Sunday Jul 21, 2024

Boogieman Control Mechanism, Military Deal With The Devil & Extraterrestrials, Fairies & Ghosts

Boogieman Control Mechanism, Military Deal With The Devil & Extraterrestrials, Fairies & Ghosts

Boogieman Control Mechanism

There is always going to be a boogieman. Whether it’s Russia, covid, jobs, race, sex, religion and anything else that tugs on your heart. This is by design. Those that practice politics, which means to control a group of people, look for emotional things to keep you divided. In a board room of political strategists, they discuss two opposites. Let’s use abortion which the left feel is necessary and gun rights which the right feel is necessary. They create ads to steer you towards anger. They will find any data that points to good or bad and use that to tug on the hearts of voters. If the board is right, they will use abortion to the extreme pitching the left as murderers. The campaigns will be built to say the left doesn’t care about a clump of cells. It’s those phrases that pull at the heart of the right and it works every time. The board on the left will do the exact same thing. They will say hillbillies aren’t educated enough to own a gun. They believe in an invisible god that demands war. These things are discussed and put into words to carry out a campaign. The board room doesn’t care one way or the other about the laws or regulations. They have marketing mind and focus purely on verbiage that will steer their party towards unification. 

They don’t care about getting numbers from the opposite side. They don’t care about unification of the people. They have one job and that is to demonize the opposite party for votes. None of this helps the American people love one another and unite together to solve problems. The board rooms are told to create the division without even realizing they are being handled. The orders from the top are sent to both sides. The two party system was never about a union. It was about dividing the masses to co time the control mechanism. Since the people have been schooled in prison (schools and busses are different colors but they all look the same) and the only difference between a school and a prison is paperwork. Schools have fences and are locked and so is a prison. This again is the system of control. At a young age, you have been conditioned to accept going to a locked room and know if you break the law, you go back. A house divided cannot stand, so they change up the presidents every four to eight years to give the opposite a chance to have control. That’s the illusion. And since they have been poisoning us with heavy metals, our attention span is short and memories decayed. America has been an open prison with the illusion of freedom. In order to get anywhere, you have to buy a license and passport deemed worthy of that travel. If you break the law, you are punished and must remain in your state. 

This isn’t hyperbole or happenstance. It’s designed this way. Rockefeller and big oil are mandating the school system and health department to create a society of dependent workers. Any critical thinker that goes against the control grid are labeled conspiracy theorist nut jobs and society has been conditioned to cast them out. America lost its way after the civil war. Lincoln sold us out to the Bank of England. He was commissioned to start the war which later in 1871, America was broke. The stipulation the Bank of England wanted for the 3 million dollar loan was a corporation. This is why Washington DC came. A country separate from ours that collects its debt. We never needed a District of Columbia. It was the ultimate lie that put all of us in bondage. Why bother whipping them when you can create a prison without them even knowing? Each country is set up this way, too. The people just don’t care enough nor are educated enough to see it. It’s the greatest illusion from the puppet masters and works better than slavery. Take a little and stop. Take a little and stop. Within a few decades, you’re paying 10% more than you were in taxes. The American revolution was about 2% tax and yet you all are taxes 40%. And taxed without representation which means your tax dollars don’t go to you and your family locally. 

Each city has a good scam going too. The largest local corporations run for Mayer or bribe them. They enlist the city to pay their company for fixing and building things. Every day they try and figure out how to get more. They do the same tactics as the board room. When approached with their corruption, they release propaganda into the city to get people blaming each other for some mishap. This means families control cities, counties and states. They continue to rob their competitors of business and get tax breaks for contracts with the government. They bring in fake competitors to bid on jobs to give the illusion of choice. In the end, the bribed pick the family’s business and offer justification given by the family. If anyone dares write about or speak up about their corruption, they are conveniently removed from the city altogether never to be seen from again. 90% of all the people believe there really are checks and balances. This is because they can cite court cases of monopolies being broken up. Just because you have different company names and executors doesn’t mean you still don’t control the scheme. It was their idea to be split up in the first place because it’s what you do after a certain amount of years and control to give the illusion of fair and balanced. 

