Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

Aliens of Urantia, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli

Aliens of Urantia, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli


Watch this on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5ofkzb-aliens-of-urantia-pleiades-zeta-reticuli.html


History has recorded alien contact 100 years ago through people’s testimonies. Back then, they said they were from the dark side of the moon. When we learned that can’t be true, they started telling mankind they were from Venus. When we learned it’s too hot there, they started telling us they are from mars. When we learned it is uninhabitable, they now are saying they are from another star system. How convenient.


Pre 100 years ago before flight, they were not alien at all. They appeared to man as religious figures like Elijah and before that mythological beings like Thor. In between that we have recordings of leprechauns or elementals, sasquatch and others. Almost all of the visitations were not mutal or beneficial. They are mostly one sided with the visitor wanting something.


The Bible says to test the spirits. Especially about Jesus. The best question is did God become a man on Earth as Jesus, die and rose from the dead paying the atonement for all mankind and is sitting at the right hand of the father? If they stumble, run or rebuke it. I saw an awesome video of an astrophysicist explaining how UFO’s can be demonic. 


Watch this.


I took the liberty to find and read The Urantia book by, Clyde Bedell  written in 1955. Here’s what the book is all about.




The excerpt is taken from "The Urantia Book," a 2,000-page book written by an anonymous group of authors in the 1950s. The book attempts to provide a comprehensive account of the origin and nature of the universe, the history of human civilization, and the teachings of Jesus. The excerpt focuses on the book's extensive cross-referencing system, designed to assist readers in navigating its complex structure. The text highlights the use of "quickie grouped references" and "cross-indexing" to help readers locate and understand key concepts, particularly those that may be unfamiliar or misconstrued. This system is intended to enhance comprehension and facilitate deeper study of the book's intricate and often challenging material.


Briefing Doc: Excerpts from "The Urantia Book"


Introduction: This briefing doc analyzes excerpts from "The Urantia Book," focusing on key themes, ideas, and facts presented. Quotes from the source are included to highlight significant points.

Main Themes:


  • Cosmology and the Structure of the Universe: The book presents a complex cosmology, describing the universe's organization with multiple levels of reality, including:
  • The Central Universe: A billion perfect spheres called Havona, representing a stabilized and settled economy. It serves as the starting point for the finaliters' career (p. 152).
  • Local Universes: One example is our local universe, Nebadon, created by a Creator Son and a Creative Spirit. These universes are characterized by both potential good and evil (p. 53) and are considered training schools for ascending creatures (p. 417).
  • Superuniverses: Seven superuniverses surround the central universe, each governed by seven Master Spirits.
  • Master Universe: The grand universe encompassing all the above, showcasing the vastness of creation.
  • The Nature of God: The book portrays a multifaceted God with distinct personalities:
  • Universal Father: The First Source and Center, representing absolute fatherhood and volition (p. 111). He bestows personality upon his creatures and maintains personal relationships with them (p. 109).
  • Eternal Son: The Second Source and Center, representing mercy and the embodiment of the Father's word (p. 94). He is coexistent with the Father and works in partnership with him (p. 76).
  • Infinite Spirit: The Third Source and Center, representing ministry and the executive agency of the Father-Son partnership (p. 91). He is the source of mind and is personally conscious of every intellect in existence (p. 103).
  • Supreme Being: The evolving God of time and space, representing the unification of all finite realities (p. 1281). He is the experiential evolution of the Trinity (p. 114).
  • The Life and Teachings of Jesus: The book presents a detailed account of Jesus' life and teachings, emphasizing his humanity alongside his divinity. Key aspects include:
  • Incarnation: Jesus lived as a true human being, experiencing mortal limitations and temptations (p. 80). He did not incarnate to reconcile an angry God but to reveal the Father's love (p. 1093).
  • Faith: Jesus emphasized faith as the key to salvation and eternal life. He taught that true faith leads to sonship with God and entrance into the Kingdom (p. 1536).
  • The Kingdom: The Kingdom of God represents the realization of God's will in the hearts of individuals and the eventual transformation of the world (p. 1536). It is not a physical realm but a spiritual state of being (p. 382).
  • Human Destiny and Spiritual Growth: The book outlines a path of spiritual progression for humans, involving:
  • Thought Adjusters: Fragments of the Father that indwell the minds of humans, guiding them towards spiritual growth (p. 34).
  • Morontia Life: A transitional stage of existence after death, where individuals continue to progress spiritually and intellectually (p. 541).
  • Ascension Career: A long journey through various levels of reality, culminating in the attainment of Paradise and union with God (p. 21).


