Cause Before Symptom

Pastor James Carner breaks down the real controllers of the world and their plans for a utopia of a select few reigning over a small population of adrogenous workers.

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9 hours ago

America lost its independence arguably around 1871 when it filed for its second bankruptcy. President Lincoln and his civil war efforts put America in debt and some say on purpose. The civil war wasn’t about slavery or states’ rights as was written in our school books, it was about giving the United States back to the crown as it was designed to be. The early settlers or pilgrims were chosen to set up camp in America. Not to be free from the King, but to exploit the native Americans just as the crown has done to the east. The west played an important role for the Jesuits to establish two world wars, according to Albert Pike, to bring about world wide control through central banks. Religion was used to justify the slaughter of hundreds of tribes across America. One could argue the settlers did the dirty work for the crown by using American independence as their justification. The crown found a way to retrieve an entire nation without ever having to fight the natives. After the land was surveyed and most of the tribes disbanded, the civil war was created to put the new America under debt to the king. The civil war ended our independence through the treaty of Washington under maritime international law. The crown loaned the money to the United States with conditions. Create a corporation governed by a foreign state called Washington DC, to disband the rights of states and enlsave the American people into a debt system. This gave the crown rights to tax without representation. Unbeknownst to the people, it was a slow progression without any hesitation. The civil war was so atrocious that the people just didn’t want to fight back.
Washington became the international corporation entity that controlled both Canada and America. All import and export goods to and from were taxed by the crown. But the purpose of America was a new central banking system backed by new resources. First it was gold, then oil and then nothing as it is right now. The federal reserve act of 1913 was passed by congress while the majority were celebrating Christmas. The second bankruptcy of the United States of 1871 was soon becoming solvent, so the central bankers created a plan to keep the people a debt nation by initiating the federal reserve. This made sure that by 1933 when the bankruptcy was over, the crown could then enact the income tax law backed by the Internal Revenue Service as the tax collectors. Rumors of world war and broken promises by carefully selected presidents continued the debt slavery system for another 70 years or until the year 1999. World War One and two sealed the debt system for good giving the bankers almost a century to continue enslaving the people. The social security scam was introduced as a slave number where each American was promised a retirement using their own funds. If an American invested their own in bonds or CD’s instead of relying on social security, a forced savings program, they would have triple the amount in retirement with a solid cushion to pass down. But the Khazars made sure that the government itself never paid for any of the retirement and created a lottery scheme to keep the people poor and get less at retirement. And to make sure that less people get it, they continue to raise the age limit.
In 1999, two men by the name of Russell-Jay: Gould and David-Wynn: Miller teamed up to bypass Washington DC’s pyramid scheme by capturing the title 4 flag and the postmaster general position. They saw on paper that America’s bankruptcy was ending which means we could be free from the crown. They filed the paperwork, captured the title 4 war flag and submitted the documents to the United Nations. Since there was no land to give this new country to as the crown owned all of America, they chose the land underneath the court houses worldwide. The United Nations granted their request and on paper, currently, Russell holds the title of Postmaster General which means he controls all tax and tariffs of shipments to and from the United States including the land underneath each courthouse. This loophole was attacked by Donald Rumsfeld as he and the CIA went to war with Russell and his partner. Unfortunately, Washington DC won and Russell started the current sovereignty movement bypassing the current maritime law system. What’s kept secret are the 3 stars on Washington DC’s flag. They represent the tri-city Jesuit rule under the Khazarian bloodlines. Washington, London and the Vatican. All three are their own country represented by the central bankers that control the west under a corporation instead of a country. Since 1999, thanks to Russell and David’s work, America never filed for bankruptcy to legally keep the citizens under the control of the Khazars so they have been operating without a flag, corporation and country ever since. The Khazars needed to legally tax and enslave the public but lost their federal reserve value which sparked the new currency written by the NSA called cryptocurrency. 
Created first by Satoshi Nakamoto, which is a pseudonym anagram for secret clever foundation was tested in public with great success. The NSA picked Chris Larsen to pitch Ripple’s XRP to the world economic forum as a new CBDC which at first was turned down. Ripple later was awarded to be the next cryptocurrency to replace the federal reserve and FedNow which replaces SWIFT. The Khazars bypassed the bankruptcy of America but still needed to legally control the peasants. The internet was finally waking up the masses to the true history of the bankers and they panicked. During the Presidency of Donald J. Trump, they embraced a pandemic of influenza as a way to change the dna of people from human to something else. To classify a human being would be natural blood before a brand new technology could change dna through a messenger agent. The people were pushed by fear and mandates to once again give up their sovereignty to the Khazars on paper again but this time, backed by the World Health Organization who now tracks people via pure or mRNA blood. Now, through international law, the Khazars own the vaccinated because they created the patent to turn human beings from human to a walking money making machine via crypto. The perfect tax system using climate change as the excuse to add or remove currency from one’s wallet to justify usury. 
This is Agenda 2030 where the vaccinated has no human rights because they technically aren’t human anymore and own nothing and be happy. They tricked you once again but instead of a civil war, they changed your dna. Now, they no longer need to profit off resources in what is today called consumerism. They now profit off your contribution to society. The pure bloods whom don’t take the messenger agent are now the enemy of the state and the Khazars are at war with them. Since world war 1, the bankers under the guise of Judaism armed with Khabalism, have completely taken over the world and keeps the people thinking they are continuously seeking a new world order. This keeps the critical thinkers going down rabbit holes like Q and Anonymous. Nothing can stop what is coming because the Khazars are in complete control. This is why Israel can commit genocide in plain public view. They re-write history and continue pumping out indoctrinated kids who learn everything opposite of the truth. The universities, corporations, institutions and governments are all in on it. Now, on the table is depopulation. Science is settled, thus the Khazars need to remove 7 billion people from this planet. A slow death where the population doesn’t even notice. Politicians are now actors keeping the people divided. There is no country. They distract us with rabbit holes and research and sometimes unalive those that get too close to the truth. Like Janet Ossebaard whom wrote and produced two documentaries called the fall of the cabal. That is, unless the documentary was released on purpose by the Khazars to keep us talking and not doing. Since 2/3rds of Americans are on antidepressants prescribed by doctors instead of psychologists, it leaves us docile, complacent and ignorant. We are overdosed because we have a second amendment and mostly armed. Only the Khazar guards are allowed such luxury of freedom.