Those that write songs about it try and show you, but you don’t listen. The movies try and show you, yet again you don’t listen. They have every right to clamp down on you because you allow them. There are too many books out there that say this truth. You don’t own them for a reason. You are fine until the problem hits your porch and by then it is already too late. Just like 75% of the world’s population who took an experimental shot. Still, they don’t care nor are concerned until their health fails. But by then, when you’re dying, you continue to believe it was an accident instead of a planned event like depopulation. You worship Bill Gates as he touts in TedTalk he will use vaccines to depopulate the planet. Your trust in his philanthropic magic show makes you think he’s good. Why does he want to harm us? Because he can. And you will do nothing about it. Just like you did nothing about your president was shit and killed in front of you in the 60’s. Just like you did nothing but hate Arabs after 911. Just like you allowed the government to seal your face and shut down your company during Covid. You think you’re smart with your degree, but you paid a house for a price of paper now. Jobs are dying because you all were conned not to want to work anymore. Your trophy for finishing last gave you the confidence to wait for a better job which push pressure in your friends and family because minimum wage is beneath you. Doesn’t pride come before the fall? It did here in America. Where the homeless average $30,000 a year tax free from pan handling. Our Good Samaritan pay it forward pride enables them to buy drugs and alcohol prolonging the depression. And they pass laws to get federal funds to help the homeless but it goes in their friends’ corporation pockets. Programs are a scam to pay your buddies. Your professors and teachers convinced you capitalism is the problem and offers outdated Marxism as the answer but forgets to tell you absolutely power corrupts and in a fallen world, everything that goes up must come down. Gravity was given to us to set the example of how blindly we follow the wealthy’s tricks. They give you the illusion of choice with Pepsi or coke and the one you choose has the same amount of poison than the other. They feed your diet with heavy metals and petroleum to destroy your will to fight. They offer you football with half time shows dedicated to their gods and you fight over which team is best. 

The entire system is rigged. Lotteries, elections, voting, courts, politics and all have fail safe’s if one outsider gets through. Like a lottery winner that wasn’t prepped before winning, they send con men to your door to convince you to spend it all and not invest in reason. Your investment manager turned out to be friends with the lottery’s commissioner whom they were told by their secret society to take the outsider down no questions asked. They follow your every move. They offer you a computer that alllows you to entertain yourself while it tracks you, takes you finger print, face recognition and all passwords. Those cell phone operating systems send all that information to the secret service for homeland security reasons and national security. They change your dna through chemical poisoning and make you pay for their attack on your immune system. I am considered by the majority of the world as a quack. A tin foil hat wearing paranoid schizophrenic who came to after a long binge of doing the world’s drugs. I am soon to be the new boogieman that the puppet masters will seek to destroy. You deny because it feels better. You don’t want to live in a world where evil has full control. You refuse to believe it. And they leave you alone because you are their toy. Their precious. The compliant tax paying bipedal upright human being who thinks they know everything. The educated in propaganda that doesn’t read anything opposite of its beliefs in nature. You inadvertently chose a side whether left or right and this shows your ignorance and willingness to play their game. I too was once this specimen of control. I decided one day to say no. I decided hating my neighbor because they differed in views was evil. I started watching societies’ movements and finding patterns. I kept my mouth shut. I responded only to appease the brainwashed just enough to fit in but smart enough to recognize I was living among them. They have free will to see what I see and break from the programming. But you can’t just tell a drunk to stop drinking. One has to come to the end of themselves to finally point the finger at themselves. 