Important Ideas and Facts:


  • Ultimatons: The book describes ultimatons as the fundamental building blocks of matter, held together by mutual attraction to form electrons (p. 476).
  • Seven Mortal Types: Humans are classified into seven types, each with unique characteristics and a specific path of spiritual development (p. 340).
  • Spirit Gravity: A force analogous to physical gravity but operating on the spiritual level. It draws individuals towards God and spiritual unity (p. 132).
  • Faith: The crucial test for will creatures, faith is not merely belief but a living and dynamic experience that transforms individuals (p. 315).
  • Justice and Mercy: The book emphasizes God's mercy towards individuals, offering abundant grace and forgiveness, while also acknowledging the consequences of wrongdoing (p. 137).
  • Free Will: Humans possess genuine freedom of choice, and the ability to choose between good and evil is central to their spiritual growth (p. 71).
  • Personality Survival: The survival of personality after death is contingent upon the individual's choices and their relationship with their Thought Adjuster (p. 1457).




  • "God is love, the Son mercy, the Spirit is ministry...to all intelligent creatures of the vast universe" (p. 90).
  • "By faith are you eternally advanced...become (eternal) sons of God" (p. 1682).
  • "The kingdom of God is within you" (p. 1536).
  • "The real universe is friendly to every child of the eternal God" (p. 1477).
  • "Live long on earth for the kingdom" (p. 1958).


Conclusion: The excerpts from "The Urantia Book" present a comprehensive and detailed exploration of cosmology, the nature of God, the life of Jesus, and human destiny. The book challenges readers to consider profound spiritual concepts and offers a unique perspective on the meaning and purpose of life.


In the book, Jesus is presented as a real, historical figure, but also as a divine being. The book emphasizes the importance of recognizing both his humanity and divinity. The book describes Jesus as the "living Jesus" who should be understood beyond theological traditions and dogmas. It states that the detailed narrative of his life in the book is presented "without embroidery or omission." It also describes Jesus as the "wisest, most compassionate, most perfect, most practical, and most realistic being ever to walk this earth".


The book claims to offer a more complete and accurate account of Jesus' life and teachings than the Bible. It states that the Bible is a human document that contains "much not representative of character and teachings of Father in heaven," whereas The Urantia Book presents a more accurate and complete account of Jesus' life and teachings. The book also claims that the New Testament focuses more on Paul's religious experiences than on Jesus' life.


Jesus' teachings are presented as simple but profound truths that can lead to spiritual freedom and unity. The book highlights the importance of Jesus' teachings, particularly his emphasis on love, brotherhood, and free salvation. The book claims that these teachings are more helpful and satisfying than the "garbled and diluted Gospel of much of the so-called Christian community today."


The book emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus' life in the context of his cosmic mission. It emphasizes the importance of seeing Jesus' life and death as part of a larger cosmic plan. It suggests that even beings from more advanced worlds were able to learn from Jesus' life on Earth. The book suggests that studying the vast and complex cosmos helps us understand our own place in the universe and the significance of Jesus' mission.


The book suggests that the reader should study Jesus' teachings in two ways: chronologically, to witness his growth and development, and topically, to explore specific areas of interest. The book acknowledges that the most difficult parts to understand are at the beginning, while the "Life and Teachings of Jesus" are at the end. It encourages readers to persevere through the difficult parts to gain a full understanding of Jesus' teachings.


The book provides a unique and detailed perspective on Jesus, his life, and his teachings. It claims to offer a more accurate and complete understanding of Jesus than traditional religious texts.