6 days ago

Germany pre World War One, believed their sufferings were from the Khazarian Jews (from the land of Prussia). The Khazarians were the bankers that were controlling all of Europe after the Spanish Inquisition through usury and interest. Their name was Rothschild or red cross. Germany was prepping to be the economic superpower over Europe. The central bankers of France and Brittain saw this as a threat but did not have the funds to take Germany down. They drafted up a scheme to use America to fund word war one with the newly minted federal reserve. Brittain and allies were borrowing from the federal reserve which eventaully led America into the war. Germany was tricked as the bankers planted a mad man as leader. Hitler was planted to scare all other nations to help the allies. Hitler was a double agent working for the bankers and his own government. 
The bankers from Prussia were and are the real nazi party. Prussia was beaten by Russia in the 1700’s and was forced to choose a different religion other than paganism. They chose Judaism and mixed it with paganism forming Khabalism under zionism. They conditioned, brainwashed and used Hitler to bring in the brown coats and laws against the germans. The red cross or rothschild dynasty, played all sides of Britain and surrounding countries including Germany. The red cross works for the Jesuits or called The Khazars who are also the society of Jesus also known as the Jesuits. Their heritage goes back to the Sumeria, Assyria and Ancient Egyptian pharaoh family bloodlines. Some historians have connected the bloodlines to Mesopotamia and Gilgamesh. Even to Nero of Rome. The society of Jesus controls the catholic church under the current family of Orsini. 
Germany had loans with the red cross and was tired of their control. According to Wikipedia, world war one’s excuse was The German government believed that the onset of war and its support of Austria-Hungary was a way to secure its place as a leading power, which was supported by public nationalism and further united it behind the monarchy. A month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie on July 28, 1914, the Austro-Hungarian government declares war on Serbia. Immediately, and within a period of six days, European countries declare war upon one another. But the actual records if you dig deeper was that Germany wasn’t going to pay back their loans to the central banks. France and London both controlled Germany and Germany wanted to be the superpower and according to the German leaders, the Jewsih Khazars from modern day Ukraine were a curse upon the world. They knew they were not the real jews of the god of jacob and posing as god’s chosen. They decided, through the gestapo’s influence to try and wipe out the bloodlines of Mesopatamia, or the sons of Cain. The gestapo in Germany was under orders from Hitler who actually was a turn coat to his own country.
One year before world war 1, the federal reserve was created. The central banks of Europe didn’t want to fund the wars. Once the war started, Britain borrowed from the United States brand new Federal Reserve since liberty bonds failed which was public donations. Britain borrowed from the bank of France and the federal reserve. The federal reserve borrowed from the central banks, too. The central banks ended up taxing their own country’s to pay for the war. The war was about taking control of the threat of Germany’s growth and ta start a new world order. Germany knew it and knew the bankers were getting ready. Albert Pike with the help of Adam Weisapt, brought the Knights Templars back to create the Freemasons whom did the dirty work behind the scenes as spies and secret service. They were siimilar to the cia we have today. The Germans knew they were cornered. Russia didn’t have their back because they too lost to the bankers during the Bolshevik revolution. Germany did what any country would do in such desperate measures. Try and take out the bankers all by themsevles who had them cornered. Germany lost. The bankers won. This was the beginning of the takeover of the world by the Khazarian jews. One could argue they have had control ever since as many of the top world leaders wear the red cross bracelet symbolizing their loyalty.
Next on the list of take overs was the middle east and Asia. The rival to the Orsini’s was the Breakspear family who have been silently buying up land and corporations in Asia. The next move now is to force The United States to start world war 3 as the new germany 2.0. Trump is the next patsy replacing hitler. With the psyop Q, white hat promises and nesara/gesara dangling carrots, the bankers have been able to keep the gun owners’ at bay while their controlled congress files down their amendments and rights. The bankers used sex, gender, race and the lef and right political theater to give the appearance that the people had a choice yet continue fight against each other instead of the bankers. Since The United States is a corporation and not a country, the education system has still indoctrinated the children into believing the Khazars don’t exist and Germany was the evil axis. Now, they are using the same playbook to usher in the last phase of a complete world takeover. Albert Pike laid the groundwork and their lodges nationwide in America make sure the public are still dumbed downed and conditioned as they prepare the world for a war against Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Israel is being used for bilblical signifiance to get the world into a holy war. They have warped scripture and has convinced the world that Jesus and their Messiah are now coming. This is a distraction as they push their way for depopulation as the Jesuits believe they can build a utopia of Khazars commanding 500 million people to work on their land to preserve it for the breakspear family. The Breakspear’s controlled Jesus’ spear of desitny from the year 1000 to the year 1500. The next phase is shifting the wealth from the west to the east while they continue their efforts of mind control.

