Sunday Jul 21, 2024

Gaza, Russell-Jay: Gould, Land/Maritime Law, Federal Reserve & Noahide

Gaza, Russell-Jay: Gould, Land/Maritime Law, Federal Reserve & Noahide

Where is the Ukraine conflict? Where is the Gaza conflict? Nowhere in the news about Russia or Ukraine or Biden and innocent people starving. Not even on my go to websites of truther information. Why? Because everything is controlled. Even the places we trust for information. All we see is the election and the reactions to Trump being nicked. I had to dig to find information as Israel drops more bombs killing supposedly 57 Palestinians which we know those numbers are higher. Israel also struck another Gaza school killing 23 children. And more digging, 2 more bombs were dropped in various places killing even more innocent people. The Trump shooting gave Israel the excuse to continue the war on innocent people. This could be what Bibi asked to happen when he was here last week. Maybe he ordered the White House, who is controlled by the Jesuits to do an assassination attempt to get the world to stop talking about the genocide. Where are the university kids? Where are the local protestors in each city? They are nowhere to be found because the media and the states are controlled. I am now confident that this is the case. Israel wants that land and an ethnic cleansing for ritual purposes to appease their god Baal. Do t you see how effective it is? You are worried about Trump’s ear and Biden’s blunders and forgot about the innocent women and children of Gaza. The entire top 10 news stories are Trump, Vance, Jack Black, Musk, Menendez and back to the beginning. This isn’t honest journalism as we all know. It’s controlled propaganda to get you to stop worrying about Gaza and Ukraine and focus on the selection. 

Meanwhile Russia tried to assassinate German CEO of weapons manufacturering in Ukraine and NATO just accused, for the first time, China of involvement in Ukraine in which China responded with anger. Ukraine claims Russia bombed a children’s hospital. But all of these incidences are folly. Designed to keep things going so it can be used as news after the selection. This whole thing is controlled. Why? Because it can be. I don’t see the American people rising up, either. The lockdowns ruined America and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. The people talk a good game, but are without honor. The reason is several fold. We are all on drugs that keep us complacant. We are all programmed to not rebel. We have lost sight of our history and have no organizational skills. Not to mention, the FBI infiltrates every militia that is started and splits them up. I have witnessed that myself. When COVID hit, I was invited to join one. I did just a little reasearch and found out the founder was a white supremist. Of course, he said he had changed, but he was recorded by news agencies already years prior and it wouldn’t surpise me if the FBI gave him a choice. Start a militia with his skills or go to jail for the hate crimes. I pointed this out to the group of people that were involved with him. They tried to deny it, but ultimately, the group disbanded. We lack leaders in this world. Not because there is no talent, but because we are programmed to not know how.

When we wake up to this reality, we go through the stages of grief. Very rarely does one reach acceptance. This means we have to accept that all our heros were compromised. And all of the wars were a set up. It’s not progress for Elon Musk to release 6,219 satellites which makes a grand total of almost 10,000 total above us. This is not for internet purposes. He has a contract with the military to use his satellites. No details about this program were reported. As per the Reuters report, the SpaceX contract is for a new spy system with hundreds of satellites bearing Earth-imaging capabilities that can operate as a swarm in low orbits, and that the spy agency that Musk's company is working with is the NRO. The National Reconnaissance Office is a member of the United States Intelligence Community and an agency of the United States Department of Defense which designs, builds, launches, and operates the reconnaissance satellites of the U.S. federal government. It’s bullshit. They are spying on us and just like Aaron Russo reported before his death, the elite want to chip us like cattle. There are no white hats that have the ability to infiltrate the deep state. Why? Because they own it all.

Coming to acceptance means we can’t rely on billionaires, governments and corporations to save us. They are the enemy and have an agenda. Their agenda is simple. Steal, kill and destroy. The Bible talks about these people many times throughout its history. They are the Caananites. The sons of Cain who killed his brother Able. Whether it’s true or not, doesn’t matter. What does matter is, these people believe it and are extremely religious. The world is full of wealthy family bloodlines who believe their God is misunderstood. The sons of Cain. After escaping to the Land of Nod, Cain fathered four sons: Enoch, Olad, Lizpha and Fosal; and two daughters: Citha and Maac (the latter five aren't mentioned in the Bible). Cain died at the age of 730, leaving his corrupt descendants spreading evil on earth. A Talmudic tradition says that after Cain had murdered his brother, God made a horn grow on his head. Later, Cain was killed at the hands of his great-grandson Lamech, who mistook him for a wild beast. A Christian version of this tradition from the time of the Crusades holds that the slaying of Cain by Lamech took place on a mound called "Cain Mons" (i.e. Mount Cain), which is a corruption of "Caymont", a Crusader fort in Tel Yokneam in modern-day Israel.