Although the astrophysicist claims they deny Jesus in the book, they actually don’t but it is so sly, you would miss it. I read just a minute ago and i’ll read it again It emphasizes the importance of seeing Jesus' life and death as part of a larger cosmic plan. It suggests that even beings from more advanced worlds were able to learn from Jesus' life on Earth. What cosmic plan? Aliens? This is the deception. Although I want to believe my brainwashing of the cosmos since k12, I can’t for the life of me deny what the Bible says, even though I know it’s been tainted since Constantine.


Then it talks about Ascension Career: A long journey through various levels of reality, culminating in the attainment of Paradise and union with God, which is an Alice Bailey and Helena Blvatsky concept along with reincarnation which is not biblical.


The book is clever. It accepts Jesus but it paints him as a Jesus who saved all of the cosmos. This will steer people to worship the aliens. My guess is the author(s) was/were Christian and didn’t test the spirits. Again, the problem is the deception. Even the very elect will be fooled. This book is a shoehorn in to new age philosophies. 


The book starts off with: THE TIME IS RIPE to witness the figurative resurrection of the human Jesus from his burial tomb amidst the theological traditions and the religious dogmas of nineteen centuries. Jesus of Nazareth must not be longer sacrificed to even the splendid concept of the glorified Christ. What a transcendent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to all other religions!


The author also says this book should be added to the canon. All of the information that was published by Clyde was through dreams. Urantia is the real name of this planet, supposedly. The UB claims to be authored by supermortal, celestial beings through an unnamed “human subject” who conveyed messages from them in his sleep. A prominent Chicago psychiatrist, Dr. William S. Sadler, privately transcribed the contactee’s messages, and in 1923 assembled a small group to study the messages while hiding the contactee’s name and identities. The supermortals described themselves as extraterrestrials from other planets and star systems. Their name for earth is Urantia; they claim to have been observing and guiding the evolution of our planet (Adam and Eve, we learn, were actually transported here from the planet Jerusem). They say Christendom has distorted the true nature and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the time is now ripe for mankind to receive this “epochal revelation.” Sadler’s study group submitted written questions to the contactee and eventually came to believe the Urantia Papers were a new revelation from God, on a par with the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Inner circle members funded its printing, and the first edition finally appeared in 1955, weighing in at 2,097 pages.


What about the pleiades? Are they related? Billy Meyer was debunked for his Pleiadians story and his photography of the aliens (German dia. Plejarens), also known as Nordic aliens, or Taygetans, are Aryan-like humanoid aliens recorded in Ufology. They come from the planets Erra and Temmer in the Taygeta system, located in the Pleiades star cluster. In the book The gift: transmissions from the Pleiades, they tell a completely different story. The text, "The Gift: Transmissions From The Pleiades," is a channeled book purportedly written by a being named P'taah from the Pleiades and channeled by Jani King in 1995. The book offers spiritual teachings and insights on subjects such as enlightenment, ascension, the nature of God, fear, love, and the power of creation. It also emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and encourages readers to embrace their own divinity and create a life filled with joy, harmony, and abundance. The book encourages readers to trust their own inner guidance and embrace the transformative power of love and self-acceptance.


P'taah: A Channeled Message of Love, Empowerment, and Oneness


This briefing doc analyzes excerpts from “The Gift: Transmissions from the Pleiades,” a book featuring channeled messages from a being named P'taah, as received by Jani King. The central themes revolve around self-discovery, love, and the transition of Earth and humanity into a higher state of consciousness.


Key Themes:


  • The Divinity Within: P'taah emphasizes that humans are already divine beings, extensions of the "God-Goddess" or "Mind of Creation." The journey is not about becoming divine, but remembering and embracing this inherent truth.


"There is really only one question: Who am I? ... I am an extension of the Mind of Creation experiencing itself in this dimension of perceived reality."


  • Creation and Responsibility: Humans are powerful creators of their own reality. Every experience, positive or negative, is self-created and serves a purpose in the grand scheme of spiritual growth.


"Know that you create your reality absolutely." "Every situation is a learning process for the benefit of all peoples concerned, to help you to grow in love, honor, sovereignty and compassion."


  • Love as the Core Force: Love is the foundational energy of the universe, synonymous with the "God-Goddess" and the glue that holds everything together. Fear arises from forgetting our divine nature and perceiving separation.