The Entire Bible Is Corrupt

Friday May 03, 2024

Friday May 03, 2024

Religious Pharisees attacked Jesus because they wanted to find fault with him. They found none but convicted him anyways. Jesus had to learn 603 laws on top of the ten that god gave man. He had to be the perfect specimen for Satan’s added laws. Those laws were added by the Pharisees in tandem with who they were worshiping. Satan made it impossible for man to enter heaven which I consider to be a hostage situation. Unfortunately, all those who didn’t choose Abraham’s customs ended up in hell which was created for Satan and his angels. Those unfortunate people were tortured for thousands of years until Jesus came to set them free. But Abraham’s covenant with god created a place called paradise in hell which there was a great divide separating those in torture and those in bliss. The Bible says Jesus preached to those in hell and only a few chose to leave with him.
Christians are now just as confused as those who didn’t choose Abraham’s god. The god of Jacob. They read Jesus’ teachings and follow his way which is even more impossible to follow. Jesus raised the bar so high that even if we think about sin we committed it in our heart. Since Jesus was a legalist, which means he followed the laws of the Pharisees, his commandments were made for those who were on earth before his death. This is why he preached outside of town and spoke in parables. The majority would not understand this concept. Paul had to be approached by Jesus after his death to teach the law of grace. This new law removes all 613 Jewish laws and places the commands on our hearts. This is where we now build a new relationship with the comforter. The Holy Ghost is now doing the work and is not receiving the accolades for his toils. 
The Pharisees of today are the current Christian church who teaches Jesus’ works. They use the scriptures that the Pharisees have once again twisted to remain in control. They speak of an angry god who demands perfection and doesn’t give second chances. Yet Jesus gave a second chance to the captives. Those that are saved on earth by accepting Jesus feel superior to those that go deeper than the surface level. This means they attack Christians that question the scripture. They feel entitled and look down upon those that find freedom from the slave version of the Bible. They overlook or do not see Jeremiah 8:8 whom says the scribes write in vain. Or that there are 3 different versions of the New Testament or the fact that the Septuagint re-wrote 30,000 scriptures. They point out that the Dead Sea scrolls prove God’s word didn’t change but overlook that many scrolls were  sold on the black market before the cave was preserved. But that was the Old Testament. We haven’t had our Dead Sea scroll find for the New Testament yet. And to add to the fire, none of the original writings from Paul, who wrote 2/3rds of the New Testament were ever found. We are told to go by faith and trust in the word as god supernaturally preserved the Bible. But how can he? Doesn’t that infringe on free will?
Free will means to not get in the way of anyone’s fate. If the Catholic Church was taken over by a rogue family that decided to change it for nefarious purposes, God, the father, would break his own laws by supernaturally intervening. This is the trick the devil has been trying to play on god since the beginning. To force the father to give up and start over. Unspeak everything out of existence. My guess is Satan would rather not exist than to be thrown in the lake of fire which is the second death. Satan came close as god said he regretted making man right before he flooded the earth. This too is evidence of a god that is fickle, inconstant, mercurial, and unstable. Especially when we have a God that is omniscient and is the beginning and the end. If he knew what was to be, why bother saying such statements? Scholars believe he did not regret making man but regrets making sinful man. Well, he didn’t make man sinful. Adam and Eve did that all on their own. Scholars also believe this means god was sorry he made us. Still, this does not explain why he would set us up like this. If Jeremiah was right confronting the scribes with writing false doctrine and we also have evidence of 30,000 changes in the septuignet, not including King James’ changed the book of Jacob to his own name, isn’t it plausible to make the assumption man with help of fallen angels most certainly twisted the scruptures to fit their control narrative?
Then, they use their own scruptures to attack critical thinkers for questioning the doctrine just as Jesus was questioning the pharisees’ doctrine. Jesus knew Satan messed with it. He didn’t like it. If he agreed with the scriptures and their commands, why would he sacfrice himself to the hands of the Pharisees to beging with? If scripture was sound, there would be no need for Jesus. My argument is Jesus came down to practice the twisted word to die and be brought to hell as Satan had set it up for. Once he got there, there was no fault in him. This is why he took the keys of death and hell from Satan. To set us all free once and for all. This philosophy goes against the works mentality of earning your way to heaven when we all were destined to be there anyways. This is why the bible doesn’t say man is appointed to the second death but the devil and his angels were. I argue we are on the front lines of a war between two kingdoms. We are the prize. The devil wants us and so does Jesus. The pharisees of today are the actual Christian church thumping the bible trying to warn other’s of their sin and the consequences, yet we know the punishment for sin is the first death. Jesus knew we couldn’t follow Satan’s rules so he sacrificed himself as an unblemished lamb. Man, with the help us fallen angels brought works back by forcing you to choose Jesus. It’s a backwards way of control. Sure, they go to heaven, but stay on earth as religious finger pointers pridefully pointing out the sliver in your eye while ignoring the beam in theirs.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

