizarre contexts and in sentences that did not make any sense.


Image 32


One of many e-mails where ‘pizza’ clearly alludes to something else.


Image 33


Some observers believe that handkerchiefs are used as ‘mementos’ in MK abuse. This is a painting from Monarch mind control survivor Kim Noble depicting a victim being abused. There’s a piece of cloth underneath the child. The body appears to be levitating, which represents dissociation after extreme trauma.


Image 34


Read my full article about Kim Noble here. [Appendix A]

This is an ad for Comet Ping Pong which appears to use the same “dissociation” symbolism.


Image 35


Then there’s John Podesta’s brother Tony, whose strange taste in art has even made the news. Here’s an article from the Washington Post describing how guests were ‘horrified’ by the art inside Podesta’s bedroom.


Image 36


Podesta’s most notable piece is Louise Bourgeois’ ‘The Art of Hysteria’ – a sculpture of a headless man violently arching back. This sculpture was posted by Alefantis on Instagram. He apparently visited Podesta’s home.


Image 37


The sculpture depicts the violent physical reaction of patients suffering from hysteria.


“The physical tension of the hysterical arch – an intense muscular contraction, resulting in immobility and paralysis of the limbs – is emblematic of an equally extreme emotional state. Bourgeois makes this highly vulnerable position even more so by suspending her male figure from the ceiling.”

– National Gallery of Canada


Bourgeois was inspired by studies on hysteric women. The subject of her art is however a man.


Image 38


The sculpture is also strikingly similar to one of Jeffrey Dahlmer’s headless victims. I won’t post the picture in this article but it can be found here.


Image 39


Dahlmer was a serial killer who abused and cannibalized young men. He often placed his victims in symbolic positions and took pictures of them.


An article from Washington Life describes Podesta’s love from Marina Abramovic (do see the links connecting?) as well as “under-the-radar” artist named Biljana Djurdjevic.


“If you’ve ever dreamed of strolling through a museum with a slice of pizza and glass of wine in hand, you need to befriend superlobbyist Tony Podesta. Known about town as a legendary political “fix-it” man, Podesta has turned his Kalorama home into a shrine to contemporary art, ranging from relatively under-the-radar artists such as Serbian painter Biljana Djurdjevic to those who are much better known (like French sculptor Louise Bourgeois). (…)


Currently he has collected from 40 different artists in some depth, with his top five being Marina Abramovic, Vik Muniz, Bourgeois, Olafur Eliassonand Antony Gormley.”

– Washington Life, Inside Homes: Private Viewing


Tony Podesta also has a large paint of Djurdjevic in his living room. Here’s another painting by Djurdjevic.


Rationalize it all you want, but this is a painting of a child being tortured.


Image 40


From a musician who played there: The street on which Comet is located was also home to a small daycare center called Evie’s (IIRC), the website for which contained pedo references and could be cross-referenced with some of the Podesta emails, as Podesta knew Evie.


Also there was Goat Hill Pizza, which had a pedophilic symbol in its logo, which it removed after the Pizzagate story started gaining traction. Nancy Pelosi owned GHP, IIRC.


Much more as well. I was in a band that played a few shows at Comet Pizza back around 2008. The restaurant featured a number of oddities: the murals, the logo ofc (complete with the slogan “Play, Eat, Drink” or PEDo), and a bizarre feature: the bathrooms were “secret” and hidden behind a wooden wall with decorations. You had to know how to find the door to get in.


Also there was a room in the back by the tables that was reserved for children’s parties, and it had a sign on it that read “La Boom Boom Room”


28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, entered Comet Ping Pong and pointed a gun in the direction of one of the restaurant’s employees. Welch fired the rifle, but no one was hurt. The employee was able to flee and notify police, who apprehended Welch without incident. I believe the secret service staged the gunman who showed up there after hearing about it with a gun in order to cover up the restaurant’s malice.


In Conclusion


This article only contains some of the findings uncovered by ‘private investigators’ online. What has been exposed is, most likely, only the tip of the iceberg of a huge, complex network that has many ramifications. Each thread could probably be investigated further and lead to even more disturbing facts connecting even more high-powered individuals.


Going through the material of this article is a difficult and painful process, but it exposes the true mind-state and philosophy of the occult elite. They publicly celebrate a specific culture of death, abuse and dehumanization through their art and events, leaving us to only speculate about what they do behind closed doors. The symbolism in the above images is in perfect accordance with the occult elite’s culture that Vigilant Citizenhas been describing for years.


The “Pizzagate” investigation reveals, at best, the disturbing culture of the elite and, at worst, an all-out child trafficking ring. And don’t believe that only Democrats are into this. This is the true culture of the occult elite, a circle of powerful people who operate far above political parties, and far above the law.



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