"Real LOVE is simply another word for God-Goddess." "Fear has come about in your forgetting who you are."


  • Transcending Limitations: Many human struggles stem from limiting beliefs, fear, and judgment. P'taah encourages embracing and transmuting these negative energies to unlock our true potential and experience greater freedom and joy.


"What you resist persists." "Life IS meant to be easy. Your life is meant to be of love and laughter, abundance and fulfillment."


  • Embracing the Now: Focusing on the present moment, without dwelling on the past or future, allows for greater awareness, peace, and alignment with the universe.


"Your longing for the fourth dimension, or Ascension, or any reality apart from this, is simply the measure of your dissatisfaction with the NOW." "Life is what is occurring whilst you are very busy planning your future and regretting your past."


Important Ideas and Facts:


  • Fourth Density/Oneness: P'taah refers to a shift in consciousness happening on Earth, a transition to a state of Oneness or fourth density. This is not a physical location but a state of being characterized by expanded awareness and love.
  • Ego and Self: The ego is not an enemy to be eliminated but a valuable tool to be understood and balanced. It acts as a sensor for the external world but can create fear and limitation when out of balance.
  • Forgiveness and Judgment: True forgiveness transcends the concept of victimhood, recognizing that everyone is responsible for their own creations and experiences. Judgment, both of self and others, is a reflection of internal fears and beliefs.
  • Guidance and Support: While angels and guides exist, they are ultimately extensions of our own soul energy. True power comes from connecting with the "unlimited, eternal I AM" within.
  • Simplicity and Joy: P'taah consistently advocates for simplicity and joy in life. The path to enlightenment is not about rigorous rules and rituals but about embracing our true nature with lightness and ease.
  • The Role of Children: Children are powerful creators and teachers, holding a key to a more conscious and loving future. They should be empowered and encouraged to embrace their imagination and creativity.


Overall Message:


P'taah's message is ultimately one of hope and empowerment. It reminds us of our innate divinity, our creative power, and the transformative potential of love. By embracing our true nature, releasing limiting beliefs, and focusing on the present moment, we can contribute to the shift in consciousness occurring on Earth and experience greater joy, abundance, and fulfillment in our lives. P’taah never talked about Jesus.


Both books we have examined talk heavily about ascension and consiousness. A vibration where you shift from this reality to the fourth dimension. This is the common denominator. All of the alien contactees talk about ascencion. It is also going to be the explanation for the rapture. In Christianity, the ascension is the event when Jesus' body moved from Earth to Heaven, while the rapture is the event when believers will ascend to Heaven to meet Jesus. The ascension is nothing like the rapture. Rather than a one-off event, ascensions have occurred throughout history, with the final ascension set to take place at Jesus' second coming. Also, instead of a disappearance, the ascension is a physical rising of a believer, body and soul, into the air. The resurrection refers to Jesus being bodily raised from the dead, while the ascension refers to the movement of Christ's exalted body from earth to heaven. In the resurrection Jesus conquered death; in the ascension he was exalted to the right hand of the Father.


Alice Bailey talks about Jesus, too. She claims he is a great teacher. They get you in this way. Tug at your heart in a good way that Jesus is there with us, but steers you on a slight different path. Secret societies do this too. The Freemasons allow you to choose between Christianity or Islam, but you have to choose one. Up the ladder and they teach you Islam is the real truth. This is the Shriners with their Islam hat. Go up the ladder again and they reveal it’s Lucifer. Sneaky.


CE4 research group did 15 years of investigations on abductions. Joe Jordan is the President and co-founder of CE4 Research Group and is the MUFON director in South Korea. Out of 3,000 abduction interviews, they found out that the ones who screamed the name Jesus Christ were let go immedietely. Even the secular Grandfather of Ufology, Dr. Jacques Vallee, in his book, "Messengers of Deception", stated, "Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." "In dealing with the mystery of UFO's, we are not on the lunatic fringe of theology. Instead, we stand on your behalf in front line of battle. We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity." - Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, "UFO: End Time Delusion"


This is a Cosmic War for our souls. Your children are being seduced into it as well as your grandchildren. Its in every aspect of our commercial marketing. The world is being conditioned to accept this deception. 