Logos are sigils. I explained in one of my videos what sigils are. They are a drawing that has an attachment to it. That attachment is a principality or demons that are assigned to that sigil. The magician which is a warlock or witch will perform a spell and attach the entities to it for certain purposes. Sometimes benign, sometimes sinister. Magicians are well aware of the energy points inside the body. They know where the chakras are located and how to manipulate the human body by wearing the sigil. Unbeknownst to the wearer, they could have inadvertently put on clothing that would specifically focus on mind control. I am sure some of you saw a post about the fruit of the loom logo and how it is missing the cornucopia. One particular video broke down the satanic reasoning behind the removal of the basket. The cornucopia symbolizes abundance along with the fruit. For some reason, in 2006, the company removed the basket and purposely went on record that they never had one. The image was wiped clean from the internet and became part of the Mandela Effect. The reasoning isn’t far fetched. It was done on purpose to steer public opinion and mind control. America is set to fall as the west moves the wealth to the east. The new sigil removes America’s abundance and the attachments whisper to the suspect to accept this fate. Think about the placement of the logo where it is located on your back neck piercing through the throat chakra. If one were to also wear their underwear, another sigil is placed on the sacral chakra. Both sigils are working magic. 
The throat chakra concentrates on what you speak. If a person who isn’t aware of demonic influences and has no control over their spirituality, they could be susceptible to speaking what the spirits are suggesting. In this case, the person could be speaking ill will towards our economy. Proverbs 18:21 talks about life and death come from our tongue. The sacral chakra focuses on water and vibration throughout the body. It promotes social anxiety and the individuals creativity. If a spell is cast on millions of people who wear this clothing company’s magic, entities could influence their behavior using their body language and what they speak. This could explain why America is losing its middle class. A spell or enchantment could easily affect the unaware and the entities could be pushing for sloth. In 2001, Birkshire Hathaway purchased the company and they employee over 32,000 people. This is Warren Buffet’s company and he owns the majority in Blackrock and Bank of America. One could say he’s the king of America. I believe Black magic is being used on millions of unsuspecting Americans through manipulation and this strategy could easily affect the economy. Imagine if a billion wore their brands? They also own Russel Athletic, Spalding and Vanity Fair Magazine. The influence they would have by using dark magic would steer public opinion.
It is hard to find how many shirts and/or underwear they sell, but it’s absolutely huge and one could venture to say it’s in the hundreds of millions if not more. Imagine the possibilities for a company so dark to place satanic imagery on the populations clothes showing worship to the sons of Cain. Remember, Cain was a gardener and tended to the harvest. He killed his brother because he was jealous of his offering to god. How bizarre that we as a society are moving away from red meat and directly to Cain’s harvest? Fruits and vegetables. Almost poetic as the rebellion continues to this day as the Canaanites once again take control over the planet as they did before the flood. And Warren Buffet, who they say can predict how the economy moves has mysteriously built his wealth in educated guesses. I doubt that very much. There is a plan and he is following orders. Manipulating people’s thoughts by the clothes they wear using black magic, it would seem Warren took a direct cue from Aleister Crowley’s spell book and is on board with team Satan. 
If all of this is true, we can close the book on the Mandela Effect being a cern anomaly. However, it opens up an alarming show of consumer control using satanic logos to affect the human body. It’s no secret that the elite families and royal bloodlines are Khabalists. The history of the religion is a mixture of paganism and Judaism for worship of Baal and Molech. These entities require blood sacrifice to appease and could be a possible connection to the millions of missing persons a year due to SRA, which is a common practice in witchcraft. We know there is a coven in every city nationwide. They are underground and carry out their orders in secret. Could there be a huge satanic conspiracy using clothing as the entry point for demonic forces to manipulate people’s free will? It bears the marking of what Satan does and I do believe there is a huge connection here to the missing cornucopia. My guess is, after Warren purchased the company for over 800 million in 2001, changed the logo sigil and dispatched one of the largest rituals ever recorded by using unselecting participants.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons we are seeing the worldwide downfall of society. Everyone is confused, angry, tired and lacks the will to get up and participate in society. Everyone is offended and lacks people skills. Of course, technology and social media plays a role, but that is just a symptom of the cause. I do believe these evil psychopaths at the tippy top are surrounding us with black magic non-stop with a goal in mind. To create order out of chaos and pervert everything that was natural to rebel against what god has built. What was right now is wrong. Evil is everywhere and society doesn’t seem to blink and take a step back. This story has me thinking about all clothing companies and what their intentions are in their chakra placement symbols. Could they all be in on it? Or did many figure out that this is the perfect mind control weapon. In my interviews with Russell-Jay: Gould, he said the Jesuits are into mind control. We also know that the military industrial complex is as well. Whatever goal they have is irrelevant. What is relevant is these people are casting spells on us without our consent. Any religion where you have to lie, manipulate, conceal and cast a spell in secret for their gain is  sick and twisted. Especially on so many people who don’t ask to participate in their religion. That’s not love. That’s inflicting your will on others. I, for one, am boycotting this evil company. I am not interested in their god nor am I interested in giving them my body and money.