The Talmud is not the Torah from the traditioanl jews. It is the Turkish / German rendition that metamorhposed into the Prussia or Baal and Molech worship. The Jesuits follow this religion and believe they are the descendants of Cain. Their religion says Eve slept with Adam and with Lucifer. They had twins. One was the blood of Adam and the other was the blood of Lucifer. The murder of Abel is significant as it marks the beginning of the devil trying to stop the lineage to used in Jesus, their enemy. The Society of Jesus or the Jesuits call themselves Christians but are the opposite. They are the society that is appointed to eliminate Jesus altogether. They will never stop. This is their agenda. And since they control Christianity through the Vatican, they plan to use it as much as they can for control and eventaully destroy it altogether. Acceptance means, we cannot control these people. Remember my interview with Russell-Jay: Gould, when he tried to take on the Vatican, they acted like he had the power, yet they used Donald Rumsfeld to take his authority away. And he did so by capturing Russell, imprisoning him and torturing him. Has Gould been able to make serious change to America? I see that the one contribution he did do was stop them from rebooting the federal resreve agreement with the bank of england. Our bankruptcy was up in 1999 and Russell prevented them from filing again. Did it stop the Jesuits? No. They continue to bleed us dry and raise the debt ceiling even more. We are 135% in debt.We are 35% over what we make a year. It’s all corrupt and the laundering is still going.

Being soverign according to Russell is the way to fight back, but the courts are on to them. The only way you can clearly win a case using this argument is you have to be more clever than the judge. You have to understand this soverignty law and have to take Russell’s classes. Many say it is worth it. You can find out more at I personally believe Russell’s story. I like him. I also honor what he and his ex partner David did. It was the most heroic thing I have ever read about. I remember when I heard this story after 911, but never could confirm it. This is one conspiracy I read about that became true. 

Land Law Versus Maritime Law

What is the difference between land law and maritime law. Common law requires the presence of a jury to make an impartial verdict. However, maritime law requires admiralty law courts to try maritime cases without the presence of a jury. In maritime law, it's common for shipping vessels to receive the status of legal persons. Maritime law used to apply only to American waters within the ebb and flow of the tide. However, it now covers any waters navigable within the United States for interstate or foreign commerce. The Jones Act is a federal law that regulates maritime commerce in the United States. The Jones Act requires goods shipped between U.S. ports to be transported on ships that are built, owned, and operated by United States citizens or permanent residents. Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is domestic. The law of the sea is international. The law of the sea is a body of laws, customs, and international agreements that apply to all nations. Today's general maritime law consists of the common forms, terms, rules, standards and practices of the maritime shipping industry using standard form bills of lading, charterparties, marine insurance policies and sales contracts are good examples of common forms and the accepted meaning of the terms. 

Let’s break this down. Common law is nation land law with people. Maritime law is international sea law with vessels. Land law governs with a jury while maritime law governs with maritime courts. Did you notice the phrase above in the gobblygook that said “In maritime law, it's common for shipping vessels to receive the status of legal persons”? This is the trick. A sovereign nationalist reverses common law of person to vessel. So in laymen’s terms, a vessel at sea is a person and a person on land is a vessel. If maritime law never referred to vessels as people, then sovereign nationalists couldn’t refer to themselves as vessels. This is why many win in court not because the judge is stupid about land law, but because the person represents themselves as a vessel confuses the judge. There is no evidence to support that we on land are indeed vessels. If there was, it is hidden. There is no evidence to support that we are under maritime law as the judge doesn’t rule under maritime law.