Zeta Reticulans are supposed to house the grey aliens. Astronomy magazine did a full-color reprint from 1976 of the extensive interview of the Betty and Barney Hill story, including the famous "star map" which was later verified by computer. "The weird circumstances that we have dubbed 'the Zeta Reticuli Incident' sound like they come straight from the UFO pages in one of those tabloids sold in every supermarket. But there is much more than a retelling of a famous UFO incident: it's an astronomical detective story that at times hovers on that hazy line that separates science from fiction.


The Betty and Barney Hill story is one of the most famous UFO abduction cases in history. On September 19, 1961, the Hills were driving home from a vacation in Canada when they encountered a strange, glowing object in the sky. They later claimed that they were abducted by alien beings and subjected to a medical examination.

The Hills' story was widely publicized and has been the subject of many books and documentaries. It is still debated today, with some people believing that the Hills were telling the truth and others believing that they were either mistaken or lying.


There are many different theories about what happened to the Hills. Some people believe that they were abducted by aliens, while others believe that they may have been sleepwalking or dreaming. It is also possible that they were simply mistaken about what they saw.

The Hills' story is important because it has helped to popularize the idea of alien abduction. It has also led to a great deal of research into the phenomenon.


In the book The Zeta Reticuli Incident, by Terence Dickinson and Jeffrey L. Kretsch, the aliens abudcted the couple and did experiments including showing them a map of where they are from. Back then there we no computers and 20 years later, the star maps showed a perfect match with computers.


Briefing Doc: The Zeta Reticuli Incident


Subject: Analysis of the Betty and Barney Hill Abduction and the Proposed Zeta Reticuli Star Map




  • Excerpts from "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" by Terence Dickinson and Jeffrey L. Kretsch, AstroMedia Corp, 1976.




This briefing document analyzes the controversial "Zeta Reticuli Incident," focusing on the alleged abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961. The document examines the incident's details, particularly the star map Betty Hill claimed to have seen aboard the alien craft. The analysis centers around Marjorie Fish's interpretation of this map and the subsequent scientific scrutiny it received.


Main Themes:


The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction: The document recounts the Hills' account of their abduction experience, highlighting the hypnotic regression sessions that revealed details of the event, including Betty's recollection of a star map. The document acknowledges the unusual nature of the case and the reliance on hypnotic regression for details.


"Apparently unable to control their actions, Betty and Barney are easily taken back to the ship and inside. After a brief examination they are returned to their car on the highway." (page 4)


Marjorie Fish's Interpretation: The document describes Marjorie Fish's work, an amateur astronomer who attempted to recreate the star map based on Betty Hill's description and three-dimensional models. Fish identified a potential match with the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, suggesting it as the aliens' origin point.


"This model, prepared by Marjorie Fish, shows all the stars visible to the unaided eye within 55 light-years of the sun, in the direction of Zeta Reticuli." (page 5)


Scientific Analysis and Debate: The document presents the subsequent scientific debate surrounding the Fish-Hill map. Arguments for and against its validity are outlined, focusing on statistical probability, star catalog accuracy, and the potential for confirmation bias. While some researchers found the correlations intriguing, others remained skeptical, citing the lack of conclusive evidence.


"To summarize, then: (1) the pattern discovered in the map drawn by Betty Hill corresponds to the pattern formed by nearby stars... (2) if the Hills were actually abducted by extraterrestrial visitors, the most parsimonious hypothesis is that they travelled from a planetary system attached to one of the stars in the map, and (3) the most likely candidates for such a 'home base' are the two stars we call Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli." (page 14)


Skepticism and Open Questions: The document acknowledges the lack of definitive proof for the Fish-Hill map's validity and the Zeta Reticuli connection. It emphasizes the need for further research and evidence to substantiate the extraordinary claims of the incident.


"The only answer is to continue the search. Someday, perhaps soon, we will know." (page 15)


Important Ideas/Facts:


  • The document highlights the controversial nature of the case and the use of hypnotic regression, emphasizing that the presented account is based on the Hills' subjective experiences.
  • It acknowledges the statistical improbability of randomly selecting stars that form a pattern matching the Fish-Hill map but also raises the issue of confirmation bias in selecting data.
  • The document discusses various interpretations of the map, including the possibility that it represents trade routes rather than a direct path to the aliens' homeworld.
  • It underlines the need for caution in interpreting the available information and stresses the importance of further scientific investigation to validate or disprove the claims.