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

I preach a gospel that sets us free from the bondage of religion. I propose a loving father that always gives us a chance to live with him and his son, forever. I have read dozens of near death experience books where Jesus always came to get the person who was in hell. The name saves as acts 4:12 says “There is no one else who has the power to save us, for there is only one name to whom God has given authority by which we must experience salvation: the name of Jesus.” When does the name save? Before the first death? Is that it? So if this is correct, God put us on earth to find his son without the 5 senses and while we are being tormented by demons and man. Does he love us that much where he built a prison for his children if they get molested on earth and refuse this loving god? Do we have to make the choice while we are here on earth? It’s like sorry kiddo, no faith no life. Where does this gospel help the people who are ritualized through satanic abuse? Or the people who are mind controlled through weapons of MK ultra? Or the people who are in the wrong denomination? Or the people who grew up believing in Hindu? Sorry pal. No ticket no heaven.
Galatians 2:16 “know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.” Paul was convinced that following the 10 commandments or the Jews 613 commands did not lead to everlasting life. Jesus does. His blood paid for all sin. Hell was created for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41 “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” And who is it that will judge the angels? 1 Corinthians 6:3 says the saints do. But I thought God does? Nope. Man was created to be an outside witness as the jury whom has no connection to heaven. We are the outside witnesses of the war and what Satan did to gods children. Satan cannot say in court that God chose through bias that he is right. We had to be separated from God and live through the wrath of a fallen angel that went rogue. 
This means after the atonement, Jesus said it was finished. That’s why he is sitting at the right hand of the father. His work is done. Jesus said he had to die in order to send the comforter. Our bodies became the temple of the lord. Who’s? The 5% of the world who chose Jesus as their lord on earth? What happens to the 95% who don’t? Jesus died and for 3 days he was in hell. He first went to Abraham’s bosom which he told the thief was paradise. He set Abraham’s seed free. Then he preached his message to those who were captured in hell. That is what we call setting the captives free. He gave them all another chance. Did he decide that now we have to choose him before the first death? I would argue this is unfair. They get a second chance after the first death but not you sinners. You apparently have to accept what Jesus did on earth before the first death or else. Does this sound like god the father or the god father? Must we kiss his ring and give him our 10% of the spoils or can we trust he has a better plan and gives second chances like he did to the first captives?
A license to sin? You have the choice now to sin without any consequences other than living a shorter lifespan. James 1:15 and 1 Corinthians 11:30 says when sin completes its work, it brings death. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 man is appointed to die once. Revelations 21:8 scares us into thinking we are the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. But man isn’t appointed the second death. So who are we talking about? The nephilim. Those that were born without a home in heaven and in hell. Those that were giants and died to become roaming spirits looking for a warm host. We call them demons. If after you choose Jesus on earth as your lord and you continue in sin, I ask the listener if they really did accept and give their heart to Jesus or not. The Bible says you become a new creature and sin naturally falls by the wayside and you no longer are interested in the things you once were. But does this mean we have to accept Jesus before the first death or else?
Jesus died for man. Not the angels. His blood hit the mercy seat for all mankind. He was a legalist and a Jew. He studied all 613 laws that the Jews created to control man. He closed the book on it. The New Testament doesn’t begin until Acts where Paul teaches grace. This means Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s teachings were finished. God gave them 10, the Jews added 603. They manipulated the Old Testament as Jeremiah 8:8 says The prophets are prophesying lies in my name; I did not send them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds. “How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? To believe man has not twisted the scriptures for control is not logical. This is why in hebrews 8:10: For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. After what days? After those days that man has twisted the scriptures. God wrote the 10 commandments with his finger. He gave ten. that’s it. Man added 603. This is why Jesus had no recordings of his youth because he had to study hundreds of scripture to be the perfect specimen Satan created through laws. This is how God reversed the hostage situation after Adam and Eve messed it all up for us.
If Jesus gave the captives in hell a second chance after the first death, he most certainly will do the same for you after the new covenant. This is my argument that I will take unto the courts of heaven. Is this blasphemous? The legalists that took the mantle from the Jews book think so. We all got conned by the father of lies. He twisted the books and scriptures to account for an angry god that demands perfection. The religious churches and denominations still buy into the trying to be good part when Paul said Jesus did it for us. He broke the standards of entering heaven and we will all judge the angels for their crimes. Man will choose to stay or go. They have free will to get therapy in heaven for what Satan did or go with him into the second death. This is the lake of fire which is the father himself. A recycle bin where those evil spirits’ memories will dissolve and recycle into the father to make a new. You can choose to follow the corrupted word and try to be good to enter heaven or you can give up and give it to god for it was his idea to take away your sin to begin with. Whether you choose Jesus now or after the war on earth between Lucifer and 1/3rd of heaven is up to you. If choosing him now, you get blessings, protection, joy and peace. If not, you will suffer at the hands of the liar and accuser of the brethren. But after the first death and you didn’t accept, you will learn the truth in court and get to make a decision since Jesus has the keys to death and hell. Revelations 1:18 says it I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death.