They create groups of people to form group think and keep you away from finding your true  self like churches and book clubs basically anything to keep you wanting to be a part of what everyone else is doing. They were trained this way in school which breaks the population down into clicks via sports, music, fashion and the like. Then they release you into society and expect you to huddle into groups to seek comfort. It doesn’t matter what philosophy or religion you believe in as long as you fit within their mold. The end the goal is to stop looking within yourself for answers so that you can get all the answers outside, which the elite know that they were the ones who wrote all of the answers in books and now online. This is why Jesus said I have to leave to send the comforter. The Holy Ghost who is the truth teller and the only one that can help us find ourselves first, then God, then teach us how to love our neighbor. Think about that statement love your neighbor. Why didn’t Jesus say love your brother your sister and your father, too? Jesus wanted you to find yourself first by looking inside of you to first love yourself, then God and then your neighbor. You will never reach the full truth looking outside in the world and trying to love people from that point of view. When you come to the acceptance that you are taken care of by you and your creator and you have come to peace in terms with your relationship with your creator where you do not fear his wrath, then you can truly see how the devil has split us up into groups of people to keep us from finding God in us. The elite give you just enough wisdom and knowledge to be complacent and follow orders. Most are ok with that and it’s not your responsibility to change them. It’s not even your responsibility to wake people up to this reality. They choose to give their energy to the dark forces Because it’s easier. And help feed their own ego while they use others to nurse off of. The perfect dependency system that keeps us alive but not truly living. Our job was never to make disciples and bring the scalps to our father for his pleasure. Our job was to realize that we live in a fallen world which is set up to take things and not ask. It’s an ethos system that proves time and time again that it favors a dictator versus the love of its people. It’s a sad environment where the god of this world has to coerce, blackmail, lie, cheat, steal, kill and destroy everything in its path just to get the attention and worship of the blind and the deaf. It’s the synagogue of Satan who rules on top of lie after lie after lie after lie. I have seen his work. He raises up kingdoms and god destroys them. Over and over. He does this because he knows god has. I other choice than to remove the sick country and replace it. Since Satan doesn’t have the ability to beat god in a battle, he plays in God’s emotion by perverting his own creation and watch him destroy what Satan did. This gives pleasure to Satan because he lacks any ability to have peace. As long as god is hurt, he proved his thesis. How do you escape or defeat the powerful? Especially when you know you can never win? You raise up societies to be destroyed and hold them hostage for ransom. 

We are being used. We are in the middle of this war between good and evil. Satan believes he strengthens us by exposing us to the worst atrocities in life. This is the only argument he has at his judgement. The “you need me for them to truly love you”. For 6,000 years, the devil has controlled duality on earth. Good and evil. This means the devil decides who wins and who loses. He has little time left to finish his thesis. That God’s heaven and his earth need duality. This is to teach us to not rebel against the father like Satan did. A well thought out plan to prove to god Satan’s kingdom should exist. Satan’s world is designed for failure. Only those that follow his way achieve any sort of power here. But it’s temporary. He giveth and he taketh away. Nothing is free and everything has an angle. Someday, this will all be over and we will look back at this with wonder and awe. Not to give Satan the upper hand, but to ponder along with his the father which system is best to rule all his children. We will be grateful. For how hard it was. The father will give us 1,000 years while Satan is in prison and show mankind they too will rebel against Jesus. Was Satan right? He told the father creating man would be a bad idea. But the father did it anyways. I believe we all will see what the father comes up with will be fair and just. He loves us all including the fallen and will do whatever it takes to get them back. This grand plan will set everyone’s expectations at ease and will be perfect. Even for those that have hate in their heart. This is why every, not some, knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is King.