The "Zeta Reticuli Incident" remains an open question. While the Fish-Hill map presents an intriguing potential connection to a specific star system, it lacks conclusive scientific evidence. The document encourages further research and exploration, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a critical perspective when evaluating extraordinary claims.


All three books have 7 common deniminators.


  1. Spiritual Growth and Potential: The sources emphasize the importance of spiritual growth and realizing one's full potential. Source encourages readers to recognize their inner divinity and strengthen their connection to the "unlimited, eternal I AM." Source highlights the concept of ascending personalities and the journey towards spiritual perfection. For example, the Urantia Book describes the "Supreme Trinity Personalities" and "ascending and descending God", while other source discusses the idea of humans existing as "angels and guides" in different dimensions.


  1. Guidance and Support from Higher Beings: All sources acknowledge the presence of higher beings who offer guidance and support to humans. Sourced mention "angels and guides," urging readers to connect with their own inner power rather than seeking external authority. The Urantia Book details various celestial beings, such as "Thought Adjusters," "Guardian Angels," and "Seraphic Guardians," who play roles in human spiritual development.


  1. Importance of Simplicity and Joy: Source emphasizes the importance of simplicity and finding joy in life's experiences. The Urantia Book, while complex in its structure,  also touches on these themes. It mentions the "delight" experienced by created beings and encourages finding joy in the "character of God". It also speaks about finding "contentment," which it describes as "the greatest wealth".


  1. Connection to a Higher Power: Both sources point to the importance of connecting with a higher power or source of divine energy.  The Urantia Book repeatedly refers to "God" and explores various aspects of Deity and the Trinity. Source uses the phrase "unlimited, eternal I AM" to describe this ultimate source.


  1. The Illusionary Nature of Reality: Both sources hint at the concept of reality being an illusion. Source  states, "You create every lifetime to garner every human experience, and it is all a grand illusion," suggesting that the physical world and individual lives are part of a larger, possibly non-physical reality.  The Urantia Book, while not explicitly stating that reality is an illusion, emphasizes the limited human perspective. For example, it states, "The worlds teem with angels and men and other highly personal beings", hinting at the existence of realms beyond human perception. Additionally, it mentions that "absonity" can be "equivalated to the value of the Absolute".  This suggests a complex interplay between different levels of reality, possibly surpassing human understanding.


  1. The Role of Experience in Spiritual Growth: Both sources emphasize the importance of experience in spiritual growth, albeit with different approaches. Source highlights the value of embracing all experiences, including the difficult ones. It advises, "Every situation has within it a pearl of wisdom, if you will allow it. To harvest the pearls is to adorn yourself with wisdom." This implies that learning and growth arise from actively engaging with life's challenges. The Urantia Book presents a more structured view of spiritual progression, describing a hierarchical universe where personalities ascend through various levels of experience. It states, "This narrative cannot be more than a brief outline of the nature and work of the manifold personalities who throng the universes of space administering these creations as enormous training schools, schools wherein the pilgrims of time advance from life to life and world to world". This suggests that spiritual growth unfolds through a pre-ordained, progressive journey through the cosmos.


  1. The Power of Belief: The idea that belief shapes reality is present in both sources. Source  asserts,  "You are what you believe you are. All else is an illusion, a misperception of the limited ego-consciousness." This suggests that personal beliefs have a direct impact on how individuals experience and perceive the world. The Urantia Book also acknowledges the power of belief,  stating that "Thought Adjusters succeed more through your decisions than beliefs".  While this statement might appear contradictory, it emphasizes the importance of aligning one's decisions with their beliefs, suggesting that  action rooted in belief has a greater impact on spiritual progress.