Those who produce victory in court using themselves as a sovereign vessel of the sea merely just wastes the courts time for offenses that are merely a few thousand dollars. The judge most likely thinks the accused representing themselves is crazy and it would cost more money to fight against his reasoning than it would be to dismiss the case altogether. I have watched many videos of sovereigns arguing in court. Not one judge admits the information told by the defendant about their rights were indeed right. They simply got tired of arguing with what they think is nonsense given the fact the judge isn’t qualified to judge maritime law in the first place. Here’s an example, it would be just a silly if a person was in maritime court arguing his vessel has the right to be recognized as an independent living being. The maritime court judge would be cinfused given the fact that the boat is made of wood and doesn’t even have a torso, arms, legs and a brain. The judge would weigh the cost factor of how much time this argument will cost the court versus dismissing the case.

However, this does not mean The United States of America is not living under maritime law. If it is, then the courts that we are arguing in our cities, counties, state and federal land are not the correct courts for such arguments. If you are a vessel lost at sea, you do not go to land courts. You need an international maritime court.  But the Judiciary Act of 1789, the U.S. Congress placed admiralty and maritime law under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts. Parties may not contract out of admiralty jurisdiction and states may not infringe on admiralty jurisdiction, either judicially or legislatively. So, the sovereign has to go to federal court to argue their case. My point is, the system is corrupt and we can all agree to that. The system is designed to make money. It’s not designed to free us from taxation. You can be a sovereign, US citizen or both. But if you represent yourself as a vessel or boat, you need to know more than the average person including the judge and plaintiff you are arguing with. Picture this, a single mom of 8 kids whom works full time becomes a sovereign. She gets pulled over by the police and they search her vehicle for weapons and drugs. She gets a fine for speeding and a fine for refusing a breathalyzer. She has two choices. Hire an attorney that represents common law or argue herself via maritime law. Since she lives in corrupt land with corrupt court systems, she would do better arguing common law. That’s one scenario.

The other example is a man who owns 1,000 acres of land. The bureau of land management issued them an eviction notice for not paying property taxes and has a developer ready to turn it into a resort. The common law court has already been paid off and bribes were given. Maritime law and the straw man argument offers enough loopholes to drag the case to federal court where they are forced to judge under maritime practice. The man has a better chance kicking the state off his land by calling himself a boat living on his land which he calls cargo and argue the case of his rights to be a vessel on international waters carrying whatever cargo he wants and accuse the bureau of land management of piracy. To sum up, there is nothing wrong with becoming a sovereign. It depends on your situation and what you need to protect. As for the average citizen who rents and has credit card debt, it doesn’t make any logical sense to go in this direction other than to argue your way out of a DUI.

Who is the federal reserve 

These are the 12 banks of the Federal Reserve. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas and San Fransisco. They are a distributed network of institutions working together to fulfill its mandate of promoting stable economic conditions for the United States. The federal reserve act of 1913 changed our monetary system from a bank owned by the people to a bank controlled for the people. A private bank reports to its investors and a central bank reports to the government. This is the third central bank America has created for itself since its inception. A central bank comes in to rescue the people from bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve maintains its own internal audit function, independent of the Board of Governors and individual Reserve Banks. This internal audit department regularly conducts various audits to assess operational effectiveness, financial controls, and adherence to rules and regulations. The exact number of internal audits annually isn't publicly available.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent agency that acts as Congress's investigative arm, performs regular audits of the Federal Reserve. These audits cover various aspects of the Fed's operations, including monetary policy, regulatory activities, and financial management. Congress, through various committees and subcommittees, exercises oversight over the Federal Reserve. This oversight includes holding hearings, reviewing reports, and requesting information from the Fed. While not technically "audits," these Congressional inquiries often involve scrutinizing the Fed's decisions and practices. As of 2023, the federal reserve has not been properly audited by congress via public record.

Congress controls the purse and spending of the United States Federal Government. The Fed buys and sells Treasury securities on the open market. Buying bonds injects money into the financial system, while selling them removes money. The Fed sets the interest rate at which it lends reserves to member banks. Lowering the rate encourages borrowing and increases the money supply, while raising it discourages borrowing and reduces the money supply. The Fed sets the percentage of deposits that member banks must hold as reserves, not available for lending. Lowering reserve requirements increases the money supply, while raising them decreases it. 

The fed determines the currency orders to meet economic needs. They issue an order to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing who prints the money after the department of treasury approves. Bond issuance, on the other hand, is a separate process, and the funds raised through bond sales don't directly translate into printed currency. When the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) prints money, it's not directly linked to the issuance of bonds. The two processes serve different purposes within the financial system. According to the federal reserve, printing money doesn't create debt. They supposedly replace old bills with new bills.