Military Deal With The Devil

Here’s the hard truth. You don’t want to hear this because it will make you angry, helpless and lose all hope in this world and humanity. You never had freedom and an honest government. Ever. You actually live in a fallen world. If it makes you feel better, there are inter-dimensional beings who control man to do their will. They are gods to man. They have something man doesn’t. They can live forever and have technology that promises man can live forever, too. This carrot that they dangle over us appeals to the Uber rich who want to live forever and keep their wealth. These fourth dimension beings, demons or ghosts, whatever you want to call them, are conjured up through seances and rituals. For some reason, they need energy to manifest so the worshippers provide blood of animals and other things to appease the so called spirits. They tell man that the blood gives life for life. It doesn’t. The spirits just say this because they enjoy the negativity that the seance or ritual brings. It’s all a lie. Man doesn’t care. They just want the technology and power over other men. History has recorded these inter-dimensional beings all over the world. They go by many names. Djin, Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Molech, Ra, Elohim, Devil, Demon, Zeus, Apollo and the list goes on. The United States government, thanks to Eisenhower, made a deal with them. This has been documented and a soft release through whistleblowers have confirmed. They will give Americans technology in exchange for 500,000 Americans to be used for medical experiments. This deal quickly turned from 500,000 to 2 million over night. The military has reported these beings never tell the truth and seek to not commit to the contracts, agreements and covenants. It is recorded several times that they are working with our government in underground bunkers and cities. 

Even with the lies and tricks these beings pull, the military has no choice but to work with them. They can move in and out of reality making it almost impossible to keep them secured. The military and government are convinced they are hundreds of thousands of years ahead of our understanding and the greed for their knowledge  overpowers their better judgement. The military has often tried to fight back and coerce the deal by holding prisoners but the operations always backfire. The truth is, these inter-dimensional beings are giving orders for man to build their Trojan horse. We have no choice. The only people these beings will listen to are the bloodlines of old. These families have been able to keep their bloodlines intact by inter-racial marriage. They are the descendants of the sons of Cain. This bloodline worked with these beings before the flood to build the same thing they are building now. A tower or stairway to heaven. The Bible calls it the Tower of Babel. This technology bends space and time thrusting its objects towards the veil that is between us and the fourth dimension. It merges or opens up a portal to another place. Some call it the spiritual world. Who cares, right? Well, the people who move the levers in this planet care. They actually believe in this insane story. And the amount of whistleblowers that have come forward stating this fact is overwhelming. Believe it or not, the UFO community knows more about this story than any other and the majority believe there are spaceships surrounding us at all times. Many of these believers called new agers channel or leave their body to communicate with these beings. But it’s all the same lie. These beings tell the channeled they are here to help us from the lizard men. They say they are from the Pleiades star constellation and are the annunaki who manipulated our genes when we were apes in order to create workers.

Sounds insane right? Well, the new agers believe it. There are books after books of these people who believe they are star children. The common denominator in all of this if you study abduction books, religion and history, these inter-dimensional beings never tell the truth. Ever. They also have an agenda. They all tell a tale of a dying planet and they not only need our resources, they also need our dna for creating a hybrid of themselves that can live in our atmosphere. Again, lies. Do you believe any of this mess? Well, you shouldn’t. It’s all a setup for control. It’s all a lie invented by men who think they are talking to the dead. There, I said it. The army, the bloodlines, the government all believe they talk to inter-dimensional beings that are telling them to build machines for them. The military has been abducting these people, not the aliens or demons. Our own military. If the most simplest explanation tends to be the correct one, then this whole UFO and religious agenda has been staged. We are talking about the most wealthy people on this planet are making all of this stuff up just to control the world. They have invented a boogie man at every stage of humanity since the beginning of time. They stage religious end times events and false flag events to keep the world scared. It’s worked for thousands of years and still works to this day. They control all of the large corporations, countries and all media to continue the show for profit and control. They are religious and actually believe their god gave them the right to rule over us to help you be a better person. Yes, they believe their evil helps you reincarnate to heaven. They believe the choices we have made in a prior life put us here and their god gave them wealth and control over us to wake us up. You don’t have to be religious but you shouldn’t ignore the fact that all your life, these wealthy religious freaks have been controlling you for their agenda. They don’t care if you choose good or evil. That’s not their problem. As long as they continue to steal, kill and destroy, they please their god. This is the cold hard truth. And these Uber wealthy rich psychopaths pray to these inter-dimensional beings and do whatever they say. You don’t have to believe in these inter-dimensional beings, but the world leaders do. They really think these beings are returning from their planet. And with them comes their leader. Some charismatic alien leader that will stop all wars and usher in world peace. The world leaders were told to create chaos on the earth on purpose to teach us a lesson. They believe if we can find our chakras and Christ consciousness, we can vibrate out of here during the next harvest. The harvest is resetting everything back to the beginning again through rebirth or reincarnation. They were told to continue this process until their messiah comes to rule over all people and the earth. This is why they stage Armageddon and the end of the world every 100 years. They think they will become gods for this sacrifice of being good. 