All the common denominators sound great right? Well, every single author has had terrible dreams of demonic beings attacking them. Of course, they were so mesmerized by the alien show that they looked over the spiritual problem of being haunted. Urantia talks about Jesus but points out that other beings are in the cosmos. The Bible says we are alone. Scholars will balk at this. They say no, the Bible doesn't say whether we are alone in the universe, but it doesn't preclude the possibility of life on other planets. The Bible's main focus is on human life on Earth, and some say that the Bible reveals God's focus on Earth as well. However, some Christians believe that the Bible teaches that God created all life, and that it's possible that God created life elsewhere in the universe as well. Notice that, while the Bible doesn’t necessarily place the earth and man literally at the center of the universe, mankind does appear to be the center of God’s attention. Psalm 8:3–5 gives man unique status. Isaiah 45:18 singles out the earth as a place that God made to be inhabited.


My opinion is that Earth was created as a test run. God knew the angels were grumbling and could potentially rebel. He needed a second hand witness to judge the angels after their fall. A jury that has no dog in this fight. The fallen angels proceeded to blame us for our sin instead of their own actions. Since they have no way of redemption, they continue hurting man and God through horrible torture. And that is what these beings from Urantia, Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli do. They take you without your will, whether in body, dream, soul or spirit and perform experiments. They sometimes wash your memory or leave it.


The government has recorded these beings and have supposedly captured them as well through faraday cages as they can walk through walls. We do not have any real evidence of these other than congress has officially srated there are intradimensional beings among us. This is the only true thing ever to come from congress. They are intradimensional, meaning spirits that are left over from the war in heaven and their nephilim children whom roam the earth as demon spirits without a home looking for a flesh host. 


So, why do these beings lie all the time? It’s a typical thing in the UFO community about the alien’s and how they have a problem with telling the truth. Not only that, but they never keep their word and go against the treaties that were signed. The supposed Eisenhower treaty was the aliens could abduct 500,000 americans a year and it quickly rose to 5 million according to whistleblowers. So much deception. They keep changing their stories. 


Most of the UFO encounters are recorded in the bedroom. In fact, 95% of all abductions happen when the experiencer is asleep. The most common starting point is they wake up but cannot move. Sleep paralysis is a temporary state of being conscious but unable to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. It's fairly common and usually not harmful, but it can be frightening. The description of sleep paralysis and associated hallucinations dates back to 400 BC in a Chinese book of dreams and later by Greek scholars. The abductors were called incubus or sucubus. Demons that rape you while you lay there helpless. They also called it sleep palsy. Throughout history, sleep paralysis and the similar term “night-mare” have been widely accompanied by mythological creatures with paranormal powers.


Only a small percentage of abductions happen during the day and in plain site. Most abductions have been recorded as starting at 3:00 AM the beginning of the witching hour. There is more evidence to suggest the paranormal as in ghosts than there is UFOs and Aliens. Technology has increased and so has the ability to capture both phenomenon. We still see more evidence of ghosts or spirits than we do of aliens and that is factual. Some argue the extra terrestrials use technology to jam our instruments. I would agree that if they were light years ahead of us, our primitive tech would be easy to manipulate.


People, we are at a crossroads. Technology has given us a way to play God and intelligence is steering us away from Him. In the next 100 years, it will be considered foolish to believe in angels and demons. I believe the aliens from Urantia, Pleiades, Zeta Reticuli and other star systems are just demons. Society will not embrace this for much longer. WE have been slowly conditioned to believe in extraterrestrial that the great deception will overpower the weak. We are going to be tested as we grow older and superstitions become obsolete due to quantum physics and perhaps the final visitation of what we will be told are extra terrestrial. The world religions will most likely have one last fight to convince the world to stop the foolishness of a higher being altogether. You will even be tested if you believe anymore as society moves on to accepting what is being taught by the demons. All I can offer is that the aliens that are recorded by the government and through eyewitnesses claim they are deceptive and have a hard time with the truth. The great deception will fool the very elect” which is a quote from the Bible in Matthew 24:24, in which Jesus warns his disciples of a coming deception. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”.










The Urantia Book -- Urantia Foundation -- Chicago, Illiniois, USA, 1955 

The gift- transmissions from the Pleiades -- P'taah; channeled by Jani King -- Scottsdale, AZ, Arizona, 1995 -- Triad Publishers USA

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