Combined, in 2022, they made a net of 30 billion after expenses and have a total of 5 trillion in assets and 4.3 trillion in cash reserves. This is what I have a problem with. We are 34 trillion in debt and these guys who are in charge of it are actually building value for themselves. Where is the value for the people? Who owns those assets and reserves? The Federal Reserve Banks are not owned by private individuals or companies according to them. They are quasi-governmental institutions established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Each Reserve Bank operates within its own district, serving member banks and promoting regional economic stability. Member banks hold stock in their district's Reserve Bank, but this stock ownership doesn't translate to ownership of the Bank's assets or reserves. The stock serves a different purpose: Member banks elect six of the nine directors on each Reserve Bank's Board of Directors. Stock ownership ensures a voice for member banks in the Federal Reserve System's governance.

My question is, who owns it? If it closes shop, who gets their assets and reserves? The Federal Reserve isn't actually a corporation, so the notion of it "closing" doesn't quite apply in the same way as a private company. It's a more complex entity with unique legal and operational structures. Here's a breakdown of what might happen to the assets in various scenarios: Scenario 1: Abolition of the Federal Reserve System: Congressional Action: If Congress were to dismantle the Federal Reserve System altogether, it would need to pass a new law outlining how to handle its assets and liabilities. Distribution Options: Various possibilities exist, including: Transferring assets to the US Treasury: The government could take over some or all of the assets, potentially using them to pay down national debt or fund public programs. Liquidating assets and distributing proceeds: The Federal Reserve's holdings could be sold, with the proceeds potentially distributed to taxpayers or designated public causes. Creating a new central bank: A new institution with different structures and functions could be established, inheriting some or all of the existing assets and liabilities. Scenario 2: Restructuring of the Federal Reserve: Congressional Reform: Congress might choose to significantly reform the Federal Reserve System without complete abolition. This could involve changes to its structure, governance, or operational mandates. Asset Allocation: Depending on the reforms implemented, the allocation of assets might adjust, with some potentially transferred to other government agencies or newly created entities within the restructured Federal Reserve System.

To sum up, these 12 banks represent many but not all states and their economic influences through commerce. The president appoints business men and women of successful companies to be on the board to give financial advice but are not in direct control of the finances and the power to call the printing press or issue bonds. They merely give advice and send elected governors to represent their opinions on financial matters concerning the economic state of America. Each bank assigns anywhere from 3 - 9 financial experts tiered into 3 classes of A, B and C of directors. A directors are usually a wealthy bank paid volunteer to direct B & C to distribute their findings to Congress. The president and the senate selects the board members of the federal reserve. The president nominates and the senate approves. Each board of governors serves for 14 years. The Federal Reserve is designed to be independent from political pressures and short-term economic fluctuations. This independence allows Board members to make decisions based on their best judgment and analysis of economic data, without undue influence from any single entity. The federal reserve provides fees for services, earnings from foreign currency investments, and net income from loans.

Shanghai Accord

Ever heard of the Shanghai Accord? You can’t find it unless you also add the word G20. The Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China, also known as the Shanghai Communiqué (1972), was a diplomatic document issued by the United States of America and the People's Republic of China on February 27, 1972, on the last evening of President Richard Nixon's visit to China. In 2016, Rumors are flourishing that global policy makers made a secret deal at the G-20 meeting in Shanghai late last month. This Shanghai Accord was to weaken the greenback aimed at calming the financial markets, which had gotten off to an awful start to the new year when Trump became president, according to the chatter. Nixon’s communiqué included wishes to expand the economic and cultural contacts between the two nations, although no concrete steps were mentioned. The communiqué stated that the normalization of relations would contribute "to the relaxation of tension in Asia and the world. Both accords are sinister.