Saturday Apr 27, 2024

I used to hear a translation from a pastor and think they are right. Even though my research indicates the opposite. I would assume the person speaking understood the subject better than me. Today, I hear pastors and reject anything that doesn’t line up with my own studies. Is this a milestone or is it heresy? I desperately want to know the truth but I will never get there hearing an opinion and agreeing with it if my spirit doesn’t. Over the last few years, I have veered off the canonical supposed word and have invited different interpretations and meanings to ponder. Not because I am rebelling. It’s because what I read and hear sometimes doesn’t align with the god that I talk to on a daily basis. The Old Testament speaks of an angry god and I used to make justification for his actions without any hesitation. The word is final I thought. It’s the inspiration of god through man’s writings and the closest thing we have to the truth. So why would I dare challenge the word? Well, data doesn’t lie. In all the recordings of the written word, there are variations throughout both old and new that scholars have to pick and choose from as the actual word of god. But this is their opinion and the proof can be overlooked through bias and personal understanding. 
We live in a fallen world and have seen the word change through psychological warfare like the Mandela affect. I remember Nelson Mandela died in prison and I remember the Bible said the lion will lie down with the lamb and not the wolf. But it doesn’t matter if man or the devil has changed time or the word. What matters is we are left with the fact that we cannot trust what man has given us regardless of the hype and trust in ancient scholars to actually do the right thing. All men are liars. Isn’t that what the Bible says? To believe the scholars had not been propagandized, blackmailed or were paid off to write false narratives for the benefit of evil is not logical. This thins the very line of trusting or having faith in god that he made sure man did not twist his word. There are Bible versus about changing God’s word and the consequences but none that say god will allow it or not. God gave us all free will. This means he cannot interfere in our fate. Especially those who do not believe him or his word. A charlatan who is not in sync with god could easily remove or twist the word and one could argue that the Catholic Church did just that when writing the King James Bible. For example, researchers have discovered King James was Masonic and evil. We also know the Catholic Church chose the Alexandria version of the 3 translations which means the New Testament came from Egypt. 
The Dead Sea scrolls doesn’t help us either. None of the New Testament was found there, but it did verify much of the Old Testament as close to the real stories as ever. But that’s the Old Testament. Jesus closed the book on the law of Moses. It’s over and finished. Now, we are left with all kinds of translations and the fact many books were removed for space like the apocrypha. We also know that in the 1800’s many versus were removed from the Bible like Matthew 17:21 where Jesus told the disciples these kinds of demons will not come out unless through prayer and fasting. That’s kind of an important verse don’t you think? Especially when in spiritual warfare. There are several books out there that break down the Mandela effect and how the Bible has been changed. Dozens of versus have supposedly been altered. That doesn’t include the 30,000 changes that has been done to the New Testament which were considered better Greek translations. We know one word can turn a sentence into a different meaning. Why are we putting all our trust and faith in the translations? And we cannot dismiss the telephone game, or also known as Chinese whispers, which proves word of mouth gets embellished. 
I have learned that every man lies or embellishes the truth. As long as man is walking the earth, I will not believe whatever they say or give me. Why? Because the data proves man is infallible and capable of harm for power. If you read first and second kings, only 2 did what was right according to God. And even they were shady and couldn’t resist pressure from false prophets and foreign kings. This means I can’t trust that man has not tainted the very word I am promised is true. This isn’t a rebuke of god. This is a common sense practice in the face of logic. The god I worship wants me to know the truth. He also wants me to find it on my own and not by the hands of any establishment including the church. And today, I have made a decision to not trust any pastor or prophet that I hear. I will not judge. I will not scorn. I will listen and take in what feels right in my bosom and not assume they are more of an expert than myself through my studies. Otherwise, I believe I will be susceptible to wrong doctrine and teaching which will take me off my path and if it is true that Satan dispatches demons to throw us off our walk, then I will now be prepared for it. 

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

I used to hear a translation from a pastor and think they are right. Even though my research indicates the opposite. I would assume the person speaking understood the subject better than me. Today, I hear pastors and reject anything that doesn’t line up with my own studies. Is this a milestone or is it heresy? I desperately want to know the truth but I will never get there hearing an opinion and agreeing with it if my spirit doesn’t. Over the last few years, I have veered off the canonical supposed word and have invited different interpretations and meanings to ponder. Not because I am rebelling. It’s because what I read and hear sometimes doesn’t align with the god that I talk to on a daily basis. The Old Testament speaks of an angry god and I used to make justification for his actions without any hesitation. The word is final I thought. It’s the inspiration of god through man’s writings and the closest thing we have to the truth. So why would I dare challenge the word? Well, data doesn’t lie. In all the recordings of the written word, there are variations throughout both old and new that scholars have to pick and choose from as the actual word of god. But this is their opinion and the proof can be overlooked through bias and personal understanding. 
We live in a fallen world and have seen the word change through psychological warfare like the Mandela affect. I remember Nelson Mandela died in prison and I remember the Bible said the lion will lie down with the lamb and not the wolf. But it doesn’t matter if man or the devil has changed time or the word. What matters is we are left with the fact that we cannot trust what man has given us regardless of the hype and trust in ancient scholars to actually do the right thing. All men are liars. Isn’t that what the Bible says? To believe the scholars had not been propagandized, blackmailed or were paid off to write false narratives for the benefit of evil is not logical. This thins the very line of trusting or having faith in god that he made sure man did not twist his word. There are Bible versus about changing God’s word and the consequences but none that say god will allow it or not. God gave us all free will. This means he cannot interfere in our fate. Especially those who do not believe him or his word. A charlatan who is not in sync with god could easily remove or twist the word and one could argue that the Catholic Church did just that when writing the King James Bible. For example, researchers have discovered King James was Masonic and evil. We also know the Catholic Church chose the Alexandria version of the 3 translations which means the New Testament came from Egypt. 
The Dead Sea scrolls doesn’t help us either. None of the New Testament was found there, but it did verify much of the Old Testament as close to the real stories as ever. But that’s the Old Testament. Jesus closed the book on the law of Moses. It’s over and finished. Now, we are left with all kinds of translations and the fact many books were removed for space like the apocrypha. We also know that in the 1800’s many versus were removed from the Bible like Matthew 17:21 where Jesus told the disciples these kinds of demons will not come out unless through prayer and fasting. That’s kind of an important verse don’t you think? Especially when in spiritual warfare. There are several books out there that break down the Mandela effect and how the Bible has been changed. Dozens of versus have supposedly been altered. That doesn’t include the 30,000 changes that has been done to the New Testament which were considered better Greek translations. We know one word can turn a sentence into a different meaning. Why are we putting all our trust and faith in the translations? And we cannot dismiss the telephone game, or also known as Chinese whispers, which proves word of mouth gets embellished. 
I have learned that every man lies or embellishes the truth. As long as man is walking the earth, I will not believe whatever they say or give me. Why? Because the data proves man is infallible and capable of harm for power. If you read first and second kings, only 2 did what was right according to God. And even they were shady and couldn’t resist pressure from false prophets and foreign kings. This means I can’t trust that man has not tainted the very word I am promised is true. This isn’t a rebuke of god. This is a common sense practice in the face of logic. The god I worship wants me to know the truth. He also wants me to find it on my own and not by the hands of any establishment including the church. And today, I have made a decision to not trust any pastor or prophet that I hear. I will not judge. I will not scorn. I will listen and take in what feels right in my bosom and not assume they are more of an expert than myself through my studies. Otherwise, I believe I will be susceptible to wrong doctrine and teaching which will take me off my path and if it is true that Satan dispatches demons to throw us off our walk, then I will now be prepared for it. 


Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Casting out demons and necromancy. Are we to avoid speaking to demons or the dead? I had a great interview with Dr. William Schnoebelen. He has a lot of experience in what Christians call deliverance. It’s the same thing as an exorcist but it’s not like in the movies. We all have demons. Even Christians. I have cast out demons live on TikTok with a good success rate but there are some concerns that I have ever since Bill said that you are not supposed to talk to the dead. The reason is, it’s scriptural and we are to avoid it at all cost. So I decided to take a deep dive into this subject. Especially since I started a segment on my live show called “Let’s Talk To Demons”. In no way do I want to offend the lord nor do I want to talk to the dead. My understanding is that the dead humans are sleeping in Christ and the answers we receive are roaming spirits of the nephilim called demons. So before I continue with the online live deliverance of my viewers, it’s best I make sure I have all the information in order to avoid harming myself and others. It’s not that his doesn’t want us to talk to them. It’s the fact that they are liars and gathering intel from that source isn’t reliable and can open up portals for them to harm you. 
So what does the Bible say about necromancy. Leviticus 19:31 - Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. Ok. Familiar spirits means ancestors. Not demons. And speaking to mediums and wizards of the dead is a no brainer. You see, all of our loved ones are asleep. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:20, “Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” Remember when Jesus said Lazareth wasn’t dead but rather asleep? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died." Ok, this is pretty clear to me and gives me a case to argue. The demons are not familiar nor asleep. I just don’t understand why we would not interrogate these things. Are we at war? I hear a lot of Christians say the war is over. They even paraded Satan throughout heaven as a defeated foe. Well, I can’t find that verse. And I do know that Jesus took the keys of death and hell from him as it says in Revelation 1:18 ... “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” But is that enough or have we been deceived by the church leaders? I don’t see them practicing spiritual warfare on television. Even Bill said it’s a disgrace and should be used now more than ever. 
Christians have demons. I’ve seen it. They are allowed in through sin. Your guardians have to step aside when you gossip, drink alcohol, lie, covet and more. It’s not that God is mad at you. It’s that he set forth the rules and Satan took advantage of it. We are in the final phases of the war and you are still on the front line in the middle of good and evil. This isn’t a victory yet. The enemy has lost two great weapons that held us hostage. Death and hell. This means he can only lie to us and trick us in dreams and sometimes visions. We have the ability through Christ to deny Satan. We have the ability to cast out devils. How else are we to fight against the kingdom of hell who still haunt us day and night other than to interrogate? I understand they lie. But when asking a question, there are two answers. Can we use discernment and praying to the Holy Ghost who is the truth teller to gather intel? The Catholic Church has hidden books from us. Our enemy controls this planet. The bloodlines whom horde the wealth have the top corporations controlling our food and water. Jesus gave us the power to fight this. In fact, John 14:12 Jesus said “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.”
Is greater works more than healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons? That’s what Jesus did yet he says we will do greater right? Is that after we sit around and wait for his return as we are led to by the evangelicals? If we are at war, why are we on leave? Why is spiritual warfare rare? Why am I one of a few who are casting out demons live on TikTok? Again, I r have been deceived but by our own. Remember in my interview with Bill, he said the highest pastors and priests practice white magic. This is beyond just a laodicean church. Which is a Luke warm church. What we are witnessing nationwide in plain sight is controlled Christianity. They don’t care if you’re a believer or not, they just don’t want you to know the enemy and their plans. How foolish are we that we don’t know our heavenly army and the ranks let alone our enemy? Yet every week, Christians go to church, nod to god and continue their ungodly passions. After all, this form of benign Christianity gives you the space to continue living like a heathen and get forgiven in Sundays, which isn’t even the actual saboth. Don’t get me wrong, his isn’t counting your sin, as it all was forgiven, but my argument is why are we not fighting these demons of lust, lies, covetousness etc? If we are to cast them out, wouldn’t we get more strength to fight government tyranny? America has been hoodwinked. The longer we wait for a savior, the more people will get sick and die. The more people will be depressed and angry. If we confess we are Christian, why are we so shy about it? Spiritual warfare is here for us to fight. No matter what rank. Shame on the mega churches for selling out to comfort and your best life now. People are starving and dying. And the culprit is lack of knowledge.