Flatwoods monster[2][3]

Tall humanoid with a spade-shaped head.[2]


•Also spelled "grays" (in American English).

Roswell incident

Grey (sometimes green)-skinned humanoids, usually 1 m (3.3 ft) tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3–4 fingers including thumb. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s.[5]

Hopkinsville goblin[6][7][8]

Small, greenish-silver humanoids.[9]

Little green men[10]

Diminutive green humanoids. Even though a few abductions have referred to green skin, no report has ever involved anything that would fit the classic cultural stereotype of "little green men". They are included here only for cultural reference.[10]

Nordic aliens[11][12]

•Sometimes called Space Brothers[13]

Plejaren(previously known as Pleiadeans from the Pleiades)[14]


•Tall whites[16]

•Agarthans from Agartha[17]

Humanoids with stereotypical "Nordic features" (tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) and which have featured in several cases of contact.

Cryptozoological animals and cryptobotanical plants, including those from folklore, religion(e.g. golem), mythology (e.g. dwarf (see also dwarfism); giantsfrom Atlantis (see also gigantism), etc.), and some reports of ghosts, poltergeists, and time travellers(alleged)

Mothman (see also American folklore)

Jersey Devil

Loch Ness Monster(Nessie) (dinosauroid)

•African Nommo


Yokai (many varieties)



Loveland Frogman

Some claim that many of the allegedly real creatures from the Fortean archives (see also: Fortean Times and William R. Corliss) and related reports of anomalous phenomena[18] are actually of extraterrestrial or mixed origin, such as in the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the interdimensional hypothesis, or the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis. Sometimes these creatures are associated with the occult or with esotericism, or linked with supernatural or paranormalphenomena. Others dismiss these explanations in favor of skepticism, cultural tracking, or the psychosocial hypothesis such as in cases of mass hysteria. Some of these alleged encounters have turned out to be hoaxes or scams to boost local tourism, sell more newspapers or more fringe science books.

Reptilians and reptiloids(sometimes spelled as reptillians)[19]

Ancient astronauts (see ancient astronauts in popular culture, Ancient Aliens)


Orion reptillian-humanoid matriarchy (see reptilian conspiracy theory)

List of reptilian humanoids

Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp

•Fictionalized portrayals: They Live, V, Stargate, Star Trek, Worldwar, Gamehendge , etc.

Tall, scaly humanoids. Reptilian humanoid beings date back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, with the crocodile-headed river god Sobek. The reptilian conspiracy theory has been advocated by David Icke.

Rods[20] or skyfish

Elongated visual artifacts appearing in photos and video recordings, sometimes claimed to be extraterrestrial beings. Generally thought to be caused by motion blur from flying insects


The Real Aliens

Scientists identify 66 alien species that pose greatest threat to European biodiversity

Invasive animals and plants are likely to arrive in the next decade

Scientists have identified 66 alien plant and animal species, not yet established in the European Union, that pose the greatest potential threat to biodiversity and ecosystems in the region. The research lists the invasive species that are likely to arrive and spread in the region over the next decade.

From an initial working list of 329 alien species considered to pose threats to biodiversity recently published by the EU, scientists have derived and agreed a list of eight species considered to be very high risk, 40 considered to be high risk, and 18 considered to be medium risk.

The research, led by Professor Helen Roy of the UK's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and involving 43 people from across Europe and funded by the European Commission, is published in the journal Global Change Biology.

The authors developed a horizon-scanning approach in order to derive a ranked list of potential invasive alien species (IAS). Using this procedure, they worked collaboratively to reach consensus about the alien species most likely to arrive, establish, spread and have an impact on biodiversity in the region over the next decade.