According to the economic times, The US dollar has just been knocked down and forced to serve the interests of the world against the will of the American people. The dollar has been Shanghaied! The term “Shanghaied” refers to the 19th-century practice of sailors forced to serve against their will on vessels bound for Shanghai. Tactics used included kidnapping and trickery. In the 19th century, trade between the US and China was booming. But there was shortage of able-bodied seamen to sail the cargo vessels. Each vessel had a boarding officer whose job it was to find the crew. Boarding officers were paid by the number of bodies they could round up. This pay was called “blood money”.  A common tactic was to confront a seaman in a dark alley, knock him unconscious, forge his signature and drag him aboard. The seamen would regain consciousness after the vessel left port. There was no choice but to finish the journey or jump ship. Most finished the journey. Next stop — Shanghai! Based on the best information we’ve been able to obtain, it looks like the dollar has just been Shanghaied by the G-20 (the unelected, unaccountable group of 20 nations that collectively control the world monetary system). This could be the most important financial development of 2016, with enormous implications for your portfolio. This new effort to knock out the dollar was contrived at a secret meeting in Shanghai on February 26 of 2016.

So what does this mean? The G20 all agreed to devalue the dollar. But why? The big winner won’t be the US; it will be China. The losers will be the same, Japan and Europe. The IMF actually brokered the deal. The promise to China was they wouldn’t raise interest rates or police exchange  rates to make loans and funds easier to get. The accord didn’t make the news. This was the agreement to start all currency to be even across the board. The excuse is a one world currency. It will make exchanges easier to get us on the IMF CBDC. If you look at world currency since 2016, they are all slowly reaching closer to the value of the dollar. They can’t get the digital currency if the dollar is strong. Trump did put a monkey wrench in the plan as his 4 years term raised the dollar and lowered the others. But since Biden came in, the plan reverted back to making all currencies the same value. The battle between the G20 decision wasn’t anything other than a threat. The IMF said we will lower the dollar and China will gain. How? Any of the 20 countries have an IMF loan will face penalties and interest rates will go up. 

The IMF bullied them. This was the promise to China the UN made that by 2030, they will be the number one economy. The great wealth transfer that happens every 500 years as the Orsini’s hand the spear of destiny back to the Breakspears. It’s all in plain sight if one cares to look. Now Trump and his phenomenon was staged. His daughter married a Rothschild. This is the Guelphs and Ghibellines putting on a show to give the appearance good is fighting evil. Trump most probably was given orders by the Breakspears to act as opposition. For 2 reasons. Give us hope and stand us down. The families have been playing this game for a long time. They control the good and evil on the worlds stage. There can’t be a godly intervention unless gods people control any country affected. When was the last time a real god fearing Christian ever have control of a country? Never. We have to sit back and watch their moves to prepare for the worst. Henry Breakspear is in China and most likely gave China their superpower status to begin with. As I have been telling my audience for months, the khabalists are moving all wrath from the west to he east. By 2050, we will not owns gas powered cars anymore. Russia is the last country that stands in the way of slavery. This is true because the Bible says Satan cannot have another Tower of Babel or e days of Noah until the end. The closest we have of a hint is in thessalonians where Paul says that the evil one or the man of lawlessness will not sit in the temple until the removal of he who restrains him. That is the Holy Spirit. He has been 75% removed since 2019. We still have a ways to go. But make no mistake, we are inching closer and closer.

In closing the Shanghai accord was created for the coming world CBDC currency. And the powers that be have to make it look like there was a struggle to get to where they are. When in reality, it was all staged. Every single detail. As the currency inch closer to the same value, we see the one world currency becoming a reality. Thankfully, Russia isn’t interested. The funny thing is, Putin just said he will help Palestine if Israel invades. That’s just Gog. Magog or China is t doing anything about it. So no, we are not at the tribulation yet but Satan thinks we are. What an impatient idiot.

Noahide Laws

70 nations signed the noahide laws. What are the Noah hide laws? According to Judaism they are seven laws given to Noah after the Flood, which decree the establishment of a fair system of justice in society, and prohibit idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery and incest, robbery, and the eating of flesh taken from a living animal. Noahide literally means sons of Noah. Noahide belief is completely centered around the fear and acknowledgement of one God as the Judge. Three religions believe in these laws. Judaism, Islam and Christianity. All three religions follow the Old Testament almost perfectly. Except Judaism parts ways at the New Testament and Islam parts ways a little further when Jesus is taken into custody at the garden of Gethsemane right after Judas betrays him. 