Interview With An Ex-Vampire

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

I interviewed Dr. William Schnoebelen, an Ex-Occult Member, 32nd and 90th Degree Freemason, Vampire, Witch, Warlock and Mormon Director. We get introduced to reasons why he was surrounded by Catholic Missionaries during his college years who taught him the journey to knowing Jesus is to get into a lie of which they highest Christians in the nation teach Jesus was a white witch. God found a way to get through to him through a most simplistic way and he was able to turn away from the occult and into Christ's arms.
#tiktok #tik_tok #news #mormon #fyp #greenscreen #foryou #foryour #satan #occult #vampire #werewolf #satanism #christiantiktok #christianity #christian
https://www.withoneaccord.orgDr. William Schnoebelen

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Bridges, railway chemicals and the continued destruction of the United States will be a slow decay of resources and infrastructure for a silent collapse. It’s all planned by the bloodlines to usher in a savior that will save all of humanity from itself. The idea that one man can turn the world around to create a better world is missing key elements that have brought us to the point of no return. Water is the target and the focal point of control as the food industry has enough control now. Nestle, hidden under the guise of innocent chocolate has been silently destroying our water systems for many years. The CEO has said that water should not be free for the people and is under the construction of making this a reality. By poisoning the ground, air and water ducts, they, in partnership with Intel’s net water purification systems, will control all drinking water by 2050. The company currently pulls 97 million cubic feet of water a year and owns the controlling share of all bottled water worldwide. Nestle has silently purchased land in every state that is conveniently located near natural aqueducts and are under several lawsuits from many cities about their monopolizing of water rights behind loopholes and drilling underneath private property for such endeavors.
Bill Gates has his hand in this, too. All of the richest corporations and foundations meet at the council on foreign relations, the bilderberg group, club of Rome, trilateral commission and the committee of 300. These organizations are religious and report to the society of Jesus. Their orders come directly from their god who is a ghost. All of these secret societies draw pentagrams on the ground with chalk and place candles on each point to conjure up smoke that apparently whispers to them. Some act as though they are possessed by the ghosts and will speak to the these religious billionaires of plans for world domination. It’s never of peace. It’s always to spill blood to keep their riches. Regardless if the possessed is acting or not, these wealthy inbred bloodlines do whatever the smoke or the possessed tell them to do. This isn’t hyperbolic. It’s not fantasy. They openly admit their religion of Kabbalism as a badge of honor. Many people have tried to take them down over the centuries to no avail. They control their opposition because they created them giving the appearance of duality. 
America was chosen to police the world for a hundred years. The ghosts have convinced the military that they are interdimensional aliens from another timeline or dimension. Churches refer to them as angels. Human kind refers to them as ET and any hard evidence that has been produced proving they exist is still debunked to this day. After all, the real truth could be these ghosts that talk through men and women could just be their imagination and the world is at the mercy of schizophrenics. Bill Gates and Nestle’s CEO Mark Schneider apparently received a message from the schizophrenic to poisen the water supplies and corner the market with intel’s water filtration patents which can remove forever chemicals from tainted water. The whole idea of billionaires selling their soul to schizophrenics is as old as dirt. Kings and Queens of old, had wizards and witches that claimed they talked to these ghosts, too. The news they get is always lies and bad information. Yet the Uber rich continue to pray to these schizophrenics who act as if they are channeling a god. What kind of weak god has to use men and women to communicate their plans for a better world? If the simplest explanation tends to be correct, these religious bloodlines that have hoarded our wealth for generations are psychopaths.
And next is the right for clean water to drink. These psychopaths that believe their ghosts are talking through schizophrenics now are being told to poison our water supplies. What drives a person to believe that in order to be good, you must steal, kill and destroy? What do these men and women talk about when they get together to discuss the future of mankind? I do believe they talk about destruction. Every policy worldwide has never really benefitted us. Every ism hasn’t amounted to peace and serenity. If we study and learn the behavior of the wealthy, we will find they all are missing something. A love for humanity. Sure, they have children and spouses to love, but they all agree humanity is a virus. Somewhere along the line of conquest, they somehow traded something. All of them. Not one weaseled out of this deal either. It’s in all the novels, plays, movies and more. A dance one makes with themselves. An idea that their actions can be blamed on something other than them. The Faust. The advocate. The crossroads. A fairy tale of a lost powerful spirit god who gives riches for their soul. Is it real? Can you make a deal with the devil and live forever? Imagine being offered fame, glory and riches all for doing one thing. Hurt others. The schizophrenics that told them to do it are still laughing at them. It seems the players were being played all along. That is if there is no such thing as gods or ghosts. 
A silent long term collapse where once again the lords of the world will have power over the peasants. No more middle class and no more easy access to food and water. The corporate religious fanatics have genetically modified food where the seeds don’t produce its own seed. The soil is rich with aluminum where natural seeds cannot survive. Only Monsanto’s gmo seeds will grow in heavy metal soil. Wild fires are big because the trees are full of aluminum, strontium and barium which ignite trees like Roman candles. All of the world’s natural way to get back to normal are stored in Norway under ice after the largest human sacrifice has been done. All of the world leaders are in on it with very little resistance. They all agree there is too much useless eaters and are convinced we need to go. What is left over is the Georgia Guidestone warning which states to maintain humanity at no more than 500 million. This means we will slowly starve and dehydrate to death if we continue to allow these psychopaths to continue using our money to fund our funerals. 


Cause Before Symptom

For over 1,000 years, planet Earth has been controlled by two bloodline familes who play good and evil giving the appearance of duality while the sleeping commoners fall prey to their agendas. By using religion, they control the past, present and future through ancient and new black magic technology manipulating events for greed and control.

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