The approach is unique in the continental scale examined, the breadth of taxonomic groups and environments considered, and the methods and data sources used. Species considered included plants, terrestrial invertebrates, marine species, freshwater invertebrates and vertebrates.

The eight species that pose the highest risk are:

  • 1. Channa argus. The northern snakehead is a species of fish native to southern and eastern China but now also widely distributed in Japan within shallow, marshy ponds and wetlands, where it preys on native fish species. 2. Limnoperna fortunei. The golden mussel is native to China and south-eastern Asia but became established in Hong Kong in 1965, and Japan and Taiwan in the 1990s. Subsequently, it invaded the United States and South America. It alters native fauna with an impact on the freshwater food web.

    3. Orconectes rusticus. The rusty crayfish, native to the United States but now found in Canada, is a large and aggressive species of freshwater crayfish, which is more successful in deterring attack from predators than other crayfish and therefore outcompetes native species.


  • 4. Plotosus lineatus. The striped eel catfish is native to the Indian Ocean but was first recorded in the Mediterranean in 2002 and subsequently spread rapidly along the entire Israeli coast. This venomous catfish now inhabits all sandy and muddy substrates contributing to species declines through competition and displacement.
    5. Codium parvulum. This green seaweed native to the Indo-Pacific Ocean and subsequently described from the Red Sea, has since been recorded off the northern shores of Israel in the Mediterranean and along the Lebanese coast. It is considered an ecosystem engineer, altering the structure and functionality of ecosystems.
    6. Crepidula onyx. The onyx slipper snail is native to the southern coast of California and northern Pacific coast of Mexico. It is now widespread and considered highly invasive in Asia where it has been reported from Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. Slipper snails are sedentary filter-feeders and change native ecosystems.
    7. Mytilopsis sallei. The black striped mussel described from the Pacific coast of Panama is a brackish species that invaded the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the 1900s and has reached Fiji, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia. In some of these coastal areas the species completely dominates since it can survive extreme environmental conditions.


  • 8. Sciurus niger. The fox squirrel native to eastern and central North America, competes for resources with the native western gray (S. griseus) and Douglas squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii).


Other key findings include:

  • The highest proportion of the species identified originate in Asia, North America and South America.
  • Aquatic species are most likely to arrive via shipping, while terrestrial invertebrates are most likely to arrive along with goods such as plants.
  • The Mediterranean, Continental, Macaronesian and Atlantic biogeographic regions are predicted to be the most threatened across all taxonomic groups, while the Baltic, Black Sea and Boreal regions are least at risk. The Alpine region appears not to be under threat by any species.

The research provides a basis for full risk assessments that can comprehensively evaluate the threat posed by these species to EU biodiversity.

Professor Helen Roy of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology said: "Preventing the arrival of invasive alien species is the most effective way of managing invasions. Predicting which species are likely to arrive and survive in new regions involves considering many interacting ecological and socio-economic factors including climate but also patterns of trade.

"Our collaborative approach involving experts spanning many disciplines has been critical to achieve the ranked list of alien species that pose the greatest threat to European biodiversity."

Ghosts & Fairies

Ghosts and fairies have existed all throughout time. Only a small percentage of people see them or make contact. 

A Survey of the Supernatural: Whispers Through the Ages

The human fascination with the supernatural stretches back as far as we have records. From flickering firelight casting dancing shadows on cave walls to the vastness of the universe contemplated through telescopes, humanity has sought explanations beyond the physical world. This report explores the stories, evidence, and counter-arguments surrounding ghosts, fairies, aliens, and other unexplained phenomena throughout history.

Ghosts: Whispers from Beyond

Belief in ghosts – the lingering essence of the departed – permeates cultures worldwide. Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on the proper burial rituals for their pharaohs, believing their spirits needed provisions for the afterlife.Romans held festivals to appease the spirits of their ancestors. In European folklore, ghosts often appear as unfinished business or unresolved emotions binding them to the mortal realm.