According to the Talmud, which is a compilation of ancient teachings regarded as sacred and normative by Jews from the time it was compiled until modern times and still so regarded by traditional religious Jews, The descendants of Noah were commanded with seven precepts: to establish laws, (and the prohibitions of) blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, and eating the blood of a living animal. Nowhere in the old and New Testament does it explicitly say God gave Noah such laws. Jewish scholars point to acts 15 where James spoke up and told the council at Jerusalem in verse 19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”

James came to that conclusion from Amos 9:11 

“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.” Surprising, Paul, who taught grace, agreed to tell the gentiles to keep 3 laws of the old covenant. All of this to address the original question of keeping circumcision. To understand the noahide laws, we have to address Jesus’ atonement and why it put an end to all laws. And, we must show why following any of the laws of the only testament is blasphemous against the holy spirit. They want to replace the UN with this.

Obama, in a speech, said we will create a national security force that will protect civilian population. Pittsburgh just announced they will not respond to burglaries, or civilian disturbances due to short staffing. Florida just recently banned civilian police forces altogether. Congress, at the time of Obama’s speech said it was gestapo like and was dangerous. Since presidents are selected, this was a clear message to the future Americans of what the puppet masters want. The national security force was brought up again by Joe Biden in October of 2022 in the National Security Strategy. He calls it an international order with help from the United Nations and NATO against the threat of Russia and China. This new department will use climate change as their excuse to clamp down on misinformation about pandemics, bio defense, food insecurity, arms control and terrorism. It also will form a new Africa partnership. But that’s another story. The point is, The National security force was instrumental in the Nazi’s rise to power yet played a diminished role during the Second World War. The Brownshirts are infamous for their operation outside of the law and their violent intimidation of Germany’s leftists and Jewish population. However, it was the Sturmabteilung or storm troopers thuggish vigilantism, independence from the regular army (which caused hostility between the two), and anti-capitalist sentiments of its leader, Ernst Röhm, that ultimately caused its undoing. But it helped Germany remove opposition, jail protestors and remove history.

Public law 1991 signed by congress 102-14. Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society; Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future; Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world; Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26,1991; aWhereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it.

It’s sneaky. It reads as if they are honoring this rabbis birthday, but in a court of law, it states we are under the noahide laws. This law comes from the Jewish rabbis who wrote the Talmud. Nowhere in our slave version bible does it say Noah was given 7 laws after the flood. The charge from the Sanhedrin against Jesus was blasphemy. The noahode laws, which has been signed by every president including Trump since 1978 can be easily interpreted as Christianity is idolatrous and blasphemous against the noahide laws. All it would take is one great false flag in the hand of an MK’d christian and the round up begins. My point is that whether Judaism or Islam comes into power, Christians are the target. No way will the military or police enforce this against their own people. However, if Obama gets his national security force brown shirts, they will operate above the law just like they did in WWII. Who will sign up for this national security brown shirt is debatable. But America is getting set up to repeat history once again but instead of the Jewish holocost it will be a Christian one. 

Why Christians? Why did the Vatican recall all its loans? Catholic attendance has dropped 25% before the pandemic. The total number of preiests decreased by half. Diocesan’s and religious order priests decreased globally as well. In 2022, Pope Francis issued a rescript Tuesday emphasizing that all Vatican departments and institutions are required to move their investments and cash to the Institute for Works of Religion, commonly called the Vatican Bank, within the next few weeks. Not including all of the scandals the Vatican has swepyt under the rug. If my assumptions are correct, Trump will usher in the new Spanish Inquistion. The Vatican will be the scapegoat for Satan to usher in the end of days. The Society of Jesus controls both Israel and the Vatican and to appease the world, will throw the Vatican under the bus and usher in a new religion. For the world’s mess right now, someone has to take the fall. A new religion will replace Christianity that will embrace all religions. 

And in America, a new storm trooper is coming to remove the Christians and the right. It’s the same playbook from Germany. It will be called civilian police. It’s already started. Seattle is offering a $7500 signing bonus for the role. Civilian police officers work for the Department of Defense (the DoD police), an agency like the National Security Administration, state or local law enforcement, or any of the branches of the United States Armed Forces. In these positions, they investigate crimes and enforce laws on government owned property, work in important ancillary efforts, such as community policing, neighborhood watch programs, or crime scene investigations. Their responsibilities can also involve asset and access control, incident and emergency response, theft prevention, and security inspections. Other job duties include writing incident reports, escorting and protecting visitors, and responding to potentially volatile situations. All you need to be a civilian police officer is to pass a background check and take a class on firearms.


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