Evidence for Ghosts:

  • Personal Accounts: Countless individuals have reported ghostly encounters, from fleeting apparitions to full-fledged hauntings.
  • Folklore and Mythology: Ghost stories are a universal human phenomenon, suggesting a deep-rooted belief across cultures.
  • Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): Recordings capturing faint whispers or voices are interpreted by some as spirit communication.


  • Misidentification: Sleep paralysis, hallucinations caused by illness, or misinterpretation of sights and sounds can be mistaken for ghosts.
  • Confirmation Bias: People are more likely to interpret ambiguous experiences as evidence of the paranormal if they already believe in ghosts.
  • Hoaxes: Many famous ghost sightings have been debunked as pranks or staged events.

Fairies: Mischievous Magic

Fairies, those diminutive winged creatures with otherworldly powers, capture imaginations across the globe. Celtic lore depicts them as powerful beings who can be helpful or mischievous. In European folklore, fairies are often associated with nature and possess the ability to deceive or grant wishes.

Evidence for Fairies:


  • Folklore and Mythology: Fairy tales and legends about fairies are prevalent across cultures, particularly in Europe.
  • Fairy Rings: Circles of unusually lush vegetation have been attributed to fairies dancing or holding gatherings.




  • Lack of Physical Evidence: No scientific evidence proves the existence of fairies.
  • Evolution of Folklore: Fairy tales may have originated from attempts to explain natural phenomena or embellishments of real encounters with insects or animals.
  • Psychological Factors: Belief in fairies may stem from a desire for magic and wonder in the natural world.


Aliens: Visitors from Beyond the Stars

The vastness of space has always fueled speculation about extraterrestrial life. While unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported throughout history, the modern concept of aliens emerged in the 20th century with sightings of spacecraft and alleged abductions.


Evidence for Aliens:


  • UFO Sightings: Many people report seeing strange lights or objects in the sky that defy conventional explanation.
  • Crop Circles: Elaborate geometric patterns appearing overnight in fields have been attributed to alien activity.
  • Possible Extraterrestrial Signals: Radio signals potentially originating from outside our solar system have been detected.




  • Misidentification: Natural phenomena like astronomical events, weather balloons, or military aircraft can be mistaken for UFOs.
  • Hoaxes: Many famous UFO sightings have been exposed as hoaxes or elaborate pranks.
  • Lack of Conclusive Evidence: Despite numerous claims, no definitive proof of extraterrestrial life has been found.


Beyond the Big Three: A World of Wonder


The realm of the supernatural extends far beyond ghosts, fairies, and aliens. Many cultures have stories of mythical creatures like Bigfoot, shape-shifters, and vampires. There are also reports of psychic phenomena like telepathy,precognition, and telekinesis.


The Allure of the Unknown:


The human desire to understand the unknown and the mysteries beyond our everyday lives fuels our fascination with the supernatural. It provides explanations for the inexplicable, offers comfort in the face of death, and injects a sense of wonder into the world.


The Scientific Lens:


Science seeks explanations based on evidence and repeatable experiments. While the concepts of ghosts, fairies, and aliens remain outside the realm of scientific proof, the human experience of these phenomena is undeniable.


The Road Ahead:


As technology advances, our understanding of the universe and the human mind may one day shed light on what we now consider supernatural.




The supernatural remains a captivating aspect of human experience. While the evidence for ghosts, fairies, aliens, and other phenomena is inconclusive, the stories and experiences persist. Whether whispers from beyond, mischievous magic,or visitors from afar, the supernatural continues to spark our imaginations and challenge us to look beyond the veil of the known world




Scientists identify 66 alien species that pose greatest threat to European biodiversity | ScienceDaily



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Thanks Lab!!!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024


Wednesday Aug 14, 2024



Tuesday Aug 06, 2024


Nice add, man! I actually think the follow up is the best ”closer” I’ve heard in awhile so I’m beginning to wonder WHAT EXACTLY IS the REAL ADD?! Anyhow, I’m about to order some. 😀 Keep up the good work Mr. Garner

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

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